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Servings Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Potassium Carbohydrates (g)

arbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g) Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Iron % Food Groups Comments:
eggs 2 230 16 1.6 373 71 166 2 0 185 18 0% 0% 0% 6% protien
tortilla 2 320 12 6 0 55 90 44 0.4 0 8 0% 0% 38% 1.10% grain

mango 1 99 0.6 0.2 0 1.6 277.2 24.7 2.6 22.5 1.4 89.10% 60.10% 18.10% 0.30% fruit - Mango before practice was a success

red rice 2 224 9.4 0.7 0 547.9 385.9 32.1 2.2 5.6 3.8 37.10% 160.90% 24.80% 54% grain
pork chop 1 173 6 2 72 45 367 0 0 0 28 0% 0% 0% 0%

- try eating dinner and sleeping earlier (headaches might go away)


TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 1046 44 10.5 445 720.5 1286.1 102.8 5.2 213.1 59.2 126% 221% 81% 61%
DAILY VALUE 2028 58 23 150 2000 4000 900 21 50 60 150 70 1500 19.3

Subtract exercise 200


Amount of water (servings) 7

Amount of sleep (hours) 6

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