CS Contact Tracing Level II
CS Contact Tracing Level II
CS Contact Tracing Level II
Page No.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………….…………….…..….……… 91 – 92
This section gives the details of the contents of the units of competency required in
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to gather, interpret and convey information in
response to workplace requirements.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Obtain and 1.1 Specific and relevant 1.1 Effective verbal and 1.1 Following simple
convey information is accessed nonverbal spoken language
workplace from appropriate communication 1.2 Performing routine
information sources 1.2 Different modes of workplace duties
1.2 Effective questioning, communication following simple
active listening and 1.3 Medium of written notices
speaking skills are communication in 1.3 Participating in
used to gather and the workplace workplace
convey information meetings and
1.3 Appropriate medium is 1.4 Organizational discussions
used to transfer policies 1.4 Preparing work-
information and ideas 1.5 Communication related documents
1.4 Appropriate non- verbal procedures and 1.5 Estimating,
communication is used systems calculating and
1.5 Appropriate lines of 1.6 Lines of recording routine
communication with Communication workplace
supervisors and 1.7 Technology relevant measures
colleagues are to the enterprise and 1.6 Relating/
identified and followed the individual’s work Interacting with
1.6 Defined workplace responsibilities people of various
procedures for the 1.8 Workplace etiquette levels in the
location and storage of workplace
information are used 1.7 Gathering and
1.7 Personal interaction is providing basic
carried out clearly and information in
concisely response to
1.8 Applying basic
business writing
1. Appropriate sources May include:
1.1. Team members
1.2. Supervisor/Department Head
1.3. Suppliers
1.4. Trade personnel
1.5. Local government
1.6. Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1. Memorandum
2.2. Circular
2.3. Notice
2.4. Information dissemination
2.5. Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6. Face-to-face communication
2.7. Electronic media (disk files, cyberspace)
3. Storage May include:
3.1. Manual filing system
3.2. Computer-based filing system
4. Workplace interactions May include:
4.1. Face-to-face
4.2. Telephone
4.3. Electronic and two-way radio
4.4. Written including electronic means, memos,
instruction and forms
4.5. Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and
5. Forms May include:
5.1. HR/Personnel forms, telephone message forms,
safety reports
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify
one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a team.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Describe 1.1 The role and objective 1.1 Group structure 1.1 Communicating
team role of the team is identified 1.2 Group development with others,
and scope from available sources 1.3 Sources of appropriately
of information information consistent with
1.2 Team parameters, the culture of the
reporting relationships workplace
and responsibilities are 1.2 Developing ways
identified from team in improving work
discussions and structure and
appropriate external performing
sources respective roles in
the group or
2. Identify one’s 2.1 Individual roles and 2.1 Team roles and 2.1 Communicating
role and responsibilities within objectives with others,
responsibility the team environment 2.2 Team structure and appropriately
within a team are identified parameters consistent with
2.2 Roles and objectives of 2.3 Team development the culture of the
the team is identified 2.4 Sources of workplace
from available sources information 2.2 Developing ways
of information in improving work
2.3 Team parameters, structure and
reporting relationships performing
and responsibilities are respective roles in
identified based on the group or
team discussions and organization
appropriate external
3. Work as a 3.1 Effective and 3.1 Communication 3.1 Communicating
team appropriate forms of Process appropriately,
member communications are 3.2 Workplace consistent with
used and interactions communication the culture of the
undertaken with team protocol workplace
members based on 3.3 Team planning and 3.2 Interacting
company practices decision making effectively with
3.2 Effective and 3.4 Team thinking others
appropriate 3.5 Team roles 3.3 Deciding as an
contributions made to 3.6 Process of team individual and as
complement team development a group using
activities and 3.7 Workplace context group think
objectives, based on strategies and
workplace context techniques
1. Role and objective of May include but not limited to:
team 1.1. Work activities in a team environment with
enterprise or specific sector
1.2. Limited discretion, initiative and judgement maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment
2. Sources of information May include but not limited to:
2.1. Standard operating and/or other workplace
2.2. Job procedures
2.3. Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
2.4. Organizational or external personnel
2.5. Client/supplier instructions
2.6. Quality standards
2.7. OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace context May include but not limited to:
3.1. Work procedures and practices
3.2. Conditions of work environments
3.3. Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4. Standard work practice including the storage,
safe handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5. Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to apply problem-solving techniques to determine the origin
of problems and plan for their resolution. It also includes
addressing procedural problems through documentation,
and referral.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Routine problems or 1.1 Current industry 1.1 Identifying current
routine procedural problem hardware and industry hardware
problems areas are identified software products and software
1.2 Problems to be and services products and
investigated are defined 1.2 Industry services
and determined maintenance, 1.2 Identifying current
1.3 Current conditions of service and helpdesk industry
the problem are practices, processes maintenance,
identified and and procedures services and
documented 1.3 Industry standard helpdesk
diagnostic tools practices,
1.4 Malfunctions and processes and
resolutions procedures.
1.3 Identifying current
industry standard
diagnostic tools
1.4 Describing
malfunctions and
1.5 Determining the
root cause of a
1. Problems/Procedural May include but not limited to:
Problem 1.1 Routine/non – routine processes and quality
1.2 Equipment selection, availability and failure
1.3 Teamwork and work allocation problem
1.4 Safety and emergency situations and incidents
1.5 Work-related problems outside of own work area
2. Appropriate person May include but not limited to:
2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Document May include but not limited to:
3.1 Electronic mail
3.2 Briefing notes
3.3 Written report
3.4 Evaluation report
4. Plan May include but not limited to:
4.1 Priority requirements
4.2 Co-ordination and feedback requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.4 Risk assessment
4.5 Environmental requirements
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice,
and boosting self-confidence and developing self-
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Manage 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Self-management 1.1 Managing properly
one’s strategies are strategies that assist one’s emotions and
emotion identified in regulating recognizing
1.2 Skills to work behavior and situations that
independently and to achieving personal cannot be changed
show initiative, to be and learning goals and accept them
conscientious, and (e.g. Nine self- and remain
persevering in the face management professional
of setbacks and strategies according 1.2 Developing self-
frustrations are to Robert Kelley) discipline, working
developed 1.2 Enablers and independently and
1.3 Techniques for barriers in achieving showing initiative to
effectively handling personal and career achieve personal
negative emotions and goals and career goals
unpleasant situation 1.3 Techniques in 1.3 Showing
in the workplace are handling negative confidence, and
examined emotions and resilience in the
unpleasant situation face of setback and
in the workplace frustrations and
such as frustration, other negative
anger, worry, emotions and
anxiety, etc. unpleasant
situations in the
2. Develop 2.1 Personal strengths and 2.1 Basic SWOT 2.1 Using the basic
reflective achievements, based analysis SWOT analysis as
practice on self-assessment 2.2 Strategies to self-assessment
strategies and teacher improve one’s strategy
feedback are attitude in the 2.2 Developing
contemplated workplace reflective practice
2.2 Progress when seeking 2.3 Gibbs’ Reflective through realization
and responding to Cycle/Model of limitations,
feedback from (Description, likes/ dislikes;
teachers to assist them Feelings, through showing
in consolidating Evaluation, of self-confidence
strengths, addressing Analysis, 2.3 Demonstrating self-
weaknesses and Conclusion, and acceptance and
fulfilling their potential Action plan) being able to
are monitored accept challenges
1. Self-management May include but not limited to:
strategies 1.1 Seeking assistance in the form of job coaching or
1.2 Continuing dialogue to tackle workplace grievances
1.3 Collective negotiation/bargaining for better working
1.4 Share your goals to improve with a trusted co-worker
or supervisor
1.5 Make a negativity log of every instance when you
catch yourself complaining to others
1.6 Make lists and schedules for necessary activities
2. Unpleasant situation May include but not limited to:
2.1 Job burn-out
2.2 Drug dependence
2.3 Sulking
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to make a pro-active and positive contribution to workplace
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Opportunities for 1.1 Roles of individuals 1.1 Identifying
opportunities to improvement are in suggesting and opportunities to
do things better identified proactively in making improve and to do
own area of work improvements things better
1.2 Information are 1.2 Positive impacts involvement
gathered and reviewed and challenges in 1.2 Identifying the
which may be relevant innovation positive impacts
to ideas and which 1.3 Types of changes and the challenges
might assist in gaining and responsibility of change and
support for idea 1.4 Seven habits of innovation
highly effective 1.3 Identifying
people examples of the
types of changes
that are within and
outside own scope
of responsibility
2. Discuss and 2.1 People who could 2.1 Roles of individuals 2.1 Identifying
develop provide input to ideas in suggesting and opportunities to
ideas with for improvements are making improve and to do
others identified improvements things better.
2.2 Ways of approaching 2.2 Positive impacts Involvement
people to begin sharing and challenges in 2.2 Identifying the
ideas are selected innovation positive impacts
2.3 Meeting is set with 2.3 Types of changes and the challenges
relevant people and responsibility of change and
2.4 Ideas for follow up are 2.4 Seven habits of innovation
review and selected highly effective 2.3 Providing examples
based on feedback people of the types of
2.5 Critical inquiry changes that are
method is used to within and outside
discuss and develop own scope of
ideas with others responsibility
2.4 Communicating
ideas for change
through small group
discussions and
3. Integrate 3.1 Critical inquiry method 3.1 Roles of individuals 3.1 Identifying
ideas for is used to integrate in suggesting and opportunities to
change in improve and to do
1. Opportunities for May include:
improvement 1.1 Systems
1.2 Processes
1.3 Procedures
1.4 Protocols
1.5 Codes
1.6 Practices
2. Information May include:
2.1 Workplace communication problems
2.2 Performance evaluation results
2.3 Team dynamics issues and concerns
2.4 Challenges on return of investment
2.5 New tools, processes and procedures
2.6 New people in the organization
3. People who could May include:
provide input 3.1 Leaders
3.2 Managers
3.3 Specialists
3.4 Associates
3.5 Researchers
3.6 Supervisors
3.7 Staff
3.8 Consultants (external)
3.9 People outside the organization in the same field or
similar expertise/industry
3.10 Clients
4. Critical inquiry method May include:
4.1 Preparation
4.2 Discussion
4.3 Clarification of goals
4.4 Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome
4.5 Agreement
4.6 Implementation of a course of action
4.7 Effective verbal communication. See our pages Verbal
Communication and Effective Speaking
4.8 Listening
4.9 Reducing misunderstandings is a key part of effective
4.10 Rapport Building
4.11 Problem Solving
4.12 Decision Making
4.13 Assertiveness
4.14 Dealing with Difficult Situations
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to present data/information appropriately.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Gather data/ 1.1 Evidence, facts and 1.1 Organisational 1.1 Describing
information information are protocols organisational
collected 1.2 Confidentiality protocols relating to
1.2 Evaluation, terms of 1.3 Accuracy client liaison
reference and 1.4 Business 1.2 Protecting
conditions are mathematics and confidentiality
reviewed to determine statistics 1.3 Describing
whether 1.5 Data analysis accuracy
data/information falls techniques/procedu 1.4 Computing
within project scope res business
1.6 Reporting mathematics and
requirements to a statistics
range of audiences 1.5 Describing data
1.7 Legislation, policy analysis
and procedures techniques/
relating to the procedures
conduct of 1.6 Reporting
evaluations requirements to a
1.8 Organisational range of audiences
values, ethics and 1.7 Stating legislation,
codes of conduct policy and
procedures relating
to the conduct of
1.8 Stating
values, ethics and
codes of conduct
1. Data analysis May include but not limited to:
techniques 1.1. Domain analysis
1.2. Content analysis
1.3. Comparison technique
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to identify OSH compliance requirements, prepare
OSH requirements for compliance, perform tasks in
accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures.
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify OSH 1.1 Relevant OSH 1.1 OSH preventive 1.1 Applying
compliance requirements, and control communication
requirements regulations, policies requirements skills
and procedures are 1.2 Hierarchy of 1.2 Applying
identified in accordance Controls interpersonal skills
with workplace policies 1.3 Hazard Prevention 1.3 Applying critical
and procedures and Control thinking skills
1.2 OSH activity non- 1.4 General OSH 1.4 Applying
conformities are principles observation skills
conveyed to 1.5 Work standards
appropriate personnel and procedures
1.3 OSH preventive and 1.6 Safe handling
control requirements procedures of
are identified in tools, equipment
accordance with OSH and materials
work policies and 1.7 Standard
procedures emergency plan
and procedures in
the workplace
2. Prepare OSH 2.1 OSH work activity 2.1 Resources 2.1 Applying
requirements material, tools and necessary to Communication
for compliance equipment requirements execute hierarchy skills
are identified in of controls 2.2 Applying
accordance with 2.2 General OSH estimation skills
workplace policies and principles 2.3 Applying
procedures 2.3 Work standards interpersonal skills
2.2 Required OSH and procedures 2.4 Applying critical
materials, tools and 2.4 Safe handling thinking skills
equipment are acquired procedures of 2.5 Applying
in accordance with tools, equipment observation skills
workplace policies and and materials 2.6 Identifying
procedures 2.5 Different OSH material, tool and
2.3 Required OSH control measures equipment
materials, tools and
equipment are
arranged/ placed in
accordance with OSH
work standards
1. OSH Requirements, May include:
Regulations, Policies and 1.1 Clean Air Act
Procedures 1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Permit to Operate
1.6 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health
1.7 Department Order No. 13 (Construction Safety
and Health)
1.8 ECC regulations
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
3. OSH Preventive and May include:
Control Requirements 3.1 Resources needed for removing hazard effectively
3.2 Resources needed for substitution or replacement
3.3 Resources needed to establishing engineering
3.4 Resources needed for enforcing administrative
3.5 Personal Protective equipment
4. Non OSH-Compliance May include non-compliance or observance of the
Work Activities following safety measures:
4.1 Violations that may lead to serious physical harm
or death
4.2 Fall Protection
4.3 Hazard Communication
4.4 Respiratory Protection
4.5 Power Industrial Trucks
4.6 Lockout/Tag-out
4.7 Working at heights (use of ladder, scaffolding)
4.8 Electrical Wiring Methods
4.9 Machine Guarding
4.10 Electrical General Requirements
4.11 Asbestos work requirements
4.12 Excavations work requirements
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers knowledge, skills and attitude to identify the
efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization,
determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of
resource utilization and Convey inefficient and ineffective
environmental practices.
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify the 1.1 Required resource 1.1 Importance of 1.1 Recording skills
efficiency utilization in the environmental 1.2 Writing skills
and workplace is measured literacy 1.3 Applying innovation
effectiveness using appropriate 1.2 Environmental skills
of resource techniques work procedures
utilization 1.2 Data are recorded in 1.3 Waste
accordance with minimization
workplace protocol 1.4 Efficient energy
1.3 Recorded data are consumptions
compared to determine
the efficiency and
effectiveness of resource
utilization according to
environmental work
2. Determine 2.1 Potential causes of 2.1 Causes of 2.1 Applying deductive
causes of inefficiency and/or environmental reasoning skills
inefficiency ineffectiveness are inefficiencies and 2.2 Applying critical
and/or listed ineffectiveness thinking
ineffectiveness 2.2 Causes of inefficiency 2.3 Applying problem
of resource and/or ineffectiveness solving skills
utilization are identified through 2.4 Applying
deductive reasoning observation skills
2.3 Identified causes of
inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness are
validated thru
3. Convey 3.1 Efficiency and 3.1 Appropriate 3.1 Applying written
inefficient and effectiveness of Personnel to and oral
ineffective resource utilization are address the communication
environmental reported to appropriate environmental skills
practices personnel hazards 3.2 Applying critical
3.2 Concerns related 3.2 Environmental thinking
resource utilization are corrective actions
1. Environmental Work May include:
Procedures 1.1 Utilization of Energy, Water, Fuel Procedures
1.2 Waster Segregation Procedures
1.3 Waste Disposal and Reuse Procedures
1.4 Waste Collection Procedures
1.5 Usage of Hazardous Materials Procedures
1.6 Chemical Application Procedures
1.7 Labeling Procedures
2. Appropriate Personnel May include:
2.1 Manager
2.2 Safety Officer
2.3 EHS Offices
2.4 Supervisors
2.5 Team Leaders
2.6 Administrators
2.7 Stakeholders
2.8 Government Official
2.9 Key Personnel
2.10 Specialists
2.11 Himself
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Apply 1.1 Good practices 1.1 Workplace best 1.1 Applying
entrepreneurial relating to workplace practices, policies communication
workplace best operations are and criteria skills
practices observed and selected 1.2 Resource utilization 1.2 Complying with
following workplace 1.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
policy entrepreneurial
1.2 Quality procedures attitudes:
and practices are 1.3.1 Patience
complied with
according to workplace 1.3.2 Honesty
requirements 1.3.3 Quality-
1.3 Cost-conscious habits
in resource utilization 1.3.4 Safety-
are applied based on consciousness
industry standards 1.3.5 Resourcefulness
2. Communicate 2.1 Observed good 2.1 Workplace best 2.1 Applying
entrepreneurial practices relating to practices, policies communication
workplace best workplace operations and criteria skills
practices are communicated to 2.2 Resource utilization 2.2 Complying with
appropriate person 2.3 Ways in fostering quality procedures
2.2 Observed quality entrepreneurial 2.3 Following
procedures and attitudes: workplace
practices are 2.3.1 Patience communication
communicated to 2.3.2 Honesty protocol
appropriate person 2.3.3 Quality-
2.3 Cost-conscious habits consciousness
in resource utilization 2.3.4 Safety-
are communicated consciousness
based on industry 2.3.5 Resourcefulness
1.Good practices May include:
1.1 Economy in use of resources
1.2 Documentation of quality practices
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Provide 1.1 Relevant information 1.1 Literacy levels and 1.1 Applying effective
information to about the organization's communication skills communication
the work infection control policy of work group and interpersonal
group about and procedures, and members and skills
the applicable industry consequent suitable 1.1.1 Language
organization's codes of practice are communication competence
infection accurately and clearly techniques and reading
control explained to the work 1.2 Concepts of mode of competence
policies and group communication 1.1.2 Negotiating
procedures 1.2 Information about 1.3 Reporting, skills
identified hazards and documentation and 1.1.3 Intra and
the outcomes of use of non-verbal interpersonal
infection risk and verbal skills
assessments is communication 1.2 Identifying mode of
regularly provided to 1.4 Knowledge on OSH, communication
the work group infection control, 1.3 Practicing
1.3 Opportunity is provided environmental and communication
for the work group to institutional, rules, skills with ease
seek further information guidelines, policies 1.4 Applying principles
on workplace infection and procedures of infection control
control issues and 1.5 Respect for client’s 1.5 Using PPE
practices rights (Personal
1.6 Knowledge on the Protective
use of personal Equipment)
protective equipment 1.6 Identifying
1.7 Basic knowledge on transmission of
infectious diseases infectious diseases
transmission 1.7 Implementing
1.9 Principles of OSH, infection
infection control control,
1.9.1 Frequent environmental and
handwashing institutional rules,
1. Industry Codes of May include:
Practice 1.1 National Health and Medical Research Council
Guidelines for infection control
1.2 Local & National Government Guidelines and Standards
1.3 Manufacturer's recommendations and operating manuals
2. Hazards and the May include:
outcomes of infection 2.1 Sharps
risk assessments 2.2 Glass
2.3 Waste
2.4 Human waste and human tissues
2.5 Personal contact with infectious patients / clients
2.6 Animals, insects and vermin
2.7 Stock, including food, which has passed "used-by"
2.8 Incorrect concentration of disinfectants and chemicals
2.9 Cleaning procedures
2.10 Linen handling procedures
2.11 Work flows
2.12 Use of personal protective clothing
2.13 Food safety
2.14 Personal hygiene
3. Therapeutic May include:
communication 3.1 Verbal communication
3.1.1 One on one dialogue
3.1.2 Orientation
3.1.3 Meeting
3.1.4 Conference
3.2 Non-verbal communication
3.2.1 Memorandum
3.2.2 Minutes of the meeting
3.2.3 Flyers
3.2.4 Billboards
3.2.5 Journals
3.2.6 Warning signs and devices
4. Infection Control May include:
Policies and Procedures 4.1 Company’s manual on infection control policies and
4.2 COVID 19 infection control in your workplace
4.3 RA 11058 - OSH law
4.4 RA 9003 – Ecological Solid Waste Management
5. Employer’s coaching May include:
and support 5.1 Provide a workplace free of hazards
5.2 Comply with OSH standard
5.3 Make sure employees have and use of safe tools and
equipment and properly maintained
5.4 Use color code poster labels and signs to warn
employees of potential hazards
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills and
attitudes to effectively respond to difficult or challenging
behaviour of patient / client.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Plan 1.1 Responses are 1.1 Use of therapeutic 1.1 Applying
responses planned to instances communication therapeutic
of difficult or 1.2 RA 11058 - OSH Law communication
challenging behavior to 1.3 Reporting and 1.2 Implementing
maximize the documentation environmental and
availability of other 1.4 Environmental institutional, rules,
appropriate staff and RA 9003 (Ecological guidelines,
resources based on Solid Waste policies and
established standard Management Act) procedures
practice 1.5 Difficult and 1.3 Identifying issues
1.2 Specific manifestations challenging behavior relating to difficult
of difficult or 1.6 Client issues which and challenging
challenging behavior need to be referred to behavior
are identified and an appropriate health 1.4 Identifying client
strategies professional issues which need
appropriate to these 1.7 Rules of health to be referred to
behaviors are planned professionals involved an appropriate
as required based on with the care of client health
established procedure professional
1.3 Safety of self and 1.5 Thinking and
others is given priority responding quickly
in responding to and strategically
difficult or challenging 1.6 Remaining alert to
behavior according to potential incidents
institutional policies of difficult or
and procedures challenging
1.7 Working with
others and display
empathy with
client and relatives
1.8 Applying intra and
interpersonal skills
1.9 Reporting and
with accuracy
2. Apply 2.1 Difficult or challenging 2.1 Reporting and 2.1 Applying
response behavior is dealt with documentation therapeutic
promptly, firmly and 2.2 Knowledge on communication
diplomatically in institutional, rules,
1. Planned responses May include:
1.1 Own ability and experience
1.2 Established institutional procedures
1.3 Knowledge of individual persons and underlying causes
2. Difficult or challenging May include:
behaviors 2.1 Aggression/Assaultive behavior
2.2 Confusion or other cognitive impairment
2.3 Noisiness
2.4 Manipulative
2.5 Wandering
2.6 Self-destructive
2.7 Intoxication
2.8 Withdrawn/depressed
2.9 Negativistic
2.10 Intrusive behavior
2.11 Verbal offensiveness
3. Strategies appropriate May include:
for dealing with 3.1 Diversional activities
challenging behaviors 3.2 Referring to appropriate personnel e.g. supervisor,
security officer
3.3 Following established emergency response procedures
4. Institutional policies May include:
and procedures 4.1 Incident reporting and documentation
4.2 Operational guidelines for handling incidents and/or
cases involving difficult and challenging behavior
4.3 Debriefing of staff involved in the incident
5. Selection of May include:
appropriate strategies 5.1 The nature of the incident
for dealing with 5.2 Potential effect on different parties, patient / client, staff
challenging behaviors and others
5.3 Established procedures and guidelines
6. Report and review May include:
6.1 Purposes of the incident report review
6.2 Characteristics of an incident report review
6.3 Element of an effective incident report review
7. Incident report May include:
7.1 Data of worker/s
7.1.1 Name of worker
7.1.2 Job title / occupation
7.1.3 Time and date of injury
7.1.4 Exact location of the worker at the time of injury
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to provide an initial response where First Aid is required. In
this unit it is assumed that the First Aider is working under
supervision and / or according to established workplace
First Aid procedures and policies.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Assess the 1.1 Emergency action 1.1 First Aid standard 1.1 Applying emergency
situation principle of First Aid operating action principles of
is applied based on procedure first aid
established procedure 1.2 OSH Law RA 1.2 Identifying physical
1.2 Physical hazards to 11058 hazards
self and casualty’s 1.3 Physical hazards 1.3 Controlling and
health and safety are 1.4 Immediate risk minimizing
identified based on 1.5 Use of gloves and immediate risk for
established procedure mask self and casualty
1.3 Immediate risks to 1.6 First aid kit 1.4 Applying principle to
self and casualty are activate medical
minimized by controlled assistance
in accordance with 1.5 Wearing of mask
OHS requirements and gloves
1.4 First Aid kit must be 1.6 Using of First Aid kit
available at all times
based on OSH Law
and First Aid manual
2. Perform 2.1 Principles of Body 2.1 OSH Law RA 11058 2.1 Applying OSH Law
primary Substance Isolation is 2.2 RA 9003 Solid and RA 9003
survey of the applied based on Waste Management 2.2 Applying principles
victim standard First Aid 2.3 First Aid manual of body substance
procedure 2.4 Principles of body isolation
2.2 Responses and level substance isolation 2.3 Wearing of mask
of consciousness of 2.5 Basic Life Support and gloves
the victim or casualty 2.6 Wear mask and 2.4 Identifying any
are checked based on gloves potentially life-
established standard threatening
first aid procedure condition of
2.3 Potentially life- casualty
threatening condition 2.5 Activating medical
is identified and then assistance is
appropriate treatment is applied
began based on first 2.6 Applying basic life
aid standard procedure support
2.4 Activate medical
assistance is applied
based on established
first aid procedure
1. Emergency action May include:
principles of first aid 1.1 Concept of first aid
1.2 Objectives of first aid
1.3 Role of first aider
1.4 Survey the scene
1.4.1 Is the scene safe?
1.4.2 What happened?
1.4.3 How many people are injured?
1.4.4 Are there by standers who can help?
1.4.5 Are there available equipment to be used?
1.4.6 Identify yourself as First aider with your PPEs on
1.4.7 Wear mask and gloves
1.4.8 Get consent to give care
2. Physical hazards May include:
2.1 Quick assessment of the surroundings to identify
physical hazards like
2.1.1 Falls
2.1.2 Slips
2.1.3 Working from heights
2.1.4 Collapsed of building
2.1.5 Fire
2.1.6 Presence of toxic chemicals, etc.
3. Immediate risk to self May include:
and casualty 3.1 Injury of the first aider and further injury to casualty
3.2 Death which may occur either or both first aider and
4. First aid kit May include:
4.1 Digital BP apparatus
4.2 Digital thermometer
4.3 Pulse oximeter
4.4 Cotton balls
4.5 Alcohol
4.6 Disposable gloves (1 box)
4.7 Disposable mask (1 box)
4.8 Clinical collar
4.9 Surgical scissors
4.10 Bandage scissors
4.11 Forceps
4.12 Splint
4.13 Sterile gauze pads
4.14 Spine board
4.15 Ice cap
4.16 Hot water bag
4.17 Medical / adhesive tapes
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in the maintenance of high standards of patient / client
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Communicate 1.1 Effective 1.1 Reporting, 1.1 Calculating the cost
appropriately communication documentation and for additional
with patients / strategies and use of non-verbal personnel
clients techniques are and verbal equipment (ex.
identified and used to communication Interpreter,
achieve best client 1.2 Management of gadgets)
service outcomes conflict 1.2 Identifying the
1.2 Complaints are 1.3 Knowledge on mode on
responded to in cultural differences communication
accordance with of client including appropriate for the
organizational policy rules and policies as situation
to ensure best service necessary 1.3 Applying modes of
to clients 1.4 Roles and communication
1.3 Complaints are dealt responsibilities of 1.4 Operating
with in accordance self and other equipment of
with established workers within the communication
procedures organization needed
1.4 Interpreter services 1.5 Knowledge on client 1.5 Establishing and
are accessed as issues that need to maintaining
required be referred to an relationships,
1.5 Action is taken to appropriate health taking into account
resolve conflicts either professional individual
directly, where a 1.6 Organizational / differences
positive outcome can institutional policies 1.6 Following the
be immediately and procedures for instructions and
achieved, or by privacy and guidance of health
referral to the confidentiality of professionals
appropriate personnel information provided involved with the
1.6 Participation in work by clients and care of client
team is constructive others 1.7 Respecting client
and collaborative and 1.7 Institutional policy rights
demonstrates an on patient / client 1.8 Using effective
understanding of own rights and listening
role responsibilities techniques
1.8 Knowledge on the 1.9 Using appropriate
use mathematical verbal and non-
operations such as verbal
addition, communication
subtraction, division, styles
multiplication 1.10 Using oral and
1.9 Concepts on modes written
of communication communication
1. Communication May include:
1.1. English/Tagalog/vernacular
1.2. Sign language
1.3. Through an interpreter
1.4. Community language as required by the service /
2. Clients May include:
2.1. Clients
2.2. Prospective clients to the service or services
2.3. Clients may be in contact with the institution through
appropriate health care personnel and professionals or
other advocates or agencies
3. Respect for difference May include:
3.1 Physical
3.2 Cognitive/mental or intellectual issues that may impact
on communication
3.3 Cultural and ethnic
3.4 Religious/spiritual
3.5 Social
3.6 Age
3.7 Language literacy and numeracy abilities
3.8 Sexuality and sexual preference
4. Confidentiality and May include:
privacy of clients 4.1 Fees
4.2 Health fund entitlements
4.3 Welfare entitlements
4.4 Payment Method and records
4.5 Public environments
4.6 Legal and ethical requirements
4.7 Writing details ie. medical and consent forms
4.8 Conversations on the telephone
4.9 Secure location for written records
4.10 Offering a private location for discussions
4.11 Information disclosed to an appropriate person
consistent with one’s level of responsibility
5. Others with whom May include:
interaction is required 5.1 Other staff and team members
in regard to client 5.2 Service units or departments
services 5.3 Family members, careers and friends of clients
5.4 Professional representatives or agents of clients such as:
5.4.1 Medical specialists
5.4.2 Nurses
5.4.3 Social workers
5.4.4 Dietitians
5.4.5 Therapists
5.4.6 Allied health professionals
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge skills and attitudes required
to gather relevant and specific information from the
identified suspected, probable and confirmed positive for
COVID-19 patient.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of
1. Plan and 1.1 Patient’s personal 1.1 RA 10173 - Data 1.1 Ability to encode,
prepare for information is checked Privacy Act of 2012 manage, and
the conduct and verified in and its IRR update information
of case accordance with 1.2 Proclamation No. systems
investigation established standards 929, s. 2020, RRD 1.2 Ability to set-up and
and procedures 1.3 IATF Resolutions wear the Protective
1.2 Location of the interview 1.4 Risk Assessment Equipment
is identified and 1.5 Basic Safety and 1.3 Ability to conduct
assessed if conducive Security in the Field Basic First Aid
for interview 1.6 Basic Computing 1.4 Psychosocial skills
1.3 Contact tracers and Numerical 1.5 Probing skills
members and roles of Reasoning 1.6 Information
each member are 1.7 Basic Logic gathering
identified and discussed 1.8 Basic Psychology 1.7 Report writing
in accordance with 1.9 RA 11332 - 1.8 Communication and
established standards Mandatory Reporting research skills
and procedures of Notifiable 1.9 Ability to relate with
1.4 Prescribed/Standard Diseases and Health and communicate
contact tracing forms are Events of Public information to
prepared in accordance Health Concern Act people with different
with established 1.10 Donning and social, cultural and
standards and Doffing of PPE ethnic backgrounds
procedures 1.11 Basic Computer
1.12 Document
(Microsoft Office
Word, Excel,
Google Mail, Docs,
1.13 COVID-KAYA and
CaRT Apps
2. Conduct 2.1 Rapport and trust are 2.1 Non-verbal 2.1 Psychosocial skills
interview established with the Communication 2.2 Probing skills
1. Personal information May include:
1.1 Full Name (Last, First, Middle)
1.2 Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) and Age (n)
1.3 Sex and Gender
1.4 Occupation
1.5 Civil Status
1.6 Nationality
1.7 Valid Government ID Num (e.g. UMID, SSS, GSIS,
Pagibig, Passport Number and PHIC No.)
1.8 Permanent Address
1.9 Current Address
1.10 Workplace Address
1.11 Results of the COVID 19 test, if available
1.12 Travel History the past 14 days until patient was
seen by contact tracing team
1.13 History of exposure to a known confirmed case
1.14 Name of Interviewer
1.15 Name of the disease reporting unit
2. Contact tracer members May include:
2.1 Health worker
2.2 Medical Technologist
2.3 Police (preferably from the Women and Children’s
2.4 Barangay Health Emergency Response Team
2.5 Disinfection Team
2.6 Transportation Team
3. Emotional state May include:
3.1 Fear
3.2 Anxiety
3.3 Anger
3.4 Sadness
4. Opening statements May include but not limited to:
4.1 “My name is [First Name], what’s your’s?
4.2 “How are you feeling right now?”
4.3 “I can help you with this”
4.4 “I am here to help”
5. Probing statements May include but not limited to:
5.1 “Can you remember what you did for the past
minutes/ hours/ days…(chronological order)”
5.2 “Can you tell me more about...”
5.3 “Kindly explain to me...”
5.4 “Please describe to me...”
5.5 “Is it okay if you show me...”
6. Close contacts May include:
6.1 face-to-face contact within 1 meter and for more than
15 minutes
6.2 direct physical contact
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge skills and attitudes required
to conduct profiling of contacts and follow-up.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Profile close 1.1 Collected data are 1.1 Verbal 1.1 Spatial Skills
contacts vetted and harmonized Communication 1.2 Decision making
in accordance with 1.2 Non-verbal skills
established standards communication 1.3 Data Analytics
and procedures (Vetting 1.3 Active listening 1.4 Data Visualization
and harmonization of 1.4 Basic arithmetic 1.5 Data Storytelling
collected data) 1.5 IATF 1.6 Communication
1.2 Collected data are Resolutions/COVID - skills
completed and validated 19 Related
via phone calls or face- Issuances
to-face interviews 1.6 Close Contact Line
1.3 Identified close contacts List Form
are located in 1.7 Close Contact Profile
accordance with Form
established standards 1.8 Contact Tracing
and procedures Signs and Symptoms
1.4 Identified close contacts Log Form
are assessed if 1.9 Health Workers Risk
symptomatic or Assessment Form
asymptomatic in
accordance with
established standards
and procedures
1.5 Close contacts who are
symptomatic or
asymptomatic are
classified based on
standard protocols
2. Conduct 2.1 Continuous information 2.1 Verbal 2.1 Spatial Skills
follow-up is elicited in accordance Communication 2.2 Decision making
with established 2.2 Non-verbal skills
standards and communication 2.3 Data Analytics
procedures 2.3 Basic Arithmetic 2.4 Data Visualization
2.2 Information is gathered 2.4 Information 2.5 Data Storytelling
in non-residential areas Gathering 2.6 Communication
in accordance with skills
established standards
and procedures
2.3 Coordinate updated
information gathered
with the BHERT, CESU
1. Close Contacts May include:
1.1 Close contacts with symptoms
1.1.1 FIT Suspect COVID-19 Case Definition
1.1.2 DON NOT FIT Covid-19 Case Definition
1.2 Close contacts without symptoms
1.2.1 Non-health worker
1.2.2 Non-health worker with low risk exposure
1.2.3 Health worker with high risk exposure
1.2.4 Contacts in a congregate setting (jail, orphanage,
silungan centers)
2. General Contacts/ May include:
Proximate contacts 2.1 Classroom
(same enclosed 2.2 Office
environment but greater 2.3 Gathering
than 6 ft from a person 2.4 Crowded places (grocery store, establishments)
displaying symptoms of
COVID-19 or someone
who has tested positive
for COVID-19)
3. Contact of a Contact May include:
3.1 F1 Close contact of Confirmed case
3.2 F2 Close contact of F1
3.3 F3 Close contact of F2
3.4 F4 Close contact of F3
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : Involves safe transport between and within health facilities,
and coordination with the community and primary care
facilities for COVID patients needing referral.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Observes 1.1 Personal Protective 1.1 Effective verbal and 1.1 Giving clear and
proper Equipment PPE (gown, non-verbal proper instructions
infection mask, eye protection, communication to patient and driver
prevention gloves) donned and 1.2 Risk communication 1.2 Proper Donning and
control doffed in accordance 1.3 Guidelines on proper doffing of PPE
(IPC) with established cleaning and 1.3 Preventing
protocols standards and sanitation of vehicles transmission of the
procedures and equipment virus within and
1.2 Proper hand hygiene is 1.4 Proper ventilation of outside the vehicle
performed in the vehicle 1.4 Cleaning and
accordance with 1.5 Safe distance to disinfection of the
established standards avoid transmission vehicle
and procedures 1.6 Characteristics of 1.5 Cleaning and
1.3 Patient is assisted to COVID-19 and mode disinfection of all
minimize contact with of transmission tools and
the vehicle and to avoid 1.7 Infection prevention equipment used in
other unnecessary and control protocols the transfer (eg.
physical contact 1.8 Guidelines on the stretcher,
1.4 Vehicle is kept well- proper use of PPE wheelchair, etc.)
ventilated during and other protective 1.6 Proper
transport (eg. opening devices disposal/cleaning of
windows to reduce risk contaminated
of transmission) materials
1.5 Driver is advised on
proper cleaning and
disinfection of vehicle
and other tools and
equipment with patient
contact in accordance
with established
standards and
2. Coordinate 2.1 Available resources in 2.1 Risk communication 2.1 Coordination with
with drivers the community are 2.2 Negotiation hospitals, health
and health identified in accordance 2.3 Mapping and location facilities,
workers on with established of all available quarantine
the transport standards and hospitals and facilities facilities, testing
of patient for procedures e.g. 2.4 Estimated time of laboratories and
referral vehicles, health travel from one other relevant
workers, hospitals and
1. Resources May include:
1.1 Available ambulance or transport vehicles
1.2 Available hospitals and health facilities
1.3 Available quarantine facilities or makeshift areas
1.4 Available testing laboratories and testing kits
1.5 Available health workers
2. Correspondence May include:
2.1 Drivers of transport vehicle
2.2 Triage officers in facilities
2.3 Facility managers
2.4 Local officials
2.5 municipal/city/provincial social worker
2.6 municipal/city/provincial health officer
2.7 staff in designated Philhealth office
3. Interactions May include:
3.1 testing
3.2 quarantine
3.3 referral
3.4 hospitalization
3.5 health emergency
3.6 financial assistance
3.7 psychosocial assistance
4. Forms May include:
4.1 referral forms
4.2 patient information
4.3 profile of patient’s family/close contacts
4.4 patient transport forms
4.5 patient health status
4.6 status of accompanying health workers and team
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the basic knowledge, skills
and attitudes required to conduct health education of
patients during contact tracing.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Establish 1.1 Initial contact is made 1.1 Effective verbal and 1.1 Following simple
and with patient according non-verbal spoken language
maintain to contact tracing plan communication 1.2 Relating/
rapport with and/or established 1.2 Different modes of Interacting with
the patient procedures communication people with
1.2 Courtesy is 1.3 Recognize patient’s various
demonstrated in all privacy, autonomy background
communication with and confidentiality 1.3 Empathizing with
patients and team 1.4 Communication sick or
members procedures and asymptomatic
1.3 Interpersonal exchanges systems patients suspected
are initiated with patient 1.5 Lines of or confirmed
as appropriate communication Covid-19
1.4 Communication is 1.6 Workplace etiquette 1.4 Interpersonal skills
developed and 1.7 Organizational/ 1.5 Active-listening
maintained for effective Workplace policies skills
relationship with patients 1.8 Technology relevant 1.6 Gathering and
1.5 Trust and confidence of to the enterprise providing
patient is consistently and the individual’s information in
generated in all of the work responsibilities response to
relevant work activities workplace
that are undertaken requirements
1.6 Confidentiality and 1.7 Preparing work
privacy of patient is related documents
consistently maintained 1.8 Writing and
1.7 Autonomy or patient’s recording gathered
rights and roles in data
decision- making is
2. Assess 2.1 Patient is interviewed to 2.1 Effective verbal and 2.1 Following simple
patient’s obtain the patient non-verbal spoken language
health information and find communication 2.2 Relating/
educational out more about the 2.2 Different modes of Interacting with
needs and patient as an individual communication people with
readiness to and what his life is like 2.3 Recognize patient’s various
learn. 2.2 Patient’s learning needs privacy, autonomy background
is assessed in and confidentiality 2.3 Empathizing with
accordance with 2.4 Communication sick or
established standards procedures and asymptomatic
and procedures systems patients suspected
2.3 Patient’s learning style 2.5 Lines of or confirmed
is determined and communication Covid-19
1. Patient May include:
1.1 Confirmed COVID-19 positive case
1.2 Close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 positive case
1.3 General contact of a confirmed COVID-19 positive case
2. Communication May include:
2.1 Oral
2.2 Written
2.3 Sign language
2.4 Vernacular/ Filipino/ English
3. Communication May include:
3.1 Telephone
3.2 Cell phone
3.3 Face to face
3.4 Electronic Media
3.5 Letters, notes
4. Confidentiality and May include:
Privacy 4.1 Written details (medical and consent forms)
4.2 Conversation
4.3 Information disclosed to appropriate person consistent
with one’s level of accountability
4.4 Legal and ethical requirements
5. Autonomy May include:
5.1 Informed consent
6. Patient information May include:
6.1 Demographic details
6.2 Lifestyle practice
6.3 Work-related activities
6.4 History (medical and mental)
6.5 Patient care plan (hospitalized or home-isolation/
7. Team members May include:
7.1 Doctors
7.2 Nurses
7.3 Midwives
7.4 Sanitary Inspector
7.5 Medical Technologist
8. Learning style May include:
8.1 Visual (e.g. Picture aids, infographics, videos)
8.2 Auditory (e.g. Verbal instructions, discussions, read-
8.3 Read/Write (e.g. Note-taking)
8.4 Kinesthetic (e.g. hands-on)
9. Written instructions May include:
9.1 Written notes
9.2 Educational/ Instructional pamphlets
9.3 Flyers
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required
in contact tracing to record and report relevant information.
The unit involves the documentation of information on the
activities involving the patient.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Demonstrate 1.1 Basic Microsoft Office 1.1 Basic MS Office 1.1 Applies basic
computer applications are Application computer skill in
literacy and navigated/operated in 1.2 Email System work using basic
data/records accordance with 1.3 Search Engines and MS Office
management established standards Web Browsing Applications other
and procedures 1.4 Data/Records computer
1.2 E-mail system is used in management 1.2 Ability to use basic
accordance with 1.5 Data Privacy Act of e-mail system
established standards 2012 and Health 1.3 Ability to launch
and procedures Protocols search engines
1.3 Basic functions of www- and conduct basic
browser to search for web searches
necessary information 1.4 Ability to maintain,
are conducted in store, and retrieve
accordance with files in an
established standards organized manner
and procedures
1.4 Data or files are stored,
maintained, stored, and
easily retrieved data in a
hard drive in an
organized manner
1.5 Protocol and
confidentiality of records
and data are followed at
all times
2. Collate 2.1 Client’s information is 2.1 Records 2.1 Information
records updated in accordance 2.2 Documentation gathering
with workplace records 2.3 Standard Forms 2.2 Communication
system requirements and 2.4 Basic Mathematics skills
criteria 2.5 Effective verbal and 2.3 Relating to people
2.2 Documents and records nonverbal with different
data followed a set of communication social, cultural
standards 2.6 Data Privacy Act of and ethnic
2.3 Client’s information is 2012 and Health backgrounds
summarized based on Protocols
the workplace records
2.4 Protocol and
confidentiality of records
1. Microsoft Office May include:
applications 1.1 Microsoft Word
1.2 Microsoft Excel
1.3 Microsoft Powerpoint
2. Client’s Information May include:
2.1 Name
2.2 Date of Birth/Age
2.3 Gender
2.4 Occupation
2.5 Civil Status
2.6 Nationality
2.7 Passport Number
2.8 Permanent Address
2.9 Current Address
2.10 Health Information based on Case Investigation and
Travel History Forms
3. Records May include:
3.1 Family Profile
3.2 Household Health Profile
3.3 Travel History
4. Reports May include:
4.1 Generated list of close contacts
4.2 Other necessary health reports required
5. Standard Forms May include:
5.1 Case Investigation Form
5.2 Travel History Form
5.3 Signs and Symptoms Log Form
5.4 Other necessary forms
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required in contact tracing to conduct monitoring and
surveillance of identified close contact of an infected
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Monitor close 1.1 All contacts’ vital signs 1.1 Basic health 1.1 Information
contacts of a are monitored in background gathering
specific case accordance with 1.2 Records 1.2 Ability to take vital
established standards 1.3 Documentation signs
and procedures 1.4 Effective verbal and 1.3 Ability to apply
1.2 Relevant information are nonverbal first-aid
gathered through communications 1.4 Communication
interview 1.5 Use of medical skills
1.3 All contacts’ Signs and equipment in vital 1.5 Relating to people
Symptoms Log Forms signs taking with different
are updated regularly 1.6 Health Interventions social, cultural and
1.7 Data Privacy Act of ethnic
2012 backgrounds
2. Update 2.1 Interview conducted in 2.1 Interview Process 2.1 Information
client’s record accordance with 2.2 Documentation gathering
established standards Process 2.2 Communication
and procedures 2.3 Health Data skills
2.2 Health data information Information 2.3 Relating to people
is updated in accordance 2.4 Data/Records with different
with established Management social, cultural and
standards and 2.5 Clients Health ethnic
procedures Status backgrounds
2.3 Records are maintained 2.6 Data Privacy Act of
in accordance with 2012
documentation process
3. Inform 3.1 Specific cases are 3.1 Basic health 3.1 Gathering
immediate discussed with the background information
supervisor of supervisor in accordance 3.2 Effective verbal and 3.2 Communicating
specific with documentation nonverbal skills
cases/findings process communications 3.3 Ability to take vital
in a timely 3.2 Specific cases are 3.3 Use of medical signs
manner reported promptly in equipment in vital
accordance with signs taking
documentation process
1. Vital Signs May include:
1.1 BP readings
1.2 Temperature
1.3 Pulse rate
1.4 Others
2. Health Data Information May include:
2.1 Name
2.2 Date of Birth/Age
2.3 Gender
2.4 Occupation
2.5 Civil Status
2.6 Nationality
2.7 Passport Number
2.8 Permanent Address
2.9 Current Address
2.10 Contact Number
2.11 Email Address
2.12 Address outside the Philippines, if applicable
2.13 Travel History
2.14 Exposure History
2.15 Clinical Information
2.16 Specimen Information
2.17 Classification
2.18 Outcome
2.19 Others
3. Specific cases May include:
3.1 Symptoms:
3.1.1 Fever
3.1.2 Cough
3.1.3 Sore throat
3.1.4 Difficulty of breathing
3.1.5 Colds
3.1.6 Diarrhea
3.1.7 Others
Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this program must possess the following
Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees
for Contact Tracing Level II.
25 pcs Calculator
25 pcs Ballpen
25 pcs Pencil
3 reams Coupon Bond / Bond Paper
25 pcs Logbook
25 pcs Folder
25 pcs Fastener
25 pcs Eraser
25 pcs Notebook
25 pcs Ruler, 12 inches
25 pcs Hand sanitizer, 100 ml
Personal Protective Equipment:
25 pcs Faces shield
25 pcs Respirator (N95 or FFP2)
25 pcs Apron
25 pcs Gown
25 pcs Gloves, latex
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) would like to
extend thanks and appreciation to the representatives of academe and government
agencies who provided their time and expertise to the development of this Competency