Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha Avatars
Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha Avatars
Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha Avatars
Gosthala-Rare Temples where Lord Vishnu is Worshipped as Matsya Avatar – Must Visit !! ................... 6
Are there any temples for Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha avatars (Vishnu Avatar reincarnations)? .......... 10
TemplesHistory site-Omkar Hills Sri Matsya Narayana Temple
Sri Matsya Narayana Temple is located in Bangalore, in the state of Karnataka, India. The temple is
located in Omkar Ashram, in Omkar Hills Bangalore. Omkar Hills in Srinivasapura is one of the highest
points in Bangalore.
By worshiping him, through his grace generally one gains health, wealth, Peace and prosperity and
specially one gets cured of rare skin diseases and gains abundant wealth.
Where ever Bhagavan Sri Matsyanarayana’s presence is there all the Vastu Doshas will get nullified.
Purchase of vehicles
Gain Knowledge
Railways: There are regular trains from other major cities of the country to Bangalore.
Road: Bangalore is well connected to other major cities of the country via regular buses.
Temple history
We believe that temples bind us to spirituality and are at the core of Hindusim, hence our endeavor at
Temples History is to - Provide you with authentic information about every temple, Help you with your
temple visit - Pilgrimage, Enable temple poojas and contributions - Poojas, Facilitate devotion -
Spiritual destination that brings faith closer to millions of Hindus across the world. Temples hold a
scared place in our hearts; built, nurtured and worshiped by our forefathers they are integral part of
our everyday lives. Hence Temples History strives to make your connection with your soul more
Omkar hills site-Sri Matsya Narayana Temple
The Sri Matsyanarayana Temple is an unique and the only temple in Karnataka for Bhagavan Sri
Matsyanarayana Swamy. Bhagavan Sri Matsyanarayana is the first Avatara among the Dashavataras
(Ten Avataras) of Bhagavan MahaVishnu in the form of Fish to protect the creation from great deluge.
By worshiping him, through his grace generally one gains health, wealth, Pease and prosperity and
specially one gets cured of rare skin diseases and gains abundant wealth.
Where ever Bhagavan Sri Matsyanarayana’s presence is there all the Vastu Doshas will get nullified.
Matsya Yantra
MATSYA is a Sanskrit word which means fish, as a fish cleans the pond so the Matsya Yantra (Which is
the form of Sri Bhagavan Matsya Narayana) will clean up all Vastu defects of the
Home/Shop/Office/Factory., and brings the financial developments of the Place in which it is Kept,
hence it is called Sarva Vastu Dosha Nivaraka Matsya Yantra.
In the karnataka's only Sri Matsya Narayana Devastana specially worshipped Matsya Yantras are given
for the benefit of the devotees.
Salient Features:
1. Place the Yantra in the water filled plate in such a way that it will get immersed in water and worship
it daily.
3. After worshipping the yantra chant the Matsya Maha Mantra 108 times (facing east or north) daily.
Gosthala-Rare Temples where Lord Vishnu is Worshipped as Matsya Avatar –
Must Visit !!
Lord Vishnu is considered as the God of Preservation. It is believed that whenever the earth is in
danger and when evil threatens to overpower good, Lord Vishnu would descend from the heaven to
incarnate on the earth. There are ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Of which the first Avatar of Lord
Vishnu is called as Matsya Avatar (Matsya means “fish”).
As per the Hindu Mythology, it is said that when the end of Satya Yuga was approaching, Gods
collectively decided to flood the earth and prepare it for the process of renovation. Lord Brahma was
given all the guidelines for remodeling the earth and these guidelines are none but the 4 Vedas. Then
Lord Brahma decided to take rest before this grand task. When He was fast asleep, a horse-headed
demon named Somukasura came out of Brahma’s nose and stole the Vedas from him. Then
Somukasura went and hid deep in the oceans of the earth. Vedas are required by Lord Brahma for the
creation and so He prayed to Lord Vishnu for help. Responding to the prayers of Lord Brahma, Lord
Vishnu took the form of a small fish and came to the small river where the king Manu was performing
his morning prayers to Sun God. Manu was a Dravidian king and he was an ardent devotee of Lord
Then this small fish pleaded with the king Manu to carry it in his pot since there were bigger fishes in
the river that could kill it. As soon as Manu brought the fish to his palace, it started growing in size
tremendously. At one stage, due to its enormous size, the king Manu was forced to leave the fish in
the ocean and then he realized that the fish was none other than Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu then
informed him about the pralayam (great flood) that was approaching. He also ordered him to build a
huge ship and take the seeds of all the plants, the male and female of every animal, divine snake
Vasuki and the seven sages (Saptarishis) along with their families in the ship. After giving these
instructions to Manu, the fish went deep into the ocean to the place where the demon Somukasura
was hiding the Vedas. The fish fought with the asura, killed it, restored the Vedas and handed it over
to Lord Brahmma.
In the meanwhile, Manu built the ship completely and also brought the Saptarishis along with their
family in it. As the end of Satya Yuga approached, there were heavy rains and the flood water washed
away everything completely. The ship was wobbling in the storm and the huge fish appeared again and
ordered Manu to tie up the Snake Vasuki as a rope connecting its horn and the ship. Once the fish was
tied to the ship, the fish guided the ship in the sea and kept the ship safe during the storm. On the
way, Lord Vishnu taught the Vedas to the king Manu and the Saptarishis. This way, Lord Vishnu fulfilled
the purpose of the avatar by saving the Vedas and the world from Deluge. It is said that, once the
storms ended and the water subsided, Matsya Vishnu left Manu and the others at the Himalayas,
where human civilization began again.
There are only very few temples in India where Lord Vishnu graces His devotees in the form of Matsya
(in the form of Fish). They are,
The Vedanarayana Swamy temple is called Matsya Avatar Sthala as Lord here is seen in the form of
Matsya Avatar, which is the first and foremost avatar (incarnation) among 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Here the Lord Veda Narayana Perumal is seen in Matsya avatar along with His consorts Sridevi and
Bhoodevi. The peculiar feature of this idol is that the upper half of the main idol depicts Lord Vishnu
with Shanku & Sudarshana Chakra, the lower half is in the form of Matsya (no feet are visible). The
Sudarshana Chakra is seen in the form of Prayoga (ready to be released).
This temple was built during the period of the king Krishna Deva Raya. And he named the place as
Nagalapuram in memory of his mother Nagamba. The temple is now maintained by Tirumala Tirupathi
The unique feature of this temple is the Surya Pooja. During this time, the sun rays would fall on the
Lord in the sanctum sanctorum during the sunset (6 PM to 6.15PM). This miracle happens only once in
a year (i.e) on the 12th, 13th, and 14th Day of the Phalguna month (February – March). On the first day,
the sun rays will fall at the feet of the Lord. On the second day, the rays would fall on the chest and on
the third day, the rays would fall on the forehead. The sun rays reach the Lord not through the ceiling
or any opening in the temple, but from the entrance of the temple.
It is still a mystery how the sun rays of the setting sun could sneak through the temple grounds to
touch the main deity, which is placed some 600 ft away from the entrance !! It is believed that this
event signifies Sun God’s (Surya) Seva (Pooja) to the Lord to warm up his chilled body, as the Lord has
been under water for many years during his war against demon Somukasura.
Some of the other deities that are found in this temple are Vedavathi Thayar, Kodanda Ramaswamy,
Lakshmi Varaha Swamy, Venugopala Swamy, Lakshmi Narayana Swamy and Lord Hayagriva.
Another temple with the unique form of the Lord in the Matsya Avatar is the Matsya Narayana Swamy
Temple located in the village called Pinjar Hegdal in Hagari Bommanhalli Taluka, Bellary district. This
temple was constructed in 1926 by Late Sri Ambalam Buchi Venkatachar.
As per the temple history, it is said that Lord Vishnu had appeared in the dreams of Sri Venkatachar
and informed that a Matsya Narayana idol is at the Tungabhadra river bed. This dream repeated
several times to him and so, he approached the king of Anegundi and shared his dream. The king then
retrieved the idol and gifted the same to Acharya Buchi Venkatachar. On the possession of the idol,
Lord appeared again in his dreams and directed him to go to the village of Pinjar Hegdal. The Acharya
then met the devotees of Lord Vishnu in that village and requested for a piece of land to construct the
temple. On receiving the land donation from the villagers, he constructed a small temple and installed
the idol of Lord Matsya Narayana.
The main deity of the temple is represented as a four-armed deity having the upper half of Maha
Vishnu with four arms. Two arms hold the Shanku and the Chakra and the other two hands are in
Abhaya and Varadha Mudra. The lower half of the idol is in the form of Fish (Matsya). This temple is
now maintained by Sri Matsya Narayana Swami Devasthanam Samithi.
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Quora -Are there any temples for Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha avatars (Vishnu
Avatar reincarnations)?
Bhanu Kiran , Interested in Indian Epics Answered September 27, 2020 · Author has 625 answers and
5.8M answer views
Are there any temples for Matsya, Kurma, and Varaha avatars (Vishnu Avatar reincarnations)?
Matsya: In Nagalapuram village situated in Andhra Pradesh, Vedanarayana Temple is established to
worship Lord Vishnu’s Matsya avatar. Lord Vishnu is called as Vedanarayana because he rescued the
Vedas after the demon Hayagriva who stole from Brahma.The main deity in this temple is Lord Vishnu
in his Matsya avatara along with his consorts.[1]
Apart from this, Matsya Narayana Temple is available at Omkar hills in South Bangalore. Matsya
Narayana Temple is the only temple in Karnataka dedicated to Lord Vishnu’s matsya avatara. *2+
2. Kurma: Kurma Varadaraja Swami Temple located in Kurmai village of Andhra Pradesh has Kurma
Sri Kurmanatha swamy Temple located in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh has Kurma idol of Lord
3. Varaha: Shweta Varahaswamy Temple located in Mysore is dedicated to Varaha avatar. It was
constructed during the reign of Chikka Devaraja Wodeyar.[4]
Bhoo Varahaswamy Temple is dedicated to the Varaha incarnation of the Lord Vishnu. It is located in
Kalhalli village near Mysore. This temple is present on the banks of the River Hemavati.[5]
Sri Bhuvaraha Swamy Temple situated in Tamil Nadu is also dedicated to Varaha avatar. It is one of the
oldest temple constructed and dates back to 11th century.[6]
[4] Architectural Grandeur of the Historic Varahaswamy Temple in Mysore Palace Complex
Did lord vishnu really took the avatar of gandaberunda to fight shiva avatar of sharabh?
It so happened. Lord Narsimha is the Antaryamin Lord of (Mata Parvati Pati) Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva’s
Rudra strength is from Lord Narsimha’s Kripa. The Rudram hymn sung by Lord Shiva (Mata Parvati
Pati). He calls himself a vessel of Lord Narsimha through whom Lord Narasimha discharges his past
times of annihilation of the material creation at the end of time for a new creation to begin.
After killing Hiranyakashipu Lord Narsimha was inconsolable. His anger knew no bounds. The reason
was that all the Demi-Gods had out of sheer cowardice even after knowing well that they had the
protection of the Lord himself, out of fear to please Hiranyakashipu gave up their responsibilities of
discharging their duties of protecting his pure devotees and doing what is in the best interest of the
material creation by discharging their respective duties for which they have been appointed.
Lord Narasimha was increasing getting angry even after he had killed the demon Hiranyakashipu
because the Demi Gods including Lord Bramha and Lord Shiva did not ensure that all discharged their
duties so they too has failed in their duties.
The Supreme Lord became angry and as his anger grew and the material creation itself was showing
signs of annihilation… All tried in their ways to calm the lord but Lord Narsimha was inconsolable. Lord
Shiva himself tried to simply fight the lord so as to calm his rising anger… ( Sharaba Avatar… etc is
bogus nonsense). Instead of calming Lord Narsimha down it further aggravated him into Ugra
Narsimha form… at that point from the body of The Supreme Lord Narasimha a shakti sprang towards
Lord Shiva and the moment that power form of Lord Narsimha Gandaberunda apprared before &
touched Lord Shiva's body and he immediately ceased to exist.
This act by the Supreme Lord Narasimha sent panic among the Demi Gods including Lord Bramha were
shocked. Lord Bramha was trying to convince Lord Shiva to not go up against Lord Narasimha but Lord
Shiva had continued to ignore Lord Bramha for he thought that doing it was the only way to calm Lord
Then Lord Bramha understood that the only 1 who wasn't scared at the time was Bhakta Praladh so
Lord Bramha requested Praladh to go before Lord Narsimha and do his stuti and calm him down for he
was the reason because of whom Lord Hari was angry with the Demi Gods.
When Lord saw Bhakt Praladh doing stuti he immediately took him on his lap and started loving him,
hugging & kissing him like a father does to his child and then his anger went away. He was simply
looking at Bhakt Praladh and was showering his love on him. At that moment Mata Lakshmi appeared
before The lord in her lioness form. Seeing her lord became happy.
Then All the Demi Gods along with Lord Bramha did stuti of Lord Narsimha. Mata Parvati then
appeared to do Lords Stuti and after that she prayed to Lord Hari to return Lord Shiva to her. Lord Hari
looked at her and smiled pleased with her he accepted her prayers and Lord Shiva appeared. Lord
Shiva looked at Lord Hari and smiled and Lord Hari reciprocated… The Lord Shiva sings that famous
Hymn Rudram explaining that Lord Hari is the original Rudra who Vedas talk about as I have also
mentioned about in the beginning of this answer.
That is why the Rudram hymn of Vedas is really for the Antaryamin lord of Lord Shiva and all, who is
Lord Vishnu…
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Answered 3 years ago · Author has 3.8K answers and 37.3M answer views
There are many categories of celestial beings - far too many to discuss in this short answer. Suffice to
say there are MAHADEVAS and there are DEVAS. The Devas or gods are jīvas like you and me who
have, through their spiritual practices and accomplishments attained to the position of Devas - like
Indra, Agni, Vayu, Soma, Yama etc. So these are not the personal names of gods they are the names of
POSTS only, like manager, assistant manager, secretary etc. So these Devas are certainly subjected to
Karma — they attain their godly positions due to Karma and again due to the expiration of their Karma
they are born again on earth and continue their spiritual evolution.
The MAHADEVAS are the triune aspects of BRAHMAN — the Ultimate Godhead - Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva and their female counterparts - Sarasvati, Lakshmi and Parvati, and Ganesha and Skanda, They,
being aspects of the Ultimate Reality are not subjected to Karma.
BUT occasionally Shiva and the Devis incarnate, and Vishnu does so regularly - when they voluntarily
incarnate, under no compulsion but out of overwhelming compassion to do good, their incarnations
are involved in some sort of Karma - which they play along with. So for example, Dasaratha the father
of Rama accidently killed a young man; Sravanakumar and was cursed by his parents to experience the
suffering of separation from their son. Hence the bansihment of Rama to the forest and the death of
Dasaratha in anguish and sorrow. So the mythological stories about why certain incidents played out in
the lives of the incarnating Gods becomes a huge web of intrigue.