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Autonomous Air, Sea, Undersea, and Land Vehicles

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Volume: 01 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.researchparks.org p-ISSN: 2615-7071

Autonomous air, sea, undersea, and land vehicles

Rajesh. S
Mangalore University, Karnataka, India
Abstract -An autonomous vehicle is onewhich will drive At level 1, the vehicle’s ADAS (advanced driver
itself from a start line to a predetermined destination in assistance system) has the power to support the
“autopilot” mode using various in-vehicle technologies and
sensors, including adaptive control , active steering (steer by driving force with either steering or accelerating
wire), anti-lock braking systems (brake by wire), GPS and braking.
navigation technology, lasers and radar. Self-driving
vehicles are cars or trucks during which human drivers are At level 2, the ADAS can oversee steering and
never required to require control to securely operate the
vehicle. Also referred to as autonomous or “driverless” cars, accelerating and braking in some conditions,
they combine sensors and software to regulate,navigates, although the human driver is required to
and drives the vehicle
continue paying complete attention to the
Key Words: UAVs, AUVs, USVs, UGVs, Autonomous.
driving environment throughout the journey,
1. INTRODUCTION while also performing the rest of the required
In recent years unmanned vehicles have grown
in popularity, with an ever increasing number of At level 3, the ADS (advanced driving system)
applications in industry, the military and can perform all parts of the driving task in some
research within air, ground and marine domains.
conditions, but the human driver is required to
Especially, the challenges posed by unmanned
marine vehicles so as to extend the extent of be ready to regain control when requested to try
autonomy include automatic obstacle avoidance to so by the ADS. Within the remaining
and conformance with the principles of the Road conditions, the human driver executes the
when navigating within the presence of other required tasks.
maritime traffic. An autonomous vehicle, or a
driverless vehicle, is one that's ready to operate At level 4,the vehicle’s ADS is in a position to
itself and perform necessary functions with none perform all driving tasks independently in
human intervention, through ability to sense its certain conditions during which human
surroundings. An autonomous vehicle utilizes a attention isn't required.
totally automated driving system so as to permit
the vehicle to reply to external conditions that a Finally, level 5involves full automation
person's driver would manage [1-5]. whereby the vehicle’s ADS is in a position to
perform all tasks altogether conditions, and no
What are the 6 Levels of Autonomous
driving assistance is required from the human
driver. This full automation are going to be
There are six different levels of automation and, enabled by the appliance of 5G technology,
because the levels increase, the extent of the which can allow vehicles to speak not just with
driverless car’s independence regarding each other , but also with traffic lights, signage
operation control increases. and even the roads themselves. One of the
aspects of the vehicle technology utilized in
At level 0,the car has no control over its automated vehicles is ACC, or adaptive control.
operation and therefore the human driver does This technique is in a position to regulate the
all of the driving. vehicle’s speed automatically to make sure that

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Volume: 01 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.researchparks.org p-ISSN: 2615-7071

it maintains a secure distance from the vehicles UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
ahead of it. This function relies on information
Drones are utilized in situations where manned
obtained using sensors on the vehicle and allows
flight is taken into account too risky or difficult.
the car to perform tasks like brake when it
They provide troops with a 24-hour "eye within
senses that it's approaching any vehicles ahead.
the sky", seven days every week. Each aircraft
This information is then processed and therefore
can stay aloft for up to 17 hours at a time,
the appropriate instructions are sent to
loitering over a neighborhood and sending back
actuators within the vehicle, which control the
real-time imagery of activities on the bottom.
responsive actions of the car like steering,
acceleration and braking. Highly automated There are two of the medium-sized drones
vehicles with fully automated speed control are currently in uses in Afghanistan and Pakistan are
ready to answer signals from traffic lights and the MQ-1B Predator and the MQ-9 Reaper.
other such non-vehicular activities[6-9].
These strange-looking planes carry a wealth of
What are the Advantages? sensors in their bulbous noses: color and black-
and-white TV cameras, image intensifiers, radar,
Autonomous vehicle technology could also be
infra-red imaging for low-light conditions and
ready to provide certain advantages compared
lasers for targeting. They can also be armed with
to human-driven vehicles. One such potential
laser-guided missiles.
advantage is that they might provide increased
safety on the road – vehicle crashes because Each multi-million dollar Predator or Reaper
many deaths per annum and automatic vehicles system comprises four aircraft, a communication
could potentially decrease the amount of system station and a satellite link.
casualties because the software utilized in them
is probably going to form fewer errors as Although drones are unmanned, they're not
compared to humans. A decrease within the unpiloted - trained crew at base steer the craft,
number of accidents could also reduce traffic analyze the pictures which the cameras remit
jam, which may be a further potential advantage and act on what they see.
posed by autonomous vehicles. Autonomous
AUVs(Automatic Underwater Vehicle)
driving also can achieve this by the removal of
human behaviors that cause blockages on the An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is an
road, specifically stop-and-go traffic [7-10]. unscrewed, untethered, underwater vehicle
capable of self-propulsion. Such vehicles are
Another possible advantage of automated
mobile instrumentation platforms that have
driving is that folks who aren't ready to drive –
actuators, sensors, and on-board intelligence to
thanks to factors like age and disabilities – might
successfully complete survey and sampling type
be ready to use automated cars as more
tasks with little or no human supervision. An
convenient transport systems.
outsized number of AUVs are developed, ranging
Additional advantages that accompany an in dry weights from but 50 kg to just about 9000
autonomous car are elimination of driving kg, with the bulk of vehicles at the tiny end of the
fatigue and having the ability to sleep during size .Within the last several years, acceptance of
overnight journeys. AUVs for oceanographic, commercial, and

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Volume: 01 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.researchparks.org p-ISSN: 2615-7071

military missions has risen dramatically, types of ASVs use various methods of
resulting in a pointy rise in AUV operations. propulsion, principally wave-powered or
By far the foremost common AUV configuration
is as a torpedo-like vehicle, consisting of a ASVs are generally larger than autonomous
streamlined body with propeller and control underwater vehicles (AUVs) allowing larger
surfaces at the strict .Operational speeds for payloads and greater battery capacity. By
such vehicles range from 0.5 to five m s/1 , with remaining on the surface, they will employ solar
most vehicles operating at a cruising speed of or wind generation to reinforce or completely
about 1.5 m s/1 . so as to stay controllable, provide their power needs. Wave powered
torpedo-like AUVs must move forward at some vehicles are made by hobbyists since the 1950s,
minimum speed so as to take care of Sow over but these commercial craft - used for research
control surfaces, and thus aren't capable of project - are recent developments.
station keeping. When a better degree of control
Surface vehicles pose unique challenges to the
over vehicle attitude and trajectory is required,
pilot, especially when working inshore or in
vehicles are constructed with multiple thrusters.
congested waters. However they provide a
AUVs with multiple thrusters obtain greater
spread of solutions to the issues posed. For
maneuverability, but at a price of reduced range.
trouble or when operating on the brink of
Depth ratings of most existing AUVs fall under
commercial shipping, the challenges of being
two categories: vehicles designed for depths on
seen and keeping a watch are largely met by
the order of 200 m, and vehicles designed with
Automatic Identification System. An AIS
maximum ratings of 3000}6000m. The non-
transponder continuously transmits the vessel’s
oceanographic applications for AUVs are
position and a few metadata on the vessel type,
important factors in determining depth rating.
while receiving an equivalent from any AIS-
Shallow-water mine hunting has motivated the
equipped vessel. This is often relayed to the
event of variety of vehicles within the 200m
shore and allows the pilot to require a measure
category. Deep-water applications are heavily
of avoiding action when encountering another
issuance by the emergency of a deep-survey
AIS-equipped vessel. Admiralty law requires all
requirement within the oil and gas industry,
vessels over 500 tones to hold AIS, but that's not
which have encouraged the event of 3000m
a guarantee of its use. Although many smaller
rated systems.
vessels also carry AIS, the system can't be relied
USVs (Unmanned Sea Vehicle) upon completely, especially for yachts, fishing
vessels and warships. a lively radar reflector
Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs; also referred
may be a more direct way of being seen by larger
to as unmanned surface vessels (USVs) or (in
vessels, and eventually navigation lights and
some cases) autonomous surface vehicles
day-marks should be visible to vessels of all
(ASVs)) are boats that operate the surface of the
water without a crew.
UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicle)
Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) are robotic
vehicles that operate the ocean surface An unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) may be a
recording a variety oceanographic data. Differing vehicle that operates while in touch with the

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Volume: 01 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.researchparks.org p-ISSN: 2615-7071

bottom and without an onboard human bulky, and heavy, making it difficult to hold the
presence. UGVs are often used for several controllers from place to put. An outsized
applications where it's going to be inconvenient, controller typically requires an outsized amount
dangerous, or impossible to possess a person's of power, making battery life short. Additionally,
operator present. Generally, the vehicle will have unmanned vehicle controllers are often
a group of sensors to watch the environment, expensive. Therefore, a universal unmanned
and can either autonomously make decisions vehicle controller that's light weight and cheap is
about its behavior or pass the knowledge to a desirable.
person's operator at a special location who will
control the vehicle through tele-operation.
We can conclude easily that, AV technologies can
The UGV is that the land-based counterpart to
decrease the transportation cost and increase
unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned
accessibility to low-income households and
underwater vehicles. Unmanned robotics is
persons with mobility issues. This emerging
being actively developed for both civilian and
technology also has far-reaching applications
military use to perform a spread of lifeless, dirty,
and implications beyond all current
and dangerous activities.
expectations. This paper provides a
Unmanned vehicles are employed by the comprehensive review of the relevant literature
military in air, on ground, and in water. for and explores a broad spectrum of issues from
instance , the military uses unmanned vehicles safety to machine ethics. An indispensable a part
for reconnaissance, attack missions, and as of a prospective AV development is
decoys. Unmanned vehicles are utilized in communication over cars and infrastructure
civilian applications also. Forinstance, fire- (connected vehicles). A major knowledge gap
fighting and non-military surveillance activities exists in AV technology with reference to routing
are considered civilian applications. Unmanned behaviors. Connected-vehicle technology
vehicles are often driven using controllers that provides an excellent opportunity to implement
are specific to the unmanned vehicle or an efficient and intelligent routing system. To
universal controllers. Forinstance, an SUGV® is this end, we propose a conceptual navigation
often controlled by an SUGV® controller or by model supported a fleet of AVs that are centrally
an Xbox® controller. A controller that's specific dispatched over a network seeking system
to the unmanned vehicle requires training for a optimization. This study contributes to the
user to find out the way to operate the literature on two fronts: (i) it attempts to shed
controller. For users who operate multiple sorts light on future opportunities also as possible
of unmanned vehicles (e.g., military personnel), hurdles related to AV technology; and (ii) it
learning a replacement controller for every conceptualizes a navigation model for the AV
unmanned vehicle can become time consuming which results in highly efficient traffic
and dear. Users who operate multiple unmanned circulations.
vehicles are susceptible to make controlling
errors because they're likely to confuse the
varied controllers during a high situation.
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Volume: 01 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.researchparks.org p-ISSN: 2615-7071

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