Delta G Mic
Delta G Mic
Delta G Mic
ISSN 2229-5518
Abstract - Knowledge of Micellar behavior of a surfactant is essential for its wide range of applications. Studies have been done on the micellar
behavior of some of the cationic surfactants individually, by different methods, which is not sufficient to correlate the trend of change of properties of the
surfactants in a particular series. A comprehensive study of Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) and thermodynamic behavior of Tetradecyl
Trimethylammonium Bromide (TTAB), Hexadecyl Trimethyl ammonium Bromide (CTAB) and Octadecyl Trimethylammonium Bromide (OTAB) has been
herein conducted by conductivity measurements to represent the trend of micellar and thermodynamic properties of N-Alkyl Trimethylammonium
Bromide Surfactants, at different temperatures. The CMC studies have been utilized to evaluate the empirical relation (Stauff- Klevens rule), i.e. log
CMC= A – Bn, for this homologous series. It was found that the value of B of this relation changes from 0.283 to 0.271 with increase of temperature.
Thermodynamic parameters (the free energy, entropy and enthalpy of micellization) for these surfactants were calculated over the temperature range of
293K-328K. It was found that the free energy of micellization values become more and more negative whereas the entropy values becomes more
positive with increase of chain length of the surfactants. From the thermodynamic calculations it was found that the micellization processes of these
surfactants are enthalpy and entropy controlled.
Index Terms - Cationic Surfactants, Counter ion binding, Critical micelle formation, Krafft temperature, Thermodynamic Parameters, Specific
conductivity, Stauff- Klevens rule
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IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015 1509
ISSN 2229-5518
The cmc values of these surfactants are compared to 4.0 x 10-3 M CTAB and 2.5 x 10-3 M OTAB solutions were
study the empirical relation, log CMC = A- Bn [3], which prepared in pure water. These solutions are cooled in a
will give important information for the trend of change refrigerator for 24 h at about 3oC to get precipitate of the
of solution behavior and other properties of the cationic hydrated surfactants. The conductivity of this solution is
surfactants in the homologous series. In addition, the measured with gradual increase of the temperature at a
thermodynamic parameters, ∆G m o, ∆S m o and ∆H m o have rate of about 1oC/ 10 min with constant stirring. For each
also been estimated and analyzed for these surfactants in temperature the conductivity of the solution was
aqueous media. Although the typical (amphipathic) checked for about 3 min until it reached a steady value.
structure of surfactants cause significant changes on a The T K value was obtained at the sharp break point of
large number of physical properties of the solutions such the conductivity vs. temperature plot.
as conductivity, viscosity, molecular fluorescence,
surface tension etc. which is the basis of applications of
the surfactants in many purposes but these applications 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
for a surfactant becomes insignificant below a certain The experimental conductivities (κ) for CTAB in pure
temperature. Because below a certain temperature water at different temperatures are shown in fig.1. It is
solubility of the ionic surfactant becomes very limited observed that the κ shows a linear increase with gradual
and the surfactant loses its activities such as dispersing, increase of concentration of the surfactant which is due
emulsifying and micelle forming properties. [10], [11]. to the increase of surfactant monomers. The break in the
This certain temperature for a specific (ionic) surfactant plot (which represents micelle formation) is due to the
is known as the Krafft temperature (T K ) which is binding of some counter ions of the ionic surfactant.
generally considered to be the melting temperature for
hydrated solid surfactant [12],[13],[14]. The present
study reveals that the Krafft temperature (T K ) of TTAB,
CTAB and OTAB is 12.7 oC, 24.7 oC and 36.5 oC
respectively which is consistent with the reference
values [3]. So in the present experiment, the temperature
298 K
range selected for CTAB is 298 K – 328 K and OTAB is 140
303 K
Specific conductance (µ Scm-1)
Table-1 CMC and the fraction of Counter lon Binding (B) for TTAB, CTAB and OTAB at Different Temperature.
10 CMC/M
3 β 10 CMC/M
3 β 10 CMC 1 /M
5 β1
(104CMC2 /M) (β 2 )
293 3.20 0.70 -- -- -- --
298 3.43 0.69 0.84 0.70 -- --
303 3.67 0.68 0.89 0.69 -- --
308 4.02 0.67 0.93 0.68 -- --
313 4.01 0.64 0.97 0.67 2.02 0.58
(2.96) (0.70)
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015 1511
ISSN 2229-5518
decrease of β for TTAB compared to the other two
surfactants, which indicates that the surface charge -2.4
log CMC
has greater counter ion binding (β) value. For OTAB, the
counter ion binding (β) of second micelle was found to -3.2
shown in figure 2. Because of poor solubility of OTAB in Carbon number in chain (N)
plots are also in good agreement with few of the Krafft temperature of CTAB and OTAB were found to be
reference values [3]. It was observed that both A and B higher than this temperature. Experimental results show
values for this series decrease at increased temperature. that T K of TTAB, CTAB and OTAB are 12.4oC, 24.7 oC
This represents that, within this temperature range, and 36.5 oC respectively.
CMC of smaller chain surfactants decrease where as
CMC of larger chain surfactant increases with the
increase of temperature.
Table -2 Constants for the Relation of: Log CMC = A-BN 460
temperatures. 420
Temperature A B
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
323 1.41 0.274 Temperature (oC)
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015 1512
ISSN 2229-5518
3.1 Thermodynamics of micellization of the molecules at higher temperature [26],[27]. So less energy
surfactants: The free energy (∆G m o) and the entropy is required to break the ice berg structure around the
(∆S m o) changes of micellization have been calculated hydrophobic alkyl chain.
from the following expressions [6], [15]:
On the other hand, although temperature is raised the
∆G m o = (1 + β) RT ln X CMC ……………………………(2) ∆S m o of micelle formation is positive and its value
decreases with increase of temperature.
∆S m o = - { δ ∆G m o / δT } P ……………………………….(3)
∆G m o = ∆H m o - T∆S m o …………………………………(4)
313 K
318 K
Here Xcmc is the mole fraction of the surfactant at the 323 K
CMC. Table 3 shows thermodynamic parameters of -46
328 K
TTAB, CTAB and OTAB, in pure water. In the present -48
experiment the ∆G m o values for micellization of the
surfactants in the given temperature range were found
to be negative which indicates the spontaneity of the -52
The ∆G m o values for TTAB, CTAB and OTAB (∆G m2 o for
OTAB), in pure water at different temperatures, as a -56
14 15 16 17 18
function of carbon number in the alkyl chain of the
Carbon number in chain (N)
surfactants are shown in fig.4a. It is observed that the
negative ∆G m o values show a linear increase with
gradual increase of alkyl chain length of the surfactants,
which indicates that micellization becomes more Fig. 4 Effect of chain length on a. ∆G m o and b. ∆S m o of
spontaneous with increase of the alkyl chain length of
the cationic surfactants. This trend is attributed to
greater hydrophobic nature of the larger alkyl chain. For 80
328 K
destruction of the higher degree of hydrogen bonding 50
around the alkyl chains which gives a positive enthalpy
change [6],[23],[24]. Despite the fact the ∆H m o is found to
be negative and becomes further negative with increase 30
of temperature. The negative ∆H m o is associated by the
way of (i) disruption of the hydrophobic hydration (or 20
melting of the “iceberg”) surrounding the hydrophobic
tails of the monomers, and (ii) increased degree of 10
14 15 16 17 18
freedom of the tails in the interior of the micelle [20]
Carbon number in chain (N)
where the London dispersion force is the major
attractive force and which is greater for a larger
hydrocarbon chain [16], [25]. In the present study the alkyltrimethyl ammonium bromide surfactants (∆G m2 o
∆H m o values are found to be increasing with increase of and ∆S m2 o of OTAB is used).
temperature which is attributed to the disruption of
greater number of hydrogen bonding between the water
This arises because the “structured water layer” around the hydrophobic moiety of a monomer surfactant
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015 1513
ISSN 2229-5518
becomes thinner as temperature increases or Greater entropy values are obtained for the surfactants
alternatively the degree of structure in the water layer with larger alkyl chain. This greater entropy of the
decrease. Therefore the extent of randomness increased system is obtained when the larger hydrocarbon chains
(producing a free energy gain) upon micelle formation are removed from aqueous medium to the interior of the
becomes less and less with increasing temperature [28]. micelle [3].
Table 3.Values of the free energy of micellization, ∆G m o , Enthalpy of micellization, ∆H m o and Entropy of micellization,
∆S m o for TTAB, CTAB and OTAB at various temperatures
318 -40.87 18.97 -34.84 -47.69 31.97 -37.52 -61.30 68.53 -39.51
(-54.08) (77.00) (-29.60)
323 -40.98 18.62 -34.97 -47.84 31.35 -37.71 -61.65 67.83 -39.74
(-54.50) (76.60) (-29.76)
328 -41.09 18.27 -35.10 -48.00 30.73 -37.92 -61.98 67.13 -39.96
(-54.86) (76.20) (-29.87)
Energetic Parameters are expressed in KJ mol-1 for ∆Gm o and ∆H m o and J K-1 for mol-1 for ∆S m o .Subscript 1 and 2 to the
column title refer to micellization processes 1 and 2 respectively for OTAB.
The enthalpy – entropy compensation plots for bulk counterpart, the enthalpy term contributes more to keep
micellization (for CMC 1 ) of OTAB are shown in fig.5. the negative free energy nearly constant. In some of the
Linear relationships are obtained for micelle formation previous studies such behaviors were shown for
of each surfactant, which represents that when the aqueous solutions of ionic surfactants and smaller
entropy term contributes less to the free energy, its molecules [16], [29], [30], [31].
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015 1514
ISSN 2229-5518
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-39.4 Department of Chemistry, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET) for their helpful
discussion during preparation of the research project.
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