Teeth Health File

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WildChild Magazine - Organic Living Magazine

Heal your teeth naturally


By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.

Dr. Virginia V. Vetrano writes, "Under ideal conditions...(teeth) can be healed. Caries (cavities) can probably be filled
physiologically; we just never give them a chance. As soon as a cary (cavity) is discovered, it is filled with gold, silver or
porcelain. Nature certainly can't fight against that, although she tries to at times and casts our fillings. I have seen one
case where the enamel was badly eroded off all the front teeth. that was apparently replaced while fasting."

Many people write to me, "I have long wondered about the teeth and why so

many people have so many problems with them."

The teeth, gums and mouth, are the beginning of the digestive tract. If there is too much toxic stress any where in the
digestive tract, the God within

forces one to physiologically rest all of the digestive tract. One is

therefore painfully unable to use the beginning of the digestive tract, the

teeth gums and mouth. To heal one's teeth, one should close one's eyes and

meditate proprioceptively (feel) on the pain and discomfort in the teeth.

The God within reacts to the stress in one's teeth and creates inflammation

in one's dysfunctional teeth, to heal the teeth. As part of the inflammatory reaction of the inherent healing intelligence in
the stressful teeth, the God within instinctively brings its healing resources to the effected part, to heal it.

The God within and its inherent healing intelligence. causes one pain in the

teeth to force one to physiologically rest the teeth and keep the teeth immobile. In every inflammation of the teeth, the
healing intelligence of the God within, causes pain in the teeth, to prevent one foolishly, from trying to move or use the
teeth. The inherent healing intelligence is trying to physiologically rest that part.

Dr. Virginia V. Vetrano writes, "Under ideal conditions...(teeth) can be

healed. Caries (cavities) can probably be filled physiologically; we just

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WildChild Magazine - Organic Living Magazine

never give them a chance. As soon as a cary (cavity) is discovered, it is

filled with gold, silver or porcelain. Nature certainly can't fight against

that, although she tries to at times and casts our fillings. I have seen one

case where the enamel was badly eroded off all the front teeth. that was

apparently replaced while fasting."

In "Nature the Healer", John H. Richter wrote on page 385, "In my practice, I

have noted some splendid instances of broken teeth growing back to their full length without other aid than natural

food. However, I find that this is not generally believed. It may be necessary for grownups to live for many years in
Nature's way, before they will be able to accomplish this feat. Their bloodstream must be made vital.

On the other hand, I know of men as old as seventy-five years who have grown

another set of teeth."

In 1923, Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote, that he saw a man in his 60's grow three

new teeth without a change in the man's mode of life. Dr. Herbert Shelton further wrote, "In total inanition (starvation), the
experimental animal is deprived of all food and water. It is obvious that the animal will not live as long when deprived of
water as when receiving water. But the reader will note that no changes occur in the teeth in animals that are given water
only until they starve to death." Dr. Herbert

Shelton, further wrote, "In the pyorrhea that 'four out of five' are said to

have, we see inflammation, loosening of the teeth, necrosis of the jaw, and

even falling out of the teeth. In numerous cases that we have cared for, the gum inflammation has subsided, the ulcers
have healed, pus formation has

ceased and the loosened teeth have become firmly fixed in their sockets, and all of this has occurred while the patient
was fasting."

Rene Beresford writes, "The teeth are bones. Bones do heal and regenerate

under favorable conditions. Even the enamel of the teeth, it seems is able to

repair itself, as I have been able to demonstrate on a broken tooth of my

own. Self-restoration of teeth with cavities in them have been reported by

dentists within the last few years."

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Dr. Virginia V. Vetrano further writes, "Disease of the gums and periodontal

tissues heal, while fasting, and teeth become firmer in their sockets...Abscesses will often

absorb while fasting, but it

will usual take a lengthy fast."

Dr. Robert O. Nara, D.D.S. writes, "Teeth can heal themselves...Early caries(cavities) can be medically reversed; the
body's natural self-regenerating ability can restore degraded enamel to perfect health!"

Dr. Sogannes, D.D.S. writes, "There is nothing sacred about the original

enamel surface...within certain limits, the enamel is capable of fairly rapid

organic recoating and remineralization, when favorably exposed to salivary



I have helped heal themselves, thousands of people and animals, world-wide,

of all kinds of "hopeless" health problems, physical, mental and spiritual, completely and permanently, via the Internet.
Contact me NOW and I will help you heal yourself, your loved ones and your animals, via the Internet.

Note: Dr. Bernarr can be reached at:

Dr. Bernarr, D.C. D.D.

God Healing, Inc. Natural Hygiene Society, Inc.

P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica CA 90406 USA

Telephone: (310) 396-2914; (310) 352-0458

Web Site: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613201515/http://www.healself.org/

E-mail: [email protected]


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Contact me NOW and I will teach you my new way to have this oneness with the inherent intelligence, how to properly
water fast, how to eat properly, how to exercise properly, how to concentrate, feel and meditate properly on your
symptoms, how to convert one's "hopeless" chronic disease into a self-limited acute illness, how to touch yourself
properly with your hands to heal yourself, how to touch others properly with your hands and help heal them with all kinds
of problems, whether they be physical, mental and/or spiritual, how to air bathe and sun bathe properly, how to have
constructive sex activity and how to avoid destructive sex activity and how to properly do things with your lifestyle,
mentality and spirituality, so as to successfully heal yourself, immediately, completely and permanently.


I heard mentioned in an email that 2 or 3 poppy pods blended or eaten raw is effective in reducing pain. As this plant is
the source of the drugs opium, heroin, codeine, & morphine, I do not recommend it. One could develop an addictive habit
from just a few uses. However, when one is in severe pain, and budget is limited, it is sometimes preferable to "go to the
garden", especially when the doctor, pharmacy or hospital is too expensive and dangerous - they take what is natural
and convert it to a chemically refined substance.

Another Pain Formula for Toothache: Mix equal parts of: cayenne, valerian, wild lettuce.

Herbal Calcium Formula: Mix equal parts of: alfalfa, horsetail, Irish Moss, Lobelia, Oat Straw. A tea can be made or
ground herbs put in capsules.

Brushing with Black Walnut powder will help remove stains.

Grapefruit seed extract eliminates bacteria associated with infections.

White Oak Bark will help set loose teeth.

Primrose Oil or Oil of Cloves helps relieve toothache.

To strengthen teeth and gums and to help remove tartar, cut a strawberry in half and rub onto teeth and gums. Leave on
for 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Brushing with chlorophyll powder can halt tooth decay and gum infection.

Natural fluorine, from rye sprouts or flakes, increases enamel strength.


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WildChild Magazine - Organic Living Magazine

"If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for
the fishes." Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D.


Other links to data concerning this subject...

Holistic Links:

Gum Health; Natural Treatments for Receding Gums:


Foods that heal, vitamins and minerals and their natural sources:

Herbal Care of Teeth and Gums:


Care for the gums and teeth - the natural way!:


Healthy Teeth & Gums: Care for the gums and teeth - the natural way! www.karinya.com/teeth.htm

Dental Regeneration With Natural Healing Modalities:


New Solutions to Old Problems: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613201515/http://www.mizar5.com/heal.htm

Natural Dental Health: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613201515/http://rawfoodnetwork.com/dental_health.html

Healing Teeth:


Mainstream Links:

Lose a tooth? Just grow a new one! say British scientists:



or http://web.archive.org/web/20060613201515/http://www.gymuser.co.uk/news/2004/may/story-4503.htm

Nutrition Fights Gum Disease: http://www.quantumhealth.com/news/articlegums.html

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Guided Tissue Regeneration [controversial yet informative]: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613201515/http://www.dr-


Re-grow Teeth; The Life Extension Foundation Forums


Controversial gene therapy to grow back teeth: http://www.parentsplace.com/expert/dentist/qas/0,1

Call 310-403-8160

* Malibu Raw * Upcoming Menus * Heal Thyself * World Alert * King of Organics *

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Herbs that are good for your teeth!

Aloe Vera

Speeds healing of damaged gum tissus, counters infection, irritation and inflammation. Has a slight local numbing effect
and is useful after dental surgery or for mouth or gum ulcers. Apply a small amount directly to the gums.


Helps fight gum infection because of its antibiotic properties.


Firms and tones gums and helps fight infection. Use 1/2 teaspoon of the tincture in half glass of water as a mouthwash.


Provides teeth, bones and gums with silicone, which helps connective tissues and heals gum sores.


Helps freshen breath and tonify teeth and gums.

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WildChild Magazine - Organic Living Magazine


Helps fight infection of mouth and gums. Has a stimulating effect on the gums.


Helps prevent plaque. Has antimicrobial properties. In India, individual plant materials are rubbed against the teeth to
treat periodontal disease.


This is a sticky substance gathered by bees from the leaf buds of trees and plastered over hives for strength. Propolis is
an antibiotic and antiseptic that helps fight infections of the throat and mouth and speeds healing of gums. It contains
traces of minerals vital to teeth, bones and connective tissues.


Stimulates and tones gums and mucous membranes.

Tea Tree Oil

Helps kill infective microorganisms including those responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. To avoid infection
associated with receding gums, rinse mouth daily with 3 to 4 drops to 3 ounces of water, or dab the oil straight onto
problem gums with a cotton swab.

Salt Water Rinse

This is an excellent mouthwash and very inexpensive. A teaspoon mixed in a glass of warm water twice daily will help
cleanse the mouth and stimulate the gums. If you have a WaterPik or similar try this instead of those scented
mouthwashes. Does wonders!

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