Latin Semester Exam Review
Latin Semester Exam Review
Latin Semester Exam Review
1. loqueris 6. custoditur
2. nescit 7. parabat
3. facimus 8. auditis
4. moramini 9. necat
5. factum est 10. necatur
II. Identify the case for each underlined noun as it is used in the sentence.
1. elegantior 6. difficillime
2. laetus 7. pulcherrima
3. optimus 8. longior
4. plus 9. ferociter
5. laetissimus 10. diu
II. Read the following story and select the best answer for each
question, based on the information in the story.
11. For how long had the Greeks besieged the city of Troy?
a. 10 months
b. 10 years
c. 10 days
20. Why didn’t the Trojans see the Greeks when they descended from the
a. They were sleeping.
b. They were busy celebrating.
c. It was a very dark night.
21. While the Trojans slept, what were some of the Greeks doing?
a. burning the city and killing Trojans
b. returning from the island
c. preparing the ships to return home