Module Mat NB CG Obpeds
Module Mat NB CG Obpeds
Module Mat NB CG Obpeds
Abruptio placentae
Premature, partial, or complete separation of: placenta from uterus
s/s : vaginal bleeding, pain in abdomen, uterine contractions
Antepartum documentation
Health & reproductive hx
Vitals signs
Pregnancy confirmation
diagnostic testing results
Calculated/estimated due date,
Current gestational week
Height: fundal
FHR tones
Risk assessment
S/S of : pregnancy, expected physiological changes, complications, any interventions, childbirth
APGAR signs: five signs assessed:v heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability,
& color.
HR, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, color
0-3- severe distress, requires resuscitation-immediately
4-6-moderate difficulty
7-10- minimal or no difficulty
( Lower scores may warrant resuscitative interventions)
Apar HR scoring
2->100 bpm
circumcision care
-apply petroleum jelly to penis for first 24 hrs to keep diaper from adhering to circ site
-do not use soap or cleansing wipes for at least 5-6 days or until circ has healed
-apply gentle pressure from sterile gauze to control slight bleeding - if continues or if redness,
swelling, pus, odor occurs call provider
-Do not remove yellow exudate from glans after 24 hrs & up to 2-3 days it is part of the healing
-apply diaper loosely
0-pale or blue
1-pink w/ blue extremities(acrocyanosis)
expected newborn response that involves forcing her tongue outward when anything
touches/depresses the tip of her tongue (not useful for breastfeeding but makes ingesting
pureed food difficult until after reflex disappears)
false labor
irregular & subsides or stops w/ walking & comfort measures-cervix does not dilate
gestational diabetes
hyperglycemia, flushed dry skin, fruity breath, rapid breathing, increased thirst/urination
how long should it take adequately nourished newborn to return to birth weight
10-14 days
teen normal weight is same weight gain with special attention on nutritional content >2500
how to prevent mastitis, a breast infection from a fissure or crack in the nipple & progresses to
chills & fever + localized pain, swelling, & redness
position their newborn properly & make sure he grasps areola & not just the nipple. Use your
finger to release suction after feeding to help prevent injury to the nipple. expose nipple to air as
much as possible & wash h&s before touching breasts
excess amount of amniotic fluid- can be difficult to detect FHR
intrapartum care
VS, weight, allergies, childbirth preferences & support person, time & nature of last meal/fluid
intake & output, character & status of labor(stage , phase), ambulation/activity, fetal
status/monitoring/results, amniotic membrane/status/amniotomy, amniotic fluid/bloody show
parameters, uterine activity/contractions, Leopold maneuvers/results, IV catheter insertion,
infusion details, pail level & interventions for pain management, medications/anesthesia,
dilation/ effacement, catheterization, concurrent medical problems, complications, positioning,
urge to push/bearing down efforts, outcome of delivery, time of delivery, clamping /cutting of
cord, placenta delivery
moro reflex
loud/unexpected noise or stimulus demonstrated as an arm flexion & an embracing posture
newborn documentation
date & time of delivery, apgar 1 & 5 min, respiratory status, resuscitation interventions/
suctioning, stimulation, thermal interventions, eye prophylaxis, vitamin K administration, VS,
weight, length, head circumference, gestational assessment, blood glucose, other diagnostic
results, complete physical/body system assessment, feeding, passage of meconium/urine,
jaundice, umbilical cord care, circumcision assessment/care, hearing screening, PKU testing
nonstress test
screen evaluating heart rate patterns in response to fetal movement. Position pt in reclining
chair or in semi-fowler's to prevent hypotension have her tilt slightly to one side while doppler
transducer records FHR & tocodynamometer IDs uterine contractions & /or fetal movement
reactive test is expected-2 FHR accelerations in 20 min lasting for 15 seconds & showing an
increase of 15 bmp above baseline
nonreactive test-fail
nuchal cord
umbilical cord encircles newborn's neck
phototherapy can
increase GI motility & cause loose green stools
postpartum documentation
VS, fundal assessment/massage, fundal height, uterine contractions, lochia/clots,
perineum/episiotomy status & interventions, incision/dressing status, pain assessment &
interventions, medications, urinary output/status/diuresis, diaphoresis, breasts/feeding
efforts/interventions, assessment of lower extremities, maternal-newborn bonding
HA, vision changes, epigastric /abdominal pain, edema in face & h&s especially
Reflex irritability
lightly stroke foot
0- none
True labor
contractions occur regularly & get progressively stronger, more frequent, & last longer, intensify
with walking, do not respond to comfort measures, begin in the lower back w. radiation to front,
cervix dilates
Gestational Age
Determine approximate gestational age of a newborn: assess six neuromuscular, &
six physical characteristics.
Apgar scoring
A rapid assessment. Performed at 1 minute & again at 5 minutes following newborn’s delivery.
The five signs to assess are heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, & color.
For each assign a score of 0, 1, or 2. A score of 7 to 10 is within the expected reference range &
indicates that the newborn is adjusting to extrauterine life adequately. Lower scores may
warrant resuscitative interventions.. If a newborn needs resuscitation immediately at delivery,
initiate it before 1-minute Apgar scoring