TG Week 6
TG Week 6
TG Week 6
Courage in Rising above Challenges
Your Objectives
Matrix of Essentials
Allow the students to go over Individual work
This part ofLiterary
the lesson the Language/ GrammarforFocus
following objectives Enabling Tasks
provides the them to focus more on the
competencies. target concepts, language Leading to Culminating Task)
Remember that the communication and literary
The Legend of
objectives: Using Modals Appropriately
• are taken from the evaluate the details that
Curriculum Guide support assertions in a
(CG) text
• address the enabling distinguish facts from
knowledge and skills opinion cited
Instructional in the text
/ Learning Plan
to be developed to listened to
Phase of the Lesson Activities/ Tasks ad
judge the relevance WIPS Provision
the content and worth of ideas presented
performance standard in the material viewed
• clarify expectations in 1. arrive at students
Your Journey Ask the
terms of what the through context clues
students should
Indonesian folktales following
explain howquestions
the :
are stories which were elements
What doesspecific
to a
handed downand frombe reveal about Indonesian
genre contribute to the Whole Class
able to
generations to character?
theme of a particular
generations to teach literary selection
How Indonesian
This part of
values and localthe lesson determine
response tokey theideas,
wisdom, maythe
informs include tone and purposes of the
challenges of modernity
learners of the enabling
culture and geography. author
activity. as reflected in their
It also refers to stories deliver
literary apieces?
self composed
in the past that persuasive speech
characterizes the use modals
nation. It touches on appropriately
the diversity of culture
including the cultural
and historical wealth •Remind them that the expected
of a nation. output in this lesson is to write a
In this lesson our goal story about nature.
is to take a closer look •Ask the students if they have
at some aspects of the questions and/or clarifications
culture and diversity of about the rubrics.
Indonesian and what •Ask the students if they are
makes their local ready to proceed to the next
phase of the lesson as part of
assessment as learning.
Encourage the students to work
on the prescribed activities to Individual Work
verify their background
knowledge, and to prepare them
for the development of their
skills on the target concepts.
Lead them to the following
Task 9 YOU F O!
1. Instruct students to
listen to the audio clip.
2. Ask them to list down
factual and opinion
3. Tell them to use the
table below to organize
their answers.
Task 10 JUANa Know!
Have students observe the
pictures given.
Processing Question
Process this understanding by
answering the following
1. What do you see in the
2. What do the pictures all
3. Do you find it relevant
4. Does it make you Individual Work
realized something?
Task 11 I AM READY!!!
1. Let students watch the
infomercial about
disaster management.
2. From the infomercial
that you have watched,
ask students to write the
things that they have to
do in preparing
themselvesfor a Natural
3. Explain to them the
importance of those
This part of the lesson Have students sum up their
sums up all the significant learnings by
essential completing the statements
understandings one given.
must draw out of this
lesson. It is important
that answers are
authentic inasmuch as
the word “MY” implies
that this part of the
lesson is where the
students develop a
sense of ownership.