TG Week 6

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Module 3

Courage in Rising above Challenges

Your Objectives
Matrix of Essentials
Allow the students to go over Individual work
This part ofLiterary
the lesson the Language/ GrammarforFocus
following objectives Enabling Tasks
provides the them to focus more on the
competencies. target concepts, language Leading to Culminating Task)
Remember that the communication and literary
The Legend of
objectives: Using Modals Appropriately
• are taken from the  evaluate the details that
Curriculum Guide support assertions in a
(CG) text
• address the enabling  distinguish facts from
knowledge and skills opinion cited
Instructional in the text
/ Learning Plan
to be developed to listened to
Phase of the Lesson  Activities/ Tasks ad
judge the relevance WIPS Provision
the content and worth of ideas presented
performance standard in the material viewed
• clarify expectations in 1. arrive at students
Your Journey Ask the
terms of what the through context clues
students should
Indonesian folktales following
 explain howquestions
the :
are stories which were  elements
What doesspecific
to a
handed downand frombe reveal about Indonesian
genre contribute to the Whole Class
able to
generations to character?
theme of a particular
generations to teach  literary selection
How Indonesian
This part of
values and localthe lesson  determine
response tokey theideas,
wisdom, maythe
informs include tone and purposes of the
challenges of modernity
learners of the enabling
culture and geography. author
activity. as reflected in their
It also refers to stories  deliver
literary apieces?
self composed
in the past that persuasive speech
characterizes the  use modals
nation. It touches on appropriately
the diversity of culture
including the cultural
and historical wealth •Remind them that the expected
of a nation. output in this lesson is to write a
In this lesson our goal story about nature.
is to take a closer look •Ask the students if they have
at some aspects of the questions and/or clarifications
culture and diversity of about the rubrics.
Indonesian and what •Ask the students if they are
makes their local ready to proceed to the next
phase of the lesson as part of
assessment as learning.
Encourage the students to work
on the prescribed activities to Individual Work
verify their background
knowledge, and to prepare them
for the development of their
skills on the target concepts.
Lead them to the following

Your Initial Tasks Task 1.AM OBLIGED?

Pedagogy: • Let your students read
In presenting this part the statements that
of the module, the indicate
teacher should be able obligation/necessity.
to: • Encourage them to
• diagnose and check the proper
activate prior column that
knowledge; corresponds
• hook and engage to their answer.
learner’s interest;
• ask questions ; Task 2 Let’s Define
encourage student 1. Introduce the lesson giving
responses as students an idea of what
guide to further assertion is.
exploration; and 2. Tell them that assertion has
clarify different types. Explain to them
•expectations and each type and provide examples
how learning for better understanding.
shall be assessed Individual Work
by presenting the Task 3 What’s the Point?!
enabling activity 1. Ask them to read the given
and the rubrics. campaign speech.
Assessment: 2. Tell them to pick out the
•All the activities assertion statements and
in this phase are identify the type of assertion
diagnostic in used by the author. Tell them to
nature. Scores write their answers in the table
must be recorded given.
to help the teacher 3. Process their understanding
plan the by answering the process
succeeding questions.
lessons and
not to grade the Task 4 My Favorite Lines
students. 1. Ask them to read the excerpt
•All answers are from Jesse Robredo’s speech.
tentative and must 2. Ask them to pick the
be written on their assertions that strike them the
notebooks for most.
reference. 3. Tell them to write them on
the scroll and explain their
reason for choosing them.

Task 5 Drills about facts and

1. Ask students to read
each sentence.
2. Let them decide
whether each example is Individual Work
a fact or opinion.
3. Tell students to read
sentences and
distinguish which of
them is a fact or
4. Instruct them to write
their answers before
each number.
Task 6 Let’s Get to Know Individual Work
Let students know the
difference between Fact and
Clarify some points by giving
them examples.
Task 7 Take A Look
Ask them to underline the
factual statements and box the
opinion statements in the given
passage below.
Task 8 List Me Down
1. Ask students to listen to
the teacher as he/she
reads a short passage.
2. Ask them to take note of
some factual and
opinion statements. Individual Work
3. Let them write their
answers on a sheet of
Tomorrow is an important day
for the Boyband PH. They will
release their third single
tomorrow. Their last two
singles have gone straight into
the charts at number 1. This
new single, however, is an
awful mix of pop and blues
music. It’s not as good as the
previous two hits. It certainly
looks to me like Boyband PH
should ask for their day jobs at Group Work
the toyshop back!

Task 9 YOU F O!
1. Instruct students to
listen to the audio clip.
2. Ask them to list down
factual and opinion
3. Tell them to use the
table below to organize
their answers.
Task 10 JUANa Know!
Have students observe the
pictures given.
Processing Question
Process this understanding by
answering the following
1. What do you see in the
2. What do the pictures all
3. Do you find it relevant
4. Does it make you Individual Work
realized something?
Task 11 I AM READY!!!
1. Let students watch the
infomercial about
disaster management.
2. From the infomercial
that you have watched,
ask students to write the
things that they have to
do in preparing
themselvesfor a Natural
3. Explain to them the
importance of those

Task 12 Let’s Define

1. Introduce the lesson by
asking students to read the
meaning of context.
2. Show them the different
types of contet clues.
3. Let them focus on how the
words are defined using the
clues found in the context.
4. Have them follow the format.

Task 13 Find the Clues

1. Lead students in the activity
that they need to accomplish.
2. Tell them to work on the
given activity.
3. Tell them to give the
meaning of the unfamiliar
words in bold using context
4. Have them write the word,
clue and word meaning on the
blanks provided.

Your Text Task 14 The Fragrant Water

In this part of the Have students read the story of
module, the teachers “The Legend of Banyuwangi”
must be able to help the silently and let them find out
students: the adventure of the main
• make sense of characters and how the famous
information, river in Indonesia Banyuwangi
develop, reflect, got its name.
rethink, validate, • Start the lesson by
and revise giving short definition
understandings of of legend and its
the lesson; characteristics.
• check for •Tell them to copy the
understanding; input in their
provide feedback; notebooks for easy
check against reference.
content standard( •After reading the
content to content); selection, have them
Assessment: answer process questions
•All the activities in nos. 1 to 9
this phase are Process the learners’ answers.
formative in nature.
Scores must be Task 15 What Must We Do
recorded for
instructional decision At this point of the lesson,
not to grade the facilitate the activity by
students. instructing the students to
•Refer the students answer the multiple choice
back to the tentative questions nos.1-5.
answers they have •Let them know that this
written on their activity is in response to what
notebooks to validate they had learned about the
whether their selection.
tentative answers are
correct or not. Task 16 My Theme mates
•Have students identify the
This process is theme of the selection by
important in validating, forming (4) groups.
rethinking and revising •And let them perform the
their understanding. assigned task based on their
teacher’s instruction.
Group 1. A vlog to indicate
Surati’s love to Raden
Group 2. A travelogue while
you are cleaning the river
Group 3. Composing a song to
express your love to nature
Group 4. A telephone
conversation of Raden and
Surati wherein Raden is asking

•Let them be guided by the

rubric for scoring while doing
their tasks.

Task 17 Think of My Purpose

•Have students read the table
that contains the purpose of the
writer in writing the story.
•Opposite each number let
them check the heart emoji if
they agree with the writer, a
smiling emoji if they slightly
agree and a sad emoji if they are
not satisfied.

Your Discovery Tasks Task 18 Let’s Get to Know

Pedagogy: 1. Have students be
familiar with persuasive
Remember that your speech.
Discovery Tasks allow 2. Teach them how to
the students to enrich write a persuasive
learning by speech.
contextualizing , 3. Tell them that they will
localizing,and present the script and
differentiating they will be graded
instruction. Your main using the rubric.
target in this phase is to Task 19 Convince Me
provide them the 1. Have students group
understanding of themselves into three.
content as applied to a 2. Ask them to collaborate
variety of context. and write a self-
composed persuasive
Here is where the speech using the given
teacher associates the topic.
theme to the personal 3. Give a short explanation
experience of the about the given topic.
learner and should 4. Tell them to choose one
therefore provide them representative to present
the opportunity to the speech in front of the
answer the essential class.
questions established at
the beginning of the Task 20 The Will of the River
1. Have students look at
Assessment: the pictures and
All the activities in this describe it carefully.
phase areformative in 2. Let them answer the
nature. following questions:
Scores must berecorded a. What changes do
for instructional you see today in this
decision not to river?
grade the students. b. Give suggestions on
how we can continue
Refer the students back to protect the river.
to the tentative answers 3. Let them use modals
they have written on must and should to
their notebooks to answer the questions.
validate whether their 4. Let them do it orally.
tentative answers are But be sure that they
correct or not. This will answer the
process is important in process questions no.1
validating, rethinking and 2 to know the
and revising their importance of the
understanding. river.

Task 21 That’s Good to Know

This time introduce the lesson
about modals. Have students
listen and participate to
teacher’s discussion of modals.
Let them copy in their notebook
some important points to
remember about modals.
Process their learning about the
correct usage of modals by
leading them to task 3.

Task 22 That’s My Modal

1. Have students do the exercise
by choosing in the box the
appropriate modal for each

Task 23 Let’s Put into

1. Ask them to fill in the
column with some things that
they can do, people might do
and the government may do to
save our environment.
2. Elicit answers from the
3. Check students’ responses.

Task 24 What’s on Your

1. Present some environmental
problems to students.
2. Ask them to use modals may,
might or can in answering the
given questions.
Task 25 Group Work
1. Group students into four.
2. Have them work on the task
assigned to them.
3. Let other group assess the
performance/output of the
group presenter.
4. Let the teacher comment
using this/her self -crafted

Your Final Tasks YOUR FINAL TASK

Pedagogy: Task 26 Inform us Through
Final Task is the part of Writing
the module that • Tell students that suppose that
addresses the they were a writer and they
performance standard. would write a story about their
But since this is the time travel and adventure to the
Final Task of Lesson 6, future. In their story they are
the task is referred to going to narrate the importance
as” Enabling Activity.” of river, its benefit, causes of
destruction and its effect in the
This enabling activity future. In developing their
forms a scaffold to the story, they are also going to
succeeding activities to write suggestions/
equip the learners with recommendations on how to
skills in performing the protect our nature by not doing
culminating activity or mess on it. Their characters of
the performance the story is their family and
standard of the fourth neighborhood. Ask them: How
quarter. will you develop your story,
what will be your theme and
purpose in writing this story?

This part of the lesson Have students sum up their
sums up all the significant learnings by
essential completing the statements
understandings one given.
must draw out of this
lesson. It is important
that answers are
authentic inasmuch as
the word “MY” implies
that this part of the
lesson is where the
students develop a
sense of ownership.

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