Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Nursing Care Plan
Family Nursing Care Plan
Hypertension 1. Inability to General: 1. Broaden the -will develop an -discussed hypertension on
decide about After nursing knowledge of the awareness/understandin patient’s level of understanding.
taking intervention, the family on g about the health
appropriate family will take the Hypertension in the condition.
action due to necessary measures patient’s level of
failure to to prevent and understanding by
comprehend properly manage providing pamphlets
the nature, hypertension. and pictures:
magnitude a. Discuss the meaning
and scope of Specific: of hypertension and
the problem. After nursing importance of
2. Inability to Intervention, the maintaining a normal
provide family: blood pressure.
adequate a. can b. Discuss the
nursing care understand implications of the
to a member and explain signs and symptoms
suffering hypertension of hypertension.
from . c. Discuss the cause,
hypertension b. Will be able effects and
. to plan and consequences of
prepare the hypertension
appropriate d. Discuss the
meals. prevention and
c. Will be able treatment of
to do hypertension.
exercises and 2. Discuss with the
activities that family the proper
will improve food selection and
one’s health food preparation in
and prevent preventing
increase in hypertension such as
blood preventing salty, high
pressure. in fat and high in
d. Will be able cholesterol food and
to take the more of vegetables
appropriate and fruits.
medication 3. Discuss the possible -for proper food selection -discussed possible exercises
and exercises such as and healthy food and activities and recommended
treatment. walking and activities preparation that will rest period in between
like sweeping, lessen increase in blood activities.
dishwashing and pressure.
recommend rest
period in between
4. Demonstrate to the
family members the
preparation of garlic
(bawang) as a herbal -to improve the mother’s -demonstrated preparation of
medicine in the health condition and garlic as an herbal medicine in
treatment and prevention of increase in the treatment and prevention of
prevention of blood pressure. hypertension.
hypertension. -to lower cholesterol
levels in blood.