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Om Tatsat

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Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh, Mangalam Garunadhwajah।

Mangalam Pundari Kakshah, Mangalaya Tano Harih॥

Om Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike।

Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostu Te॥1॥

Asa pavitri gananam namah

Om Apavitrah Pavitro Vaa Sarva-Avasthaam Gato-[A]pi Vaa |

Yah Smaret-Punnddariikaakssam Sa Baahya-Abhyantarah
Shucih ||

Kundali kaksha punatoh X3

Antir achamanam
Om keshavaya namah…. Om narayanaya namah….. om
madhavaya namah
Astaho vrakya ganan maha hrishikesaya govindaya namo namah
Asan shudhuhi…pradavi dwaya traloka devi twam vishnu
avataram jaradaya mam devi pavitram balajaya ganam…

Om shree ganadhipataye namah…

Shree Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha।
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada॥

Sankalpa :
12. Saṅkalpaḥ — Resolve
hariḥ oṁ tat sat | śrī govinda X3 |
śubhe śobhane muhūrte adye śrī bhagavato mahā-puruṣasya śrī
viṣṇoḥ ājñaya pravartamānasya, ādya brahmaṇaḥ dvitīya
parārdhe śrī śveta varāha kalpe, vaivasvata manvantare aṣṭā-
viṁśatīttame kali yuge, kali yugasya prathama pāde, jāmbu-
dvīpe meroḥ āgneya1 dig-bhāge, hiraṇmaya varṣe hiraṇmaya
deśe Mauritius deśe [address] mahā nagari antargate
vyavahārikānām prabhavādi ṣaṣṭhi saṁvatsarānāṁ madhye do
hajaar ikkees nāma saṁvatsare Uttara ayane Grishma ṛtau,
māsottame Makar māse Krishna pakṣe Dashami tithau Sthira
vāsara yuktāyāṁ Anusham nakṣatra yuktāyām śrī viṣṇu yoge śrī
viṣṇu karaṇe, śubha yoga śubha karaṇe, sakala graha guṇa
viśeṣaṇa visiṣṭhāyām,
Harih om tatsat. Govinda, Govinda, Govinda, with the sanction
of the Supreme Being Lord Vishnu, in this period during the
second half of the life-span of the demiurge Brahma, during the
aeon of the White Boar, during the universal rule of Vaivasvata
Manu in the 28th period, during the first quarter of the age of
Kali, on the planet Earth in land ………… of mount Meru, in the
country of ……….., in the city of ………., in the
year .................... of the 60 year Jovian cycle, in the ..................
solstice, during the .................. season, in the month of 1 Insert
the direction of the country in relation to the Himālaya
mountains: east — pūrva, south — dakṣina, west — paścima,
north — uttara, NE — aiṣānya, SE — āgneya, SW — naiṛṛti,
NW — vāyavya 8 ...................... in the .................. fortnight, on
the .................. lunar day, on a .............. day under the
constellation of .................... with auspicious conjunctions, and
all the planets being benevolently disposed; mama upāta samasta
duritakṣaya dvāra śrī parameśvara prītyarthaṁ kariṣyamāṇa
____________ karmāṅga nirvighnena parisampātyartham ādau
gaṇeśa pūjanam kariṣye In order to absolve myself of all my
trangression and to please the Supreme Being Ias an ancilliar to
the ceremony about to performed I first perform the worship of
Lord Ganesha for the removal of all obstacles.
Meaning of Sankalpa Mantra* Before starting any pooja or ritual
they recite this mantra. *You can calculate the age of earth in
this mantra*
*Aum Thath Sath* -(Name of God)
*Shree Brahmano Dvitheeya Praharārthē* - (Second half of
Brahma day)
*Saptamē Vyvasvatha Manvantare* - (Seventh Manvantara
whose name is Vyvasvatha)
*Astavimsathithamē* - (28th Chathur yuga)
*Kaliyugē Kali-pratham-charanē* (First part of Kaliyuga)
*Jamboodveepe* - this denotes the place where the ritual is
performed. India was known as Jambudveepa. There are *7
Dveepas in vedic texts*.
Jambudvipa, Plaksadvipa, Salmalidvipa, Kusadvipa,
Krouncadvipa(America), Sakadvipa, and Pushkaradvipa.
*Bharata Varshe, Bharata Kande* -in the land of Bharat
(Jambudvipa divided into nine varshas (geographical regions) of
which one was Bharatha Varsha. The other eight varshas were
Ketumula Varsha, Hari Varsha, Ilavrita Varsha, Kuru Varsha,
Hiranyaka Varsha, Ramyaka Varsha, Kimpurusha Varsha,
Bhadrasva Varsha)

* Sakhabde Mero, Dakshine Parsve* -to the South of the Meru

*Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike* -in the current period now
*Prabhavadi Shasti Samvatsaranam Madya* - among the cycle
of 60 years starting from
*PrabhavaNama Samvatsare* - the name of the year in the 60
year Hindu calendar
*Ayane* - Dakshinayane (Aadito Marghazi) or Uttarayane (Thai
to Aani) Utharāyanna means Sun is above the equator and
towards northern hemisphere and Dakshināyanna means Sun is
below the equator and towards southern hemisphere.
*Ritou* - denotes the 6 seasons or Ritus - Vasantha, Greeshma,
Varsha, Sharadh, Hemantha and Shishira
*Maasey* - one of the 12 months

*Pakshey* - either ShuklaPaksham (day after Amavasya till and

including Pournami) or Krishna Paksham(day after Pournami till
and including Amavasya)
*Subha Thithou* - one of the 15 days between Pournami and
Amavasya(Prathama, Dvithiya, Trithiya,Chaturthi, Panchami,
Shasti, Saptami,Ashtami, Navami, Dasami,Ekadasi, Dwadashi,
Trayodasi, Chaturdas,Pournami or Amavasya)
*Vasara Yuktayam* - one of thedays of the week (Bhanu, Soma,
Bhowma, Soumya, Guru,Brugu and Sthira)
*Nakshatra Yuktayam* - the day's star or Nakshatram.

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