Secondary Bsi 508
Secondary Bsi 508
Secondary Bsi 508
Candida are excluded pathogens that
cannot be used to meet the NHSN UTI
definition. Therefore, a BSI with Candida
cannot be deemed secondary to a UTI.
PNEU also has excluded pathogens.
Secondary BSI Scenario 1: Example SINU
1/12/18: Patient with PMH of chronic
sinusitis admitted to Medical/Surgical unit
1/15/18: Patient sent to special
procedures for functional endoscopic
sinus evaluation. Fluid aspirated from
sinus cavity sent for culture; Results:
+ S. pneumoniae
1/19/18: Fever 102 F, blood specimen x 2
+ S. pneumoniae
Secondary BSI
Scenario 1
Important Secondary BSI Concept
A positive blood culture on admission does NOT necessarily set a BSI RIT.
– 1/12: Patient admitted with positive blood culture E. coli
– 1/22: Positive blood culture S. aureus
Refer to Ch. 4 Device-associatedBSI Module page 4-13 & 4-14 for examples
Example: POA BSI
1/12/18: 55-year-old patient
admitted with fever (102.4oF)
of unknown origin, work-up
in progress. UA, Urine for
C&S and blood cultures x 2
collected. Results:
Urine positive > 105 CFU/ml
E. coli, & 1 of 2 BCs positive
for E. coli
1/21/18: Repeat BC’s
collected positive S. aureus.
Refer to UTI in Resource Manual
Secondary Blood Stream Infections
Scenario 2
Secondary BSI Scenario 2
A. No event is identified
B. It is a primary BSI
C. Email NHSN for guidance
BREAST Example: Neither Scenario 1 nor 2 can be met…
*Refer to Ch. 4 BSI Module page 4-38 and Ch. 17 Site-Specific Definitions page 17-22
Assigning Pathogens in Secondary BSIs
Pathogen Assignment Rules
An organism may be attributed as secondary to more than 1 type of
Scenario 1: Additional organisms in the blood besides the matching
organism, are considered secondary also.
If no matching organism with the organism in the site-specific specimen
(Scenario 1) or, with the organism in the blood (Scenario 2) the BSI
cannot be considered secondary See next case
Frequently Asked Questions
Case Studies
Case Study 1
February 1: 35-year-old woman admitted with complaints of right
scapular pain and fever. Superficial laceration to back right scapula from
falling into outdoor grill 5 days earlier. Wound is scabbed over in places
but purulent drainage is noted from center. Admit for IV antibiotics.
Refer to Case Study 1, Ch. 2 page 2- for guidance on meeting more than one site-specific criterion
Case Study 1 Rationale:
Case Study 1 Rationale:
You can set the wrong DOE if the IWP that provides the earliest DOE is not used.
Refer to: Ch. 2 pages 2-5
Meeting More than One Criteria of Same
Type of Infection?
Case Study 2
January 16: 67-year-old female is admitted for abdominal hysterectomy.
Patient suffers an intraoperative stroke and is admitted to neuro ICU and
placed on a ventilator.
January 31: Patient spikes a fever to 38.1⁰C and the WBCs are elevated at
15,000 WBCs/μl. Her breath sounds are coarse throughout. Chest x-rays
show pulmonary edema, but no evidence of pneumonia. Patient grimaces
on suprapubic palpation. Vaginal exam performed and purulent drainage
noted at vaginal cuff. Vaginal cuff, blood, and UA cultures are collected.
February 2: Final results of UA cultures-negative, but blood cultures x 2
are positive for Acinetobacter baumannii, and culture of pus from vaginal
cuff is positive for Group B Streptococcus.
Which of the following is the correct attribution?
The pathogens don’t have to match, in this case, because another criteria (IAB 3b) is fully met within a new IWP
Because IAB 3b is met in the IAB RIT, it is attributed to the initial event and the organisms are added
Case Study 4
Jan 4: 45-year-old with colon cancer admitted and undergoes
colectomy. Patient’s tunneled central line for hemodialysis is
accessed today in the unit.
Jan 9: Patient has nausea, vomiting, increase in abdominal pain,
and fever of 38.3⁰C. Blood cultures are collected, and are positive
for Candida albicans.
Jan 10: Pain and fever continue. Patient has 2 episodes of
vomiting. CT scan of abdomen shows, small bowel obstruction.
Physician documents that source of positive blood cultures is the
gastrointestinal tract.
Case Study 4: Which definition should be applied
in the case?
“GIT-Gastrointestinal tract infection (esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel, and rectum)
-excluding gastroenteritis, appendicitis, and C. difficile infection
Refer to Ch. 17 NHSN Patient Safety Manual page 17-14 & 17-26
Case Study 5 –
Refer to Chapter 17
NHSN Patient Safety Manual page
VASC- Arterial or Venous Infection
Case Study 5
Case Study 6
February 1: Patient admitted to PICU 4 months status post allogeneic
stem cell transplant for acute myeloid leukemia. Port in place and was
accessed on admission. Her current weight is 25 kg.
February 8: Patient becomes disoriented and hypotensive. 2 sets of
blood culture are collected. Both are positive for Enterococcus
February 9: Patient has nausea, emesis, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
February 10: She is diagnosed with Grade III graft-versus-host disease
by endoscopy.
True or False: This BSI is secondary to GIT (gastrointestinal
infection) and therefore is not an LCBI
A. True
B. False. This is an MBI-LCBI.
Case Study 6 - Rationale
The GIT criteria reads:
– Patient has at least two of the following signs or symptoms compatible with infection of
the organ or tissue involved: fever (>38.0°C), nausea*, vomiting*, pain*or tenderness*,
odynophagia*, or dysphagia*
– And at least one of the following:
– …c. organisms identified from blood by a culture or non-culture based
microbiologic testing method which is performed for purposes of clinical diagnosis or
treatment (e.g., not Active Surveillance Culture/Testing (ASC/AST). The organism(s)
identified in the blood must contain at least one MBI organism: See Appendix A of the
BSI protocol
– imaging test evidence suggestive of gastrointestinal infection (e.g., endoscopic exam,
MRI, CT Scan), which if equivocal is supported by clinical correlation (i.e., physician
documentation of antimicrobial treatment for gastrointestinal tract infection).
Case #1
Case #1 Scenario
1/7/18: Admission. PMH S/P bradycardia, pacemaker placed 2016
2/4/18: +BC, Enterococcus faecium x 2
2/5/18: +BC, Enterococcus faecium
2/6/18: +BC, Enterococcus faecium x 2
2/7/18: +BC, Enterococcus faecium
2/12/18: PICC placed
2/16/18: +BC, S. aureus X1
2/22/18: Vegetation on Pacemaker lead sent for culture, + Candida albicans
2/25/18: +BC, Candida albicans
Case #1 Questions; based on the available information:
Question 1: Which definition should be used in this case?
There are no other elements present during an ENDO IWP set by the
2/4 BSI (1/25-2/14) to fulfill the ENDO criterion. No other type of
infection is suggested, therefore that BSI is primary.
Consider the next positive blood culture outside the BSI RIT 2/4-2/17.