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Personal Identity: The Dualist Theory

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Richard Swinburne same is one thing; the evidence which we may have to support our

claim is something very different.

Personal Identity: the Dualist Theory
The most natural theory of personal identity which readily occurs
From Sydney Shoemaker and Richard Swinburne, Personal Identity (Oxford: to people, is that personal identity is constituted by bodily identity.
Blackwell, 1984) P2 is the same person as P1 if P2’s body is the same body as P1’s
body. The person to whom you are talking now and call ‘John’ is
the same person as the person to whom you were talking last week
1. Empiricist Theories and then called ‘John’ if and only if he has the same body. To say
that the two bodies – call them B1 and B2 – are the same is not to
There are two philosophical questions about personal identity. The say that they contain exactly the same bits of matter. Bodies are
first is: what are the logically necessary and sufficient conditions continually taking in new matter (by people eating and drinking
for a person P2 at a time, t2 being the same person as a person P1 at and breathing in) and getting rid of matter. But what makes the
an earlier time t1,1 or, loosely, what does it mean to say that P2 is bodies the same is that the replacement of matter is only gradual.
the same person as P1? The second is: what evidence of The matter which forms my body is organized in a certain way,
observation and experience can we have that a person P2 at t2 is the into parts – legs, arms, heart, liver, etc. – which are interconnected
same person as a person P1 at t1 (and how are different pieces of and exchange matter and energy in regular ways. What makes my
evidence to be weighed against each other)? Many writers about body today the same body as my body yesterday is that most of the
personal identity have, however, needed to give only one account matter is the same (although I may have lost some and gained
of personal identity, because their account of the logically some) and its organization has remained roughly the same.
necessary and sufficient conditions of personal identity was in
terms of the evidence of observation and experience which would This bodily theory of personal identity gives a somewhat similar
establish or oppose claims of personal identity. They have made no account of personal identity to the account which it is natural to
sharp distinction between the meaning of such claims and the give of the identity of any material object or plant, and which is
evidence which supported them. Theories of this kind we may call due ultimately to Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book 7). Aristotle
empiricist theories. distinguished between substances and properties. Substances are
the individual things, like tables and chairs, cars and plants, which
In this section I shall briefly survey the empiricist theories which have properties (such as being square or round or red). Properties
have been offered and argue that they are ultimately unsatisfactory, are ‘universals’, that is they can be possessed by many different
and so go on to argue that my two questions have very different substances; many different substances can be square or red.
answers. What we mean when we say that two persons are the Substances are the individual substances which they are because of
the matter out of which they are made and the form which is given
to that matter. By ‘the form’ is meant those properties (normally of
shape and organization) the possession of which is essential if a
The logically necessary and sufficient conditions for something being so are
substance is to be the substance in question, the properties which it
those conditions such that if they are present, that thing must be so; and if they
cannot lose without ceasing to exist. We thus distinguish between
are absent, that thing cannot be so – all this because of considerations of logic.
the essential properties of a substance – those which constitute its
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form – and the accidental properties of a substance. It is among another planet, who are not human beings.) If we apply Aristotle’s
the essential properties of a certain oak tree that it has, under general account of the identity of substances to persons, it follows
normal conditions, a certain general shape and appearance, a that for a person to be the same person as an earlier person, he has
certain life cycle (of producing leaves in spring and acorns in to have the same matter (or matter obtained from that earlier
autumn); but its exact height, its position, and the distribution of person by gradual replacement) organized into the form of a person.
leaves on its tallest branch are accidental properties. If the matter The essential properties which make the form of a person would
of the oak tree is reduced to a heap of planks, the oak tree, lacking include, for Aristotle, not merely shape and physiological
its essential properties, has ceased to exist. We think of substances properties, but a kind of way of behaving and a capacity for a
as belonging to different kinds, natural – e.g., oak trees or ferns; or mental life of thought and feeling. For P2 at t2 to be the same
artificial – e.g., cars or desks; and the defining properties of a kind person as P1 at t1, both have to be persons (to have a certain kind of
constitute the form of a substance which belongs to it. ... body and mental life) and to be made of the same matter (i.e., to be
such that P2’s body is obtained from P1’s by gradual replacement
What makes a substance the same substance as an earlier substance of parts). Such is the bodily theory of personal identity. It does not
is that its matter is the same, or obtained from the matter of the deny that persons have a mental life, but insists that what makes a
former substance by gradual replacement, while continuing to person the same person as an earlier person is sameness of body.
possess the essential properties which constitute its form. The table
at which I am writing today is the same table at which I was The difficulty which has been felt by those modern philosophers
writing yesterday because it consists of the same matter (or at any basically sympathetic to a bodily theory of personal identity is this.
rate, most of the same matter), organized in the same way – into One part of the body – viz. the brain – seems to be of crucial
the form of a table. For inanimate things, however, too much importance for determining the characteristic behaviour of the rest.
replacement of matter, however gradual, will destroy identity. If I The brain controls not merely the physiology of the body but the
replace the drawer of my desk by another drawer, the desk remains way people behave and talk and think. If a man loses an arm or a
the same desk. But if, albeit gradually, I replace first the drawers leg, we do not think that the subsequent person is in any way
and then the sides and then the top, so that there is none of the different from the original person. If a man has a heart transplant
original matter left, we would say that the resulting desk was no or a liver transplant, again we do not think that the replacement
longer the same desk as the original desk. For living things, such makes a different person. On the other hand, if the brain of a
as plants, total replacement of matter – so long as it is gradual, and person P1 were removed from his body B1 and transplanted into the
so long as physiology and anatomy also change only gradually if at skull of a body B2 of a person P2, from which the brain was
all – will not destroy identity. The oak tree is the same as the removed and then transplanted into the empty skull of B1 (i.e., if
sapling out of which it has grown, because replacement of matter brains were interchanged), we would have serious doubt whether
has been gradual, and form (i.e., shape, physiology, and behaviour) P1 had any more the same body. We would be inclined to say that
has been largely preserved while any changes in it have been the person went where his brain went – viz., that P1 at first had
gradual. ... body B1, and then, after the transplant, body B2. The reason why
we would say this is that (we have very good scientific reason to
Persons too are substances. (Men, or human beings, are persons of believe) the person with B2’s body would claim to be P1, to have
a certain kind – viz., those with similar anatomy, physiology, and done and experienced the things which we know P1 to have done,
evolutionary origin to ourselves. There may be persons, e.g., on and would have the character, beliefs, and attitudes of P1. What
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determines my attitude towards a person is not so much the matter memory, which is memory of some fact known previously; as
out of which his body is made, but who he claims to be, whether he when I remember that the battle of Hastings was fought in 1066.
has knowledge of my past life purportedly on the basis of previous This is not a memory of a past experience. ... Secondly, it is
acquaintance with me, and more generally what his beliefs about personal memory in the weak sense. In the normal or strong sense
the world are and what are his attitudes towards it. Hence a of ‘remember’, one can only remember doing something if one
philosopher seeking a materialist criterion of personal identity, will really did it. I may say that I ‘remember’ going up the
come to regard the brain, the core of the body, rather than the rest Eiffel Tower, but if I didn’t do it, it seems natural to say that I
of the body as what matters for personal identity. So this modified cannot really remember having done it. In this sense, just as you
bodily theory states: that P2 is the same person as P1 if and only if can only know what is true, so you can only remember what you
P2 has the same central organ controlling memory and character, really did. However, there is also a weak sense of ‘remember’ in
viz., same brain, as P1. Let us call it the brain theory of personal which a man remembers whatever he believes that he remembers
identity. A theory along these lines (with a crucial qualification, to in the strong sense. One’s weak memories are not necessarily true
be discussed shortly) was tentatively suggested by David Wiggins ones. Now if the memory criterion defined personal identity in
in Identity and Spatiotemporal Continuity (Oxford,1967). terms of memory in the strong sense, it would not be very useful;
for to say that P2 remembers having done what P1 did would
The traditional alternative to a bodily theory of personal identity is already entail their being the same person, and anyone in doubt as
the memory-character theory. This claims that, given the to whether P2 was the same person as P1, would have equal doubt
importance for our attitude towards persons of their memory whether P2 really did remember doing what P1 did. What the
claims and character, continuity in respect of these would criterion as stated is concerned with is memory in the weak sense,
constitute personal identity – whether or not this continuity is which (because the strong sense is the more natural one) I shall
caused by continuity of some bodily organ, such as the brain; and henceforward call apparent memory.
the absence of continuity of memory and character in some
particular case involves the absence of personal identity, even if So Locke’s theory can now be rephrased as follows: P2 at t2 is the
there is continuity in respect of that bodily organ which produces same person as P1 at an earlier time t1, if and only if P2 apparently
such continuity between other persons on other occasions. remembers having done and experienced various things when
those things were in fact done and experienced by P1. A person is
The simplest version of this theory was that given by John Locke. who he thinks that he is. ...
According to Locke, memory alone (or ‘consciousness’, as he
often calls it) constitutes personal identity. Loosely – P2 at t2 is the Locke’s theory needs tidying up if we are to avoid absurdity.
same person as P1 at an earlier time t1, if and only if P2 remembers Consider, first, the following objection made by Thomas Reid:
having done and experienced various things, where these things
were in fact done and experienced by P1. Suppose a brave officer to have been flogged when a boy at school
for robbing an orchard, to have taken a standard from the enemy in
his first campaign, and to have been made a general in advanced life;
Before expounding Locke’s theory further we need to be clear suppose also, which must be admitted to be possible, that, when he
about the kind of memory which is involved. First, it is what is took the standard, he was conscious of his having been flogged at
sometimes called personal memory, i.e., memory of one’s own school, and that, when made a general, he was conscious of his taking
past experiences. It is thus to be distinguished from factual the standard, but had absolutely lost the consciousness of his flogging.
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These things being supposed, it follows, from Mr Locke’s doctrine, suppose that the deeds and experiences of some moments of a
that he who was flogged at school is the same person who took the person’s life never get re-called. Yet the memory theory, as stated
standard, and that he who took the standard is the same person who
was made a general. Whence it follows if there be any truth in logic,
so far, rules out that possibility. If I am not connected by a chain of
that the general is the same person with him who was flogged at memories with the deeds and experiences done by a person at a
school. But the general's consciousness does not reach so far back as certain time, then I am not identical with that person. It is perhaps
his flogging; therefore according to Mr Locke’s doctrine, he is not the better if the theory claims that the apparent memories which form
same person who was flogged. Therefore the general is, and at the the links need only be hypothetical memories – i.e., what a person
same time is not, the same person with him who was flogged at
school. (Reid, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, bk. III, ch. 6)
would apparently remember if he were to try to remember the
deeds and experiences in question, e.g., in consequence of being
The objection illustrates the important point that identity is a prompted.
transitive relation; if a is identical with band b is identical with c,
then necessarily a is identical with c. We can meet the objection by There is, however, a major objection to any memory theory of
reformulating Locke’s theory as follows: P2 at t2 is the same personal identity, arising from the possibility of duplication. The
person as P1 at an earlier time t1 if and only if either P2 apparently objection was made briefly by Reid and at greater length in an
remembers what P1 did and experienced, or he apparently influential article by Bernard Williams. Williams imagines the case
remembers what some person P' at an intermediate time t’ did and of a man whom he calls Charles who turns up in the twentieth-
experienced, when P' apparently remembers what P1 did and century claiming to be Guy Fawkes:
experienced, or they are linked by some longer intermediate chain.
All the events he claims to have witnessed and all the actions he
(That is, P2 apparently remembers what P' did and experienced, P' claims to have done point unanimously to the life-history of some one
apparently remembers what P" did and experienced, and so on person in the past – for instance Guy Fawkes. Not only do all
until we reach a person who apparently remembers what P1 did and Charles’ memory-claims that can be checked fit the pattern of
experienced.) If P1 and P2 are linked by such a chain, they are, we Fawkes’ life as known to historians, but others that cannot be checked
may say, linked by continuity of memory. Clearly, the apparent are plausible, provide explanations of unexplained facts, and so on.2
memories of the deeds and experiences of the previous person at
each stage in the chain need not be completely accurate memories The fact that memory claims which “cannot be checked are
of what was done and experienced. But they do need to be fairly plausible, provide explanations of unexplained facts, and so on” is
accurate memories of what was done and experienced, if the later evidence that Charles is not merely claiming to remember what he
person is to be the person who did and experienced those things. ... has in fact read in a book about Guy Fawkes, and so leaves us back
with the supposition, natural to make in normal cases, that he is
Many advocates of a memory theory have not always been very reporting honestly his apparent memories. So, by a memory theory
clear in their exposition about whether the apparent memories Charles would be Guy Fawkes. But then suppose, Williams
which form the links in the chain of memory need to be actual imagines, that another man Robert turns up, who satisfies the
memories, or whether they need only to be hypothetical memories. memory criteria for being Guy Fawkes equally well. We cannot
By ‘actual memories’ I mean actual recallings of past experiences.
The trouble with the suggestion that actual memories are required 2
Bernard Williams, ‘Personal Identity and Individuation’, Proceedings of the
is that we do not very often recall our past, and it seems natural to Aristotelian Society, (1956-57), p. 332.

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say that they are both identical with Guy Fawkes, for if they were, Fawkes story told by Williams! If these transplants took, clearly
they would be identical with each other – which they are not since each of the resulting persons would behave to some extent like P1,
they currently live different lives and have different thoughts and and indeed both would probably have some of the apparent
feelings from each other. So apparent memory cannot constitute memories of P1. Each of the resulting persons would then be good
personal identity, although it may be fallible evidence of it. candidates for being P1.

The objection from the possibility of duplication, together with After all, if one of P1’s hemispheres had been destroyed and the
other difficulties which will be mentioned in later chapters, have other remained intact and untransplanted, and the resulting person
inclined the majority of contemporary writers to favour a theory continued to behave and make memory claims somewhat like
which makes some sort of bodily continuity central to personal those of P1, we would have had little hesitation in declaring that
identity. As we have seen, the brain theory takes into account the person to be P1. The same applies, whichever hemisphere was
insight of memory-and-character theory into the importance of preserved – although it may well be that the resulting person would
these factors for personal identity, by selecting the brain, as the have greater capacities (e.g. speech) if one hemisphere was
organ causally responsible for the continuity of memory and preserved than if the other one was preserved. We have seen earlier,
character, as that part of the body the continuity of which good reason for supposing that the person goes where his brain
constitutes the continuity of the person. goes, and if his brain consists only of one hemisphere, that should
make no difference. So if the one remaining hemisphere is then
The trouble is that any brain theory is also open to the duplication transplanted, we ought to say that the person whose body it now
objection. The human brain has two very similar hemispheres – a controls is P1. Whether that person is P1 can hardly be affected by
left and a right hemisphere. The left hemisphere plays a major role the fact that instead of being destroyed, the other hemisphere is
in the control of limbs of, and processing of sensory information also transplanted so as to constitute the brain of person. But if it is,
from, the right side of the body (and from the right sides of the two that other person will be just as good a candidate for being P1. So a
eyes); and the right hemisphere plays a major role in the control of Wiggins-type account might lead us to say that both resulting
limbs of, and processing of sensory information from, the left side persons are P1. But, for the reason given earlier in connection with
of the body (and from the left sides of the two eyes). The left the Guy Fawkes examples, that cannot be – since the two later
hemisphere plays a major role in the control of speech. Although persons are not identical with each other. Hence, Wiggins adds to
the hemispheres have different roles in the adult, they interact with his tentative definition a clause stating that P2 who satisfies his
each other; and if parts of a hemisphere are removed, at any rate criterion stated earlier is the same person as P1, only if there is no
early in life, the roles of those parts are often taken over by parts of other later person who also satisfies the criterion.
the other hemisphere. Brain operations which remove substantial
parts of the brain are not infrequent. It might be possible one day to But the introduction into any theory, whether a memory theory, a
remove a whole hemisphere, without killing the person. There are brain theory, or whatever, of a clause stating that a person who
no logical difficulties in supposing that we could transplant one of satisfies the criterion in question for being the same as an earlier
P1’s hemispheres into one skull from which a brain had been person is the same, only so long as there is no other person who
removed, and the other hemisphere into another such skull, and satisfies the criterion also or equally well, does have an absurd
that both transplants should take, and it may well be practically consequence. Let us illustrate this for the brain theory. Suppose
possible to do so. It is certainly more likely to occur than the Guy
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P1’s left hemisphere is transplanted into some skull and the of brain matter transferred, to be plausible, would have to take
transplant takes. Then, according to the theory, whether the account of whether there had been similar transplants in the past,
resulting person is P1, i.e., whether P1 survives, will depend on and the length of the interval between them. And then the
whether the other transplant takes. If it does, since both resulting arbitrariness of the criterion would stare us in the face.
persons will satisfy the memory and brain continuity criteria
equally well, neither will be P1. But if the other transplant does not This problem pushes the thinker towards one of two solutions. The
take, then since there is only one person who satisfies the criterion, first solution is to say that personal identity is a matter of degree.
that person is P1. So whether I survive an operation will depend on P2 is the same person as P1 to the extent to which there is sameness
what happens in a body entirely different from the body which will of brain matter and continuity of memory. After all, survival for
be mine, if I do survive. But how can who I am depend on what inanimate things is a matter of degree. As we gradually replace bits
happens to you? A similar absurd consequence follows when a of a desk with new bits, the resulting desk is only more or less the
similar clause forbidding duplication is added to a memory theory. same as the original desk. And if my car is taken to pieces and
some of the bits are used to make one new car, and some of the bits
Yet if we abandon the duplication clause, we are back with the used to make another new car, both cars are partly the same as and
original difficulty – that there may be more than one later person partly different from the old car. Why cannot we say the same of
who satisfies any memory criterion or brain criterion, or people? Normally we are not inclined to talk thus, because brain
combination thereof, for being the same person as an earlier person. operations are rare and brain hemisphere transplants never happen.
Our discussion brings to our attention also the fact that both these Hence there is normally at most only one candidate for being the
criteria are criteria which may be satisfied to varying degrees. P2 same person as an earlier person, and he is normally a very strong
can have 90 per cent, or 80 per cent, or less than 50 per cent of the candidate indeed – having a more or less identical brain and very
brain of P1; and likewise the similarity of apparent memory and great similarities of apparent memory and character. So we tend to
character may vary along a spectrum. Just how well do criteria think of personal identity as all or nothing. But it is not thus in its
have to be satisfied for the later person to be the same person as the logic, the argument goes. There is the logical possibility, which
earlier person? Any line one might draw seems totally artificial. could become an empirical possibility, of intermediate cases of
One might think that it was non-arbitrary to insist on more than 50 persons who are to some extent the same as and to some extent
per cent of the original brain matter – for only one later person different from original persons.
could have more than 50 per cent of the original brain matter
(whereas if our criterion demands only a smaller proportion, more This view has been advocated by Derek Parfit.3 When a person
than one later person could satisfy it). But would we really want to divides, as a result of a split brain transplant, he ‘survives’ in part,
say that P6 was the same person as P1 if P2 was obtained from P1 Parfit holds, as each of two persons. They constitute his later
by a transplant of 60 per cent (and so more than half) of P1’s brain ‘selves’, neither of whom, to speak strictly, are identical with the
matter, P3 was obtained from P2 by a transplant of 60 per cent of original person.
P2’s brain matter, and so on until we came to P6. By the criterion
of ‘more than half of the brain matter’, P6 would be the same
person as P5, P5 as P4 and so on, and so by the transitivity of
identity P6 would be the same person as P1 – although he would 3
“Personal Identity”, Philosophical Review, 80 (1971), pp. 3-27.
have very little of P1’s brain matter. Any criterion of the proportion
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This theory, which Parfit calls the complex view,4 does, however, But even if this notion of partial survival does make sense, the
run up against a fundamental difficulty that it commits him to more serious difficulty remains, which is this. We can make sense
substantial empirical claims which to all appearance could very of the supposition that the victim makes the wrong choice, and has
easily be false. I can bring this out by adopting Bernard the experience of being tortured and not the experience of being
Williams’s famous mad surgeon story.5 Suppose that a mad rewarded; or the right choice, and has the experience of being
surgeon captures you and announces that he is going to transplant rewarded and not the experience of being tortured. A mere
your left cerebral hemisphere into one body, and your right one philosophical analysis of the concept of personal identity cannot
into another. He is going to torture one of the resulting persons and tell you which experiences will be yours tomorrow. To use
free the other with a gift of a million pounds. You can choose Bernard Williams’s telling word, any choice would be a ‘risk’. But
which person is going to be tortured and which to be rewarded, and on Parfit’s view no risk would be involved – for knowing the
the surgeon promises to do as you choose. You believe his promise. extent of continuity of brain, apparent memory, and character, you
But how are you to choose? You wish to choose that you are would know the extent to which a future person would be you and
rewarded, but you do not know which resultant person will be you. so the extent to which his experiences would be yours. Although it
Now on the complex theory each person will be you to the extent may be the case that if my cerebral hemispheres are transplanted
to which he has your brain and resembles you in his apparent into different bodies, I survive partly as the person whose body is
memories and character. It would be in principle empirically controlled by one and partly as the person whose body is
ascertainable whether and to what extent persons with right controlled by the other, it may not be like that at all. Maybe I go
hemisphere transplants resemble their originals in apparent where the left hemisphere goes; and when my right hemisphere is
memories and character more or less than persons with left separated from the left hemisphere and comes to control a body by
hemisphere transplants. But clearly the difference is not going to itself, either a new person is formed, or the resulting organism,
be great. So Parfit must say that your choice does not greatly although behaving to some extent like a person, is really a very
matter. Both subsequent persons will be in part you – although complicated non-conscious machine. As we have noted, the fate of
perhaps to slightly different degrees. And so you will – although some parts of my body, such as my arms and legs, is quite
perhaps to slightly different degrees – in part suffer and in part irrelevant to the fate of me. And plausibly the fate of some parts of
enjoy what each suffers and enjoys. So you have reason both for my brain is irrelevant – can I not survive completely a minor brain
joyous expectation and for terrified anticipation. But one problem operation which removes a very small tumour? But then maybe it
is: how could you have reason for part joyous expectation and part is the same with some larger parts of the brain too. We just don’t
terrified anticipation, when no one future person is going to suffer know. If the mad surgeon’s victim took the attitude that it didn’t
a mixed fate? matter which way he chose, we must, I suggest, regard him as
taking an unjustifiably dogmatic attitude.

The alternative way out of the duplication problem is to say that

He introduces this terminology in his paper, ‘On the Importance of Self- although apparent memory and brain continuity are, as they
Identity’, Journal of Philosophy, 68 (1971), pp. 683-90. obviously are, evidence of personal identity, they are fallible
evidence and personal identity is something distinct from them.
Bernard Williams, ‘The Self and the Future’, Philosophical Review, 79 (1970),
Just as the presence of blood stains and fingerprints matching
pp. 161-80.

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those of a given man are evidence of his earlier presence at the two hypotheses – that P2 is the same person as P1, and that P2* is
scene of the crime, and the discovery of Roman-looking coins and the same person as P1. It may give more support to one hypothesis
buildings is evidence that the Romans lived in some region, so the than to the other, but the less well supported hypothesis might be
similarity of P2’s apparent memory to that of P1 and his having the true one, or maybe neither hypothesis is true. Perhaps P1 has
much the same brain matter, is evidence that P2 is the same person ceased to exist, and two different persons have come into existence.
as P1. Yet blood stains and fingerprints are one thing and a man’s So the simple view fully accepts that mere logic cannot determine
earlier presence at the scene of the crime another. His presence at which experiences will be mine, but it allows that continuity of
the scene of the crime is not analysable in terms of the later apparent memory and brain provides fallible evidence about this.
presence of blood stains and fingerprints. The latter is evidence of And of course the duplication objection that they allow for the two
the former, because you seldom get blood stains and fingerprints at subsequent persons being the same person, which we brought
a place, matching those of a given man, unless he has been there against the brain and the memory theories, has no force against the
leaving them around. But it might happen. So, the suggestion is, simple theory. For although there can be equally good evidence
personal identity is distinct from, although evidenced by, similarity that each of two later persons is the same person as an earlier
of memory and continuity of brain. person, that evidence is fallible; and since clearly only one person
at one time can be strictly the same person as some person at an
This account, which for the moment I will follow Parfit in calling earlier time, it follows that in one case the evidence is misleading-
the simple view, can meet all the difficulties which have beset the although we may not know in which case.
other theories which we have discussed. The difficulty for the
complex view was that it seemed very peculiar to suppose that . . . . In the next section I will expound and develop the simple
mere logic could determine which of the experiences had by view, and show that it amounts to the same as Cartesian dualism –
various persons, each of which was to some extent continuous with the view that a person consists of two parts, soul, and body. ...
me in apparent memory and brain matter, would be mine. There
seemed to be a further truth – that I would or would not have those
experiences – beyond any truths about the extent of similarity in 2. The Dualist Theory
apparent memory and matter of future persons to myself. The
simple view claims explicitly that personal identity is one thing, The brain transplant considerations of the first section leading to
and the extent of similarity in matter and apparent memory another. the simple view of personal identity showed that significant
There is no contradiction in supposing that the one should occur continuity of brain and memory was not enough to ensure personal
without the other. Strong similarity of matter and apparent memory identity. They did not show that continuity of brain or memory
is powerful evidence of personal identity. I and the person who had were totally dispensable; that P2 at time t2 could be the same
my body and brain last week have virtually the same brain matter person as P1 at an earlier time t1, even though P2 had none of the
and such similar apparent memory, that it is well-nigh certain that brain matter (or other bodily matter) of P1 and had no apparent
we are the same person. But where the brain matter is only in part memory of P1’s actions and experiences. A number of more
the same and the memory connection less strong, it is only fairly extravagant thought-experiments do, however, show that there is
probable that the persons are the same. Where there are two later no contradiction in this latter supposition.
persons P2 and P2*, each of whom had some continuity with the
earlier person P1, the evidence supports to some extent each of the
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There seems no contradiction in the supposition that a person region, without having to use one particular chunk of matter for
might acquire a totally new body (including a completely new this purpose. He might find himself with knowledge of the position
brain) – as many religious accounts of life after death claim that of objects in a room (perhaps by having visual sensations, perhaps
men do. To say that this body, sitting at the desk in my room is my not), and able to move such objects just like that, in the ways in
body is to say two things. First it is to say that I can move parts of which we know about the positions of our limbs and can move
this body (arms, legs, etc.), just like that, without having to do any them. But the room would not be, as it were, the person’s body; for
other intentional action and that I can make a difference to other we may suppose that simply by choosing to do so he can gradually
physical objects only by moving parts of this body. By holding the shift the focus of his knowledge and control, e.g., to the next room.
door handle and turning my hand, I open the door. By bending my The person would be in no way limited to operating and learning
leg and stretching it I kick the ball and make it move into the goal. through one particular chunk of matter. Hence we may term him
But I do not turn my hand or bend my leg by doing some other disembodied. The supposition that a person might become
intentional action; I just do these things. Secondly, it is to say that disembodied also seems coherent.
my knowledge of states of the world outside this body is derived
from their effects on this body – I learn about the positions of I have been arguing so far that it is coherent to suppose that a
physical objects by seeing them, and seeing them involves light person could continue to exist with an entirely new body or with
rays reflected by them impinging on my eyes and setting up no body at all. ... Could a person continue to exist without any
nervous impulses in my optic nerve. My body is the vehicle of my apparent memory of his previous doings? Quite clearly, we do
agency in the world and my knowledge of the world. But then is it allow not merely the logical possibility, but the frequent actuality
not coherent to suppose that I might suddenly find that my present of amnesia – a person forgetting all or certain stretches of his past
body no longer served this function, that I could no longer acquire life. Despite Locke, many a person does forget much of what he
information through these eyes or move these limbs, but might has done. But, of course, we normally only suppose this to happen
discover that another body served the same function? I might find in cases where there is the normal bodily and brain continuity. Our
myself moving other limbs and acquiring information through grounds for supposing that a person forgets what he has done are
other eyes. Then I would have a totally new body. If that body, like that the evidence of bodily and brain continuity suggests that he
my last body, was an occupant of the Earth, then we would have a was the previous person who did certain things which he now
case of reincarnation, as Eastern religions have understood that. If cannot remember having done. And in the absence of both of the
that body was an occupant of some distant planet, or an main kinds of evidence for personal identity, we would not be
environment which did not belong to the same space as our world, justified in supposing that personal identity held. ... For that reason
then we would have a case of resurrection as, on the whole, I cannot describe a case where we would have good reason to
Western religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) have suppose that P2 was identical with P1 even though there was
understood that. ... neither brain continuity nor memory continuity between them.
However, only given verificationist dogma is there any reason to
Equally coherent, I suggest, is the supposition that a person might suppose that the only things which are true are those of whose truth
become disembodied. A person has a body if there is one we can have evidence, and I shall suggest in section 3 [not
particular chunk of matter through which he has to operate on and included here] that there is no good reason for believing
learn about the world. But suppose that he finds himself able to verificationism to be true. We can make sense of states of affairs
operate on and learn about the world within some small finite being true, of which we can have no evidence that they are true.
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And among them surely is the supposition that the person who intentional actions. Thought-experiments of the kind described
acquires another body loses not merely control of the old one, but earlier allow that a person might lose his body, but they describe
memories of what he did with its aid. ... his continuing to have conscious experiences and his performing or
being able to perform intentional actions, i.e., to do actions which
Those who hope to survive their death, despite the destruction of he means to do, bring about effects for some purpose.
their body, will not necessarily be disturbed if they come to believe
that they will then have no memory of their past life on Earth; they Yet if my arguments are correct, showing that two persons can be
may just want to survive and have no interest in continuing to the same, even if there is no continuity between their bodily matter,
recall life on Earth. Again, apparently, there seems to be no we must say that in the form stated the Aristotelian account of
contradiction involved in their belief. It seems to be a coherent identity applies only to inanimate objects and plants and has no
belief (whether or not true or justified). Admittedly, there may be application to personal identity.8 We are then faced with a choice
stories or beliefs which involve a hidden contradiction when either of saying that the criteria of personal identity are different
initially they do not seem to do so. But the fact that there seems from those for other substances, or of trying to give a more general
(and to so many people) to be no contradiction hidden in these account than Aristotle’s of the identity of substances which would
stories is good reason for supposing that there is no contradiction cover both persons and other substances. It is possible to widen the
hidden in them – until a contradiction is revealed. If this were not a Aristotelian account so that we can do the latter. We have only to
good reason for believing there to be no contradiction, we would say that two substances are the same if and only if they have the
have no good reason for believing any sentence at all to be free of same form and there is continuity of the stuff of which they are
hidden contradiction. ... made, and allow that there may be kinds of stuff other than matter.
I will call this account of substance identity the wider Aristotelian
In section l, I set out Aristotle’s account of the identity of account. We may say that there is a stuff of another kind,
substances: that a substance at one time is the same substance as a immaterial stuff, and that persons are made of both normal bodily
substance at an earlier time if and only if the later substance has matter and of this immaterial stuff but that it is the continuity of
the same form as, and continuity of matter with, the earlier the latter which provides that continuity of stuff which is necessary
substance. On this view a person is the same person as an earlier for the identity of the person over time.
person if he has the same form as the earlier person (i.e., both are
persons) and has continuity of matter with him (i.e., has the same This is in essence the way of expressing the simple theory which is
body). adopted by those who say that a person living on Earth consists of
two parts – a material part, the body; and an immaterial part, the
Certainly, to be the same person as an earlier person, a later person soul. The soul is the essential part of a person, and it is its
has to have the same form – i.e., has to be a person. If my continuing which constitutes the continuing of the person. While
arguments for the logical possibility of there being disembodied on Earth, the soul is linked to a body (by the body being the
persons are correct, then the essential characteristics of a person vehicle of the person’s knowledge of and action upon the physical
constitute a narrower set than those which Aristotle would have world). But, it is logically possible, the soul can be separated from
included. My arguments suggest that all that a person needs to be a the body and exist in a disembodied state (in the way described
person are certain mental capacities – for having conscious earlier) or linked to a new body. This way of expressing things has
experiences (i.e., thoughts or sensations) and performing been used in many religious traditions down the centuries, for it is
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a very natural way of expressing what is involved in being a person follows that that person must now actually have a part other than a
once you allow that a person can survive the death of his body. bodily part which can continue, and which we may call his soul –
Classical philosophical statements of it are to be found in Plato and, and so that his possession of it is entailed by his being a conscious
above all, in Descartes. I shall call this view classical dualism. thing. For there is not even a logical possibility, that if I now
consist of nothing but matter and the matter is destroyed, I should
I wrote that ‘in essence’ classical dualism is the view that there is nevertheless continue to exist. From the mere logical possibility of
more stuff to the person than bodily matter, and that it is the my continued existence there follows the actual fact that there is
continuing of this stuff which is necessary for the continuing of the now more to me than my body; and that more is the essential part
person, because a writer such as Descartes did not distinguish of myself. A person’s being conscious is thus to be analysed as an
between the immaterial stuff, let us call it soul-stuff, and that stuff immaterial core of himself, his soul being conscious.
being organized (with or without a body) as one soul. Descartes
and other classical dualists however did not make this distinction, So Descartes argues, and his argument seems to me correct – given
because they assumed (implicitly) that it was not logically possible the wider Aristotelian framework. If we are prepared to say that
that persons divide – i.e., that an earlier person could be in part the substances can be the same, even though none of the stuff (in a
same person as each of two later persons. Hence they implicitly wide sense) of which they are made is the same, the conclusion
assumed that soul-stuff comes in essentially indivisible units. That does not follow. The wider Aristotelian framework provides a
is indeed what one has to say about soul-stuff, if one makes the partial definition of ‘stuff’ rather than a factual truth.
supposition (as I was inclined to do, in section l) that it is not
logically possible that persons divide. There is nothing odd about To say that a person has an immaterial soul is not to say that if you
supposing that soul-stuff comes in essentially indivisible units. Of examine him closely enough under an acute enough microscope
any chunk of matter, however small, it is always logically, if not you will find some very rarefied constituent which has eluded the
physically, possible that it be divided into two. Yet it is because power of ordinary microscopes. It is just a way of expressing the
matter is extended, that one can always make sense of it being point within a traditional framework of thought that persons can –
divided. For a chunk of matter necessarily takes up a finite volume it is logically possible – continue, when their bodies do not.
of space. A finite volume of space necessarily is composed of two It does, however, seem a very natural way of expressing the point –
half-volumes. So it always makes sense to suppose that part of the especially once we allow that persons can become disembodied.
chunk which occupies the left half-volume of space to be separated Unless we adopt a wider Aristotelian framework, we shall have to
from that part of the chunk which occupies the right half-volume. say that there can be substances which are not made of anything,
But that kind of consideration has no application to immaterial and which are the same substances as other substances which are
stuff. There is no reason why there should not be a kind of made of matter.
immaterial stuff which necessarily is indivisible; and if the
supposition of section l is correct, the soul-stuff will have that It does not follow from all this that a person’s body is no part of
property. ... him. Given that what we are trying to do is to elucidate the nature
of those entities which we normally call ‘persons’, we must say
Given that for any present person who is currently conscious, there that arms and legs and all other parts of the living body are parts of
is no logical impossibility, whatever else may be true now of that the person. My arms and legs are parts of me. ...
person, that that person continue to exist without his body, it
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