Soal Tes Masuk Sma B.ingg
Soal Tes Masuk Sma B.ingg
Soal Tes Masuk Sma B.ingg
Hitamkanlah bulatan pada huruf A, B, C atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban!
The following text is for questions l and 2. C. To invite the participation of all members of
Literature Club
D. To inform all students today
Source: The fox sat silently under the tree, wondering which
kencana-is-set-to-be trick she should use. Before she could make up her
mind, the dogs arrived. They fell upon the fox and
tore her to pieces.
18. What does the text mainly tell us about?
A. The statue of Liberty.
B. The statues of Hindu's Gods.
21 What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
C. The largest statue in the world.
.A. To entertain the reader
D. The statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana.
B. To share the information
C. To inform the story
D. To describe the fox
22. Why did the cat run to the nearest tree and Text for no 28-31
climb into its branches?
A. She heard the barking of a pack of dogs
B. The fox sat silently under the tree Once upon a time
C. The barking grew louder and louder there lived a wise
D. She escaped from reaching of any dogs man by the name of
Mamad. He never
23. What is the moral value of the text? lied. All the people
A. A single plan that works is better than a in the land, even the
hundred doubtful plans ones who lived twenty days away, knew about
B. You have to know who you are talking him.
about The king heard about Mamad and ordered his
C. Kindness must be possessed by every one subjects to bring him to the palace. He looked at
D. Put your belongings in a safe place the wise man and asked:
" Mamad, is it true, that you have never lied?"
This text is for questions no. 24 to 27. " It's true."
"And you will never lie in your life?"
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up " I'm sure in that."
an hour late because my alarm clock didn’t go off. Then, "Okay, tell the truth, but be careful! The lie is
I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was cunning and it gets on your tongue easily."
making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so
Several days passed and the king called Mamad
quickly that I forgot to wear socks.
once again. There was a big crowd: the king was
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the
about to go hunting. The king held his horse by the
9:30 bus. But of course I missed it. I wanted to take a
mane, his left foot was already on the stirrup. He
taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
ordered Mamad: "Go to my summer palace and
Finally, I walked the three miles to my school
only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have
tell the queen I will be with her for lunch. Tell her
a day as the one I had yesterday. to prepare a big feast. You will have lunch with me
Mamad bowed down and went to the queen.
24. What is the text about? Then the king laughed and said: "We won't go
A. Spending the day with fun activities hunting and now Mamad will lie to the queen.
B. An exciting experience Tomorrow we will laugh on his behalf."
C. Enjoying the day Mamad went to the palace and said: "Maybe
D. A horrible experience you should prepare a big feast for lunch tomorrow,
and maybe you shouldn't. Maybe the king will
come by noon, and maybe he won't." "Tell me,
25. Why did the writer have to be hurried to do
will he come, or won't he?" - asked the queen. "I
all activities that day? don't know weather he put his right foot on the
A. He had to catch up the bus stirrup, or he put his left foot on the ground after I
B. He woke up an hour late left."
C. He got a time to spend Everybody waited for the king. He came the
D. He had no alarm next day and said to the queen: "The wise Mamad,
who never lies, lied to you yesterday." But the
queen told him about the words of Mamad. And
26. What did the writer do after he realized
the king realized, that the wise man never lies, and
that he hadn’t had enough money to take a says only that, which he saw with his own eyes.
taxi to his school? Home ❱ Folktales ❱ African folktales
A. He rode a motorcycle
B. He took the next bus frican_Folktale_2.html
C. He went home on foot
D. He walked to school
28. What is being told in the text above?
27. “But of course I missed it”. A. An honest man
What does the word “it” refer to? B. Mamad and the king
A. Train C. A wise king for a queen
B. Taxi D. A wise queen in a kingdom
C. Bus
29. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
D. Motorcycle A. Everybody waited for the king
B. The queen told the king the truth
C. The king realized Mamad never lied
D. The king found himself true for Mamad
30. One of these statements below is true based on C. to guide us step by step to make scented
the text: candles
A. There was a feast for Mamad D. to give information the end process of
B. The king had failed in his attempt making the candles
C. The queen was worried about the king 33. What should we do if we want to make the
D. Mamad was the next king for his honesty
candle become a scented one?
31. “… which he saw with his own eyes.” This A. Add a few drops of essential oil to the
expression means … . melted wax
A. the king looked at Mamad B. Melt the wax in a double boiler
B. the king saw the truth of Mamad C. Prepare the mould with the wick
C. the king met the queen at the palace
D. Release the bubbles and top it up
D. the king found the crowd on the way to the
34. “…, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point,
The following text for questions 32 to 34 so to prevent it bursting into flames, …”
What is the suitable word to complete the
Making coloured and scented candles is sentence?
really quick and simple. What’s more, you’ll save A. Then
so much money. If making candle is easy, why do B. Secondly
you ever bought one from a shop? C. After that
What you need in making candle D. First of all
are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential oils, The text below is for questions 35 to 38
and a double boiler. All these materials are
available from craft shops. Or if you do not want
to buy them, you can improvise with an old
saucepan, pyrex jug, or even a sturdy can, in a pot
of water. After providing the materials, follow
this procedure or instruction in making candles!