Latin Semester Exam Review

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Latin II

Fall Semester Exam Review

Day I

I. Identify to which conjugation each verb belongs.

1. arcesso, arcessere 6. iacto, iactare

2. recito, recitare 7. moror, morari
3. sepelio, sepelire 8. experior, experiri
4. deleo, delere 9. nascor, nasci
5. rapio, rapere 10. cupio, cupere

II. Identify the correct pronoun subject for each verb.

1. est 11. laudatur
2. audimus 12. curamur
3. fers 13. verberantur
4. spectant 14. teneris
5. duceris 15. fertur
6. quaerebam 16. portar
7. servabitis 17. audiemini
8. opprimunt 18. emitteris
9. sumus 19. aguntur
10. dico 20. mittor

III. Identify the voice for each of the following verbs.

1. loqueris 6. custoditur
2. nescit 7. parabat
3. facimus 8. auditis
4. moramini 9. necat
5. factum est 10. necatur

IV. Match each deponent verb with its closest synonym.

1. veritus sum a. discessit

2. egredietur b. timui
3. morabantur c. intravi
4. profectus est d. exibit
5. ingressus sum e. manebant
Latin II
Fall Semester Exam Review
Day II

I. Identify to which declension each noun belongs.

1. regina, reginae 6. verbum, verbi

2. domus, domus 7. casa, casae
3. deus, dei 8. tela, telae
4. comes, comitis 9. mensis, mensis
5. res, rei 10. dies, diei

II. Identify the case for each underlined noun as it is used in the sentence.

1. Vilicus villam domini curat.

2. Vilicus villam domini curat.
3. Vilicus villam domini curat.
4. In pictura est pulchra puella.
5. Mercator leporem servo gratis dabit.

III. Identify the degree of each adjective or adverb.

1. elegantior 6. difficillime
2. laetus 7. pulcherrima
3. optimus 8. longior
4. plus 9. ferociter
5. laetissimus 10. diu

IV. Translate each of the following sentences into good English.

1. Vilicus villam domini curat.

2. In pictura est pulchra puella.
3. Mercator leporem servo gratis dabit.
4. Pueri e ludo sexta hora redierunt.
5. Carthagini Aeneas breve modo tempus morabantur.

V. Choose the best translation for each sentence.

1. Mercatori, qui glires vendit, Aurelia pecuniam dabit.

a. The merchants, who sell dormice, will give Aurelia money.
b. Aurelia will give the merchant, who sells dormice, money.
c. Aurelia gave the money to the merchant who sells dormice.
2. Uxores Romanae a viris semper amabantur.
a. Roman wives were always loved by their husbands.
b. Roman wives always loved their husbands.
c. Wives always loved their Roman husbands.

3. Servi a Cornelio iussi frusta pulli fratri eius dederunt.

a. The slaves were ordered by Cornelius to give scraps of chicken to his
b. The slaves, ordered by Cornelius, had given scraps of chicken to his
c. The slaves, ordered by Cornelius, gave scraps of chicken to his brother.

4. Cena a coquo optimo parata ab ancillis e culina efferebatur.

a. The dinner, prepared by the very good cook, was carried from the
kitchen by slave girls.
b. The very good dinner, prepared by the cook, was carried from the
kitchen by the slave girls.
c. The dinner, prepared by the best cook, has been carried from the kitchen
by the slave girls.

5. Nihil miserabilius quam illud incendium vidi.

a. There is nothing more miserable than that fire which I saw.
b. That fire that I saw was very miserable.
c. I have seen nothing more miserable than that fire.
Latin II
Fall Semester Exam Review

I. Choose the best translation for each sentence.

1. Marcus et Sextus in lecto morabantur.

a. Marcus and Sextus were staying in their beds.
b. Marcus and Sextus are staying in their beds.
c. Marcus and Sextus have stayed in their beds.

2. Ulixes multa terra marique passus domum decimo anno pervenit.

a. Ulysses, having suffered on many lands and seas, arrived home after ten
b. Ulysses had suffered many things on land and sea and arrived home in
the tenth year.
c. Ulysses, having suffered many things on land and sea, arrived home in
the tenth year.

3. Multis post annis Ithacam pervenit.

a. He arrived at Ithaka after many years.
b. He arrived in Ithaka many years later.
c. He arrived at Ithaka in many years.

4. Hodie, Marce, ante primam lucem surrexisti.

a. Today, Marcus, you rose before dawn.
b. Yesterday, Marcus arose before dawn.
c. Marcus arose before dawn today.

5. Aeneas Hesperiam petens Carthaginem advenit.

a. Aeneas arrived at Carthage after seeking Italy.
b. Aeneas, seeking Italy, arrived in Carthage.
c. Aeneas, seeking Italy, left Carthage.

6. Everything was being done by the inhabitants at the same time.

a. Omnia incolis simul agebantur.
b. Omnia ab incolis simul agebantur.
c. Omnes ab incolis simul agebantur
7. No one had drunk more wine than Titus.
a. Nemo plus vini quam Tito biberat.
b. Nemo plus vinum quam Titus biberat.
c. Nemo plus vini quam Titus biberat.

8. The teacher will test Sextus.

a. Grammaticus Sextum experietur.
b. Grammaticus Sextum experibitur.
c. Grammaticus Sextum experiet.

9. What hour is it? It is the 9th hour.

a. Quota hora est? Est nona hora.
b. Quota hora est? Est novem hora.
c. Quot hora est? Est nona hora.

10. In the summer, the Cornelii set out from home.

a. Aestate Cornelii domo proficiscuntur.
b. Aestate Cornelii domum profecti sunt.
c. Aestate Cornelii e domo proficiscentur.

II. Read the following story and select the best answer for each
question, based on the information in the story.

11. For how long had the Greeks besieged the city of Troy?
a. 10 months
b. 10 years
c. 10 days

12. What kind of plan did the Greeks want to adopt?

a. a new and better one
b. nine better ones
c. one that would conquer the Trojans

13. What did the Greeks build?

a. a huge horse
b. a wooden horse
c. a huge, wooden horse

14. Where did they place it?

a. near the gates of the city
b. on the seashore
c. outside the walls
15. What did they place inside the horse?
a. very brave men
b. the bravest of their soldiers
c. brave men

16. Where did the other Greeks hide?

a. in the nearby apartment buildings
b. on a nearby apartment building
c. on a nearby island

17. What did the Trojans do after the Greeks left?

a. They came out of the city, happily.
b. They came out of the city, very happily.
c. They began to celebrate.

18. What did some Trojans say about the horse?

a. Who built it?
b. Why did the Greeks leave this horse?
c. The Greeks are honoring Minerva!

19. What did other Trojans say?

a. Trust the Greeks!
b. We are very fortunate to have this horse!
c. If we take the horse inside the walls of the city, it will guard our city.

20. Why didn’t the Trojans see the Greeks when they descended from the
a. They were sleeping.
b. They were busy celebrating.
c. It was a very dark night.

21. While the Trojans slept, what were some of the Greeks doing?
a. burning the city and killing Trojans
b. returning from the island
c. preparing the ships to return home

22. What were worried mothers doing?

a. running through the streets with the freedmen
b. running through the city, looking for their children
c. running through the streets with their children
23. Qui in line 1 is a(n) ______.
a. noun
b. verb
c. pronoun
d. adjective

24. Regredi in line 1 is a(n) ______.

a. noun
b. verb
c. pronoun
d. adjective

25. Iam in line 1 is a(n) _____.

a. adjective
b. adverb
c. conjunction
d. preposition

26. Et in line 2 is a(n)

a. adjective
b. adverb
c. conjunction
d. preposition

27. Cavete in line 10 is

a. indicative
b. imperative
c. infinitive

28. Egressi sunt in line 7 is

a. active
b. passive
c. deponent

29. Capta est in the last line is

a. active
b. passive
c. deponent

30. Tandem in the last line is a(n)

a. adjective
b. adverb
c. preposition
Graeci, qui iam decem annos Troiam obsidebant, domum regredi
valde cupiebant. Mussabant igitur, “Quomodo Troiani vincentur?
Consilium novum et melius capiemus. Equum ligneum aedificabimus
quem extra muros urbis relinquemus. In eo ponentur fortissimi e
militibus nostris. Deinde ad insulam vicinam ipsi proficiscemur et nos
ibi celabimus. Fortasse equus in urbem a Troianis trahetur.”
Posquam Graeci abierunt, laetissimi ex urbe egressi sunt Troiani.
Equum ligneum spectant. “Quid est hoc?” rogant. “Cur equus tantus e
ligneo factus est? Cur Graeci hunc equum reliquerunt?”
Alii, “Cavete Graecos!” inquiunt. “Nolite eis credere.” Alii,
“Gaudete!” inquiunt. “Equus, si intra muros ductus erit, urbem nostram
custodiet et defendet.”
Itaque maximo gaudio equum intra muros trahere constituerunt. Nox
erat. Troiani somno vinoque oppressi per totam urbem dormiebant.
Ecce! De equo descenderunt Graeci. Interea ceteri ex insula
regrediebantur et urbem quam celerrime petebant. Ei qui in equo celati
erant portas Graecis aperuerunt. Magno cum strepitu irruperunt.
Undique clamor et tumultus, undique incendia et caedes. Matres
sollicitae cum liberis per vias currebant; flammae omnia delebant. Urbs
tandem capta est.
obsideo, obsidere—to besiege valde—very much cupio, cupere—to want

musso, mussare—to mutter consilium capere—to form a plan

ligneus, -a, -um—wooden aedifico, -are—to build murus, -i (m)—wall
vicinus, -a, -um—neighboring, nearby celo, -are—to hide
fortasse—perhaps caedes, caedis (f)—slaughter

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