Farm Product Price Index: November 2010

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Catalogue no.


Farm Product Price

November 2010
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Statistics Canada
Agriculture Division

Farm Product Price Index

November 2010

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January 2011

Catalogue no. 21-007-X, vol. 10, no. 11

ISSN 1496-2284

Frequency: Monthly


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This publication was prepared under the direction of:

• Cindy Heffernan, Chief, Farm Income and Prices Section

• Gail-Ann Breese, Head, Farm Prices Unit

• Nickeisha Patterson, Subject Matter Officer, Farm Prices Unit

• Sarah Ferguson, Subject Matter Officer, Farm Prices Unit

• Duane Clark, Statistical Assistant, Farm Prices Unit

2 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Table of contents

Highlights 4

Analysis – November 2010 5

Related products 6

Statistical tables
1 Farm Product Price Index, by province 9
2 Index of total crop prices, by province 10
3 Index of total livestock and animal product prices, by province 11
4 Sub-indexes of crops and livestock and animal product prices, Canada 12

Data quality, concepts and methodology

Concepts, methodology and data quality 13
Concepts and variables measured 15

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 3


In November, prices farmers received for their commodities rose 4.9 % from November 2009, as both the livestock
and animal products index and the crops index increased.
Chart 1
Farm product price index (FPPI) (1997=100)

Index value









70 Total index Total crops Total livestock


1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

4 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Analysis – November 2010

In November, prices farmers received for their commodities rose 4.9 % from November 2009, as both the livestock
and animal products index and the crops index increased.

The prices producers received for livestock and animal products in November rose 8.3% compared to
November 2009 as increases were recorded in all livestock commodities except poultry. Cattle and calves and
hogs, the two largest contributors to the livestock index, have posted year-over-year increases in the last eight
and seven months respectively.

Poultry prices have posted year-over-year declines in the last nine months. During this period feed costs, one of the
factors used in establishing producer prices for this supply-managed commodity, also declined.

The prices producers received for crops in November were 1.0 % higher compared with the same month a year
earlier, as increases in oilseeds, fruit and vegetables offset declines in grains, potatoes and specialty crops.

In November the overall livestock and animal products index was down 4.6% from October led by decreases in hogs,
cattle and poultry. The total crops index fell 0.9% compared with the October index, as potatoes, fruit and grains

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 5

Related products

Selected publications from Statistics Canada

21-010-X Net farm income - Agriculture economic statistics

21-011-X Farm cash receipts - Agriculture economic statistics

21-012-X Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges - Agriculture economic statistics

21-013-X Value of farm capital - Agriculture economic statistics

21-014-X Farm debt outstanding - Agriculture economic statistics

21-015-X Direct payments to agriculture producers - Agriculture economic statistics

21-016-X Balance sheet of the agricultural sector - Agriculture economic statistics

21-017-X Agriculture value added account - Agriculture economic statistics

21-018-X Farm business cash flows - Agriculture economic statistics

21-207-X Statistics on income of farm families

21-208-X Statistics on revenues and expenses of farms

21-525-X Understanding measurements of farm income

Selected CANSIM tables from Statistics Canada

002-0005 Farm operating expenses and depreciation charges

002-0021 Farm product price index (FPPI)

002-0022 Farm product price index (FPPI)

002-0043 Farm product prices, crops and livestock

6 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Selected surveys from Statistics Canada

3436 Farm Product Prices Survey

5040 Farm Product Price Index

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 7

Statistical tables
Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Table 1
Farm Product Price Index, by province

Newfoundland Prince Nova New Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat- Alberta British Canada
and Edward Scotia Brunswick chewan Columbia
Labrador Island

(1997 = 100)

1998 101.1 103.2 98.8 102.3 92.3 93.0 94.3 98.4 97.0 98.0 95.5
1999 101.3 118.3 98.1 107.0 92.7 90.7 87.5 89.2 93.7 98.1 92.1
2000 99.6 112.0 101.8 108.3 99.6 95.7 87.9 87.8 96.6 101.9 95.0
2001 102.0 118.9 105.3 116.9 103.6 101.6 97.0 98.9 104.8 102.0 102.0
2002 101.6 150.5 99.1 125.0 102.3 101.9 101.6 110.5 109.0 109.9 106.1
2003 102.1 122.5 103.1 110.6 101.2 100.3 95.5 102.8 100.6 109.2 101.3
2004 105.0 108.9 111.3 110.9 105.9 101.0 94.2 94.7 95.1 107.0 99.4
2005 105.4 114.4 118.9 122.1 105.5 100.1 92.0 82.8 93.7 106.8 96.8
2006 106.2 135.5 124.3 133.5 106.7 99.5 91.8 85.2 92.8 106.4 97.4
2007 112.0 131.3 123.3 126.1 109.6 106.1 105.4 115.6 105.7 105.8 108.6
January 115.7 114.9 130.0 123.1 102.5 106.7 109.5 141.2 111.7 112.0 113.6
February 117.3 116.0 128.9 117.9 107.2 109.6 116.6 147.2 115.3 110.6 118.0
March 116.7 117.8 125.0 125.5 106.8 108.5 116.8 151.2 117.7 108.0 118.8
April 115.4 123.5 125.5 127.9 115.2 108.2 117.8 151.1 121.2 111.9 120.6
May 116.1 133.3 123.9 127.5 117.7 113.3 119.0 159.6 123.3 113.9 123.8
June 115.9 144.2 130.6 135.7 120.4 114.0 121.6 162.5 127.3 114.7 127.6
July 115.1 155.0 128.5 136.0 119.8 113.8 122.7 165.3 128.8 114.9 128.5
August 114.6 142.3 107.9 117.1 120.2 118.3 120.9 155.6 125.9 111.0 123.7
September 116.6 163.1 116.6 140.0 123.7 118.5 122.4 144.2 122.6 114.1 125.4
October 118.4 158.3 119.6 135.5 125.6 119.4 121.5 139.8 118.8 113.5 124.0
November 120.2 168.7 141.4 155.8 122.8 115.3 115.3 137.1 117.2 110.8 121.3
December 120.5 168.2 145.8 156.4 119.7 115.7 116.6 134.8 114.9 112.8 120.4
Annual 117.1 140.9 124.5 130.5 117.3 113.6 117.9 147.5 120.3 112.2 122.0
2009 1
January 118.9 168.5 106.0 144.3 118.7 114.8 117.7 132.5 113.0 109.5 118.3
February 116.1 174.8 107.4 153.9 119.2 116.3 116.6 132.3 113.9 112.7 118.9
March 118.8 175.3 129.5 151.2 120.6 116.5 116.6 133.2 118.1 117.4 120.9
April 117.0 168.4 128.7 146.2 120.3 116.2 117.2 130.4 119.2 115.5 120.9
May 120.1 168.0 123.6 147.1 120.3 118.0 117.4 132.9 115.6 113.9 121.1
June 118.6 161.2 125.9 144.9 119.4 117.2 109.3 128.3 111.1 111.0 117.1
July 118.9 158.1 125.0 141.7 118.5 115.5 110.3 125.7 111.3 102.8 115.6
August 120.1 143.8 110.0 116.1 115.2 111.7 104.5 122.7 107.9 101.9 113.2
September 116.2 168.5 116.7 133.2 113.4 111.8 97.9 104.4 101.1 114.1 106.0
October 121.9 156.7 113.4 125.3 108.7 106.6 99.2 105.7 98.6 112.0 104.6
November 122.1 152.5 118.4 139.5 108.4 107.3 99.3 106.4 96.8 109.1 104.5
December 121.8 144.0 122.1 135.7 112.4 115.1 102.0 103.4 96.1 107.5 106.1
Annual 119.0 162.0 117.3 137.3 115.8 113.6 107.9 119.9 109.0 109.6 113.5
2010 1
January 127.5 144.1 135.1 133.4 113.9 112.3 103.6 108.2 98.5 110.9 108.1
February 129.6 136.8 141.2 130.4 117.1 113.6 104.5 106.1 99.8 112.1 108.8
March 120.3 140.0 118.0 129.1 115.1 112.8 104.4 106.6 102.8 110.3 108.7
April 119.5 144.3 118.5 123.4 116.5 116.7 106.7 105.5 106.7 111.0 111.2
May 121.2 144.6 123.0 121.4 118.3 115.8 112.1 107.7 108.8 111.5 112.9
June 119.4 156.9 120.2 126.0 118.2 115.3 107.9 102.5 103.6 111.2 110.0
July 119.4 176.0 120.4 134.7 119.7 115.8 110.3 101.7 106.3 110.8 111.1
August 119.2 169.3 132.5 141.7 124.2 119.6 113.3 116.0 111.7 114.1 118.0
September 119.8 179.7 128.9 135.9 122.0 116.6 109.9 109.8 104.0 116.7 112.6
October 118.0 154.7 122.9 137.3 119.1 114.2 107.2 114.1 104.3 118.4 112.4
November 117.6 144.3 119.0 139.5 116.1 113.9 102.5 113.6 99.8 114.1 110.0

1. Since August 2008, current initial prices are used for wheat and barley in Western Canada and for wheat in Ontario.

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 9

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Table 2
Index of total crop prices, by province

Newfoundland Prince Nova New Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat- Alberta British Canada
and Edward Scotia Brunswick chewan Columbia
Labrador Island

(1997 = 100)

1998 x 112.5 104.8 110.2 97.3 91.2 98.9 98.6 97.9 95.8 96.9
1999 x 138.2 106.1 120.3 93.3 85.2 85.1 85.5 85.9 95.5 87.8
2000 x 118.9 103.5 117.5 93.7 85.8 76.4 80.4 81.6 95.1 84.3
2001 x 127.1 101.7 134.7 96.1 91.3 87.8 94.3 92.4 92.0 93.1
2002 x 188.7 96.4 158.0 107.2 99.3 105.2 113.5 112.2 114.6 109.3
2003 x 143.0 105.1 123.0 103.1 99.0 100.0 106.3 109.8 114.7 105.1
2004 x 116.0 123.8 122.3 102.8 99.2 95.1 96.3 103.5 114.2 100.6
2005 x 124.0 141.2 145.8 96.5 91.9 83.5 76.4 85.0 103.7 88.3
2006 x 163.3 156.0 174.9 109.7 92.0 88.6 80.8 88.1 104.4 92.7
2007 x 153.7 150.0 149.4 114.4 103.1 120.6 128.9 124.8 103.0 117.5

January x 130.2 151.4 143.3 119.1 115.5 148.8 175.1 161.4 118.3 143.9
February x 127.3 156.7 130.5 124.2 118.0 156.7 184.9 166.6 112.0 150.7
March x 131.6 153.7 143.7 126.1 116.5 160.2 190.7 167.3 105.8 152.0
April x 141.3 151.5 153.8 133.4 116.4 158.9 186.2 169.5 110.9 149.4
May .. 153.9 146.9 149.5 131.5 114.4 157.8 193.9 175.2 112.9 150.4
June x 173.7 150.7 163.2 140.9 115.3 161.6 193.3 180.0 114.7 155.6
July x 197.5 153.6 167.2 140.8 113.5 161.0 191.8 175.9 112.9 153.2
August x 162.9 109.3 122.5 122.4 116.0 146.9 186.6 165.6 106.3 137.3
September x 199.6 116.8 166.4 132.9 117.7 148.4 165.8 154.3 109.4 141.9
October x 192.1 127.2 157.2 142.2 120.4 146.4 166.4 148.5 110.5 141.7
November x 208.8 187.9 209.2 141.7 113.9 139.3 163.0 149.4 105.3 139.3
December x 210.4 196.1 216.5 143.8 114.2 137.4 155.9 146.4 108.4 138.2
Annual x 166.8 137.6 152.7 133.6 115.8 150.1 176.5 162.3 109.2 144.9

2009 1
January x 215.5 139.1 187.3 136.9 115.6 134.1 153.4 146.5 102.4 134.8
February x 226.0 143.4 222.8 137.8 115.4 130.1 150.3 144.8 111.6 132.9
March x 223.6 140.9 196.8 133.3 115.4 131.2 148.5 144.7 115.3 132.5
April x 213.4 141.7 187.0 135.6 117.7 131.6 143.8 140.9 112.4 133.1
May .. 213.6 140.8 195.7 139.7 119.4 135.9 148.5 138.6 109.0 135.7
June x 207.1 139.7 189.6 139.0 123.2 132.2 147.1 138.1 104.4 133.2
July x 203.9 133.5 178.2 141.0 120.4 132.5 146.8 140.7 92.1 132.3
August x 164.3 108.3 126.9 133.6 116.1 130.9 136.9 138.0 93.2 130.7
September x 219.8 118.2 155.5 130.1 115.9 118.5 118.1 127.3 111.3 118.5
October x 197.1 117.3 145.5 121.2 108.7 117.0 114.5 123.0 108.0 116.4
November x 187.5 127.9 175.6 116.6 107.2 113.3 115.0 120.8 103.9 114.0
December x 173.7 127.6 160.7 115.3 120.1 114.1 115.7 117.0 98.4 113.5
Annual x 204.9 122.8 166.7 129.5 115.9 124.8 134.5 136.3 102.9 126.3

2010 1
January x 173.1 127.6 151.6 120.3 112.5 114.4 118.9 118.7 105.1 115.2
February x 155.5 127.0 147.4 120.5 111.0 112.1 112.1 117.8 104.2 111.6
March x 165.4 132.6 140.9 120.0 108.9 110.8 110.4 114.6 103.1 110.1
April x 174.5 132.1 132.2 120.6 119.7 109.0 105.5 114.6 105.0 112.9
May .. 170.9 136.0 121.1 117.9 112.5 110.5 105.3 112.9 105.4 111.3
June x 191.4 131.4 133.4 119.4 115.6 109.3 104.8 111.0 105.1 111.1
July x 229.9 132.0 162.6 126.0 116.7 112.1 105.2 115.4 105.3 113.8
August x 213.1 156.0 175.1 142.8 122.7 120.2 114.2 127.2 109.6 127.1
September x 231.1 142.6 162.2 131.5 116.7 117.8 117.4 117.2 111.8 117.9
October x 189.7 138.0 163.4 125.3 114.2 114.4 117.6 115.6 111.0 117.1
November x 175.3 123.2 169.4 125.7 116.4 115.2 118.6 110.6 105.2 116.0

1. Since August 2008, current initial prices are used for wheat and barley in Western Canada and for wheat in Ontario.

10 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Table 3
Index of total livestock and animal product prices, by province

Newfoundland Prince Nova New Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat- Alberta British Canada
and Edward Scotia Brunswick chewan Columbia
Labrador Island

(1997 = 100)

1998 101.2 91.9 95.6 96.7 90.6 94.5 87.8 97.6 96.4 99.8 94.2
1999 100.8 93.4 94.0 97.3 92.5 95.1 90.6 102.3 99.6 100.2 96.2
2000 97.9 104.4 100.8 101.7 101.7 103.8 103.2 113.9 107.7 107.5 105.2
2001 99.6 110.5 107.0 103.8 106.3 110.0 109.5 116.3 114.2 110.3 110.5
2002 98.5 102.3 100.2 100.4 100.4 103.7 98.7 104.0 107.5 105.1 103.4
2003 99.0 96.6 101.9 101.6 100.4 101.0 91.4 94.6 95.2 103.7 98.1
2004 101.0 99.8 105.0 102.6 107.0 102.1 94.0 91.5 90.2 99.9 98.3
2005 100.2 102.2 107.9 104.7 108.8 106.9 101.5 99.0 98.2 108.9 103.9
2006 96.1 101.3 109.0 104.4 105.6 105.6 95.7 96.9 95.1 107.4 101.3
2007 99.7 103.5 110.1 108.3 107.8 108.4 91.3 90.1 95.5 107.6 101.5

January 104.9 96.6 117.0 106.9 98.0 100.6 75.9 75.9 83.6 108.6 92.1
February 105.9 102.1 115.1 104.7 102.9 105.4 81.0 81.2 86.9 110.4 96.0
March 104.4 101.1 111.4 110.1 101.7 104.4 77.4 79.3 89.6 109.4 95.4
April 103.2 101.6 112.2 108.7 106.8 102.4 81.6 87.6 95.6 112.1 98.9
May 103.4 107.6 111.1 110.2 112.6 112.5 90.0 94.7 100.0 114.1 105.5
June 104.0 109.5 118.0 115.7 114.8 112.1 87.7 92.8 100.3 114.0 105.6
July 103.9 108.8 116.3 113.4 112.1 113.2 89.6 102.0 105.1 115.4 107.6
August 104.8 114.5 127.5 121.6 120.1 119.5 97.9 102.9 106.9 116.6 112.6
September 105.4 117.6 121.5 119.8 119.7 118.0 94.2 96.9 103.2 117.8 110.3
October 105.0 114.3 122.7 119.7 117.9 115.1 96.3 89.3 101.9 115.5 107.9
November 104.0 113.3 116.7 114.5 115.1 115.9 92.2 87.3 98.4 116.0 106.1
December 104.4 112.1 122.4 117.3 111.9 116.9 96.8 89.8 97.0 115.6 106.3
Annual 104.4 108.8 116.8 113.4 111.1 110.9 87.9 89.4 97.2 114.2 103.5

January 105.6 106.8 97.1 116.3 112.0 113.2 100.4 91.1 95.2 113.7 104.6
February 102.1 110.1 99.5 115.7 112.5 115.5 102.5 94.1 97.5 113.7 106.4
March 105.6 113.1 121.8 120.4 115.2 115.9 102.4 100.6 104.9 118.7 110.5
April 104.0 111.9 120.8 117.6 114.7 114.1 102.2 100.4 107.8 117.6 110.5
May 107.1 112.0 115.5 117.3 113.0 116.1 95.6 100.7 100.7 117.6 108.0
June 106.5 109.5 118.0 117.1 112.4 111.0 86.6 95.5 96.3 116.3 104.1
July 106.5 107.5 119.8 115.0 110.1 110.2 88.3 88.6 94.8 115.9 102.6
August 107.9 114.6 117.9 110.2 107.9 106.4 79.5 88.7 90.4 115.3 99.1
September 106.6 104.0 115.7 116.0 106.9 107.1 82.0 86.6 89.6 115.9 99.0
October 107.0 102.2 113.1 110.0 104.5 104.0 85.6 88.7 87.1 115.0 97.8
November 107.4 105.1 113.5 110.5 105.7 107.2 88.4 91.0 85.6 114.1 98.9
December 107.2 106.4 118.9 116.7 110.7 110.4 93.2 86.1 86.4 113.2 101.0
Annual 105.6 108.4 112.7 115.3 110.6 111.0 92.3 93.0 94.8 115.2 103.6

January 115.4 110.4 131.4 117.7 110.6 111.3 93.1 89.5 88.8 115.9 102.6
February 117.0 115.5 137.0 115.0 114.3 113.7 96.8 94.7 91.4 118.4 105.8
March 107.3 110.3 112.2 118.5 112.1 113.7 98.2 100.0 99.0 116.3 107.1
April 106.5 107.3 112.3 115.8 116.3 113.6 103.5 104.2 104.1 116.0 110.1
May 108.0 111.7 117.3 116.0 118.6 117.3 107.5 112.8 104.3 116.5 112.7
June 106.4 111.5 114.4 115.7 116.2 114.7 103.8 106.6 100.3 116.3 109.6
July 106.7 111.8 112.9 113.7 117.4 114.4 106.0 108.3 101.5 115.0 110.3
August 106.4 113.8 112.7 116.4 116.4 115.9 105.2 112.9 102.9 115.7 111.4
September 103.9 115.8 120.0 116.4 119.2 116.6 107.5 105.6 102.5 120.2 112.1
October 103.3 113.3 111.1 118.3 118.1 115.2 103.5 110.4 102.4 124.7 112.3
November 104.9 109.8 115.4 117.0 112.8 111.1 91.5 107.7 98.0 122.5 107.1

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 11

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Table 4
Sub-indexes of crops and livestock and animal product prices, Canada

Grains Oilseeds Specialty Fruit Vege- Potatoes Total Cattle Hogs Poultry Eggs Dairy Total Total
crops tables crops and livestock index

(1997 = 100)

1998 94.0 96.7 95.3 99.7 102.7 111.0 96.9 103.6 64.9 97.9 96.7 102.3 94.2 95.5
1999 85.2 75.0 90.2 97.4 102.6 123.5 87.8 110.0 66.1 91.6 94.5 103.4 96.2 92.1
2000 83.1 65.0 82.5 97.6 105.0 119.6 84.3 118.8 87.7 91.2 95.4 107.5 105.2 95.0
2001 95.1 74.5 101.9 96.6 106.1 124.8 93.1 125.8 94.8 95.6 98.9 109.6 110.5 102.0
2002 111.0 94.1 124.5 103.4 115.5 166.8 109.3 117.5 76.0 91.9 100.6 112.2 103.4 106.1
2003 105.9 92.7 113.4 103.7 116.0 135.4 105.1 98.3 74.3 95.7 102.0 119.1 98.1 101.3
2004 94.1 95.2 102.5 108.7 116.8 119.4 100.6 87.6 89.7 97.9 105.6 119.9 98.3 99.4
2005 76.5 74.5 85.2 117.4 113.1 125.9 88.3 103.2 83.0 96.4 97.3 128.0 103.9 96.8
2006 84.3 72.2 80.2 124.6 118.2 148.6 92.7 102.7 72.3 93.2 98.7 130.3 101.3 97.4
2007 133.3 97.5 120.6 124.4 114.3 135.0 117.5 99.4 68.3 102.2 100.8 137.2 101.5 108.6

January 177.2 119.7 157.5 139.3 116.7 124.5 143.9 85.9 48.5 105.7 103.4 135.6 92.1 113.6
February 182.6 133.0 176.1 133.5 116.9 125.9 150.7 89.5 55.7 106.3 104.1 139.1 96.0 118.0
March 183.7 139.7 186.0 123.5 117.0 131.1 152.0 91.9 53.9 106.5 104.3 137.6 95.4 118.8
April 181.6 142.9 191.7 138.2 116.3 136.1 149.4 96.9 58.7 111.8 106.0 135.4 98.9 120.6
May 187.2 148.0 198.5 144.5 116.5 133.2 150.4 100.0 75.5 112.8 107.0 138.5 105.5 123.8
June 190.3 156.0 195.5 143.0 116.8 146.5 155.6 101.7 73.3 115.0 107.1 138.2 105.6 127.6
July 184.4 156.9 188.1 138.6 119.8 170.5 153.2 108.1 73.3 116.2 109.2 136.1 107.6 128.5
August 162.6 142.1 200.8 109.0 123.1 192.7 137.3 108.9 85.3 118.4 111.5 141.3 112.6 123.7
September 153.5 128.5 179.2 117.7 122.0 185.2 141.9 105.4 77.2 120.6 111.4 144.4 110.3 125.4
October 152.8 125.4 182.2 130.8 120.1 163.5 141.7 101.3 76.5 122.2 111.5 142.5 107.9 124.0
November 151.4 124.2 185.1 137.6 120.7 168.3 139.3 100.1 68.9 121.4 109.4 145.4 106.1 121.3
December 150.0 118.5 172.6 148.8 120.2 180.3 138.2 98.6 70.2 121.5 109.4 145.3 106.3 120.4
Annual 168.3 133.5 185.9 126.3 119.3 150.7 144.9 99.0 67.3 115.0 107.9 139.9 103.5 122.0

2009 1
January 149.2 121.1 171.6 122.4 124.8 178.4 134.8 98.1 73.9 114.2 105.9 142.4 104.6 118.3
February 144.1 119.8 166.6 134.1 124.7 188.6 132.9 100.5 76.9 113.8 103.6 144.1 106.4 118.9
March 142.9 117.6 168.0 138.8 125.4 184.5 132.5 108.0 78.1 116.1 103.1 142.3 110.5 120.9
April 141.9 120.2 168.2 129.5 123.5 180.4 133.1 110.9 76.6 116.1 103.1 140.2 110.5 120.9
May 141.5 123.6 168.4 122.0 122.5 188.3 135.7 105.8 72.1 116.4 102.0 144.0 108.0 121.1
June 141.0 125.2 165.8 131.7 124.7 182.9 133.2 100.4 65.1 116.5 102.2 142.9 104.1 117.1
July 141.0 122.9 172.4 120.9 128.0 196.4 132.3 97.1 66.1 117.4 102.5 139.3 102.6 115.6
August 127.2 124.1 154.6 98.0 130.5 214.5 130.7 94.6 55.1 119.0 103.5 139.9 99.1 113.2
September 101.6 112.2 147.2 113.2 127.9 190.9 118.5 94.2 55.8 120.0 103.5 141.1 99.0 106.0
October 103.7 112.3 151.9 112.3 121.9 167.7 116.4 91.2 57.3 116.9 103.5 140.4 97.8 104.6
November 106.9 108.0 147.3 109.5 120.9 179.9 114.0 88.7 61.8 116.2 103.5 144.1 98.9 104.5
December 101.5 107.0 155.2 96.3 124.0 176.3 113.5 85.6 66.8 115.8 103.5 148.1 101.0 106.1
Annual 128.5 116.5 158.6 112.5 125.3 183.2 126.3 97.7 67.5 116.6 103.4 142.4 103.6 113.5

2010 1
January 106.4 108.2 161.5 113.1 127.2 169.8 115.2 88.1 72.2 114.5 102.7 143.1 102.6 108.1
February 104.4 104.6 152.9 113.1 127.2 164.1 111.6 92.4 76.1 114.6 109.0 145.6 105.8 108.8
March 102.7 102.8 144.8 110.4 127.2 169.3 110.1 99.0 77.2 113.6 109.0 142.9 107.1 108.7
April 100.1 110.0 138.3 113.6 127.5 171.8 112.9 104.6 82.6 111.9 108.9 143.3 110.1 111.2
May 98.5 104.2 132.8 115.0 127.5 165.3 111.3 106.1 92.5 111.4 108.7 143.1 112.7 112.9
June 99.5 108.9 126.9 114.7 127.5 172.9 111.1 103.1 85.3 109.8 109.1 141.0 109.6 110.0
July 102.6 112.4 134.8 116.2 127.0 199.6 113.8 105.5 86.0 110.0 108.9 141.2 110.3 111.1
August 116.4 117.6 130.4 132.0 126.3 243.6 127.1 106.3 89.3 110.0 109.3 140.8 111.4 118.0
September 96.9 117.9 133.2 127.5 125.8 195.0 117.9 106.1 87.4 110.2 109.8 142.3 112.1 112.6
October 98.2 117.9 135.3 122.0 126.9 180.5 117.1 108.8 79.7 110.3 109.8 148.1 112.3 112.4
November 97.6 121.9 142.3 112.8 127.0 171.8 116.0 105.8 64.9 109.9 109.8 149.3 107.1 110.0

Importance of
group in
current month 2
November 17.8 14.5 5.5 1.7 4.1 3.0 55.7 16.2 7.4 5.6 1.4 12.0 44.3 100.0

1. Since August 2008, current initial prices are used for wheat and barley in Western Canada and for wheat in Ontario.
2. Weights for sub-indexes do not add up to total index due to other crops and other livestock not shown in this table.

12 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Concepts, methodology and data quality

The following information should be used to ensure a clear understanding of the basic concepts that define the data
provided in this product, of the underlying methodology of the index, and of key aspects of the data quality. This
information will provide you with a better understanding of the strengths and limitations of the data, and of how
they can be effectively used and analyzed. The information may be of particular importance to you when making
comparisons with data from other sources of information, and in drawing conclusions regarding the significance of
changes between different years, or of the differences in index movements between different regions.

Data sources and methodology

The Farm Product Price Index (FPPI) measures the change through time in prices received for agricultural
commodities at the first transaction point.

General methodology
The FPPI is an annually linked chain index with different index baskets for each calendar month of the year. The
index expresses current farm prices as a percentage of prices prevailing in the base period.

Reference period
The FPPI compares, in percentage terms, prices producers received in any given time period to prices in the official
base year, which is 1997=100. The reference period for the data collection and compilation is the calendar month.
The monthly index is released approximately eight weeks after the end of the reference month. The annual index,
which is a weighted average of the monthly indexes, is released with the December index.

Weights and linking

The FPPI is based on a five-year basket that is updated every year. This captures the continual shifts in agricultural
commodities produced and sold. The annual weight base is derived from the farm cash receipts series, Catalogue
no. 21-011-X. There is a two-year lag in the years used to construct the basket because of the availability of farm
cash receipts data and to reduce the number of revisions made to the index. Therefore, the years used to construct
the basket for year y are y-6 to y-2.

The seasonal weighting pattern was derived using the monthly marketings from 1994 to 1998. This weighting pattern
remains constant and will only be updated periodically, for instance during intercensal revisions or when the time
base is revised.

The annual basket is linked into the index every year at the year and not at the month of December.

The current index will be linked back to 1935.

The FPPI has undergone numerous rebasings and reweighting phases during its fifty-year history.

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 13

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Text table 1
FPPI numerous rebasings and reweighting phases during its fifty-year history

Date Basket Scope Time

of reference of base
introduction period basket

August 1946 1935-1939 1935-1956 1935-1939=100

September 1969 1960-1962 1957-1970 1961=100
August 1978 1971 1971-1980 1971=100
December 1986 1981-1984 1981-1991 1981=100
March 1990 1981-1984 1991-1996 1986=100
April 2001 Annually updated 5 year average 1992 to present 1997=100

Data are subject to revision in the event of late receipt of initial or revised data.
During the current calendar year, all months within that calendar year may be subject to revisions. Twice a year, in
May and November, revisions to previous years may be incorporated; the previous two years in May and the previous
three years in November. Every five years, the index can undergo an historical revision, based on the results of the
Census of Agriculture, which affects both prices and quantities. The monthly distribution of commodities is reviewed
during the incorporation of Census revisions.
For grains delivered to the Canadian Wheat Board or the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board, the retroactive
inclusion of adjustment, interim or final payments may cause changes to the index. In comparing current index
numbers with those prior to the final payments being accrued, the following points should be considered. Any
subsequent adjustment payments are added to the prices used and the index revised upward accordingly. An
increase of $10.00 per tonne in the price of CWB wheat or barley would result in upward revisions in the total
indexes for each of the Prairie provinces, in points, as illustrated below.
Text table 2
Upward revisions in the total indexes for Ontario and the Prairie Provinces

Grains Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Canada


Wheat 0.0 1.2 2.2 1.0 0.1 0.7

Barley .. 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.2

Seasonal adjustment
The FPPI is not adjusted for seasonality, but the seasonal basket is used since the marketing of virtually all farm
products is seasonal. The index reflects the mix of agriculture commodities sold in a given month.
The month-to-month growth rate of the total Farm Product Price Index is not a weighted average of the monthly
growth rates of its crop and livestock components. This is due to monthly basket shifts from one month to the next.
Also, the annual basket update influences the 12-month (e.g., March 2007 to March 2008) growth rates as well as
December to January comparisons. Therefore, the total index growth rate may occasionally lie outside the range of
its components, depending on the variation of the price movements, the difference between the monthly baskets, and
the correlation between price changes and basket changes. These factors may also affect the indexes themselves.
In contrast, if the Farm Product Price Index was a simple fixed-weight basket index, then period-to-period movements
in the index would measure pure price change effects only and the apparent paradox described above would not
occur. However, a fixed basket index for agriculture products has the limitation of being unrepresentative of the mix
of products actually sold by farmers, which varies considerably depending on the time of year.

14 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

Concepts and variables measured

Price coverage
The FPPI includes all farm products sold off the farm, which are estimated in the farm cash receipts series published
in Farm Cash Receipts - Agriculture Economic Statistics, catalogue no. 21-011-X.

Prices are based on either administrative data sources, or monthly surveys of agricultural producers or commodity
purchasers. Where possible, administrative data sources are used to reduce response burden. The commodity
price is collected at point of first transaction, where the fees deducted before a producer is paid are excluded (e.g.,
storage, transportation and administrative costs), but any bonuses and premiums that can be attributed to specific
commodities are included. Commodity-specific program payments are not included in the price.

Administrative price data come from a wide variety of sources. Many are collected directly from marketing
boards, for example, the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board and the Nova Scotia Grain Marketing Board;
market associations such as CANFAX. Some are collected and processed by provincial agricultural or statistical
departments. Some data are generated from the regulatory activities of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and
the Canadian Wheat Board.

Where administrative data are not available, prices are collected using the monthly Farm Product Prices Survey,
which consists of a series of surveys. There are two farm surveys: the monthly farm Potato Prices Survey and the
quarterly farm Ontario Tame Hay and Straw Prices Survey. The reference date for the farm surveys is the 15th of
each month and prices are collected by telephone during the five working days following the 15th.

There are two monthly company surveys: the Non- Board Grains and Speciality Crops Survey in the Prairies and
the Grain Survey in the Maritimes. Administrative data, the Non-Board Grains and Specialty Crops Survey and the
Maritime Grain Survey cover activity for the whole reference month, producing average weighted prices that reflect
grades marketed.

There are some commodities within the farm cash receipts series that do not have prices; there are only values.
These are generally smaller commodities such as maple, forest, floriculture and nursery products, and the other fruit
and vegetable categories. The farm cash receipts for these unpriced items are used to establish the basket shares
of these items, while their price movement comes from the aggregate index under which the item falls. For instance,
the total vegetable index would be used to proxy the “other vegetable” category.

Data accuracy
The methodology of the index and the price series which construct the index have been designed to control error
and to reduce the potential effects of these. However, both administrative and survey data are subject to various
kinds of errors. Survey data are mainly subject to response and data capture errors. In reporting prices each month,
farm survey respondents are asked to report the average prices prevailing in their neighborhood, taking into account
the various grades of each commodity marketed. Thus, average prices reported by these respondents may differ
from month to month due to changes in price, quality or both.

Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X 15

Farm Product Price Index – November 2010

Every effort is made to ensure that administrative data are conceptually correct for the use to which they are put.
Users should be aware that administrative data are generally compiled for an organization’s own needs, and not
for survey purposes. Any anomalies or inconsistencies detected are verified with the source, and where necessary,
adjustments are made to reconcile data with the conceptual framework of our series. The administrative agencies
used are considered to be the best sources available, and data received from them is judged to be of very good
quality, even in those circumstances where adjustments have been made. Much price data come from the accounting
departments of various marketing agencies, and are originally used to issue cheques to producers, are audited, and
so quality is deemed to be excellent.

Comparability of data and related sources

The current methodology (a chained index with monthly baskets) was applied to the index starting with 1992; there
was no change in methodology for the indexes before 1992. Although the index levels of the 1997=100 series will
be different from those of the 1986=100 series, they will continue to show the same percent changes for the period
ending in December 1991. The index prior to 1992 was constructed as a chain fixed-basket index.

Since the index is chained annually, measures of twelve-month price change are not measures of pure price change,
as they would be in a direct seasonal basket index, but are distorted by basket shifts.

However, since we calculate unlinked indexes for year y-1 and y based on the basket for years y-6 to y-2, we use
this unlinked index to derive a measure of pure price change between any month m of year y-1 and the same month
of year y.

The current index includes all farm cash receipts in the basket, whereas the previous index, prior to 1992, had been
based upon products that account for about 95% of total farm cash receipts from farming operations. Commodities
included in the index vary by province, reflecting the regional agricultural production. For instance there are no
special crop sub-indexes in the Maritime provinces.

Other quality indicators and assessments

Statistics Canada had been using the 1980 Standard Industrial Classification system (SIC) for collecting, compiling
and disseminating economic statistics on Canada’s businesses. Beginning with the 1997 reference year, the North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was introduced. It adds hatcheries and farms with only Christmas
trees to the agricultural sector. The index base weights used for the commodities affected by NAICS were adjusted
to reflect the new classification in 1997.

16 Statistics Canada – Catalogue no. 21-007-X

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