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Cs402 Datamining and Warehousing Mod Iv Question Bank

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1. Write a short note on Maximal Margin Hyperplanes. (MMH)

2. Explain in detail on lazy learners.
3. Given the following data on a certain set of patients seen by a doctor, can the doctor
conclude that a person having chills, fever, mild headache and without running nose has
the flu?(Use Naive Bayes algorithm for prediction)

4. Explain in detail on BackPropagation neural network.

5. How C4.5 differs from ID3 algorithm?
6. Differentiate between Agglomerative and Divisive hierarchical clustering

7. The following figure shows a multilayer feed-forward neural network. Let the learning
rate be 0.9. The initial weight and bias values of the network is given in the table below.
The activation function used is the sigmoid function.
Show weight and bias updation with the first training sample (1,0,1) with class label 1,
using backpropagation algorithm

8. The “Restaurant A” sells burger with optional flavours: Pepper, Ginger and Chilly.
Every day this week you have tried a burger (A to E) and kept a record of which
you liked. Using Hamming distance, show how the 3NN classifier with majority
voting would classify {pepper = false, ginger =true, chilly = true}.

9. Explain K-nearest Neighbor Classifier.

10. Explain in detail about Lazy learners
11. Give a detailed note on Linear Regression and Non-Linear Regression.

1. Write a short note on the concepts of Association Rule Mining.

2. Explain K-Means Partition algorithm.
3. Consider the transaction database given below. Set minimum support count as 2
and minimum confidence threshold as 70%
a) Find the frequent item-set using FP Growth Algorithm.
b) Generate strong association rules.

4. Explain in detail on the Partitioning method – K Medoid Clustering.

5. What is meant by clustering? What are the major categories of clustering method?
6. Explain K- Medoid partition algorithm.
7. Explain the clustering by K-Means Algorithm.
8. What is Clustering? Write a short note on the different methods used for

9. Given two objects represented by the tuples (22,1,42,10) and (20,0,36,8) Compute
the Manhattan distance between the two objects.

10. How to compute the dissimilarity between objects described by binary variables?

1. State the pros and cons of DBSCAN method.

2. Based on the following data determine the gender of a person having height 6 ft., weight
130 lbs. and foot size 8 in. (use Naive Bayes algorithm).

3. Explain BIRCH clustering method.

4. Write a short note on Web Mining.
5. Explain DBSCAN algorithm and state the pros and cons of DBSCAN algorithm.
6. What are the advantages of BIRCH compared to other clustering methods.
7. Write a short note on Linear regression.
8. Explain in detail on lazy learners.
9. What is web mining? Explain the following briefly: A). Web usage mining B). Web
content mining C). Web structure mining
10. Explain in detail on Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies.

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