Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT2 3
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT2 3
Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT2 3
nd-of-tterm te
est 2
Listening Practical
P English
1 Listen to the interview
w. Write the six sports 6 Complete the dialogu
ue. (10 marks
S likes dooing. (6 marrks) Daniel (1) ________ I speak to Nina, plea ase?
__ ___________
__ Reception
nist She isn’tt here at the moment.
__ ___________
__ Do you w want to (2) _________ a
2 Listen aga
ain. Answer the questio
ons. Write
Daniel It’s Danieel. Please te
ell her we can
omplete sen
ntences. (4 marks)
meet at tthe restaurant in Oxford at
1 What challlenge is Sea
an doing at th
he moment?
8.00 …
__________________ ___________ ___________ __
2 What’s spe
ecial about th
his challenge
e? Nina What’s thhe best (3) ________
_ to get
__________________ ___________ ___________ __ there, Daaniel?
3 How does Sean get en nergy while he
h is Daniel By train is the easies
swimming? ? Nina How (4) ________ does the journ ney
__________________ ___________ ___________ __ take?
4 What helps Sean contiinue when he e’s tired? Daniel About 300 minutes. …
__________________ ___________ ___________ __ Waiter Are you ready to order?
Nina (5) _________ chicken and rice,
y please.
Waiter Of coursse.
3 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (10 marks)
1 It’s good to
o drink a lot of
o ________ __ after you d
do Grammar
G r
sports andd it’s free!
2 It’s a ____
______ day to oday. It’s so wet. he sentencess with the correct
7 Rewrite th
3 My brotherr makes ___ _______ houses. There a are comparative or superrlative form. (10 marks)
five on his desk. He’s making
m a tow
wn. 1 New Yo ork is expenssive to live in
n than Barcelona.
4 I can’t see
e anything in the street today. There’ss a ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
thick __________. I hop pe the weather gets bette er. 2 Jack is slowest runnner in the rac ce. He’s last..
5 Don’t forgeet to __________ your boo oks home. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 Kim is tallest than hher sister. Heer legs are lon
4 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks)
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
1 There is a long q_____ _____ at the bank. There e 4 The the eme park is ccrowded at th he weekend.
are ten people in front of me. There are
a lots of peeople.
2 The j_____ _____ by tra
ain takes abo out two hourss. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 There is a s_________ _ of a famous woman in 5 Cyprus is sunnier coountry in Eurrope. There’ss a
front of myy school. It’s made of woo od. un.
lot of su
4 This salad is very c___ _______. It’ss noisy to eatt! ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
5 Bill is writin
ng a book wiith c_______ ___ for
children. T The pictures are really fun
nny. 8 Complete the sentencces with a verb in the
present simple or preesent continuous form.
5 Read
R the des
scription and write the word.
w (10 marks)
5 marks) 1 We ___ ____________ our homew work now.
1 Some artissts use them
m to make stre eet art. 2 Karl _______________ a helicopte
er today. He’’s the
_________ _ pilot.
2 You use th
his to see in the
t dark. ___ _______ 3 _____ you
y ____________ this bo ook at the
3 When you jump and en nter the wate
er with your moment? It’s open oon the table.
head. ____ ______ 4 They so ometimes _____________ __ scary films.
4 A place with rollercoassters. ______
____ 5 Emma __________
_ ____ tennis every
e week.
5 An adjectivve that meanns the oppossite of
dangerouss. _________ _
1 1
nd-of-tterm te
est 2
9 Im
magine it’s tthe first day
y of school. Write
W five
An African
n Adventuree
ules for you
ur perfect sc chool. Use can,
c can’t,
m and muustn’t. (10 marks)
m 1
1 _________
Victoria Faalls is a popu lar tourist atttraction in
Zimbabwe. There is ann airport at Victoria Falls and a
2 _________
there are daily
d flights frrom Europe and
a other pa arts of
Africa. Flights are usuaally quite exp pensive. A ve ery
3 _________
popular wa ay to get to V Victoria Falls is by train fro
the city of Bulawayo
B in Zimbabwe. This is a slow w
4 _________
and very enjoyable jou rney. It is als so quite chea ap, a
ticket costss about £10. The journey y takes aboutt 9
5 _________
hours. The ere are also bbuses from Namibia
N to
Victoria Faalls. This takees longer, ovver 14 hours, but
it is cheapeer than the trrain.
10 Complete
C the
e second seentence so that
t s
it means You can se ee the falls bby air, boat or simply by
he same as the first. Us
se the correc
ct form of th
standing on the Victoriaa Falls bridge. You can ta ake a
w in brackets. (10 ma
helicopter ride above thhe falls and see
s the amazzing
1 Riding a bike in the park is fun but mountain
clouds of water
w that co me from the falls. It’s a
biking is exxciting. (morre)
wonderful experience aas long as yo ou’re not afra
aid of
Mountain b biking is ______________ __________ in
flying or he
eights! A boaat ride along the Zambezii
the park.
River is a more
m relaxingg option. Som me people even
2 I usually practise the piano
p on Satuurday. Todayy
enjoy bung gee jumping off the bridge!
is Tuesdayy. (not play)
I ________ __________ ______ now. 3
3 There is a sign saying ‘No food in the t ICT suitee’. The park iss open all yeear, but you will
w get a veryy
(must) different ex
xperience deepending on the season in
You _____ ___________ __ in the ICT
T suite. which you visit. In the rrainy season (December to
4 I want to g
go to the Justtin Bieber co oncert. (Can) March), thee water volum me is higher, and the falls are
_________ ________ to o the Justin Bieber
B more beau utiful. In the ddry season, (April
( to Octo ober),
concert? the water volume
v is low
wer, and by October,
O the
5 It’s 18 deg
grees Celsiuss in London, 20 degrees weather is very hot andd dry and the ere isn’t much
Celsius in Paris and 28 8 degrees Ce elsius in water in the waterfall. T The best timee to go is in
Athens. (hot) March or April
A after thee rainy seaso
Athens ______________ _____ city.
2 Read the text
t again an
nd answer the
t question
ading Write com
mplete sente nces. (4 ma
1 What iss one disadvaantage of flyiing to Victoria
11 Read
R the textt. Write headings for th
he three Falls fro
om Europe?
paragraphs. (6 marks)
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
1 ________________________________
_____________ 2 What arre the two waays to see Victoria
V Falls that
2 ________________________________
_____________ aren’t frrightening?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 ________________________________
3 You don’t like extrem me sports orr heights. Wh hat is
a good way to see V Victoria Falls
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 Why is a visit to the falls in Octoober a bad idea?
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
1 2
nd-of-tterm te
est 2
13 Write
W about yyour schooll. Describe what
w the
ules are at s
school. Use verbs for peermission,
obligation annd prohibitio
on and the prompts
p to
help you. Wrrite about 1225 words. (10 marks)
P 1
D yourr school: its name,
n the bu
uildings and
classrooms, the activities you do there
P 2
D the rules: the things you can / can’t /
m / mustn’t do.
P 3
G your opinion about thhe rules: writte about wha
ou like / don’t like and wh
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Consolidation
C n _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100
1 3