Thermo Fisher Scientif 5201 - D20700
Thermo Fisher Scientif 5201 - D20700
Thermo Fisher Scientif 5201 - D20700
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Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (Thermo Fisher) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this
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Revision History
Revision Level Date Comments
1.2 06-1992 Per E3018.
1.3 09-1992 Per E3211.
1.31 09-1993 Per M4041.
1.32 10-1993 Per M4069.
1.33 08-1994 Per M4510.
1.34 01-1995 Per E4819.
A 06-2006 Per ECO 5238.
B 09-2007 Per ECO 5988.
C 08-2008 Per ECO 6520.
D 11-2009 Per ECO 7162.
E 12-2009 Per ECO 7200.
F 05-2011 Per ECO 7287.
Appendix B Drawings............................................................................................................B-1
ety Failure to follow appropriate safety procedures or inappropriate use of the
equipment described in this manual can lead to equipment damage or
Considerations injury to personnel.
Any person working with or on the equipment described in this manual is
required to evaluate all functions and operations for potential safety hazards
before commencing work. Appropriate precautions must be taken as
necessary to prevent potential damage to equipment or injury to personnel.
The information in this manual is designed to aid personnel to correctly
and safely install, operate, and/or maintain the system described; however,
personnel are still responsible for considering all actions and procedures for
potential hazards or conditions that may not have been anticipated in the
written procedures. If a procedure cannot be performed safely, it must not
be performed until appropriate actions can be taken to ensure the safety
of the equipment and personnel. The procedures in this manual are not
designed to replace or supersede required or common sense safety practices.
All safety warnings listed in any documentation applicable to equipment
and parts used in or with the system described in this manual must be read
and understood prior to working on or with any part of the system.
Failure to correctly perform the instructions and procedures in this
manual or other documents pertaining to this system can result in
equipment malfunction, equipment damage, and/or injury to personnel.
Safety Summary The following admonitions are used throughout this manual to alert users
to potential hazards or important information. Failure to heed the
warnings and cautions in this manual can lead to injury or equipment
Principle of The radiation from the source is formed into a beam by the source housing
and passes through the process vessel (see Figure 1–1). The radiation
Operation reaching the detector decreases as the material in the vessel interrupts the
radiation beam. Each gamma ray interacting with the detector generates a
pulse. Electronic circuitry digitally determines whether the pulse rate from
the detector indicates a high or low material level and sets the state of the
output relay accordingly. The relay may, in turn, be used to control the
material process, activate an alarm, and/or give a visual indication. Figure
1–2 shows several source-detector arrangements for different applications.
General The source and detector units are normally mounted on the external wall of
the measurement vessel in an opposite position across the vessel. Both units
should be mounted as close to the vessel walls as possible. Since facilities
vary with each particular installation, the brackets and hardware required to
mount the source and detector units are furnished by the customer.
Source Housing Source housing dimensions and weights are given on the drawings in
Appendix B. Mounting brackets and bolts should be sized accordingly.
etector Housing Refer to drawings C867136 and D860764 for dimensions and typical
mounting of steel and lightweight detector housings. The steel housing
mounts to its bracket with four 1/2-inch diameter bolts. The lightweight
detector housing (4½ pounds) can be mounted with No. 10 or larger sheet
metal screws, jack nuts, etc. (A 3/4-inch NPT conduit nub is provided for
wire entry. Servicing requires an end clearance of at least 12 inches for
removal of the electronics module from the detector housing. The optional
shock mounting arrangement illustrated in drawing C867138 is available
for highly vibrational environments.
Note User may uncrate and mount source housing but may not remove
the shipping bolt unless the specific license authorizes installation of devices
containing radioactive material. ▲
Note User may uncrate and mount source housing but may not remove
the shipping bolt unless the specific license authorizes installation of devices
containing radioactive material. ▲
Note Source housing normally mounts with the mounting face in vertical
plane. ▲
Table 2–4. Source housing characteristics: Multi-point source housing (fan beam)
Model Maximum Source Size (Cs-137)1 Negative Beam Angle from
5178 50 mCi 42°
5180 4000 mCi 30°
5202 100 mCi 45°
5206 500 mCi 45°
5207 2000 mCi 45°
5208 8000 mCi 45°
5210 20000 mCi 30°
Produces 5 mR or less at 1 foot from surface of housing with shutter off.
Wiring Refer to drawing 868565 for detector wiring. The factory configures the
detector for the line voltage specified by the user (115 Vac or 230 Vac).
Changing the wiring for a different line voltage requires component
changes and is normally not done in the field.
Stranded 14 to 16 gauge wire is recommended for power and relay wiring.
It is necessary to partially remove the electronics from the housing during
wiring. Pull and dress the wires beneath the bottom side of the circuit
board as shown in drawing 868565.
Connect the AC hot power line and the AC neutral power line to terminals
3 and 4, respectively. A crimp-on ring type connector on the safety ground
connects to screw terminal 1.
The hermetically sealed relay comes with a 22 ga. wire pigtail soldered to
the relay connections. If this is a replacement instrument, put a female
spade connector (0.250” x 0.032”) on the pigtail wires to connect to the
female spade connector used to plug onto the old style relay. If this is a new
installation, it is recommended that these wires be connected to the plant
wiring using some form of detachable connector, such as a male/female
crimp-on spade connector.
Drawing 868565 shows the relay in a de-energized state. As normally
wired, the de-energized relay represents a high material level condition.
This condition also exists if interruption of line power to the point level
switch occurs. This configuration is called “fail safe hi.” The opposite
configuration, "fail safe lo,” is achieved by a jumper change on the circuit
board. Remove power before changing jumpers.
Installation & 1. Ensure the shutter is still OFF and locked in the OFF position.
2. Bolt the source housing onto the existing brackets.
4. Ensure no one is between the source housing and the detector in the
vessel being monitored.
stem Operation Check operation of the instrument:
1. Ensure the source housing shutter is in the OFF position.
2. Lower the material in the vessel below the source detector line, if
4. Place the source housing shutter in the ON position and verify that the
relay switches. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the switch to sense
the change in radiation level. This time will vary depending on the
wiring of the instrument for the particular application and when the
radiation change occurred during the measurement cycle. Under some
conditions, the response can take as long as two clock periods. (The
clock period should be indicated inside the housing cover if other than
5. Placing the source housing shutter in the OFF position should again
change the status of the control relay. If the relay does not switch,
check for material build-up on the vessel walls or some other
obstruction of the radiation beam. If no abnormalities are found,
consult the factory.
6. With the source housing shutter in the ON position, vary the material
in the vessel above and below the source-detector line. The control
relay status should change as the material level goes above and below
the source-detector line.
If the instrument fails to function as the material level is varied and if it
operated properly when alternating the shutter between the ON and
OFF positions (from steps 4 and 5), the radiation level at the detector is
too high and cannot be sufficiently attenuated by process material. This
is not uncommon on relatively small pipes or vessels and/or light
process material, and in such cases, it is necessary to reduce the
radiation level at the detector by placing the metal shims in front of the
source housing beam port. The shimming procedure for Models 5192,
5193, and 5200 through 5025 source housings is described in the
following section. Contact the factory for problems with other model
source housings.
Shimming the Shimming, or placing radiation absorbing material between the source
Source Housing housing and the vessel, reduces the radiation intensity at the detector. As
previously mentioned, this procedure may be necessary for proper gauge
operation in the case of small pipes or vessels and low density process
materials, or it may be simply desirable from the point of view of
minimizing radiation levels to reduce personnel exposure and to prolong
detector life. Specific thicknesses of lead or steel plates can be related to
varying percentages of radiation absorption (or transmission) as shown in
Table 2–6. By using varying thicknesses of these materials in combination,
very fine control of the radiation level can be obtained. To shim the source
housing, follow these steps.
1. For Models 5200 through 5204, place shutter in the OFF position, and
remove all the shim plates from the shutter. Note that this requires
removing the shutter on Models 5192 and 5193. Lower the material in
the vessel until it no longer interferes with the radiation beam. Place the
shutter in the ON position and ensure that the instrument indicates a
low material level.
2. Insert shim plates until the source housing, when ON, no longer
produces a lower material level signal or until the operation is erratic,
e.g., it requires several clock periods to produce a low material level
Note Be sure to place the source housing shutter in the OFF position each
time you add shim material. Place the shutter in the ON position to check
the level signal. This procedure ensures that the instrument’s built-in
hysteresis does not affect the shimming process. ▲
heory of Operation The switching action of the gauge depends on two factors: time and change
in radiation level. These factors are interactive and must be considered
together for proper operation. Hi and lo alarm points, fail safe action, and
time are set with jumpers.
Note It is important to remember that material level and radiation level are
inversely related: a high material level causes a low radiation level, and a
low material level causes a high radiation level. ▲
The gauge’s switching action is controlled by a relay. When set for fail safe
hi, this relay de-energizes (alarms) when the vessel material reaches the high
material level or when power is lost. The relay stays in this state until the
level falls below the low material level for the specified time. In terms of
radiation, the unit alarms when the level reaches the low radiation trip
point and stays in that state until the level reaches the high radiation trip
point. See Figure 3–1.
The Geiger Mueller The Geiger-Mueller (GM) tube detects radiation from the source. Each
Tube gamma ray that reaches the tube produces a count. The GM tube produces
approximately 100 counts per mR/hr of radiation.
The life of the GM tube depends on the voltage on the tube (which is
fixed) and the amount of radiation reaching the tube (which is variable). If
you set up your gauge to read high radiation levels, the life of your GM
tube will be diminished. A GM tube which has failed will often exhibit
extremely high counts in a low radiation field or no counts at all in a high
radiation field.
Setup Methods
ing Physical Data & A survey meter is required for this procedure to determine high radiation
a Survey Meter
Definition of Variables
L = radiation path length in inches
RE = radiation in empty vessel (highest radiation level)
RH = radiation with low material level (high radiation level)
in = bulk density in inches
TN = nominal time (count time * 1.5)
TC = count time (TC < TN)
H = Hysteresis (dead band)
= Sigma or accuracy. Equal to Craw where C = counts
1. Calculate SGU-inches:
a. Determine L, the radiation path length in inches.
2. Measure Rbg, the background radiation (every set up has some amount):
a. Close the source.
b. Open any other nuclear sources that are in the area.
c. Use a survey meter to measure the Rbg at the detector. This will
generally be between .01 and .02 mR/hr.
d. If you do not have a survey meter, refer to “Using the Gauge as a
Counter” later in this chapter.
3. Measure RE, the empty vessel radiation. This is the highest radiation
level possible. If you cannot empty the vessel, skip this step and go to
step 4.
a. With the vessel empty and the source open, measure the radiation
present at the detector. Record this measurement as RE.
b. If your source housing has a slide shutter:
i. Remove the shutter from the source housing.
ii. Refer to Figure 3–4 and remove the removable plates from the
side of the shutter. Do not remove the permanent plates.
iii. Measure radiation present at the detector. Record this
measurement as RE.
iv. Install the plates removed in step ii.
a. Refer to Tables 3–5a and 3–5b. Locate RL for your TN and in.
b. If your application has a falling curtain of material and the material
is not present at this time, multiply RL by 1.5 to compensate. This
is an approximation: the distance the material falls, its density, and
how much of the material falls through the beam path (among
other factors) will affect the accuracy of this compensation.
Greater accuracy can be obtained by checking radiation levels with
the curtain present.
c. If RL RE, your set up is good. RE should be slightly higher than
RL, within the range defined by this equation:
Equation 1 RL RE 1 / 6 in RL
d. If RE > 1/6 in RL, add shims between the source and the vessel wall
until Equation 2 is satisfied. See Table 3–1.
Lead or steel can be used for shimming between the source and the
vessel wall. Use the following table to find Ns (number of half values of
shim material) such that RE / 2Ns satisfies Equation 2. Note that 4 SGU
inches equal one half-value. Measure RE again after shimming to verify
that the new RE satisfies Equation 2.
Table 3–1.
RE / 2Ns Ns Lead Steel
RE / 2 1 1/4 in. 1/2 in.
RE / 4 2 1/2 in. 1 in.
RE / 8 3 3/4 in. 1-1/2 in.
RE / 16 4 1 in. 2 in.
RE / 32 5 1-1/4 in. 2-1/2 in.
Caution Turn the power OFF before changing any jumper settings. ▲
FED equals 448 counts, which is as close as possible to the actual value
of 480.
Note Hi and Lo jumpers cannot be set the same (this would not provide
for hysteresis). To increase hysteresis while optimizing the number of
sigmas, increase the count time (TN). ▲
ing the Gauge as If a survey meter is not available, the gauge can be used to measure received
a Counter radiation in mR/hr equivalents. We recommend that you determine the
count rate, convert this to mR/hr using Equations 3 and 4, and then use
Tables 3–5a and 3–5b to find your jumper settings. If the change in
radiation between Hi and Lo material level is small, you may need to follow
the procedure outlined in “Determining Jumper Settings” to achieve
desired accuracy.
Definition of Variables
RL = radiation with a low material level (high radiation level)
RH = radiation with a high material level (low radiation level)
TN = nominal time (count time * 1.5)
TC = count time (TC < TN)
LOR = raw low count value
LOc = low count setting for jumpers A and B
HIR = raw high count value
HIc = high count setting for jumpers C, D, and E
H= hysteresis (dead band)
= Sigma or accuracy. Equal to Craw where C = counts
3. Remove the Fail Hi or Fail Lo jumper and place it on the SPI contacts.
4. The relay will pulse (open or close) every time the unit senses the
number of counts selected by jumper A. For example, if jumper A is set
to 128, the relay will pulse when the detector has sensed 128 counts.
These pulses can be converted to radiation field strength using one of
these formulas:
Equation 3 1 mR / hr 100 GM tube pulses / s
Equation 4
((jumper A setting # relay changes ) / time period ) / 100
Radiation in mR / hr
Example: What is the radiation field if the relay pulses 24 times in a 30-
second time period when jumper A is set to “D” (64)?
((64 * 24) / 30) / 100 = .519 mR/hr
Note The column A jumper should be set to produce about one relay pulse
per second. Up the setting of jumper A if the relay is pulsing too fast. ▲
Determine the radiation level at the highest and lowest material levels using
this method. Then use Tables 3–5a and 3–5b to locate your jumper
settings, or use the method discussed in the following section.
Equation 6 LO R 5 LO R LO c
Note Hi and lo jumpers cannot be set the same (this would not provide for
hysteresis). To increase hysteresis while optimizing accuracy, increase the
response time (TN). ▲
Note Hi and lo jumpers cannot be set the same (this would not provide for
hysteresis). To increase hysteresis while optimizing accuracy, increase the
response time (TN). ▲
Hysteresis Hysteresis (sometimes called dead band) must exist between the high and
low count settings. Hysteresis (H) must be equal to at least 5 times the
square root of the high count.
Equation 9 H5 HIc
Accuracy & Sigma () is equal to the square root of the (raw) counts. The greater the
number of sigmas, the greater the accuracy.
Record your jumper settings
Note Drawings in this manual are included for reference only and may not
be the current version. Contact the factory if you need a copy of the latest
revision. ▲
Table B–1.
Drawing # Rev. Description Page
C85728M F Source head, point level. 5-inch lead, 200 mCi maximum, B–2
Cs-137 (1 sheet)
C85729M Source head, point level. 6-inch lead, 2000 mCi maximum, B–3
Cs-137 (1 sheet)
D866891 -- Mounting dimensions: Source head Model 5210 (2 sheets) B–4
867136 A Mounting dimensions: Explosion proof PNF detector B–6
housing (2 sheets)
D860764 B Mounting dimensions: Aluminum detector housing (3 B–8
D867138 -- Mounting dimensions: Explosion proof shock mount PNF B–11
detector housing (2 sheets)
C867137 -- Mounting dimensions: Water cooled, explosion proof PNF B–13
detector housing (2 sheets)
868565 E Installation wiring diagram: Level switch, digital (PNF) (1 B–15
D866144 A Mounting instructions: Remote manual actuator, Model B–16
5200 (2 sheets)
Figure B–1. Drawing C85728M: Source head, point level. 5-inch lead, 200 mCi
maximum, Cs-137 (sheet 1 of 1)
Figure B–2. Drawing C85729M: Source head, point level. 6-inch lead, 2000 mCi maximum, Cs-137 (sheet 1
of 1)
Figure B–3. Drawing D866891: Mounting dimensions – Source head Model 5210 (sheet 1
of 2)
Figure B–4. Drawing D866891: Mounting dimensions – Source head Model 5210 (sheet 2 of 2)
Figure B–5. Drawing 867136: Mounting dimensions – Explosion proof PNF detector housing (sheet 1 of
Figure B–7. Drawing D860764: Mounting dimensions – Aluminum detector housing (sheet 1 of 3)
Figure B–8. Drawing D860764: Mounting dimensions – Aluminum detector housing (sheet 2 of 3)
Figure B–10. Drawing D867138: Explosion proof shock mount PNF detector housing (sheet 1 of 2)
Figure B–11. Drawing D867138: Explosion proof shock mount PNF detector
housing (sheet 2 of 2)
Figure B–12. Drawing C867137: Water cooled, explosion proof PNF detector housing (sheet 1 of 2)
Figure B–13. Drawing C867137: Water cooled, explosion proof PNF detector housing
(sheet 2 of 2)
Figure B–14. Drawing 868565: Installation wiring diagram: Level switch, digital (PNF) (sheet 1
of 1)
Figure B–16. Drawing D866144: Mounting instructions: Remote manual actuator, Model 5200 (sheet 2 of 2)