Nationality Law (Article 15)

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Nationality Law (Article 15)

Silverio vs Republic
PFR The sex of a Filipino is determined at the time of
Article 2 birth as determined by the birth attendant by the
physical examination of the genitals.
1. The law may not provide for its effectivity
- Apply the 15-period It cannot be changed by sex reassignment surgery.
- 16th day – effectivity period of the law There is no law recognizing such.
2. The law provides Forum may refuse to apply foreign in the ff
- Subject to the requirement of instances:
publication (due process)
1. Cause injustice to a citizen
Tanada vs Tuvera 2. Contrary to well-established public policy
Congress may change the 15 day period
only. They cannot dispense publication.
*Same sex marriage between a Filipino and a
foreigner will still not be recognized here in the
3. Immediately effective upon approval Philippine because it affects a Filipino citizen
- From its complete publication (La
buglaan case)
Lex Rei Sitae (Article 16)
Properties – apply the law where it is situated
Article 3
In all matters concerning real property, it shall be
Processual Presumption governed by lex rei sitae even if the issue is only
- The foreign law must be especially the capacity of persons to acquire property.
allege and proven, otherwise, the courts LRS does not apply:
will presume that the foreign law is the
same as the internal law. 1. Order of succession
2. Amount of successional rights
Article 13 NCC vs Administrative Code 3. Intrinsic validity of the will
Article 13 4. Capacity to succeed

- A year = 365 days

Admin Code Article 17 par 1

- A year = 12 calendar months, actual Extrinsic validity of wills, contracts, and other
number of days immaterial public instruments is governed by the law where it
is executed.
CIR vs Primtown
*The NCC does not provide for the intrinsic validity
Implied repeal of the Article 13 NCC by the Admin of contracts. Look at jurisprudence
Lex contractus – proper law of the contract
1. The law agreed upon by the parties
Conflict of Law Rules
2. In the absence of agreement, the law
intended by the parties.

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