Microformingðfrom Basic Research To Its Realization: U. Engel, R. Eckstein

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44

MicroformingÐfrom basic research to its realization

U. Engel*, R. Eckstein
Chair of Manufacturing Technology LFT, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Egerlandstr. 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Received 14 January 2002; accepted 20 January 2002


The production of miniature parts is gaining importance due to the trend of miniaturization which is increasingly determining the development
of products ranging from mobile phones and computers to medical products. The application of conventional manufacturing processes for the
production of such microparts is possible, but there are problems that result from the small dimensions. This fact applies also in the ®eld of metal
forming, however, in the meantime many research projects in several countries could improve this situation. This paper gives a review of the problems
associated with miniaturization, the way of solution starting from basic research, and the results showing the progress of microforming today.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Micro-metal forming; Material behaviour; Processes

1. Introduction The ®rst and rapidly yielding ®nding was that the know-how
of metal forming cannot be easily scaled down to the micro-
To start with, a de®nition: the term microforming, in the scale revealing simultaneously many other reasons why this
context of metal forming, is understood to be the production technology is not applied to this day. It is well-recognized
of parts or structures with at least two dimensions in the sub- that it is not only the peculiarity of the process itself which
millimetre range [1]. Parts of such a size are commonly used has to be understood, but there are also many problems
and more and more required in extremely high numbers, in related to the tool and machine tool for which new solutions
particular for electronic components in micro-system tech- must be found. Meanwhile, a lot of research activities have
nologies (MST) and micro-electromechanical systems been initiated worldwide covering this ®eld of problems and
(MEMS) as they characterize today many products pushing showing that microforming is on a promising way towards
forward their miniaturization. Typical examples for such its application in industrial production. It is not the intention
parts are pins for IC-carriers, fasteners, micro-screws, lead of this paper to present the state of the art of microforming.
frames, sockets, and any kind of connecting element (Fig. 1). This was given recently elsewhere [1]. The intention is to
Secondly, its history: in 1990 as awareness of the tech- show by means of examples the necessity of basic research
nology grew, the industry produced such partsÐactually by to realize this special application of metal forming.
turning and millingÐthe question arose as to why this could
not be done by metal forming. For the metal forming society
this is quite a justi®ed question since forming is the pre- 2. Microforming system
destined method of manufacturing near net shape parts
especially when high production numbers and high produc- A microforming system can be split upÐlike conven-
tion rates are required. However, at this time it became tional forming processesÐinto four groups as shown in
obvious, that there was no basic knowledge on microforming Fig. 2.
and practically no application visible, not even in the pro- Beside the challenges that are also known in the ®eld of
totype stage. But there were some visions. One was given by conventional forming, like tool design, wear and appropriate
Maeda [2] who proposed the development of a super micro- treatment of the material, problems appear in microforming
precision press-machine. This was one of the occasions to that are strongly coupled with miniaturization itself. These
start basic research on microforming at the authors' institute. problems are observed in all four groups:
The material behaviour changes with miniaturization,
Corresponding author. caused by size effects that occur when a process is scaled
E-mail address: u.engel@lft.uni-erlangen.de (U. Engel). down from conventional size to the micro-scale. The ¯ow

0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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36 U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44

the scatter of the results or friction. It should be emphasized

that the size effects concerning the material and the process
have to be considered during the process design and layout
and also affect the applicability of FE-based simulations.
The main problem regarding the tools lies in their man-
ufacturing, since it is dif®cult to create the very small
contours, which are necessary. Especially inner shapes,
e.g. for extrusion dies, with close tolerances and an adequate
surface quality are dif®cult to make. However, new manu-
facturing methods have been developed in order to over-
come these dif®culties. For instance, an embossing tool has
been developed with dimensions down to 200 nm made by
an electron beam lithography-etching process [1,3].
Also the problems associated with machines or equipment
grow with miniaturization. The clearance or the backlash
between the machine parts that are negligible for conven-
tional forming processes may have a detrimental in¯uence
on the accuracy of the produced parts. The handling of
material and parts is dif®cult, since the surfaces where they
can be gripped are very small and the part weight is low
compared with adhesion forces; as a result, the parts do not
separate from a gripper by themselves. Additionally, they
have to be placed with tolerances of a few microns, e.g. into
a die of a multi-station former.
The development of adequate measuring technology,
suited to measure the smallest contours of tools and parts,
respectively, is another challenge. Finally, the small dimen-
sions demand production in clean rooms, which causes
additional costs. Therefore, the development and use of
small machines could lead to a more economic production.
Fig. 1. Microparts: lead frame, pitch 0.3 mm (top) and extruded parts In recent years many research activities have started
(Shinko, NME). dealing with the investigation of these problems. The focus
of the present paper is on the area of materials and processes,
stress, the anisotropy, the ductility and the forming limit of cf. the following section. In Section 4 an outline of actual
materials are in¯uenced by these size effects, which has to research will be given to show also the progress within other
be considered when designing a microforming process. areas that are altogether indispensable to push forward this
Also phenomena that are assigned to the process depend new technology.
on the size. Examples are the forming forces, the spring-back,

3. Microforming process

The comparison of microforming processes with conven-

tional ones shows that some parameters remain constant
when scaling down the dimensions. The microstructure of
the material, for instance, is independent of the dimensions
of the process. Another example is the topography of the
surface, which is also invariant. As a result, the ratio between
the dimensions of a part and parameters of the microstruc-
ture or surface changes with miniaturization. This leads to
the so-called size effects, which prevent the application of
the know-how of conventional forming processes in the ®eld
of microforming. Therefore, investigations were necessary
in order to quantify these size effects. The strategy was to
scale down forming processes systematically [4,5].
At ®rst, studies with basic experiments have been rea-
Fig. 2. Problems in the microworld (LFT). lized. The investigated processes were simple with the aim
U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44 37

to avoid complex tools as well as the problems connected

with their manufacturing. Additionally, more technologi-
cally oriented types of experiments made it possible to verify
the effects detected within the basic experiments. The
application of different materials has been managed for
the same reason.

3.1. Similarity

Scaling down a certain process is an accepted strategy to

investigate microforming processes and the effects of min-
iaturization [6]. With respect to an easy evaluation of the
experiments, it is recommended to ensure that the stress and
strain states and their rates remain constant, i.e. not affected
by the size of the process. Therefore, test series according to
the theory of similarity, especially conforming strictly to the
geometrical similarity, are well-suited for studies of micro-
forming processes. This means that all dimensions of speci-
men and tools are multiplied by the geometric scale l. Fixing
the time scale to 1, the tool velocity has to be scaled by l as
well yielding the size-independent strain rate as desired.
Starting from these preconditions, the process forces
should be proportional to l2 and the ¯ow stresses should
be size-independent. If the forces and stresses, respectively,
measured in experiments differ from theoretical ones, this
deviation is caused by the different dimensions of the pro- Fig. 3. Decreasing flow curves (LFT).
cesses and can be identi®ed as a size effect. The strains of the
specimen are also independent of the process size, if processes
are geometrically similar. Hence, the strain distribution, that on small scales the material cannot be considered as an
minimum and maximum strains should also be independent homogeneous continuum any more [7,11]. The decisive
of size, otherwise also a size effect has taken place. criterion is the ratio of grain size to the billets dimensions.
For microparts, the share of grains representing the surface
3.2. General size effects layer becomes high compared to the grains that are sur-
rounded entirely by other grains. From metal physics theory
General size effects concern in particular the material it is known that free surface grains show less hardening com-
behaviour and friction, which are relevant for all forming pared to the inner volume grains which can be explained by
processes. The in¯uence of the miniaturization on the ¯ow the different mechanisms of dislocation movement and pile-
stress has been investigated by geometrically similar tensile up and by the fact that they are less subjected to compatibility
and upsetting tests. As pointed out above, all stresses should restrictions. Thus, the integral ¯ow stress that is measured in
be size-independent, but the experiments have shown that upsetting or tensile tests is a function of the share of surface
the ¯ow stress decreases with increasing miniaturization. In grains. This share increases with grain size and with minia-
the ®eld of sheet metal forming, tensile tests using CuZn15, turization as it can be seen in Fig. 4. It should be noted that the
CuNi18Zn20, copper and aluminium yielded a decrease of above mentioned surface layer model can also be used in
up to 30% when reducing the sheet thickness from 2 mm modelling microforming processes by FEM [13].
down to 0.17 mm. Bulge tests with sheets made of copper Additional general size effects occur in tensile tests: The
alloy have shown the same tendency [7±10]. In the ®eld of vertical mean anisotropy of sheets decreases with miniatur-
bulk metal forming the size effect on the ¯ow stress has been ization. This means that the forming characteristics become
investigated by upsetting tests with copper, CuZn15 and worse with miniaturization, because the thickness reduction
CuSn6 [6,11]. Again, the miniaturization resulted in lower increases, which is an undesired phenomenon in deep
¯ow stresses (Fig. 3). It should be emphasized that the grain drawing processes. Furthermore, the uniform elongation
size of the test specimen was held constant for all scales, (the strain, when global necking starts in tensile tests)
which means that the decrease of the ¯ow curves is de®nitely decreases with miniaturization, and also the necking elon-
caused by the miniaturization and cannot be explained by gation, which is the elongation between uniform and fracture
different grain structures. elongation [7].
The decrease of ¯ow stress can be explained by the so- The effect of miniaturization on friction has been inves-
called surface layer model [12] which is based on the fact tigated by ring compression and double cup extrusion (DCE)
38 U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44

experimental setup: a cylindrical specimen is placed in a die

between a stationary and a moving punch of identical shape.
The upper punch moves down and causes the material to
form two cups with the cup heights hu and hl. In the
theoretical case of no friction (friction factor m ˆ 0) both
these cups have the same height, whereas the higher friction
gets, the more the forming of the lower cup is prevented.
Therefore, the ratio hu/hl is quite a sensitive measure for
friction. The amount of changes in friction conditions was
determined by a numerical identi®cation with FE-simulation
using the software DEFORM-2D.
Fig. 6 shows the experimental results. An extrusion oil
was applied for lubrication. It can be seen that the cup height
ratio and thus, friction increases distinctly with miniaturiza-
Fig. 4. Share of surface grains (LFT). tion. For a quantitative approach the friction factor m can be
evaluated by numerical identi®cation [15]. The results are
also shown in Fig. 6 revealing an increase in friction factor
tests. The former is based on the fact that the evolution of the from m ˆ 0:02 in the case of the 4 mm specimen up to 0.15
inner diameter of a ring during compression depends quite and higher for the smaller specimens. It should be noted that
sensitively on friction. The investigations have shown that constant friction conditions do not result in a constant cup
friction increases with miniaturization in the case of lubri- height ratio over the course of the process, as it is con®rmed
cation with oil, while it is size-independent in the case of no by the experimental and simulation results as well.
lubrication [6,11,14]. This frictional behaviour can be explained by the model of
The advantages of the DCE test compared with the ring open and closed lubricant pockets, also called dynamic and
compression test are a larger increase in the surface area, static lubricant pockets [11,15]. When a forming load is
larger strains and higher pressure between specimen and die. applied to a lubricated workpiece surface, the asperities
This means, the conditions are more similar to typical (``roughness peaks'') start to deform plastically, thus
extrusion processes [15,16]. For the investigation of the increasing the pressure of the lubricant which is trapped
in¯uence of miniaturization on friction, scaled DCE tests in the ``roughness valleys'' in-between.
have been carried out. The diameters of the specimen were Roughness valleys that have a connection to the edge of
varied between 4 mm down to 0.5 mm. Fig. 5 outlines the the surface cannot keep the lubricant. These are called
``open lubricant pockets''. With increasing normal pressure
the lubricant escapes and is not able to support or transmit
the forming load (Fig. 7). The forming load only acts on the
asperities which results in a higher normal pressure, a higher
degree of surface ¯attening and higher friction. Closed
lubricant pockets on the contrary do not have a connection
to the edge of the surface. The lubricant gets trapped in those
pockets and pressurized during forming. The pressurized

Fig. 5. DCE test: (a) dependence of cup height on friction; (b)±(d) FEM Fig. 6. Increase of friction indicated by the cup height ratio of a DCE test
calculation, development of the cups. depending on punch travel.
U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44 39

reason for this effect is that the random size and orientation
of the geometrical features characterizing the microstructure
(e.g. grain size) and topography (e.g. lateral extent of closed/
open lubricant pockets) become dominant when the speci-
men dimension is reduced.

3.3. Case studiesÐtowards process realization

Case studies show the signi®cance of size effects on

practical processes, which are in¯uenced by general size
effects and also, sometimes, by process speci®c phenomena.
They are necessary to formulate design rules for microform-
ing processes and are a ®nal and indispensable step to
facilitate the realization of a certain process.
Fig. 7. Open and closed lubricant pockets (LFT). The in¯uence of miniaturization on extrusion has been
investigated among other things with full forward extrusion
processes. Similar to the experiments presented in the last
lubricant helps to transmit the forming load, thus reducing section, tests according to the theory of similarity have been
the normal pressure on the asperities, which results in lower carried out. The diameters of the billets were 4 mm down to
friction (Fig. 7). It can be summarized that closed lubricant 0.5 mm and different lubricants have been applied. The most
pockets reduce friction in contrast to open lubricant pockets. important result is that downscaling the part dimensions
Applying this model to the DCE test outlined above there results in an increase of the punch pressure. This is caused
must be a scaling effect on the ratio of open to closed by the increase in friction, which has been veri®ed by
lubricant pockets as shown in Fig. 8. It is obvious that there FE-simulation. The friction factors determined by DCE tests
is a region of constant width (denoted by x in Fig. 8) where were applied in the calculations, and their results were in
the open lubricant pockets become effective. This can be good agreement with the experiments.
con®rmed by roughness measurements on the outer surface In order to study the material behaviour of a relatively
of the specimens after extrusion, showing distinct ¯attening complex extrusion process, a combined forward rod±back-
of asperities in the region of x. By reducing the specimen ward can extrusion process was chosen. Again, geometri-
size, the share of open lubricant pockets increases as well as cally similar test series with billet diameters between 0.5 and
the friction factor. The model of open and closed lubricant 4 mm have been realized. Fig. 9 shows a specimen (billet
pockets has been con®rmed by additional and independent diameter of 0.5 mm) made within these tests. A speci®c
investigation. For example, tests with specimens of ®xed characteristic of this process is the ratio of cup height and
diameter but varying height have been carried out. In shaft length hC/lS (Fig. 10). The results show that this ratio
accordance to the model an increase in friction with decreas- increases with miniaturization in the case of ®ne grained
ing height is observed. Another proof for the model arises material (grain size about 4 mm). Similar to the DCE test, the
from the use of solid lubricants (or even dry conditions) increase of friction causes an increased material ¯ow in the
instead of a ¯uid. In that case the mechanism postulated by direction of the moving punch, that means the cup becomes
the model cannot become effective and consequently size larger with miniaturization.
effects do not occur [16]. A second identical set of experiments was performed with
A further effect, which has been observed in many a heat-treated specimen, which had a coarse microstructure
experiments, is the increase of scatter, when the dimensions (grain size about 120 mm). The behaviour was similar to the
of forming processes become less, cf. Figs. 3 and 6. The case of ®ne grained material for the diameters 4 and 2 mm.
By contrast, there is no further increase of the cup height,

Fig. 8. Effect of miniaturization on areas with open and closed lubricant Fig. 9. Forward rodÐbackward can extrusion; initial diameter is 0.5 mm
pockets (LFT). (LFT).
40 U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44

Fig. 10. Combined full forward cup backward extrusion: effect of

specimen size and microstructure on shape of extruded part (LFT).

when the billet diameter is set to 0.5 mm. This is explained

by the microstructure. In the case of the considered speci-
men the grain size is larger than the thickness of the wall of
the cup (120±75 mm). As observed in the case of bending
(see below), this reduces the ductility of the material. There-
fore, it is easier for the material to ¯ow in the shaft than in the
cup. This example clearly illustrates the importance of the
exact knowledge of miniaturization effects for process
design [15].
However, it is not only the process for which the minia-
turization effects have to be considered but also the quality
of the formed parts. The geometrical accuracy as well as the
mechanical properties are affected which shall be shown by
Fig. 12. Irregular hardness distribution of a coarse grained extruded
two examples considering a backward can extrusion and a specimen, initial diameter of 0.5 mm (LFT).
full forward extrusion process, respectively. Fig. 11 shows
the shape formation of the cup wall of thickness 8 mm
pressed out of a é1.0 mm billet of coarse grain structure. Work hardening is important for the superior mechanical
It can be seen that the formation of the rim is rather irregular properties of cold forged parts. It can be characterized by
which can be explained by the fact that on different locations the hardness distribution which usually re¯ects the well
grains of different size and orientation have to pass the experienced or theoretically analysed distribution of induced
clearance between die and punch which is quite small strain. In the case of micro-forward extrusion of a é0.5 mm
compared with the mean grain size, thus yielding inhomo- billet the result is quite different as shown in Fig. 12. The
geneous material ¯ow and ®nally the observed irregular maximum hardness is not found in the regions expected but
shape [15]. obviously assigned to speci®c grains which due to their size,
orientation and location have been deformed most heavily
[15]. That means also that the overall mechanical properties
might be different from part to part due to the random
character of the grain structure.
It should be noted that both phenomena are not observed
in conventional forming. They are more typical for micro-
forming and must be taken into account in assessing the
quality of the product.
Another phenomenon has been observed in air bending
experiments. According to the surface layer model the ¯ow
stresses decrease with miniaturization. As a result, the
bending forces relative to the scale should decrease with
miniaturization. Experiments have shown that this is valid in
Fig. 11. Backward can extruded part, thickness of the wall 8 mm, SEM most cases, but the model fails when only one single grain is
picture (left) and cross-sectional micrograph (LFT). located over the thickness of the sheet. This effect of ``one
U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44 41

Fig. 13. Bending forces and yield strength in bending tests. Effect of Fig. 15. Inhomogeneous strain distribution of coarse grained material
miniaturization and grain size (LFT, mate). (LFT).

grainÐhigh forces'' has been observed when scaling down a grain will be deformed according to the shape of the tool,
process while the grain size was constant (115 mm in Fig. 13, regardless of its possibly unfavourable orientation. This
left-hand side) [7] and also increasing the grain size by heat leads to higher forces [17].
treatment while the process dimensions were constant A further material phenomenon, which occurs in sheet
(Fig. 13, right-hand side) [9]. This contradicts the regular metal working processes, is the in¯uence of the sheet
theory, where the ¯ow stress decreases, when the grain size anisotropy on the process. The effect of the anisotropy in
increases (Hall±Petch relation). In order to ®nd reasons for micro-sheet metal blanking processes has been investigated
this phenomenon, experiments have been carried out, which in connection with the production of lead frames (Fig. 1).
apply the method of optical strain measurement to micro- They contain long and narrow slots made by blanking, which
forming processes. means that the shearing lines have a distinct direction. It has
Sheets made of CuZn15, 0.5 mm in thickness were bent. been shown that the maximum punch force depends on the
Applying the material in the hard state with ®ne grains (grain angle between the rolling direction and the shearing lines F
size approx. 10 mm) the deformed area shows a strain (Fig. 16) [18,19]. Furthermore, the anisotropy has an effect
distribution that is typical for the bending process on the material ¯ow during a blanking process: experiments
(Fig. 14): elongated material at the outer radius of the have been carried out applying punches with rectangular
arc, compressed material at the inner radius and an unde- shape. The width of the punch wP was half the thickness of
formed area in the middle. This layer structure is disturbed the sheet (Fig. 16). This ratio has been investigated, since
when the material is coarsely grained (grain size approx. narrow slots are typical for lead frames. During the ®rst
70 mm, Fig. 15), which is caused by the different crystal- phase of the blanking process (until the cutting edge of the
lographic orientation of the grains. Different orientation punch has reached about the middle of the sheet), the
could be the reason for the increasing bending forces when material ¯ow causes a lateral expansion D of the material,
there is only one grain in the normal direction of the surface de®ned as the increase of the distance between the two
of the sheet. When the number of grains is larger, i.e. more X-marks in Fig. 16. The experiments have shown that D
than 1, preferably those with lower resistance against defor- clearly depends on F. During the second phase (until
mation will be elongated. When the number is 1, each single material separation takes place) D remains nearly constant.
It should be emphasized that the amount of D is a function of
further material parameters (e.g. recrystallized or hard state)
and must be taken into account when blanking is continued
subsequently in the immediate vicinity.

4. Research in progress

The trend towards even smaller products leads to new

approaches in basic research. Taking up considerations
made in the 1950s in the Bell Telephone Labs, the plastic
deformation should be analysed not only in terms of strain
but also of strain gradients, in particular, when the dimen-
sions of the deformed area are in the range of 10 mm or
Fig. 14. Strain distribution of fine grained material (LFT). smaller [20±23]. In contrast to the effects explained by the
42 U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44

Fig. 17. Warm forging: flow stress and scatter decreasing with temperature

In addition to the forming process itself, the production of

Fig. 16. Effect of anisotropy on material flow in a blanking process. material and manufacturing of specimen and billets, respec-
tively, gains importance. Up to now, sophisticated specimens
made by turning, heat treating, embedding, grinding, polish-
surface layer model the forces relative to the scale increase ing and so one have been applied to extrusion experiments.
with miniaturization. This has been observed, for example, Obviously, this procedure is not adequate for industrial
bending nickel foils 50 mm down to 12.5 mm in thickness needs. An economical production process demands deliver-
[24]. The strain gradient plasticity postulates that the density ing rates of higher than 300 billets per minute. This can be
of dislocations increases with the strain gradient, which realized (as it is done conventionally) by shearing. In case of
becomes larger with miniaturization, and therefore the hard- producing micro-billets from thin wire special attention has
ening of the material as well. to be directed to shearing failures like edge draw-in, frac-
Since the material behaviour gets worse with miniaturiza- tured area and burr, which could affect the extrusion and the
tion (e.g. worse ductility, increased scatter), new strategies geometrical accuracy of the part. Therefore, the shearing
have to be developed. One idea is warm forming which process and the in¯uence of sheared billets on the extrusion
combines the bene®ts of cold forming such as high surface process will be investigated in a new research project. The
quality and strain hardening and the advantages of hot form- aim is to develop a shearing process that allows the man-
ing, for example, lower process forces and larger formability. ufacture of billets that are suited for extrusion of micro-
Additionally, it is assumed that deformation is more homo- parts. The in¯uence of temperature, punch velocity and
geneous within a warm forming process compared to a cold stress state on the shearing process will be investigated.
forming process, because more slide systems can be activated Problems of tool manufacturing and handling are tackled
at increased temperature. Therefore, scatter should become in some projects and studies. Conventional methods of tool
smaller. First results obtained in warm compression tests manufacturing can be also appliedÐwith restrictionsÐto
con®rm these assumptions (Fig. 17) [25]. microforming tools. Wire EDM applying wires down to
Up to now, mainly tensile, bending and punching tests 10 mm in diameter enables the production of very narrow
have been carried out in the ®eld of micro-sheet metal punching and extrusion dies [27]. Smallest punches have
working. By contrast, the micro-deep drawing process been made by grinding, achieving punch diameters down to
which is more complex since friction and anisotropy have 60 mm [1,28], structures with dimensions in the range of
an increased meaning, was investigated only in a few 10 mm by laser ablation [29,30]. Electron beam lithography-
projects [26]. Therefore, a new project started recently in etching processes make it possible to create structures even
order to examine micro-deep drawing processes with foils down to 200 nm in width [3]. Besides tool manufacturing,
down to 20 mm in thickness applying different materials and handling of microparts is another topic of investigation.
lubricants. Particularly, part transfer in multi-stage formers demands
U. Engel, R. Eckstein / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 35±44 43

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