Instruction Manual: Raytech Usa, Inc
Instruction Manual: Raytech Usa, Inc
Instruction Manual: Raytech Usa, Inc
Instruction Manual
⇒ Never connect TR-MARK III to a transformer, which is connected to
power lines.
Unpack your new TR-Mark III and check to see that you have the following standard items:
If any of the above items are missing or damaged contact your local representative or
Raytech USA immediately.
⇒ The TR-MARK III field case is a waterproof design. When the case is
unlocked, a small hole automatically opens, to compensate
atmospheric pressure changes.
H2 X2
For example: The High Side Winding may contain 940 Turns: Low Side Winding 440 Turns.
Pr imaryTurns 940
Therefore: TurnsRatio = = = 2.136
SencondaryTurns 440
With three (3) Phase Transformers of different configurations, the Turns Ratio & Voltage
Ratio can, and usually is different.
⇒ The TR-MARK III makes all the calculations and interconnections
required when the correct configurations of single (1) phase and three
(3) phase transformers are selected. In most cases, no other external
connections, other than the test leads provided, are required.
Refer to: Section 1: Safety Precautions for safety grounding.
⇒ Hooking up to a transformer:
The TR-MARK III protects against a wrong hook-up to a transformer or
testing a severely defective transformer. Every effort has been made to
alert the operator when something is wrong.
⇒ Negative (reverse polarity) hook up is also automatically detected.
In the cases listed above, Raytech recommends the use of the optional unit; model T-Rex, in
conjunction with the TR-MARK III. To get further Information on the T-Rex please view the
website; or contact Raytech to get additional details and information.
Also, a current transformer is nothing more than an opposite wound voltage transformer.
Most current transformers can be tested with the TR-MARK III.
Please see chapter ‘A.A Current Transformer Testing’ for details about CT testing.
You may find it difficult to use the TR-Mark III with some low power current transformers. In
this case, please contact Raytech for information about TR-1.
⇒ Wait until the green light shows “Safe” before handling the cables
⇒ If you are new to transformer turns ratio testing, please review the
entire manual carefully before operating this equipment.
⇒ Examples for connections to the transformer see next pages
⇒ “Overcurrent” error may be displayed with some configurations.
⇒ It is OK to run through all the transformer selections with the leads tied
⇒ Do not touch the test clips while the safety indication is red.
Test voltage will be present.
⇒ No extra external leads or jumpers are required when using the
TR-MARK III. All necessary connections are made internally.
The colored leads are marked to indicate which transformer terminal it must be connected to
for correct operation.
⇒ This manual refers to the ANSI standards for all examples. To change
the standard in the test instrument please refer to chapter ‘8.6.1’
⇒ The TR-MARK III auto-senses the input (mains) voltage from 100 to
250 vac 50 / 60 Hz.
⇒ The TR-MARK III then “locks–in” the test voltage range. If the input
voltage (mains) is varied after the TR-MARK III was powered on the
actual test voltage may be higher or lower than indicated.
6: 3 Phase
7: External
8: Interface
(USB and RS232)
5.2.7 External
This port is used for an external connection to a tap changer dry contact. This port can also
be connected to the optional external control switch- Part No. TRO203 for utilizing the remote
test start sequence.
5.2.8 Interface
RS232 and USB 1.1 Please see Chapter ‘10.1Hardware’ for additional details.
7: External
4: High Voltage Side 6: 3 Phase
1: Fuse and Changer)
Mains Input 5: Low Voltage Side (T-REX)
7.1 Introduction
There are thousands of instruments on earth that do a measurement and offer the possibility
to store a measured value. This is a very useful feature which saves a lot of time and
eliminates errors of writing down values by the operator. But still you have to do the handling
and organization of the measured data on your own. This may introduce one day mistakes
into your data set, especially when several measurements will be taken at once and sorted
after words, or, if several operators use the same storage device.
7.2 How it works
With TR-MARK III we offer another powerful tool that increases comfort in handling many
transformers which are tested time after time. You do not have to sort a stored measurement
anywhere. Once a transformer, or let us say a transformer profile is created, several
measurements directly can be attached to it.
The profile or transformer contains the general (header) data. An attached result contains the
measurement of all transformer phases. Or to define it more exactly:
A transformer / profile contains:
• Number of winding systems
• Type of winding systems
• Test voltage
• Rated voltages (primary, secondary, tertiary)
• Name plate info (name, serial number, location, manufacturer, type and remarks)
• Max. ratio deviation and standard (ANSI, IEC, Australian)
A measurement contains
• Measured results of all phases (ratio, deviation, current, phase angle)
• Date and time of all measurements
What you usually will do is creating a new transformer (profile), do a measurement and store
it. In this case the profile and the actual measurement will be stored.
Or you load an existing transformer, do a measurement and store it. In this case, the new
measurement will be attached or let us say stored with the loaded transformer.
Please find this illustrated on the following page.
⇒ There is no difference between saving a transformer or attaching the
actual measurement. Both are done with the button ‘save’ in the Main
screen. See chapter ‘
Measurement 2
(1. Jul 2010)
Measurement 3
(1. Aug 2010)
Measurement 4 Save it
(1. Sept 2010)
Measurement 4
(1. Sept 2010)
This shows a Transformer that has been created and measured for the first time on Jun 1th
2010. Profile and Measurement was saved by touching the ‘save’ button in Main Screen.
Then, this transformer was measured again, every 1th of a month. This means, that the
transformer was loaded from archive again1, measurement was done and the measurement
was attached by touching the ‘save’ button in main screen.
In our example, now it is the 1th of September. And again, the transformer is loaded and
measurement is done. This means, that a new measurement data block is created. And it is
saved and attached by touching ‘save’.
Please see chapter ’8.3.2 Load from Archive’ or ’8.5 Archive’ for details
TR-MARK III Menu structured as shown in the figure below. Pressing a Cancel button, will
bring you one layer towards Main Screen.
Main Screen
This Main Test Screen is the basic platform of the TR-MARK III operation. On this screen,
you will find buttons, indications and results.
Now let’s start with the Go buttons. After connection to a transformer, Press “Go ABC” to
measure all three phases A, B, and C in one cycle. The TR-MARK III will automatically
display any complete result per phase. After the test cycle, the main test screen will appear
as followed:
This is also the display you will find after switching on the instrument, if a measurement was
finished before it was switched off.
This Option is also used to do a ‘GO Tab’ if you have tabs. Please see chapter ‘6.3.4’ about
how to define a transformer with taps.
Tip here
Progress Bar
Continuous and
Stop buttons
Of course TR-MARK III provides conversion of voltage ratio in to turn ratio. You can easily
switch between these two options
After every measurement the results can be printed or stored. Use ‘Print’ and ‘Save’ to do
⇒ ‘Save’ has only once an effect. To save several measurements, see
chapter ‘8.3.4 New Measurement’.
Tip here
⇒ Please Check chapter ‘8.4 Info’ if you are not familiar with entering and
editing Transformer Data. Using Transformer Data may offer several
benefits to you.
When in ‘Info’ Rated Voltage Data are entered, Results are automatically checked. An
indication for pass or fail is displayed for each phase. To provide more details, deviation
appears in column Dev.
In chapter ‘8.4 Info’, read about section ‘General’ for details about pass/fail criteria.
Pass: Fail:
Tip here
To simplify your work, we provide up to four display options for the entered transformer data.
The buttons ‘T Ratio’ and ‘V Ratio’ will lead to a non calculated view. That means that you
will get for instance nominal voltages instead of a calculated ratio displayed.
The buttons with a number will directly display the calculated nominal ratio, based on data in
the info field.
The following example shows a D:y Transformer and what display options TR-Mark III
As number
As Ratio
(10kV : 2kV)
3464 : 1000 turns
10kV : 5kV nominal
Show Turns Ratio Show Voltage Ratio
On the upper part of main screen, the actual tap step is displayed as a number. It is easy to
measure through several or all tap steps. Besides are buttons, to switch one step up or
Tap Step
Down Up
You may wish to know what for instance “tap 5” means in volts. Or you would like to switch to
the 22kV Tap. Both can be done easily by touching the ‘Actual Tap Step Number’ (-3).
In the following window tap number and corresponding voltage is displayed. To give you an
overview of all taps, a complete with corresponding voltages is also available.
You may find Transformers with tap changers on primary and secondary winding system.
TR-MARK III helps you to handle this too. Now let us see what happens, when we enter in
chapter ‘ Taps’ a Transformer with taps on both sides.
Free Fixed
Touch Step Touch
free Tap
A really unusual transformer may have a primary, a secondary and a tertiary winding, and
several taps on each winding. That’s not a problem when you are using a TR-Mark III. A few
buttons will give you control and overview over the complete measurement of such a
You may have asked yourself before, what the button on the upper left on main screen is
used for. And why it is a button and not just a Text. The answer is in case of a tertiary
winding system, it is used to switch between the ratio primary to secondary and primary to
Also take notice of what happens with the tap changer display. As explained in chapter
‘7.1.5 More Taps’, the fixed tap is displayed smaller and in braces, while the free taps appear
bigger and bold. As you switch the X-Side from secondary to tertiary, the fixed tap changes
TR-MARK III offers an improved data structure and handling to support your needs. When
the button ‘New’ in main screen is pressed, the user is asked what he wants to do by offering
the four buttons showed below.
⇒ Please check chapter ‘7’ for detailed information about data structure
This button will start the procedure of creating a new transformer. If the last used
Transformer or measurement is not saved yet, you will be asked if you like to do so.
Touch ‘Go Info’ to go to the main screen via the info. menu, if you would like to enter
transformer details.
‘-> Temp’ will store the new transformer as a template. Please see chapter ‘8.2.5 Working
with Templates’ for details information
Choose here
tip here
Your Transformer may have taps on the primary and on the secondary winding system. Use
the same procedure to define the secondary taps.
Don’t worry about transformers with three winding systems. Just activate the ‘tertiary’ option,
by touching the checkbox. Then the buttons for one more coil appears. And of course you
can also define taps for this third winding system.
Touchp here to
choose source
In the Archive screen, make your choice by touching on a transformer with your finger. Touch
’Load’ to load it and append your measurement. Touch ‘Clone’ to create a new transformer,
based on the one you have chosen.
Touch on the pictures on top (MARK III or memory stick) to choose between the sources.
The memory stick will only be displayed if connected.
Let’s say you are a manufacturer of transformers or you are doing service and support. In
both cases, you will often check identical objects. In this case we recommend you to use the
“Copy Actual Transformer” option.
After touching this button, TR-MARK III will copy the actual transformer basics, or let’s say
those things which do not change on transformers of the same type. In other words, a new
transformer is created with the same number of winding systems, taps, winding types, and so
You will automatically be asked, if you would like to save the actual measurement if you did
not yet do so. Afterwards you have to enter a new transformer name, serial number and if
necessary new primary and secondary voltage. Or let us say those things that change if you
produce a further transformer of the same type.
If you are still a bit confused about it, have a look to the following screens and graphics
including MK III screens.
If safed..
As described in chapter 7 Transformer, Measurement and Data Structure’, the TR-MARK III
has only one measurement present at time. Starting the measurement process again, will
result in overwriting the results on the screen. Tapping the ‘save’ button several time will
have no effect
If you are up to do several measurements and save them, use the ‘New Measurement’
You will be asked to save your present measurement, if you did not yet do so. Afterwards the
results on screen will be erased. And after a new ‘Go ABC’ or ‘Go…’, you can attach further
measurement to a transformer, by tapping ‘save’.
⇒ Use this option, if you have to measure many transformers of the same
The new profile will be created with a minimum of information, and it will be stored in the
archive of TR-MARK III. In the info field ‘serial number’, ‘Teplate’ will automatically be
entered, and you will be asked to give a Name to the transformer.
This Template can be cloned via Archive menu. Then TR-MARK III creates a transformer
profile based on the template. You will be asked to enter a new transformer name and a
serial number. After entering this information you will be led to main menu and measurement
can directly be started.
And it contains four sections. The sections are chosen by touching their name on the left
side of the screen.
• Rated voltage:
Here primary and secondary, and if available
tertiary voltage can be entered. MARK-III
automatically calculates voltage and turn ratio
based on these entries.
Voltages on Tap changers can be defined
manually or automatically by a wizard.
See picture above.
• Add Info:
This section especially helps to identify a
transformer. Data like transformer name,
serial number, manufacturer, type and so on
can be entered and displayed.
• General:
Maximal Ratio Deviation can be set in this
chapter. By default it is 0.5%. That means, if
the measured ratio deviates more than 0.5%
from the theoretical value, the measurement
will be designated as “failed”.
Here you can also define which transformer
standard is used. (IEC, ANSI, Australian)
⇒ Depending, if you start this screen from Archive or from Main Screen,
and if you are the owner of a transformer, it will be read only or
When started from Main Screen, in chart ‘Results’ will be named as
‘actual Result’ and it will only show the actual result.
Touch in ‘Info’ Menu on the button by sides “U Nom” to enter tap changer data manually or
by wizard.
tipp here
tipp here
You can anytime enter corresponding voltages to taps manually. You may use this for
instance when your tap steps are not linear. Just push on the field you like to edit. The editor
works for designator and voltage.
Selected Measurement
Function Buttons
They can easily be switched with the symbol taps on top of the screen.
The content of these four parts is described in the following chapters. License
License Manger is used to enter a Raytech License Number. If your license state changes,
you may be asked to enter a new License.
This menu displays the actual license state. Press the ‘Enter New License Key’ button to
enter a new License key number. About
Choose this menu to get information about the instrument like Firmware version and Serial
number of the test system. Clock
Use this menu, to set the date and time. This is important because your measurement will
contain a time stamp that will be saved to memory. Cursor
This option is important when using a USB mouse. Use it to switch the cursor on or off. Update
Raytech is always improving their products. Firmware updates may be available. Check the
Raytech website or contact Raytech for the latest update. These are provided at no charge.
The easiest way to receive an update is to save the newest version on a USB memory stick.
Then connect the USB memory stick to the instrument. The new version will automatically be
detected and the system will ask if you wish to update. If selected, this update process is
then fully automatic. In some cases it may be necessary to initialize the update manually. Language
TR-MARK III firmware supports several languages. Use this menu, to choose your favorite
language from a list of available languages. Service
Only qualified personnel should access and service Raytech equipment. A service code is
required to get access to special service menus.
Every measurement can be stored with the name of the actual operator. In this menu, new
operators can enter their first name and last name. Existing entries can be changed.
Touch an operators name and then touch ‘ok’ to make your choice.
Note the ‘Ask for Operator at Power-up’ check box. When checked, you will be asked if the
chosen operators name is yours. This may be helpful, when several operators are using the
8.6.2 Standards
TR-MARK III supports several international transformer standards. Use this menu to choose
the one you prefer.
8.6.3 Printer
If you are up to use an external USB Printer, you should choose the correct emulation.
Connect your USB Printer to TR-Mark III’s USB host connector2. Maybe you would like to
print a test page, to make sure everything works properly.
To use the auto print option on the internal printer, choose this option in printer menu.
8.6.4 Color
Two recommended color schemes are available. Indoor and in moderate sunlight you may
prefer the colored scheme.
In bright sunlight black and white provides maximal contrast to make sure everything stays
The USB host has an oblong connector, USB device has square connector.
• Complete cable set (consisting of a 5 m cable with an extension cable of 10 m), Safety
ground lead, power cord, cable carrying bag, instruction manual, USB memory stick,
USB Cable (Type A-B), RS-232 cable, printer paper refills, stylus
• P/N: 1003N-31001 - External test switch for Tap changer testing
• T-REX 3-phase voltage option to energize all 3 phases at once
• TR-MARK III R 19”, 4U Rackmount version
Port RS232
Baudrate 19200Baud
Databit 8 Bit
Stopbits 1 Bit
Parity No
e.g. Phase
3 Max 240Vac 2A
e.g. Neutral
Standard 1.1
The Raytech Toolbox is for Data Exchange between the measuring instruments and an
external computer.
The Raytech Toolbox can be downloaded free of charge from the internet at or
⇒ TR-MARK III communication interface is designed to work properly
with the same hardware and command set as TR Spy Mark II.
Commands not used on Mk-III will return ‘ok’ as the Answer.
⇒ Required firmware version and later. Do not use former
Versions for Remote Control. Call us for updates.
⇒ For CT testing, “H” leads are connected to the “X” terminal of the
Current Transformer.
Yellow Lead
Yellow Lead
X1 X2
A.A.C Info
Of course the ratio in the info field for CTs is defined by Amps / Amps. (Not Volts / Volts as it
is used for voltage transformers. The rest of the ‘Info’ screen remains the same.
As Raytech GmbH always tries to increase comfort and quality of products, sometimes
firmware updates may be available. Ask your local vendor, or visit our website and have a look for new firmware releases.
Once you have downloaded your file containing a new version, copy it to the root directory3
of a USB memory stick. Then connect this stick to your TR-MARK III. Usually the new
firmware release will be detected and you will be asked if you like to install it.
In some cases, for instance if you like to downgrade to an older version, you will have to start
the installing process on your own. See the graphics bellow or see chapter ‘ Update’
for detailed information on how to do this.
root means no subfolder, directly to the stick
TR-MARK III is designed to be trouble free, so you may not see many error messages. A few
messages appear because of operation error. Let us have a look at those first.
Message Explanation
No Test Leads: TR-MARK III may detect if there are no test leads
connected, or if they are not connected to test object. This
message may save time during measurements in the field.
⇒ TR-MARK III is designed to be trouble free.
If problems or questions do arise please contact your nearest dealer or
one of our service support groups:
Switzerland: USA:
Tel. +41 56 648 6010 + 267 404 2676
Fax. +41 56 648 6011 + 267 404 2685
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper and unauthorized
modifications or misuse and abuse of the product, negligence, alteration, modification, faulty
installation by the customer, customer’s agents or employees. Attempted or actual
dismantling, disassembling, service or repair by any person, firm, or corporation not
specifically authorized in writing by RAYTECH USA, Inc.
Defects caused by or due to handling by carrier, or incurred during shipment, trans-shipment,
or other move. Inadequate maintenance by the customer, second source supplied software
or interfacing, operation outside the environmental limits, or improper site preparation.
Exclusive remedies provided herein are the customer’s sole and exclusive remedies.
RAYTECH USA, Inc. shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this
equipment whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, or whether
based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.