B0700ba K

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The document discusses Foundation Fieldbus devices and their configuration using Field Device Manager. It covers topics such as system architecture, control processors, security, parameter setup, and troubleshooting.

The document discusses control processors like FCP280 and FCP270, as well as modules like ZCP270. It also discusses function blocks, parameter groups, and presentation templates for devices.

The document discusses assigning users to groups, setting permissions at the block template level, and using device manufacturers' DTMs for additional security. It also mentions global locking and unlocking of parameters.

Foxboro Evo™

Process Automation System

Implementing FOUNDATION
Fieldbus on the I/A Series

*B0700BA* *K*


Rev K
October 4, 2017
Schneider Electric, Invensys, Foxboro, Foxboro Evo, FoxView, , AIM*API, FoxAPI, FoxCAE, FoxDraw, and
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Copyright 2004–2017 Schneider Electric.

All rights reserved


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Figures.................................................................................................................................... xi

Tables.................................................................................................................................. xvii

Preface.................................................................................................................................. xix
Who This Book Is For ........................................................................................................... xix
What You Should Know ........................................................................................................ xix
Revision Information ............................................................................................................. xix
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ xix
Use of Color in Field Device Manager Displays ..................................................................... xxi
Request for Comments ........................................................................................................... xxi

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
System Architecture .................................................................................................................. 1
Control Processors ................................................................................................................ 3
FCP280 and FCP270 ...................................................................................................... 3
ZCP270 .......................................................................................................................... 4
FBM228 .............................................................................................................................. 4
Power Options ..................................................................................................................... 5
Foxboro Evo Blocks .................................................................................................................. 6
FOUNDATION fieldbus ECBs ................................................................................................ 6
FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Function Blocks .................................................................. 6
DCI Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 8
IACC with Field Device Manager ............................................................................................. 9

2. Quick Start...................................................................................................................... 11
Example Setup ........................................................................................................................ 11
Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 11
Software Installation ........................................................................................................... 12
Security .............................................................................................................................. 13
Adding an FBM228 to an FCP280 or FCP270 ....................................................................... 13
Device Creation Sequence ....................................................................................................... 15
Template Creation ............................................................................................................. 16
Import Device DD File ...................................................................................................... 16
Navigating to DTM/BTMs and Tabs ................................................................................ 17
Using Enhanced EDDL ................................................................................................ 18
Configure Device and Block: Presentation Template .......................................................... 19
Configure Device and Blocks: Parameter Values ................................................................ 26

B0700BA – Rev K Contents

Instance Definition ................................................................................................................. 28

Adding the H1 Devices to an FBM228 .............................................................................. 28
Configure Instance: RB and TB Parameters ....................................................................... 30
Create a CSD Instance ....................................................................................................... 30
Create a CSD and Assign It to a Compound ...................................................................... 31
Adding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks to a CSD ............................................ 32
Configuring FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Parameters ................................... 32
Download Control Application ............................................................................................... 34
Device Commissioning ........................................................................................................... 34
Connect a Physical Device & Monitor Segment Live List .................................................. 34
Commission a Device ......................................................................................................... 35
Running Methods to Calibrate a Device ............................................................................. 37
Bring Devices Online .............................................................................................................. 38
Enable Communications in SMDH ................................................................................... 38
Verify Device Behavior ...................................................................................................... 39

3. IACC Setup..................................................................................................................... 41
System Requirements .............................................................................................................. 41
Installing Field Device Manager .............................................................................................. 42
Installing the NI Communication DTM ................................................................................. 46
Confirming Software Versions ................................................................................................ 48
Uninstalling Field Device Manager and IACC Software .......................................................... 49
Installing the Manufacturer’s DTM ........................................................................................ 50
Device Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 51
Tracking Device Changes with FoxCTS ................................................................................. 51

4. Security ........................................................................................................................... 53
IACC Security and Field Device Manager Roles ..................................................................... 53
Creating IACC Users to Match Field Device Manager Roles .................................................. 55
Adding a User .................................................................................................................... 55
Editing User Information ................................................................................................... 56
Assigning Privileges to IACC Users ......................................................................................... 57

5. Creating Field Device Types............................................................................................ 61

Locating DD Files ................................................................................................................... 63
Creating a Device Type ........................................................................................................... 64
Device Type Context Menu ............................................................................................... 65
Configuring Device Types with EDDL Displays ..................................................................... 67
Setting Device Template Values .............................................................................................. 67
Device Type Inheritance .................................................................................................... 67
Setting Device Parameters .................................................................................................. 68
Modifying a Block Configuration ....................................................................................... 69

Contents B0700BA – Rev K

Recommended Settings for Resource Blocks ....................................................................... 71

Creating Application-Specific Types ....................................................................................... 74
Setting Up the User Interface for a Device Type ..................................................................... 79
Adding Device Information ................................................................................................ 80
Customizing Block Templates ............................................................................................ 82
Setting up a Parameter Group ............................................................................................ 84
Parameter Group Overview ................................................................................................ 86
Adding Tabbed Pages ......................................................................................................... 87
Modifying Tabs .................................................................................................................. 88
Global Lock and Unlock ............................................................................................... 90
Tab Overview ..................................................................................................................... 91
Template Notes ...................................................................................................................... 92
Configuring Downloads .......................................................................................................... 94
Setting User Access Permissions .............................................................................................. 96
Deleting a Device Type ......................................................................................................... 100
Using the Manufacturer’s Device Type Manager ................................................................... 101
Associating Blocks with BTMs ......................................................................................... 104
Opening a Device in an Associated DTM ........................................................................ 105
Changing or Deleting a DTM Association ....................................................................... 106
Configuring Device Function Blocks .................................................................................... 107
Exporting and Importing Device Definitions ........................................................................ 108

6. Defining the Fieldbus .................................................................................................... 111

Configuring an FBM228 ...................................................................................................... 111
Adding an FBM228 to an FCP280 or FCP270 ................................................................ 111
Configuring Redundant FBMs .................................................................................... 114
Adding FBM228s to a ZCP270 ....................................................................................... 115
Setting ECB200/202 Parameters ...................................................................................... 118
Adding H1 Devices to an FBM ............................................................................................. 120
Reviewing Device Properties ............................................................................................ 122
Device Context Menu ................................................................................................. 124
Setting Resource and Transducer Block Names ..................................................................... 126
Modifying a Device Configuration ........................................................................................ 128
Configuring Device Instances with EDDL Displays .............................................................. 132
Exporting Device Configurations .......................................................................................... 132
Exporting Configurations to the Instrument Shop ................................................................ 134

7. Control Configuration .................................................................................................. 137

Example PIDA Loop ............................................................................................................. 137
AI to PIDA Connections .................................................................................................. 138
PIDA to AO Connections ................................................................................................ 139
Device Fault Condition ......................................................................................................... 139

B0700BA – Rev K Contents

CEOPT ............................................................................................................................ 139

MBADOP ........................................................................................................................ 140
MANSW .......................................................................................................................... 141
Other PIDA Options ....................................................................................................... 142
Configuring a Control Loop with FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks ...................... 142
Adding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks to a CSD .......................................... 144
Making the Field Connections ......................................................................................... 145
Modifying FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Parameters .................................... 147
Faultstate Handling ............................................................................................................... 149
FBM228 Faultstate Options ............................................................................................. 149
H1 Device Faultstate Options .......................................................................................... 150
Specifying Faultstate Actions in the Function Blocks ........................................................ 151
Faultstate Delay ................................................................................................................ 153
Control Application and Device Application Download ....................................................... 153
Configuring MAI and MAO Blocks ...................................................................................... 159
Output Parameter Connection Type ................................................................................ 159
Adding MAI and MAO Blocks ........................................................................................ 159
Making the Field Connections ......................................................................................... 159
Faultstate Setting on an MAO Block ................................................................................ 161
Configuring DCI Blocks ....................................................................................................... 162
Configuring a Remote Indicator ........................................................................................... 166
Setting up the Remote Indicator ....................................................................................... 166
Configuring Outputs to the ISEL Block ........................................................................... 168
Control Loop Simulation ...................................................................................................... 171

8. Device Scheduling ......................................................................................................... 173

Loop Performance ................................................................................................................. 173
Disable LAS/LM Backup .................................................................................................. 173
Link Active Schedule ........................................................................................................ 174
Scheduling Impact of Foxboro Evo Blocks ....................................................................... 176
Schedule Creation ....................................................................................................... 178
Timing Examples ............................................................................................................. 179
Maximum Performance Loops ......................................................................................... 180
Maximum Performance Configuration ............................................................................. 180
Device Startup/Initialization ............................................................................................. 181
Add a Device to a Running Segment ........................................................................... 181
Power Cycle a Device .................................................................................................. 181
Segment Power Cycle .................................................................................................. 182
FBM Download .......................................................................................................... 182
Adjusting the FBM Macrocycle ............................................................................................. 182
Adjusting a Segment Schedule ............................................................................................... 183
Viewing Other Link Parameters ............................................................................................ 188

Contents B0700BA – Rev K

9. User Displays ................................................................................................................ 191

Base Display for a FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block ............................................... 191
Faceplates ......................................................................................................................... 193
Mode Display ....................................................................................................................... 194
Device Status ........................................................................................................................ 195
Device and Block Configurations ..................................................................................... 197
Alarms .............................................................................................................................. 198
Trends .............................................................................................................................. 199
DI Detail Display .................................................................................................................. 199
DO Detail Display ................................................................................................................ 200

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation...................................................................... 201

Instrument Shop System Check List ..................................................................................... 203
Importing to a Standalone System ......................................................................................... 203
Remote Access to an IACC Database .................................................................................... 205
Locating a Tag ...................................................................................................................... 206
Verifying a Device Connection ............................................................................................. 208
Commissioning Devices ........................................................................................................ 209
Manual Device Setup ............................................................................................................ 215
Running Methods ................................................................................................................. 218
Comparing Databases ........................................................................................................... 219

11. Installation .................................................................................................................. 223

Module Fieldbus Cables ........................................................................................................ 225
Baseplate and Module Identity ......................................................................................... 226
EMI Protection on Fieldbus Cables .................................................................................. 227
Installation on Foxboro Baseplates ........................................................................................ 228
H1 Segment Connections ................................................................................................ 230
Mounting on a Baseplate with Power Conditioners ............................................................... 231
Redundant FieldConnex Power Conditioning Baseplate .................................................. 231
Non-Redundant FieldConnex Baseplate ........................................................................... 234
MTL 4-Segment Power-Conditioning Baseplate .............................................................. 235
Configuring Power-Fault Alarms ...................................................................................... 237
Fieldbus Design and Installation ........................................................................................... 237
Segment Topology ........................................................................................................... 237
Fieldbus Wiring ............................................................................................................... 239
Cable Types ................................................................................................................. 239
Fieldbus Terminators ................................................................................................... 239
Good Installation Practices .......................................................................................... 240
Site Installation and Specifications ........................................................................................ 242
Network Installation ........................................................................................................ 242

B0700BA – Rev K Contents

Cable Test Procedure ................................................................................................... 243

Segment Checkout Procedure .......................................................................................... 246
Procedure .................................................................................................................... 246
Activation of FBM228 Communications .............................................................................. 250

12. Site Commissioning .................................................................................................... 255

Device Commissioning ......................................................................................................... 255
Using a Segment Live List Display ........................................................................................ 261
Viewing Devices ............................................................................................................... 261
Setting PD_tags to Devices .............................................................................................. 263
Moving a Device to a Working Address ........................................................................... 265
Removing a Device ............................................................................................................... 266
Running a Process Simulation in the Field Devices ............................................................... 266

13. System Management ................................................................................................... 269

FBM228 LED Indicators ...................................................................................................... 269
Identifying Modules in a Redundant Pair .............................................................................. 270
ECB200/202 Detail Displays ................................................................................................ 272
Device ECB Detail Display ................................................................................................... 274
System Manager Displays ...................................................................................................... 275
System Management Displays ............................................................................................... 275
FBM228 Equipment Change Screen ................................................................................ 279
FBM Equipment Information .......................................................................................... 281
H1 Device Displays .......................................................................................................... 283
Block Error Display ..................................................................................................... 287
Responding to a System Alarm .............................................................................................. 287
Data Field Descriptions .................................................................................................... 288
Equipment Information Fields for a Non-Redundant FBM228 .................................. 288
Equipment Information Fields for Redundant FBM228s ............................................ 291
Equipment Information Fields for an H1 Device ........................................................ 297

14. Device Maintenance .................................................................................................... 301

Troubleshooting FBMs ......................................................................................................... 302
Troubleshooting an H1 Segment .......................................................................................... 303
Troubleshooting Devices ....................................................................................................... 306
Troubleshooting with Field Device Manager ......................................................................... 307
Diagnosing Device Function Blocks ...................................................................................... 310
Online Enhanced EDDL Displays ........................................................................................ 311
Troubleshooting with the Vendor’s DTM ............................................................................ 314
Replacing a Device ................................................................................................................ 315

Contents B0700BA – Rev K

Moving a Device to Another Link ......................................................................................... 318

On the Same FBM ........................................................................................................... 319
On a Different FBM ........................................................................................................ 320
Deleting an FBM .................................................................................................................. 321

15. Managing Change ....................................................................................................... 323

Modifying Function Blocks ................................................................................................... 323
Downloading Modified Parameters .................................................................................. 323
Modifying Resource and Transducer Blocks .......................................................................... 326
Modifying the Configuration ........................................................................................... 326
Downloading Resource and Transducer Blocks ................................................................ 328
Comparing the Device with the Database ............................................................................. 330
H1 Hand-held Devices ......................................................................................................... 332
Upgrading a Device to a New DD ........................................................................................ 333
Before You Upgrade ......................................................................................................... 333
Merging Templates with the New DD ............................................................................. 333
New DD, Same Device Version .................................................................................. 334
New Device Version .................................................................................................... 334
Changing Device Types ........................................................................................................ 335
Periodic Backup of Databases ................................................................................................ 337
Backing Up a Database ..................................................................................................... 338
Restoring a Database ........................................................................................................ 339
Exporting Databases .............................................................................................................. 342
Importing Databases ............................................................................................................. 342

Appendix A. Glossary ........................................................................................................ 345

Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages ............................................................................ 355

Index .................................................................................................................................. 363

B0700BA – Rev K Contents

1-1. Configuration with Redundant FBM228s ..................................................................... 2
1-2. Configuration with Passive Termination Assemblies ..................................................... 3
1-3. Detail Display for a Foxboro Evo AO Block ................................................................. 8
1-4. Device Parameter Connected to a DCI Block ............................................................... 9
2-1. Hardware in the Quick Start Example ......................................................................... 12
2-2. Newly Created FBM228 and ECB200 ........................................................................ 14
2-3. Device Creation Process .............................................................................................. 15
2-4. Device Creation Process .............................................................................................. 16
2-5. Pull-Down List for Selecting DTM/BTMs ................................................................. 17
2-6. Tabs and Context Menu in a BTM ............................................................................. 18
2-7. Context Menu Selected from the Pull-down List ......................................................... 18
2-8. Selecting an Enhanced Device Descriptor for a Transducer Block ............................... 19
2-9. Information for an SRD991 ........................................................................................ 20
2-10. Parameter Group Definition ....................................................................................... 21
2-11. Setting up Parameter Groups ...................................................................................... 22
2-12. Tab Definition and Parameter Selection ...................................................................... 23
2-13. Configuration of Watch Tab ....................................................................................... 23
2-14. Tuning Screen ............................................................................................................. 24
2-15. Tab Parameter Usage .................................................................................................. 25
2-16. Configuration of Download Parameters ...................................................................... 25
2-17. Resource Block Configuration ..................................................................................... 27
2-18. Transducer Block Parameter Values ............................................................................ 28
2-19. Adding an FBM228 to FCP270 (Similar for FCP280) ................................................ 29
2-20. ECB201 Properties ..................................................................................................... 30
2-21. Typical PID Loop ....................................................................................................... 31
2-22. Properties Dialog Box for AI Block ............................................................................. 33
2-23. Properties Dialog for AO Block .................................................................................. 34
2-24. Device Commission Wizard ........................................................................................ 36
2-25. Compare Screen for Database Synchronization ........................................................... 37
2-26. Running Methods to Calibrate a Valve ....................................................................... 38
2-27. Detailed Display for AO Block ................................................................................... 39
3-1. InstallShield Wizard Welcome Page ............................................................................ 43
3-2. Entering User Information .......................................................................................... 44
3-3. Specifying an Installation Directory ............................................................................ 44
3-4. Selecting Features ........................................................................................................ 45
3-5. Installation Summary Page .......................................................................................... 46
3-6. Prompt to Launch NI DTM Installation .................................................................... 47
3-7. First NI Communication DTM Setup Dialog Box ..................................................... 47
3-8. Support Information Dialog Box ................................................................................ 48
3-9. IACC Welcome Screen after Installation of Field Device Manager - Control Room ... 49
3-10. Change Tracking ......................................................................................................... 52
4-1. Setting Access Permissions for a Resource Block .......................................................... 55
4-2. Adding a New User ..................................................................................................... 56
4-3. Configuring a User ...................................................................................................... 57

B0700BA – Rev K Figures

4-4. Adding Users to a Group ............................................................................................ 58

4-5. Setting IACC Access Permission ................................................................................. 59
5-1. Information Tab for an SRD911 ................................................................................ 61
5-2. Extracted DD Files ...................................................................................................... 64
5-3. Defining a New Device ............................................................................................... 65
5-4. Information Page for a Newly Created Device Type ................................................... 69
5-5. Resource Block Configuration Tab ............................................................................. 71
5-6. Deriving the Child Device Type ................................................................................. 75
5-7. Device Parameters in a Derived Device Definition ..................................................... 76
5-8. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Parent Device Type .................................... 77
5-9. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Child Device Type for Absolute Pressure .... 78
5-10. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Child Device
Type for Differential Pressure ..................................................................................... 79
5-11. Creating a Link to a File for an SRD991 ..................................................................... 81
5-12. Customize Tab for Resource Block ............................................................................. 83
5-13. Parameter Group Definition Dialog Box ..................................................................... 84
5-14. Adding a Parameter Group ......................................................................................... 85
5-15. Setting Up a Parameter Group .................................................................................... 86
5-16. Adding a Tab to a Resource Block Template ............................................................... 88
5-17. Editing the Parameters in a Custom Tab for a Resource Block .................................... 89
5-18. Modifying the Tuning Tab for a Transducer Block ..................................................... 89
5-19. Unlock Dialog Box ..................................................................................................... 91
5-20. Tab Parameter Usage Dialog Box ................................................................................ 92
5-21. Adding Notes to a Resource Block in a Device Type ................................................... 93
5-22. Download Dialog Box ................................................................................................. 95
5-23. Setting Access Permissions for a Device Type .............................................................. 98
5-24. Setting Access Permissions for a Resource Block .......................................................... 99
5-25. Delete Request Dialog Box for a Device Type ........................................................... 100
5-26. Selecting a Vendor DTM .......................................................................................... 102
5-27. Listing All Available DTMs ...................................................................................... 103
5-28. Device Catalog Warning Dialog Box ........................................................................ 103
5-29. Block Association Dialog Box ................................................................................... 104
5-30. Associating a Block with a BTM ............................................................................... 105
5-31. Device Opened in an Associated DTM ..................................................................... 106
5-32. Associate Vendor Warning ....................................................................................... 107
5-33. Import Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 110
6-1. Adding an FBM228 to an FCP270 (Similar for FCP280) ......................................... 112
6-2. Newly Created FBM228 and ECB200 Displayed in the Project Navigator ............... 112
6-3. Create Software Dialog Box for an FBM228 ............................................................. 114
6-4. FBM Object Configured as Redundant Pair ............................................................. 115
6-5. FCM100 Connecting an FBM228 to a ZCP270 ...................................................... 117
6-6. FCM100 and FBM228 Connected to a ZCP270 via a Switch .................................. 117
6-7. Assigning an FBM Subsystem to a ZCP270 .............................................................. 118
6-8. Properties Dialog Box for an ECB202 ....................................................................... 119
6-9. Create Child ECB Dialog Box .................................................................................. 121
6-10. Newly Device Created Device with Default Name (ECB001) ................................... 122
6-11. ECB201 Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................. 123
6-12. Renaming a Transducer Block in Field Device Manager ........................................... 128

Figures B0700BA – Rev K

6-13. Changing a Device Resource Block ........................................................................... 129

6-14. Selecting Parameters for a Resource Configuration Tab ............................................ 130
6-15. Adding a Tab to a Resource Block Template ............................................................. 131
6-16. Export a Device Configuration .................................................................................. 133
6-17. Sample Device Configuration Report ........................................................................ 134
6-18. Import Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 136
7-1. Typical PIDA Loop ................................................................................................... 137
7-2. Control Strategy Employing Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus
Function Blocks ........................................................................................................ 143
7-3. Adding and Connecting an AI Block in a CSD ......................................................... 144
7-4. Adding and Connecting an AO Block in a CSD ....................................................... 145
7-5. Connecting the Device ECB to an AI Block .............................................................. 146
7-6. Connecting the Device ECB to an AO Block ............................................................ 146
7-7. Properties Dialog Box for an AI Block ...................................................................... 147
7-8. Device Specific Configuration Choices ..................................................................... 148
7-9. H1 Device Parameters ............................................................................................... 149
7-10. Faultstate Settings in an AO Block ............................................................................ 152
7-11. Hierarchy Validation Dialog Box .............................................................................. 155
7-12. Downloadable Compounds ....................................................................................... 156
7-13. Display Download Dialog Box .................................................................................. 156
7-14. Download Stations Dialog Box for Display Files ....................................................... 157
7-15. Download Control Station Dialog Box ..................................................................... 158
7-16. Download Complete ................................................................................................. 158
7-17. Properties Dialog Box for a DCI Block ..................................................................... 164
7-18. Configuring the Signal Selector Device Function Block ............................................ 167
7-19. Configuring the Remote Indicator Transducer Block ................................................ 168
7-20. CSD with Eight ROUT Blocks ................................................................................. 170
7-21. Simulation Blocks in an FOUNDATION fieldbus Control Loop ............................ 171
8-1. FBM Macrocycle Scheduling .................................................................................... 174
8-2. BPC/Macrocycle Phasing .......................................................................................... 179
8-3. Properties Dialog Box for an ECB202 ....................................................................... 182
8-4. Selecting an H1 Segment .......................................................................................... 184
8-5. Link Schedule Graphic .............................................................................................. 185
8-6. Setting Link Scheduling Parameters .......................................................................... 186
8-7. FBM228 System Management Parameters for an H1 Link ....................................... 189
8-8. FBM228 Network Management Parameters for an H1 Link ..................................... 190
9-1. Initial Display for an AI Block .................................................................................. 192
9-2. Group Display of FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Faceplates ................... 193
9-3. Mode Indicator and Switches .................................................................................... 195
9-4. AO Block Detail Display ........................................................................................... 196
9-5. Status Overlay (AO STATUS 1) for an AO Block .................................................... 196
9-6. Second Status Overlay (AO STATUS 2) for an AO Block ........................................ 197
9-7. Device Configuration Overlay for an AO Block ........................................................ 197
9-8. Block Configuration Overlay for an AO Block .......................................................... 198
9-9. Alarm Configuration Overlay for an AI Block ........................................................... 198
9-10. Alarm Text Overlay for an AI Block .......................................................................... 199
9-11. AO Block Trend ....................................................................................................... 199
9-12. Detail Display for a DI Block .................................................................................... 200

B0700BA – Rev K Figures

9-13. Detail Display for a DO Block .................................................................................. 200

10-1. Typical Data Flow for Resource and Transducer Block Configurations ..................... 201
10-2. Import Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 204
10-3. IACCSettings File ..................................................................................................... 206
10-4. Find IACC Object Dialog Box and the Find Tab ..................................................... 207
10-5. Where Used Tab ....................................................................................................... 207
10-6. Connecting an IACC Instrument Shop Computer to an NI-FBus ............................ 208
10-7. Live List Tab and Dialog Box for Setting Device Address and Tag ............................ 209
10-8. Review the Port Number for a Device ....................................................................... 210
10-9. Commission Wizard ................................................................................................. 211
10-10. Commission Wizard Listing Actions ......................................................................... 212
10-11. Commission Wizard Warning Dialog Box ................................................................ 213
10-12. Commission Wizard During Download .................................................................... 214
10-13. Restore the Port Number for the Device ................................................................... 215
10-14. Changing a Device Tag ............................................................................................. 216
10-15. Downloading Resource Block Parameters ................................................................. 217
10-16. Initial Display in a Transducer Block Methods Page ................................................. 218
10-17. Transducer Block Compare Tab While Device Values Are Being Read ..................... 220
10-18. Compare Tab Showing Differences Only .................................................................. 221
11-1. Redundant FBM228s Mounted on a Power Conditioning Baseplate ........................ 224
11-2. Redundant FBM228s Mounted on a Modular Baseplate .......................................... 224
11-3. Module Fieldbus Cabling .......................................................................................... 226
11-4. Example of Baseplate and Module Identification ....................................................... 227
11-5. FBM228s Installed on Foxboro Baseplates ................................................................ 228
11-6. Fieldbus Cable Connections ...................................................................................... 231
11-7. FBMs Installed on FieldConnex Power-Conditioning Baseplate ............................... 233
11-8. Layout of the Non-Redundant FieldConnex Power-Conditioning Baseplate ............ 234
11-9. FBMs Installed on MTL Four-Segment Baseplate ..................................................... 236
11-10. Simple Point-to-Point Topology ............................................................................... 238
11-11. Tree Topology .......................................................................................................... 238
11-12. Spur Topology .......................................................................................................... 238
11-13. Combining Topologies ............................................................................................. 239
11-14. Fieldbus Terminating Electrical Circuit .................................................................... 240
11-15. Waveform with Two Terminators (1000 ft. Cable) ................................................... 249
11-16. Waveform with One Terminator (1000 ft. Cable) .................................................... 249
11-17. Waveform with Three Terminators (1000 ft. Cable) ................................................. 250
11-18. System Domains Screen in System Management (SMDH) ....................................... 251
11-19. PIO Bus Display of an FCP270 and Attached FBMs (Similar for FCP280) .............. 252
11-20. Equipment Change Display ...................................................................................... 253
11-21. Selecting the H1 Segment ......................................................................................... 253
11-22. I/O Display for an H1 Segment ................................................................................ 254
12-1. Confirmation When the Selected Device is Online ................................................... 256
12-2. Commission Wizard ................................................................................................. 257
12-3. Commission Wizard Listing Actions ......................................................................... 258
12-4. Commission Wizard Warning Dialog Box ................................................................ 259
12-5. Commission Wizard During Download .................................................................... 260
12-6. Confirmation to Bring Device Online ....................................................................... 260
12-7. Live List Display for a Segment ................................................................................. 262

Figures B0700BA – Rev K

12-8. Changing the PD_tag in the Physical Device ............................................................ 264

12-9. Warning Displayed Before a Device Tag Change ...................................................... 264
12-10. Dialog Boxes Displayed During a Device Configuration Change .............................. 265
13-1. FBM228 Front Panel ................................................................................................ 269
13-2. Main Versus Backup Modules ................................................................................... 271
13-3. ECB202 Detail Display ............................................................................................. 272
13-4. ECB201 Detail Display ............................................................................................. 274
13-5. System Domains Screen in System Management ....................................................... 276
13-6. FCP270 PIO Bus Display ......................................................................................... 277
13-7. Module Selection Dialog Box .................................................................................... 279
13-8. Confirmation Dialog Box for Switch Roles ............................................................... 280
13-9. First Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s .................................... 281
13-10. Second Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM22s ................................. 282
13-11. Third Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s .................................. 282
13-12. Fourth Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s ................................ 283
13-13. Selecting the H1 Segment ......................................................................................... 283
13-14. I/O Display for an H1 Segment ................................................................................ 284
13-15. First Equipment Information Page for an H1 Device ................................................ 285
13-16. Second Equipment Information Page for an H1 Device ............................................ 286
13-17. Last Equipment Information Screen for an H1 Device .............................................. 286
13-18. Block Error Information Overlay for Selected Device ECB ....................................... 287
14-1. Opening Field Device Manager for an H1 Device ..................................................... 301
14-2. FBM Diagnostic Tab ............................................................................................... 303
14-3. Live List for an H1 Segment ..................................................................................... 304
14-4. Segment Diagnostic Tab .......................................................................................... 305
14-5. Device Diagnostic Tab .............................................................................................. 307
14-6. Block Diagnostic Tab ................................................................................................ 308
14-7. Customizing a Transducer Block Diagnostic Tab ...................................................... 309
14-8. Custom Function Block Diagnostic Tab ................................................................... 311
14-9. Selecting an Enhanced Device Descriptor for a Transducer Block ............................. 312
14-10. Example EDD Display Shows Actuator Pressure ....................................................... 313
14-11. Returning to a Field Device Manager BTM .............................................................. 314
14-12. Commission Wizard Listing All Devices ................................................................... 316
14-13. Commission Actions and Post-Commissioning Options ........................................... 317
14-14. Status of Commissioning Activities ........................................................................... 318
15-1. Modified AI Block to be Downloaded ....................................................................... 324
15-2. Dialog Box with Download Advisory ........................................................................ 324
15-3. FOUNDATION fieldbus Advisory Help Dialog Box .................................................... 325
15-4. Block Mode Indicators and Switches in an AI Detail Display .................................... 325
15-5. Downloading Dialog Box .......................................................................................... 326
15-6. Modified Block Configuration .................................................................................. 327
15-7. Download Dialog Box ............................................................................................... 328
15-8. Warning Dialog Box for a Resource Block Download ............................................... 329
15-9. Error Monitor Dialog Box ........................................................................................ 330
15-10. Resource Block Compare Tab ................................................................................... 331
15-11. IACC Database Administration Window .................................................................. 337
15-12. Enter Backup File Dialog Box ................................................................................... 338
15-13. Backup Complete ...................................................................................................... 339

B0700BA – Rev K Figures

15-14. Selecting the Backup File .......................................................................................... 340

15-15. Select Destination Directory Dialog Box ................................................................... 340
15-16. Option to Back Up Files Currently in the Target Directory ...................................... 341
15-17. Restore Complete ...................................................................................................... 341
15-18. Import Dialog Box .................................................................................................... 343
B-1. FBM228 System Message Format - Using Example Message .................................... 355

1-1. FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks Publisher/Subscriber Connections ............. 7
1-2. DCI Blocks by Foundation fieldbus Data Type ............................................................ 8
5-1. Device Type Context Menu Functions ....................................................................... 66
5-2. Locked Status Icon s .................................................................................................... 67
5-3. Transmitter Resource Block Requirements .................................................................. 72
5-4. Positioner Resource Block Requirements .................................................................... 72
5-5. Discrete Valve Controller Resource Block Requirements ............................................. 73
5-6. Discrete Input/Output Device Resource Block Requirements ..................................... 73
6-1. Device Context Menu Functions .............................................................................. 125
6-2. Example Device and Block Names ............................................................................ 127
7-1. Sample PIDA Block .................................................................................................. 138
7-2. Symbols for Specifying a Status Bit ........................................................................... 141
7-3. Other PIDA Options ................................................................................................ 142
7-4. Faultstate Cases ......................................................................................................... 153
7-5. Download Actions .................................................................................................... 154
7-6. Channel Mask Parameter Format .............................................................................. 160
7-7. Faultstate Parameters in the MAO Block .................................................................. 161
7-8. Format of the MO_OPTS Parameter ........................................................................ 161
7-9. DCI Blocks by Foundation fieldbus Data Type ........................................................ 162
7-10. Point Number Syntax for DCI Blocks ....................................................................... 165
7-11. Point Numbers for Remote Indicator Input .............................................................. 169
8-1. Scheduling Demands of Foxboro Evo Blocks ............................................................ 176
8-2. Macrocycle Phasing ................................................................................................... 179
8-3. Maximum Performance ............................................................................................. 180
9-1. FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Value and Status Displays ....................... 194
11-1. DIP Settings for Redundant Pair on a FieldConnex Baseplate ................................... 232
11-2. DIP Settings for Non-Redundant FieldConnex Baseplate ......................................... 234
11-3. DIP Settings for a Four-Segment MTL Baseplate ...................................................... 236
11-4. FOUNDATION fieldbus Cable Characteristics ....................................................... 239
11-5. Resistance on H1 Segment Conductors ..................................................................... 243
11-6. Capacitance on H1 Segment Conductors .................................................................. 244
11-7. Switch Check with MTL Fieldbus Power Conditioner .............................................. 245
11-8. DC Voltage Check .................................................................................................... 245
11-9. Cable Test Form ....................................................................................................... 245
11-10. Signal Level and Wire Condition .............................................................................. 246
11-11. Noise Level and Wire Condition ............................................................................... 247
11-12. Fieldbus Cable Checkout Form ................................................................................. 247
13-1. Redundant FBM228 LED Indications ...................................................................... 270
13-2. Non-Redundant FBM228 LED Indications ............................................................. 270
13-3. PIO Bus Display Command Buttons ........................................................................ 278
13-4. Segment Display Command Buttons ........................................................................ 284
13-5. Fields in SMDH Displays for a Non-Redundant FBM228 ....................................... 288
13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s ....................... 291
13-7. Fields in SMDH Displays for an H1 Device ............................................................. 297

B0700BA – Rev K Tables

B-1. System Message Labels .............................................................................................. 355

B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 ....................................................... 356

This document describes how to use I/A Series® Configuration Component (IACC) software
with Field Device Manager add-in software to configure and maintain FOUNDATION™ fieldbus
H1 devices on the Foxboro Evo™ control system. Field Device Manager is an FDT editor which
enables complete life cycle management of H1 devices, including definition of device templates,
device configuration and commissioning, and tuning and maintenance. The document also
covers installation of the devices using the optionally redundant FBM228, development of con-
trol strategies using FOUNDATION fieldbus-specific distributed control interface (DCI) blocks
and operator and system management displays.

Who This Book Is For

This book is intended for process control engineers and operators, instrument and maintenance
engineers, and other qualified and authorized personnel involved in setting up, configuring, and
maintaining Foxboro Evo equipment to provide a FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 interface.

What You Should Know

Prior to using this book, you should be familiar with the Foxboro Evo system and with the Field
Control Processor 280 (FCP280), Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270), Z-module Control
Processor 270 (ZCP270), and 200 Series (or DIN Rail Mounted) FBMs. Detailed information
for the various Foxboro Evo software and hardware elements can be found in the reference docu-
ments listed below.

Revision Information
For this release of the document (B0700BA, Rev. K), the following change was made to the docu-
Chapter 7 “Control Configuration”
♦ Updated Table 7-2 “Symbols for Specifying a Status Bit” on page 141.
♦ Added a paragraph on setting PRIBLK to “Configuring DCI Blocks” on page 162.

Reference Documents
In addition to the information presented herein, you should be familiar with the following
Foxboro Evo™ and I/A Series documents:
♦ AIM*AT Suite Version 3.4 Installation Guide (B0193YM)
♦ FBM228 FOUNDATION fieldbus Module for Control in the Field Applications
(PSS 31H-2Z28)
♦ I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE)
♦ Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA)

B0700BA – Rev K Preface

♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW)

♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User's Guide (B0700AN)
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR)
♦ Control Processor 270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280) Integrated
Control Software Concepts (B0700AG)
♦ System Manager (B0750AP)
♦ System Management Displays (B0193JC) and associated on-line Help
♦ Implementing FOUNDATION fieldbus in Foxboro Evo Control Software Applications
♦ FoxDraw™ Software 10.4 (B0700FD)
♦ FoxView™ Software 10.4 (B0700FC)
♦ FoxAPI Installation Guide (B0193UC)
♦ Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
♦ Alarm and Display Manager Configuration (B0700AM).
Most of these documents are available on the Foxboro Evo Electronic Documentation media
(K0174MA). The latest revisions of each document are also available through our Global Cus-
tomer Support at https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com.
Also refer to the following FOUNDATION Fieldbus documents:
♦ 321014C-01, Getting Started with Your AT-FBUS and
NI-FBUS Software for Windows NT
♦ 321423B-01, NI-FBUS Configurator User Manual
♦ AG-140, Wiring and Installation, 31.25 kbits/s Voltage Mode Wire Medium,
Application Guide
♦ AG-163, FOUNDATION fieldbus Application Guide 31.25 kbits/s Intrinsically Safe
♦ AG-181, System Engineering Guidelines
♦ DS50.02, Part 2 [Draft Standard] 1995, Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial
Control Systems _ Part 2: Physical Layer Specification and Service Definition,
Amendment to Clause 22 (Formerly Clause 11 and Clause 24).
♦ FD-043, Technical Overview, FOUNDATION fieldbus
♦ FF-816, Fieldbus FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile Specification.
♦ FF-890, Function Block Application Process - Part 1
♦ FF-891, Function Block Application Process - Part 2
♦ IEC 1158-2: 1993, Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems _ Part 2
♦ ISA-RP12.6, Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation,
Part I: Intrinsic Safety, Recommended Practice
♦ ISA-S50.02-1992, Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems _ Part 2

Preface B0700BA – Rev K

Use of Color in Field Device Manager Displays

The following background colors are used in parameter value fields in the Field Device Manager
to indicate various states:
A light gray background in a value in the IACC database indicates an
initial value, one that has not been changed in the database and not
downloaded to the device.
Values in the IACC database are displayed in yellow when they have
been changed, but not yet downloaded to the device.

A white background indicates that the value in the database matches the
value in the device, such as when a value has been successfully down-
loaded to the device.
A cyan value field indicates that the value has not been read from the
either the device or from the IACC database. This is generally a tempo-
rary condition.
Red indicates that there has been a failure to upload or download the
value. For example, when a parameter is locked in the device definition,
the value cannot be changed by an upload and the device value is dis-
played on a red background when an upload is attempted. Errors are dis-
played in the IACC Output pane.
A gray background is used to indicate a read-only value.

If you are not able to distinguish between colors in the Field Device Manager dis-
plays, contact your Foxboro® Systems representative for information on enabling
the software to use symbols as state indicators.

Request for Comments

Please direct your comments and suggestions concerning the Field Device Manager, the FBM228
or this documentation to:
Global Customer Support Center C42
Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.
38 Neponset Avenue
Foxborough, MA 02035
Telephone (within the US): 1-866-746-6477
Telephone (outside the US): 508-549-2424
Fax: 1-508-549-4999

B0700BA – Rev K Preface

1. Introduction
This chapter describes Foxboro Evo support for FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 devices including
life-cycle device management using IACC with Field Device Manager.

System Architecture
Beginning with I/A Series software v8.0 and Control Core Services, the Foxboro Evo system offers
the optionally redundant FBM228 to connect FOUNDATION fieldbus devices with the advanced
FCP280 or FCP270 operating on the Foxboro Evo Control Network (hereinafter referred to as
the control network), a 100-megabit switched network. The FBMs and the FCP280s or FCP270s
are installed in the same baseplate or adjacent baseplates. The baseplates and connecting cables
form a redundant 2 Mbit module fieldbus (Figure 1-1).
Optionally, the FBM228 can be installed in a 200 Series FBM subsystem and connected via an
FCM100Ef and the control network to the ZCP270 Z-module Control Processor.
The FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270 and the FBM228 support a set of FOUNDATION fieldbus spe-
cific function blocks that enable configuration of device function blocks in the Foxboro Evo sys-
tem, creating tightly integrated block databases in the control processor and the field device. The
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks include:
♦ AI which interfaces with an analog input device function block
♦ AO which interfaces with an analog output device function block
♦ DI which interfaces with a discrete input device function block
♦ DO which interfaces with a discrete output device function block
♦ MAI which interfaces with a multiple analog input device function block
♦ MAO which interfaces with a multiple analog output device function block.
Parameters from the function blocks are dynamically updated in the control processor memory,
and are connectable to control blocks in the processor.
The FBM228 also supports Foxboro Evo Distributed Control Interface (DCI) blocks enabling
almost any standard or custom device parameter to be brought into the control processor. These
include resource, transducer, or function block parameters supported by a given device type. Each
block can be configured for either publisher/subscriber or client/server connection to the device
block parameter.
By providing the control processor access to any parameter in the H1 device, the FBM228 and
the FOUNDATION fieldbus-specific block set enable easy construction of control loops that con-
tain both device and CP function blocks.
The I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC) provides complete life-cycle maintenance for
Foundation fieldbus devices connected to the Foxboro Evo system, including:
♦ Development and maintenance of the device database
♦ Online and offline configuration of devices, and resource and transducer blocks
♦ Integration of the device function blocks into the Foxboro Evo control database using
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks and DCI blocks

B0700BA – Rev K 1. Introduction

♦ Site commissioning
♦ Device maintenance
♦ Connections to historian, asset management, and change-tracking applications.
This section describes the following components in the Foxboro Evo integration of H1 field
♦ Control stations
♦ FBM228
♦ Fieldbus power and wiring.
Figure 1-1 diagrams a sample configuration consisting of fault-tolerant FCP280s and redundant
FBM228s installed on a standard baseplate with integrated redundant power conditioners.

Baseplate with integrated

Switched Ethernet Connection FBM228s and power
to the Foxboro Evo Control conditioners
Network (100 Mbps)

Power Conditioners
NOTE: The Power
Conditioners provide
FBM228s termination.

FCP280s One of four

Foundation fieldbus
H1 Links

Foundation Fieldbus (Typical Topology)

Up to 16 field devices per H1 Link

Figure 1-1. Configuration with Redundant FBM228s

1. Introduction B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 1-2 diagrams a configuration that uses a single FCP270 and a non-redundant FBM228 to
interface with an H1 segment. The FBM228 is mounted on an 8-position baseplate that will be
populated with 200 Series FBMs interfacing with non-FOUNDATION fieldbus field devices. The
FBM228 is connected to the segment via a Foxboro Evo termination assembly and separate power
conditioning modules.
Refer to Chapter 11 “Installation” for a description of these and other configuration options.

FBM228 in
Position 5
FCP280 can be
used in a similar

Termination Redundant FOUNDATION fieldbus

Assembly Power Conditioner

Splitter with

Pressure Valve
Transmitter Positioner

Figure 1-2. Configuration with Passive Termination Assemblies

Control Processors
The FBM228 can be used with the FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270. In both cases, you can
implement a fully redundant interface with no single point of failure between the field
terminations and the control process including the CPs, module and trunk fieldbuses, and
the FBMs.

FCP280 and FCP270

The configurations in Figure 1-1 includes FBM228s that are installed in a baseplate cabled to an
adjacent baseplate in which the fault-tolerant FCP280s are mounted. FCP270s can be used in
place of the FCP280s in Figure 1-1 as well. The baseplates and cabling provide a 2 Mbit local
HDLC fieldbus connecting the FBMs and the control processor.

B0700BA – Rev K 1. Introduction

Each pair of FBMs is connected to the H1 segments via a termination assembly. The cable from
the termination assembly is plugged into the redundant adapter immediately below the two
FBMs. There are many variations on this setup. For example, the FCP270 and the FBM228s
can be installed in the same 4-position or 8-position baseplate. (However, the FCP280 does not
have a baseplate that can hold 200 Series FBMs.) Refer to the Standard and Compact 200 Series
Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) for a description of the various mounting and installation

When the FBM228 provides the H1 interface for a ZCP270, the FBMs are installed in a
200 Series FBM subsystem. The modules are connected to the Foxboro Evo control station via
Fieldbus Communication Modules (FCMs) installed in the subsystem and a 100 Mbit switched
Ethernet trunk fieldbus. There are several different baseplate configurations for the FBM
subsystem, and a variety of ways of connecting the subsystem to ZCP270. Refer to the
Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) for a description of the vari-
mounting, installation, and networking options.

The optionally redundant FBM228 (p/n P0922QS) provides a reliable, high-capacity interface
between FOUNDATION fieldbus devices and the Foxboro Evo system. The FBM228 supports four
H1 links and a maximum of 64 fieldbus devices with a maximum of 16 devices per segment. The
FBM228 can be installed as a redundant pair providing maximum uptime.
The FBM228 offers the following features:
♦ A Link Active Scheduler (LAS) is provided for each H1 segment. The FBM automat-
ically detects and schedules all devices on each link, providing faster startup and
commissioning. A publisher/subscriber relationship between the FBM and the H1
field device guarantees that the communication in each segment acts in a determinis-
tic fashion.
♦ The FBM228 receives digital messages from the field devices in engineering units.
Analog inputs and outputs of connectable variables are collected and made available
to the Foxboro Evo system in IEEE 32-bit floating-point format. Security information
(status of the AI and AO variables) is supplied, as is diagnostic information and
message checking.
♦ The FBM228 extends the uptime benefits of the fault tolerant Foxboro Evo
architecture from the control station to the termination assembly. When configured
as a redundant pair, the FBM228s operate in a master/tracker relationship, with one
module providing the interface and the other tracking the master. If there is an operat-
ing fault in the master, the two modules automatically switch roles without disturbing
the process. A failed module can be removed from the baseplate and replaced with no
interruption in service.
♦ The FBM228 has a compact design, with a rugged extruded aluminum exterior for
physical and electrical protection of the circuits. Enclosures specially designed for the
mounting of FBMs provide various levels of environmental protection, up to harsh
environments per ISA Standard S71.04.

1. Introduction B0700BA – Rev K

♦ An FBM228 can be removed and replaced without removing field device termination
cabling, power, or communications cabling. The module mounts on a variety of base-
plates, which accommodate 2, 4, or 8 modules. The baseplate can be either DIN rail
mounted or rack mounted, and includes signal connectors for the FBMs, redundant
independent dc power, and I/O cable connections.
♦ Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the front of the module provide visual indication of
the Fieldbus Module operational status, its current role as either master or tracker in a
redundant pair, and the communication activity on each H1 link.

Power Options
Power to the H1 bus is always a function of the selected power conditioners. To allow customers’
preferences in cabinet design and hazardous area configurations, the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION
fieldbus is designed to let customers select power conditioners from the many different solutions
available on the market.
Figure 1-1 illustrates an integrated baseplate solution jointly developed with Pepperl+Fuchs® that
mounts two FBM228 modules plus up to eight P&F power conditioners. Lower installed costs,
more than 80% fewer manual connections, and improved reliability result from 52 pairs of built
in connections that distribute bulk power, link the FBM228 modules and the power conditioners
to the H1 segments, and tie together power conditioner alarm contacts.
♦ The FBTA-228-BPFB-R-4R is used with a redundant pair of FBM228 modules, plus
a redundant pair of power conditioners for each of the four H1 segments.
♦ The FBTA-228-BPFB-8 is used with two non-redundant FBM228 modules, plus a
non-redundant power conditioner for each of the 8 H1 segments.
The two P&F power conditioner choices include:
♦ The passive HD2-FBCL-1.500
♦ The galvanically isolating HD2-FBPS-1.500.
Figure 1-2 illustrates a typical generic setup usable for any third-party power conditioners in
either redundant or non-redundant configurations. A passive termination assembly
(p/n RH922VC (supersedes P0922VC)) provides a connection between the baseplate and the
power conditioning modules. The third party modules are then connected using standard H1
practices with respect to power conditioning, distances, bus termination, and safety certifications.
Example power conditioning options include:
♦ Pepperl+Fuchs KLD2-PC-1.1 IEC
♦ Relcom® FPS-1 redundant power system with terminators
♦ Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) power conditioners from Pepperl+Fuchs
and MTL
♦ Entity Concept intrinsically safe power conditioners from Pepperl+Fuchs and MTL
♦ Fieldbus Non-Incendive Concept (FNICO) power conditioners from Pepperl+Fuchs
and MTL.
For hazardous area configurations, an alternative to using Entity, FISCO, or FNICO power con-
ditioners is to use general purpose power conditioners in combination with a wiring block having
built in field barriers for intrinsic safety.

B0700BA – Rev K 1. Introduction

The number of devices on the bus may be limited by the choice of powering arrangement and
other factors such as desired macrocycle times and loop design. The following table indicates the
typical bus power availability for various methods:
General Purpose Power Conditioners
(Refer to vendor specifications) Up to 1 A @ 30 V dc
FISCO Power Conditioners 100 mA @ 24 V dc
Entity Concept Power Conditioners 70 mA @ 24 V dc

Installation of the termination assembly is described in Chapter 11 “Installation”.

Foxboro Evo Blocks

In the Foxboro Evo system, equipment control blocks (ECBs) are created for each FBM to pro-
vide a holding place for the software data associated with that FBM. An ECB200 is created for an
FBM228 that is configured as a single unit. An ECB202 is created for FBM228s that are
configured as a redundant pair.
With FOUNDATION fieldbus, an ECB201 is created to represent each H1 device connected by the
FBM. A separated ECB201 definition is created in IACC for each device type to be used in the
application. The definition includes information imported Device Descriptors (DDs) supplied by
the vendor. Individual devices instances are then created from the device type to add devices to the
FBM228. The device ECB201s are child ECBs to the parent ECB200 or ECB202.
The linked device-specific information is used by IACC to create configuration choices in the
connected FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks. The choices reflect the configurable parame-
ters in the device function block.

FOUNDATION fieldbus Specific Function Blocks

The FBM228 supports six FOUNDATION fieldbus-specific Function blocks (referred to in this
guide as FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks) that interface with the device function blocks:
♦ AI to access the device Analog Input function block
♦ AO to access the device Analog Output function block
♦ DI to access the device Discrete Input function block
♦ DO to access the device Discrete Output function block
♦ MAI to access the device Multiple Analog Input function block
♦ MAO to access the device Multiple Analog Output function block.
The parameter set of each CP-resident FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block maps to the param-
eters of the corresponding device function block and provides access to the device parameters for
display, configuration, and integration into the control strategy. When you download the
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block to the CP, it configures the device function block. During
operation, each blocks establish publisher/subscriber connections to the primary variables in the
corresponding device functions blocks (Table 1-1). The AI and DI blocks read a value and status
from the OUT and OUT_D parameters of the corresponding device function blocks. The MAI
blocks reads the values and status from the eight outputs of the linked device function block. The

1. Introduction B0700BA – Rev K

AO provides an output to the CAS_IN of the device function blocks and reads the value and sta-
tus of the function block’s calculated output to the device transducer block. The DO block estab-
lishes similar connections to the device DO function block, while the MAO writes to the eight
IN_n inputs of a multiple analog output device function blocks.

Table 1-1. FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks Publisher/Subscriber Connections

Foxboro Evo Foundation fieldbus

Function Block H1 Device Function Block
Type Parameter Type Parameter

In addition to the publisher/subscriber connections, the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks

access the parameters in the function blocks’ View 1, View 2 and View 4 using change-driven and
periodic client/server connections. Thus, changes in a device process values and error conditions
are continuously available for display and connection to the control strategy. The mapping of
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block parameters to the device function blocks is described in
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
The detail display of the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block gives you the ability to monitor
the performance of the function block, view its dynamic parameters, and make selected changes,
such as setting the target mode.
Figure 1-3 is an example of a detail display for an AO block with a Device Configuration overlay
showing the options that have been configured in the device AO block. The block mode display
and switches in the lower right enable an operator to select among permitted block modes. For
example, when the operator clicks MAN SWITCH the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block
and the device function block are changed to manual mode, allowing the operator to set the
device AO block’s output to the process. The value and status of that output are then read back to
the Foxboro Evo system via the block’s publisher/subscriber connection.

B0700BA – Rev K 1. Introduction

Figure 1-3. Detail Display for a Foxboro Evo AO Block

DCI Blocks
The FBM228 also supports the use of single-input and redundant input, and single-output
Foxboro Evo DCI blocks to access specific device block parameters via client/server connections.
The DCI blocks can access both standard and custom parameters in the device transducer,
resource and function blocks. Table 1-2 lists the DCI blocks recommended for each
FOUNDATION fieldbus device block data type.
Table 1-2. DCI Blocks by FOUNDATION fieldbus Data Type

Device Block Parameter Data Type Input DCI Block DCI Output Block
Boolean BIN BOUT
Integer (8, 16, 32) IIN IOUT
Unsigned (8, 16, 32) PAKIN PAKOUT
Floating Point RIN ROUT
Visible String STRIN STROUT
Bit Enumerated PAKIN PAKOUT

1. Introduction B0700BA – Rev K

Access to a parameter is specified by entering the device block tag, the offset.subindex, the param-
eter type, and connection type in the Point Number parameter. Figure 1-4 shows the connection
for to Signal Select block in a remote indicator being specified in the Properties dialog box for a
ROUT block. The ECB identifier (IOM_ID) connects to the device ECB (RI752_1 in the com-
pound PA2CP2_ECB) and the Point Number specifies the device function block (FB2) and the off-
set 28 and subindex 2 to write to IN8.VALUE. The device block parameter is an input type
parameter (I), and the value will be written to the device using a client/server connection (C).

ECB Compound and ECB201 for the H1

Device: PA2CP1_ECB:RI752_1

Block Tag: FB2

Offset.Subindex: 28.2
Parameter Type: I for Input
Connection Type: C for Client/Server
(C is the default; does not need
to be specified)

Figure 1-4. Device Parameter Connected to a DCI Block

Refer to “Configuring DCI Blocks” on page 162 for details on configuring DCI block to access
device block data.

IACC with Field Device Manager

Foxboro Evo Field Device Manager is a software application that adds on to the I/A Series Config-
uration Component (IACC) to provide complete management of FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.
The graphical user interface of Field Device Manager opens inside the editor area of IACC.
Field Device Manager is DD based. Upon importing Device Description (DD) files into Field
Device Manager for each model of field device used in the plant, users can then perform functions
such as:
♦ Creating smart device templates
♦ Configuring a field device database, either off-line or on-line
♦ Calibration or starting up a field device by running methods in the DDs
♦ Customizing user interface screens useful in diagnosing and viewing field devices

B0700BA – Rev K 1. Introduction

Smart Device Templates provide the ability to engineer a typical field device type once, and prop-
agate all the user interface, configuration, and download behaviors to each tag of the same device
model type, achieving maximum reusable engineering. The templates are made possible by layer-
ing FDT technology on top of DD technology. Starting from the DD file, the designer custom-
izes the template for each model of field device in the plant. Templates are managed as FDT
DTMs, but they remain linked to the DD files for device description. Customization of the tem-
plate includes the following:
♦ Creating and naming new Field Device Manager device and block viewing screens.
♦ Selecting the parameters to appear on each of those screens
♦ Organizing the configuration screens for the resource and transducer blocks of the
field device
♦ Setting parameters and locking them so each instance or tag will have the value of the
♦ Selecting which parameters will be downloaded from the host to the device during
Field Device Manager is the first device management system to support the new Enhanced EDDL
(Electronic Device Description Language) technology, as recently adopted by the Fieldbus Foun-
dation’s DD cooperation project. This technology enhances configuration and on-line device
viewing screens by having the device vendor organize screen menus in a hierarchical fashion, and
organizing data presentation and content for a device screen, with items such as gauges, bar indi-
cators, trends, histograms, and embedded graphic images.
Field Device Manager provides in-depth diagnosis of the performance and health of the H1
devices. Often this is best accomplished with a user interface, made specifically for that device
model by the device vendor, which plugs-into Field Device Manager. For example today’s valve
positioners often capture extensive on-line diagnostic data, and support running a comprehensive
repertoire of on-line and off-line tests to diagnose and maintain the valve, such as multi-point step
tests and valve deadband tests. Field Device Manager is the first system application that supports
opening FDT compliant DTM plug-ins for FOUNDATION Fieldbus. Like the other user inter-
faces these also open in the editor area of IACC. To enable this capability Field Device Manager
embeds an FDT compliant frame application inside IACC, and adds a Communication DTM
that supports the Foxboro Evo system with FBM228 FOUNDATION Fieldbus interface mod-

Field Device Manager is required to be installed on both the server and the clients to
use the Field Device Manager features. The client workstations that are not installed
with Field Device Manager software cannot use the Field Device Manager features.

The next chapter provides a quick-start example of integrating H1 devices into an Foxboro Evo
control strategy to demonstrate Field Device Manager functions and features.

The Field Device Manager for FOUNDATION Fieldbus exists for Foxboro Control
Software as well. Refer to Implementing FOUNDATION fieldbus in Foxboro Evo
Control Software Applications (B0750DA).

2. Quick Start
This chapter provides a quick-start preview of IACC and Field Device Manager functions used
in the implementation of a Foundation fieldbus project.

This procedure assumes that you are familiar with Foxboro Evo system concepts and
FOUNDATION fieldbus concepts.

Example Setup
This section described the hardware, software and security configuration in the quick-start exam-

Figure 2-1 illustrates hardware used in this quick-start example, which is the traditional approach
in which the Foxboro Evo system configuration consists of an FBM228, a termination assembly
and separate power conditioners. The individual components and their system identities include:
♦ FCP280 or FCP270 control processor, non-fault-tolerant (DN1CP1)
♦ FBM228, non-redundant, installed in position 5 in baseplate (FBMA15)
♦ Passive termination assembly for each link
♦ Relcom redundant power conditioners
♦ Fieldbus terminator
♦ Fieldbus power (not shown) and wiring
♦ H1 device: Endress & Hauser PMD235 Pressure Sensor (LT_100)
♦ H1 device: Eckardt SRD991 Positioner and Valve Assembly (LV_100)

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

FCP270 FBM228 in
DN1CP1 Position 5
FCP280 can be FBMA15
used in a similar

Termination Redundant FOUNDATION fieldbus

Assembly Power Conditioner

Splitter with

Pressure Valve
Transmitter Positioner
LT_100 LV_100

Figure 2-1. Hardware in the Quick Start Example

For additional architectural options and configurations, refer to the “System Architecture” on
page 1 and “Installation” on page 223.

Software Installation
Some prerequisites must be in place before we begin the device creation process:
♦ I/A Series software v8.2-v8.8 or Control Core Services Day 0 installation is operating
♦ The control network and the FCP280 or FCP270 are installed and operating
♦ IACC software v2.3.1 or later (server and client version) is installed on the host work-
station for the FCP280 or FCP270
♦ The Field Device Manager - Control Room plug-in is installed with the IACC system.
If IACC is not installed:
♦ Run the setup.exe on the IACC v2.3.1 or later installation media to install the
IACC configuration environment, accepting the default pathnames and selecting the
Client and Server option.
If Field Device Manager - Control Room software is not already installed with IACC:
♦ Refer to the instructions in Chapter 3 “IACC Setup” and install the software accept-
ing the default pathnames and selecting all components on the Select Features page in
the installation wizard.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

This entire quick start process is intended for the IACC administrator or other individuals with
administrator privileges to install IACC in the control room and to configure and maintain the
Foxboro Evo system with FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 devices. Perform these procedures from the
administrator’s viewpoint, that is, use administrator’s privileges throughout the device creation
As the implementation process moves into full production, the security should be tightened by
restricting the use of the administrator’s role and by restricting the access permissions for each
device block, as described in “Security” on page 53 and “Setting User Access Permissions” on
page 96.

Adding an FBM228 to an FCP280 or FCP270

Creating the FBM228 from the FCP280 or FCP270 object automatically assigns the module to
the control processor.
Do the following to add the FBM228 to the FCP280 or FCP270:
1. Click the Configuration tab in the IACC Project Navigator and expand
Configuration to display the control station (DN1CP1).
2. Right-click DN1CP1, choose New > 2Mbps Fieldbus Module, and select one
FBM228 in the dialog box.
3. Right-click the newly created object (F00001) and choose Properties from the pop-
up menu.
4. Change the Name parameter to FBMA15, but accept the other default parameters
found in the ECB200 properties sheet (Figure 2-2).
The software object and the ECB require no further configuration when the FBM is a
non-redundant module.
5. Click Download to download the FBM to the Foxboro Evo system.
The FBMA15 was renamed according to the FBM’s actual six character module identifier or let-
terbug. This letterbug name uses the standard letterbug naming conventions for an FBM attached
to an FCP280 or FCP270. For example, the fifth character of the letterbug name is 1, the base-
plate number set with a switch on the baseplate. For non-redundant FBM228s, the sixth character
is the slot number (1 through 8) on the baseplate. In this example, the FBM is in the fifth 5 slot,
and hence, the full letterbug name is FBMA15.
Chapter 6 “Defining the Fieldbus” includes detailed instructions for creating and configuring the
FBM228, including rules for naming non-redundant and redundant FBMs.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

NOTE: When using ECB200 or ECB202 with the FCP280, you must set its CHAN parameter as
described in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
Figure 2-2. Newly Created FBM228 and ECB200

For proper operation of the system, ensure that the software ECB and the physical hardware
implementation match. For instance, if a redundant ECB202 is used, the physical hardware
should use two FBMs along with the redundancy adapter. A non-redundant ECB200 will not
operate with two FBMs and the redundancy adapter.

Good design practice dictates that the Portex should be set to 15 which activates all
four ports of the FBM228.

When working with a positioner and valve assembly where a failsafe position is crit-
ical, good design practice dictates that Fsenab should be set to 1 so that if a control
station or network fails, the positioner will move to its failsafe value.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Device Creation Sequence

Figure 2-3 outlines a typical integration sequence for configuring FOUNDATION fieldbus equip-
ment on the Foxboro Evo system. Within the Device Creation process, each step within the pro-
cess is keyed to an activity in Figure 2-3.

Import Device DD;

Create Device Type

Configure Device and Blocks: Create a CSD

Presentation Template Assign to Compound, CP

Configure Device and Block Add AI, AO, DI, DO, MAI, & MAO
Templates - Locked Blocks. Connect to Device ECBs
Parameter Values

Configure FB Block
Create Device Instance Parameters

Download Control
Configure Instance: Application
RB and TB Parameters

Connect Physical
Device to H1 Bus

Commission Device

Calibrate Device
(If necessary)

Verify the Device Behavior -
Resource/Transducer Blocks
Modify Configuration
(if necessary)

Bring Devices Online

(Enable Comms in SMDH)

Verify Device Behavior

- All Blocks
Modify Configuration
(if necessary)

Figure 2-3. Device Creation Process

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

For instructions of the device creation process in Foxboro Control Software, refer to
Implementing FOUNDATION fieldbus in Foxboro Evo Control Software Applications

Template Creation
The first major activity in setting up a FOUNDATION fieldbus application in IACC is to define the
types of H1 devices to be deployed in the project. Each device type is an equipment control block
(ECB201) definition that includes information from a specific DD version.

Import Device DD File

The first step in creating a field device type is to make a local copy of the manufacturer’s DD file
that was shipped with the device. In this example, select the DD file for the PMD235 pressure
transmitter with the Device Revision 02 and DD revision 01
1. Copy the DD file to a temporary directory labeled Endress and Hauser.
2. Select the System tab in the IACC Project navigator and expand System >Library >
Field Devices > FF Devices.
3. Right-click FF Devices, choose New Definition, and select the 020102.cff file
from the Endress and Hauser temporary directory.
4. Accept the default values in the Device Type Tag dialog box (Figure 2-4) and click OK.

Figure 2-4. Device Creation Process

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

5. Click No to when prompted to configure the DTM templates for the device.
6. Repeat this same procedure to import the DD file for the Foxboro-Eckardt SRD991.

The Device Template may be renamed with an abbreviated name to fit into the
appearance object.

Navigating to DTM/BTMs and Tabs

For both device types and device instances, Field Device Manager provides access a Device Type
Manager (DTM) for configuring the device itself and to a Block Type Manager (BTM) for each
of the device’s function blocks. The DTM and the BTMs are organized in tab pages for various
activities such as configuration, diagnostics and tuning.
When the Field Device Manager is opened for a device type or device instance, the Identification
tab in the DTM is displayed.
♦ Use the pull-down list on the left side of the Field Device Manager title bar to switch
to any of the BTMs (the transducer block is being selected in Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-5. Pull-Down List for Selecting DTM/BTMs

Once inside the BTM, do either of the following to select a specific page:
♦ Click the pages tab in the row of tabs at the top of BTM display.
♦ Right-click anywhere in the tab and choose Functions Info and the tab from the con-
text menu.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Tabs for DTM/BTM pages

Figure 2-6. Tabs and Context Menu in a BTM

You can also select a specific tab in another DTM/BTM by doing the following:
♦ Pull down the list of DTM/BTMs, right-click on the DTM/BTM and make a selec-
tion from the context menu.

Figure 2-7. Context Menu Selected from the Pull-down List

Using Enhanced EDDL

Field Device Manager supports the new Enhanced EDDL (Electronic Device Description Lan-
guage) technology, as recently adopted by the Fieldbus Foundation’s DD cooperation project.
This technology enhances configuration and on-line device viewing screens by having the device
vendor organize screen menus in a hierarchical fashion, and organizing data presentation and con-
tent for a device screen, with items such as gauges, bar indicators, trends, histograms, and embed-
ded graphics.
When a device supports these enhanced device descriptors, the descriptions and the vendor-sup-
plied interface are imported with the DD and made available through Field Device Manager for
both the device type and the derived instances.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Do either of the following to access Enhanced EDDL displays for configuration or device moni-
♦ Pull down the list on the left end of the Field Device Manager, right-click on the
device or one of its blocks, and choose Enhanced Device Descriptor and one of
the three functional areas from the context menu (to half of Figure 2-8).
♦ Switch to device or one of its block using the pull-down list, and then right-click the
selected DTM/BTM, and choose Enhanced Device Descriptor and one of the
three functional areas from the context menu (bottom half of Figure 2-8).

Figure 2-8. Selecting an Enhanced Device Descriptor for a Transducer Block

An example EDDL display is shown in “Online Enhanced EDDL Displays” on page 311.

Configure Device and Block: Presentation Template

To view and edit the device template:
1. Click the System tab in the IACC Project Navigator.
2. Expand System > Library > Field Devices > FF Devices to display the cur-
rently defined device types.
3. Double-click the device type to open it in Field Device Manager.
This section addresses the configuration of device type templates and block templates for presen-
tation of operational and asset management information. Device type templates also contain user
access permissions as a key security feature.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Inheritance is a powerful feature of these device type templates whereby block structure, parame-
ters, and security attributes of the device template are propagated to the each instance of the
device. Device instances which are derived from device type templates also inherit the parents’
attributes. When changes are made in the parent template, those changes are inherited by the
derived definition or a specific device instance.
Configuration of the presentation template consists of the following steps:
♦ Linking documents, manuals, graphics to the device template
♦ Grouping of parameters for ease of manipulation
♦ Parameter presentation in the user interface
♦ Configuring of the download sequence
♦ Security configuration
Device template settings follow the same inheritance model as device parameter values. Locking
the device templates will propagate the settings to all sub-device types and device instances.
Figure 2-9 shows an Information tab for a positioner; the user has modified the template for this
device type to include diagrams and other graphics that are displayed in the tab and links to doc-
uments detailing plant standards and special instructions.

Figure 2-9. Information for an SRD991

The Customize tab for the transducer and resource blocks enables modification of the template
for that block in the device type and its derived types and instances. By default, the block tem-
plates in the base device type are locked so that changes made to the templates are propagated to

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

the block templates in the child device types and instances. Most users will lock parameters at the
template level and propagate changes from the block template to the child device types and
Parameter groups are user-defined subsets of the parameters for a single block. The groups provide
a convenient way to focus on parameters of interest when creating a new tab or modifying an
existing one.
In order to set up a parameter group for a block:
1. Click Group Parameters on the Customize page to open the Group Parameter Def-
inition dialog box (Figure 2-10).
2. Click Group Names button below the Parameter Group selection field to open
Group Names dialog box.
3. Click New in the Group Names dialog box.
The editor adds a new group with a default name such as New Group1.
4. Rename this default name to a new name, if desired.
5. Select the parameters in the Parameter Pool list on the left and click >> to add param-
eters to the group.
6. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Customize page.

Figure 2-10. Parameter Group Definition

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

The Group Overview button opens a dialog box that shows the usage across the parameter
groups that have been defined for the block templates and allows the user to modify the parameter
lists without opening each group individually (Figure 2-11). Moreover, this is a second approach
to selecting and entering parameters to be displayed in parameter groups.

Figure 2-11. Setting up Parameter Groups

The Field Device Manager provides the capability to create new tabs for custom device views
beyond just configuration screens. The default template has tabs for Identification, Configura-
tion, Diagnostics, and Compare. The user may setup as many or as few tabs for each device as
desired (Figure 2-12). Typically, most tab customizing is done as part of the template definition
for each model of device.
These additional views are diagnostics views, watch, and tuning:
♦ Diagnostics provides continuously updated on-line displays of selected values from
the device.
♦ Watch allows the user to switch between a trend display and tabular display of a real-
time values from a device block (Figure 2-13)
♦ Tuning displays include an upper portion which allows setting parameters in the
device and a lower screen where responses of up to 8 parameters can be watched in
tabular or trend format, as shown in Figure 2-14.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-12. Tab Definition and Parameter Selection

Figure 2-13. Configuration of Watch Tab

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-14. Tuning Screen

The Tab Overview button opens a dialog box which shows the parameter usage across the tabs
that have been defined for the block templates and allows the user to modify the parameter lists
without opening each tab individually (Figure 2-15). Moreover, this is a second approach to
selecting and entering parameters to be displayed in tab groups.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-15. Tab Parameter Usage

The Setup Downloads button is available on the Customize pages for the device and each of its
blocks. This function enables the user to specify which parameters are to be downloaded and
which are not, the order in which they are download, how to handle required changes in the block
operation mode, and whether to upload parameters at the completion of a download. Figure 2-16
illustrates this configuration process for downloading parameters to a device.

Figure 2-16. Configuration of Download Parameters

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Users are granted or denied access to various functions based upon their memberships in one of
four IACC user groups that relate to FDT roles. The most inclusive group is the planning engi-
neer in FDT roles. Therefore, perform these device and block template configuration procedures
with administrator’s privileges and the planning engineer’s role by accepting the default privileges
of the planning engineer’s role. The planning engineer and maintenance roles have the most capa-
bility, and the operator and observer roles have restrictions imposed upon them. Please refer to
Chapter 4, Creating Field Device Types, - Setting User Access Permissions for a detailed discus-

The IACC administrator’s privileges must be used to assign or change FDT roles

Configure Device and Blocks: Parameter Values

This section describes how to configure (modify) the device and block template for a particular
device. Normally, only resource and transducer blocks are configured in the device type template;
the function blocks are configured when the corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
blocks in the Foxboro Evo control strategy are downloaded to the control processor. The
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks are configured in a later section.
To modify a resource block in a device type template:
1. Click the System tab in the IACC Project Navigator.
2. Expand System > Library > Field Devices > FF Devices to display the cur-
rently defined device types.
3. Double-click the device type to open it in Field Device Manager.
4. Select the resource block of the device type template, and click the Configuration
tab to display the Configuration page.
5. Click the plus sign to the left of an offset to list the subindex parameters; click the
minus to hide the subindices.
6. Click a parameter value field to edit the value by using a pull-down checklist or by
manually entering a value (Figure 2-17).
The Foxboro Evo system has some requirements for resource block configuration. It is
recommended that these resource block parameters be set and locked in the top-level
device type configuration so that they cannot be changed in any derived template or
7. Refer to “Recommended Settings for Resource Blocks” on page 71 for specific
requirements, and configure the resource blocks accordingly.

Consult the vendor’s user manual for vendor specific requirements, as resource
block requirements vary by vendor.

8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-17. Resource Block Configuration

While there are no unique Foxboro Evo system requirements for transducer blocks, the transducer
blocks must be modified in the device type template to accommodate calibration parameters.
To modify a transducer block in a device type template:
1. Select the transducer block in the Field Device Manager selection box, and click the
Configuration tab to display the Configuration page.
2. Click the plus sign to the left of an offset to list the subindex parameters; click the
minus to hide the subindices.
3. Click a parameter value field to edit the value by using a pull-down checklist or by
manually entering a value (Figure 2-18).
4. Configure the transducer block for the Endress and Hauser PMD235 according to the
parameter values listed in Figure 2-18.
These configuration parameters are unique to each vendor’s transmitter type and
model number. Consult your device vendor for required parameter values.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-18. Transducer Block Parameter Values

Instance Definition
The H1 device types have been defined in the IACC database, and the configuration of the field-
bus already commenced when we added the FBM228 to its host FCP280 or FCP270. This sec-
tion describes how to create a device instance (ECB201) in IACC by adding H1 devices to an
FBM228, and this activity completes the Fieldbus definition process.

Adding the H1 Devices to an FBM228

The next step is to add the H1 devices to the FBM228 using the FBM’s pop-up menu in the Proj-
ect Navigator and a checklist of device types. This is generally referred to as creating a device
instance and an ECB201 block.
To add H1 devices to the FBM, proceed as follows:
1. Select the FBMA15 in the Project Navigator, right-click the FBM’s ECB200, and
choose New Child Device (Figure 2-19).
2. In the Create Devices dialog box, check the boxes for the SRD991 and the Endress
and Hauser H1 device types in the in the Create Device dialog box, select 1 in the
Port no field and click OK.
The instances are attached to the appropriate FBM port by selecting the number 1 in
the port field.
3. Rename the default ECB name (ECB201) with the PD_Tag name which is LV_100.
The PD_Tag name can be up to 12 characters long.
4. Repeat this process to place the Endress and Hauser H1 pressure transmitter on seg-
ment one as LT_100 on port 1 of the FBMA15.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-19. Adding an FBM228 to FCP270 (Similar for FCP280)

When a device is added to the FBM228, the device equipment block (ECB201) is fully config-
ured with default parameters and is ready for use. If the PD_Tag is six characters long or less, no
other action is required. If the PD_Tag is longer than six characters:
♦ Right-click the device and choose Properties from the pop-up menu and edit the
Dev_id parameter to a unique six-character name (Figure 2-20).

The DEV_ID parameter is the naming source for the Device ID field of the SMDH
screen which has a six-character limit.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-20. ECB201 Properties

Configure Instance: RB and TB Parameters

Rename the resource and transducer blocks of H1 devices to more meaningful names to facilitate
the management and maintenance of the FOUNDATION fieldbus environment.
To rename the resource and transducer blocks:
1. Double-click the device in the Configuration tab of the IACC Project Navigator to
open it Field Device Manager.
2. Right-click the appropriate resource/transducer block in the pull-down box, and
choose Rename from the pop-up menu.
3. Enter a new name in the Rename dialog box and click OK.

Create a CSD Instance

In this section, the Foxboro Evo control loop of Figure 2-21 is created in a Control Strategy Dia-
gram (CSD) using FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 devices. The CSD provides a graphical representa-
tion of the I/O blocks, control blocks, and their interconnections. The blocks created in the CSD
are assigned to a compound, which determines the order of execution for the blocks. The blocks
and compounds are then downloaded to the FCP280 or FCP270 control processor.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

The loop is configured with the following blocks (from left to right in Figure 2-21):
♦ LT_100 is an ECB201 that represents the Endress and Hauser pressure sensor
♦ LT_100AI1 is an AI Function block that interfaces with the AI function block in the
transmitter LT_100. The Function block provides the OUT value and status from the
connected device AI block to provide the PID measurement.
♦ PID1 is a PID block that provides an output for the positioner.
♦ LV_100AO1 is an AO Function block that interfaces with the AO function block in
the transmitter LV_100. The Function block passes the PID block output to the
CAS_IN parameter of the device AO block, and connects the device block BCALCO
parameter to the back-calculation and feedback parameters (BCALCI and FBK) in
the PID block.
♦ LV_100 is an ECB201 that represents the Eckardt SRD991 positioner.

Figure 2-21. Typical PID Loop

Create a CSD and Assign It to a Compound

FOUNDATION fieldbus creates a Control Strategy Diagram (CSD) and a compound and assigns
each to a geographical plant area and the appropriate control station just like any other Foxboro
Evo control strategy.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

To begin, set up the plant area and create the simple CSD and compound in the plant area of
1. Click the Plant tab in the IACC Project Navigator, and create a plant area called Tank
2. Create a Simple CSD called Level Simulation.
3. Create a compound called Tank_Sim.
4. Assign Level Simulation to the Tank Farm plant area and to the compound
5. Assign the compound Tank_Sim to the plant area Tank Farm and to the control sta-
tion DN1CP1.

Adding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks to a CSD

In this section, function blocks are added to the Level Simulation CSD by dragging objects from
palettes of standard Foxboro Evo blocks to the CSD Editor. The blocks are interconnected by
dragging a line from a source parameter in one block to a sink parameter in another block.

The FOUNDATION fieldbus function blocks AI, AO, DI, and DO are supported
with the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks (the other blocks
listed in B0700EC).

Add blocks to the Level Simulation CSD by configuring the field connections and renaming the
ECB201 blocks according to Figure 2-21.
The alarm parameters in FOUNDATION fieldbus work the same as any other Foxboro Evo alarm
blocks. Do not forget to identify and configure the letterbug name of the destination system for
alarm groups.

Configuring FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Parameters

The next step is to configure the function blocks which we built in the earlier steps. To review and
modify FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block parameters:
1. Right-click the AI block appearance object in the CSD Editor, select Properties,
and rename the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block LT_100AI1.
2. Verify the additional attributes and modify these parameters if necessary according to
Figure 2-22.
3. Verify that the XD_Scale and Out_Scale parameters match the parameter settings
which were created in the transducer block of the device template for the LT_100. Do
not forget to match the engineering units correctly.

The Iom_id must match the block name of the ECB201.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-22. Properties Dialog Box for AI Block

Verify the AO Function block as follows:

1. Right-click the AO block appearance object in the CSD Editor, select Properties,
and rename the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block LV_100AO1.
2. Verify the additional attributes and modify these parameters if necessary according to
Figure 2-23.
3. Verify that the XD_Scale and PV_Scale parameters match the parameter settings
which were created in the transducer block of the device template for the LV_100. Do
not forget to match the engineering units correctly.

The Iom_id must match the block name of the device ECB201.

The update period is typically configured between 10 or 30 seconds. Setting 10000
in the value field represents an update period of 10 seconds.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-23. Properties Dialog for AO Block

Download Control Application

The IACC download process first validates the objects to be downloaded, and then downloads the
compounds and blocks to the FCP280 or FCP270.
To download the control strategy:
1. Right-click the CSD in the Project Navigator and choose Validate/Download >
Download from the pop-up menu.
2. Follow the instructions in Hierarchy Validation and subsequent dialog boxes to vali-
date the objects and download the compounds and blocks to the control processor.
See “Control Application and Device Application Download” on page 153 for more detailed

Device Commissioning
Connect a Physical Device & Monitor Segment Live List
When the H1 field devices are connected to the FBM, the user generally needs to determine
which devices are attached to the network segment and to determine some key parameters which
are associated with the device. These key parameters are identifying the device instance (Device
Tag, Device Address, Device ID), but are also used to identify device type (Manufacturer’s ID,
Device Type, Device Revision, and the DD revision). The Manufacturer’s ID, Device Type,

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Device Revision, and DD Revision identify the Device Description files that can be used for
device configuration. The Live List Display provides this information when the user wants to
gather it manually.

Commission a Device
Field Device Manager provides an intuitive, easy-to-use Commission Wizard that takes the guess
work and manual drudgery out of setting device tags and addresses, downloading configurations,
and synchronizing the host and device databases. The same wizard is used to start up devices dur-
ing initial commissioning at site, or to make quick foolproof replacements of a failed device.
The Commission Wizard is launched from the device tag in the Network or Plant tab of the
IACC Project Navigator. The wizard automatically:
♦ Guides the user in the selection of devices of the correct model types.
♦ Sets the device resource block to the Out of Service mode in preparation for
♦ Sets the device tag to match the host database.
♦ If necessary, automatically moves the device address from a default address to a perma-
nent node address.
♦ Downloads parameters in the resource and transducer blocks marked for downloading
in the device template.
♦ Coordinates downloading the device function blocks defined in the control loop strat-
egy diagrams (Figure 2-24).
♦ Uploads block parameters to automatically synchronize the host and device copies of
the database.
♦ Places the resource block in Auto mode after commissioning or waits for the user to
do so, according to an option within the wizard.
♦ Commands the FBM228 to include the device in its Link Active Schedule (LAS)

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-24. Device Commission Wizard

In addition to the automatic synchronization of the host database and the device database possible
through the Commission Wizard, Field Device Manager has a built in Compare tab for each
block in the device (Figure 2-25). This tab is used for manual comparison and synchronization
between the host and the device database. Synchronization is accomplished by selecting one or
more parameters, and then uploading the device value into the host database or downloading the
host database value to the device.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 2-25. Compare Screen for Database Synchronization

Running Methods to Calibrate a Device

The Field Device Manager provides a dedicated user interface for each block so that the user may
operate and interact with the DD method execution. Typically, these methods are used for device
calibration and commissioning.
If you have already commissioned the device, launch the Field Device Manager and execute the
calibration method.
If the you have not yet commissioned the device, use the live list tab to set the tag name and
address of the device, and then should proceed as before by launching Field Device Manager and
running the device calibration method.
The calibration method for transmitters and positioners is easy and operates automatically when
activated. For example, a valve positioner and valve assembly is calibrated by issuing the tune
command and the method automatically tunes the positioner and valve assembly. Figure 2-26 dis-
plays the dialog which occurs when the calibration method is run to calibrate a valve positioner. A
differential pressure transmitter is calibrated by issuing the zero command and the method auto-
matically sets the transmitter to zero when no liquids or flow are present.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

Figure 2-26. Running Methods to Calibrate a Valve

Bring Devices Online

Enable Communications in SMDH
When the device Commission Wizard is utilized to start up a device during commissioning or to
replace a failed device after maintenance, the device Commission Wizard will automatically
enable communications to a device when the check box is selected. The enable communications
command starts up the function blocks contained within the device and places the device in the
FBM228’s scheduled LAS (Link Active Schedule) communications.
If the device Commission Wizard is not utilized, you must manually place the FBM228 on line
and must manually enable communications. Use SMDH to bring the FBM228 and the device on
line just like any other Foxboro Evo FBM and device.

Communications must be enabled for each device.

2. Quick Start B0700BA – Rev K

Verify Device Behavior

FOUNDATION fieldbus utilizes the FoxSelect compound/block overview utility and FoxView to
display the control compound and block detail just like any other Foxboro Evo device. Default
detail displays for the four FOUNDATION fieldbus function blocks enable the user to:
♦ View and acknowledge alarms
♦ Display Trends
♦ Change the block mode
♦ Set primary variables when the block is in manual mode
Figure 2-27 illustrates the AO Function along with its data and the current status. Each function
block should be in its respective target mode:
♦ Auto mode for a transmitter
♦ Cascade mode for a positioner

Figure 2-27. Detailed Display for AO Block

This completes the quick start procedure. The two H1 devices are now fully configured and inte-
grated to the Foxboro Evo system.
As you move into your full production implementation, the security should be tightened by
restricting the access permissions for each resource block. The resource and transducer blocks of
each device should be fully configured for operational and asset management effectiveness. The
proper configuration of these resource and transducer blocks will become an invaluable tool for
diagnosis of device errors and device malfunctions when they may occur.

B0700BA – Rev K 2. Quick Start

3. IACC Setup
This chapter describes installation of software used in a Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus
implementation, including the Field Device Manager add-on package to IACC.
This chapter is intended for the IACC administrator or other individuals responsible for setup of
IACC in the control room and an instrument shop to develop and maintain a Foxboro Evo sys-
tem with FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 devices. Topics include:
♦ “System Requirements” on page 41
♦ “Installing Field Device Manager” on page 42
♦ “Installing the Manufacturer’s DTM” on page 50
♦ “Installing the NI Communication DTM” on page 46
♦ “Tracking Device Changes with FoxCTS” on page 51

System Requirements
Setup involves installation of the Field Device Manager plug-in on one or more IACC systems.
Field Device Manager includes an FDT Editor, device type managers (DTMs) and block type
managers (BTMs) for displaying and editing device and block information, and communications
software for downloading and uploading device configurations via the FBM228.
The software is a client application and must be installed on any workstation, including client
only IACC systems, that will be used to configure or maintain FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.
There are two separate versions of this add-on software package, each distributed on a separate
♦ Field Device Manager - Control Room is installed on Foxboro Evo workstations, and
is used for device and control engineering, commissioning and maintenance.
The package can also be installed on an off-platform IACC server or client to support
forward engineering. However, the off-platform instance cannot be used for on-line
access to the field devices for commissioning, diagnostics and other device manage-
ment functions.
♦ Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop is installed on an off-platform IACC sys-
tem for configuration of H1 devices using a third-party interface such as the National
Instruments card and DTM.
The add-in software is available from the BuyAutomation online store (www.buyautoma-
tion.com) under S10 Foxboro Evo Workstation Software License, Windows, Engineering Tools.
Use the following product numbers to review and purchase the software:
♦ K0201GY - FOUNDATION fieldbus Field Device Manager for IACC Kit on Win-
dow 7/Windows Server 2008 (Latest Revision)
♦ K0201GZ - FOUNDATION fieldbus Instrument Workshop for IACC on Window
7/Windows Server 2008 (Latest Revision)

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Both packages require IACC V2.3.1 or later. This chapter assumes that IACC V2.3.1 has already
been installed on the control room and instrument shop computers. Installation is described in
IACC V2.3.1 Release Notes (B0400BR). Refer also to I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC)
User's Guide (B0700FE) for information on setting up an (empty) IACC database for use in the
FOUNDATION fieldbus implementation.
The Foxboro Evo workstation hosting Field Device Manager - Control Room must also have
FoxAPI or AIM*API for online access to H1 devices. Refer to FoxAPI Installation Guide
(B0193UC) or to AIM*AT Suite Version 3.4 Installation Guide (B0193YM) for additional infor-
mation on setup of the API.

Installing Field Device Manager

Field Device Manager - Control Room and Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop CDs con-
tain an InstallShield program that loads the IACC add-on and registers the software.
Field Device Manager can be installed on a workstation with IACC server and client software or
on a workstation with client only software.

Field Device Manager is required to be installed on both the server and the clients to
use the Field Device Manager features. The client workstations that are not installed
with Field Device Manager software cannot use the Field Device Manager features.

The following instructions for installing the Control Room module also apply to installing the
Instrument Shop version. However, after installation on an instrument shop system the setup pro-
gram prompts you to launch the installation program for National Instruments FBUS H1 Com-
munications DTM, as described in “Installing the NI Communication DTM” on page 46.

You cannot install both versions of Field Device Manager on the same workstation.

For both modules, you should install the software using the same username that was
used when IACC was installed.

When Field Device Manager is installed on a Foxboro Evo workstation with dual
monitors, the application should be displayed on the first monitor only.

To install Field Device Manager on an IACC system:

1. Export all IACC databases stored on system and move the export files to a folder out-
side the IACC directory structure. For each database:
a. Start IACC and select the database.

3. IACC Setup B0700BA – Rev K

b. Chose File > Export from the menu bar and select IACC Format (*.ida) in the
Available Formats dialog box.
Refer to the “Managing IACC Databases” topic in IACC Help for information on
protecting databases when adding or upgrading software.
c. Specify a path outside the IACC instance-related path and follow the instructions
in the Export dialog boxes.
d. Exit IACC.
2. Insert the appropriate Field Device Manager CD in the CD-ROM drive.
The CD is configured to automatically launch the InstallShield wizard. A Welcome
message is displayed on the first wizard page when the install program is fully loaded
(Figure 3-1). Buttons along the bottom of the wizard dialog box enable you to pro-
ceed to the next step or to return to the previous display to change a setting.
♦ Click Cancel at anytime to exit the setup.

Figure 3-1. InstallShield Wizard Welcome Page

3. Click Next to continue, review the license agreement on the next page, and click Yes.
The wizard displays a form entering user information (Figure 3-2).

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Figure 3-2. Entering User Information

4. Enter user information and click Next to display a page for specifying the installation
directory (Figure 3-1).

Figure 3-3. Specifying an Installation Directory

Installation to the default directory (c:\Program Files\Invensys\FDM) is strongly

♦ Click the Browse to select a different directory, if desired.

3. IACC Setup B0700BA – Rev K

5. Click Next when the desired directory is displayed in the Destination Folder box.
Setup displays a page for selecting the components to be installed (Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4. Selecting Features

Initially, all components are selected for installation, as indicated by the check mark to
the left of each listing. The disk space required for the selected components and the
total space available are shown below the listings. When a component is highlighted
the dialog box displays a brief description of the item.
The FDA Driver Task must be installed on Foxboro Evo workstations for those sta-
tions to communicate with the devices attached to the FBM228. The component can
also be installed on an off-platform system if the setup program can find or create the
required installation directory (D:\opt\fox\fda\api).

The FDA Driver Task option is not shown if the workstation does not have a
D: drive.

6. Review the selections, un-check any if desired, and click Next.

The next wizard page summarizes the installation details (Figure 3-5).

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Figure 3-5. Installation Summary Page

7. Click Next to start the actual installation, or click Back to revise the user or destina-
tion folder information and then return to the installation summary page and click
A setup status page displays the progress of the installation as files are copied and the
program components are registered.
8. Click Finish when the wizard displays the message:
Setup has finished installing Field Device Manager - Control Room
on your computer.
It is usually not necessary to restart the computer after installing Field Device

Installing the NI Communication DTM

The Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop package requires a third-party hardware and com-
munication DTM to interface with the H1 devices for download and upload of device configura-
tions. The interface must be installed on each workstation on which Field Device Manager -
Instrument Shop is installed. The interface can be installed before or after installation of IACC
and the Field Device Manager.
The Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop CD contains a setup program for the National
Instruments™ NI FBUS H1 Communication DTM. The DTM installation program can be
launched from a prompt at the end of the Field Device Manager setup program (Figure 3-6).

3. IACC Setup B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 3-6. Prompt to Launch NI DTM Installation

♦Click OK to start the program (or click Cancel if the program is already installed, you
want to install it later, or you want to use a different communications DTM).
To start the NI DTM installation at a later time:
♦ Use Explorer to browse the Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop CD for the
folder NICommDTM and double-click Setup.exe to display the dialog box again.
The NI setup program starts with a welcome dialog box similar to the one in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-7. First NI Communication DTM Setup Dialog Box

♦ Click Next and the follow the prompts in the succeeding dialog boxes to select an
installation folder and other user preference and complete the installation.
Note the suggestion in the last NI dialog box to use Windows Update to download
any recent changes to Microsoft .NET Framework.

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Confirming Software Versions

To confirm that the correct Field Device Manager version is installed on the workstation:
1. Choose Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Software and select the Field
Device Manager component in the Add or Remove Programs window.
2. Click the support information link to display the Support Information dialog box for
the Field Device Manager component, which shows the product name, version,
owner, and links to Foxboro support (Figure 3-8).
3. Click OK, and close the Add or Remove Software window and the Control Panel.

Figure 3-8. Support Information Dialog Box

4. Click the IACC Studio desktop icon or choose Start > All Programs > IACC >
IACC Studio to start IACC to verify that the software was properly installed
(Figure 3-9).

3. IACC Setup B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 3-9. IACC Welcome Screen after Installation of Field Device Manager - Control Room

Uninstalling Field Device Manager and IACC

Use the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel to uninstall Field Device Manager
before doing any of the following:
♦ Upgrading to a new version Field Device Manager or IACC software
♦ Switching between Field Device Manager - Control Room and Field Device
Manager - Instrument Shop
♦ Re-installing the software to restore the program.
You may be required to uninstall IACC software in order to rebuild the application or to upgrade
to a new version.

IACC is always installed before Field Device Manager is installed, but Field Device
Manager software should be removed before you uninstall IACC.

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Uninstalling Field Device Manager deletes the DDEngine directory which holds
device description files from the defined device types. An empty DDEngine direc-
tory is installed when the Field Device Manager is re-installed. The directory is then
re-populated as you import the previously configured IACC databases and open the
device types or their instances.

Take the following action if you need to install a new version of IACC or reinstall the current ver-
1. Review the “Managing IACC Databases” topic in IACC Help for information on pro-
tecting multiple databases.
2. Back up each IACC database and move the backup files to a location outside the
IACC instance path.
3. Export each IACC database to a folder outside the IACC instance path.
4. If there are multiple IACC databases, copy the file \IACC\Database\IACCSet-
tings.txt to a location outside the IACC instance path.
5. Uninstall Field Device Manager using the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Con-
trol Panel.
6. Uninstall IACC using the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.
7. Install the new version of IACC from the CD.
8. Install Field Device Manager from the CD.
9. Import the IACC Databases.
10. Copy the IACCSettings.txt backup file to \IACC\Database.

Installing the Manufacturer’s DTM

Field Device Manager with its built-in universal device manager is the only required tool for man-
aging any H1 device on the Foxboro Evo system, as Field Device Manager provides complete life-
cycle support from configuration and instrument preparation to commissioning and startup to
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. However, Field Device Manager also supports use of
the Device Type Manager (DTM) supplied by the manufacturer so you can take advantage of any
specialized diagnostic or tuning software to supplement maintenance of the device. The manufac-
turer’s DTM, which can include block type managers (BTMs), is linked to the device as an option
during definition of the device type (as described in Chapter 5 “Creating Field Device Types”).
The manufacturer’s DTM and BTMs are usually supplied in a single software package, which
should be installed on all IACC servers and clients that will use the supplementary software with
the devices.

IACC supports the security structure of the manufacturer’s DTM; when a device is
being edited with the associated third-party software, user access is not controlled
by the scheme described in Chapter 4 “Security”.

The software can be loaded before or after installation of IACC and Field Device Manager.

3. IACC Setup B0700BA – Rev K

To install the manufacturer’s DTM:

1. Log onto the IACC computer under the same username that was used for the IACC
and Field Device Manager installations.
2. Follow the instructions supplied with the software to load and register the software.
Field Device Manager uses the registry access to the DTM.

Device Descriptions
One of the first steps in implementing FOUNDATION fieldbus on the Foxboro Evo system is to
define the device types to be used in the implementation. IACC defines the device type by
extracting information from the appropriate vendor-supplied device descriptor (DD) as described
in Chapter 5 “Creating Field Device Types”. Unlike the DTMs, a DD file does not need to be
installed on all IACC systems. The DD must be available to the IACC client where the device
type is first defined, and only while the device information is being extracted. Once the device
type has been created, the DD is no longer needed, as all of the required information has been
incorporated into the device type definition.
DD files can be obtained from the manufacturer or from Fieldbus Online (www.fieldbus.org), the
Fieldbus Foundation web site. Files downloaded from Fieldbus Online can be extracted to a tem-
porary folder.

Tracking Device Changes with FoxCTS

IACC provides links to FoxCTS software so you can track device configuration changes from
Field Device Manager, including downloads from the Commission Wizard. When FoxCTS inte-
gration is configured, IACC creates an event file with the following information each time a
download is successfully executed from Field Device Manager:
♦ Originating workstation and time of the download
♦ IACC user initiating the download
♦ Host control station and FBM letterbugs
♦ Device type including DD version and CFF Version
♦ Device, resource block and transducer block parameter values when the download was
♦ Changes to the FBM when downloaded

An upload from the device is not performed prior to creation of the file. The file
reflects what was downloaded to the device, and not necessarily the values that were
actually in the device.

♦ Attribute for each parameter indicating whether or not it was downloaded

♦ Reason for the download given by the user in the FoxCTS Change Tracking
dialog box (Figure 3-10). The dialog box is displayed when the user closes Field
Device Manager session after a successful download.

B0700BA – Rev K 3. IACC Setup

Figure 3-10. Change Tracking

Changes to function blocks are captured when their corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Func-
tion blocks are downloaded as part of a control download.
Setting up change tracking with IACC involves the following:
♦ Creating a directory on the FoxCTS server to receive the download event files
♦ Verifying that the System Monitor instance is properly configured for the
FoxCTS application
♦ Enabling the FoxCTS integration within IACC
♦ Authorizing user access
♦ Starting the FoxCTS application.
Refer to the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in IACC for detailed instructions on setting up
change tracking, and to FoxCTS Change Tracking Software (B0193VV) for information on start-
ing and using FoxCTS.

4. Security
This chapter describes the pre-configured user groups and their access privileges in Field Device
Manager software, and covers setup of users and groups.
This chapter, which is intended for the IACC Administrator, describes how to add users and
assign them to various Field Device Manager roles, which govern the users’ ability to access the
H1 devices and device blocks.
Topics include:
♦ “IACC Security and Field Device Manager Roles” on page 53
♦ “Creating IACC Users to Match Field Device Manager Roles” on page 55
♦ “Assigning Privileges to IACC Users” on page 57
Instructions in this chapter assume that IACC and Field Device Manager have been installed, that
the only user defined in the database is the built-in administrator, and that security has not yet
been enabled.
When Field Device Manager is first installed, there are no restrictions on any of the module func-
tions. This allows the administrator and other first users in the plant to become familiar with the
product before a security scheme is imposed. As the implementation process moves into full pro-
duction, the security can be tightened by assigning users to specific roles (as described in this
chapter) and by restricting the access permissions by role for each device block (as described in
“Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96).
Refer to the “Security” topic in IACC Help for additional information on IACC security admin-
istration, including instructions for setting up audit trails and modifying permissions for an IACC
user group.

IACC Security and Field Device Manager Roles

When security is enabled, users are granted or denied access to various functions within the Field
Device Manager based on their membership in one of four IACC user groups that relate to Field
Device Manager roles:
♦ Planning Engineer is the most inclusive group with access to all functions except
modifying access permissions.
♦ Maintenance is similar to the Planning group except that it does not include the
ability to make permanent changes to device templates.
♦ Operator has a limited set of permissions appropriate for the plant operator role.
♦ Observer is essentially a view-only user.
Users can be assigned to multiple IACC user groups, but to only one of the four Field Device
Manager specific groups. When security is enabled, users not assigned to a group are Observers.
When security is not enabled, all users are treated as members of the Planning Engineer group
with regard to access to device parameters and to resource and transducer blocks. They are permit-
ted, for example, to modify device templates, change resource and transducer block parameters,
and download devices.

B0700BA – Rev K 4. Security

Whether or not security is enabled, all users are treated as members of the Observer group with
regard to access to function blocks. Generally, function blocks in the H1 devices that have mating
Foxboro Evo blocks (such as AI, AO, DI and DO) should be configured entirely through the
block properties editor of IACC and downloaded through a compound of the control processor.
Function blocks in the H1 devices not having mating Foxboro Evo blocks (for example, ISEL
used for remote indicators) must be configured through Field Device Manager. Refer to “Config-
uring Device Function Blocks” on page 107 for information on configuring function blocks for
which there is not mating Foxboro Evo block, and modifying non-standard parameters in the
supported function blocks.
A member of the IACC Administrator user group configures the user names and passwords, and
assigns them to user groups, including one of the four Field Device Manager specific groups.
User access permissions can be modified for a specific device type in Field Device Manager when
it is opened by a member of the IACC Administrator group. The modified security structure is
inherited by each instance of the device definition, as well as by device types derived from the def-

It is recommended that at least one user be assigned to both the IACC Administra-
tor group and the Planning group.

Figure 4-1 shows how Field Device Manager displays the permissions set for a pressure transducer
resource block. The Set Permissions dialog box includes four tables specifying access to parame-
ters, methods, functions, and pages, respectively for the other four user groups. There is a similar
Set Permissions dialog box for each of the other device blocks and for the device itself.
The permissions are modified, if necessary, during setup of the user interface in each device type,
as described in “Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96.

4. Security B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 4-1. Setting Access Permissions for a Resource Block

The permissions are only enforced when the device is opened in Field Device Man-
ager; when the device and its blocks are opened using the manufacturer’s DTM,
access is controlled by the vendor’s DTM.

Creating IACC Users to Match Field Device Manager

Adding a User
This section describes how to create a user for the IACC Administrator role. The Administrator
then logs on as a member of the IACC Administrator group to configure security in the following
To add a user for the IACC Administrator role:
1. Log onto IACC as Administrator, click the System tab and expand Security >
Users to display the already configured users (Figure 4-2).

B0700BA – Rev K 4. Security

2. Right-click Users and choose New User from the pop-up menu.
IACC adds User1 under Users along with Administrator. The name is enclosed in
an edit frame indicating that you can change the name.
3. Type the username and press Enter.


Figure 4-2. Adding a New User

Editing User Information

To edit the user object and assign an IACC role:
1. Double-click the new username to open the object in the User Editor (Figure 4-3).
2. Enter additional information about the user in the Full Name and Description
3. Enter a password in the Password field, re-enter it in the Confirm password dialog
box, and click OK.
4. Select IACC Administrator in the Not member of list and click Add to assign the
user to the group.

4. Security B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 4-3. Configuring a User

5. Exit IACC and the log into the application as the newly created username in the
IACC Administrator group.

Assigning Privileges to IACC Users

To configure other users’ access to IACC:
1. Add the user names as described on page 55.
2. Expand System > Security > Groups to lists the configured groups.
In Figure 4-4, the groups include IACC Administrator and the four groups that
define Field Device Manager roles: Planning, Maintenance, Operator, and Observer.
Other groups may be configured, but these cannot control access within Field Device

If a member of any of the four Field Device Manager groups is also assigned to the
IACC Administrator group, there will be virtually no restriction on the user’s access
to Field Device Manager functions. Thus for example, a user assigned to the
Observer group cannot change a download configuration or assign PD_tags to a
device; but those functions become available to an Observer who was also assigned
to the IACC Administrator role.

B0700BA – Rev K 4. Security

3. Double-click the group name to open the object in the Group Editor (Figure 4-4).
In the Users box, the editor displays the current members of the group and those who
can be added.
4. Select a name in the Not members list and click the Add button to move the name to
the Members list.
You can select multiple names by pressing Ctrl and clicking on the individuals listed
in the box.

Figure 4-4. Adding Users to a Group

5. Click the IACC Permissions tab at the bottom of the editor to review permissions
currently configured for the group in addition to those within Field Device Manager.
Refer to the “Security” topic in IACC Help for additional information on modifying
permissions for an IACC Group.
By default, the four Field Device Manager groups have access to all other IACC edi-
tors and function except administering IACC itself. Additional restrictions can be
applied to any of the four group. However, they should at least have read/write access
to equipment control blocks (ECBs) in order to save configuration changes to device
types and device instances.
6. Expand Object Types > Configurable Object Types > IA Block Types to
view the object access permissions for ECBs.
In Figure 4-5, the Maintenance group has been given explicit permission to write, val-
idate, and download ECBs (green check marks in the w, v and d columns. Access to
other objects has been inherited (gray check marks), the default setting.

4. Security B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 4-5. Setting IACC Access Permission

7. Choose Window > Close All to exit the editor and save changes.
Once the roles have been defined, enable security so that users must use their passwords to access
the application:
♦ Choose Tools > Options from the menu bar and check Enable security in the
IACC Options dialog box.
The IACC export and import functions can be used to add the users and groups to other IACC
To copy part of the security configuration to another IACC system:
1. Choose Windows > Close All to close all editors.
2. Click the System object at the top of the System tab, and choose File > Export
from the menu bar to open the Available Formats dialog box.
3. Choose IACC Format, click Next, and follow the prompts in the succeeding dialog
boxes to create the export file.
4. Make the export file available to other IACC system, start IACC, and choose File >
Import from the menu bar.

B0700BA – Rev K 4. Security

5. Choose IACC Format in the Available Formats dialog box and use the subsequent
dialog box to display the import file in the Import dialog box.
Users are listed under the groups to which they were assigned, or separately if they are
not members of any group in the export file.
6. Click the checkbox to the left of each user and group to be imported, select the
Replace Existing Objects, Copy Other Objects import option, and click
7. Follow the prompts in the succeeding dialog boxes to complete the import.

If an imported user group matches the name of a group already in the database,
IACC does not overwrite the existing group, regardless of the import option
selected. The imported group is marked with the suffix .Import1.

5. Creating Field Device Types
This chapter describes how to define device types within the IACC database and configure
device and block parameters using Field Device Manager.
The first step in setting up an FOUNDATION fieldbus application in IACC is to define the types
of H1 devices to be deployed in the project. Each device type is an equipment control block
(ECB) definition that includes information from a specific DD version and that provides a cus-
tomizable template for managing all aspects of devices of the type.
The type can be opened in Field Device Manager to configure device and block parameters using
the built-in universal device type and block manager. Field Device Manager provides a compre-
hensive, multi-tab display for all aspects of configuring and maintaining the devices. Figure 5-1
for example, shows an Information tab for a positioner; the user has modified the template for this
device to include diagrams and other graphics that are displayed in the tab and links to documents
detailing plant standards and special instructions.

Figure 5-1. Information Tab for an SRD911

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Once a type is defined, multiple instances of the type can be added to an FBM228 to create the
fieldbus. The instances inherit the device and block parameters values as configured in the type
definition. By default, all but a few of the device and block parameter values are locked at the def-
inition level so that they cannot be modified in the individual device configurations. Individual
parameters can be unlocked in the definition allowing modification for each device. In addition to
promoting standardization, the locking feature and inheritance rules enable global changes to the
device instances. When you modify a locked value in a device type, that change is propagated to
each device derived from the type.
Application-specific device types can be derived from a single device definition. The derived defi-
nitions follow the same locking and inheritance rules as the parent definition. This chapter con-
tains an example of two device types, one for absolute pressure and the other for differential
pressure, derived from the same pressure transducer device type. The common features are con-
trolled from the base device definition, while application-specific measurement ranges are set in
the derived device types.
In addition to storing DD information and setting parameter values, the device type provides a
template for viewing device and block parameters for individual devices for tuning, commission-
ing, diagnostics and other maintenance activities. The template also controls which parameters
can be downloaded to the device and which parameters can be uploaded from the device to
update values in the IACC database. The template can be customized at the type or instance level
in any of the following ways:
♦ Add graphics and document links to the device Information page to provide configu-
ration guidelines, troubleshooting tips and other help to users. The links and graphics
can also be accessed from the Identification page of any of the device’s blocks.
♦ Set up watch and trend displays to monitor selected parameters.
♦ Modify configuration and diagnostic tabbed pages by adding and removing
♦ Add custom tabbed pages for use in various operation phases.
Field Device Manager also supports the use of the device manufacturer’s DTM (and related
BTMs) to supplement maintenance activities with specialized diagnostics and other utilities
included in the vendor’s DTM. The vendor DTM is associated with the device type using a selec-
tion from the device type’s context menu.
This chapter covers the following steps involved in forward engineering:
♦ “Locating DD Files” on page 63
♦ “Creating a Device Type” on page 64
♦ “Setting Device Template Values” on page 67
♦ “Creating Application-Specific Types” on page 74
♦ “Setting Up the User Interface for a Device Type” on page 79
♦ “Configuring Downloads” on page 94
♦ “Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96
♦ “Deleting a Device Type” on page 100
♦ “Using the Manufacturer’s Device Type Manager” on page 101
♦ “Configuring Device Function Blocks” on page 107
♦ “Exporting and Importing Device Definitions” on page 108

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

The examples in this chapter were created on an offline IACC system by a user assigned to the
Planning group and the IACC Administrator group.

When Field Device Manager is installed on a Foxboro Evo workstation with dual
monitors, the application should be displayed on the first monitor only.

Locating DD Files
IACC creates the device type by extracting information from the device DD. To identify the cor-
rect DD, you need the following information about the device:
♦ Manufacturer ID
♦ Device Type
♦ Device Revision
♦ Minimum DD Revision

If the device is already connected to an FBM228, you can acquire this information
using the Live List tab for the FBM in Field Device Manager, as described in “Using
a Segment Live List Display” on page 261.

The files can be obtained from the manufacturer or from Fieldbus Online (www.fieldbus.org), the
Fieldbus Foundation web site. Files downloaded from Fieldbus Online can be extracted to a tem-
porary folder. Once a device description has been loaded into the IACC device type definition,
the original device files are no longer needed by IACC. The directory can be located anywhere on
the workstation as long as the folder contains the CFF, FFO, and SYM files for the device.
Figure 5-2 shows two device description files extracted to a Device Data folder.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Files for the

Selected Device

Manufacturer ID

Device ID

Figure 5-2. Extracted DD Files

Creating a Device Type

To define a device type:
1. Click the System tab in the Project Navigator and expand System > Library >
Field Devices > FF Devices to display the existing definitions (Figure 5-3).
2. Right-click FF Devices and choose New Definition from the pop-up menu to
open the Import DD dialog box.
3. Use the dialog box to browse for and select the capability file (*.cff ) for the device.
If a device type has already been created from the DD, a dialog box displays the
following message: A template for the device with this DD already
exists. A new template has not been created.
♦ Click OK to close the dialog box, and select another DD or derive a device type
from the one already defined, as described in “Creating Application-Specific
Types” on page 74.
IACC accesses all the necessary files based on selection of the capability file. The
Device Type Tag dialog box (Figure 5-3) displays Manufacturer and Device fields for
naming the device type. Error messages are displayed and the import is cancelled if
the .ffo file or .sym file is not present in the selected path.
IACC displays a warning message if there is a mismatch between the DD and the .cff
files, but the import is allowed to continue.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

4. Use pull-down lists for each field to enter names from the DD files (or enter names
manually), view the resulting name in the Preview Tag field, and click OK.


2 4

Figure 5-3. Defining a New Device

The device definition is added to the IACC library with the configuration informa-
tion from the DD file stored in a device equipment control block (ECB201). The def-
inition is now ready for use in creating instances of the device type.
A dialog box prompts you to edit the definition using Field Device Manager.
5. Click No in the dialog box to end the session.
The new definition is listed under System > Library > Field Devices >
FF Devices in the Project Navigator.

Device Type Context Menu

Right-click the device type in the Project Navigator to access the functions listed in Table 5-1.
The menu selections most commonly used in deriving and defining device types are shown in
bold type.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Table 5-1. Device Type Context Menu Functions

Menu Selection Description

New Definition Derives a device definition from the selected definition.
The dialog box for selecting DD information is not dis-
played as that information is inherited from the parent def-
inition. IACC prompts you to configure the definition
using Field Device Manager.
Use this feature to set up application-specific device types,
as described on page 74.
Rename Object’s Type Highlights the definition in the Project Navigator so that it
can be renamed.
Delete Displays the Delete Request dialog box, which lists the
items affected by the delete, so you can either confirm or
cancel the action. Delete is not available when the IACC
database contains instances of the definition or other device
definitions derived from the selected object. See page 100
for additional information.
Where Used Opens the Where Used dialog box for finding instances
and other definitions derived from the object. Select the
“Search Utilities” topic in IACC help for additional infor-
Field Device Manager > Field Opens the definition in Field Device Manager, as described
Device Manager (Universal) on “Setting Device Template Values” on page 67.
Field Device Manager > Field Opens the definition in the device vendor’s DTM if that
Device Manager (Vendor) DTM has been associated with the device. See “Using the
Manufacturer’s Device Type Manager” on page 101.
Field Device Manager > Associate Displays a dialog box for associating the device type with
Vendor the device vendor’s DTM, as described on page 101.
Editors > Definition Editor Opens the device ECB in the Definition Editor for viewing
and editing the ECB block parameters. Select the “Defini-
tion Editor” topic in IACC Help for additional informa-
Editors > Appearance Object Editor Presents an editor for modifying the device ECB’s appear-
ance object. The appearance object represents instances of
the block in the Control Strategy Diagram (CSD) Editor.
Select the “Appearance Object Editor” topic in IACC Help
for additional information.
Editors > Field Device Manager Opens the device definition in Field Device Manager.
ListViews > IA Block Definition Displays the status of devices of the type that have been
added to the IACC database.
FoxView Options Opens a dialog box for determining how the device is rep-
resented in FoxDraw and FoxView. Select the “Creating
Displays” topic in IACC Help for additional information.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Table 5-1. Device Type Context Menu Functions (Continued)

Menu Selection Description

Properties Displays the properties sheet for the device ECB. Refer to
the “Properties Dialog Box” topic in IACC Help for addi-
tional information.

Configuring Device Types with EDDL Displays

When a device supports an Enhanced EEDL device descriptor, the description and the vendor
supplied interface are imported with the DD and made available through Field Device Manager
for both the device type and the derived instances. Configuration choices made with EDDL dis-
plays are saved with the type or instance.
See “Using Enhanced EDDL” on page 18 for information on navigating to the EDDL displays,
and refer to the device documentation for information on using the interface.

Setting Device Template Values

Use Field Device Manager to set device and block parameter values in the device template, lock
selected parameters so they cannot be changed at the device level, and specify which parameters
are to be downloaded to individual instances of the device. With these steps, you define the foot-
print of each instance of the device type, that is, define the values that must be set in the physical

Device Type Inheritance

Field Device Manager displays a padlock icon to right of the value field for every configurable
parameter. The padlock enables you to specify the parameter’s locked status. Table 5-2 describes
how the icon indicates whether the parameter is locked in the current definition and the objects
derived from it, and when changes in the parent definition are propagated to the derived defini-
tions and instances.
Table 5-2. Locked Status Icon s

Icon Description
Locked By Me
The parameter value can be set at this level, but the value cannot be changed in
objects derived from this device type.
The parameter value is inherited by any device or device type derived from this
type when the child object is created.
Subsequent changes to the parameter value are propagated to the child objects.
The parameter can be changed to unlocked, in which case, the unlocked status is
propagated to the child objects. Subsequent changes to the parameter value are
propagated to the child types and devices only if the parameter has not been mod-
ified in the child object.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Table 5-2. Locked Status Icon (Continued)s

Icon Description
Locked By Parent
The double padlock icon is displayed next to a parameter value in a derived device
type or a device instance when the parameter is locked in a parent object. No
changes can be made to the parameter value or locked status at this level. Uploads
from the device do not modify the parameter in the IACC database.
The parameter value is not locked by a parent object or by the object itself.
The parameter value can be set at this level. The change is propagated to the
derived objects if the value in the derived object has not been edited and saved.
The change does not override a value that has been saved in a derived device type
or device instance.
However, the lock status can be changed to Locked By Me to prevent modification
to the parameter in the derived objects and to propagate changes to the next level.

When a device type is created, most of the parameters are Locked By Me. You can unlock and
lock parameters individually as you set their values in the template. Or, you can lock and unlock
all parameters for each block or tab display as described in “Global Lock and Unlock” on page 90.
One approach is to unlock everything at the beginning of a project to facilitate finding the best fit
for each device type, and then set and lock key parameters at the device-type level to standardize
the configuration across all devices derived from the type.

Parameters that make up the desired footprint of the device should be locked at the
template level so that they cannot be overwritten by an upload from the device, and
placed on the Download List, as described in “Configuring Downloads” on
page 94.

Setting Device Parameters

To configure a device type:
1. Click the System tab in the Project Navigator and expand System > Library >
Field Devices > FF Devices to display the device type.
2. Right-click the device type and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device
Manager (Universal) to open the definition in Field Device Manager.
The device name is displayed in a selection field with a pull-down on the left end of
the editor title bar (RTT25 in Figure 5-4) and the device configuration is presented in
multiple tabbed pages below the title bar. This display is a template that will be used
to configure and maintain the instances derived from the type. The template includes
five tabbed pages (Figure 5-4):
♦ Information: Identifies the device by manufacturer, type and revision, and later,
when the device is commissioned, device tag, address and device ID. The page
also includes links to device-related documents and graphics, and features for
entering maintenance notes and other information. See “Adding Device Informa-
tion” on page 80 for information on creating the links.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

♦ SM:This page provides access to the system management MIBs.

♦ NM: This page provides access to the device’s network management MIBs. This
page is blank when IACC is offline.
♦ Diags: This page is used for on-line diagnostics. The page is blank when IACC is
♦ Customize: Provides access to the Set Permissions (“Setting User Access Permis-
sions” on page 96) and the Downloads (“Configuring Downloads” on page 94)
dialog boxes.

Figure 5-4. Information Page for a Newly Created Device Type

Modifying a Block Configuration

The following section describes how to modify a device block configuration. Normally, only
resource and transducer blocks are configured in the device type; the function blocks are config-
ured when the corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks in the Foxboro Evo control
strategy are downloaded to the control processor (see Chapter 7 “Control Configuration”). In the
following example, a resource block is modified to meet certain Foxboro Evo system require-
ments, which are detailed in the tables following the instructions.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

To modify a resource block in a device type:

1. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the
resource block (RB0 block for 00... in Figure 5-5).
2. Field Device Manager displays the template for configuring and maintaining the
resource block. Initially, the resource block and transducer block templates include
seven tabbed pages:
♦ Identification is similar to the device Identification page and can be used for
links to help documents and other resources.
♦ Configuration is used to define parameters that will be inherited by the
instance of the device type.
♦ Diagnostics is used in the device instances to monitor parameters in the live
♦ Compare identifies parameters in a live device that do not match the configured
values in the IACC database. The tab enables you to align the two databases by
selectively uploading and/or downloading parameters.
♦ Customize provides tools for modifying the template pages (including adding
tabs), setting security, and configuring downloads.
♦ Methods enables you to run device calibration methods that are included in the
♦ Tuning is used in the device instances to adjust and validate block configurations.
The tab allows you to make changes to individual parameters and then monitor
the effect with periodic reads of selected parameters in the device.
♦ Watch allows you to monitor up to 20 block parameters in either a tabular or
trend display.
Modification of the these tabs is discussed in “Setting Up the User Interface for a
Device Type” on page 79.
3. Click the Configuration tab if the Configuration page (Figure 5-5) is not already
4. Click the plus sign to the left of an offset to list the subindex parameters; click the
minus to hide the subindices.
5. Click a parameter value field to edit the value by using a pull-down checklist or by
manually entering a value.
The field background turns to yellow to indicate that the value has been changed. The
yellow background is used in the device instance until the parameter is downloaded to
the device.
The closed padlock in the Locked field indicates “locked by me,” that is, the field can-
not be edited in any object derived from this device type.
6. Click the closed padlock to unlock a parameter so that it can be edited in a child
The icon is replaced by an open padlock. See “Creating Application-Specific Types”
on page 74.
7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Click + to show
This parameter is
unlocked; it can be
changed in instances
and types derived
from this type.

This parameter is
“locked by me” and
cannot be changed
in any object derived
from this type.
Click - to hide
Click the padlock
to unlock the value.

Figure 5-5. Resource Block Configuration Tab

8. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select another
block or the device itself to make further changes.
If there are any unsaved changes, a dialog box prompts you to save the changes to the
database, close the editor without saving, or cancel to keep the block open.
9. Choose File > Close from the IACC menu bar to exit the editor.
If there are any unsaved changes, a dialog box prompts you to save the changes to the
database, close the editor without saving, or cancel to keep the editor open.

Recommended Settings for Resource Blocks

Table 5-3 through Table 5-6 show recommended resource block settings for transmitters, posi-
tioners, discrete valve controllers, and discrete input/output devices, respectively. It is recom-
mended that these parameters be set and locked in the top-level device type configuration so that
they cannot be changed in any derived template or instance.
There are no unique Foxboro Evo system requirements for transducer blocks.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Table 5-3. Transmitter Resource Block Requirements

Resource Block Parameter Foxboro Evo Constraints

MODE_BLK.Permitted Select Auto and OOS.
These are required modes; other modes are optional.
MODE_BLK.Target Select Auto, the required target mode.
FEATURE_SEL Make sure the following features are NOT selected:
Reports Option
Write Lock
Direct Write to Output Hardware
These features are not supported.
GRANT_DENY Make sure that none of the options are selected;
GRANT_DENY is not supported.
SHED_RCAS Set to 0. SHED_RCAS is not supported
SHED_ROUT Set to 0. SHED_ROUT is not supported
ALARM_SUM.Disabled Check each option in ALARM_SUM.Disabled.
All alarms should be disabled. Use the alarm options in the Fox-
boro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks.

Table 5-4. Positioner Resource Block Requirements

Resource Block Parameter Foxboro Evo Constraints

MODE_BLK.Permitted Select Auto and OOS.
These are required modes; other modes are optional.
MODE_BLK.Target Select Auto, the required target mode.
FEATURE_SEL Make sure the following options are NOT selected:
(unsupported options) Reports
Write Lock
These features are not supported.
FEATURE_SEL Select the following features:
(recommended selections) Out Readback
FaultState is partially supported:
♦ The FBM228 supports FaultState actions at the device
level on loss of communications between the CP and the
♦ The FBM228 does not support faultstate logic using
SET_FSTATE and CLR_FSTATE parameters.
GRANT_DENY Make sure that none of the options are selected;
GRANT_DENY is not supported.
SHED_RCAS Set to 0. SHED_RCAS is not supported
SHED_ROUT Set to 0. SHED_ROUT is not supported

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Table 5-5. Discrete Valve Controller Resource Block Requirements

Resource Block Parameter Foxboro Evo Constraints

MODE_BLK.Permitted Select Auto and OOS.
These are required modes; other modes are optional.
MODE_BLK.Target Select Auto, the required target mode.
FEATURE_SEL Make sure the following options are NOT selected:
(unsupported options) Reports
Write Lock
These features are not supported.
FEATURE_SEL Select the following features:
(recommended selections) Out Readback
FaultState is partially supported:
♦ The FBM228 supports Faultstate actions at the device
level on loss of communications between the CP and the
♦ The FBM228 does not support faultstate logic using
SET_FSTATE and CLR_FSTATE parameters.
GRANT_DENY Make sure that none of the options are selected;
GRANT_DENY is not supported.
SHED_RCAS Set to 0. SHED_RCAS is not supported
SHED_ROUT Set to 0. SHED_ROUT is not supported

Table 5-6. Discrete Input/Output Device Resource Block Requirements

Resource Block Parameter Foxboro Evo Constraints

MODE_BLK.Permitted Select Auto and OOS.
These are no other optional modes.
MODE_BLK.Target Select Auto, the required target mode.
FEATURE_SEL Select the following features:
(recommended selections) FaultState
FaultState is partially supported:
♦ The FBM228 supports Faultstate actions at the device
level on loss of communications between the CP and the
♦ The FBM228 does not support faultstate logic using
SET_FSTATE and CLR_FSTATE parameters.
GRANT_DENY Make sure that none of the options are selected;
GRANT_DENY is not supported.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Table 5-6. Discrete Input/Output Device Resource Block Requirements (Continued)

Resource Block Parameter Foxboro Evo Constraints

SHED_RCAS Set to 0. SHED_RCAS is not supported
SHED_ROUT Set to 0. SHED_ROUT is not supported
ALARM_SUM.Disabled Check each option in ALARM_SUM.Disabled.
All alarms should be disabled. Use the alarm options in the Fox-
boro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks.

Creating Application-Specific Types

This section provides an example of creating application-specific device types from a single device
type. The use of derived, or child, device types promotes standardization and enables global
updating of devices, while allowing you to tailor a device type to different uses.
The example involves a project in which multiple IAP20s will be used to measure absolute pres-
sure and IDP10s will provide differential pressure measurement. The devices use the same DD
(385884.ba30.200101), which has been used to configure a parent device type
(FOXBORO_PT). Most of the device and block parameters are locked in this device type so that
global changes can be propagated to the child device types and in turn to the device instances
derived from the application-specific device types. The range for all IAP20s is 0 to 50 psi, while
the range for the differential transmitters is 0 to 60 psi. In the example instructions, the unit of
measure for the Primary Value is set and locked in the parent transducer block, but the range
parameters are unlocked, so they can be set in the transducer blocks of two derived device types.
To set up the application-specific device types:
1. Create the parent device type following the procedures described on page 64.
2. Right-click the parent device type in the Project Navigator and choose
New Definition from the pop-up menu (Figure 5-6).
IACC does not display the Import DD and Device Tag dialog boxes as the DD and
naming are derived from the parent definition.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K


Figure 5-6. Deriving the Child Device Type

3. Click No in the Configure DTM Template dialog box.

The new device type is listed below the parent type with a default name consisting of
the parent device name and the suffix _01. The name is enclosed in an edit frame.
4. Rename child device type IAP20 and press Enter.
5. Derive a second device type from the parent device and rename it IDP10.
6. Right-click IDP10 and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device Manager
(Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the device type in Field Device Man-
ager (Figure 5-7).

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Figure 5-7. Device Parameters in a Derived Device Definition

Note that the DD information as well as the device parameter values are the same as
in the parent device type.
7. Choose File > Close from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.
To set the PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE for all three device types:
1. Right-click the parent device type (FOXBORO_PT) and choose Field Device Man-
ager > Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open it in
Field Device Manager.
2. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor to select the transducer
block (TB1 block for... in Figure 5-8).
3. Click the Configuration tab if the page is not already displayed and click +15 to
show the subindex values under PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE (Figure 5-8).

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-8. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Parent Device Type

4. Click the padlock icons to the right of 15.1~.EU_100 and 15.2~.EU_0 to unlock
the maximum and minimum values.
5. Pull down the list in the 15.3~.UNITS_INDEX Database Value cell and check the box
for (1142)psia.
6. Enter 2 in the 15.4~.DECIMAL Database Value field.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the Configuration page and choose File > Close from
the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.
8. Right-click IAP20 in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) to open the device type for absolute pres-
sure measurement and use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor to
select the transducer block (TB1 block for... in Figure 5-9).
9. Click the Configuration tab if the Configuration page is not already displayed and
click +15 to display to expand PRIMARY_VALUE_RANGE (Figure 5-9).
Note that the double padlock icons in the Locked column indicate that all but two
parameters are locked by the parent definition and cannot be changed in this child
10. Set 15.1~.EU_100 and 15.2~.EU_0 to 50 and 0 respectively, and click each open
padlock to lock the parameters.
The closed padlock is displayed in the Locked column indicating the parameters can-
not be changed in devices derived from this definition. However, changes to parame-
ters in the IDP10 device type will be propagated to the devices.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

11. Click Save at the bottom of the Configuration page and then choose File > Close
from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.

Figure 5-9. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Child Device Type for Absolute Pressure

12. Right-click IDP10 in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) to open the device type for differential pres-
sure measurement in Field Device Manager, and access the Configuration page for the
transducer block (Figure 5-10).
13. Set 15.1~.EU_100 and 15.2~.EU_0 to 60 and 0 respectively, and lock these
14. Click Save at the bottom of the Configuration page and then choose File > Close
from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-10. Configuring the Transducer Block in the Child Device

Type for Differential Pressure

Setting Up the User Interface for a Device Type

In addition to storing DD information and setting parameter values, the device type provides a
template for viewing device and block parameters for configuration and maintenance of individ-
ual devices. The template can be customized at the type or instance level in any of the following
♦ Add custom tabbed pages for use in various operation phases
♦ Modify tabbed pages by adding and removing parameters
♦ Set up parameter groups to facilitate creating and modifying displays
♦ Specify which parameters are to be included in downloads, the order in which they are
downloaded, and the block mode to be set prior to the download
♦ Add graphics and document links to a device or block Information page to provide
configuration guidelines, troubleshooting tips and other help to users
♦ Add notes to the device identification page or to any of the block pages
Users who are members of the IACC Administrator user group can also modify the template by
changing access permissions for other user groups, enabling or disabling access to functions
(including making changes to the template itself ), tabbed pages, and individual parameters. See
“Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96 for details about modifying user access.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Adding Device Information

Use the Links and Graphics list boxes on the device Information page to give users access to docu-
ments and illustrations with specifications, plant standards, troubleshooting tips, or other useful
The links can include Acrobat Reader PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, or help files. When
selected, a linked document opens in a separate window in its native application. Windows dis-
plays a dialog box for selecting a program if the file’s native application is not available.
The graphics can include bitmaps, JPEGs, and images in other common graphics formats. When
selected, the image is displayed in the pane to the right of the Graphics and Links boxes.
Field Device Manager does not store copies of the files with the device information, but only the
full pathname and an alias for each file reference. The files themselves should be maintained in a
shared drive that is commonly accessible to all IACC workstations that will be accessing the device
type and its instances. The file should be specified using a network path (for example,
\\FF_Resources\document\srd911specs.pdf in Figure 5-11).
The files references are automatically included in IACC backups and exports of the device type;
however, the files themselves are not included and should be backed up separately.
The tools at the top of each box enable you to edit an existing file selection, delete a link or image,
and select a new file. The Link instructions that follow also apply to the Graphics box.
Figure 5-11 shows links and graphics configured for the device type SRD991. These links and
graphics will be inherited by each device type and instance derived from SRD991 and cannot be
modified in the derived objects. However, additional links and graphics can be configured in the
derived types and instances.
To configure a link:
1. Click the Add button above the Links box to open the Select File dialog box
(Figure 5-11).

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-11. Creating a Link to a File for an SRD991

2. Click to right of the first field in the dialog box to browse for and select the file
using a Windows Open dialog box.
The first field in the File Select dialog box shows the full pathname of the file. The
Alias field shows how file will be named on the Identification page.
3. Enter a new name in the Alias field if desired.
4. Click OK.
The selected alias is displayed in the Links list box.
5. Double-click the alias to test the link.
To change a link:
1. Select the link and click the Edit button above the Links list box to open the Select
File dialog box.
2. Change the path and/or alias, and click OK.
To delete a link:
♦ Select the link and click the Delete button above the Links list box.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Customizing Block Templates

The Customize tab for each block enables modification of the template for that block in the
device type and its derived device types and instances. By default, the block templates in the base
device type are locked so that changes made to the templates are propagated to the block tem-
plates in child device types and instances. When a template is unlocked, changes in the template
are copied to new derived templates and instances, but they are not propagated to existing child
The Customize tab for a resource block in Figure 5-12 shows the six customization functions that
are available for blocks:
♦ Group Parameters creates subsets of the block parameter set that can be applied
when modifying existing tabs or creating new displays. This function is described in
“Setting up a Parameter Group” on page 84.
♦ Group Overview shows the parameters included in various groups and allows modi-
fication of the lists from a single dialog box. This function is described in “Parameter
Group Overview” on page 86.
♦ Define Tabs opens an editor to add and modify tabs, as described in “Adding
Tabbed Pages” on page 87 and “Modifying Tabs” on page 88.
♦ Tab Overview shows the parameters used in various tabs and allows modification of
the tabs from a single dialog box. This function is described in “Tab Overview” on
page 91.
♦ Set Permissions, which is available to users that are part of the IACC Administra-
tor group, opens a window for specifying the parameters and functions that are
available to the four other groups: Planning, Operator, Maintenance, and Observer.
Refer to “Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96.
♦ Setup Downloads defines the parameters that are to be included in downloads, sets
the order of download and manages required block mode when downloads are being
performed, as discussed in “Configuring Downloads” on page 94.
The Customize tab for the device itself has two buttons: Set Permissions and Setup Down-

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-12. Customize Tab for Resource Block

The Save as and Load from buttons at the bottom of the page enable you to modify a template
by importing the template from a child device type or from an instance. The imported template
must be for the comparable block in a device type or instance with the same DD information.
The principal use of this feature is to apply changes made in a specific device instance to all
instances of the device type. For example, 23 absolute pressure transducers (IAP20s) are being
deployed, all of which were derived from the device type IAP20, which in turn was derived from
the device type FOXBORO_PT. During setup of the first device, a custom tab was defined for the
transducer block.
To add the custom tab to the other instances and the defining device types:
1. Open the device in Field Device Manager, select the block and add the tab (as
described in “Adding Tabbed Pages” on page 87), and save the changes.
2. Click Save As at the bottom of the Customize tab, use the Save As dialog box to
specify a file name and folder, and click Save.
3. Choose File > Close from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

4. Open the base device definition (FOXBORO_PT in the example) in Field Device Man-
ager, select the transducer block using the pull-down list in the upper left corner or the
editor, and click the Customize tab in the block display.
5. Click the Load from button at the bottom of the Customize tab, use the Open dialog
box to select the template saved from the device instance, and click Open.
The new transducer block template is added to the device type (FOXBORO_PT), its
derived device types (including IAP20) and all the other IAP20 instances.

Setting up a Parameter Group

Parameter groups are user-defined subsets of the parameters for a single block. The groups provide
a convenient way to focus on parameters of interest when creating a new tab or modifying an
existing one.
To set up a parameter group for a block:
1. Click Group Parameters on the Customize page to open the Group Parameter Def-
inition dialog box (Figure 5-13).

Figure 5-13. Parameter Group Definition Dialog Box

2. Click the Group Names button below the Parameter Group selection field to open
Group Names dialog box (Figure 5-14).
The dialog box lists the already configured parameter groups and shows their locked
status with an open, closed or double padlock icon (see Table 5-2 for a description of
locking and inheritance rules). Groups marked with are locked in the parent
device type and cannot be edited.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-14. Adding a Parameter Group

3. Click New in the Group Names dialog box.

The editor adds a new group with a default name such as New Group or New Group1.
4. Select the default name and type a new name, if desired.
5. Click to the left of the name to unlock the definition of the group so that it can be
altered in device types and instances derived from this device type.
Click to the left of the name to lock the definition of the group so that it cannot
be altered in objects derived from this device type.
The group can also be locked or unlocked in the Parameter Group Definition Dialog
Box (Figure 5-13).
6. Select a name in the Group Name list and click Remove to delete to the parameter
7. Add other names, change the locked status of any of the groups, and click OK to close
the dialog box.
In addition to the Parameter Group selection box, the Parameter Group Definition dialog box
includes a list on the left of all the block’s parameters and a list on the right of the parameters that
are included in the group.
To populate a parameter group:
1. Select parameters in the Parameter pool list on the left and click >> to add param-
eters to the group.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters.
2. Select parameters in the Selected Parameters list on the right and click << to
remove them from the group.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Customize page.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Parameter Group Overview

The Group Overview button opens a dialog box that shows the parameter usage across the param-
eter groups that have been defined for the block template and allows you to modify the parameter
lists without opening each group in the Parameter Group Definition dialog box.
To modify parameter usage:
1. Click Group Overview on the block’s Customize tab to open the Parameter Usage
dialog box (Figure 5-15).
Initially, the table only lists block parameters that not included in at least one group.
The dialog box also shows the locked status of each parameter and each group.
2. Click + to the left of an offset number to show the subindex parameters; click - to the
left of the offset to collapse the display.
3. Click the check box in the appropriate row and column to add a listed parameter to a
The parameter is added to the group and the row is removed from that table (if Show
all parameters is not checked).
4. Click the Show all parameters checkbox to list all parameters in all groups.

Figure 5-15. Setting Up a Parameter Group

Parameters can be added to multiple groups when the Show all parameters option is
5. Click any checked item to remove the parameter from the group.
6. Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Customize tab.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Adding Tabbed Pages

To create a new tab:
1. Click Define Tabs on the Customize page to open the Tab Definition dialog box
(Figure 5-16).
The dialog box displays a table of the existing tabs in the template, and parameter
groups if any are configured. Each tab column includes:
♦ Details button, which opens an editor for the tab.
♦ Open, closed, or double-padlock icon to indicate the tab’s locked status (see
Table 5-2 for a description of locking and inheritance rules). Tabs marked with
are locked in the parent device type and cannot be edited.
♦ The tab’s use of each parameter group as Full, Partial or none.
2. Click Tab Names at the top of the dialog box to open the Tab Names dialog box.
The dialog box lists the existing tabs, their locked status and their type as
Configuration, Tuning, Diagnostic, or Watch. The type determines the format
and functionality of the tab, but not the parameters to be included.
3. Click New in the Tab Names dialog box.
The editor adds a new tab with a default name such as New Tab or New Tab1.
4. Select the default name and type a new name, if desired, and use the pull-down list in
Tab Type to select a format for the new tab.
The new tab is added to the list of tabs.
5. Click to the left of the tab name to unlock configuration of the tab so that it can
be altered in device types and instances derived from this device type.
Click to the left of the tab name to lock the configuration of the tab so that it can-
not be altered in objects derived from this device type.
6. Add other tabs, change the locked status or tab type of existing tabs, or select a tab list-
ing and click Remove to delete it from the template.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Tab Definition dialog box.
8. Edit the tab definition as described in the next section, and click Close to return to
the Customize page.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Figure 5-16. Adding a Tab to a Resource Block Template

Modifying Tabs
You can modify any tab in a block template in a device type or instance if the tab is not locked in
the parent device definition.
To modify a tab:
1. Click Define Tabs on the Customize page to open the Tab Definition window.
2. Click Details in the column for the tab to open the tab editor (Figure 5-17).
The Details dialog box displays list boxes for adding and removing parameters from
the tab display (Figure 5-17). Tuning type tabs include two sets of lists, one for
parameters that can be modified from the tab, the other for parameters to be moni-
tored from the tab (Figure 5-18).
For Configuration, Diagnostics and Tuning type tabs, the Details dialog box includes
a Lock/Unlock button that enables a developer to unlock all parameters in the early
stages of a project and then lock parameters in the derived types and instances from
the top level device type once the optimal configuration determined.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-17. Editing the Parameters in a Custom Tab for a Resource Block

Figure 5-18. Modifying the Tuning Tab for a Transducer Block

3. Use the pull-down list in the Show field below the Parameter pool list to select All
block parameters, All read-write parameters, All unlocked parameters, or one
of the configured parameter groups (see “Setting up a Parameter Group” on page 84
for information on creating a parameter group).

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

4. Select parameters in the Parameter pool list on the left and click >> to add param-
eters to the tab.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters.
5. Select parameters in the Selected Parameters list on the right and click << to
remove them from the tab.
6. Select a different group in the Show field to add parameters from a different pool.
7. Click to the right of the tab name at the top of the dialog box to unlock configura-
tion of the tab so that it can be altered in device types and instances derived from this
device type.
Click to the right of the tab name at the top of the dialog box to lock the configu-
ration of the tab so that it cannot be altered in objects derived from this device type.
8. Check the box for Automatic Updates to set the tab to read parameters from the
device at the interval specified in Update Period; un-check the box to refresh the
values only on demand.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Customize page.

Global Lock and Unlock

When a top-level device type is first created, most parameters are locked to prevent changes in
derived types and instances. Locking parameters in the parent definition promotes standardiza-
tion and enables global changes to all device types and device instances derived from a single par-
ent device type. However, in the early stages of the project it may be useful to have all parameters
unlocked so that changes can be made at the device level to fine tune parameter values and vali-
date configuration. Then once the optimal configuration has been established for the device, all
but a few parameters can be re-locked.
To lock and unlock parameters:
1. Open the Define dialog box for the Configuration, Diagnostics, or Tuning tabs (or
one of the custom tabs that uses one of the three formats).
2. Click Lock/Unlock in the lower right corner of the Details dialog box to open the
dialog box shown in Figure 5-19.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-19. Unlock Dialog Box

The Lock and Unlock options labelled All This Tab are applied to all parameters
that are currently configured for the selected tab. Parameters are not subsequently
locked or unlocked when they are added later to the tab.
3. Select the appropriate option in the dialog box and click OK.

Tab Overview
The Tab Overview button opens a dialog box that shows the parameter usage across all the tabs
defined in block template, and allows you to modify the parameter lists without opening each tab
in a Details dialog box.
To modify parameter usage:
1. Click Tab Overview on the block’s Customize tab to open the Parameter Usage dia-
log box (Figure 5-20).
Initially, the table only lists block parameters that not included in at least one tab. The
dialog box also shows the locked status of each parameter and each tab.
2. Click next to a parameter or tab to unlock the configuration so that it can be
altered in device types and instances derived from this device type.
Click to lock the parameter or tab.
3. Click + to the left of a parameter’s offset number to show the subindex parameters;
click - to the left of the offset to collapse the display.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

4. Click the check box in the appropriate row and column to add a listed parameter to a
The parameter is added to the tab and the row is removed from that table (if Show all
parameters if not checked).
5. Click the Show all parameters checkbox to list all block parameters.

Figure 5-20. Tab Parameter Usage Dialog Box

Parameters can be added to multiple tabs when the Show all parameters option is
6. Click any checked item to remove the parameter from the tab.
7. Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Customize tab.

Template Notes
Each device template includes a note pad for adding comments, warnings and other information
about the device or a specific block.
Within the template, there are two kinds of notes: those entered from the device page, which are
also displayed when the notepad is opened for a block, and those entered when a block is selected
in Field Device Manager, which are only displayed in the notepad for that block.
Notes entered in the device type are displayed as read-only text in any instance or type derived
from the type, but remain editable in the parent object. Notes can be added at any level; they are
never copied up to a parent device.
To add notes to a device template:

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

1. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the
block, and click the Notes button on the right above the tabbed pages to open the
Notes window for the block (Figure 5-21).

Click Notes to add comments for

the selected device block.

Read-only display of notes entered for

the block in the parent device type, and
notes entered for the device itself in a
parent template or this template.

Use this pane to enter notes for the block

in the current device type and any type or
instance derived from it.

Figure 5-21. Adding Notes to a Resource Block in a Device Type

The Notes window is divided into two panes:

♦ When the Notes is selected for a device, the upper pane displays notes entered for
the device in the parent template.
When the Notes is selected for a block, the upper pane displays notes entered for
the device in the this template and the parent template, and notes entered for the
block in the parent template.
The upper pane is always a read-only display.
♦ The lower pane is the edit window for entering and changing notes for the current
device type and its child types and instances.
2. Enter the text in the lower pane and click Save in the lower left corner of the window.
3. Click Close to exit the Notes window.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Configuring Downloads
The Setup Downloads button is available on the Customize pages for the device and each of its
blocks. The function enables specification of the following:
♦ Which parameters are to be downloaded and which are not
♦ The order in which they are downloaded
♦ How to handle required changes in the block operating mode
♦ Whether to upload parameters at the completion of a download.
The Download dialog box (Figure 5-22) is used to configure two lists:
♦ Writable Parameter List is selected from a pool of available parameters in the
block. These parameters are downloaded only if the parameter value has been changed
in the IACC database (the Database Value field is yellow) and are not downloaded as
part of device commissioning unless they are also included in the Download List.
The Writable Parameter List is also used to determine the parameter order, timing,
and required mode when the Field Device Manager automatically changes the block
♦ Download List, selected from the Writable Parameter List, specifies parameters that
are always included in downloads initiated from the Commission Wizard and when
the Download All button is selected from a Field Device Manager tab for the block.
To review and set up downloads for a block or device:
1. Use the pull-down list in the Field Device Manager title bar to select a block or the
device itself, and then click the Customize tab in the editor window.
2. Click Setup Downloads to open the Download dialog box.
The dialog box consists of three lists: the Parameter Pool on the left, the Writable
Parameters List in center, and the Download List on the write.
Initially, the Writable Parameters List includes all read-write in the device block speci-
fication. Many of theses parameters will probably use the default values and inclusion
in the list may make commissioning unnecessarily long. It may be useful to empty the
list before specifying the parameters to be included in this list and the Download List.
To empty the list:
a. Click the Parameter Name column head to select all items in the list.
b. Click the << button to the left of the list.
c. Re-populate the list as described below.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-22. Download Dialog Box

3. Use the pull-down list in the Show field below the Parameter Pool list to select All
block parameters, or one of the following subsets:
♦ All Read-Write (that is, parameters that writable per the device specification)
♦ Parameters that are included in a specific tab (including any custom tabs)
♦ Parameters in one of the configured parameter groups (see “Setting up a Parame-
ter Group” on page 84 for information on creating a parameter group).
4. Select parameters in the Parameter Pool list on the left and click >> to add them to
the Writable Parameter List.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters.
5. Select parameters in the Writable Parameter List in the center of the dialog box
and click >> to add them to the Download List.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters.
It is recommended that the Download List be restricted to a few parameters, as a large
list would result in the block being out of service for an unnecessarily long time. How-
ever, you should include the block tag, mode parameters, and parameters dealing with
units and scaling.
Parameters cannot be added to the Download List directly from the Parameter Pool.
6. Select a different group in the Show field to add parameters to the Writable List from
a different pool.
7. Select parameters in the Download List and click << to exclude them from the list;
select parameters in the Writable Parameter List and click << to exclude them
from all downloads.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

8. Change the download order by selecting parameters in the Writable Parameter

List and clicking Up (earlier) or Down on the right side of the list.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters. Multi-selected parameters maintain their down-
loaded order relative to one another as they are moved up or down as a group.
Position MODE_BLK.TARGET at the end of the list so that a change to the target mode
does not prevent download of a parameter that requires that the block mode be OOS
or a mode other than the target.
Refer to the device manufacturer’s documentation for other recommended download
sequences, and for delays that should be specified after download of a parameter that
requires the device to perform recalculations.
9. Specify the recommended delay in seconds in the Wait column for individual
10. Check or un-check the boxes for the two download options in the lower left corner
the dialog box:
♦ Upload after Download updates the IACC database with values from the
device to cover those cases where a downloaded parameter changes other parame-
ters in the device that were not downloaded. The uploaded value is not written to
the IACC database if the parameter is locked by the parent device type.
♦ Automatic Mode Management makes the required changes in the block operat-
ing mode in order to download certain parameters. The required mode for each
parameter is specified in the Mode column in the Writable Parameter List. (The
default setting is OOS.) Field Device Manager determines the mode change that
would satisfy all the parameters downloaded and changes the block to that mode.

Automatic Mode Management does not restore the block to its target when the
download is complete. Therefore, the MODE_BLK.TARGET should be on the
download list and it should be last parameter listed in the Writable Parameter List.

Setting User Access Permissions

Field Device Manager comes with defined user access permissions for four defined roles, or
groups, that are specific to the editor:
♦ Planning
♦ Operator
♦ Maintenance
♦ Observer
A user has access to various functions and parameters based on the group to which the user is
assigned, as described in Chapter 4 “Security”. A user can be assigned to any one, but only one, of
these roles. In addition, a user can be assigned to the IACC Administrator group.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

In IACC when a user is assigned to more than one user group the user has all the
access privileges of both groups. Thus, a user assigned to Observer, the most restric-
tive FDT role, who is also assigned to the IACC Administrator group is afforded
access that would otherwise not be permitted. For example, an Observer who is also
an IACC Administrator can download changes to the a device.

These permissions can be modified for a specific device type in Field Device Manager when it is
opened by a member of the IACC Administrator group. The modified security structure is inher-
ited by each instance of the device definition, as well as by device types derived from the modified

These instructions apply only to device types opened in Field Device Manager. If
the definition is opened in an associated vendor DTM, follow the instructions pro-
vided by the device vendor for setting security.

To change user access to a device type:

1. Open the database in IACC as a user that is in the IACC Administrator group.
2. Click the System tab and expand System > Library > Field Devices > FF
Devices to display the currently defined device types.
3. Right-click the device type to be modified and choose Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu.
4. Click the Customize tab, and then click the Set Permissions button on the Cus-
tomize page to open the Set Permissions dialog box for the device (Figure 5-23).

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Permissions can be locked

in the device type.

Click the check box to enable

or disable the function for the
user group

Yellow background marks

unsaved changes.

Select the access setting

from the pull-down list Click OK to save changes
and close the dialog box.

Figure 5-23. Setting Access Permissions for a Device Type

The dialog box includes three tables: Screen (that is, tabbed page), Function and
Device Parameter. Columns in the table display the permissions granted to the four
Field Device Manager roles.
5. Click the check box in the Screen table to enable or disable the screen for the group.
6. Click inside an individual cell in the Function or Device Parameter table and select
the appropriate permission from the pull-down list.
The background color of the cell changes to yellow to indicate that the change has not
yet been saved.
7. Make other changes, and then click OK the bottom right corner to close the dialog
8. Click Save in the lower left corner of the Customize tab.
To set the permissions for a resource or transducer block:
1. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the of the editor window to select the
block, click the Customize tab, and then click the Set Permissions button on the
Customize page to open the Set Permissions dialog box for the block (Figure 5-24).

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Permissions can be locked

in the device type.

Select access setting from

pull-down list.

Yellow background marks

unsaved changes.

Click OK to save changes

and close the dialog box.

Figure 5-24. Setting Access Permissions for a Resource Block

The widow includes four tables displaying access to parameters, methods, menus and
tabs, and functions, respectively for the other four user groups.
2. Click inside an individual Parameter or Function cell and select the appropriate
permission from the pull-down list.
For example, the permission for FEATURE_SEL can be set to Hidden, Read, or
Read & Write for the user group (Figure 5-24).
3. Use the Allow check boxes in the Methods and Screen Name cells to permit or deny
user access to the individual methods and tabbed pages.
The background color of the cell changes to yellow to indicate that the change has not
yet been saved.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box, then click the Save button in the bottom left corner
of the Customize tab.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Deleting a Device Type

To delete a device type:
♦ Right-click the definition and choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and then click
OK in the Delete Request dialog box (Figure 5-25).

Figure 5-25. Delete Request Dialog Box for a Device Type

The Delete action can be selected from a device definition’s context menu if all of the following
conditions apply:
♦ The definition is not open in the Field Device Manager.
♦ There are no definitions derived from the object.
♦ There are no instances of the type.
The steps in the following instructions may be needed in later stages of a project to delete a device
type when there are multiple items derived from the type.
To delete a device type:
1. Choose Window > Close All from the IACC menu bar to make sure neither the type
definition nor any object derived from it is opened in the Field Device Manager.
2. Expand System > Library > Field Devices > FF Devices to display the type to
be deleted.
3. Right-click the definition and choose ListViews > IA Block Definitions from
the pop-up menu to view any instances of the definition.
4. Right-click each instance listed and choose Delete from the pop-up menu.
Alternatively, you can select multiple objects in the ListView, right-click on the selec-
tion, and choose Delete from the pop-up menu.
5. View the affected objects in the Delete Request dialog box, and click OK if you want
to proceed with the deletions.
6. Expand the type to view definitions derived from the type.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

7. Delete each derived definition starting with those in the latest generation:
a. Right-click the derived definition and choose ListViews > IA Block
Definitions from the pop-up menu to view and delete any instances of the
b. Right-click the derived definition, choose Delete from the pop-up menu to view,
and then click OK in the Delete Request dialog box.
8. Right-click the parent definition when all of the derived definitions are deleted,
choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and click OK in the Delete Request dialog box.

Using the Manufacturer’s Device Type Manager

Field Device Manager is the preferred tool for configuring, commissioning, starting and main-
taining H1 devices on the Foxboro Evo system. However, Field Device Manager supports the use
of the Device Type Managers (DTMs) typically supplied by each manufacturer for its devices.
Field Device Manager also supports any Block Type Managers (BTMs) that may be included with
a DTM. This support enables you to take advantage of specialized software in the manufacturer’s
DTM for diagnostics, troubleshooting and similar activities.
The only requirement for this support is that DTMs be installed on all IACC workstations that
will access the device using the software. Refer to “Installing the Manufacturer’s DTM” on
page 50 for information on setting up third-party DTMs. After the device is created, you associate
the DTM with the device type using a selection from the object’s context menu in the Project
Once the vendor’s DTM is associated with the device type, choosing Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Vendor) from the device’s context menu opens the device in the associated
DTM. However, Field Device Manager remains the default device manager and you should use
Field Device Manager for configuration, commissioning and most maintenance activities.
To associate the device type with the vendor’s DTM:
1. Right-click the device type in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device
Manager Editor > Associate Vendor from the pop-up menu to open the Vendor
Device Type Manager Selection dialog box (Figure 5-26).

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Figure 5-26. Selecting a Vendor DTM

The dialog box displays all third-party DTMs installed on the workstation.
Figure 5-26 lists a single Metso Automation DTM, as that was the only third-party
DTM installed on the workstation.
♦ Check the Show All option at the bottom of the dialog box to also display the
DTMs that were added to the IACC database when individual device types were
These DTMs combine the DD information with the universal device type man-
ager used by Field Device Manager.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-27. Listing All Available DTMs

2. Select the DTM and click Details to display additional information about the
DTM, and then click Close in the Device Details dialog box.
3. Click Select in the Device Manager Selection dialog box to make the selection and
close the dialog box, and then click OK in the Associate Vendor dialog box.

Every time you select Field Device Manager > Associate Vendor, Field Device
Manager re-defines the association. Do not use Field Device Manager > Associate
Vendor to verify an association.

A dialog box displays a warning if the device type and DTM are not a perfect match
(Figure 5-28).

Figure 5-28. Device Catalog Warning Dialog Box

♦ Click Yes to proceed, or No to cancel the selection and return to the Vendor
Device Type Manager Selection dialog box.

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

If there are no BTMs in the selected DTM (as is the case with the Metso DTM selected in
Figure 5-26), the dialog box closes and the device-DTM association is complete. If there are
BTMs with the selected DTM, IACC displays the Block Association dialog box described in the
next section.

Associating Blocks with BTMs

The Block Association dialog box contains three lists:
♦ The list in the upper left shows the device blocks contained in the DD.
♦ The box in the upper right lists the device blocks that have been associated with a
BTM in the selected vendor DTM.
♦ The Possible Choices list in the lower left identifies the BTMs in the vendor DTM
that have not been associated with a device block in the DD.
Figure 5-29 is the Block Association dialog box displayed when an SRD991 template was associ-
ated the manufacturer’s DTM. The list of available BTMs is empty because each of the device
blocks has been automatically associated with a BTM, based on its profile.

Figure 5-29. Block Association Dialog Box

To change the associations between the blocks and BTMs:

1. Do one of the following to disassociate a block and BTM:
♦ Select the block in the Associated Blocks list and click De-Associate at the bot-
tom of the dialog box to eliminate the selected pairing.
The unlinked BTM is listed in Possible Choices in the lower left (Figure 5-30).
♦ Click Cancel to clear all block-BTMs association.

Cancel does not affect the association of the device with a DTM.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

2. Do the following to associate a block with a BTM:

♦ Click a block in List of Blocks, select a BTM in Possible Choices, and
click Associate.
The resulting block/BTM association is displayed on the right.

Figure 5-30. Associating a Block with a BTM

3. Associate the other device blocks with an appropriate BTM.

It is not necessary to associate all blocks.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

Opening a Device in an Associated DTM

To open a device in the associated DTM:
1. Right-click the device type in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device
Manager > Field Device Manager (Vendor) from the pop-up menu to open the
device in the associated DTM (Figure 5-31).

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Figure 5-31. Device Opened in an Associated DTM

The DTM is opened in the Field Device Manger window below the title bar.
2. Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for instructions on using the interface.
3. Use the pull-down list in the Field Device Manager title bar to open blocks in their
associated BTMs.

If you save any diagnostic information when using the associated DTM, the infor-
mation is saved in the instance-related path of the DTM and is not included in the
data saved in an IACC database backup. See “Periodic Backup of Databases” on
page 337 for additional information on saving and backing up the diagnostic data.

Changing or Deleting a DTM Association

To change the DTM/device type association:
1. Right-click the device type in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Man-
ager > Associate Vendor from the pop-up menu.
The editor displays a warning that the device is already associated with a DTM and
that all data stored in the DTM will be lost if you proceed (Figure 5-32).

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 5-32. Associate Vendor Warning

2. Click Yes to continue.

3. User the Vendor Device Type Manager dialog box to choose a different DTM.
To disassociate a vendor DTM from the device type:
1. Right-click the device definition and choose Field Device Manager > Associate
Vendor from the pop-up menu.
2. Click OK in the warning dialog box (Figure 5-32), and the click Close in the Vendor
Device Type Manager dialog box (Figure 5-26).

Configuring Device Function Blocks

The Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks are used to configure and download
the AI, AO, DI and DO device function blocks. The FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks
support all standard parameters in the equivalent device function blocks as described in Chapter 7
“Control Configuration”. Because they are configured and downloaded with the control database,
function blocks are usually not configured using Field Device Manager and function block
parameters are not included in the Writable Parameter List in the download setup. In addition, all
IACC users are restricted to the Observer role when a function block is selected in Field Device
There are two cases in which Field Device Manager can be used to configure and download func-
tion block parameters:
♦ Custom, non-standard parameters in the AI, AO, DI and DO blocks
♦ All parameters in function blocks, such as SSEL, that are not supported by an Foxboro
Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block.
To configure a function block using Field Device Manager:
1. Open the IACC database as a user assigned to the Administrator group.
2. Select the device type in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) to open the device type in Field Device
3. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the func-
tion block.
4. Select the Customize tab, click Set Permissions, and modify the permissions for
Observer in the Set Block Permissions dialog box:
♦ Select Read & Write for the parameters to be configured and downloaded to the
♦ Enable the Download Button, Upload All Button and Download All But-

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

See “Setting User Access Permissions” on page 96 for information on using the Set
Permissions dialog box.
5. Click Save at the bottom of the of the Customize tab and choose File > Close
from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.
6. Re-open the device type in Field Device Manager and use the pull-down list to select
the function block.
7. Click the Customize on the bottom on the Configuration tab and select the parame-
ters to be displayed on the tab.
8. Configure the parameters, and lock or unlock them as appropriate.
9. Switch to the Customize tab, click Setup Downloads and add the parameters to the
Writable Parameter List and Download List.
See “Configuring Downloads” on page 94 for details.

Select only custom, non-standard parameters in an AI, AO, DI or DO block for the
Writable Parameter List. The standard parameters are configured and downloaded
via the equivalent FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block.

10. Customize other tabs in the device template as appropriate using the procedures
described in “Setting Up the User Interface for a Device Type” on page 79.
See “Diagnosing Device Function Blocks” on page 310 for an illustration of how
function blocks are usually handled in Field Device Manager.
11. Click Save at the bottom of the Configuration tab and choose File > Close from
the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device Manager.

Exporting and Importing Device Definitions

Use the IACC import and export functions to use device definitions created in one database in
other databases.

Take care not to overwrite definitions in the importing database especially if there
are instances or other device types derived from the device type that would be
replaced. If you are not already familiar with the IACC Format imports, review
“Managing IACC Databases” topic in IACC Help, which provides detailed infor-
mation on exporting and importing databases.

To export a device definition:

1. Select one of the following objects in the Project Navigator:
♦ System at the top of the System tab to export the entire IACC database including
the type definition and the instances or other types derived from it.
♦ The device type itself listed under System > Library > Field Devices > FF
Devices to export only the definition.

5. Creating Field Device Types B0700BA – Rev K

If you selected a derived device type, the parent device type is automatically
included in the export file.

2. Choose File > Export from the menu bar to open the Available Formats dialog box.
3. Select Export to IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
4. Specify a destination folder and an export file name (with the .ida extension) in the
IACC Export File Name dialog box, and click Next to display the specified export in
the Verify dialog box.
5. Click Next and then Finish when the Export dialog box displays the following
The Export operation is done
To import a device definition:
1. Open the appropriate IACC database, and select System at the top of the System tab
in the Project Navigator.
2. Choose File > Import from the menu bar to open the Available Formats dialog box.
3. Select Import from IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
4. Specify the source folder and the export file name in the IACC Import File Name dia-
log box, and click Next to display contents of the file in the Import dialog box
(Figure 5-33).
5. Click the check box for the definition file and other objects to be imported.
If you are importing a derived device type, you should also import the type from
which it was derived.
6. Select one of the Import options:
♦ Copy All Objects, if you do not want to overwrite any object in the IACC
database that has the same name as an imported object. After import, the dupli-
cate names are displayed in red italic letters until one of the names is changed.
♦ Replace Existing Object, Copy Others to update definitions that have
matching names with the imported definitions.
7. Click Next.
A warning dialog box identifies those objects that will replace objects already in the

Be careful not replace device types that have derived objects in the database. It may
be safer to cancel the import, change the names of the objects already in the data-
base (starting at the highest level device type definition), and then resume the

B0700BA – Rev K 5. Creating Field Device Types

Figure 5-33. Import Dialog Box

8. Click Next to proceed or Back to change the object selection or the import option.
9. Click Next in the verify dialog box and then Finish when the Export dialog box dis-
plays the following message:
The import operation is done
When all imported items are copied, duplicate object names are displayed in red italic
letters until you rename one of the objects.

6. Defining the Fieldbus
This chapter describes how to configure a fieldbus in IACC by adding H1 devices to an
Once the H1 device types have be defined in the IACC database, you can configure the fieldbus
by adding the FBM228 to its host FCP280, FCP270, or FCM100 (when the control processor is
a ZCP270) and then adding instances of the H1 device types to the FBM. This chapter includes
the following topics:
♦ “Configuring an FBM228” on page 111
♦ “Adding H1 Devices to an FBM” on page 120
♦ “Setting Resource and Transducer Block Names” on page 126
♦ “Modifying a Device Configuration” on page 128
♦ “Exporting Device Configurations” on page 132
♦ “Exporting Configurations to the Instrument Shop” on page 134.
The instructions that follow assume that the control station, an FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270,
has already been defined in IACC. See the “System Configuration” topic in IACC Help for infor-
mation on specifying control stations and FCMs. The examples in the chapter were created on an
off-platform IACC system as part of forward engineering by a user in the Planning group.

Configuring an FBM228
This section provides separate instructions for adding an FBM228 to an FCP280 or FCP270 and
for configuring an FBM228 when the host control station is a ZCP270 (page 115).

Adding an FBM228 to an FCP280 or FCP270

Use the Project Navigator context menu for an FCP280 or FCP270 to define its FBM228s. Cre-
ating the FBMs from the FCP280 or FCP270 object automatically assigns the modules to the
control processor.
To add FBM228s to an FCP280 or FCP270:
1. Click the Network tab and expand the Configuration object so that the FCP280 or
FCP270 is displayed.
2. Right-click the FCP280 object or FCP270 object (FCP010 in Figure 6-1) and choose
New > 2Mbps Fieldbus Module from the pop-up menu to display the Create Field-
bus Modules dialog box.
3. Click the check box for FBM228, enter the number of FBM objects to be created, and
click OK.
Create one FBM object for each pair of redundant FBMs and one object for each
non-redundant module.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

1 2

Figure 6-1. Adding an FBM228 to an FCP270 (Similar for FCP280)

The specified FBMs are displayed under the FCP280 or FCP270 with default names
such as F00001. A default software object and an ECB200 are created for each
FBM228. The software object requires no further configuration if the FBM is a non-
redundant module. The ECB is displayed under the FBM software and in the station’s
ECB compound (Figure 6-2).

Non-redundant FBM
with the default name
FBM Software

Figure 6-2. Newly Created FBM228 and ECB200 Displayed in the Project Navigator

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

When creating an ECB200 or ECB202 to be used with FCP280, you must set its
CHAN parameter as described in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).

The last module to be created is enclosed in a edit frame indicating that you can
change the object name. Before downloading the ECBs or any blocks that use the
ECBs, you must change the name to the FBM’s actual six-character module identifier
(letterbug). For FBMs attached to a FCP280 or FCP270, the following rules apply:
♦ The resulting letterbug should be unique relative to all devices connected to the
FCP280 or FCP270.
♦ The first four characters in the letterbug can be any combination of letters, num-
bers, and the underscore character.
♦ The fifth character is the number of the baseplate on which the module is
♦ 0 for the baseplate with the FCP280 or FCP270
♦ 1, 2 or 3 for the baseplates daisy-chained to an FCP270 baseplate with more
than two slots
♦ 0,1, 2 or 3 for the baseplates daisy-chained to a two-position FCP280 or
FCP270 baseplate.

For the addresses for baseplates on the Expanded fieldbus connected to the FCP280
baseplate, refer to “FCP280/200 Series FBM Module Identification” in Field Con-
trol Processor 280 (FCP280) User’s Guide (B0700FW).

Note that multiple two- and four-position baseplates can be combined to form a
single logical baseplate. The baseplate and module identities are set with switches
on the individual baseplates, as described in Chapter 11 “Installation”.
♦ For non-redundant FBM228s, the sixth character is the slot number (1 through
8) on the baseplate.
♦ For a redundant FBM228 pair, the sixth character is a letter indicating the two
slots used:
A for slots 1 and 2
B for slots 3 and 4
C for slots 5 and 6
D for slots 7 and 8.
For example, xxxx0B would be the letterbug for a redundant FBM228 pair installed
(in slots 3 and 4) on the same 4-position baseplate as the modules’ host FCP280s or
Refer to Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) for addi-
tional details on letterbug addressing (in particular, sections “Module Addressing for
Non-Expanded Fieldbus” and “Letterbug Assignments for Modules in Expanded
Fieldbus”) and examples.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

4. Type the new name over the highlighted default name and press Enter if you know
the actual letterbug or press Enter to accept the default name until the letterbug is
You can change the name later by right-clicking the object and choosing Rename from
the pop-up menu.

If the FBM letterbug needs to be changed after the equipment control block has
been downloaded to the Foxboro Evo system, use the Remove from CP function
before changing the ECB200/202 name and then download the modified ECB to
the CP. See the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in IACC Help for detailed
instructions and an example of an FBM name change.

Configuring Redundant FBMs

The FBM228 is created as a non-redundant module, as defined by the default software package,
To define a redundant pair:
1. Right-click the FBM object and choose New > Software Package from the pop-up
menu to open the Create Software dialog box (Figure 6-3).

Figure 6-3. Create Software Dialog Box for an FBM228

2. Click the check box for the iom228r software package and click OK.
The ECB200 is changed to an ECB202, the block used to represent a redundant pair
(Figure 6-4).

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Software Package

ECB202 represents
a redundant
FBM228 pair

Figure 6-4. FBM Object Configured as Redundant Pair

To convert a redundant FBM228 pair to a single FBM:

♦ Open the Create Software dialog box, check iom228, and click OK.

Adding FBM228s to a ZCP270

When FBM228s are providing an H1 interface for a ZCP270, the modules are installed in a
200 Series subsystem. The subsystem includes the FBM228s, other 200 Series FBMs, and Field
Communication Module 100Et’s (FCM100s). The subsystem is connected to the ZCP270
directly or through one or more network switches. In IACC the FCM100 can be added to any of
the following objects.
♦ The ZCP270 object, if the subsystem is to be attached directly to the control station.
♦ A switch on the control network object. When the subsystem is attached to a switch,
the object’s pop-up menu includes an Assign to Controller selection for associating the
subsystem with the correct ZCP270.
♦ The Configuration object at the top of the Network tree if you are not sure where the
subsystem is to be located in the configuration. When the location has been deter-
mined, drag the FCM object from the Configuration object to the appropriate
control station or switch.
To add an FBM228 to a ZCP270:
1. Add an FCM100 to the configuration:
a. Right-click the parent object and choose New > FB Comm/Isolator from the
pop-up menu.
b. Click FCM100 in the Create FB Comm/Isolators dialog box and click OK.
c. Rename the FCM100 to match the module’s 6-character soft letterbug that will be
used to identify the device.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Note that the letterbug must end in 00.

2. Right-click the FCM100 and choose New > 2Mbps Fieldbus Module from the pop-
up menu to display the Create Fieldbus Modules dialog box (Figure 6-1).
3. Click the check box for FBM228, enter the number of FBM objects to be created, and
click OK.
Create one FBM object for each pair of redundant FBMs and one object for each
non-redundant module.
4. Rename each FBM to match the module’s six-character soft letterbug according to the
following rules:
♦ The first four characters must be the same as the first four characters in the letter-
bug of the host FCM100.
♦ The fifth character is the number of the baseplate on which the module is
♦ 0 for the baseplate with the FCM100 (by convention the FCM baseplate is
usually 0)
♦ 1, 2 or 3 for the baseplates daisy-chained to baseplate 0
♦ 0,1, 2 or 3 for the baseplates daisy-chained to an FCM in a two-position
Note that multiple two- and four-position baseplates can be combined to form a
single logical baseplate. The baseplate and module identities are set with switches
on the individual baseplates, as described in Chapter 11 “Installation”.
♦ For non-redundant FBM228s, the sixth character is the slot number (1 through
8) on the baseplate.
♦ For a redundant FBM228 pair, the sixth character is a letter indicating the two
slots used:
A for slots 1 and 2
B for slots 3 and 4
C for slots 5 and 6
D for slots 7 and 8.
For example, FCM60B would be the letterbug for a redundant FBM228 pair installed
(in slots 3 and 4) on the same 8-position baseplate as the modules’ host FCM whose
letterbug is FCM600. Refer to Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide
(B0400FA) for additional details and examples.

If the FBM letterbug needs to be changed after the equipment control block has
been downloaded to the Foxboro Evo system, use the Remove from CP function
before changing the ECB200/202 name and then download the modified ECB to
the CP. See the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in IACC Help for detailed
instructions and an example of an FBM name change.

5. Change the module software to iom288r for any FBM object that represents a
redundant pair:

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

a. Right-click the object and choose New > Software Package from the pop-up
b. Check iom288r in the Create Software dialog box and click OK.
Figure 6-5 shows an FBM228 that is part of a subsystem connected directly to the

Figure 6-5. FCM100 Connecting an FBM228 to a ZCP270

Figure 6-6 depicts an FBM pair installed in a subsystem connected to a switch.

Figure 6-6. FCM100 and FBM228 Connected to a ZCP270 via a Switch

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

When the FBM subsystem is created from the ZCP270, the subsystem is automatically assigned
to the control station. When the FBM subsystem is connected to a switch, you must make the
control station assignment.
To assign an FBM subsystem:
1. Right-click the FCM object and choose Assign to Controller from the pop-up
menu to open the Assign to Controller dialog box (Figure 6-7).

Figure 6-7. Assigning an FBM Subsystem to a ZCP270

2. Click the check box for the desired control station and click OK.

Setting ECB200/202 Parameters

When you add an FBM228, the ECB parameters are configured with the default values in the
block definition. For example, the Faultstate operation is disabled (Fsenab = 0) and the minimum
macrocycle is set to 1 second (Syscfg = 1000).

Most ECB200/202 parameters are set properly by default. The Faultstate parame-
ters are the most likely to change, based on the requirements of the process.

To complete configuration of an FBM228:

1. Double-click the FBM’s ECB to open the Properties dialog box (Figure 6-8).

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 6-8. Properties Dialog Box for an ECB202

2. Review and, if necessary, modify the following parameters:

Period and Phase
The default settings are 1 and 0, respectively. Generally, the Period and Phase should
be set to align the FBM228 macrocycle with the BPC of the host FCP280, FCP270,
or ZCP270. For example, if the control station BPC is 0.5 seconds and the minimum
macrocycle is 1 second, set the Period to 2 and Phase to 0 for half of the FBMs, and
Period to 2 and Phase to 1 for the remaining FBMs.
This parameter is used by the ECB detail display to show which segments, or ports,
are used. Note that this parameter does not enable or disable the ports. Portex is used
for display purposes only. Set the parameter as follows:
1 for segment 1 only
3 for segment 1 and 2
7 for segments 1, 2, and 3
15 for all four segments (recommended setting).
Fsenab and Fsdlay
When Fsenab is 1, the FBM initiates a Faultstate action if the FBM looses communi-
cation with the control station for longer than the time specified (in 10-msec incre-
ments) in Fsdlay. The recommended configuration is Fsenab = 1 and Fsdlay =
1000, which sets the delay to 10 seconds. See “Faultstate Handling” on page 149 for
additional information.
Syscfg specifies the minimum interval between the start of each FBM228 macrocycle;
however, the FBM228 automatically expands the macrocycle as needed. The
FBM228 uses this parameter as it builds the LAS for the connected H1 devices. The
range is 1 to 2147483647 milliseconds, with a default of 1000 or 1 second. See

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Chapter 8 “Device Scheduling” for additional information on how the FBM228 con-
structs an LAS and adjusts the length of the macrocycle.
Adjustment to the H1 scheduling on a per-segment basis is done using Field Device
Manager as part of configuration and tuning of the control loop, as described in
Chapter 8 “Device Scheduling”.
Refer to FOUNDATION fieldbus System Engineering Guidelines (AG-181) for informa-
tion on setting macrocycle and block periods. Generally, the minimum macrocycle
should be the same as the period of the connected Foxboro Evo control blocks.
With the System Option parameter, you can disable System Alarming, System Mes-
saging, or ST_REV Alarming. The recommended setting is 0, which allows the three
alarm features.
Fileid, Wdtmr, Sfilid
These parameters can be ignored, as they are not used by the FBM228.
For use with the FCP280 only. Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions
3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Adding H1 Devices to an FBM

The next step is to add H1 devices to the FBM using the FBM’s pop-up menu in the Project Nav-
igator and a checklist of device types.

The sequence described in this section enables the addition of multiple devices of
the same or different types in a single pass. However, it is recommended that you
add only one device at a time, as shown in the example, to ensure that each device is
correctly tagged.

Before adding devices, you may want to widen the Project Navigator (by dragging the right edge
of the pane) and set IACC to display the device type with each device name:
1. Choose Tools > Options from the menu bar, click the Miscellaneous tab in the
Options dialog box, check Display object types, and click OK.
2. Collapse and expand Configuration at the top of Network tab to refresh the Project
Navigator display.
To add H1 devices to an FBM:
1. Select the FBM228 in the Project Navigator and expand the object to display the
FBM’s ECB200 or ECB202 (Figure 6-9).
2. Right-click the ECB and choose New Child Device from the pop-up menu to list
the device types in the Create Device dialog box.
The dialog box lists the device types defined in the database, as described in Chapter 5
“Creating Field Device Types”.

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K


Figure 6-9. Create Child ECB Dialog Box

3. Select a type by clicking its check box.

A 1 appears in the quantity column on the right. At this point you can increase the
count as well as select other device types. However, it is recommended that you add
only one device at a time.
4. Specify in the Port field the H1 segment to which the device is to be attached, and
click OK.
The specified device is listed under the parent ECB (both under the FBM software
and in the control station’s ECB compound) with default names such as ECB001,
ECB002, and so on.

When the host FBM is assigned to a control station, IACC assigns the newly created
device ECB to the control station ECB compound, FCP010_ECB in Figure 6-9 for
example. The device can later be assigned to the control compound in which it is to
be used.

The last ECB to be created is highlighted indicating that you can rename the object.
The name should be changed to the PD_Tag of the connected device.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Figure 6-10. Newly Device Created Device with Default Name (ECB001)

5. Type the PD_Tag over the default ECB name and press Enter.
The name can be any string of up to 12 characters, which can be letters, numbers
and underscores. The tag should be unique among all devices attached to the FBM
(although the name need only be unique among devices on the same segment).

If the device name needs to be changed after the equipment control block has been
downloaded to the Foxboro Evo system, use the Remove from CP function before
changing the ECB201 name and then download the modified ECB to the CP. See
the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in IACC Help for detailed instructions.

Reviewing Device Properties

When a device is added to the FBM228, the device equipment control block (ECB201) is fully
configured and ready for use. However, you should review ECB parameters using its Properties
dialog box.
To review the configuration of a device ECB:
1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Properties from the
pop-up menu to open the Properties dialog box (Figure 6-11).

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Name and Dvname

parameters must match
the device PD_Tag.

Manufacturer and device

information supplied as
default parameter values
in the device definition.
Do not edit these values.

Figure 6-11. ECB201 Properties Dialog Box

The block parameters are organized on various tabbed pages including All and Stan-
dard. In Figure 6-11, the ECB was renamed FT_100 to match the device PD_Tag,
and because a formula was added to the device type definition the Dvname parameter
was changed to match the Name and therefore the PD_Tag.

The Dvname parameter value must match the PD_Tag of the H1 device.

2. Enter the PD_Tag in the Dvname parameter if it was not already inserted by a
Note that the PD_Tag was automatically entered in the Dev_id parameter when you
set the Name parameter to the PD_Tag. System Management uses the first 6 charac-
ters of this parameter to identify the device in various displays. If the PD_tag is longer
than six characters, you can change the Dev_id parameter value so that the device is
clearly identified in the System Management displays. The displays are described in
Chapter 13 “System Management”.
3. Edit the Dev_id parameter if needed.
4. Verify that Period and Phase use the same settings as the parent ECB200/202.
5. Set the DVOPTS parameter if necessary.
The Device Options (or DVOPTS) parameter has two different usages, each specific
to the type of Foxboro Evo blocks that will access the device blocks.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

These usages are mutually exclusive, but it is not anticipated that the two different
types of blocks will be used with the same device.

♦ For DCI Blocks:

DVOPTS determines the update period for client/server writes to the device from
output DCI blocks (BOUT, IOUT, PAKOUT, ROUT, and STROUT). Configu-
ration of these blocks is described “Configuring DCI Blocks” on page 162.
The update period is specified in milliseconds. The minimum is 1000 ms.
If the parameter is left blank, all client/server outputs from the DCI blocks are
made on an event-driven basis.
Refer to “Loop Performance” on page 173 for additional information on how the
FBM228 schedules client/server access to device blocks. DVOPTS does not affect
client/server access by input DCI blocks or the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
blocks, as the update period is configured in the individual blocks.
♦ For the MAI Block:
DVOPTS specifies which Out_n (where n is 1 through 8) parameters in the con-
nected device function block the MAI will be read using a publisher/subscriber
connection and which parameters will be read with a client/server connection.
The specification is made with a bit map, with bit 0 (least significant bit) specify-
ing the OUT_1 connection type and bit 7 (most significant bit) setting the
OUT_8 connection type. When the bit is 1, the Foxboro Evo MAI block sub-
scribes to the device block output parameter to read it once every macrocycle.
When the bit is 0, the MAI reads the output parameter on a client/server basis at
the rate specified in the MAI block’s UPDPER parameter. The range is 0 for all
outputs read on a client/server connection to 0xFF for all outputs read with a
publisher/subscriber connection. Refer to “Configuring MAI and MAO Blocks”
on page 159.
6. Check ERROPT.
The default entry 0xFFFE enables automatic reporting of all conditions in the device
level BLOCK_ERR parameter except when the device is in OOS mode.
The FILEID, DEVID and SFILID parameters can be ignored, as they are not used by
the FBM228.
7. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

Device Context Menu

Table 6-1 lists all the functions available from the device’s context menu. The menu selections
include both those that are commonly used (shown in bold type) and those for more specialized

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Table 6-1. Device Context Menu Functions

Menu Selection Description

Rename Highlights the device in the Project Navigator with an edit
frame so that it can be renamed.
Delete Displays the Delete Request dialog box, which lists the
items affected by the delete, so you can either confirm or
cancel the action. Delete is not available when the device is
opened in Field Device Manager.
Where Used Opens the Where Used dialog box to find references to the
object in the IACC database. Select the “Search Utilities”
topic in IACC Help for additional information.
Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) Opens the device using in Field Device Manager for con-
figuration and device management from a Foxboro Evo
Field Device Manager (Vendor) Opens the device in the device vendor’s DTM if that DTM
has been associated with the device as described in “Using
the Manufacturer’s Device Type Manager” on page 101.
Commission Device Starts the Device Commission Wizard described in
Chapter 12 “Site Commissioning”.
Workbench Use this submenu to select any of the following to use Field
Device Manager from an instrument shop system:
♦ Field Device Manager (Universal)
♦ Field Device Manager (Vendor)
♦ Commission Device.
See Chapter 10 “Instrument Calibration and Preparation”.
Editors > Appearance Object Editor Opens an editor to modify the device ECB’s appearance
object. The appearance object represents instances of the
block in the Control Strategy Diagram (CSD) Editor.
Select the “Appearance Object Editor” topic in IACC Help
for additional information.
Editors > Field Device Manager Opens the device in Field Device Manager.
Connect Displays the Connect dialog box, which lists the I/O con-
nections to the device that are configured in the control
database, as described in Chapter 7 “Control Configura-

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Table 6-1. Device Context Menu Functions (Continued)

Menu Selection Description

ListViews Provides a menu of ListView displays dealing with the
device ECB:
♦ IA Block
♦ Partial Detail
♦ Full Detail
♦ Block Summary
♦ Block Phasing
Select the “ListViews” topic in IACC Help for additional
FoxView Options Opens a dialog box for determining how the device is rep-
resented in FoxDraw and FoxView. Select the “Creating
Displays” topic in IACC Help for additional Information.
Compare to CP These menus are used for downloading the ECB to the
control station and the FBM228 to establish the device’s
Synch to CP identity within the Foxboro Evo system, and for aligning
the configuration in the CP with the IACC database. See
Validate/Download > Validate the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in IACC Help for
information on using these commands.
Validate/Download > Download These menus are not used for downloading device, resource
block and transducer block parameters to the device itself.
Validate/Download > Remove from That is accomplished with the Field Device Manager, as
CP described Chapter 10 “Instrument Calibration and Prepa-
ration” and in Chapter 12 “Site Commissioning”.
Properties Opens the properties sheet for the device ECB. Refer to the
“Properties Dialog Box” topic in IACC Help for additional

Setting Resource and Transducer Block Names

The next step is to enter unique tags to identify the device resource and transducer blocks.

Function block tags can be assigned later as part of the development of the control
database, as described in Chapter 7 “Control Configuration”. If the names are
assigned in the instrument database, use the same names when configuring the cor-
responding Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks.

One possible block-naming convention is to append the block type to the device PD_Tag. For
example, the resource block for the device FT_101 would be FT_101RB. Table 6-2 shows block
names for a transmitter based on the convention.

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Table 6-2. Example Device and Block Names

Object H1 Device Foxboro Evo System

Device PD_Tag: FT_101 ECB201 Name: FT_101
Resource Block Block tag: FT_101RB n/a
Transducer Block Block tag: FT_101TB n/a
Analog Input Block Block tag: FT_101AI1 DCI AI Block Name: FT_101AI1
Analog Input Block Block tag: FT_101AI2 DCI AI Block Name: FT_101AI2

Consider limiting the length of the block name to 25 characters, especially if you plan to use
Foxboro Evo DCI blocks to access specific block parameters. The parameter for specifying these
client/server connections in the DCI block is limited to 32 characters (including punctuation)
and must contain the device block tag, and the parameter offset and subindex, using the following
<Device Block Tag>.<Offset>[.<Subindex>][<Parameter Type>][<Connection Type>]
For example, RT225_01_TB.25.2 would be specified to access the value of the Input Value 1
parameter in the RTT-25 transducer block RTT225_01_TB (with parameter and connection
types defaulted to output and client/server, respectively). The connection could not be configured
if the device block tag were RemoteTemp_01_TransducerBlock. (See “Configuring DCI Blocks”
on page 162 for details on the point number configuration syntax.)
To rename device blocks:
1. Right-click the device name in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device
Manager > Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open
the device in Field Device Manager (Figure 6-12).
2. Use the pull-down menu in upper left corner of the editor window to select the block
to be renamed (TB1 block for 00.. in Figure 6-12).
3. Right-click the selected block and choose Rename from the pop-up menu to open the
Rename dialog box.
4. Type the new name in the To field and press Enter.
5. Rename other device blocks using the same procedure (but not the function blocks),
and then click the Save button at the button of the editor window.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus


Figure 6-12. Renaming a Transducer Block in Field Device Manager

Modifying a Device Configuration

Typically, most device and block parameters are set and locked in the device type definition and
are not modified in a device instance. When a device or block parameter is unlocked in the defin-
ing device type, the unlocked status is propagated to all devices derived from the type. Changes
made to the parameter in the device instances persist until the parameter is locked again in the
device type.
Similarly, the block templates defined in the device type are usually locked so that they cannot be
modified in the device instance. However, you can always add tabs to a block template at the
device level to meet special watch or diagnostic requirements.
This section deals with making parameter and template changes to blocks in a device instance
before the device is placed online. Making online block configuration changes is discussed in
“Modifying Resource and Transducer Blocks” on page 326.
To modify block parameters in a device instance:

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the device
in Field Device Manager.
2. Use the pull-down menu in upper left corner of the editor window to select the block
to be modified (T101_6RB in Figure 6-13) and click the Configuration tab.

Figure 6-13. Changing a Device Resource Block

Parameters marked or in the Locked column can be modified at this level.

Parameters marked with are locked in the parent device type and cannot be edited.
3. Click the plus sign to the left of an offset to list the subindex parameters; click the
minus to hide the subindices.
4. Click a parameter value field to edit the value by using a pull-down checklist or by
manually entering a value.
The Database Value field background turns to yellow to indicate that the change has
not been downloaded to the H1 device. When the parameter has been downloaded,
the field background is changed to white.
5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

To modify the template for a block tab:

1. Select the tab to be modified and click the Customize button at the bottom of the
tab to open the [tab name] Details dialog box.
Figure 6-14 is the dialog box opened from the Configuration tab. An open padlock
icon to the right of the of the tab name indicates that the template for this tab can be

Figure 6-14. Selecting Parameters for a Resource Configuration Tab

2. Use the pull-down list in the Show field below the Parameter pool list to specify the
block parameters to be displayed in the poll: All, All writable, All unlocked, or
one of the configured parameter groups (see “Setting up a Parameter Group” on
page 84 for information on creating a parameter group).
3. Select parameters in the Parameter pool list on the left and click >> to add param-
eters to the tab.
Use Shift+click to select a group of contiguous parameters; use Ctrl+click to
select non-contiguous parameters.
4. Select parameters in the Selected Parameters list on the right and click << to
remove parameters from the tab.
5. Select a different group in the Show field to add parameters from a different pool.
6. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the modified tab page.

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

To add a tabbed page to a device template:

1. Click the Customize tab and click Define Tabs on the Customize page to open the
Tab Definition dialog box.
The dialog box displays a table of the existing tabs in the template, with the left-most
listing the parameter groups. Each tab column includes:
♦ Details button, which opens an editor for the tab
♦ Open, closed, or double-padlock icon to indicate the tab’s locked status. Tabs
marked with are locked in the parent device type and cannot be edited.
♦ The parameters used by the tab from each parameter group.
2. Click Tab Names at the top of the dialog box to open the Tab Names dialog box
(Figure 6-15).
The dialog box lists the existing tabs, their locked status and their type as either Con-
figuration, Tuning, Diagnostic, or Watch.

Figure 6-15. Adding a Tab to a Resource Block Template

3. Click New, enter a unique name in the Tag Name field to replace the default name
(New Tab in Figure 6-15), and use the pull-down list in Tab Type to select a format
for the new tab.
The new tab is added to the list of tabs.
4. Add other tabs, or select a tab listing and click Remove to delete it from the template.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Tab Definition dialog box.
6. Double-click Details below the tab name and use the [Tab Name] Details dialog box
to specify parameters as described on the page 130.
7. Click Close to return to the Customize page.

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Configuring Device Instances with EDDL Displays

When a device supports an Enhanced EEDL device descriptor, the description and the vendor-
supplied interface are imported with the DD and made available through Field Device Manager
for both the device type and the derived instances. Configuration choices made with EDDL dis-
plays are saved with the type or instance.
See “Using Enhanced EDDL” on page 18 for information on navigating to the EDDL displays,
and refer to the device documentation for information on using the interface.

Exporting Device Configurations

Field Device Manager includes a report capability that enables you to export a device configura-
tion to an HTML file for documentation, troubleshooting, or sending the parameter values to a
device vendor so the vendor can fully configure the device prior to shipment. The report can
include all device and block parameters, the device parameters only, or just the parameters for an
individual block.
To export a device configuration:
1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Field Device Manager (Universal) to open the device in Field Device
2. Right-click the device name in the pull down list in upper left corner of the editor
window (FT_103 in Figure 6-16) and choose a report type from the pop-menu:
♦ SM NM Report to export the device tags, system management and network man-
agement parameters, but not the blocks parameters
♦ SM NM Report + Blocks Report to include resource, transducer and function
block parameters with the device configuration.
The editor displays a modified Windows Save As dialog box with the file type set to
HTM Files (*htm).

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 6-16. Export a Device Configuration

3. Use the dialog box to select a destination folder and a file name (but not a file exten-
4. Click Yes at the next prompt to view the report in a separate browser window
(Figure 6-17).

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Figure 6-17. Sample Device Configuration Report

5. E-mail to the report to the vendor.

To export the configuration of an individual block:
1. Use the pull-down menu in upper left corner of the editor window to select the block
configuration to be exported.
2. Right-click the selected block and choose Block Report from the pop-up menu.
3. Follow the dialog boxes to save and view the report as described above for a device
Refer to Chapter 10 “Instrument Calibration and Preparation” for information on uploading the
device configuration to a shop system when the device is received from the vendor.

Exporting Configurations to the Instrument Shop

Use the Export function from the File menu in the IACC menu bar to export device configura-
tions to a standalone instrument shop IACC system.
See the “Managing IACC Databases” topic in IACC Help for detailed information on exporting
and importing databases and on setting up multiple databases.

6. Defining the Fieldbus B0700BA – Rev K

To export a device configuration:

1. Click the Network tab, select Configuration at the top of the Project Navigator,
and choose File > Export from the menu bar to display the Available Formats dia-
log box.
2. Select IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
3. Use the three succeeding dialog boxes to specify an export file name and folder, verify
the export specifications, and complete the action.
4. Use the appropriate media to transport the export file (*.ida) to the instrument shop
5. Check the properties of the export file after loading it on the instrument shop com-
puter, and un-check the Read only attribute if necessary.
6. Start IACC on the instrument shop computer.

Be careful to open the correct database if you are maintaining multiple databases on
the instrument shop computer.

7. Select Configuration at the top of the Network tab, and choose File > Import
from the menu bar to display the Available Formats dialog box.
8. Select IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
9. Use the IACC Import File Name dialog box to browse for and select the import file,
and click Next.
The Import dialog box displays a data tree of the objects available for import
(Figure 6-18).

B0700BA – Rev K 6. Defining the Fieldbus

Figure 6-18. Import Dialog Box

10. Expand the tree, select the host FBM228 or click Select All, and check one of the
import options.
11. Click Preview to view the objects to be imported.
12. Click Next in the Import dialog box, and use the succeeding dialog boxes to verify the
import and complete the action.
The imported FBM appears under Configuration in the Network tab.

7. Control Configuration
This chapter describes the configuration of an analog control loop in IACC using H1 devices.
This chapter covers a variety of considerations in constructing a Foxboro Evo control loop using a
Foundation fieldbus H1 devices, including I/O connections and handling fault conditions. A
sample PIDA loop is used to illustrate how connections are configured in a control strategy dia-
gram (CSD) using FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks. The chapter also describes download
of the resulting compound and blocks to control station, and simulation of the loop before the
H1 devices are connected. Loop timing is discussed in the next chapter, which covers scheduling
of the H1 segments.
Topics covered in this chapter include:
♦ “Example PIDA Loop” on page 137
♦ “Configuring a Control Loop with FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks” on
page 142
♦ “Faultstate Handling” on page 149
♦ “Control Application and Device Application Download” on page 153
♦ “Configuring MAI and MAO Blocks” on page 159
♦ “Configuring DCI Blocks” on page 162
♦ “Configuring a Remote Indicator” on page 166
♦ “Control Loop Simulation” on page 171.

Example PIDA Loop

Figure 7-1 depicts a typical control loop using a FOUNDATION fieldbus transmitter and

Figure 7-1. Typical PIDA Loop

The loop is configured with the following blocks (from left to right in Figure 7-1):
♦ LT_100 is an ECB201 that represents a remote temperature transmitter.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

♦ LT_100AI1 is an AI Function block that interfaces with the AI function block in the
transmitter LT_100. The Function block provides the OUT value and status from the
connected device AI block to provide the PID measurement.
♦ LC_100 is a PIDA block that provides an output for the positioner.
♦ LV_100AO is an AO Function block that interfaces with the AO function block in
the connected device. The Function block passes the PIDA block output to the
CAS_IN parameter of the device AO block, and connects the device block
BKCAL_OUT parameter to the back-calculation and feedback parameters (BCALCI
and FBK) in the PIDA block.
♦ LV_100 is an ECB201 that represents a positioner.

AI to PIDA Connections
The PIDA measurement comes from the AI block OUT parameter, which reflects the value and
status of the device AI function block OUT parameter.
Additionally, you should set the input scale parameters (HSCI1, LSCI1, and EI1) parameters to
match the output scaling parameters in the AI block. When you make the measurement connec-
tion, IACC propagates the following scaling parameter values:
♦ AI.EO1 to PIDA.EI1.
The AO block passes status up to the PIDA block with no explicit status (implicit for the user)
connections. The needs of the process project dictate how the PIDA block should handle these
device faults, as well as fault conditions passed up from the AO block. A variety of options are
available in the PIDA configuration as described in “Device Fault Condition” on page 139.
Table 7-1 lists the parameters in the sample PIDA block.

Table 7-1. Sample PIDA Block

Parameter Example Description

PERIOD 1 Execution period.
PHASE 0 Execution phase.
MEAS :LT_100AI1. OUT Use the AO block OUT parameter as the PIDA
HSCI1 100
DELTI1 For Input Change Delta, use whatever project
convention has been established.
EI1 DEG C Input range in engineering units.
OUT :LV_100AO.CAS_IN PIDA output

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Table 7-1. Sample PIDA Block (Continued)

Parameter Example Description

BCALCI :LV_100AO.BCALCO Back-calculation from the downstream AO
FBK :LV_100AO.BCALCO Feedback from the downstream AO block
CEOPT 1 (default) Control Error Option is a short integer that
specifies how the block responds to the MEAS
and BCALCI inputs when either of those inputs
is in error, as described in “Device Fault Condi-
tion” on page 139.
MANSW :LT_100AI1.OUT..B Manual Switch Option is a manual override fea-
ture that sets the unlinked MA parameter to
Manual if the BAD status is set in the AI block
OUT parameter.

PIDA to AO Connections
The PIDA output is sent to the device function block by connecting the OUT parameter to the
CAS_IN parameter of the AO block:
Two additional connections should be made between the PIDA block and the AO block to get
back-calculated values from the device function block:
When you make the output connection, IACC makes the two back-calculation connections and
propagates the following scaling parameter values:
♦ PIDA.EO1 to AO.EI1.

Device Fault Condition

The PIDA block provides several options for handling device faults affecting the status of either
the measurement input from the transmitter or the back-calculation from the positioner. These
options are selected in the PIDA parameters.

To provide backward compatibility, the CEOPT defaults to 1. CEOPT and has a range of 0 to 2
0 = the block takes no implicit Hold action when it detects a control error.
1 = the block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false, either MEAS or

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

♦ The BAD status bit set true

♦ Out of Service status bit set true
♦ There is a peer-to-peer path failure.
2 = The block goes to the Hold state if, while MBADOP is false, either:
♦ MEAS or BCALCI meets any of the conditions described for CEOPT = 1.
♦ MEAS has its ERROR status bit set true.
CEOPT is independent of the propagate error option, PROPT, and does not affect the external
logical input, HOLD. The HOLD input, when true, still drives the block into the Hold state
whenever the block is in Auto mode (and MBADOP is false).
CEOPT enables implicit control error handling of HOLD, STRKOP, and MBADOP. When
CEOPT is enabled, a control error is detected if the MEAS input has a status such as OOS, BAD,
or off-scan. If MBADOP is set true, a control error forces the controller to Manual mode.
♦ If MBADOP is set false, a control error forces the controller to Hold when the MA is
set to Auto mode.
♦ If SPTRKOP is set true, it disables setpoint tracking.
If CEOPT is not enabled, control error detection is not performed, and MBADOP, HOLD, and
SPTRK handling is performed explicitly by asserting the HOLD input.
The device AI function block STATUS_OPTS supports an Uncertain if Man option. If this
option is selected, and the AI block is placed into the MAN mode, the OUT parameter of the AI
block is marked Uncertain. That status is reflected in the OUT parameter of the AI block. The
detailed default display for the block is backlit green to indicate the ERR condition.
The differentiation is made between BAD and ERR, as the device’s AI block has a state machine
that can typically be placed into MAN. Therefore, ERR is used to mark an abnormal condition
only. In this ERR state a measurement is still being supplied to Foxboro Evo system, but the value
may not represent actual process conditions. If the measurement is in a control loop, the very real
possibility exists that the controller will wind open or close.
There are a number of options. As can be seen from the Table 7-2, you can bit-pick on ERR using
the same syntax, and use the logic to set some appropriate condition.
Alternatively, you can:
♦ Set the AI block STATUS_OPTS option to Uncertain if Man
♦ Set the CEOPT = 2 in the associated PIDA block
Note that for CEOPT = 2, the PIDA block is placed in HOLD if the OUT to the PIDA block is
marked ERR. In this scenario, if the AI block is placed in MAN:
♦ The AI block OUT status is marked ERR.
♦ The PIDA block goes to HOLD.
♦ The AI default display is backlit green, as is the PIDA default display.
♦ The PIDA default display shows H to indicate the HOLD condition.

Manual if Bad Option (MBDAOP) is a manual override feature. When MBADOP is true, the
block sets the unlinked MA input to manual if it detects a BAD status bit in any of the following

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

♦ MEAS input from the transmitter

♦ BIAS input from the AI block
♦ BCALCI input from the downstream positioner
♦ FBK input from the downstream positioner.
The manual override forces the output state to manual as long as the BAD status remains.
Note that if the status of a downstream positioner goes BAD, the status is propagated to the PIDA
block, and if the MBADOP option is enabled, the block goes to MAN.
After the BAD status clears, returning to Auto requires external intervention unless AUTSW is
true. MBADOP has the same priority as the MANSW override, and it has precedence over the
AUTSW override.

If you want to put the PIDA block into MAN when a transmitter goes BAD, but not when an
output device goes BAD, other options are open. The MANSW option can be used by connect-
ing to the AI block’s OUT status parameters. An example of the syntax for connecting to the AI
block is:
If the transmitter goes BAD, the PIDA block goes to MAN. When the BAD condition clears, the
PIDA block remains in MAN until the operator intervenes. Other syntax symbols are shown in
the Table 7-2.

Table 7-2. Symbols for Specifying a Status Bit

Symbols Reference
B 1 = Bad Data (BAD)
O 1 = Out Of Service (OOS)
D 1 = Disconnected (OM Off Scan)
E 1 = Error/Uncertain (ERR)
L 1 = Limited Low (LLO)
H 1 = Limited High (LHI)
I 1 = Cascade Initialization Req. or Ack (INIT/ACK)
F 1 = Failsafe Assertion (FS)

The same symbols are useful for dealing with output devices. For example, to exercise special logic
when a device goes into its Faultstate condition. An example of the syntax for connecting the AO
block to some upstream block is:
If this were connected to a PIDA’s block, MANSW, the PIDA block would go into MAN, be
forced to stay in MAN until the Faultstate condition was cleared, and then with the FS clear,
remain in MAN until the operator were to intervene.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Other PIDA Options

Table 7-3 list other PIDA options that deal primarily with the state machine of the block.

Table 7-3. Other PIDA Options

Name Example Description

AUTSW 0 (the default) Auto Switch is a Boolean input that, when true, overrides
the MA and INITMA parameters and drives the block to
the Auto state. If both MANSW and AUTSW are true,
MANSW has priority.
HOLD 0 (the default) Hold is a Boolean input. When true, HOLD forces the
block into the Hold substate of Auto, holding the output at
its last computed value.
INITMA 1 (the default) Initial Manual/Auto specifies the desired state of the MA
input during startup, where:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto
2 = The MA state as specified in the checkpoint file. The
block asserts this initial MA state whenever:
♦ The block is installed into the CP database.
♦ The CP undergoes a reboot operation.
♦ The compound in which it resides is turned on.
♦ The INITMA parameter itself is modified via the
control configurator. The block does not assert
INITMA on ordinary reconfiguration. INITMA is
ignored if MA has an established linkage.
MA 0 (the default) Manual Auto is a Boolean input that controls the block’s
operating state:
0 = Manual
1 = Auto.
In Manual, each PIDA block output is unsecured, which
makes it settable by an external process (program or dis-
play). In Auto, the block secures each output so that the
outputs cannot be set externally.
MANFS 0 (the default) Manual if Faultstate is a Boolean input. When configured
true, MANFS drives the block to the Manual state if the
block detects an incoming Faultstate status on its incoming
BCALCI input.

Configuring a Control Loop with FOUNDATION

fieldbus Function Blocks
This section describes how to use IACC to configure FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks and
their corresponding device blocks: AI, AO, DI, and DO.
The example used in the instruction is a simple PID loop that employs two FOUNDATION field-
bus Function blocks:

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

♦ RT_100AI1 is an AI block that interfaces with a device AI function block of the

same name in a Foxboro RTT25 remote temperature transmitter (PD_Tag: RT_100).
The device ECB that represents the transmitter has been linked to RTT25 DD
imported with DD Explorer. When the control database is downloaded to the CP, the
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block is added to the CP and it configures the first
available AI block in RT_100 and changes the block tag to RT_100AI1.
♦ SR_100AO1 is an AO block that interfaces with a device AO function block of the
same name in an SRD 960 positioner (PD_Tag: SR_100). The device ECB that
represents the positioner has been linked to SRD960 DD imported by DD Explorer.
When the control database is downloaded to the CP, the FOUNDATION fieldbus
Function block is added to the CP and it configures the first available AO block in
SR_100 and changes the block tag to SR_100AO1.
After these two blocks are created in the CSD and connected to the PID block, they are con-
nected to ECBs representing the H1 devices. The DDs linked to these ECBs facilitate configura-
tion of the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks by supplying device-appropriate choices in
the blocks’ Properties dialog boxes. Figure 7-2 shows the CSD and its principal block

Figure 7-2. Control Strategy Employing Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus

Function Blocks

This example assumes that the control station, FBM228, and the devices have been configured in
the IACC database.
For additional information on developing CSDs refer to I/A Series Configuration Component
(IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE) and IACC Help.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Adding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Blocks to a CSD

To create the example CSD and add FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks:
1. In the Plant tab, use the pop-up menu for a Plant Area to create a simple CSD and a
compound, assign the newly created Plant Area to a compound, and assign the com-
pound to a control station.
In Figure 7-2, the CSD and compound are named Simple CSD1 and EXAMPLE,
respectively. The compound has been assigned to FCP001, the FCP280 or FCP270
connected to the FBM228 and H1 devices used in the example.
2. Double-click Simple CSD1 to open it in the CSD Editor.
3. Use the pull-down list in the Palette window to select Control.
4. Drag PID from the Control palette into the CSD Editor and position the block in the
center of the CSD.
The FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks (AI, AO, DI, DO, MAI and MAO) are
listed in the DCI palette.
5. Select DCI in the Palette window, drag AI from the palette into the CSD Editor, and
position the block to the left of the PID block (Figure 7-3).
The block is given the default name AI1.
6. Connect the Out parameter in AI1 to the Meas parameter in the PID block
(Figure 7-3).

Figure 7-3. Adding and Connecting an AI Block in a CSD

7. Drag AO from the palette into the CSD Editor and position the block to the right of
the PID block.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

The block is given the default name AO1.

8. Connect the Out parameter in the PID block to the Cas_in parameter in AO1
(Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4. Adding and Connecting an AO Block in a CSD

Making the Field Connections

Before configuring the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks, link the blocks to the H1 devices
(as represented by their respective ECBs), so that the appropriate parameter choices are presented
when you make additional changes to the block properties.
To connect the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks to the H1 devices:
1. Click the Network tab in the Project Navigator and expand the display to show the
ECB201s representing the H1 devices to be connected.
The ECBs are located under the FBM object and under the ECB compound
(FCP001_ECB in Figure 7-5).
2. Select the ECB for the device providing the input, drag the block into the CSD
Editor, and position it to the left of the AI block.
3. Connect the Input_1 parameter in the ECB to the From_Fld1 parameter in the AI
block (Figure 7-5).
4. Select the ECB for the device providing the output, drag the block into CSD Editor,
and position it to the right of the AO block.
5. Connect the To_Fld1 parameter in the AO block to the Output_1 parameter in the
ECB (Figure 7-6).

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Figure 7-5. Connecting the Device ECB to an AI Block

Figure 7-6. Connecting the Device ECB to an AO Block

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Modifying FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Parameters

The next step is to modify the function blocks to be used by the control processor and the H1
To review and modify FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block parameters:
1. Right-click the AI block appearance object in the CSD Editor, and choose
Properties from the pop-up menu to open the Properties dialog box (Figure 7-7).
You can also select the Properties sheet from the block object in the Project Navigator.
The block is listed in the Plant tab under the CSD object and under the compound
object. It is also displayed in the Network tab under the compound if the compound
has been assigned to a control station.
The Properties dialog box arranges block parameters in various tabbed pages includ-
ing Standard and FOUNDATION fieldbus Devices. You can modify any parameter
where the value field has a white background.
2. In the Name field, enter the name of the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block.
This name will be assigned as the Function Block Tag of the corresponding device
function block. In Figure 7-7, the AI block Name parameter has been changed to
RT_100AI1. You can also change the block name in the Project Navigator by choos-
ing Rename from object’s pop-up menu.

Figure 7-7. Properties Dialog Box for an AI Block

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Note that several parameters have already been configured based on the block’s
connection to the device ECB, as indicated in the I/O Module Identity (Iom_id)
The device information in the ECB also determines the options presented in the pull-
down lists for various device-specific parameters. For example, the Channel parameter
includes the four options defined in the linked RTT25 device description
(Figure 7-8).

Figure 7-8. Device Specific Configuration Choices

Refer to the block descriptions in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for
specific information about block parameters. The descriptions include a table of the
block parameters, a table showing the parameter transforms, and a list of required and
suggested parameter settings.
3. Click the FF Device tab (Figure 7-9) to review and set the function block parameters
that will be updated in the H1 device when you download the block to the control
With the Function block linked to the specific device (represented by the device
ECB), options in the pull-down lists are now enumerated based on options in the
linked DD.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 7-9. H1 Device Parameters

4. Configure the other blocks in the CSD and perform the other control configuration
steps described in Chapter 5 “Control Configuration” of I/A Series Configuration
Component (IACC) User's Guide (B0700FE).

Faultstate Handling
In a Foxboro Evo system with FOUNDATION fieldbus, Faultstate provides levels of fault
protection for communication errors between various levels of the hardware architecture. The
fault protection provides options for placing an output device into a Faultstate condition, with the
output being driven to a user-predetermined or last good value.
With the Foxboro Evo communications hierarchy, communications errors can exist at different
levels. Thus, Faultstate options are provided for in the:
♦ Communication between the Control Processor and the FBM228
♦ FBM228 itself
♦ Communication between the FBM228 and the connected H1 Devices.

FBM228 Faultstate Options

The FBM228 can be configured to force the attached devices to take their configured Faultstate
actions when a communication error between the FBM and the control station persists for more
than a specified period.
The assertion does not establish the device Faultstate behavior as that is determined by options in
the output function blocks. Different behaviors can be set for each device connected to the FBM.
To enable Faultstate handling in the FBM:
1. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the FBM, its software, and its
equipment control block (ECB200 or ECB202).
2. Double click the ECB200/202 to open the properties sheet for the ECB.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

3. Use the pull-down list in Fsenab to select 1 [Failsafe Enabled].

4. Specify a delay time in 0.01-second increments in Fsdlay.
Faultstate delay is recommended. The default is 1000 (10 seconds). If you were to
inadvertently set the FBM’s associated FCM off-line and then back on-line, the FBM
would ride though the loss of communication. Ultimately, however, application
requirements should dictate this value.
5. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

The communications error must persist for a period of time that exceeds the Fsdlay
period to assert the Faultstate.

H1 Device Faultstate Options

The first requirement was Faultstate handling at the device level is that the Faultstate option must
be selected in the resource block. This parameter is usually set during definition of the device type
as described in “Recommended Settings for Resource Blocks” on page 71.
The ECB Faultstate options are designed to assert Faultstate at the device level for a communica-
tion failure above the FBM. The device Faultstate options are designed primarily to deal with
communication failures above the device, while working in concert with ECB options.
Enabling Faultstate is effective under two external conditions:
♦ When Faultstate is asserted by the connected FBM
♦ When communications to the device are lost and the device AO or DO block mode is
To verify that Faultstate is enabled at the device level:
1. Expand the ECB200/202 to display the connected devices, right-click the device, and
choose Field Device Manager > Field Device Manager (Universal) from
the pop-up menu to open the device in Field Device Manager.
Select the resource block in the editor navigation pane and click the Configuration tab in the
editor window.
2. Confirm that (0x4)Faultstate is selected in FEATURE_SEL.

The resource block FEATURE_SEL parameter has a Faultstate option that works
essentially as a Faultstate switch. Selecting this option enables Faultstate at the
device. If this option is not selected, the device does not enter under any condition.

There are three other Faultstate parameters in the resource block:

♦ SET_FSTATE enables a user to drive the device into a Faultstate condition. The fol-
lowing sub-parameters are provided:
Off – normal state
Set – entering a set into this parameter causes the device to go into a Faultstate.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

♦ CLR_FSTATE enables a user to remove the device from a Faultstate condition. The
following sub-parameters are provided:
Off – normal state
Clear – Entering a clear into this parameter causes the device to exit from Fault-
state (as long as no external Faultstate condition exists).
♦ FAULT_STATE (RO) provides an indication of the devices Faultstate condition. The
possible states of the RO parameter are:
Clear – normal state
Active – displayed when Faultstate is asserted.
Using these parameters is not recommended.

Specifying Faultstate Actions in the Function Blocks

The Faultstate behavior is configured in the devices’ output function blocks with the following
♦ Fsoptn enables faultstate operation in the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block.
♦ Io_opts includes two Faultstate options that can be enabled in the device resident
♦ Fstate_Val specifies the value that is asserted when one of the faultstate options is
♦ Fstate_Time is period that the fault condition must last before the block asserts the
specified value. A Faultstate action does not occur until the Fstate_Time interval has
To set Faultstate options in an output function block:
1. Double-click the AO or DO block in the Project Navigator or the CSD to open the
block’s properties sheet (Figure 7-10).

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Figure 7-10. Faultstate Settings in an AO Block

2. Use the Io_opts pull-down list to enable either or both Faultstate options that can be
taken by the device:
♦ Faultstate on Restart
Selecting this option causes the device to go to the value specified in Fstate_Val or
Fstate_Val_D on a device RESTART. If this option is not selected and the device
block can go to its target mode upon RESTART, the last saved setpoint (SP) is
used for generating the Faultstate position.
♦ Faultstate to Value
When this option is selected, the block uses the value specified in Fstate_Val or
Fstate_Val_D. When the option is not selected, the last saved setpoint is used.
3. Set Fsoptn to one of the following FOUNDATION fieldbus appropriate options:
0 Disable all options
1 Assert Faultstate on an input or measurement error
2 Set or clear Faultstate when SETFS is set or cleared
3 Assert Faultstate if the FBM228 detects a failure in communications with the
control station
7 Selects sets all options 1, 2, and 3 (recommended setting)

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

4. Specify Fstate_Time in seconds (the default is 20) and the Faultstate value in the
block-specific parameter:
♦ Fstate_Val an AO block
♦ Fstate_Val_D in a DO block
The options are device-specific, but are generally 0 and 1. The parameter accepts
any integer from 0 to 255.

Faultstate Delay
The time period that elapses in a Faultstate case depend on the root cause. Table 7-4 notes a num-
ber of fault cases and the associated time-out period. Note that loss of power to the positioner
simply causes air to be removed from the valve actuator, and the valve goes to its fault position
(open, close, in place).

Table 7-4. Faultstate Cases

Faultstate Case Total Time-out Period

CP reboot Fsdlay + Fstate_Time
FCM On-line/Off-line Fsdlay + Fstate_Time
FBM EEPROM Fstate_Time
FBM reboot Fstate_Time
FBM download Fstate_Time
FBM on-line/off-line Fstate_Time
Homerun fault Fstate_time (if the device retains power)
Segment power fail Fstate_Time
Air is removed from actuator Fstate_Time
Device enable/disable Fstate_Time
Disconnect/reconnect device Fstate_Time

Control Application and Device Application

There are two types of downloads required to implement a control strategy:
♦ Download of compounds, control blocks, and ECBs to the control station, which is
described in this section. This download includes the FOUNDATION fieldbus Func-
tion blocks, which in turn configure the device function blocks when the device is
initialized from the Foxboro Evo system.
♦ Download of the device system and network management parameters and the device
resource and transducer blocks, which is accomplished during commissioning in the
instrument shop (as discussed in Chapter 10 “Instrument Calibration and Prepara-
tion”) or during site commissioning. The device management parameters can also
modified with separate downloads, and the resource and transducer blocks can also be
downloaded from their Configuration and Compare tabs in Field Device Manager (as
described in Chapter 12 “Site Commissioning”).

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Typically, downloading the compounds, blocks and displays to a control station is the last activity
in the control configuration sequence. You can download unmodified objects and object instances
that have been modified in an editor, as long as these instances pass a Control Hierarchy Valida-
tion check.
Select the download function from the following objects:
♦ Plant Areas
♦ Control stations
♦ Compounds
♦ CSDs
♦ Blocks.
Downloading to a control station involves:
♦ Creating the new object instances assigned to the control station since the last
download in the control station
♦ Deleting objects unassigned or removed from the control station
♦ Writing the parameters associated with an object to the control station.
The download actions performed depend on which object is selected when the downloaded
function is invoked (Table 7-5).

Table 7-5. Download Actions

Object Selected Download Actions

Control Station ♦ Downloads all compounds assigned to the control processor
and all blocks assigned to the compounds.
CSD ♦ For each block in the CSD, downloads the compound to
which the block is assigned, if not already downloaded.
♦ Downloads each block in the CSD to the control processor.
CSD Template ♦ Downloads all CSD instances created with the template.
Plant Area ♦ Downloads all compounds, CSDs, and display files assigned
to the Plant Area and its child Plant Areas.
Compound ♦ Downloads the compound and its blocks to the control
Block ♦ Downloads the block to the control processor.
♦ Downloads the parent compound if the compound has not
already been downloaded to the CP.
♦ Downloads only the selected block; other blocks in the
compound are not downloaded.

In the following instructions, the download function is selected from a CSD. See “Downloading
Control Compounds” topic in IACC Help for information on downloading from other objects.
The first step in the download process is validation of the objects. The validation can also be
invoked independently from the download. You can validate the hierarchy of objects assigned to a
specific hardware or software object in IACC such as a CSD, compound, or control processor.
To download a compound from a Plant Area object:

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

1. Right-click the Plant Area object in the Project Navigator and choose
Validate/Download > Download from the pop-up menu.
IACC begins the download by validating all the compounds and displays which are
assigned to the object, including the compounds, blocks in the CSDs, and displays
assigned to both the Plant Area and to its child Plant Areas.
2. Click Next in the Hierarchy Validation dialog box.
The progress of the validation process is displayed in the dialog box. Errors are
displayed in the Validating Dialog Box and the Output Window download-related
tabs (Figure 7-11). When a plant area is validated, the tabs include the Control Sta-
tion Download and Download Summary tabs because the validation is being per-
formed on compounds. If the Plant Area also displays, the Output window includes
the Display Download tab.

Figure 7-11. Hierarchy Validation Dialog Box

If there are validations errors, you cannot proceed with the download.
♦ Fix all the errors identified in Display Download, Control Station Download, and
the other tabs in the Output window, and restart the download process from the
3. Click Done and then Next in the Validating dialog box (Figure 7-11).
The Control Station Download dialog box (Figure 7-12) lists the compounds associ-
ated with the Plant Area:
♦ Compounds assigned to the Plant Area
♦ Compounds assigned to the child Plant Areas

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

♦ Parent compounds of blocks in the Plant Area CSDs or those of a child

Plant Area.

Figure 7-12. Downloadable Compounds

4. Select the items individually or click Select All, and click Next.
If you are downloading from a Plant Area that has Display Files assigned to it, the
Display Download dialog box (Figure 7-13) prompts you to select from among the

Figure 7-13. Display Download Dialog Box

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

a. For each file you want to download, select the file in the list box and click
Download Stations.
Another dialog box (Figure 7-14) enables you to select among the stations
assigned to the Display File.

Figure 7-14. Download Stations Dialog Box for Display Files

b. Select the stations and click OK.

c. Click Next in the Display Download dialog box when you have finished selecting
files and stations.
The Downloading dialog box lists all the objects to be downloaded to the control
processor (Figure 7-15). The Action column indicates whether the object is to be
added to the CP or used to update a previously downloaded version of the object.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Figure 7-15. Download Control Station Dialog Box

5. Click Start.
IACC begins the download process. A successful completion or an error condition is
displayed in the dialog box (Figure 7-16) and in the Download Summary tab in the
Output window. Errors involving compounds are also listed in the Control
Station Download tab, while errors involving displays are shown in the Display
Download tab.

Figure 7-16. Download Complete

6. Click Done to close the dialog box.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Configuring MAI and MAO Blocks

The Foxboro Evo MAI block acquires up to eight analog inputs from an I/O subsystem by con-
necting with a multiple analog input function block operating in the device. MAI configures key
parameters in the device function block, subscribes to the device block’s published outputs, and
accesses other device block parameters on a client/server basis. In a similar fashion, the Foxboro
Evo MAO block provides up to eight analog outputs to a multiple analog output device function

Output Parameter Connection Type

The MAI block can acquire the device function block’s published outputs (OUT_1 through
OUT_8) with a publisher/subscriber connection or via a client/server connection.
The parameter connection type is specified for each OUT_n parameter in the device ECB’s
Device Options (DVOPTS) parameter. The parameter is a bit map with bit 0 (least significant
bit) specifying the OUT_1 connection type and bit 7 (most significant bit) setting the OUT_8
connection type.
♦ When the bit is 1, the Foxboro Evo MAI block subscribes to the device block output
parameter to read it once every macrocycle.
♦ When the bit is 0, the MAI reads the output parameter on a client/server basis at the
rate specified in the MAI block’s Update Period (UPDPER) parameter.
The range is 0 for all outputs read with a client/server connection to 0xFF for all outputs read
with a publisher/subscriber connection.
See “Reviewing Device Properties” on page 122 for information on setting DVOPTS and other
ECB parameters.

Adding MAI and MAO Blocks

Templates for the standard MAI and MAO blocks can be found in the DCI palette with the other
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks.
To add an MAI or MAO block:
♦ Drag the block template from the DCI palette and drop in the CSD.

Making the Field Connections

Before configuring an MAI or MAO block, link the block to the H1 device (as represented by its
ECB), so that the appropriate parameter choices are presented when you make additional changes
to the block properties.
To connect an MAI block to an H1 device function block:
1. Click the Network tab in the Project Navigator and expand the display to show the
ECB201 representing the H1 device to be connected.
The ECBs are located under the FBM object and under the ECB compound.
2. Select the ECB for the device providing the inputs, drag the block into the CSD
Editor, and position it to the left of the MAI block.
3. Connect the Input_1 attribute on the ECB to From_Fld1 on the MAI block.
To connect an MAO block to an H1 device function block:

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

1. Select the ECB for the device providing the outputs, drag the block into CSD Editor,
and position it to the right of the MAO block.
2. Connect the To_Fld1 attribute on the MAO block appearance object to Output_1
on the ECB.
To complete the field connection for an MAI block:
1. Double-click the block in the CSD or Project Navigator to open it in the Properties
dialog box.
The Iom_id field lists the compound and ECB for the connected device.
2. Enter the channel number in Channl per the device documentation to select the
appropriate transducer block channel for the equipment.
3. Specify in the Chmask field which device outputs (OUT_1 through OUT_8) are to be
processed by the MAI block.
Channel Mask (CHMASK) is a packed boolean parameter that specifies which
parameters are to be processed by the MAI block. The range is 0 for no outputs
selected to 0xFF for all eight outputs. Channel Mask does not affect any device func-
tion block settings. Table 7-6 shows the parameter format.

Table 7-6. Channel Mask Parameter Format

Bit Outputs to be Processed Pull-down

Number* When the Bit Is Set List Selection
0 OUT_1 →OUT1 B16
1 OUT_2 →OUT2 B15
2 OUT_3 →OUT3 B14
3 OUT_4 →OUT4 B13
4 OUT_5 →OUT5 B12
5 OUT_6 →OUT6 B11
6 OUT_7 →OUT7 B10
7 OUT_8 →OUT8 B9
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

4. Verify that the MAI block scaling parameters match the scaling in the selected trans-
ducer block.
Configuration of the MAO block is similar to that for an MAI block:
♦ CHANNL configures the CHANNEL parameter in the device function block and
thus specifies the transducer block channel will be used to send the outputs to the
connected devices.
♦ CHMASK specifies the IN_n parameters in the device function block that will be
processed by the Foxboro Evo MAO block, and receive outputs from IN_x.
♦ Scaling parameters in the MAO block should match those set in the device.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Faultstate Setting on an MAO Block

The MAO block supports the Faultstate operation in the linked device function block as
described “Faultstate Handling” on page 149 for the AO and DO blocks, except that the actions
and Faultstate values are configured individually for each output. Table 7-7 lists the Faultstate
parameters in the MAO block.

Table 7-7. Faultstate Parameters in the MAO Block

Parameter Description
FSOPTN Specifies when Faultstate is asserted by the FBM228:
(Faultstate ♦ When bit 0 = 1, assert Faultstate if measurement is Bad.
Options) ♦ When bit 2 = 1, assert Faultstate if control-station-to-FBM
communication is lost (FBM option). This option is enabled
only if Faultstate is enabled at the FBM level via the
FSENAB parameter in the ECB200 or ECB202.
MOOPTS Configures the device function block MO_OPTS parameter to
(Controller Mode enable/disable two Faultstate options for each output (IN_n).
Options) ♦ Use Faultstate on Restart n: Selecting this option causes the
IN_n output to go to the value specified in FSTATE_VALn
on a device RESTART. If this option is not selected and the
output can go to its target mode upon RESTART, the last
saved setpoint is used for generating the Faultstate position.
♦ Faultstate to Value n: When this option is selected, the block
uses the value specified for output n in FSTATE_VALn.
When the option is not selected, the last saved setpoint is
MOOPTS is a packed boolean parameter. Table 7-8 shows the
parameter format.
FSVn Configures FSTATE_VALn in the device function block to spec-
(Failsafe Value n) ify the value that is asserted when one of the Faultstate options is
invoked for the channel.
FSTIME Configures FSTATE_TIME in the device function block to set
(Failsafe Time) the period that the fault condition must last before the block
asserts the specified value. A Faultstate action does not occur until
the FSTATE_TIME interval has expired.

Table 7-8. Format of the MO_OPTS Parameter

Bit* Option Set When True List Selection
0 Faultstate to value for output 1 B16
1 Faultstate to value for output 2 B15
2 Faultstate to value for output 3 B14
3 Faultstate to value for output 4 B13
4 Faultstate to value for output 5 B12

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Table 7-8. Format of the MO_OPTS Parameter (Continued)

Bit* Option Set When True List Selection
5 Faultstate to value for output 6 B11
6 Faultstate to value for output 7 B10
7 Faultstate to value for output 8 B9
8 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 1 B8
9 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 2 B7
10 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 3 B6
11 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 4 B5
12 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 5 B4
13 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 6 B3
14 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 7 B2
15 Use Faultstate value on restart for output 6 B1
*Bit 0 is the least significant bit (starting from the right).

Configuring DCI Blocks

The FBM228 supports the use of standard Foxboro Evo Distributed Control Interface (DCI)
blocks to access any standard or custom device parameter, including resource, transducer, or func-
tion block parameters supported by a given device type. Table 7-9 lists the input and output DCI
blocks recommended for each FOUNDATION fieldbus device block data type.

Table 7-9. DCI Blocks by FOUNDATION fieldbus Data Type

Device Block Parameter

Data Type Input DCI Block DCI Output Block
Boolean BIN BOUT
Integer (8, 16, 32) IIN IOUT
Unsigned (8, 16, 32) PAKIN PAKOUT
Floating Point RIN ROUT
Visible String STRIN STROUT
Bit Enumerated PAKIN PAKOUT

These blocks can be configured to perform the following functions:

♦ Periodic client/server reads of any block parameter. For example, periodic reads of spe-
cific transducer block parameters can be used to monitor positioner usage for
maintenance alerts.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

♦ Periodic or event-driven client/server writes to the value and status of any device block
input. For example, a ROUT block can be configured to provide a real output to an
ISEL block’s IN_1 parameter.
♦ Publisher/subscriber access to all input and output parameters. Another ROUT can
be configured to output every macrocycle to the IN_2 parameter in the same ISEL
The period for client/server access depends on the DCI block type used:
♦ For input type blocks (BIN, IIN, PAKIN, RIN, and STRIN), the period is set in mil-
liseconds in the Update Period (UPDPER) parameter of the DCI block. The default
is 10000 ms (second).
♦ For output type blocks (BOUT, IOUT, PAKOUT, ROUT, and STROUT), the
update period is specified in the equipment control block for the target device
(ECB201). The rate is set in the Device Options (DVOPTS) parameter in millisec-
onds; the minimum rate is 1000. All periodic client/server DCI blocks outputs to the
device are made at the same rate.
If the DVOPTS is not set, all DCI client/server outputs to the device are event-driven,
that is, the write to the device block is made when there is a change in the DCI block,
such as a new input to the block or a timer having reached its specified time for a
forced output.
See “Reviewing Device Properties” on page 122 for information about configuring
DVOPTS and other device ECB parameters.
As well, when using the PID/PIDA or any other upstream block, the primary block cascade
option (PRIBLK) has to be set in the AO block. PRIBLK indicates whether the AO block has a
connection from an upstream block (PRIBLK = 1) or not (PRIBLK = 0). Its value and the value
of PRITIM determine whether the block remains in holding until the upstream block returns an
acknowledgement, remains in holding for a fixed time delay, or ends the hold after one cycle.
The procedure for configuring a standard DCI block is similar to that for adding FOUNDATION
fieldbus Function blocks to a CSD up to and including the point at which the block is connected
to a device ECB. Then, the Point Number (PNT_NO) parameter is used to identify a device
block and parameter, the parameter type, and the connection type, that is, either publisher/sub-
scriber or client/server.
The following instructions assume that a CSD has been created and assigned to a compound, and
that the ECBs have been configured for each of the target devices.
To configure a DCI block to access to an H1 device parameter:
1. Open the device block in Field Device Manager to identify the target parameter’s data
type and offset.subindex, and determine whether the parameter is an input, output or
contained parameter.
♦ An input parameter, such as IN_1 in an ISEL block, has a data structure of a value
and status that can be updated via a link to an output parameter.
Note that input and output are as viewed from the device block, not as viewed
from the DCI block.
♦ An output parameter, such as OUT_1 in an MAI block, has a data structure of a
value and status that can be updated via a link to an input parameter.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

♦ A contained parameter is accessible to the network, but cannot be linked to an

input or output parameter. All contained parameters can be read, but not all are
2. Open the CSD in the CSD Editor and choose DCI in the palette window.
3. Drag the DCI block from the palette and into the diagram.
4. Drag the device ECB into the CSD and connect it the DCI block:
♦ For a RIN block or other input type DCI block, connect the Input_1 attribute
on the ECB appearance object to From_Fld1 on the DCI block.
♦ For a ROUT block and other output type DCI block, connect the To_Fld1 attri-
bute on the DCI block appearance object to Output_1 on the device ECB.
5. Double-click the DCI block to open it in the Properties dialog box (Figure 7-17).

Figure 7-17. Properties Dialog Box for a DCI Block

6. Enter the device function block, the target parameter, its type, and the connection
type in the Point Number field using the following syntax, which is described in
Table 7-10:
<Block Tag>.<Offset>[.<Subindex>][<Parameter Type>][<Connect Type>]

Parameter type is optional. If it is not specified, the parameter type is Contained,
the most common target for a DCI block. Connect type is also optional. If it is not
specified, a client/server connection is made.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

Table 7-10. Point Number Syntax for DCI Blocks

Element Description
Block Tag Name of the device block. FB2, a Signal Select block, in
Figure 7-17 for example.
Offset.Subindex Parameter index and, if needed, subindex. In the example, 28.2
specifies the IN8.Value in the FB2.
Parameter Type Enter the parameter type (as defined on page 163):
(of the device block ♦ I for input parameters. When used with an output DCI
parameter) using connect type C (client/server), both a value and sta-
tus are written to the input parameter. Status is always
Good, NonCascade.
♦ O for output parameters.
♦ C for contained parameters. C is the default if no parameter
type is entered.
Connect Type Specify the connection type:
(from the point of ♦ P for publisher, that is, to access an output parameter pub-
view of the device) lished by the device each macrocycle. To change the
connection in the example to a publisher/subscriber con-
nection, enter: FB2.28.2IP
♦ S for subscriber, that is, to write to an input parameter
each macrocycle.
♦ C for client/server. C is the default if no Connect Type is
declared. For example, with no parameter or connect type
specified, LV_100TB1.56 in a RIN block reads the
TRAVEL_SUM parameter in the transducer block
LV_100TB1 via a client/server connection.

The Point Number value is limited to 32 characters including the elements and the
separating periods.

7. For an input DCI block making a client/server connection, enter a value in UPDPER
parameter to set the scan rate at which the FBM228 is to read the parameter value in
the device.
UPDPER is the number of milliseconds between scans. The range is 0 to
2147483647. The default is 10000.
For an output DCI block making a client/server connection, the update period is set
in the DVOPTS parameter of the device ECB.
For blocks making a publisher/subscriber connection, the update period is the macro-
cycle on the H1 segment to which to the device is connected.
See “Device Scheduling” on page 173 for detailed information on how the FBM228
schedules publisher/subscriber and client/server connections.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

8. Configure the other parameters in the DCI block.

Refer to the Integrated Control Block Description (B0193AX) for a description of stan-
dard DCI blocks and definitions of the block parameters not discussed in this section.

Configuring a Remote Indicator

This section describes one way of configuring a Rosemount 752 Remote Indicator as an example
of how DCI blocks can be used in a Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus implementation. In the
example, the remote indicator displays the outputs from a Rosemount 848T eight-input tempera-
ture transmitter, which is connected to the Foxboro Evo system via an MAI block.
The 752 Remote Indicator supports a custom Input Selector (ISEL) device function block with
eight inputs (IN_1 through IN_8), which can be displayed in sequence on the device’s LCD along
with a tag and unit of measure. In this example configuration, eight Foxboro Evo ROUT blocks
are set up in a separate strategy and connected via I/O declarations to read the MAI block out-
puts. The ROUT blocks then write the output values to the remote indicator ISEL block inputs
using client/server connections. The update rate for the ROUT block writes (and the resulting
load) on the H1 segment is controlled in the device ECB for the remote indicator.
For this example, the following hardware and control software have already been configured:
♦ Plant Area: Plant Area 1
♦ Control station: PA2CP1
♦ H1 device: R84001, Rosemount 848T eight-input temperature transmitter installed
on PA2CP1’s segment 1. The device ECB is PA2CP1_ECB:R84001.
♦ Compound: COMPN11 assigned to PA2CP1 and Plant Area 1.
♦ Control Strategy Diagram: TEMP_CTRL assigned to compound COMPN11.
♦ FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block: MAI_1 in TEMP_CTRL and linked to the
multiple analog input device function block in R84001; reads the device block IN_n
parameters on a publisher/subscriber basis (as set in the device ECB). See “Output
Parameter Connection Type” on page 159 for details.

Setting up the Remote Indicator

To set up the remote indicator to display the 848T outputs:
1. Create a device template for the remote indicator and edit the template to allow con-
figuration and download of the ISEL block (Profile 294, FB2 in the example) at the
device level.
See “Configuring Device Function Blocks” on page 107 for information on configur-
ing and downloading a device function block for which there is no matching Foxboro
Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block.
2. Add the device (RI_752_1 in this example) to segment 1 on PA2CP1.
3. Right-click RI752_1 in the Network tab and choose Field Device Manager >
Field Device Manager (Universal) from the context menu to open the device
in the editor, and choose FB2 in the pull-down list to display the ISEL block configu-
ration (Figure 7-18).
4. Set the appropriate scaling and mode parameters.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

5. Note the index and subindex for of the value for each ISEL block input parameter
(IN_1 through IN_8). The index and subindex will be used in the Point Number
parameter in the ROUT block configured to write to the device block parameter.

Figure 7-18. Configuring the Signal Selector Device Function Block

6. Switch to the transducer block view (Figure 7-19) and edit the display parameters
(index 13 through 61) to specify the tag and units to be shown on the indicator’s
Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation for information on configuring the trans-
ducer block.

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Figure 7-19. Configuring the Remote Indicator Transducer Block

Configuring Outputs to the ISEL Block

To configure ROUT blocks to output to the remote indicator:
1. Create a new CSD in the Plant Area1, rename it RemoteIndicator, and assign it to
2. Open the RemoteIndicator in the CSD Editor and select DCI in the Palette win-
3. Drag the remote indicator device ECB (RI752_1) from the Network tab into the
CSD editor, and position it on the right side of the diagram.
4. Drag the ROUT block template from the DCI palette and drop it in the CSD to the left
of the device ECB to create ROUT1.
5. Connect To_Fld1 on the ROUT1 appearance object to OUTPUT_1 on the RI752_1
appearance object.
RI752_1 is displayed in the Dev_id field in the ROUT block appearance object infor-
mation area.

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

6. Add seven more ROUT blocks and make the same connection to the device ECB for
each block as was made for ROUT1.
7. Right-click RI752_1 in the CSD and choose Cut from the context menu to hide the
device ECB appearance object and replace the connector lines with numbered arrows
on the right side of the ROUT blocks.
The connections are listed in a reference box that is added to the CSD (in Figure 7-20
for example, 6 PA2CP1_ECB:RI752_1.OUTPUT_1 is the output for ROUT3).
8. Arrange the ROUT blocks in the CSD.
9. Connect the each ROUT block to one of the eight outputs in the block MAI1 in the
a. Right-click the block and choose Connect from the context menu to open the
Connect dialog box, and then click Add.
b. Choose Block to Block - Address and Child/Sink for Connection Type
and click Next.
c. Select MEAS for Sink Parameter and click Next.
d. Expand Plant Area1 > TEMP_CTRL in Source Object, select MAI1 and click
e. Select OUT_x for Source Parameter (OUT_1 for ROUT1, OUT_2 for ROUT2,
and so on) and click Finish.
f. Click Close in the Connect dialog box.
The connection is listed in the reference box in the diagram (in Figure 7-20 for exam-
ple, 13 COMPN11:MAI1.OUT7 is the input for ROUT7).
10. Configure the point parameter in each ROUT block to reference the IN_x parameter
in the device function block:
a. Double-click the block in the CSD to open it in the Properties dialog box.
b. In the Pnt_no field, specify the device function block (FB2), the IN_x parameter
(offset 11 to 14 and 25 to 28) and the subindex (2 for Value), and the parameter
type (I) in the Point Number field.
In this example, the connection type (C for client/server) does not need to be
specified. The input parameter index and subindex can be found on the Configu-
ration tab in the block view when the device is opened in Field Device Manager
(Figure 7-18).
Refer to “Configuring DCI Blocks” on page 162 for additional information on
the point number syntax.
The point number settings in Table 7-11 send outputs received from MAI_1 to
signal selector block inputs for display by the transmitter.

Table 7-11. Point Numbers for Remote Indicator Input

Input from MAI Point Number Signal Select

ROUT Block Block Syntax Input
ROUT_1 OUT1 FB2.11.2I IN_1
ROUT_2 OUT2 FB2.12.2I IN_2

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

Table 7-11. Point Numbers for Remote Indicator Input (Continued)

Input from MAI Point Number Signal Select

ROUT Block Block Syntax Input
ROUT_3 OUT3 FB2.13.2I IN_3
ROUT_4 OUT4 FB2.14.2I IN_4
ROUT_5 OUT5 FB2.25.2I IN_5
ROUT_6 OUT6 FB2.26.2I IN_6
ROUT_7 OUT7 FB2.27.2I IN_7
ROUT_8 OUT8 FB2.28.2I IN_8

Figure 7-20. CSD with Eight ROUT Blocks

7. Control Configuration B0700BA – Rev K

To set the update period:

1. Double-click RI752_1 in the Network tab to open the device ECB in the Properties
dialog box.
2. Specify the update period in milliseconds in the Dvopts field.
The shorter the update period, the greater the load on the H1 segment. If the period is
not specified, the writes will be made on a change-driven basis.

Control Loop Simulation

The simulation option parameter (SIMOPT) in the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks
allows testing of the control loop on the CP before installation of the H1 devices. When the
option is set in an AI or DI block the block reads the MEAS parameter rather than from the OUT
or OUT_D parameter in the linked device function bock. Likewise, when SIMOPT is set in an
AO or DO block output is not sent to the device function blocks, but can be connected to simu-
lation blocks in the compound. For example, the output can be passed through LAG and DTIME
blocks before being connected to the MEAS parameter of the input FOUNDATION fieldbus Func-
tion block (Figure 7-21). The LLAG block also provides input to the BCALCO parameter in the
DI or DO block.

Figure 7-21. Simulation Blocks in an FOUNDATION fieldbus Control Loop

B0700BA – Rev K 7. Control Configuration

To modify a control for simulation:

1. Double-click the CSD in the Plant tab to open the diagram in the CSD Editor
2. Use the pull-down list in the Palette window to select the Control blocks.
3. Drag an LLAG block and a DTIME block to the CSD.
4. Make the following block connections:
5. Double-click the AI to open its Properties sheet, and change the SIMOPT parameter
to 1.
6. Double-click the AO to open it Properties sheet, and change the SIMOPT parameter
to 1.
7. Download the CSD to the CP.
8. Use a FoxView trend display or an IACC Animated Loop Drawing (ALD) to observe
operation of the loop.
Refer to Animated Loop Drawings in the “Downloading Control Blocks” topic in
IACC Help for information on setting up ALDs.
9. When simulation is complete, change the SIMOPT parameter in the AI and AO
blocks to 0, and download the CSD again.
10. Delete the LAG and DTIME blocks from the CSD and download the updated CSD
to the CP.

8. Device Scheduling
This chapter describes a how the configure macrocycle period and other link performance
parameters in the FBM228.
The FBM228 is the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) and Link Master (LM) for the connected
segments. The macrocycle period, that is, the minimum time between the start of each macrocy-
cle can be configured for the all four segments in the FBM228 ECB properties sheet and for indi-
vidual segments in the Field Device Manager. Field Device Manager can also be used to adjust the
System Management and Network Management parameters for segments and individual devices.
Adjusting the schedule for individual links should be done after devices have been connected to
the FBM and FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks connected to those devices have been
downloaded to the control station.
Topics covered in this chapter include:
♦ “Loop Performance” on page 173
♦ “Adjusting the FBM Macrocycle” on page 182
♦ “Adjusting a Segment Schedule” on page 183
♦ “Viewing Other Link Parameters” on page 188
The procedures described in this chapter require IACC with Field Device Manager - Control
Room installed on a Foxboro Evo workstation.

Loop Performance
This section describes loop timing for control loops with FOUNDATION fieldbus devices used for
measurement and control-valve positioning. Detailed macrocycle calculations and guidelines are
contained in the following documents. Refer to these documents for more details.
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) Sizing Guidelines and Excel® Workbook
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
♦ Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) Sizing Guidelines and Excel Workbook
The Excel worksheet FBM228 H1 Load V1.1.xls (B0700AV/AW) provides a worksheet for spe-
cific segment macrocycle calculations.

Disable LAS/LM Backup

The FBM228 is the Link Active Scheduler (LAS) and Link Master (LM) for the connected
segments. Some transmitters provide backup LAS and LM features, which cause the transmitters
to assume the scheduling role when the actual LAS is disabled. This backup capability should be
disabled in each transmitter, even when the FBM228 is configured for non-redundant operation.
When a device is connected to an FBM228, the FBM detects whether the LAS Master is enabled
in the device, and if it is, the FBM disables the LAS Master and restarts the device.

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Link Active Schedule

It is important to understand how the FBM228 constructs a macrocycle schedule. The schematic
in Figure 8-1 identifies the components of a typical macrocycle and the relationship of these parts
to one another.

Start Macrocycle Start Next Macrocycle


CD Dev5:FB AO_1 CD CD Dev5:

Dev4:FB AI_2 CD
Dev4:FB AI_2 CD
Dev4:FB AI_1 CD
Dev1:FB AI_2 CD
Dev1:FB AI_1 CD

2 3

1 6 4 5
Output CD Delay Output CD Delay before
(default: 10 ms) the next macrocycle

Figure 8-1. FBM Macrocycle Scheduling

Figure 8-1 identifies six distinct phases in the macrocycle:

1. Output CDs
At the beginning of a macrocycle, the FBM228 issues the Compel Data messages
(CDs) for the FBM to publish the setpoints from the CP-resident control blocks to
the CAS_IN parameters of the device AO blocks and CASD_IN_D parameters of the
device DO blocks. These CDs provide fresh setpoints to the respective device func-
tion blocks that are scheduled to run in the second phase of the cycle.
2. Output Block Execution
In the second phase, all the device AO and DO blocks are scheduled to run. As
indicated in Figure 8-1, there can be multiple AO blocks from different devices
running concurrently. There are no Foxboro Evo resources being used. When the out-
put blocks finish execution, the AO blocks and DO blocks have fresh values for
BKCAL_OUT and BKCAL_OUT_D, respectively.
3. Input Block Execution

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

In the third phase, the FBM schedules the input function blocks, AI and DI. Note
that a given device may support multiple input blocks (in Figure 8-1 for example,
Device 1 has AI_1 and AI_2). The FBM must schedule these serially, as blocks in the
same device cannot be run concurrently. However, the FBM is able to schedule blocks
that are in different devices to run concurrently (Device 4 AI_1 and Device 1 AI_2, in
Figure 8-1 for example). The devices are scheduled so as to set up a series of CDs to
publish fresh data to the FBM.
4. Readback CDs
In the fourth and fifth phases the FBM schedules a series of CDs, one after the other,
a limitation imposed by the H1 segment. Note these input CDs are scheduled toward
the end of the macrocycle. The first set of inputs CDs are readbacks from the output
blocks (Dev3:FB AO_1 and Dev5:FB AO_1 in Figure 8-1).
5. Input CDs
In the fifth phase the FBM schedules the remainder of the input CDs, these from the
input blocks.
6. Unscheduled Communication Time
For the FBM, the span between the Output CDs and the Input CDs is unscheduled
time that can be used for client/server activity to collect data from the devices that is
not gained by the publish/subscribe communication technique. This enables, for
example, diagnostic data to be read from various device blocks.
Other elements that affect the schedule created by an FBM for a segment and its associated
devices include:
Time allocated per CD The FBM allots 25 ms for the FBM and the device to com-
plete each CD, even when there is a series of CDs.
Inter-block time gap When a device is executing multiple function blocks, the
within single device FBM schedule inserts a 5 ms padding between successive
function block executions in the same device to provide a
safety margin.
Time between block and When scheduling a CD after the execution of a device func-
related CD tion block, the FBM inserts another 5 ms minimum pad-
ding. As seen in Figure 8-1, the time between the end of the
execution of a given function block and its associated CD
can be considerably longer than 5 ms.
Requested macrocycle time The FBM takes into account the target duration, that is, the
time between the beginning of successive macrocycles, as
specified in the SYSCFG parameter of the FBM’s ECB. This
user-configured value is applied to all four segments of the
FBM. The default value for this parameter is 1000 ms.
Minimum value for largest The FBM takes at least 70 ms of unscheduled time to pro-
contiguous unscheduled time vide the capacity for at least a minimum level of client/server
slot communication.
Percentage unscheduled time In any given macrocycle schedule, the FBM also ensures that
at least 50% of the macrocycle is available as unscheduled

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Output CD time delay The FBM provides a 10 ms delay between the beginning of
the macrocycle and the first FBM CDs, the compel data used
to write CAS_IN and CAS_IN_D parameters.
Stale count The FBM maintains a stale count, that is, the number of
times in a macrocycle that a value read by the FBM is exactly
the same. When the stale count exceeds a configured limit
(the default is 3), the value is declared BAD and its Foxboro
Evo status is updated to reflect this event. This status is auto-
matically cleared when the updates become live once more.
Foxboro Evo block type The macrocycle that the FBM creates is influenced heavily
by the CP-based FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks
and DCI blocks used in the application, as described in the
next section.

Scheduling Impact of Foxboro Evo Blocks

Table 8-1 below describes the impact of Foxboro Evo blocks by block type and implementation.

Table 8-1. Scheduling Demands of Foxboro Evo Blocks

Block Parameter Specified Scheduled H1 Events

AI, DI Not applicable The FBM automatically calculates a schedule containing:
♦ Execution of the corresponding device function
♦ LAS scheduling of a publisher/subscriber
connection transferring the data to the FBM.
♦ Periodic client/server access of VIEW_1 for
corresponding block.
♦ Change-driven client/server access of VIEW_2 and
VIEW_4 for corresponding block.
AO, DO Not applicable The FBM automatically calculates a schedule containing:
♦ Execution of the corresponding device function
♦ LAS scheduling of a publisher/subscriber
connection transferring the data to the FBM.
♦ Periodic client/server access of VIEW_1 for
corresponding block.
♦ Change-driven client/server access of VIEW_2 and
VIEW_4 for corresponding block.
RIN <name> The FBM automatically calculates a schedule containing:
♦ The execution of the corresponding device AI
function block
♦ The LAS scheduling of a publisher/subscriber
connection transferring the data to the FBM.

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

Table 8-1. Scheduling Demands of Foxboro Evo Blocks (Continued)

Block Parameter Specified Scheduled H1 Events

ROUT <name> The FBM automatically calculates a schedule containing:
♦ The execution of the corresponding device AO func-
tion block
♦ The LAS scheduling of a publisher/subscriber
connection transferring the output data to the AO
function block input parameter and from the AO
readback parameter.
RIN, <name>.<idx>.<subidx> The FBM automatically calculates a schedule containing:
IIN, ♦ The execution of the corresponding device block.
BIN, ♦ Periodic client/server access of specified parameter

See FF-891, Function Block Application Process - Part 2 for a list of the parameters
included in View_1, View_2, and View_4.

The first two rows deal with the input blocks (AI, DI) and output blocks (AO, DO) that would
most commonly be used to interface to the device function blocks. The creation of one of these
blocks and the handshake with a related device function block causes:
♦ Execution of the device function block within the macrocycle
♦ Publish/subscribe scheduling to set up the CDs
♦ Client/server data access to the device function block’s View data for information such
as block status.
The next two rows deal with those DCI blocks (the RIN and ROUT) that can form a pub-
lisher/subscriber connection to a device function block. Note that for these DCI blocks, the con-
nection is formed by configuring the blocks PNT_NO parameter with the <name> of the device
function block. In this case, the connection is made implicitly to the device’s function block
parameter. If, for example, a RIN block is used to connect to a device AI block, the connection is
implicitly made to the AI block’s OUT parameter. Similarly, an implicit connection is made to the
AO block’s CAS_IN parameter. The creation of a RIN or ROUT block, much like their FOUN-
DATION fieldbus AI and AO counterparts, causes:
♦ Execution of the device function block within the macrocycle
♦ Publish/subscribe scheduling (setting up the CD)
However these blocks do not create any client/server load on the H1 bus, a possible consideration
in certain situations.
The last row of the table covers the use of a number of DCI blocks for collecting data from any
device block parameter. These connections are made via a more flexible PNT_NO schema. The
connection to the device block is made by specifying the <block name>, <parameter index>, and if
required, the <parameter sub-index>. These blocks, depending upon use, also have macrocycle
implications, as shown in the following examples:

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

♦ A connection is to be made to a function block parameter

In this case, the connection causes the execution of the device function block within
the macrocycle period (if its execution is not yet scheduled) so that the data will be
live. This connection also causes periodic client/server access of the parameter at the
frequency specified by the DCI block’s UPDPER (in milliseconds).
Therefore, to read a value out of the second AI block of a device that is not being used
with a publisher/subscriber connection, the FBM schedules that block and reads the
desired parameter at the specified frequency.
♦ A connection is to be made to a resource or transducer block parameter
The DCI blocks in the table can be used to read data from blocks other than function
blocks. The same PNT_NO schema is used to address block parameters. This con-
nection establishes a client/server access of the desired parameter value at the specified

The respective non-function block needs to be in the Auto mode to provide a
dynamic value.

Schedule Creation
The information presented in the two cases provides the elements that are considered in schedule
development, but not the schedule algorithm. When the minimum macrocycle is the default
1000 milliseconds (ECB200/200 SYSCFG is 1000), the macrocycle period is very likely to be
1000 milliseconds.
The case when the default value is not accepted is illustrated with a maximum performance exam-
ple involving a single transmitter and positioner. In this example, the following values are noted:
♦ SYSCFG = 10 milliseconds.
♦ The maximum value of MIN_CYCLE_TIME is 150 milliseconds.
♦ The macrocycle will use 35 ms for the FBM CDs and its related 10 ms pad from
beginning of the macrocycle.
♦ 50 ms will be used at the end of the macrocycle for the input CDs.
The macrocycle scheduling algorithm is an iterative loop. It begins using the SYSCFG
macrocycle period as a target and checks to see what the maximum value of the
MIN_CYCLE_TIME is for all the devices in the schedule. If this value (in this case 150 ms)
exceeds SYSCFG, this value is used as the period target. In this example, the target now becomes
150 ms.
In the first iteration, the contiguous unscheduled time is calculated:
150 – 35 – 50 = 65 ms
Also calculated is the percent unscheduled time:
65/150x100 = 43%
These computed values are compared to their respective schedule minimums. If these minimums
are not satisfied, another iteration is executed.

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

In the next iteration the target macrocycle period is incremented by the value of SYSCFG, in this
case, 10 ms up to 160 ms. The computations are repeated again until the minimums (contiguous
unscheduled time and percent unscheduled time) are satisfied.
In this example, the minimums are satisfied by a macrocycle target of 170 ms providing
contiguous unscheduled time of 85 ms and percent unscheduled time of 50%.

Timing Examples
The material presented with regard to macrocycle formulation has focused upon the creation of a
schedule intra-FBM. This section deals with the CP-FBM inter-relationships. It is important to
keep in mind that a simple single-input, single-output control loop involves passing data between
a number of sources and sinks, and that these data transfers are not instantaneous.


Figure 8-2. BPC/Macrocycle Phasing

Figure 8-2 illustrates some of the issues. The schematic represents the asynchronous nature of the
control processors BPC (the frequency at which it processes control blocks) and the macrocycle
execution period. Generally speaking, these frequencies are neither the same nor synchronized to
one another. As a result, communication between elements of a control loop has latencies that
should be understood, as these have an effect (although generally modest) on control loop perfor-
To gain a better appreciation of the effects of phasing, a segment with a “flow loop” was con-
structed using seven Foxboro transmitters and an Eckardt Positioner. Each of the transmitter’s pri-
mary measurements was connected via an AI block and the control processor based flow loop was
connected to the positioner via an AO block. The BPC of the control processor was set at 0.5 sec-
onds and the macrocycle period at 1000 milliseconds. A special flow transmitter that enabled step
changes in the primary measurement was used so as to be able to readily detect changes in the
With the loop commissioned, a step change in the primary measurement was generated and the
propagation times measured the step change to a change in output. These propagation times were
measured by looking at an H1 bus monitor trace (Table 8-2).

Table 8-2. Macrocycle Phasing

Time (ms) Event

0000 Measurement step change.
0098 First CAS_IN write (no change).
This is the next macrocycle from the one in which
the primary measurement change was detected.
1985 Second CAS_IN write (no change).
2990 Third CAS_IN write (setpoint change).

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Note that the results from test to test vary depending upon:
♦ The BPC frequency
♦ The macrocycle duration (a function of the number of devices, the device type, and
client/server considerations).
The desire for higher performance closed loop control tends to dictate trade-offs in the load
imposed on an H1 segment.

Maximum Performance Loops

This section explores the issues associated with building segments for maximum closed loop
control performance by attempting to create a best case for loops that have a process issue requir-
ing very fast loop response. To gain this performance is the classic trade-off, since to gain best per-
formance, a given segment can only contain a single transmitter and a single positioner. Such a
loop was built with a Foxboro differential pressure transmitter as a flow measuring device and an
Eckardt positioner. The closed loop response times are presented in Table 8-3.

Table 8-3. Maximum Performance

Time (ms) Event

000 Measurement step change.
035 First CAS_IN write (no change)
This is the next macrocycle from the one in which
the primary measurement change was detected.
235 Second CAS_IN write (no change).
485 Third CAS_IN write (setpoint change).

Note that the time from the detection of the step change in measurement to the setpoint change
of the positioner’s AO block is much faster than with the one-second macrocycle. With just the
two devices on the segment, the FBM can reduce the macrocycle period to about 200 millisec-
onds. From a closed loop performance perspective, this gives roughly a factor of six reductions in
response time.
For this two-device segment, the macrocycle is quite close to its irreducible minimum. The three
25-millisecond CDs (for the transmitter AI block, the positioner AO block output, and the FBM
setpoint write) and 100 milliseconds for the contiguous unscheduled time period account for
most of the 200 millisecond period.

Maximum Performance Configuration

The default value of the SYSCFG parameter in the FBM’s ECB is 1000 milliseconds, ensuring
that the shortest possible macrocycle is always 1000 milliseconds. To achieve maximum perfor-
mance, set SYSCFG to a smaller interval, such as the 50 milliseconds used in the following exam-
The scheduling algorithm starts with the value of 50, attempts a schedule, determines this is too
short, adds 50, and keeps iterating until a successful schedule has been determined and
implemented, in this case 200 milliseconds. Note that changing this SYSCFG parameter value
affects all the segments connected to the FBM.

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

Editing the value of SYSCFG does not cause an immediate change in the macrocycles of the con-
nected segments. Each segment must be “forced” to reschedule when you take any of the
following actions:
♦ Download the FBM (reschedules all segments)
♦ Enable/Disable Communications for a given device (reschedules the segment)
♦ Take an FBM on-line or off-line (reschedules all segments)
♦ Add a new point to the effected segment
♦ Power cycle a device on the effected segment.
When you force the macrocycle by using a small value of SYSCFG such as 50 milliseconds, the
FBM may make the determination that this macrocycle period target cannot be honored and gen-
erate an error condition to signal that the target is being violated. The error condition is displayed
in the DIAG1 overlay of the ECB default display (see “ECB200/202 Detail Displays” on
page 272) or in a System Management screen for the module (see “FBM Equipment Information”
on page 281). Both displays give an indication of MACROCYCLE OVERFLOW.

Take extreme caution when changing the macrocycle schedule as unintended
consequences can arise, such as control loop initialization.

Device Startup/Initialization
This section is concerned with the performance implications for making changes (from a device
perspective) to an operating segment. The intent is to provide a rough set of guidelines for the
time required to effect various changes to the segment.

Add a Device to a Running Segment

Adding a device to a running segment forces a change in the macrocycle schedule. If
the value of SYSCFG is set conservatively enough, the macrocycle period may not
change; only the additional function blocks are added to the schedule. Once the con-
figuration effort has been completed, and the ECB is ENABLED, it takes about 30
seconds for an AI block’s OUT parameter to become good.

Power Cycle a Device

When a device is removed from an operating segment, and then quickly restored, the
FBM acts to remove the device from the schedule and then restore it. Completing this
sequence of events requires time as this sequence needs to be completed in an orderly
manner. For a transmitter this process takes about a minute.

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Segment Power Cycle

Cycling the power to a segment causes a rescheduling of the entire segment, which
in turn, requires that each device be restarted and that all point connections be
reestablished. A complete recovery from the fail condition is thus dependent upon the
segment architecture, specifically the number and type of devices connected
to the segment. In one test case, a segment containing several positioners, several dis-
crete output devices, and a number of transmitters (a total of 10 devices) completed
recovery of all connected points in about four minutes.

FBM Download
An FBM download creates an even greater need for a schedule rebuild. The total
recovery time includes the FBM image to be downloaded, the FBM to recover, and all
segments and devices to recover. In a test case executed for about 30 devices and
spread over four segments, the complete recovery of all connected points took 8 min-
utes from the time that the download was begun. Fewer devices and points would
have substantially reduced this total recovery time.

Adjusting the FBM Macrocycle

You can modify the FBM macrocycle, that is, the minimum interval between cycles used in the
scheduling of all four links, by changing the Syscfg parameter in the properties sheet for the
To change the FBM macrocycle:
1. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the FBM228, it software and
equipment control block (ECB200/202).
2. Double-click the FBM’s ECB to open the Properties dialog box (Figure 8-3).

Figure 8-3. Properties Dialog Box for an ECB202

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

3. Enter the new macrocycle value in Syscfg and click Apply.

The range for the parameter is 1 to 2147483647 milliseconds, with a default of 1000
or 1 second.
4. Click the Download button in the Properties dialog box, and then follow the prompts
in the Hierarchy Validation and Download dialog boxes to verify and download the
5. Do the following to following to cause the FBM228 to re-calculate the Link Active
a. Select the FBM in the System Management displays (as described in “System
Management Displays” on page 275).
b. Click the EQUIP CHG button.
c. Choose DOWNLOAD from the Equipment Change page, and for redundant a
FBM228, select Both in the module selection dialog box.
Alternatively, you can use the GO OFF-LINE and GO ON-LINE commands to cycle
the FBM.
d. Click the EQUIP INFO button to monitor the download
6. Confirm that the requested macrocycle period has been applied by viewing the sched-
uling parameters for one of the H1 segments, as described in the next section.

Adjusting a Segment Schedule

After changing the macrocycle for the FBM228, more targeted adjustments can be made by using
Field Device Manager to set the minimum macrocycle period for individual links and adjusting
scheduling parameters.

If you need to change the ECB200/202 Syscfg parameter, it is a good idea to make
that change before adjusting individual links, as the change causes the FBM to
recalculate the entire schedule. Review the individual link schedules after changing
the FBM228 macrocycle.

The period increments are based on the BPC of the host control station. The Field Device Man-
ager also allows you to adjust the parameters that the FBM uses in building the link schedule and
to upload the link schedule configuration to the IACC database.
To adjust a link schedule:
1. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the FBM228, it software and
equipment control block (ECB200/202).
2. Right-click the ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager > FBM228 Man-
ager from the pop-up menu.
The editor displays the Identification tab for the FBM228 (Figure 8-4).

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Figure 8-4. Selecting an H1 Segment

3. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the seg-
ment to be re-scheduled.
The editor displays the Live List for the link. The cube icon in the upper right corner
of the editor page tumbles as the Field Device Manager builds the live list table and
displays the devices in the legal address range. The cube is black and gray when the
Field Device Manger if off-line.
4. Click the Schedule tab.
Field Device Manager displays a graphic of the link schedule computed by the
FBM228. Initially, the background of the graphic is blue as the schedule is being
uploaded from the FBM. When the upload is complete, the background turns to
white and the schedule for each function block is depicted with two bands of color:
orange represents the time it takes to execute block, and blue shows the scheduling of
the CDs. The device, block name, the start time for the block execution, duration and
the start of the CD are displayed below the orange band (Figure 8-5).

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 8-5. Link Schedule Graphic

When only a portion of the schedule can be displayed in the window, the Up and
Down buttons are active, allowing to scroll the remainder of the schedule into view.
The schedule graphic is not dynamically updated.
♦ Click Refresh to update the display.
5. Click the Tabular option button to display the same information in tabular form.
6. Click the Parameters option button to compare the scheduling parameters set in the
FBM with those saved in the IACC database (Figure 8-6).

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

Figure 8-6. Setting Link Scheduling Parameters

The link schedule is read from the FBM when the Parameters display is first opened.
The fields in the FBM Value and Requested Value are cyan until the schedule has
been read from the FBM.
The Parameters display has four buttons along the bottom of the tab:
♦ Refresh reads the parameter values from the FBM228, and refreshes the FBM
Value column.
♦ Default Values replaces the values in the Requested Value Column with
default values. (The value of the default settings are the same as shown in the
Requested Value column in Figure 8-6). It is recommended that this button be
pressed each time prior to entering any requested changes, and then make the
♦ Download sends to the FBM228 only those parameter settings actually changed
in the Requested Value column. Changed values are backfilled in yellow until they
are successfully downloaded. A successfully downloaded value, which matches the
readback from the FBM, will be displayed with a white backfill.
♦ Save copies the settings in the Requested Value column to the IACC database.
Requested Values which are changed will backfill in yellow prior to download.

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

7. Do one of the following to set the macrocycle on a per H1 link basis:

♦ Enter the requested value by using the Macrocycle in Seconds pull-down
list for even settings matching multiples of the control processor Basic Process-
ing Cycle.
♦ Type in the desired number in milliseconds in the Requested Value field.
The backfill changes to yellow.

Typically, it is recommended that the macrocycle be 1.75 times the control proces-
sor block periods used in the related control loop. For example, an 875 ms macrocy-
cle should be used with a 500 ms CP block period. The 1.75X factor is an optimum
balance to insure a newly calculated output is sent to the H1 output devices each
macrocycle and over-sampling of the same H1 measurement is minimized.

8. Specify the requested minimum value of Percent Free Time before downloading
the requested value of the H1 macrocycle.

It is recommended Percent Free Time be set to 50%, or more. The FBM guarantees
that the free time is greater than or equal to the requested free time. The FBM auto-
matically increases the macrocycle if necessary to achieve this free time. If the value
was previously downloaded, it is necessary to change it to a different value, and then
re-enter the previously downloaded value to highlight the backfill in yellow in prep-
aration for download.

9. Change other values in the Requested Value column only if necessary to fine tune the
H1 schedule.
Be careful not to reduce them excessively. For example, excessive reductions in the
time allocated between CDs or in the inter-block gap time may impact the reliability
of H1 communications.
10. Click Download to send the requested values to the FBM.

It is recommended whenever possible that macrocycle changes be made when the
control loops for that segment are off control. While it is possible to make on con-
trol changes, be advised that it can take a minute or two for all devices to resume
control at the new macrocycle period.

A dialog box appears stating it is necessary to reboot the FBM to effect the macrocy-
cle or schedule changes. The recommended technique of performing the FBM
reboot is to go to System Manager and perform a Download operation on the FBM.
However, the requested macrocycle and schedule changes occur even if an FBM
reboot is not performed.

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

11. Verify that the macrocycle change was accepted by observing that the Macrocycle
Time in the Requested Value column changes to a white backfill.

The FBM Value column shows the actual free time, not the requested free time.
The readback comparison is made between the actual free time and the requested
free time, which will not match. Therefore the backfill color in the requested Per-
cent Free Time will be red, even if there was a successful download.

12. Select the Graphical or Tabular view of the schedule and confirm the schedule results
are as desired.
If necessary, wait and refresh the view more than once to make sure sufficient time has
elapsed for the new macrocycle values to be established prior to requesting the refresh.

Viewing Other Link Parameters

The FBM228 Manager provides tabbed displays of the FBM’s System Management (Figure 8-7)
and Network Management (Figure 8-8) parameters for each link.
In addition to reading the values, the tabs enable you to upload values to the IACC database, and
modify and download parameters to the FBM. The tabs include a short help string for each
parameter. However, you should refer to the manufacturers’ documentation for any recom-
mended settings for the devices on the link. In most case, you will not need to adjust the parame-
ters values, and saving of the values in the IACC database is not essential.

8. Device Scheduling B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 8-7. FBM228 System Management Parameters for an H1 Link

The FBM uses numerous system management parameters and even more network management
parameters (more than 2,700). Field Device Manager makes two accommodations to deal with
the time it takes to retrieve the network management parameters from the IACC database and the
♦ When the following registry key is set to 0, Field Device Manager simply displays the
default settings for the network management parameters rather than retrieve them
from the IACC database:
When the key is set to 0, saved changes to the network management parameters are
not displayed. This is the default setting because, in most cases, there is no need to
modify the default network management settings.
If you set the key to 1, the next time you open an FBM228 in Field Device Manager
all parameters including the network management parameters are loaded from the
IACC database and thus the saved changes are displayed.

B0700BA – Rev K 8. Device Scheduling

♦ A full upload of FBM228 parameters takes a considerable amount of time. When you
initiate an upload, the Upload button label changes to Cancel the Upload. The
parameters that are expanded in the tab (-1 DimeLMInfoRecord in Figure 8-8 for
example) are uploaded first; those that are collapsed (such as +3 StackManagement
in Figure 8-8) are done second.
To upload parameters:
1. Click the + to the left of the parameters of interest; click - to the left of parameters that
are not of interest.
2. Click Upload to write the values from the FBM to the IACC database.
3. Click Cancel Upload when the parameters of interest have been uploaded.
4. Click Save to save the uploaded values to the IACC database.

Figure 8-8. FBM228 Network Management Parameters for an H1 Link

9. User Displays
This chapter describes the detail displays available with the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
The default detail displays for the four FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks provide access to
block and device data from FoxView, and enable you to:
♦ View and acknowledge alarms
♦ Display trends
♦ Change the block mode
♦ Set primary variables when the block is in manual mode
♦ Set the MEAS variable when the block is in simulation mode.
To access a block detail display:
♦ Use FoxSelect to display the control compound, select the block, and switch back to
For more information on detail displays, refer to FoxView™ Software 10.4 (B0700FC).
These supplied displays and other display objects in Foxboro libraries such as faceplates and
trends enable the quick development of user displays. When building displays using the supplied
objects, you do not need to know the exact parameter names. However, when building custom
displays, you must use the correct Foxboro Evo parameter names to connect to the FOUNDATION
fieldbus Function block and DCI block parameters. Use the names found in the parameter tables
in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) and not the parameter labels used in IACC
displays. For more information on configuring user displays, refer to FoxDraw™ Software 10.4

Base Display for a FOUNDATION fieldbus Function

The AI block display in Figure 9-1 shows the base layout used for the FOUNDATION fieldbus
Function block detail displays.

B0700BA – Rev K 9. User Displays

Overlay Buttons

Current Alarms

Device Status SIM Area

Mode Switch

Figure 9-1. Initial Display for an AI Block

The base display components are clockwise from the top right:
Faceplate The header includes a block description, compound name,
block names, current mode and highest priority alarm. The
measurement data varies with the block type, but typically
includes current values for the block’s primary control value.
The faceplates for multiple blocks are commonly arranged in a
single group display (Figure 9-2).
Simulation Status Area When the block is in Simulation mode, this area displays the
MEAS parameter, which can be set from the detail display.
Mode Switch The rotary dial shows the current actual mode of the device
block. Buttons below the Mode switch enable the operator to
set the Target mode.
Device Status This area provides the current value and status of the device
parameters with the primary process variables:
♦ OUT for an AI block
♦ CAS_IN and BKCAL_OUT for an AO block
♦ OUT_D for a DI block
♦ CAS_IN_D and BKCAL_OUT_D for an DO block.
Current Alarms Area The alarm display includes the alarm type (HHALM in
Figure 9-1), and alarm names and descriptions as configured
with the OUTDSC and various alarm text parameters.
Overlay Buttons The overlays available depend on the block type, but include
Alarms and Alarm Text, Trend, Config, and Prev Display.

9. User Displays B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 9-2 is a sample group display using faceplates from six FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
The faceplates have the following components:
♦ The header provides the compound and block name, and an optional description.
♦ The block mode and the alarm status are shown immediately below the header.
The mode is the actual mode (MODE_BLK.Actual) of the function block. The mode
is displayed on a green background when the actual mode is the target mode
(MODE_BLK.Target). Otherwise, the background is yellow.
Figure 9-2 shows a variety of process alarm. Alarms can be acknowledged from the
group display or from the detail display or the individual block.

Figure 9-2. Group Display of FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Faceplates

Table 9-1 lists the value and status information that is displayed for each of the FOUNDATION
fieldbus Function blocks.

B0700BA – Rev K 9. User Displays

Table 9-1. FOUNDATION fieldbus Function Block Value and Status Displays

Block Parameters Possible Status

AI OUT NCAS (green) Non-cascade, good value
UNC (yellow) Uncertain
BAD (red) Bad, unusable value
AO CAS_IN GCAS (green) Good cascade value
BKCAL_OUT NCAS (green) Good non-cascade value
LO (yellow) Local override
BAD (red) Bad, unusable value
DI OUT_D NCAS (green) Non-cascade, good value
UNC (yellow) Uncertain
BAD (red) Bad, unusable value
DO CAS_IN_D GCAS (green) Good cascade value
BKCAL_OUT_D NCAS (green) Good non-cascade value
LO (yellow) Local override
BAD (red) Bad, unusable value

Mode Display
The rotary switch icon in the mode display shows the actual, target, normal, and permitted modes
of the device function block based on its MODE_BLK.Actual, MODE_BLK.Target,
MODE_BLK.Nomral, and MODE_BLK.permitted parameters, which are described in Figure 9-3.
The buttons below the rotary enable you to set the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block
parameter MODE_T, which in turn sets the device function block MODE_BLK.Target
Three switches are available for the AI and DI blocks:
♦ AUTO, MAN, and OOS.
Four switches are available for AO and DO blocks:
♦ CAS, AUTO, MAN, and OOS.
The buttons are only active if the modes are permitted modes.

9. User Displays B0700BA – Rev K

Rotary dial and solid bold line

point to the Actual Mode.
Bold dotted line leads
to the Target Mode.

Switches for setting the

Target Mode are active
for Permitted Modes.

White arrow on the left Blue arrows on the right

points to the Actual Mode. point to Normal modes.
Yellow arrow on the left Black label indicates
points to the Target Mode. mode is permitted.
Shown in white when Target
Mode is also the Actual Mode. Light gray label indicates
mode is not permitted.

Figure 9-3. Mode Indicator and Switches

Device Status
The section to the left of the Mode display provides the value and status of the device block’s
primary values, that is, the published parameters. For example, the base display for the AO
block (Figure 9-4) shows the values and status for the CAS_IN and BKCAL_OUT, the two
publisher/subscriber parameters for the device AO function block. The display also includes
engineering units and limits.

B0700BA – Rev K 9. User Displays

Figure 9-4. AO Block Detail Display

Additional status information can be displayed by clicking one of the buttons in the first row of
the Overlay buttons.
Figure 9-5 shows the first device status overlay for an AO block, which is displayed when you
click AO STATUS 1. In addition to the value and status of the publisher/subscriber parameters,
the display lists errors codes set in the device block’s BLOCK_ERR parameter.

Figure 9-5. Status Overlay (AO STATUS 1) for an AO Block

Figure 9-6 shows the second device status overlay for an AO block, which is displayed when you
click AO STATUS 2.

9. User Displays B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 9-6. Second Status Overlay (AO STATUS 2) for an AO Block

The DO detail display has a similar pair of status overlays. AI and DI have one each.

Device and Block Configurations

The detail display for each FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block has two overlays that provide
configuration information; the first display shows device block parameters, the second shows
parameters that are specific to the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block itself.
Figure 9-7 is the device configuration overlay for an AO block, which is displayed when you click
The configuration parameters, read from the device function block, include Fault state settings,
scaling parameters, and options selected in STATUS_OPTS and IO_OPTS. The parameters were
set in corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block parameters and downloaded to the
device via the FBM228.

Figure 9-7. Device Configuration Overlay for an AO Block

Figure 9-8 is the DCI block configuration overlay of an AO block, displayed when you click
CONFIG. These parameters only deal with the operation of the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
block within the Foxboro Evo system. They include execution Period and Phase, the update fre-
quency of parameters with a client/server connection to the device function block (UPDPER) fre-
quency, and the alarm options.

B0700BA – Rev K 9. User Displays

Figure 9-8. Block Configuration Overlay for an AO Block

The FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks provide standard Foxboro Evo process alarm func-
tionality and do not support the FOUNDATION fieldbus alarm options. See FoxView Software 10.4
(B0700FC) and Alarm and Display Manager Configuration (B0700AM) for information on how
alarms are displayed and acknowledged.
Figure 9-9 is an AI block detail display with a high alarm displayed in the Alarm Summary and an
alarm configuration overlay, which is selected by clicking the ALARMS overlay button.

Figure 9-9. Alarm Configuration Overlay for an AI Block

Figure 9-10 is the alarm text overlay for the same block.

9. User Displays B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 9-10. Alarm Text Overlay for an AI Block

The FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block detail displays provide a default Trend overlay, which
is displayed over the Alarm Summary area. The trend plots the published function block parame-
ters shown in the faceplate and status displays. The sample trend Figure 9-11 plots the CAS_IN
and BKCAL_OUT parameters of an AO block.

Figure 9-11. AO Block Trend

DI Detail Display
The layout of the DI detail display is the same the AI block display shown earlier in this chapter.
Figure 9-12 shows a DI detail display with the status overlay.

B0700BA – Rev K 9. User Displays

Figure 9-12. Detail Display for a DI Block

DO Detail Display
The layout of the DO detail display is also the same as the AO block display shown earlier in this
chapter. Figure 9-13 shows a DO detail display with the status overlay.

Figure 9-13. Detail Display for a DO Block

10. Instrument Calibration and
This chapter deals with setting up a new device in the instrument shop.
The instrument database created in an IACC control room system can be imported to a
standalone instrument shop system to prepare the H1 devices for connection to the process and
the Foxboro Evo system. The device and block configurations are downloaded from the instru-
ment shop system to the devices using a third-party interface. In addition, the instrument shop
system can be used to run methods, validate the instrument configuration against the database,
and upload device configurations to update the IACC database.
If the instrument shop system has a network connection to an IACC server, the same functions
can be performed with the instrument shop system remotely accessing the device database rather
than importing it.
Figure 10-1 shows the typical data flow for a device’s resource block (RB) and transducer block
(RB) configurations where an instrument shop (which does not have network access to the IACC
databases) is used to calibrate and otherwise prepare the field device.

Online Off-line
2 3
Add the device instance to an FBM228 Export device configurations
in the database. The instance inherits to the instrument shop system.
block configurations Export includes device identity,
RB and TB parameters
1 Define the device
type including RB and TB IACC Control IACC Instrument Connect device and run
parameters and template Room System Shop System Commission Wizard. Configured
with Download List RB and TB parameters are
downloaded to device
7 Device parameters
are uploaded to the 7
database in the IACC Run methods to calibrate 5
control room system device, setting additional
RB and TB parameters

Connect the device to

6 the FBM and run the H1 Device
Commission Wizard with devices connected to
attached Instrument
Shop System

Online Off-line
Figure 10-1. Typical Data Flow for Resource and Transducer Block Configurations

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

The configuration data for the resource and transducer blocks and the device itself flow one way
in a loop from the control room system to the workshop system to the physical device and back to
control room system via an upload during site commissioning. Note that configuration data for
function blocks is not included in this loop. The device function blocks are configured online
when the control database is downloaded to the control processor and the FBM228.
Steps in the data flow include:
1. The device type is defined in the IACC control room system. The template for the
device type specifies which device and block parameters are downloaded to the device
during commissioning and other downloads.
2. Instances of the device type are added to an FBM228. Each device instance inherits
the resource and transducer block configurations from the parent device type.
3. The configuration is exported to the instrument shop system. The export file can
include either the entire IACC database or just the FBM228 and its attached devices.

It may be necessary to change the port number in the device configuration (using
the Properties dialog box) to match the port used on the instrument shop system.

4. Maintenance personnel connect the H1 device to the IACC instrument shop system.
They use the Commission Wizard to match the physical device with a device tag in
the imported database and set device, resource block and transducer block parameters
accordingly. Only parameters that are on the Download List in the device’s templates
are downloaded to the device. An upload from the device aligns the instrument shop
database with the actual device configuration. Alignment to the database in the con-
trol room system occurs later in step 6.
5. Where practical, the instrument shop system is used to run methods on the connected
device, after which the calibration data is uploaded to the instrument shop database.
6. The devices are attached to the Foxboro Evo system. The Commission Wizard is
invoked again for each device. For those devices that have not been prepared in the
instrument shop, the wizard tags the physical devices to match configurations in the
IACC database. Again, the wizard downloads only those parameters specified for
download in the device template.
7. At the end of the commissioning sequence, the wizard uploads all device parameters
to the IACC database.
Methods are run for devices that were not calibrated in the instrument shop, after
which calibration data can be uploaded to the IACC database.
The procedures described in this chapter can be applied after deployment of the instruments for a
variety of maintenance tasks.
This chapter covers the following topics:
♦ “Instrument Shop System Check List” on page 203
♦ “Importing to a Standalone System” on page 203
♦ “Remote Access to an IACC Database” on page 205
♦ “Locating a Tag” on page 206
♦ “Comparing Databases” on page 219

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

♦ “Commissioning Devices” on page 209

♦ “Manual Device Setup” on page 215
♦ “Running Methods” on page 218
The examples in this chapter were created on a instrument shop system using a National Instru-
ments interface to the devices. The user was a member of the Maintenance group.

Instrument Shop System Check List

Before starting with the instrument preparation and calibration, verify the setup of the instrument
shop system:
♦ The National Instrument card and communications DTM (or other third party inter-
face) are installed on the instrument shop computer.
♦ Field Device Manager - Instrument Shop software is installed on the instrument shop
computer. Refer to Chapter 3 “IACC Setup” for information on installing the
♦ If the instrument shop system does not have a network connection to the IACC
server, the appropriate users have been configured on the instrument shop system.
The users and groups can be imported with the device database. The instrument shop
system user should be a member of the Maintenance user group. IACC user names
and user groups are set up by the IACC Administrator as described in Chapter 4
♦ If the instrument shop system has a network connection to the IACC server, the sys-
tem has been configured to access the target database. The appropriate users should be
configured in each remote database. Procedures for setting up remote access to an
IACC database are described on page 205 and in the “Managing IACC Databases”
topic in IACC Help.

Importing to a Standalone System

Use the IACC export/import functions to import the device configurations to a standalone
instrument shop IACC system.

It is recommended that you import the configuration data to an empty database on
the IACC instrument shop system. Review the “Managing IACC Databases” topic
in IACC Help if it is necessary to create multiple databases on the instrument shop

To export device configurations to an instrument shop system:

1. Open the control room IACC system, selecting the appropriate database if there are
multiple databases configured for this workstation and choose Window > Close All
from the IACC menu bar.
2. Click the Network tab and expand Configuration at the top of the Project Naviga-
tor to select the FBM228 that hosts the devices.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

3. Choose File > Export from the menu bar to display the Available Formats dialog
box, select IACC Format in the dialog box, and click OK.
The export file includes the selected the FBM228 object including its software and
ECB200/202, the attached H1 devices, and the device type definitions from which
the devices were derived.
4. Use the three succeeding dialog boxes to specify an export file name and folder, verify
the export specifications, and complete the action.
5. Use the appropriate media to transport the export file (*.ida) to the instrument shop
6. Check the properties of the export file after loading it on the instrument shop com-
puter, and un-check the Read only attribute if necessary.
7. Start IACC, selecting the appropriate database if the instrument shop system has mul-
tiple databases.
8. Click Configuration at the top of the Network tab and choose File > Import
from the menu bar to display the Available Formats dialog box.
9. Select IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
10. Use the IACC Import File Name dialog box to browse for and select the import file,
and click Next.
The Import dialog box displays a data tree of the objects available for import
(Figure 10-2).

Figure 10-2. Import Dialog Box

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

11. Expand the tree, select the host FBM228 or click Select All, and check one of the
import options.
If you select Copy All Objects, each pair of duplicate names that results from the
import is displayed in red italic in the Project Navigator until one of the names is
12. Click Preview to view the objects to be imported.
13. Click Next in the Import dialog box, and use the succeeding dialog boxes to verify the
import and complete the action.
The imported FBM appears under Configuration in the Network tab.

Remote Access to an IACC Database

A network connection between the instrument shop system and the control room system can be
used either for import of the device configurations to the instrument shop or for remote access to
the IACC database. With the import option, a new device database resides on the instrument
shop system, which acts as both server and client. With remote access, the instrument shop system
is a client to the control room system server. There is no separate device database in the instru-
ment shop, and uploads from the device update the IACC database in the control room system.
To set up remote database access for an instrument shop system:
1. Choose Start > Control Panel and double-click System in the Control Panel.
2. Click the Advanced tab in the System dialog box and click Environment Vari-
ables on the Advanced page.
3. Select IACC_DBNAME, delete the entry for this variable, and click OK.
4. Close the Control panel.
With the IACC_DBNAME variable set to null, IACC uses the file
IACCSettings.txt to display a list of available databases when you log on.
5. Open ..\IACC\Databases\IACCSetting.txt (Figure 10-3) in Notepad or a simi-
lar text editor and follow the instructions in the header to add the pathnames of the
target databases.
6. Start IACC, select the target database, and log on using the appropriate username.
Additional information on setting up multiple databases can be found in the “Managing IACC
Databases” topic in IACC Help.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Figure 10-3. IACCSettings File

Locating a Tag
The device tags are listed in the Project Navigator Network tab under the host FBM228’s
ECB200/202. The devices can be found by browsing the Project Navigator and displaying
ListViews for the ECB200/202.
If you need to search multiple databases for a specific tag, it may be easier to locate the tag using
the IACC search utilities in each database.
To find a tag:
1. Start IACC and select one of the available databases.
2. Choose View > Output Window if the Output window is not open at the bottom of
the screen.
3. Choose Edit > Find in Database from the menu bar to open the Find IACC
Object dialog box (Figure 10-4).

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 10-4. Find IACC Object Dialog Box and the Find Tab

4. Enter the tag in Find field, check the Name option, and click Find.
The results are displayed in Find tab in the Output window.
5. Right-click the listing and choose Where Used from the pop-up menu to display
associations with the object in the Where Used tab in the Output window
(Figure 10-5).

Figure 10-5. Where Used Tab

6. If the search does not find the object, open another database.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Verifying a Device Connection

After attaching the device to the instrument shop system, do the following to verify the
1. Verify that the communication DTM is operating.
For example, check for the NI-FBUS Communications Manager icon ( ) on the
right side of the Windows task bar to verify that the DTM is running.
2. Start IACC, click the Network tab, and expand Configuration at the top of the
Project Navigator to display the host FBM228, its software package, and its
3. Right-click the ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device
Manager (On Board Bus) from the pop-up menu to access the connected devices
via the communications DTM (Figure 10-6).

Figure 10-6. Connecting an IACC Instrument Shop Computer to an NI-FBus

4. Click the Live List tab to display the connected devices (Figure 10-7).
At this point, you can reset the device tag if necessary.

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 10-7. Live List Tab and Dialog Box for Setting Device Address and Tag

5. Click Save below the Live List tab to save the changes to the IACC database.

Commissioning Devices
The IACC Commission Wizard applies a device tag from the database to a connected device,
downloads selected device and block configurations to the device, uploads the entire device con-
figuration to the IACC, and marks the device configuration in the database as committed to a
physical device.
The wizard downloads only those resource and transducer block parameters that are included in
the Download List in the block templates, as described in “Configuring Downloads” on page 94.
Function blocks are not downloaded; the device function blocks are configured when the linked
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks are downloaded to the control station.
The Commission Wizard can be run from the instrument shop system as part of device prepara-
tion and from the control room system as part of site commissioning.
To commission a device:
1. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the host FBM228, its soft-
ware package and ECB200/220, and the attached H1 devices.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

2. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Properties from the
pop-up menu to display the properties sheet for device, and change the port number
(if necessary) to match the port used on the instrument shop system (Figure 10-9).
For example, if there is only one port on the NI interface card, you must change
Portno to 1 before you can commission the device in the instrument shop. After
commissioning, restore the device to its original port assignment (1, 2, 3 or 4).

Figure 10-8. Review the Port Number for a Device

3. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Workbench > Commission Device from the pop-up menu to start the Commis-
sion Wizard (Figure 10-9).
If you are commissioning the device from an IACC control room system, choose
Field Device Manager > Commission Device from the pop-up menu.

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 10-9. Commission Wizard

The wizard lists the physical devices that are potential matches to the device selected
in the Project Navigator. If the device has not been commissioned yet, the wizard dis-
plays a live list of physical devices with the same manufacturer ID, device type, and
device revision as the selected device in the IACC database (Figure 10-9). If the device
has already been commissioned, the wizard shows the device with the matching PD
♦ Click Show All Devices and then Refresh to see the other connected devices.
♦ Click Filter Devices and then Refresh to show only potential matches.
4. Select a physical device and click Next.
The Download Confirmation dialog box lists the steps in the download, starting with
applying the PD Tag if the device has not yet been commissioned or starting with set-
ting the device address if the device has already been tagged (Figure 10-10). The wiz-
ard then puts the device on-line and sets the resource block to OOS.
5. Check the left checkbox in POST-COMMISSIONING ACTIONS to set the target mode
in the device after the download.
If the box is not checked, the target mode is left at OOS.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Figure 10-10. Commission Wizard Listing Actions

6. Check the right checkbox in POST-COMMISSIONING ACTIONS to upload the parame-

ters from the device to IACC and mark the device as committed to a physical device.
If the box is not checked, you must manually upload and save the configuration.
7. Click Next to proceed with the download.
The wizard displays a warning dialog box (Figure 10-11) so you can confirm your
choices, or return to the previous display and revise the selections.

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 10-11. Commission Wizard Warning Dialog Box

8. Click OK to continue (or Back to change your selections or cancel the download).
The wizard displays the status of each step (PASS or FAIL) as the commissioning pro-
gresses (Figure 10-12).
If any step fails, you can either run the Commission Wizard again, or selectively
download the configuration as described in the next section.

Do not interrupt the download. Allow the wizard to complete all of the actions.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Figure 10-12. Commission Wizard During Download

The wizard displays the status of each step (PASS or FAIL) as the commissioning pro-
gresses (Figure 10-12).
If any step fails, you can either run the Commission Wizard again or selectively down-
load the configuration.

Do not interrupt the download. Allow the wizard to complete all of the actions.

After the wizard has completed most of the task on the list, and pauses and displays
the following prompt:
Select the Next >> Button to complete the ‘final mode’ Commis-
At this point, the device has been tagged, the device, resource block and transducer
block configurations have been downloaded and selected parameters have been
uploaded to the IACC database. The last steps include a comprehensive upload of
parameters from the device, a process which takes a considerable amount of time.
9. Click Finish when the wizard displays the message:
Device has been Commissioned Successfully
10. Review the contents of the FDM Editor tab in the IACC Output window for error

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

The output can be saved to a file and/or printed for document the process or assist in
11. If you are exporting the device database from the instrument shop system back to the
control room system, make sure that port number configured for each device is
restored to the port that was originally configured in the control room system
(Figure 10-13).

Figure 10-13. Restore the Port Number for the Device

Manual Device Setup

Under most circumstances the Commission Wizard is used to tag a physical device and download
the device configuration. However, you can use the following procedure to make a more selective
1. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the host FBM228, its soft-
ware package and its equipment control block (ECB200or ECB220).
2. Right-click the ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager > FBM Manager
Field Device Manager (On-Board Bus) from the pop-up menu.
3. Select the device in the Live List display and click the Change PD Tag at the bottom
of the editor window.
4. Click the Set PD Tag option button in the dialog box shown in Figure 10-14 and in
the field to the right of the option button, enter the device name used in the IACC

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Figure 10-14. Changing a Device Tag

5. Click Set in the dialog box.

At this point, you could change the device address if the segment address is known, or
you can wait until the device is connected to its host FBM228.
6. Click Close in the dialog box, and the choose File > Close from the IACC menu
bar to exit Field Device Manager.
7. Expand the FBM’s ECB200/202 in Project Navigator to display the attached devices.
8. Right-click the device and choose Field Device Manager > Workbench > Field
Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the device in Field
Device Manager.
9. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the
resource block and click the Configuration tab to display the block parameters.

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 10-15. Downloading Resource Block Parameters

10. Click the OOS button above the tab display if the block is not already out of service as
indicated by the Actual field in the upper left corner of the block display.
11. Use the pull-down list in the top left corner of the editor window to select the device
the device tag and display in the Field Device Manager navigation pane and choose
Download from the pop-up menu.
12. Do the following for each resource and transducer block to be downloaded:
a. Select the Configuration tab for the block and choose click Download All
button at the bottom of the page.
b. Click the Compare tab in the editor window.
c. Select parameters that do not match (that is, that were not downloaded) and
upload them to the IACC device database.
d. Display the Configuration tab and click the Save button.
The IACC device database marks the device and its blocks as being commissioned to a
physical device.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

Running Methods
The Methods tab lists the methods available for the selected device block. The methods can be
run from the instrument shop system to calibrate a brand new device or to re-calibrate a device
that has been taken off line for periodic maintenance. If a device must be calibrated in place, the
Methods tab can be accessed from an IACC control room system and the method run online as
part of site commissioning.
To execute a method on a transducer block as part of a device setup:
1. Open the device in Field Device Manager, select the transducer block in the pull-
down lift in the upper left corner of the editor window, and click the Methods tab to
list the methods available for the block (Figure 10-16).

Figure 10-16. Initial Display in a Transducer Block Methods Page

2. Optionally, click Customize at the bottom of the page to select specific parameters
for the monitor pane at the bottom of the page.
3. Check the manufacturer’s instruction for setting resource and transducer block modes
and click the appropriate mode button (OOS, Man, Auto) at the top of the page to
place the device blocks in the required state.

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

The function blocks are not scheduled; they remain out of service.

4. Select one of the listed methods and click Execute.

Depending on the block and method, the editor presents a series of input dialog boxes
for data such as range values, your name, and the date/time of the method execution.
5. Follow the manufacturer’s documentation to respond to the prompts displayed in the
dialog box, and note the anticipated duration of the routine.
6. Observe the progress of the method execution in the log window in the middle of the
Methods page.
7. Click the Watch option button to display a table of the parameter values for each
scan, or click the Trend option to display a trace for each of the selected parameter

The method must be run successfully at least once before the device is put in

8. When the Methods tab indicates that the method execution is finished, switch to the
Configuration tab and click the Save button to upload the results to the IACC
instrument shop device database.

The Download List in the device template should exclude any parameters that are
set as result of the calibration. See “Configuring Downloads” on page 94 for infor-
mation on defining the list.

Comparing Databases
Once the device is on-line, use the Compare tabs for resource and transducer blocks to identify
parameters that are configured differently in the device and the IACC database, and then align the
two configurations by uploading and/or downloading parameters.

While Field Device Manager provides a Compare tab for function blocks, the fea-
ture should only be used with resource and transducer blocks. Function blocks are
configured in the IACC CSD Editor and the properties sheets for the corresponding
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks as part of control configuration; function
blocks are not configured or maintained in Field Device Manager. The Compare
tab should be used with function blocks only to view the values in the device.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

To validate a device configuration against the IACC database:

1. Select the first transducer block in Field Device Manager navigation pane to display
the block parameters.
2. Click the Compare tab.
The editor displays the database values for all parameters in the block and the device
values as the editor reads them from the device database, replacing the cyan * in the
device value column (Figure 10-17).

Control indicates that the

upload is in progress.

Cyan background indicates

that the values have not
been read yet.

Figure 10-17. Transducer Block Compare Tab While Device Values Are Being Read

If the values do not match for a specific parameter, the editor displays in the
column between the two values.
3. Select parameters to be updated:
♦ Click the row header (the left-most button in the row) to select the first parame-
♦ Press Ctrl while clicking the row headers for additional parameters.
♦ Click the left-most column header (Figure 10-18) to select all parameters.
Click the column header a second time to de-select all parameters.
4. Use the filtering options at the bottom of the page to select parameters of interest:

10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation B0700BA – Rev K

♦ Use the pull down menu to select parameters that appear on a specific tab, such as
Configuration, or choose All Tabs.
♦ Check Differences Only to display only parameters for which the values do
not agree.
♦ Check Selections Only to show only parameters you have selected.

Click this column head to select all parameters.

Click this button to select the parameter.

Figure 10-18. Compare Tab Showing Differences Only

5. Select parameters to be updated and do one of the following:

♦ Click Upload Sel to align the IACC database with the device configuration.
The parameters are updated in the IACC database are updated if their locked sta-
tus is either locked by me ( ) or unlocked ( ). Parameters with that are
locked by a parent device type ( ) are not updated by the upload.
♦ Click Download Sel to update the device with values from the IACC Database.
To be successfully downloaded a parameter must be in the Writable Parameters
List in the block’s download configuration, as described in “Configuring Down-
loads” on page 94.
If a parameter fails to upload or download the value field changes to a dark red, and
the error is listed in the FDM Editor tab in the IACC Output window.

B0700BA – Rev K 10. Instrument Calibration and Preparation

6. Click Refresh to read the values from the device and compare them to the database.
7. Click Save to save the configuration in the IACC database.
8. Select the resource block or other transducer blocks to compare the databases for those

11. Installation
This chapter describes installation of the FBM228 and connection to the H1 segments.
This chapter provides specific installation and configuration information for the FBM228
(p/n P0922QS), and should be used as a supplement to the mounting, cabling, and field wiring
instructions provided in the Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).
Also refer to the following Fieldbus Foundation documents:
♦ AG-140, Wiring and Installation, 31.25 kbits/s Voltage Mode Wire Medium,
Application Guide
♦ AG-163, Foundation fieldbus Application Guide 31.25 kbit/s Intrinsically Safe Systems
♦ DS50.02, Part 2 [Draft Standard] 1995, Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial
Control Systems _ Part 2: Physical Layer Specification and Service Definition,
Amendment to Clause 22 (Formerly Clause 11 and Clause 24).
♦ ISA-RP12.6, Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation,
Part I: Intrinsic Safety, Recommended Practice
♦ FF-816, Fieldbus FOUNDATION Physical Layer Profile Specification.
The instructions in this chapter assume that host FCP280, FCP270, or ZCP270 has already been
installed and brought on-line. The following topics are covered:
♦ “Module Fieldbus Cables” on page 225
♦ “Installation on Foxboro Baseplates” on page 228
♦ “Mounting on a Baseplate with Power Conditioners” on page 231
♦ “Fieldbus Design and Installation” on page 237
♦ “Site Installation and Specifications” on page 242
♦ “Activation of FBM228 Communications” on page 250
The FBM228 is installed in one of two basic configurations:
♦ Mounted on a baseplate with power conditioners for the H1 segments. Several variet-
ies of this configuration are provided by Pepperl+Fuchs and by MTL Instruments
Group plc. Figure 11-1 shows a redundant pair of FBM228s installed on a Pep-
perl+Fuchs FieldConnex™ baseplate.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Figure 11-1. Redundant FBM228s Mounted on a Power Conditioning Baseplate

♦ Plugged into an Foxboro modular baseplate and connected to H1 segments via a pas-
sive termination assembly. The FBMs can be installed on the same baseplate as the
host FCP280, FCP270, or FCM100 or on adjacent baseplates connected by a module
fieldbus cable. The termination assembly simply provides a connection between the
baseplate and the power conditioning equipment. Third-party power conditioning
modules are then connected using standard H1 practices with respect to power condi-
tioning, distances, bus termination, and safety certifications.
Figure 11-2 shows a redundant FBM228 pair installed on a 4-position baseplate
below the fault-tolerant host FCP280 or FCP270s. The redundant adapter (lower
left) connects the FBMs to a termination assembly, power conditioners and H1 seg-

Note: The FCP280 does not have a four-position baseplate and must be installed on a separate,
dedicated baseplate as described in B0700FW.
Figure 11-2. Redundant FBM228s Mounted on a Modular Baseplate

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Module Fieldbus Cables

Multiple baseplates can be daisy-chained from the host FCP280, FCP270, or FCM100Et base-
plate, including a mix of baseplates with and without on-board power conditioning modules.
Module Fieldbus connections between baseplates are made using pre-configured shielded twisted-
pair cable and connectors. The baseplates can be interconnected using up to 60 m (198 ft) total of
module fieldbus cables (shielded twisted-pair). For the available cables, refer to the table “Module
Fieldbus Cables” in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).
Either connector may be used for the baseplate-to-baseplate cable connections.
For a fully redundant module fieldbus, cable pairs can be plugged into:
♦ For non-FCP280 baseplates, Module Fieldbus and Time Strobe Terminator
(RH926KW (supersedes P0926KW)), described in “Module Fieldbus and Time
Strobe Splitter/Terminator (RH926KW (supersedes P0926KW))” in Standard and
Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).
♦ For the FCP280 baseplate, the redundant module Fieldbus cable adapter
(RH928CY), described in “Redundant Module Fieldbus Cable Adapter
(RH924ZJ/RH928CY)” in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide
This splitter is in turn plugged into the fieldbus connector on the baseplate. Figure 11-3 shows
redundant and non-redundant fieldbus module cabling between two modular baseplates and ter-
mination of the fieldbus on the last baseplate.
For all non-FCP280 baseplates, terminators must be used at all Module Fieldbus connectors that
are not used for actual connection of the Module Fieldbus cables. The terminators can be either a
fieldbus plug (RH916RB (supersedes P0916RB)) or the splitter (RH926KW (supersedes
For termination of Fieldbus ports on FCP280 baseplates, refer to “HDLC Fieldbus Termination”
in Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW).

The dual cable FCP280 baseplate has dedicated “A” versus “B” fieldbus ports and
does not need the RH928CY “Y” cable.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Figure 11-3. Module Fieldbus Cabling

Refer to Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) for additional details
on installing module fieldbus cables.

Baseplate and Module Identity

An FBM228 identity is based on the letterbug of the host FCP280, FCP270, or FCM100Et and
on the FBM’s location in the module fieldbus, as follows:
♦ When the host control station is a ZCP270, the first four characters of the six-charac-
ter letterbug are the same as the first four of the FCM100Et. When the host control
station is an FCP280 or FCP270, the first four characters of the FBM letterbug can be
any combination of letters, numbers and the underscore character.
♦ The fifth character is the number of the baseplate in the module fieldbus (0 to 3).
Baseplate 0 is the first baseplate in which FBMs can be installed. Adjacent two-posi-
tion and four-position baseplates can be combine to form one virtual baseplate of up
to eight modules (four redundant FBMs). Switches on the baseplates set the baseplate
number, as well as the module number.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

♦ For non-redundant FBMs the sixth character of the letter is position number of the
module in the baseplate, 1 through 8. For redundant FBMs, the sixth character is a
letter indicating the two adjacent slots in which the module pair is installed: A for 1
and 2, B for 3 and 4, C for 5 and 6, and D for 7 and 8.

For addressing with the FCP280, refer to “FCP280/200 Series FBM Module Iden-
tification” in Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User’s Guide (B0700FW).

Figure 11-4 shows an FCP270 (letterbug ID: FCP900) mounted on a 2-position baseplate con-
nected to four baseplates:
♦ Two P+F FieldConnex power-conditioning baseplates each with redundant FBM228s
♦ Four-position modular baseplate with an FBM207, an FBM217, and a redundant
♦ MTL power-conditioning baseplate with a redundant FBM228 pair.
The DIP switch settings on the first three baseplates group the three as a single virtual baseplate
addressed as baseplate 0. The fourth baseplate is addressed as baseplate 1. Figure 11-4 also shows
the resulting FBM letterbugs.

Baseplate 0 Baseplate 1

FCP270FCP270 FBM228
FBM228 FBM228

Fault-Tolerant P+F FieldConnex P+F FieldConnex Foxboro 4-position MTL 4-Segment

FCP270 with Redundant with Redundant baseplate with Baseplate with Redundant
> FCP900 FBM228s FBM228s FBM207 Position 5 FBM228s
(FCP280 may be used > FCP90A > FCP90B > FCP905 > FCP91A
in a similar manner.) FBM217 Position 6
> FCP906
Redundant FBM228
Positions 7 and 8
> FCP90D
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
On On On On On On On On Off On On On Off On Off On On On

Figure 11-4. Example of Baseplate and Module Identification

The switch settings on the power-conditioning baseplates for baseplate and module identification
are described in the following sections. Switch settings for Foxboro baseplates are described in
Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).

EMI Protection on Fieldbus Cables

The FBM228 is supplied with clamp-on ferrite cores (BF162YG) to provide EMI filtering.
For each baseplate, install a single ferrite core on the module fieldbus cable in close proximity to
the baseplate cable connector.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Installation on Foxboro Baseplates

FBM228s can be installed in a baseplate with its host FCP270, or FCM100Et, or in a separate
Foxboro two-, four-, or eight-position baseplate (Figure 11-5). The modules can be installed in
any of the baseplates described in Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide
(B0400FA), including the earlier models P0914XA and P0914XB.
Refer to B0400FA for detailed information on installation of the baseplates, the FCP270 and
FCM100Et, and power supplies.


FBM228 pair


FBM228 pair

Power Supply

Figure 11-5. FBM228s Installed on Foxboro Baseplates

When used as a redundant pair, the FBM228s are installed in adjacent baseplate positions begin-
ning with the highest numbered slots (7 and 8, 5 and 6, and so on) and a redundant adapter
module (p/n P0922RK) is placed on the two baseplate termination cable connectors to provide a
single connection for the cable from a termination assembly. Three redundant adapters are shown
on the left side of Figure 11-5, each of which connects the module pair to its right to the termina-
tion assembly.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

When using a horizontal baseplate, load the FBM pairs from right to left. On a ver-
tical baseplate begin with the lower baseplate positions.

The redundant adapter must be installed before the FBMs are powered up.

Install each non-redundant FBM228 in the lowest numbered slot available on the baseplate, and
connect the Type 1 cable from the termination assembly to the I/O connector whose
position number matches the position number of the module.

There should be no redundant modules in positions with lower numbers than those
occupied by non-redundant FBMs of any kind. For example, on a horizontal base-
plate, the redundant modules should be to the right of any non-redundant FBMs.

The FBMs are connected to the H1 segments via a Type 1 termination cable and one of two pas-
sive termination assemblies:
♦ RH922VC (supersedes P0922VC), which is rated for safe operation in temperatures
up to 50° C
♦ P0922VS, which is designed for use in NEMA-4 cabinets and is rated for safe opera-
tion in temperatures up to 70° C
Each of these assemblies consists of a T1 cable connector and a bank of terminals for connection
to a third-party power conditioning module such as the Relcom FPS-1 Redundant fieldbus power
supply. The assembly has no power connections or terminators; its function is simply to pass
signals to and from the FBM228.
A Type 1 cable from the termination is plugged into the redundant adapter or single connector.
The termination assembly is supplied with clamp-on ferrite cores (p/n BF162YG) for use on the
T1 cable to provide EMI filtering.
♦ Place two cores on the T1 cable in close proximity to the redundant adapter or the
termination cable connector on the baseplate.
At the baseplate, the cable is plugged into either the redundant adapter or an I/O connector.
The other end of the cable is plugged into one of the termination assembly type. For the available
Type 1 termination cables, refer to “Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) TA Cables and Part
Numbers” and “Polyurethane Termination Cables and Part Numbers” in Standard and Compact
200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).

Third-Party Termination Assemblies

A number of fieldbus terminations are available from other manufacturers. This document does
not cover installation of third-party fieldbus terminations; consult the manufacturer’s web site for
specifications and installation information:
♦ Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH: www.pepperl-fuchs.com
♦ Hans Turck GmbH & Co.: www.turck.com

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

♦ The MTL Instruments Group plc: www.mtl-inst.com/products/fieldbus

H1 Segment Connections
For general information on FOUNDATION fieldbus cabling and topologies, refer to
FOUNDATION fieldbus document AG-140, Wiring and Installation, 31.25 kbits/s
Voltage Mode Wire Medium, Application Guide.

To connect the H1 devices to the FBM:

1. Mount the termination assembly on a DIN rail.
See Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) for detailed
installation instructions.
2. Plug one end of the T1 cable into the redundant adapter (or single I/O connector on
the baseplate), and other end into the connector on the termination assembly.
3. Place two ferrite cores (BF162YG) on the T1 cable in close proximity to the redun-
dant adapter or the termination cable connector on the baseplate.
4. Connect the power conditioning module for each segment to the labels on the assem-
For each channel, there are two sets of connection terminals (that is, two 0+ points,
two 0−points, and two sh points). Connect to either set.
Figure 11-6 shows an assembly in which the first channel has been connected to a
power conditioner.
Note that this setup includes a jumper from the second shield terminal to one of the
ground points on the left. The two terminals on the left end of the 0−and sh rows are
ground points used to connect the segment shield to the frame ground of the
FBM228 baseplate.
The FOUNDATION fieldbus cabling must be configured such that one of the signal
wires has a positive (+) voltage and the other a negative (−). Cables available from
FOUNDATION fieldbus cable manufacturers use the following color code:
+ = Orange
− = Blue

Cabling from other manufactures (with different color coding) may be used, provided
the polarity of the two signal wires is kept consistent throughout the cable network.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

End-Bus Connection
FBM228, Foundation fieldbus
01 02 03 04

Note: C
Connections are M
shown for M
channel 1 only. N
Jumper to o+
connect sh sh sh sh Points
to frame o+
ground at the

To Power
for Segment 1
Figure 11-6. Fieldbus Cable Connections

5. Connect the third-party power conditioning modules using standard H1 practices

with respect to power conditioning, distances, bus termination, and safety certifica-

Mounting on a Baseplate with Power Conditioners

This section describes installation of FBM228s on the power conditioning baseplates offered by
Pepperl+Fuchs and MTL.
Although the layout of the boards differ, they provide the same connections in linking the H1 seg-
ments, FBM228s and the host CP.
Multiple power-conditioning baseplates can be daisy-chained from a baseplate with an FCP280,
FCP270, or FCM100Et. The baseplates can also be part of a module fieldbus that includes
Foxboro modular baseplates with FBM228s and other 200 Series FBMs. The baseplate and mod-
ule identities are set with 5-switch DIPs on the baseplates. The switches enable configuration of
up to four adjacent baseplates as a single virtual baseplate, or each baseplate can be identified as a
single two-position baseplate or, in the case of the MTL eight-segment baseplate, a single four-
position baseplate.

Redundant FieldConnex Power Conditioning Baseplate

The P+F FieldConnex redundant power conditioning baseplate (FTBA-228-BPFP-R-4R)
includes slots for a redundant FBM228 pair, redundant power conditioners for four H1 segments,
fieldbus terminations, and power-fault alarm connections. The baseplate can be configured with
either HD2-FCBCL-1.500 passive conditioners or the galvanically isolating HD2-FBPOS-1.500.
The configuration in Figure 11-7 includes a fault-tolerant FCP280 or FCP270 mounted on a 2-
position baseplate and redundant FBM228s installed on a FieldConnex baseplate. In the example,

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

the FCP270 letterbug is FCP800. Both baseplates receive bulk power from an FPS400-24
200 Series power supply.
To install redundant FBMs on power conditioning baseplate:
1. Mount the power supply and FCP280 or FCP270 baseplate on one or more DIN rails
in the enclosure, and install the control processors as described in:
♦ Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) - for power
supply and baseplate
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW) - for FCP280
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR) - for FCP270
2. Connect the Primary and Secondary connectors on the FCP280 or FCP270 baseplate
to outputs on the FPS400-24 power supply.
3. Follow the instructions in the P+F documentation to attach the baseplate to a DIN
rail and install the power conditioning modules.
4. Press the each FBM228 module in place on the baseplate so that the two connectors
on the rear of the module plug into the mating connectors on the baseplate, and
tighten the two hex screws on the top and bottom of the module.
5. Connect one set of the Primary and Secondary connectors on the FieldConnex base-
plate to outputs on the FPS400-24 power supply.
The other pair of connectors can be connected to a second supply for redundant bulk
6. Insert the fieldbus cable from the FCP280 or FCP270 into a 9-pin connector on
either side baseplate.
7. Use the other 9-pin connector to connect a cable to the next baseplate or terminate
the module fieldbus with a termination plug (RH916RB (supersedes P0916RB) or
RH926KW (supersedes P0926KW)).
8. Set the module identities using the 5-switch DIP on each baseplate (Table 11-1).
Note that up to four daisy-chained baseplates can be identified as a virtual single base-
plate or as multiple baseplates.

Table 11-1. DIP Settings for Redundant Pair on a FieldConnex Baseplate

Baseplate ID Module Position

Number Switch 1 Switch 2 Number Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5
0 On On 1 & 2 (A) On On On
1 On Off 3 & 4 (B) On Off On
2 Off On 5 & 6 (C) Off On On
3 Off Off 7 & 8 (D) Off Off On

9. Connect each segment to the labelled connectors (SEG1 throughSEG4) on the side of
the baseplate.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

24 v dc
power supply
(p/n P0917LY)

24 v dc
power supply
(p/n P0917LY)


Fault-tolerant FCP270s
(letterbug: FCP800)
two-position horizontal
modular baseplate
(p/n P0926HW)
(FCP280 can be used FCP270 FCP270
in a similar manner.)


Connect Pri and Sec to 4

outputs on the redundant

FPS400-24 power supplies. FBM228


H1 Segments

To daisy-chain power to a
second FieldConnex FBM228 1
baseplate, connect to
Pri and Sec on the Connect to the
next baseplate. next baseplate
or terminate the
1 2 3 4 5 module fieldbus
For power-fault alarming, On On On On On with a plug.
connect Fault on either Set the baseplate and module
side of the baseplate to identities with the 5-switch DIP.
to a contact input on the For baseplate 0, modules 1 & 2,
appropriate FBM. set all switches to ON. The resulting
FBM letterbug is FCP80A.

Figure 11-7. FBMs Installed on FieldConnex Power-Conditioning Baseplate

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Non-Redundant FieldConnex Baseplate

P+F also offers a FieldConnex baseplate (FBTA-228-BPFB-8) that provides slots for two non-
redundant FBM228s and eight segment connections, each of which is served by a non-redundant
power conditioner. The FBM installed in the slot labeled FBM 1 is connected to the H1 segments
labelled SEG5 through SEG8, while the FBM in slot FBM 2 is connected to SEG1 through
SEG4 (Figure 11-7).

Non-redundant Segment 8 (Port 4 on FCPA26)

FBM228 Segment 7

Segment 6

Segment 5

Segment 4

Segment 3


(FCPA27) Segment 2
Segment 1 (Port 1 on FCPA27)

1 2 3 4 5
Off On Off On Off
Set the baseplate and module
identities with the 5-switch DIP.
In this example, switches are set for
baseplate 2, modules 6 & 7 The
resulting FBM letterbugs end in
26 and 27, respectively.

Figure 11-8. Layout of the Non-Redundant FieldConnex Power-Conditioning Baseplate

The DIP settings determine the identity of the baseplate and the FBM in slot FBM 1; the module
in the adjacent slot is one position higher. The switch settings for a non-redundant power-condi-
tioning baseplate are shown in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2. DIP Settings for Non-Redundant FieldConnex Baseplate

Baseplate ID Module Number

Number Switch 1 Switch 2 FBM 1 FBM 2 Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5
0 On On Module 1 Module 2 On On On
1 On Off Module 2 Module 3 On On Off
2 Off On Module 3 Module 4 On Off On
3 Off Off Module 4 Module 5 On Off Off
Module 5 Module 6 Off On On
Module 6 Module 7 Off On Off
Module 7 Module 8 Off Off On
Module 8 Off Off Off

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

MTL 4-Segment Power-Conditioning Baseplate

The MTL F610A fieldbus power system provides power-conditioning for four H1 segments using
redundant MTI-Relcom FPS-IPM power supply modules, and slots and fieldbus connections for
a redundant FBM228 pair. The baseplate also includes the FPS-ALM Alarm Module, which is
connected to the Foxboro Evo system through connectors A1 and A2 in the lower right corner of
the baseplate. The baseplate is attached to the a mounting plate (p/n F610A-CL) which in turn is
attached to two DIN rails.
Figure 11-9 shows installation of an FBM pair on a 4-segment MTL baseplate. The baseplate is
the first in a series of baseplates connected to a fault-tolerant FCP280 or FCP270 (FCPF00)
mounted on a 2-position baseplate. The MTL module conditions sources power from an
To install redundant FBMs on an MTL four-segment baseplate:
1. Mount the power supply and FCP280 or FCP270 baseplate on one or more DIN rails
in the enclosure, and install the FCP280s or FCP270s, as described in:
♦ Standard and Compact 200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA) - for power
supply and baseplate
♦ Field Control Processor 280 (FCP280) User's Guide (B0700FW) - for FCP280
♦ Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User's Guide (B0700AR) - for FCP270
2. Follow the instructions in the MTL documentation to attach the baseplate to DIN
rails using the supplied mounting plate and to install the power conditioning mod-
3. Press the each FBM228 in place on the baseplate so that the two connectors on the
rear of the module plug into the mating connectors on the baseplate, and tighten the
two hex screws on the top and bottom of the module.
4. Connect the Primary and Secondary connectors on the FCP280 or FCP270 baseplate
to outputs on the FPS400-24 power supply.
5. Connect one set of the Primary and Secondary connectors on the MTL baseplate to
outputs on the FPS400-24 power supply.
The other pair of connectors can be connected to a second supply for redundant bulk
6. Insert the module fieldbus cable from the FCP280 or FCP270 into a 9-pin connector
adjacent to the FBMs.
7. Use the other 9-pin connector to connect a cable to the next baseplate or terminate
the module fieldbus with a termination plug (RH916RB (supersedes P0916RB) or
RH926KW (supersedes P0926KW)).
8. Refer to Table 11-3 and set the module identities using the 5-switch DIP on the
Note that up to four daisy-chained baseplates can be identified as a virtual single base-
plate or as multiple baseplates.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Dual 24 v dc
Power Supplies
FPS400-24 FPS400-24

FCP270 FCP280 and baseplate can
be used in a similar manner.

FCP270 FCP270
Connect Primary
and Secondary
1 2 3 4 5 Power to outputs
Set 5-switch DIP to identify the On On On On On on the FPS400-24.
baseplate and modules. Set all
switches ON for baseplate 0 and
modules 1 & 2. The resulting IPM IPM IPM IPM
FBM letterbug is FCPF0A.

2 FBM228 FBM228
Connect Fieldbus
connector to the
FCP280 or FCP270
A2 baseplate or a previous
baseplate with FBMs.
For power fault alarming, connect Connect the second
A1 and A 2 to the appropriate Fieldbus to the next
contact input FBM. baseplate, or terminate
the module fieldbus with
a fieldbus plug.

Figure 11-9. FBMs Installed on MTL Four-Segment Baseplate

Table 11-3. DIP Settings for a Four-Segment MTL Baseplate

Baseplate ID Module Position

Number Switch 1 Switch 2 Number Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5
0 On On 1 & 2 (A) On On On
1 On Off 3 & 4 (B) On Off On
2 Off On 5 & 6 (C) Off On On
3 Off Off 7 & 8 (D) Off Off On

9. Connect each segment using connectors on the left side of the baseplate.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Configuring Power-Fault Alarms

Both the FieldConnex and MTL baseplates include connections for power-fault alarming:
♦ Two connectors labeled Alarm on the FieldConnex baseplates provide a voltage out-
put to the Foxboro Evo system, where an input block is configured to generate an
alarm when the signal transitions from high to low to indicate that one of the power
conditioning modules has a fault. The operator can then inspect the baseplate, where
an LEDs will indicate the failed modules.
♦ Connectors A1 and A2 on the MTL baseplates are dry contacts which are then con-
nected to an input on digital FBM such as the FBM207. When there is a power fault
on the MTL baseplate, the normally closed circuit transitions to open, providing a
alarmable event to notify the operator that there is a problem with the baseplate.
To configure the alarming:
1. Install an FBM217 on the module fieldbus and connect the alarm points to inputs on
the FBM’s termination assembly.
2. Create an alarm compound in the host FCP280, or FCP270/ZCP270 and add a CIN
block for each input or an MCIN block for a group of eight inputs.
3. Configure the alarm options in the input blocks and the alarm compound.
Refer to the following documents for information on alarm configuration:
♦ Control Processor 270 (CP270) and Field Control Processor 280 (CP280) Integrated
Control Software Concepts (B0700AG)
♦ Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX)
♦ Process Operations and Displays (B0700BN)
♦ Alarm and Display Manager Configuration (B0700AM).

Fieldbus Design and Installation

Major portions of the system design should be well understood before the fieldbus segment design
begins. Prior to defining fieldbus segments, the process control strategy should be complete, the
P&ID’s available, and instruments selected with locations determined. Therefore, the P&ID’s,
Instrument Location drawings and Plot Plans are needed to effectively design fieldbus segments.

Segment Topology
Typical fieldbus installations utilize the point-to-point, spur, and tree topologies, or combinations
or tree and spur, in which various components of the fieldbus segments can be connected
together. Select the topology based on the physical location of the device and relative installation
costs. Plot plans are used in addition to P&ID's and instrument indexes during the design of a
fieldbus segment.
Spur connections shown junction boxes in Figure 11-10 through Figure 11-13 are generally cur-
rent limiting (60 mA) connections to the bus to provide short-circuit protection and to provide
the ability to work on field devices without a hot work permit. This current limiting connection
should provide a non-incendive or intrinsically safe connection to the field device.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Point-to-Point Topology
This topology consists of a segment having only two devices, such as a transmitter connected
directly to the FBM228 (Figure 11-10).

To termination
Trunk Junction Box
assembly and


Figure 11-10. Simple Point-to-Point Topology

Tree Topology (Chicken Foot)

Tree, or chicken foot, topology consists of a single fieldbus segment connected to a common junc-
tion box (Figure 11-11). This topology can be used at the end of a home run cable. It is practical
if the devices on the same segment are well separated, but in the general area of the junction box.
When using this topology, the maximum spur lengths must be considered, as discussed in “Dis-
tance Constraints” on page 240.
This is the typical topology for incorporating existing wiring, as it is most common to the conven-
tional installation and therefore provides the optimal use of infrastructure. This topology also
allows maximum flexibility when configuring and assigning devices to segments.

To termination Trunk Junction Box

assembly and


Figure 11-11. Tree Topology

Spur Topology
Spur topology (Figure 11-12) consists of fieldbus devices connected to a multi-drop bus segment
through a length of cable called a spur. This technology is technically acceptable but not generally
a good economic choice.

To termination Box
assembly and


Figure 11-12. Spur Topology

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Combining Topologies
When combining spur and tree topologies to form a single segment (Figure 11-13) follow the
rules for maximum fieldbus segment length, and include the length of spurs in the total length
calculation. Spurs are permitted to extend only from trunk lines and not from other spur lines.

To termination Box
assembly and

Figure 11-13. Combining Topologies

Fieldbus Wiring
Cable Types
Use individually shielded, twisted-pair cable designed especially for Foundation fieldbus for all
new installations to get maximum performance form the network. Twisted pair wire is used rather
than a pair of parallel wires to reduce external noise from getting onto the wires. The shield over
the twisted pairs further reduces susceptibility to noise. Table 11-4 shows the typical FOUNDA-
TION fieldbus cable characteristics per the IEC Physical Layer Standard.

Table 11-4. FOUNDATION fieldbus Cable Characteristics

Wire Size 18 AWG (0.8 mm²)

Shield 90% coverage
Attenuation 3 db/km at 39 kHz
Maximum Capacitance 150 pF/m
Characteristic Impedance 100 Ohms +/- 20% at 31.25 kHz

Cables for FOUNDATION fieldbus installations should be labeled Type A (18 American Wire
Gauge). All cables should either be armored single or multiple twisted pair with an individual
shield for each pair. Multi-pair cables should have an additional overall shield.

Fieldbus Terminators
Each fieldbus segment should have two, and only two terminators. The wiring between the two
terminators is defined as the trunk. Terminators located in the field are generally installed in a
junction box.
When a signal travels on a cable and encounters a discontinuity, such as a wire open or short, it
produces a reflection. The portion of the signal that echoes from the discontinuity travels in the
opposite direction. This reflection is a form of noise that distorts the signal. A terminator is used
to prevent a reflection at the ends of a fieldbus cable. A fieldbus terminator consists of a 1mF
capacitor in series with a 100 W resistor. Some of the wiring components, such as the FOUNDA-
TION fieldbus power supplies, have terminators built into them. These terminators may be per-
manently installed, turned on or off using a DIP switch, or placed into use by a wiring jumper.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Figure 11-14. Fieldbus Terminating Electrical Circuit

Distance Constraints
The maximum allowed length of a fieldbus segment is 1900 m (6232 ft). Compute total segment
length by adding the length of the main trunk line and all the spurs that extend from it.
Total Segment Length = Trunk + All Spurs

Homerun Cable (Trunk)

Use Type A (18 AWG) multi-pair, individually shielded cable for FIeldbus signals for all trunk
Cable routing should conform to FOUNDATION fieldbus specification. Avoid runs parallel to high
power cables, and make sure there is adequate spacing and shielding.
Good design practice dictates providing a 20% spare pairs capacity all multi-pair Fieldbus seg-
ment trunk cables, with a minimum of one spare pair. This requirement includes spares on trunk
cable runs between marshalling racks and junction boxes, and between junction boxes.
The decision to use multi-pair or single pair trunk cabling depends on the number of segments
installed in the field area. Typically, the trunk cable is a multi-pair cable if there is more than one
segment in the area or the segment in the area is to be loaded to maximum.

A spur is an H1 branch line connecting to the main trunk line. The trunk is considered to be the
main cable run and contains segment terminators at each end. A spur can vary in length from 1
meter to 120 meters.
When a short circuit protection wiring block is utilized, the segment design is limited to one
device per spur.
The maximum spur length, that is, the length of the cable from the wiring block to the H1
device, is 120 meters.

Good Installation Practices

Depending on device design, an H1 device can be powered from the segment (bus) or locally
The length of a fieldbus wiring system and the number of devices on a segment are limited by
power distribution, attenuation and signal distortion. For instance, the number of bus powered
(two-wire) devices on a segment is determined by the following factors:

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

♦ Output voltage of the FOUNDATION fieldbus power supply

♦ Current consumption of each device including the FBM228.
♦ Location of device on the segment, that is, the voltage drop
♦ Location of the FOUNDATION fieldbus power supply
♦ Resistance of each section of cable, which is result of the cable type
♦ Minimum operating voltage of each device
♦ Additional current consumption due to one-spur short circuit fault, ~50 mA

Wiring polarity is an important concern as some H1 devices are polarity-sensitive. A device wired
with the wrong polarity may short-circuit the segment or simply not operate. Good practice sup-
ports short circuit protection for spur branches to prevent a reverse-wired device from taking
down an entire segment.
Maintain wiring polarity throughout the segment design and installation. Typically positive is
black, brown, or orange and negative is white or blue.

Do not use the instrument signal conductors as a ground. Make the instrument safety grounds
through a separate conductor outside of the signal cable. Do not connect either conductor of the
twisted pair to ground at any point in the network.
The fieldbus signals are applied and preserved differentially throughout the network, and ground-
ing either conductor would be expected to cause all devices on that bus segment to lose communi-
cations for the period that the conductor is grounded.

Terminate the instrument shield at the FBM228 end (that is, the power conditioner end) of the
segment in the marshalling cabinet. Do not connect the shielding to ground at any other place.
If a multiple home run cable goes to a field junction box, do not connect the cable shield wires
from different networks together. Connecting the shield from different networks creates ground
loops and noise within the network

Voltage Drop Calculation

Circuit analysis should be conducted for each fieldbus segment to determine the operating voltage
at each device since the power consumption of each device varies by type and manufacturer. Refer
to the product specifications for each device for minimum voltage and current requirements.
Voltage and current requirements are important considerations while conducting the circuit anal-
ysis for the segment. The calculated voltage at the device should equal the device’s minimum volt-
age rating plus an agreed upon safety power margin which would support an additional device on
the segment if needed. For example, the calculated voltage is 13 volts when the minimum voltage
is 9 volts and the safety margin is 4 volts. It is good practice to include the calculated voltage for
each device on the segment drawing.
A Fieldbus Foundation certified device is required to operate at between 9 v dc and 32 v dc.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Fieldbus Attenuation Calculation

The ISA S50 standard recommends 1900 meters as a good practical limit for field installations.
Signals diminish, or attenuate, as they travel on a cable. Attenuation, measured in dB, is calcu-
lated as follows:

Cables have attenuation ratings for a given frequency. The FOUNDATION fieldbus frequency of
interest is 39 kHz, and thus FOUNDATION fieldbus cable has an attenuation of 3 dB/Km at 39
kHz. The signal’s amplitude is approximately 70% of the original signal after traveling 1 km; a
500 meter standard fieldbus cable would have an attenuation of 1.5 dB.

Site Installation and Specifications

The fieldbus segment installation is the first major milestone in the Fieldbus commissioning pro-
cess. Procedures for commissioning of Fieldbus systems include:
♦ Cable, junction box, and Megablock continuity, grounding, and insulation testing
♦ Field device connection and signal analysis
♦ Device download/software checks
♦ Bus monitor capture and Scope waveform capture
♦ Field device physical installation
♦ Process connection pressure testing and inspection
♦ Field device configuration
♦ Loop and valve tuning using methods
♦ Data reconciliation

Network Installation
The network segment installation steps are listed below.

Initial Cable Checkout

Irregularities with new cable are so infrequent that the technicians generally check the integrity of
the cable after the installation of the segments.

Cable Installation
Install the cable in the following order:
1. Install the trunk cable (the longest cable of the fieldbus network).
2. Install terminators at both ends of trunk cable.
3. Install any spur lines to the trunk cable.
4. Perform cable resistance and grounding tests
5. Connect power supply, power conditioner, grounds, and FBM interface to the trunk

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

6. Perform the Segment Test Procedure (page 246)

7. After testing the network wiring system, the devices can be connected and commis-
sioning of the loops can proceed.

Cable Test Procedure

Use this procedure to check each segment for proper power, grounding, and isolation before you
commission field devices on the segment. Record the readings for steps 1 through 5 on the Field-
bus Segment Checkout form (page 246). Make one copy of the form for each segment that you
are checking.
You will need the following tools to perform the segment checkout procedure:
♦ Fluke scope meter (124) with resistance, dc voltage, and capacitance measurement
♦ Small screwdriver
♦ Fieldbus Segment Checkout Form
Before performing the checkout procedure:
1. Ensure that the field wiring is completed and properly terminated and that all field
spurs (but not devices) are attached.
2. Remove the Fieldbus segment cable (+, -, and shield) at power conditioner terminal
block connector locations.
3. Remove only the connector to the field wiring.
It is not necessary to remove the FBM228. Removing the connector to the field wir-
ing isolates the field wiring from the FBM228 and power supply, isolates the shield
from ground, and enables you to make the resistance and capacitance measurements
in the checkout procedure.

Make sure that technician’s bare hands do not come in contact with meter leads or
segment wiring. The body acts as capacitor and body contact with leads or wiring
could result in false readings.

Step 1: Resistance Check

♦ Measure resistance on the H1 segment conductors at the removed terminal block con-
nector coming in from the field.
Expected results are shown in Table 11-5.

Table 11-5. Resistance on H1 Segment Conductors

Measure resistance from the: Expected Result:

+ signal conductor to - signal conductor > 50 Kω (increasing) See Note 1

+ signal conductor to drain/shield wire open circuit >20 Mω

- signal conductor to drain/shield wire open circuit >20 Mω

+ signal conductor to instrument ground bar open circuit >20 Mω

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Table 11-5. Resistance on H1 Segment Conductors (Continued)

- signal conductor to instrument ground bar open circuit >20 Mω

drain/shield wire to instrument ground bar open circuit >20 Mω

Step 2: Capacitance Check

♦ Measure capacitance on the H1 segment conductors at the removed terminal block
connector coming in from the field.
Expected results are shown in Table 11-6.

Table 11-6. Capacitance on H1 Segment Conductors

Measure capacitance from the: Expected Result:

+ signal conductor to - signal conductor 1 µF (0.80 to 1.20 µF acceptable) See Note 2
+ signal conductor to drain/shield wire < 300 nF
- signal conductor to drain/shield wire < 300 nF
+ signal conductor to instrument ground bar < 300 nF See Note 3
- signal conductor to instrument ground bar < 300 nF See Note 3
drain/shield wire to instrument ground bar < 300 nF See Note 3

Note 1
This value will change due to the capacitor charging in the termination RC circuit
and the capacitance in the fieldbus cables.
Note 2
A reading of <0.5 μF indicates no terminator on the segment. A reading of a nominal
2 μF indicates a second terminator on the segment. The acceptable values assume that
the power supply terminator is used as the second terminator and only one additional
terminator is connected in the field. Otherwise, the expected result would be 2 μF.
Note 3
An actual reading that is much greater or varies in a capacitor-charging manner to a
high capacitance value (>1 μF) indicates a poor quality noisy ground on the shield
ground bar. Be sure to correct this ground problem to prevent communication errors
on the fieldbus segment. A reading of 300 nF indicates noise on the ground system.
Field data has shown that readings of up to 500 nF can be acceptable providing the
fieldbus signal waveform and voltage compare to that shown in figure 6, the Wave-
form with Two Terminators (1000 ft. Cable).

Step 3: Switch Positions

This test is only used with MTL fieldbus power conditioners.
♦ Check the position of the two switches on the rear of the MTL power supply.
Expected results are shown in Table 11-7.

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Table 11-7. Switch Check with MTL Fieldbus Power Conditioner

Switch Recommended Position

Normal/dual redundancy mode (SW1) Normal Mode
Terminator (SW2) IN (to use the terminator on the power supply)

Step 4: DC Voltage Check

1. Reconnect the previously removed terminal block connectors to the power supply.
2. Tug on the wire to verify that wiring at the connectors is secure.
3. Measure the DC voltage at the terminal block connector going to the field.
Expected results are shown in Table 11-8.

Table 11-8. DC Voltage Check

Procedure for MTL 5995 Expected Result

Measure the output DC voltage between the terminals
12(+) and 11(-) or 9(+) and 8(-) on the MTL 5995 power 18.6 to 19.4 VDC
Procedure for Relcom FPS-RCI Expected Result
Measure the output DC voltage between the terminals (+)
and (-)Fieldbus Segment connection & (+) and (-) H1 25 to 28 VDC
Connection on the Relcom power supply.

Table 11-9. Cable Test Form

Company and Location:

Unit/Description: FBM Number:
Controller: Port Number:
Step 1: Resistance measurement at the H1 segment conductors coming in from the field
(+) to (-) signal Expected = > 50 K ohm (increasing) Actual =.........................................
(+) to shield Expected = open circuit > 20 MW Actual =.........................................
(-) to shield Expected = open circuit > 20 MW Actual =.........................................
(+) to ground bar Expected = open circuit > 20 MW Actual =.........................................
(-) to ground bar Expected = open circuit > 20 MW Actual =.........................................
Shield to ground bar Expected = open circuit > 20 MW Actual =.........................................
Step 2: Capacitance measurement at the H1 segment conductors coming in from the field
(+) to (-) signal Expected = 1 ìF(+/- 20%) Actual =.........................................
(+) to shield Expected = < 300 nF Actual =.........................................
(-) to shield Expected = < 300 nF Actual =.........................................
(+) to ground bar Expected = < 300 nF Actual =.........................................

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Table 11-9. Cable Test Form (Continued)

(-) to ground bar Expected = < 300 nF Actual =.........................................

Shield to ground bar Expected = < 300 nF Actual =.........................................
Step 3: MTL Switch positions (note only used with MTL Fieldbus Power Supplies)
Normal Mode (SW1) Expected = Normal Actual =.........................................
Terminator (SW2) Expected = IN Actual =.........................................
Step 4: DC voltage measurement at Fieldbus power supply/conditioner
(+) to (-) signal Expected = 18.6 -19.4 VDC Actual =.........................................
(+) to (-) signal Expected = 25 to 28 VDC Actual =.........................................

Segment Checkout Procedure

The section describes test of the fieldbus wiring can be tested using the Relcom FBT-3 Fieldbus
Wiring Monitor and Relcom FBT-5 Fieldbus Wiring Validator. The FBT-3 test the voltage, signal
levels and noise on the wiring, and the FBT-5 acts as a signal generator. The procedure also
requires and oscilloscope, a small screwdriver and one copy of the form on page for each segment.

To check out a segment:
1. Connect the FBT-3 to the terminator at the Megablock furthest from the power con-
2. Attach the FBT-5 to the other end of the cable using the clip leads, and the turn on
the FBT-5.

The red clips should connect to the positive fieldbus wire and the black clip to the
negAtive Fieldbus wire. If the wires are reversed, the FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor will
not turn on.

DC Voltage should match the result in “Step 4: DC Voltage Check” on page 245.
3. Push FBT-3 mode button once to read the LAS function.
The LAS signal level reading should indicate OK and show the signal level.
Table 11-10 provides information on signal level and wire condition.

Table 11-10. Signal Level and Wire Condition

Signal Level Wire Condition

1.25 V or greater Missing Terminator
350-1000 mV Good
150-350 mV Marginal
150 or less Will not work

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

If there is any activity on the network, the Link Active Scheduler should be sending
out probe node frames. The FBT-3 measures the signal level of the probe node frames
in millivolts. Measurements over 150 mV are OK. The FBT-5 acts as the LAS by
injecting a fieldbus signal on the wire.
4. Push the FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor’s mode button three times to get the Noise Average
The reading should indicate OK and show a noise reading. Table 11-11 provides infor-
mation on noise level and wire condition.

Table 11-11. Noise Level and Wire Condition

Noise Level Wire Condition

25 mV or Less Excellent
25-50 mV Acceptable
50-75 mV Marginal
75 mV or More Poor

The noise on the network is measured in the silence period between frames. The
value is averaged over 10 measurements. The FBT-3 displays noise readings over
693 mV.

For redundant FBM228s, the FBT-3 should show two devices on line, as each FBM
registers as a device with the FBT-3.
5. Correct problems before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Connect Field Devices

As each field device is connected and commissioned, FBT-3 readings should be taken at the field
device to see that signals and noise are within tolerance.
Commissioning in this case refers to the initial download of a device to give it a Tag name and a
node number on the segment. This commissioning does not include activities subsequent to this
initial download and does not place the device in service.

Step 3: Fill Out Form

The form should be filled out at the end of commissioning of all field devices. Readings should be
taken with the FBT-3 at the marshalling cabinet and at the field device farthest from the marshal-
ing cabinet.

Table 11-12. Fieldbus Cable Checkout Form

Company and Location:

Unit/Description: FBM Number:
Controller: Port Number:
Voltage at Marshaling Cabinet Measurement from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Table 11-12. Fieldbus Cable Checkout Form (Continued)

(+) to (-) signal 25 to 29 vdc Actual =.........................................

Marshaling Cabinet Signal Level from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor
Actual LAS =.........................................
(+) to (-) signal 350 to 700 mV
Actual Min =.........................................
NOISE Average Function from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor
25 mV or Less (Excellent)
(+) to (-) signal Actual =.........................................
100 mV or More (Poor)
Voltage at Field End Measurement from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor
(+) to (-) signal 13 to 28 vdc Actual =.........................................
Field End Signal Level from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor
Actual LAS =.........................................
(+) to (-) signal 350 to 700 mV
Actual Min =.........................................
NOISE Average Function from FBT-3 Fieldbus Monitor
25 mV or Less (Excellent)
(+) to (-) signal Actual =.........................................
75 mV or More (Poor)
Number of Devices Field devices +2 Actual =.........................................

Measure the AC waveform at the Marshaling cabinet terminal block field connector.
Procedure Expected Result
Set the scope to AC, 200 mV/division, 10 micro
seconds/division for best results and press HOLD to 350 mV and 700 mV peak to peak
capture the waveform.

Verify the waveform against the expected waveform shown in the Waveform with Two Termina-
tors and 1000 ft. Cable figure. Note the differences in the signals with 1 terminator (Waveform
with One Terminator and 1000 ft. Cable) and with 3 terminators (Waveform with Three Termi-
nators and 1000 ft. Cable).
Figure 11-15 shows a waveform with two terminators and 1000 feet of cable. This is the expected

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 11-15. Waveform with Two Terminators (1000 ft. Cable)

Figure 11-16 shows a waveform with one terminator and 1000 feet of cable.

Figure 11-16. Waveform with One Terminator (1000 ft. Cable)

Figure 11-17 shows a waveform with three terminators and 1000 feet of cable.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Figure 11-17. Waveform with Three Terminators (1000 ft. Cable)

Activation of FBM228 Communications

Once the FBM228 and the H1 devices have been installed and power is applied to the H1 seg-
ments, bring the FBM and the attached devices on-line from the Foxboro Evo workstation. You
must have already performed integrated control configuration and FixAll, otherwise the System
Management Display Handler (SMDH) does not recognize the module.
You bring the FBM on-line using the System Manager or SMDH Equipment Change displays.
♦ For the System Manager, refer to the “Fieldbus Modules” chapter of System Manager
(B0750AP) for instructions on putting the FBMs on-line.
♦ For the SMDH, refer to Chapter 13 “System Management” and System
Management Displays (B0193JC) for detailed information on the use of the SMDH.
The procedures for bringing the fieldbus on-line vary depending on whether the control processor
is an FCP280, FCP270, or a ZCP270.
To bring an FBM228 and its attached devices on-line:
1. At the Foxboro Evo workstation, click the System button in the upper left corner of
the FoxView screen to display the System Monitor Domains screen (Figure 11-18).

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 11-18. System Domains Screen in System Management (SMDH)

2. Select the control station to which the modules are attached and click the CONFIG
button to display the field devices connected to the control station (the PIO BUS dis-
FCP280 or FCP270
For the FCP280 or FCP270, the display shows the attached FBMs. Figure 11-19
shows the configuration of a fault-tolerant FCP270 pair (CPFF01/F270 FT), its Pri-
mary ECB (CPFF01/FBM 0), and a network map showing five FBMs attached to the

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Device ID

Boxes indicate displays of attached H1
devices are available on the next level.

Figure 11-19. PIO Bus Display of an FCP270 and Attached FBMs (Similar for FCP280)

See System Management Displays (B0193JC) for more information on the PIO bus
display for the FCP280 or FCP270.
If the control station is a ZCP270, the CONFIG button shows the FCM100s assigned
to the ZCP270.
♦ Select the host FCM100 and click NEXT LEVEL to display the FCM, its Primary
ECB and the attached FBMs.
The layout of the resulting display is the same as that in Figure 11-19; however the
FCM and its Primary ECB are shown instead of the control station and its Primary
3. Select the FBM (FFBM1D is selected in Figure 11-19) and click EQUIP CHG to display
the Equipment Change display for the module.
The currently enabled actions are displayed in white (Figure 11-20).

11. Installation B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 11-20. Equipment Change Display

4. Select GO ON-LINE and, if the FBM is a redundant pair, click Both in the module
selection dialog box.
5. Click the button to return to the PIO Bus display, and then do the following for
each device to be brought on-line:
a. Select the FBM and click Next Level to display the port selection dialog box
(Figure 11-21), and click a port number to display the devices on that segment.

Figure 11-21. Selecting the H1 Segment

b. Select each ECB201, and click EQUIP CHG to display its Equipment Change dis-
play (Figure 11-22), and then click ENABLE COMMUNICATIONS.

B0700BA – Rev K 11. Installation

Figure 11-22. I/O Display for an H1 Segment

c. Click EQUIP INFO to check the status of the device as it comes on-line.
Refer to Chapter 13 “System Management” for descriptions of the Equipment
Information pages for the FBM228 and H1 devices.
d. Click the button to segment display to activate communications on the other
devices on the selected segment.
e. Click the button in the segment display to return to the PIO bus display and
activate communications on the other segments.
Use the General Download capabilities in SMDH to bring all H1 device on-line after a commis-
sioning of multiple devices, major changes to the fieldbus, or recovery from a power failure.

12. Site Commissioning
This chapter covers the activities following the first-time attachment of devices to the system,
including device commissioning Field Device Manager - Control Room, associating the correct
device serial numbers with device instances in the IACC database, and downloading
Many of the tasks included in this chapter, such as commissioning a device and downloading
resource and transducer blocks, can be accomplished offline using Field Device Manager - Instru-
ment Shop. However, you can also perform device commissioning tasks online from an IACC
control system, as well as make last-minute adjustments to the device block parameters.

A device can be accessed online using Field Control Manager - Control Room
before the device ECB is downloaded from the IACC database. You can perform
functions such as modifying resource and transducer blocks, and running methods
when the physical device is tagged to match the device instance in the IACC data-
base. You can tag the device using the Commission Wizard (page 255) or the seg-
ment live list display (page 263).

The chapter covers the following topics:

♦ “Device Commissioning” on page 255
♦ “Using a Segment Live List Display” on page 261
♦ “Removing a Device” on page 266
♦ “Running a Process Simulation in the Field Devices” on page 266

Device Commissioning
The IACC Commission Wizard applies a device tag from the database to a connected device,
downloads selected device and block parameters to the device, uploads the entire device configu-
ration to the IACC database, and marks the device configuration in the database as committed to
a physical device.
The wizard downloads only those resource and transducer block parameters that are included in
the Download List in the block templates, as described in “Configuring Downloads” on page 94.
Function blocks are not downloaded; the device function blocks are configured when the linked
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks are downloaded to the control station. At the completion
of the commissioning, the wizard uploads device and block parameters from the device to align
device configuration with the IACC database. However, parameters that are locked by a parent
device type are not changed by the upload.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

The Foxboro Evo system requires that the resource block target mode be set to Auto. Before start-
ing the Commission Wizard:
1. Open the device in the Field Device Manager and select the resource block.
2. Click the Configuration tab, expand +5 MODE_BLK and make sure that
MODE_Blk.Target is set to Auto.
3. Click Save and exit Field Device Manager
The Commission Wizard can be run from the instrument shop system as part of device prepara-
tion and from the control room system as part of site commissioning.
To commission a device from an IACC control room system:
1. Use System Management displays to confirm that the host FBM228 is online.
Refer to “Activation of FBM228 Communications” on page 250 for information on
bringing the FBM online.
2. Start IACC and open the appropriate database, if it is not already opened.
3. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the host FBM228, its soft-
ware package and its equipment control block (ECB200 of ECB202).
4. Expand the ECB200/202 to display the devices configured for the FBM.
5. Connect the new device to the assigned H1 segment.
The FBM228 recognizes the device as new for one of the following reasons:
♦ The device tag does not match any tag configured for the segment.
♦ The device tag matches a device tag in the database that is assigned to the same
FBM and segment, but the serial numbers do not match.
♦ The device has been disconnected from the segment for more than 15 seconds.
6. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Commission Device from the pop-up menu.
Field Device Manager displays a confirmation dialog box if the selected device has
already been commissioned and is online (Figure 12-1).

Figure 12-1. Confirmation When the Selected Device is Online

♦ Click Yes to continue (or No to cancel).

Field Device Manager displays the first page of the Commission Wizard
(Figure 12-2).

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

System messages displayed in this pane are also shown

in the FDM Editor tab in the IACC Output window.

Figure 12-2. Commission Wizard

The wizard lists the physical devices that are potential matches to the device selected
in the Project Navigator. If the device has not been commissioned yet, the wizard dis-
plays a live list of physical devices with the same manufacturer ID, device type, and
device revision as the selected device in the IACC database. If the device has already
been commissioned (Figure 12-2), the wizard shows the device with the matching PD
♦ Click Show All Devices and then Refresh to see the other connected devices.
♦ Click Filter Devices and then Refresh to show only potential matches.
7. Select a physical device and click Next.
The Download Confirmation dialog box (Figure 12-3) lists the steps in the download
process, starting with applying the PD Tag if the device has not yet been commis-
sioned or setting the device address if the device has already been tagged. The wizard
then puts the device on-line and sets the resource block to OOS.
8. Check the left checkbox in POST-COMMISSIONING ACTIONS to set the target mode
in the device after the download.
If the box is not checked, the target mode is left at OOS.
9. Scroll the actions list in the dialog box to ensure that the target mode will be set to
Auto after the device blocks are downloaded (step 11 in Figure 12-3).

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

Make sure the resource

block target mode will
be set to Auto.

Figure 12-3. Commission Wizard Listing Actions

10. Use the checkboxes on the right in POST-COMMISSIONING ACTIONS to specify which
device blocks are to be uploaded from the device to IACC database.
Uploading the resource and transducer block values will mark the device in the IACC
database as committed to a physical device. If the resource and transducer box is not
checked, you must manually upload and save the configuration to align the databases.
11. Click Next to proceed with the download.
The wizard displays a warning dialog box (Figure 12-4) so you can confirm your
choices, or return to the previous display and revise the selections.

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 12-4. Commission Wizard Warning Dialog Box

12. Click OK to continue (or Back to change your selections or cancel the download).
The wizard displays the status of each step (PASS or FAIL) as the commissioning pro-
gresses (Figure 12-5).
If any step fails, you can either run the Commission Wizard again or selectively down-
load the configuration.

Do not interrupt the download. Allow the wizard to complete all of the actions.

After the wizard has completed most of the tasks on the list, it pauses and displays the
following prompt:
Select the Next >> Button to complete the ‘final mode’ Commis-
At this point, the device has been tagged; the device, resource block and transducer
block configurations have been downloaded; and selected parameters have been
uploaded to the IACC database. The last steps include a comprehensive upload of
parameters from the device, a process which takes a considerable amount of time.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

Figure 12-5. Commission Wizard During Download

13. Click Finish when the wizard displays the message:

Device has been Commissioned Successfully
14. Review the contents of the FDM Editor tab in the IACC Output window for error
The messages can be saved to a file and/or printed to document the process or to assist
in troubleshooting.
When the Commission Wizard is run from an instrument shop system, this is the end
of the commissioning process.
When run from a control room system, the wizard prompts for a confirmation to
bring the device on-line (Figure 12-6) if the commissioning was successful. Bringing
the device online will cause the host FBM228 to recalculate the Link Active Schedule.

Figure 12-6. Confirmation to Bring Device Online

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

15. Click Yes to bring the device online now, or click No and bring the device online later
using the ENABLE COMMUNICATIONS change action in System Management displays,
as described in “Activation of FBM228 Communications” on page 250.
16. Use System Manager displays to determine whether the device is online (ECB name is
displayed in white) or offline (ECB name is displayed in yellow).

Using a Segment Live List Display

This section describes use of the Live List tab when an FBM is opened in Field Device Manager
Control Room to do the following:
♦ View all devices on a segment
♦ Change a device tag
♦ Change a device address
Setting the device tag and setting the address are normally accomplished by the Commission
Wizard. The Live List provides an alternative means of performing the individual tasks for device
that have already been commissioned in the instrument shop or the factory and that are otherwise
ready except for the tag and/or address.

Viewing Devices
To view the devices currently connected on a segment:
1. Expand the host FBM228 in the Network tab to display the FBM’s software and its
equipment control block (ECB200 or ECB202).
2. Right-click the ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager > FBM228 Man-
ager from the pop-up menu to open the module in Field Device Manager.
3. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select an H1
segment (Link1 in Figure 12-7) and click the Live List tab in editor window.
The Live List tab (Figure 12-7) includes a table identifying the devices on the link by
the current tag and address, manufacturer ID, device type and revision, DD revision,
and serial number (ID in Figure 12-7). It may take several seconds for Field Device
Manager to complete all fields in the table.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

Figure 12-7. Live List Display for a Segment

Initially, the Live List tab shows only devices with addresses in the following ranges:
♦ Working: 18 (0x12) to 36 (0x24). All devices should be in this range, sometimes
referred to as the legal range, to ensure proper commissioning and operation of
the devices.
♦ Temporary: 248 (0xF8) to 251 (0xFB). When a device is added to the segment it
is assigned to this range if the device’s address conflicts with a device already on
the segment. The device should be moved to an address in the working range
before being put into operation.
♦ Visitors and Default: 252 (0xFC) to 255 (0xFF). This range is used for hand-
held H1 devices and similar connections.
Initially, restricting the scan to these ranges provides better response time, as scanning
for addresses has a relatively low priority compared to other scheduled activities on the
H1 network and polling all possible addresses on the segment can take multiple mac-
rocycles to complete.
However, it may be necessary to scan all addresses to list a device that has just been
connected to the segment and is not shown in any of the three polled ranges.

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

4. Check the Scan All Addresses option in the upper right corner of the tab to dis-
play all devices physically connected to the segment including those with an address in
the range 37 to 223.
5. Un-check the option once the device has been assigned a legal address.

Setting PD_tags to Devices

FOUNDATION fieldbus does not support two devices with the same PD_tag on an
H1 segment. The second device to be added is not displayed in a live list of the seg-
ment. The presence of such an invisible device is indicated in Field Device Manager
by the Device Count being higher than the number of devices in the Live List tab.

The Live List tab enables you to change individual device tags so that the PD_tags match the
device names in the IACC database. Use this feature when you add a device that has been pre-
pared in the instrument shop or shipped fully configured from the device manufacturer, but has a
PD_tag that does not match the device identity in IACC.
To set a PD_tag:
1. Display the Live List for the segment to which the device is connected (Figure 12-7).
2. Select the device and click the Set PD Tag button at the bottom of the editor win-
3. Enter the new name in the Tag field in the Set PD Tag dialog box (Figure 12-8) and
click Change.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

Figure 12-8. Changing the PD_tag in the Physical Device

A dialog box warns that this action takes the device out of service and disrupts control
applications using the device (Figure 12-9).

Figure 12-9. Warning Displayed Before a Device Tag Change

4. Click OK in the dialog box to confirm the action (or click Cancel to leave the tag as
A second dialog box advises that the action may take a while to complete. The config-
uration change is a low-priority action relative to other communications scheduled on
the link, and, depending on number of devices on the segment, it may take a minute
or more before Field Device Manager displays another dialog box to indicate that the
action is complete.
5. Click OK in the Success dialog box to return to the Live List tab.

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

Moving a Device to a Working Address

To assign a connected device to a legal address:
1. Check the Scan All Addresses option if the device is not shown in the live list.

Figure 12-10. Dialog Boxes Displayed During a Device Configuration Change

2. Select the device and click the Set PD Address button at the bottom of the editor
3. Use the pull-down list in the Set PD Address dialog box (Figure 12-10) to select a
legal address, and click the Change button.
A dialog box warns that this action takes the device out of service and disrupts control
applications using the device.
4. Click OK in the dialog box to confirm the action (or click Cancel to leave the address
as is).
A second dialog box (Figure 12-10) advises that the action may take a while to com-
plete. The configuration change is a low-priority action relative to other communica-
tions scheduled on the link, and, depending on number of devices on the segment, it
may take a minute or more before IACC displays another dialog box to indicate that
the action is complete.
5. Click OK in the Success dialog box (Figure 12-10) to return to the Live List tab.
6. Make sure that the Scan All Addresses option in the Live List tab is unchecked.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

Removing a Device
Removing an H1 device from the Foxboro Evo system involves taking the device off line, physi-
cally removing it from the segment, deleting the device ECB from the IACC database, and down-
loading the changes to FBM. Of course, if the device provides process I/O for any control
strategies, those strategies must be modified also and then downloaded to the control station.
To remove a device from an H1 segment:
1. Make the appropriate changes in the IACC database to CSDs that reference the
device and download the changes to the control station.
Select the device in the Project Navigator and choose Edit > Where Used to display
all current configured references to the device in the IACC database.
See “Modifying Function Blocks” on page 323 for detailed instructions on modifying
and downloading blocks.
2. Switch to Foxboro Evo System Management, select the device in the display of the
segment, click EQUIP CHG at the bottom of the screen, and make the following selec-
tions in the Equipment Change screen:
♦ INHIBIT ALARMS to suppress system alarms when the device is removed
♦ DISABLE COMMS to take the device off line.
See “System Management Displays” on page 275 for detailed instructions on locating
devices in System Management and performing equipment change actions.
3. Disconnect the device from the H1 segment.
4. Access IACC and expand Configuration at the top of the Network tab to display
the host control station and the FBM228.
5. Expand the FBM228 to display its software, its ECB200/202, and the connected
6. Right-click the device to be removed, choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and
click OK in the Delete Confirmation dialog box.
7. Right-click the host control station and choose Validate/Download > Download to
update the control database in the CP and FBM.

Running a Process Simulation in the Field Devices

The procedure described in this section requires a third-party tool to access the device parameters.
No recommendation is made in this document for a specific tool as product offerings are contin-
ually evolving. Consult with your Foxboro representative for information on using current third-
party tools with the Foxboro Evo system.
Many FOUNDATION fieldbus devices support a simulation jumper that enables the user to simu-
late device output by entering values using a hand-held H1 device or similar connection.
In normal operation, the simulation jumper must be in the disable position. The Foxboro Evo
system supports simulation with the CP-resident control compounds and blocks that simulate
changes and delays in the device block outputs, as described in “Control Loop Simulation” on
page 171.

12. Site Commissioning B0700BA – Rev K

The position of the device simulation jumper can be determined by viewing the Foxboro Evo Sys-
tem Management displays. When the simulation jumper is in the enabled position, the
BLOCK_ERRORS display shows SIMULATION ACTIVE (see “Block Error Display” on
page 287).
The simulation jumper can be set to conduct tests of the loop with actual fieldbus loading and
distances. In these tests, the hand-held is used to change function block values and status.
To simulate loop operation from an H1 transmitter:
1. Connect the hand-held to the transmitter.
2. Follow the device manufacturer’s instructions to enable the simulation jumper.

Some devices require a power cycle to implement the change, and then again to
disable it.

3. Verify that the resource BLOCK_ERR parameter includes SIMULATION ACTIVE.

4. Access the AI block whose tag is the same as the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
block in the control loop.
ify the AI block output.
7. At the Foxboro Evo workstation, use FoxView Trend display or an IACC Animated
Loop Drawing to monitor AO block output and other parameters to confirm opera-
tion of the loop.
8. Do the following when the you have completed the simulation:
a. Access the device AI block and set the SIMULATE.ENABLE_DISABLE to DIS-
b. Disable the simulation jumper.
c. Access the resource block in the device and verify that BLOCK_ERR parameter does
d. Disconnect the hand-held device.

At the Foxboro Evo workstation, check the Block Error display in device ECB detail
display or System Management to ensure that the simulation jumper is not enabled.

B0700BA – Rev K 12. Site Commissioning

13. System Management
This chapter covers tools available for maintaining the FBM228 and connected H1 devices.
This chapter describes the ready-made tools available in Foxboro Evo systems for monitoring
operation of the FBM228 and the connected H1 devices, such as:
♦ FBM228 LED indicators
♦ ECB detail displays
♦ System Management displays.
In addition to these tools, you can use Foxboro Evo resources to develop your own methods for
maintaining the H1 interface. For example, you can connect DCI blocks to specific device block
parameters such as the transducer and resource BLOCK_ERR parameters as described in “Con-
figuring DCI Blocks” on page 162.

FBM228 LED Indicators

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the front of the FBM228 provide indications of the module’s
operational status, its current role as either the Master or Tracker module, and the communica-
tion activity on each of its four H1 segments (Figure 13-1).

Green LED indicates the FBM is operational.

Red indicates a hardware failure.

Amber LED indicates the FBM’s role as

either Master or Tracker.

Amber LEDs indicate FBM is managing

communication activity on the segments.

Figure 13-1. FBM228 Front Panel

Table 13-1 shows how the indicators behave during various operational states on a redundant
FBM228 pair. Table 13-2 provides similar information for a non-redundant module.

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-1. Redundant FBM228 LED Indications

Operational Status
Master/Tracker Link Active
Operational Mode Green Red Amber Amber
Starting Up/Downloading FLASH ON OFF OFF
Hardware Fail OFF ON OFF OFF
Operational - Master Role ON OFF Master: ON ON
Tracker: OFF
Operational - Tracker ON OFF Master: OFF ON
Role Tracker: ON
Tracker: ON
Synchronizing ON per opera- Master: ON ON
tional mode Tracker: FLASH

Table 13-2. Non-Redundant FBM228 LED Indications

Operational Status
Master/Tracker Link Active
Operational Mode Green Red Amber Amber
Starting Up/Downloading FLASH ON OFF OFF
Hardware Fail OFF ON OFF OFF
Operational ON OFF OFF ON

For both redundant and non-redundant FBM228s, the four Link Active LEDs are turned on
when the FBM is turned On-Line, and remain on until there is an EEPROM Update or

Identifying Modules in a Redundant Pair

In the ECB detail displays and in System Management displays, the modules in a redundant pair
are labeled Main and Backup according their positions on the baseplate. The Main module always
has the lower baseplate address, and is installed in an odd-numbered slot. The Backup module in
the pair is in the adjacent, higher-numbered position. Either module can perform the Master role.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

When a redundant pair is installed on a Foxboro baseplate, a redundant adapter
(p/n P0922RK) must also be installed for the modules to be recognized by System
Management as a redundant pair. See “Installation on Foxboro Baseplates” on
page 228 for installation instructions. The redundant adapter is not a requirement
for FBM228s installed on an MTL and P+F power conditioning baseplate.

Figure 13-2 shows two redundant pairs mounted in an 8-position horizontal baseplate. The Main
module in the pair identified with the letterbug FCM31C is in Slot 5; the Backup module in this
pair is to the right in slot 6. The FBM pair used in the sample displays in this chapter is
FCM31D, installed in slots 7 and 8. In the ECB detail displays and System Management displays
for this pair, Main is the module in slot 7 and Backup is the module in slot 8.

Slot 5 Slot 6 Slot 7 Slot 8

Main Backup Main Backup


Figure 13-2. Main Versus Backup Modules

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

ECB200/202 Detail Displays

ECB detail displays (Figure 13-3) enable you to make a quick check on the health of a module or
device using standard FoxView features.

Overlay Buttons

Alarm Summary

ECB Information
FBM Information

Figure 13-3. ECB202 Detail Display

To display a module ECB:

1. Use FoxSelect to locate the control station and its ECB compound.
2. Expand the display and select the module ECB for the FBM228.
FoxView displays the ECB detail display, an ECB202 for a redundant FBM or an
ECB200 for a non-redundant FBM. The same layout is used for both ECB types.
The ECB200 and ECB202 displays include the following sections:
♦ Overlay Buttons in the upper right quadrant include DIAG and PREV DISP. In
Figure 13-3, the DIAG button is grayed out. This button is active only when there
are errors to be displayed on the overlay.
♦ The Faceplate, also in the upper right quadrant, includes header information identify-
ing the ECB and its parent compound, and a data area showing the current operating
status of both the ECB and the FBM. The Faceplate also indicates when there is a
system alarm associated with the FBM or one of its connected H1 devices.
♦ The FBM Information section in the lower right quadrant provides operational and
configuration information about the FBM228, including the module type and
version number.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

For redundant FBM228s, the display also indicates which module (Main Processor or
Backup Processor) is the Master and which is the Tracker, and for each module, the
display indicates which ports are enabled. See the description of the terms Main and
Backup in “Identifying Modules in a Redundant Pair” on page 270.
FBM Status is derived from the FBMSTS parameter and can include the
following status indications:
DCI READY The DCI configuration in the FBM is ready.
ON-LINE The FBM is on-line
UNRESVLD The CP reports that there is an unresolved connection to
the FBM.
FBM OK The FBM is operating and communicating with the CP.
DLOAD FAIL There was a problem with initialization of the FBM.
DEV FAIL There was a hardware failure in the FBM.
COM FAIL There is a problem with communications between the FBM
and the CP.

♦ Alarm Summary, in the upper left quadrant, is not used in the ECB200/202 display;
there are no process alarms associated with ECBs.
♦ The ECB Information section in the lower left quadrant includes:
♦ Key configuration parameters such as the ECB’s Period and Phase, enabled alarms
service (SYSOPT), and the minimum macrocycle configured for the FBMs in the
SYSCFG parameters.
♦ Status information derived from the OPSTAT parameter.
ECB Information is derived from the ECBSTA parameter and can include the
following status indications:
ECB ON The ECB compound is ON.
DEV READY The FBM is ready.
UNRESOLD The ECB has an unresolved configuration problem.
DEV SHUTDWN The FBM is not operating.
ON SCAN The ECB is on scan.
DEV FAIL There was a hardware failure in the FBM.
COM FAIL There is a problem with communications between the
FBM and the CP.

Refer to Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for descriptions of ECB200/202


B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Device ECB Detail Display

The detail display for a device ECB201(Figure 13-4) is similar to the ECB200/202 display, except
that it displays ECB and device status information rather than ECB and FBM status.

Figure 13-4. ECB201 Detail Display

The display consists of the overlay buttons, faceplate, ECB configuration information and a block
error box. The alarm summary in the upper left corner is not used.
The lower half displays information about the ECB execution period and phase, the operational
status of the FBM (OPSTAT), and the parent ECB 200/202 (PARENT). Information about the
device includes its segment (PORTNO) and address (DVADDR), manufacturer and device IDs,
and version numbers.
The BLOCK_ERRORS box in the lower left displays error codes that are currently set in the
BLOCK_ERR parameter of any block in the device. In Figure 13-4, for example, the message
BLOCK CONFIG ERROR could have been sourced from one or more of the function blocks,
as well as from the transducer and resource blocks.
The ERROPT field at the top of BLOCK_ERRORS is the ECB parameter that specifies which
device block errors are to be collected by the ECB and reported in informational messages. The
recommended setting is 0xFFFE, which selects all 16 BLOCK_ERR codes, except OOS. This
setting avoids generating informational messages when a block is placed in OOS mode, which is
considered a normal mode.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

When error messages are displayed, either or both of the DIAG overlay buttons become active so
that you can display additional information sourced from device parameters. See the DIAG1 and
DIAG2 in Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for a list of the message codes. Refer
to the device documentation to interpret the error messages for the specific device.
In Figure 13-4, the device error has also resulted in a system alarm, as indicated by the red
SYSTEM label in the faceplate.

System Manager Displays

System Manager obtains current and historical information about the system and displays this
information for operators. For the FBM228 and the associated H1 field devices, the System Man-
ager provides the following displays:
♦ A Fieldbus level display, which shows the control processor and connected Fieldbus
devices (see chapter “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs” in System Manager (B0750AP))
♦ For the ZCP270s, a module Fieldbus display showing the selected FCM and its FBMs
(see chapter “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs” in System Manager (B0750AP))
♦ A module Fieldbus level display, which shows the selected FCP280, FCP270, or FCM
and its associated FBMs and H1 field devices (see chapter “Fieldbus Modules” in Sys-
tem Manager (B0750AP))
♦ H1 Segment display with device ECBs for the selected segment (port) (see chapter
“Fieldbus Modules” in System Manager (B0750AP))
♦ Detailed equipment change (EQUIP CHG) and equipment information (EQUIP
INFO) displays for each FBM and associated H1 field devices (see chapter “Fieldbus
Modules” in System Manager (B0750AP)).
For detailed information on the use of System Manager, refer to System Manager (B0750AP).

System Management Displays

The System Management Display Handler (SMDH) obtains current and historical information
about the system and displays this information in System Management displays. For the FBM228
and the associated H1 field devices, the SMDH provides the following displays:
♦ A Fieldbus level display (PIO Network), which shows the control processor and
connected Fieldbus devices.
♦ For the ZCP270s, a module Fieldbus display showing the selected FCM and its
♦ A module Fieldbus level display (PIO Sub-Network), which shows the selected
FCP280, FCP270, or FCM and its associated FBMs and H1 field devices.
♦ H1 Segment display with device ECBs for the selected segment (port).
♦ Detailed equipment change (EQUIP CHG) and equipment information (EQUIP
INFO) displays for each FBM and associated H1 field devices.
For detailed information on the use of the System Management Displays, refer to System
Management Displays (B0193JC).

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

To access FBM228 System Management functions:

1. Click the System button in the upper left corner of the FoxView screen to display the
System Monitor Domains screen (Figure 13-5).

Figure 13-5. System Domains Screen in System Management

2. Select the control station and click the CONFIG button to display the field devices con-
nected to the control station (the PIO BUS display).
Figure 13-6 shows the configuration of a redundant FCP270 pair (CPFF01) with five
FBM228s attached. (For configuration with the FCP280, refer to System
Management Displays (B0193JC). For the FCP280, you attach the FBM228s to the
FCP280’s Primary ECBs.) The two white squares at the bottom of each FBM icon
indicate that devices are attached to the FBM and can be displayed on the next level.
For a ZCP270, the screen shows the Fieldbus Communication Modules (FCMs) con-
necting the FBMs to the control station.
To display the FBMs:
♦ Select the FCM and click the NEXT LEVEL button at the bottom of the screen.
SMDH displays a PIO BUS display similar to the one in Figure 13-6 with the
FCM shown where the FCP270 is depicted.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Device ID


Boxes indicate displays of attached H1

devices are available on the next level.

NOTE: For the FCP280, the FBM228s are attached to one or more of the Primary ECBs for the FCP280.
Refer to System Management Displays (B0193JC) for more information.
Figure 13-6. FCP270 PIO Bus Display

The first row in each of these device icons gives the device ID (based on the DEV_ID parameter
of the ECB200/202); the second row displays the device hardware type. The colors used for the
device ID and type indicate the status of the ECB and the FBM:
♦ White indicates that there are no errors.
♦ Yellow is a caution, indicating there is at least one existing error warning with the
FBM or one of the H1 devices connected to the FBM.
♦ Red indicates a failure.
An asterisk next to the ECB name indicates that an error has been detected. When the ECB is
white, the error has been resolved.

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-3 lists the command buttons that are active when an FBM icon is selected.

Table 13-3. PIO Bus Display Command Buttons

Button Description
Returns to the System Monitor level.

Displays the Equipment Change Screen for the FBM with commands
♦ Toggle the modules on and off-line
♦ Inhibit alarm messages
♦ Download database changes to the FBM
♦ Update the EEProm.
For a redundant pair, the commands are applicable to one or both of
the modules. There is a command for switching the Master and
Tracker roles.
For a redundant FBM pair, displays the first of four Equipment
Information pages (Figure 13-9).
For a non-redundant FBM, displays the first of two Equipment Infor-
mation pages.
Displays a dialog box for selecting one of the connected H1 segments
(Figure 13-13). When the port is selected, the ECBs for the connected
H1 devices are displayed.
Displays an overlay with four commands:

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

FBM228 Equipment Change Screen

The following commands can be available on the Equipment Change screen for an FBM228:
Switches the communication between the module and the control
station on or off.
When a non-redundant FBM is selected, Go ON-LINE and Go OFF-
LINE are mutually exclusive. The Go OFF-LINE command is active only
when the FBM is on-line, and the Go ON-LINE is active only when the
modules is off-line.
For a redundant FBM228 pair, both commands are always active. When
you click one of the commands, System Management opens the Module
Selection dialog box for specifying the modules to go on-line or off-line
(Figure 13-7). The dialog box shows the current state (on-line or off-line)
of the modules.

Figure 13-7. Module Selection Dialog Box

♦ Select one or both of the modules, or click Cancel to return to the

Equipment Change screen without applying the command.
Enables/disables communication to the control station of alarms
generated by the FBM and the attached H1 devices. Note that the
commands only deal with generation of the alarm messages and not with
the FBM’s ability to detect alarm conditions or with the alarm detection
functions of the H1 devices.
EEPROM UPDATE Updates the FBM software revision.
For a non-redundant FBM, an EEPROM update causes the module to
restart, calculate the Link Active Schedule, and re-establish communica-
tions with the connected devices. It will take several minutes to regain all
the publisher/subscriber and client/servers connections between the device
function blocks and the control station.
If a redundant FBM pair is selected, System Management opens the
Module Selection dialog box (Figure 13-7) allowing you to update the
FBMs without interrupting service.

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

You can perform an online update for a revision within the same version (from 2.1
to 2.2, for example) but not to implement a new version (from 2.1 to 3.0, for exam-
ple). Version updates must be done offline.

To perform an EEPROM update on a redundant pair:

♦ Select the Tracker module.
♦ When the EEPROM update is completed, the FBM returns to the
Tracker role it had before the update.
♦ Click EQUIP INFO and verify that the module is online, tracking
and operating properly (Figure 13-9 through Figure 13-12 in the
next section).
♦ Use the SWITCH ROLES command to make the updated FBM the
♦ Click EEPROM Update and select the other FBM.

Selecting select both modules for an EEPROM update at the same time interrupts
communication with the attached H1 devices.

SWITCH ROLES Causes the FBMs to switch roles. The Tracker module assumes the role of
Master, and the Master becomes the Tracker.
When you select this command, System Management opens a
confirmation dialog box (Figure 13-8). The dialog box shows the current
state (on-line or off-line) of the modules.

Figure 13-8. Confirmation Dialog Box for Switch Roles

♦ Click Yes to proceed.

♦ Click No to cancel the command.
The command is not active for a non-redundant FBM.
DOWNLOAD Causes the module to reload its image and any database configuration
changes. The FBM recalculates the Link Active Schedule and establishes
connections with the devices. It may take several minutes before all of the
publisher/subscriber and client/server connections are re-established.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

When the module is a redundant FBM, it is returned to its pre-download

For a redundant FBM228 pair, DOWNLOAD is always active. When
you click DOWNLOAD, System Management displays the Module
Selection dialog box (Figure 13-7), which shows the current state (on-line
or off-line) of the modules.
♦ Select one or both of the modules, or click Cancel to return to the
Equipment Change screen without applying the command.

FBM Equipment Information

To display status and configuration information about an FBM228:
1. Select the FBM icon and click the EQUIP INFO button.
SMDH displays the first Equipment Information page (Figure 13-9). The pages are
numbered in the bottom right corner of the screen.
2. Click the button to view additional pages (Figure 13-10, Figure 13-11, and
Figure 13-12).
In the Equipment Information displays, redundant FBMs are labeled Main and
Backup, or M and B. Main refers to the module installed in the lower numbered slot,
as described in “Identifying Modules in a Redundant Pair” on page 270, and not to its
role as either Master or Tracker.
See “Equipment Information Fields for a Non-Redundant FBM228” on page 288
and “Equipment Information Fields for Redundant FBM228s” on page 291 for addi-
tional information about the data fields in the Equipment Information displays.
After reviewing the FBM information, you can select the Equipment Change screen,
return to the System Monitor screen on the previous level, or access the PIO Bus

Figure 13-9. First Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Figure 13-10. Second Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM22s

Figure 13-11. Third Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 13-12. Fourth Equipment Information Page for Redundant FBM228s

H1 Device Displays
From the PIO Bus Display, you can access information about specific H1 devices connected to
the FBM228.
To access the connected H1 devices:
1. Select the FBM and click the NEXT LEVEL button.
SMDH prompts you to select the H1 segment by port number (Figure 13-13).
If there is no segment connected to a port, the port number is displayed in red.

Figure 13-13. Selecting the H1 Segment

The color of the port number indicates the health of the devices on the segment:
White All devices are on this segment are healthy.
Yellow One or more devices are reporting a warning condition.
Red At least one device on the segment has a failure or its ECB is
Black There are no devices configured for this segment.

2. Click the port number for the segment to display the attached devices (Figure 13-14).

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Figure 13-14. I/O Display for an H1 Segment

Each square at the top of the page represents an ECB201 that holds information about a device
on the segment. The first row in each of these device icons lists the device ID; the second row dis-
plays the hardware type of the FBM. As with the FBM icons, the colors used for the name and
type indicate the status of the ECB and the H1 device:
♦ White indicates that there are no errors.
♦ Yellow is a caution, indicating there is at least one existing error warning with the H1
♦ Red indicates a failure.
An asterisk next to the ECB name indicates that an error has been detected. When the device ID
lettering is white, the asterisk indicates that there has been an error or warning, but the device has
been returned to normal. Raise the Equipment Information display for the device to acknowledge
the error and clear the asterisk from the display.
Table 13-3 lists the command buttons that are active when a device icon is selected.

Table 13-4. Segment Display Command Buttons

Button Description
Returns to the previous level, the PIO Bus Display, showing the FBMs.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-4. Segment Display Command Buttons

Button Description
Displays the Equipment Change Screen for the device ECB
including the following commands:
Enables/disables communication to the control station of system
alarms generated by the FBM and the attached H1.
Enables/disables communications between the device and the con-
trol station. Disabling communications disables all publisher/sub-
scriber and client/server connections to the device function blocks.
Displays the Equipment Information pages for the device
(Figure 13-15).

Displays a Block Error Information overlay with information on errors

in the device ECB (Figure 13-18).

To review status information for a connected H1 device:

1. Select the device icon and click EQUIP INFO to display the first Equipment
Information page (Figure 13-15).
The page number is displayed in the bottom right corner.
2. Click the button to view additional pages (Figure 13-16 and Figure 13-17).

Figure 13-15. First Equipment Information Page for an H1 Device

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Figure 13-16. Second Equipment Information Page for an H1 Device

Figure 13-17. Last Equipment Information Screen for an H1 Device

See “Equipment Information Fields for an H1 Device” on page 297 for additional information
about the data fields in the Equipment Information displays.

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Block Error Display

To access the Block Error display (Figure 13-18():
♦ Click the Block Info button.
The display is the logical OR of the multiple device block BLOCK_ERR parameters as read by
the FBM228. The bit-enumerated BLOCK_ERR parameter is common to all of the resource,
transducer and function blocks. If an error bit is set in any one of these device blocks, it is
reported in the Block Error Display. Otherwise, the condition is marked OK or No as shown in
Figure 13-18.

Figure 13-18. Block Error Information Overlay for Selected Device ECB

Responding to a System Alarm

Use SMDH to respond to system alarms involving H1 devices, applying the resources described
in this chapter to begin troubleshooting and then, if necessary, open IACC and use the Diagnostic
tabs in the UDM to view specific device and block error information.
To respond to a system alarm:
1. Click the red system alarm indicator in FoxView menu bar to access the System man-
agement displays.
2. Starting with System Domains page (Figure 13-5), use the yellow and red coding of
logical names to navigate the system hierarchy to the source of the alarm.
a. Select the marked CP in the System Domains screen and click CONFIG to display
the connected FBMs.
b. Select the FBM indicating the alarm condition and click NEXT LEVEL to display
the port selection dialog box.

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

c. Click the port number that is shown in either yellow or red to display the attached
H1 devices.
d. Select the device that indicates either warning or failure.
e. Click BLOCK INFO to display the block errors reported by the device.
Note that the display does not identify which blocks in the device are reporting
the error condition.
f. Click EQUIP INFO to display additional status and configuration information.
Note that Compound:Block gives the full pathname of the device ECB201.
3. If the SMDH resources do not provide enough information to resolve the alarm, open
IACC and display the Diagnostic tabs for the device:
a. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the host CP and FBM.
b. Expand the FBM’s software and ECB200/202 to display the attached devices ().
You can also expand the compound to which the ECB201 is assigned, usually
<CP name>_ECB.
c. Right-click the device and choose FDT > FDT Editor (Universal) from the
pop-up menu to open the device in the UDM.
d. Select the device tag or one of the blocks in the UDM navigation pane, and click
the Diagnostic tab in the editor window for specific details on the device or
block status.

Data Field Descriptions

Refer to the tables in this section for additional information about System Management displays
for FBM228s and their connected H1 devices.

Equipment Information Fields for a Non-Redundant FBM228

Table 13-5 describes the fields in an Equipment Information displays for a non-redundant

Table 13-5. Fields in SMDH Displays for a Non-Redundant FBM228

SMDH Field Description Comment

NAME (DEV_ID) FBM Letterbug
TYPE ECB 200 for Non-redundant FBM
RUN MODE Run mode status of FBM, either
On Line or Off Line
FAIL STATE Fail state of FBM as reported by
CP, either Failed or Not Failed
FAIL ACK STATE Indicates whether a failure is If failure is present, acknowledge
Acknowledged or Not Acknowl- it.
DEVICE ATTACH Yes if H1 devices are attached to
the FBM; otherwise, No
FAIL DEV ATT Yes if any failed devices are
attached; otherwise, No

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-5. Fields in SMDH Displays for a Non-Redundant FBM228 (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

FAIL DEV ATT ACK Yes if all failed devices that are Acknowledge failed devices.
attached have been acknowl-
ALARMING STATE Indicates whether reporting and
printing of System Alarms is
Enabled or Inhibited for this FBM
WARNING CONDITION Yes if this FBM has reported a
Warning condition; otherwise, No
LAST CABLE ACCESS Indicates state of communica-
tions for this FBM:
Both Cables Okay
Cable A Failed
Cable B Failed
FBM FAIL STATE Failed if there are failures Correct failure condition
reported by the FBM; otherwise,
EE UPDATING Yes indicates the module is cur- Wait for operation to complete.
rently executing an EEProm
update; otherwise, No
DCI READY Indicates the Ready state of the
FBM as Yes or No
FBM ON LINE MODE Indicates the On Line state of the The FBM must be On Line to run
FBM as either On Line or Off process. Use the GO ON-LINE
Line command on the Equipment
Change page
DB DOWNLOAD ON Yes during an FBM download
operation; otherwise, No
DB LAST DOWNLOAD Indicates the state of the last Initiate download again if Failed.
database download operation as Remove and replace FBM if nec-
either OK or Failed essary.
SOFTWARE TYPE Software type; always 228
HARDWARE TYPE Hardware type is FF H1 FBM,
MANUF DATE Date of manufacture
SLOT NUMBER Logical address on the baseplate
HARDWARE PART Hardware part number
HARDWARE REV Hardware Revision number
SOFTWARE REV FBM Software Revision
EEPROM REV EEProm Revision of the Boot
SERIAL NUMBER FBM Manufacturing Serial
LOGICAL ADDRESS FBM logical address on
BUS ID Module ID of the FCM that con- Not applicable if the FBM is
nects the FBM228 to a ZCP270 attached to an FCP280 or
FILE REVISION Not used; always 0
FBM TYPE FBM type; always FBM228
VERSION NUMBER Full software revision, including
the date

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-5. Fields in SMDH Displays for a Non-Redundant FBM228 (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

FILE ID Not used
COMPOUND:BLOCK Compound and Block Name for
the ECB
PORT 1 Current operational mode and If failed, check H1 cables are OK
PORT 2 status of the FBM for the H1 seg- and then check FBM
PORT 3 ment as either Enabled or Dis-
PORT 4 abled and as either OK or Failed
FBM CONTROLS LAS Failed if external device has The FBM attempts to disable
taken over LAS operation; other- LAS function in an H1 device
wise, OK automatically and then restarts
the H1 device
POWER 1 Failed indicates FBM is not Check wiring, replace power sup-
receiving power from power ply
supply 1
POWER 2 Failed indicates FBM is not Check wiring, replace power sup-
receiving power from power ply
supply 2
FBUS COMM Failed indicates that one of the Failed can be caused by exces-
four segment interfaces has sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
failed. on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power
NOT INIT Not applicable for non-redundant
FBM; always OK
NON-SPEC FATAL Failed if there ia a non-specific Failure can be caused by exces-
fatal error sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
Power cycle the FBM.
If still failed, replace FBM.
NON SPEC NONFTL Failed if there is a temporary,
non-specific, non-fatal condition
TIME NOT IN SYNC For future use; always OK
MCRO CYC OVERF Failed if the configured macrocy- Increase the macrocycle.
cle is inadequate for the block See “Loop Performance” on
configuration; otherwise, OK page 173
H1 COMM OVERRUN Failed if there is an overrun in the Increase update period in client-
client-server type communica- server blocks (DCI blocks). See
tions; otherwise, OK Appendix 14 “Accessing Device
Diagnostic Data”
DIAG STATUS Incorrect ECB configuration: Review and correct ECB configu-
Config Error ration.
HW Type mismatch
SW Type mismatch
PRIM CMD STATE Hex Number For diagnostic use by Foxboro
IOM CMD STATUS 0 if OK For diagnostic use by Foxboro
1 if not understood Service
2 if unable to action
4 if invalid argument

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-5. Fields in SMDH Displays for a Non-Redundant FBM228 (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

ERROR LOG COUNT Number of fatal errors recorded For diagnostic use by Foxboro
by the FBM. Service

Equipment Information Fields for Redundant FBM228s

Table 13-6 describes the fields in an Equipment Information display for a redundant FBM228
pair. Note that the Main refers to the module that has the lower-numbered slot position.

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s

SMDH Field Description Comment

NAME (DEV_ID) FBM Letterbug name
TYPE ECB 202 for Redundant
RUN MODE Run mode status of FBM, either
On Line or Off Line
FAIL STATE Fail state of FBM as reported by
CP is either Failed or Not Failed
FAIL ACK STATE Indicates whether a reported fail- If failure is present, then acknowl-
ure has been Acknowledged or edge it.
Not Acknowledged
DEVICE ATTACH Yes if H1 devices are attached to
the FBM; otherwise, No
FAIL DEV ATT Yes if any failed devices are
attached; otherwise, No
FAIL DEV ATT ACK Yes if all failed devices that are Acknowledge failed devices.
attached have been acknowl-
edged; otherwise, No
ALARMING STATE Indicates whether reporting and
printing of System Alarms is
Enabled or Inhibited for this FBM
WARNING CONDITION Yes if this FBM has reported a
Warning condition
LAST CABLE ACCESS Indicates state of communica-
tions for this FBM:
Both Cables Okay
Cable A Failed
Cable B Failed
FBM FAIL STATE Failed if the FBM has reported a Correct failure condition
failure; otherwise, OK
M RUN MODE Indicates status of the Main mod-
ule as On Line or Off Line
B RUN MODE Indicates status of the Backup
module as On Line or Off Line

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

M EE UPDATING Yes if the Main module is cur- Wait for operation to complete
rently executing an EEProm
update; otherwise, No
B EE UPDATING Yes if the Backup module is cur- Wait for operation to complete
rently executing an EEProm
update; otherwise, No
DCI READY Indicates the Ready state of the
FBM as either Yes or No
FBM ON LINE MODE Indicates the On Line state of the Must be On Line to run process,
On Line or Off Line and is user selectable
DB DOWNLOAD ON Yes during FBM download opera-
tion; otherwise, No
DB LAST DOWNLOAD Indicates the state of the last Initiate download again if Failed.
database download operation as Remove and replace FBM if nec-
either OK or Failed essary
SOFTWARE TYPE Software type; always 228
HARDWARE TYPE Hardware type; always FF H1
FBM, 228
M MANUF DATE Date of manufacture of the Main
B MANUF DATE Date of manufacture of the
Backup module
M SLOT NUMBER Logical address on the baseplate
chain of the Main module
B SLOT NUMBER Logical address on the baseplate
chain of the Backup module
M HARDWARE PART Hardware part number of the
Main module
B HARDWARE PART Hardware part number of the
Backup module.
M HARDWARE REV Hardware revision number of the
Main module
B HARDWARE REV Hardware revision number of the
Backup module
M SOFTWARE REV Revision level of the software
operating in the Main module
B SOFTWARE REV Revision level of the software
operating in the Backup module
M EEPROM REV EEProm revision of the FBM boot
loader in the Main module
B EEPROM REV EEProm revision of the FBM boot
loader in the Backup module
M SERIAL NUMBER Manufacturing serial number of
the Main module
B SERIAL NUMBER Manufacturing serial number of
the Backup module
ODD LOGICAL ADDR Main module logical address on
EVEN LOGICAL ADDR Backup module logical address
on PIO/HDLC bus
LOGICAL ADDRESS Shared address of redundant
FBM pair on PIO/HDLC bus

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

BUS ID FCM that connects the FBM228s Not applicable when the
to a ZCP270 FBM228s are connected to an
FCP280 or FCP270
FILE REVISION Not used; always 0
FBM TYPE FBM type; always FBM228
VERSION NUMBER Full software revision including
FILE ID Not used
COMPOUND:BLOCK Compound and Block Name for
the ECB202 for the FBMs
M MODE Current operational mode of the Selectable via the Equipment
Main module: Change display
Not Operational
Off Line
B MODE Current operational mode of the Selectable via the Equipment
Backup module: Change display
Not Operational
Off Line
M PORT 1 Current operational mode and Enabled is the normally selected
M PORT 2 status of the Main module for mode. If failed, check H1 cables
M PORT 3 each H1 segment: are OK. Next check FBM
M PORT 4 Either Enabled or Disabled and
either OK or Failed
B PORT 1 Current operational mode and Enabled is the normally selected
B PORT 2 status of the Backup module for mode. If failed, check H1 cables
B PORT 3 each H1 segment: are OK. Next check FBM
B PORT 4 Either Enabled or Disabled and
either OK or Failed
UNRES CONNECTION Failed if there is a connection fail- The compound is off.
ure with at least one device; The device tag does not match
otherwise, OK the block I/O settings.
Block I/O is not bound to an ECB.
CP and FBM databases are not
Other configuration errors.
Check the block detail displays of
individual FOUNDATION field-
bus Function blocks.
FBM CONTROLS LAS Failed if an external device has Disable LAS function in the H1
taken over LAS operation; other- device. Note that FBM attempts
wise, OK to disable LAS function in an H1
device automatically, and then
restarts the H1 device.
M HDLC BUS Status of PIO communication Check cables, power cycle FBM.
between CP and Main FBM is Replace if the failure persists
either OK or Fault
B HDLC BUS Status of PIO communication Check cables, power cycle FBM.
between CP and Backup FBM is Replace if the failure persists
either OK or Fault

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

M INTERLINK Status of interlink communication Verify seating of both FBMs.
between Main and Backup FBMs Power cycle FBM. Replace if the
is either OK or Fault failure persists
B INTERLINK Status of interlink communication Verify seating of both FBMs.
between Backup and Main FBMs Power cycle FBM. Replace if the
is either OK or Fault failure persists
M HDLC RX Status of Main PIO receiver is Check cables, power cycle FBM.
either OK or Fault Replace if the failure persists
B HDLC RX Status of Backup PIO receiver is Check cables, power cycle FBM.
either OK or Fault Replace if the failure persists
M HDLC TX Status of Main PIO transmitter is Check cables, power cycle FBM.
either OK or Fault Replace if the failure persists
B HDLC TX Status of Backup PIO transmitter Check cables, power cycle FBM.
is either OK or Fault Replace if the failure persists
M FBUS COMM Failed indicates one of the four Failure can be caused by exces-
segment interfaces in the Main sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
module has failed on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
B FBUS COMM Failed indicates one of the four Failure can be caused by exces-
segment interfaces in the Backup sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
module has failed on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
M SLOT CONFLICT Failed if the Main module failed to Failure can be caused by exces-
read a slot position from the sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
baseplate; otherwise, OK on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
Power cycle the FBM.
If still failed, replace FBM.
B SLOT CONFLICT Failed if the Backup module Failure can be caused by exces-
failed to read a slot position from sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
the baseplate; otherwise, OK on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
Power cycle the FBM.
If still failed, replace FBM.
M POWER 1 Failed indicates Main FBM not Check the wiring. Replace the
receiving power from power sup- power supply
ply 1; otherwise, OK
B POWER 1 Failed indicates Backup FBM not Check the wiring. Replace the
receiving power from power sup- power supply
ply 1; otherwise, OK
M POWER 2 Failed indicates Main FBM not Check the wiring. Replace the
receiving power from power sup- power supply
ply 2; otherwise, OK
B POWER 2 Failed indicates Backup FBM not Check the wiring. Replace the
receiving power from power sup- power supply
ply 2; otherwise, OK
M NOT INIT Failed indicates a temporary con-
dition while syncing with Master
database; otherwise, OK

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

B NOT INIT Failed indicates a temporary con-
dition while syncing with Master
database; otherwise, OK
M NON-SPEC FATAL Failed indicates a non-specific, Failed can be caused by exces-
fatal error in the Main FBM; oth- sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
erwise, OK on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
ers. Power cycle the FBM. If fail-
ure persists, replace the module
B NON-SPEC FATAL Failed indicates a non-specific, Failed can be caused by exces-
fatal error in the Backup FBM; sive noise on bus. Check clamp-
otherwise, OK on ferrite cores, termination
resisters, and power condition-
ers. Power cycle the FBM. If fail-
ure persists, replace the module
M NON-SPEC NONFTL Fault indicates a non-specific,
non-fatal error in the Main FBM;
otherwise, OK
B NON-SPEC NONFTL Fault indicates a non-specific,
non-fatal error in the Backup
FBM; otherwise, OK
M ILINK 1 RX Fault if there is a fault in the Main Verify seating of the FBMs.
module Interlink 1 receiver; oth- Power cycle the module. Replace
erwise, OK the module if failure persists.
B ILINK 1 RX Fault if there is a fault in the Verify seating of the FBMs.
Backup module Interlink 1 Power cycle the module. Replace
receiver; otherwise, OK the module if failure persists.
M ILINK 1 TX Fault if there is a fault in the Main Verify seating of the FBMs.
module Interlink 1 transmitter; Power cycle the module. Replace
otherwise, OK the module if failure persists.
B ILINK 1 TX Fault if there is a fault in the Verify seating of the FBMs.
Backup module Interlink 1 trans- Power cycle the module. Replace
mitter; otherwise, OK the module if failure persists
M ILINK 2 RX Fault if there is a fault in the Main Verify seating of the FBMs.
module Interlink 2 receiver; oth- Power cycle the module. Replace
erwise, OK the module if failure persists
B ILINK 2 RX Fault if there is a fault in the Verify seating of the FBMs.
Backup module Interlink 2 Power cycle the module. Replace
receiver; otherwise, OK the module if failure persists
M ILINK 2 TX Fault if there is a fault Main mod- Verify seating of the FBMs.
ule Interlink 2 transmitter; other- Power cycle the module. Replace
wise, OK the module if failure persists
B ILINK 2 TX Fault if there is a fault Backup Verify seating of the FBMs.
module Interlink 2 transmitter; Power cycle the module. Replace
otherwise, OK the module if failure persists
M VER MISMATCH Fault if firmware versions in the Modules will not operate as a
Main and Backup modules do not redundant pair. Use Equipment
match; otherwise, OK Change display to update
EEProms same version
B VER MISMATCH Fault if firmware versions in the Modules will not operate as a
Main and Backup modules do not redundant pair. Use Equipment
match; otherwise, OK Change display to update
EEProms same version.

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

M REV MISMATCH Fault if firmware revisions in the Modules will not operate as a
Main and Backup modules do not redundant pair. Use Equipment
match; otherwise, OK Change display to update
EEProms same version.
B REV MISMATCH Fault if firmware revisions in the Modules will not operate as a
Main and Backup modules do not redundant pair. Use Equipment
match; otherwise, OK Change display to update
EEProms same version.
M RED ROLE CNLCT Fault if both the Main and Backup Probably caused by multiple
modules are attempting to faults. Remove one of the mod-
become Master; otherwise, OK ules
B RED ROLE CNLCT Fault if both the Main and Backup Probably caused by multiple
modules are attempting to faults. Remove one of the mod-
become Master; otherwise, OK ules
M LIVE LIST MISMA Fault if Main and Backup mod- Temporary condition. Check
ules detect a different number of redundant adapter seating.
devices on the H1 links; other, Power cycle FBM. Replace if the
OK failure persists
B LIVE LIST MISMA Fault if Main and Backup mod- Temporary condition. Check
ules detect a different number of redundant adapter seating.
devices on the H1 links; other OK Power cycle FBM. Replace if the
failure persists
M PARTN NOT IN LL Fault if the Main module cannot Check redundant adapter seat-
detect Backup module on H1 ing. Power cycle the FBM.
link; otherwise, OK Replace if the failure persists
B PARTN NOT IN LL Fault if the Backup module can- Check redundant adapter seat-
not detect Main module on H1 ing. Power cycle the FBM.
link; otherwise OK Replace if the failure persists
M TIME NOT IN SYN For future use; always OK
B TIME NOT IN SYN For future use; always OK
M MCRO CYC OVERF Failed if configured macrocycle See “Loop Performance” on
inadequate for block configura- page 173. Increase the
tion; otherwise OK macrocycle
B MCRO CYC OVERF Failed if configured macrocycle See “Loop Performance” on
inadequate for block configura- page 173. Increase the
tion; otherwise OK macrocycle
M H1 COMM OVERRUN Failed if there is an overrun in cli- Increase update period in client-
ent-server type communications; server blocks (DCI blocks). See
otherwise, OK Appendix 14 “Accessing Device
Diagnostic Data”
B H1 COMM OVERRUN Failed if there is an overrun in cli- Increase update period in client-
ent-server type communications; server blocks (DCI blocks). See
otherwise, OK Appendix 14 “Accessing Device
Diagnostic Data”
DIAG STATUS Incorrect ECB configuration: Review and correct ECB
OK configuration
Config Error
HW Type mismatch
SW Type mismatch
IOM CMD STATUS 0 if OK For diagnostic use by Foxboro
1 if not understood Service
2 if unable to action
4 if invalid argument

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-6. Fields in Equipment Information Displays for Redundant FBM228s (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

ERROR LOG COUNT Number of fatal errors recorded For diagnostic use by Foxboro
by the FBM. Service

Equipment Information Fields for an H1 Device

Table 13-7 describes the fields in an Equipment Information display for an H1 device. Note that
the display also contains information about the parent FBM228.

Table 13-7. Fields in SMDH Displays for an H1 Device

SMDH Field Description Comment

NAME Device ID Field from IACC
TYPE DEV 228 ECB 201
RUN MODE Mode of device: On Line or Off Use the GO ON-LINE command
Line on the Equipment Change page.
On Line for normal use
FAIL STATE Failed state of device of con-
nected devices: Failed or Not
FAIL ACK STATE Indicates whether there is an Acknowledge failures
unacknowledged failure of the
device: either Acknowledged or
Not Acknowledged.
ALARMING STATE Indicates whether System User selectable, note that a dis-
Alarms are being reported and abled alarm is indicated with a >
printed: Enabled or Disabled. sign
WARNING CONDITION Indicates whether this device has Examine all pages of equipment
reported some Warning condi- information screen for further
tion: Yes or No details.
FBUS COMM Fieldbus communication is taking
place: Enabled or Not Enabled
DCI READY Indicates the Ready state of the
DCI task in the CP: Yes or No
DB DOWNLOAD ON Yes if the database is being Wait for download to complete
downloaded to the device; other-
wise, No
DB LAST DOWNLOAD Not used by FBM 228; always No
DEVICE DISABLED Yes if there is a connected device
that is disabled: otherwise, No
DEVICE FAILED Indicates device failed state: OK See device manual.
or Failed
MANUFACTURER The manufacturer name and hex

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-7. Fields in SMDH Displays for an H1 Device (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

DEVICE TYPE The device type and hex string
HARDWARE TYPE Hardware type of the FBM:
always 228
SOFTWARE TYPE Software type of the FBM: always
DEVICE NAME PD_Tag of the device
DEVICE ADDRESS Device hex address on H1 bus
MODEL Model informational provided by
VERSION NUMBER Version number provided by Normally Device Revision and
device. DD Revision.
COMPOUND:BLOCK Compound and block name for
the ECB.
FIELDBUS TYPE Always: Fieldbus FF H1 Dv
PORT NUMBER Port on the FBM to which the
device is attached: 1, 2, 3, or 4
SM IDENTIFY Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle device. Replace if
device is either OK or Failed problem persists
DUPLICATE PD TAG Failed if two or more devices on The FBM attempts to assign a
the same link have the same tag; temporary name to one of the
otherwise, OK devices. Eliminate the duplication
and assign a permanent tag
FBM SUB VCR Subscriber VCR communication If Failed, power cycle device.
to the device is either OK or Replace if problem persists
FBM PUB VCR Publisher VCR communication to If Failed, power cycle the device.
the device is either OK or Failed Replace it if the problem persists
FBM SUB LINK Subscriber link communication to If Failed, power cycle the device.
the device is either OK or Failed Replace it if the problem persists.
FBM PUB LINK Publisher link communication to If Failed, power cycle the device.
the device is either OK or Failed Replace it if the problem persists.
DEV BAD/OOS Failed if the FBM has marked the If Failed, power cycle the device.
device as bad or out-of-service; Check the configuration Replace
otherwise, OK device if the problem persists.
POINT BAD/OOS Failed if the FBM has marked a If Failed, power cycle device.
point as bad or out-of-service; Check configuration
otherwise, OK
UNSUP DATA TYPE Failed is client/server type block Check configuration
configured for unsupported data
type; otherwise OK
WRITE PROTECT H1 Device has Write Protection Write protection must be dis-
enabled, either YES or NO abled. See “Write-protection
Jumper” on page 19.
TEMP ADDRESS Yes if the device is at a tempo- Set the address to an available
rary/default address; otherwise permanent address
VISITOR ADDRESS Yes is the device is at a visitor Set the address to an available
address; otherwise, No permanent address
FMS IDENTITY Fieldbus messaging service Power cycle device. Replace if
identity message to the device problem persists
failed is either OK or Failed

13. System Management B0700BA – Rev K

Table 13-7. Fields in SMDH Displays for an H1 Device (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

GET MGT SOD Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
GET MGT SMIB DATA Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
GET NMI DATA Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
CLEAR VCR TAB Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
TIME MAST CONF Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
GET FB VFD LIST Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
FB VFD VCR CONF Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
FB VFD CONN Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
GET SOD Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
LINK OBJ INIT Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
READ RB DATA Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
READ TB DATA Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
READ FB DATA Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
PUB/SUB INIT Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
PUB INFO UNAVAIL Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
SUB INFO UNAVAIL Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
DEV PUB VCR Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
DEV SUB VCR Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
DEV PUB LINK Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
DEV SUB LINK Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
FB SE CONF Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
MC WRITE Fieldbus communication to the Power cycle the device. Replace
device is either OK or Failed it, if the problem persists
NEED MAINT SOON Yes if the device reported a trans- See the device manual
Also on the Block Error Display ducer or resource block error;
otherwise, No
NEED MAINT NOW Yes if the device reported a trans- See the device manual
Also on the Block Error Display ducer or resource block error;
otherwise, No

B0700BA – Rev K 13. System Management

Table 13-7. Fields in SMDH Displays for an H1 Device (Continued)

SMDH Field Description Comment

UNRES CONN Error if the FBM could not find a Check configuration
matching function block in the
device; otherwise OK
RESOURCE BLOCK Error if the device reported a Check configuration of the
resource block error; otherwise, resource block
TRANSDUCER BLOCK Error if the device reported a Check configuration of the trans-
transducer block error; other- ducer block
wise, OK
MULTIPLE TRANS BL Yes if the device contains more Informational message
than one transducer block; other-
wise No
OTHER BLOCK Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
BLOCK CONFIG Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
LINK CONFIG Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
SIMULATE ACTIVE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
LOCAL OVERRIDE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
DEVICE FAULT Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
INPUT FAILURE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
OUTPUT FAILURE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
MEM FAILURE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
LOST STAT DATA Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
LOST NV DATA Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
READB CHECK Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
POWER UP Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK
OUT OF SERVICE Error if the device reported a See device manual
Also on the Block Error Display transducer or resource block
error; otherwise, OK

14. Device Maintenance
This chapter covers various maintenance activities including troubleshooting the fieldbus and
replacing devices.
Diagnostics tabs in Field Device Manager provide convenient access to diagnostic information
about FBM228s, the H1 segments, and individual devices, and are used in conjunction with the
Foxboro Evo System Management displays to resolve fieldbus problems.
The examples in this chapter involve use of a Field Device Manager Control Room system by an
individual who is assigned to the Operator group and who has access to System Management dis-

It is recommended that you open no more than three H1 devices per host FBM228
online in Field Device Manager. This limit does not apply when working offline.

Instructions for using IACC assume that the application is opened to the appropriate database
and that the Configuration object at the top of the Network tab has been expanded to show the
host FBM228, its software and equipment control block (an ECB200 for a non-redundant FBM
or an ECB202 for a redundant FBM). Field Device Manager can be invoked from the FBM228
ECB or any of the devices listed below it, as shown in Figure 14-1.

Figure 14-1. Opening Field Device Manager for an H1 Device

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

This chapter includes the following topics:

♦ “Troubleshooting FBMs” on page 302
♦ “Troubleshooting an H1 Segment” on page 303
♦ “Troubleshooting Devices” on page 306
♦ “Troubleshooting with Field Device Manager” on page 307
♦ “Troubleshooting with the Vendor’s DTM” on page 314
♦ “Replacing a Device” on page 315
♦ “Moving a Device to Another Link” on page 318
♦ “Deleting an FBM” on page 321

When Field Device Manager is installed on a Foxboro Evo workstation with dual
monitors, the application should be displayed on the first monitor only.

Troubleshooting FBMs
The FBM Diagnostics tab (Figure 14-3) displays counters for communications events and errors,
and provides tools for advanced troubleshooting. A Foxboro service representative may ask for
specific counters from this page to resolve a problem.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 14-2. FBM Diagnostic Tab

To access this display:

1. Right-click the FBM228’s ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager >
FBM228 Manager from the pop-up menu.
2. Click the Diagnostics tab.

A high value for a counter in this tab or other diagnostic displays does not
necessarily indicate a problem.

Troubleshooting an H1 Segment
To display diagnostics information for an H1 segment:
1. Right-click the FBM228’s ECB200/202 and choose Field Device Manager >
FBM228 Manager from the pop-up menu.
2. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the seg-
ment (Link1 in Figure 14-3).

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

Figure 14-3. Live List for an H1 Segment

3. The editor displays the Live List tab for the link; the multi-colored cube icon on
upper right corner of the window rotates as the FBM queries the fieldbus and builds
the live list table.
4. Wait for the editor to complete the table in the Live List tab and then click the Diag-
nostic tab in the editor window to display activity counters for the link
(Figure 14-4).
The time stamp above the display indicates when the counters were read from the

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 14-4. Segment Diagnostic Tab

5. Review the counters for diagnostic information.

6. Consider the following actions if a high number of client/server requests indicates seg-
ment overload:
♦ Adjust the minimum macrocylce period for the segment or the FBM as discussed
in “Device Scheduling” on page 173.
♦ Increase the update period (UPDPER parameter) for FOUNDATION fieldbus
blocks. This parameter specifies the scan rate at which the block acquires View_1
information. See “Scheduling Impact of Foxboro Evo Blocks” on page 176 and
Integrated Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX).
♦ Increase the update period (UPDPER parameter) for DCI blocks that access
devices on the segment for maintenance data. Refer to “Configuring DCI Blocks”
on page 162 for information on modifying the DCI blocks.
♦ If practical, move selected devices to other segments.
In addition to changing the physical connections, this action requires updating
the ECB201s of the affected devices as described in “Moving a Device to Another
Link” on page 318.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

7. Attach a bus analyzer to the segment if the number of receive errors, frame errors and
overflow errors indicate problems with the receive components, or if transmission
component problems are evidenced by a relatively high number of transmission errors
and aborted transmissions.
Follow the instructions in the bus analyzer documentation to verify power on the bus,
list active instruments, isolate sources of noise, and collect other diagnostic informa-
8. Click Reset Counters to restart the counters after making modifications to observe
changes in the link operation.
9. Select other segments for analysis.

Troubleshooting Devices
Use the Foxboro Evo System Management displays to respond to system alarms involving H1
devices as summarized below and described in detail in Chapter 13 “System Management”. Use
the System Management resources to begin troubleshooting and then, if necessary, open IACC
and use the Diagnostic tabs in Field Device Manager to view specific device and block error infor-
To respond to a system alarm:
1. Click the red system alarm indicator in FoxView menu bar to access the System
Management displays.
2. Starting with System Domains page, use the yellow and red coding of logical names to
navigate the system hierarchy to the source of the alarm.
a. Select the marked CP in the System Domains screen and click CONFIG to display
the connected FBMs.
b. Select the FBM indicating the alarm condition and click NEXT LEVEL to display
the port selection dialog box.
c. Click the port number that is shown in either yellow or red to display the attached
H1 devices.
d. Select the device that indicates either a warning or a failure.
e. Click BLOCK INFO to display the block errors reported by the device.
Note that the display does not identify which blocks in the device are reporting
the error condition.
f. Click EQUIP INFO to display additional status and configuration information.
Note that Compound:Block gives the full pathname of the device ECB201.
3. If the System Management resources do not provide enough information to resolve
the alarm, display the Field Device Manager Diagnostic tabs for the device:
a. Expand Configuration in the Network tab to display the host CP and FBM.
b. Expand the FBM’s software and ECB200/202 to display the attached devices.
You can also expand the compound to which the ECB201 is assigned, usually
<CP name>_ECB.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

c. Right-click the device and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device
Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the device in Field
Device Manager.
d. Select the device tag or one of the blocks in the Field Device Manager using the
pull-down lit in the upper left corner of the editor window, and click the Diag-
nostic tab in the editor window for specific details on the device or block status,
as described in the following sections.

Troubleshooting with Field Device Manager

This section describes the Diagnostic tabs for a device and its blocks.
To troubleshoot a device using Field Device Manager:
1. Right-click the device and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device Man-
ager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the device in Field Device Man-
2. Click the Diagnostic tab in the editor window to view a status summary of each
block in the device (Figure 14-5).

Figure 14-5. Device Diagnostic Tab

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

The page displays the target mode and actual mode for each block, value and status of
the primary and secondary values for transducer and function blocks, and any block

When the BLOCK_ERR field is blank or contains 0 (as opposed to 0x0 Other),
there are no block errors associated with the blocks.

3. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select a specific
block, and click the Diagnostic tab to display its diagnostics information.
For selected block parameters, the tab displays the value configured in IACC and the
current value in the device. The background for each Device Value field changes
from blue to white when the value has been read from the device (Figure 14-6). Once
all the values have been read, the tab is updated periodically.

Figure 14-6. Block Diagnostic Tab

4. Click + on a parameter index number to display the sub-indices; click the minus sign
on an index number to collapse the parameter display.
The parameters that are included in the tab and the rate at which they are read from the device are
defined in the block template. These settings can be modified if the tab configuration is not

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

locked in the parent device type definition. If the configuration is locked, an additional tab can be
defined to review other parameters or update diagnostic data at a different rate.
To set up a different diagnostic display:
1. Click Customize at the bottom right of the tab to open the Diagnostic Details dialog
box (Figure 14-7).

Figure 14-7. Customizing a Transducer Block Diagnostic Tab

The padlock icon to the right of the tab name indicates the locked status of the tem-
plate. If the status is unlocked ( ) or locked by me ( ), you can modify the tab.
2. Do the following to modify the tab:
a. Select parameters in the list on the left and click >> to add them to tab.
b. Select parameters in the list on the right and click << to remove them from the
c. Specify a different update period in the box in the lower left.
d. Click OK to return to the diagnostic tab.
If the tab name is marked , the tab configuration is locked in the parent device type
and cannot be edited. The parameter list must be changed in the parent device type or
the tab unlocked in the parent type.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

3. Do the following to create a new tab:

a. Close the Diagnostic details dialog box, select the Customize tab and click
Define Tabs on the Customize page to open the Tab Definition dialog box.
b. Click Tab Names at the top of the dialog box to open the Tab Names dialog box.
c. Click New in the Tab Names dialog box, rename the newly added tab, and use the
pull-down list in Tab Type to select Diagnostics.
d. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Tab Definition dialog box.
e. Double-click Details under to newly added tab to open the Diagnostic Details
dialog box (Figure 14-7), add parameters to the tab, and set the update period.
f. Close to return to the Customize page and select the new tab.
Refer to “Setting Up the User Interface for a Device Type” on page 79 for a detailed
description of modifying block templates.

Diagnosing Device Function Blocks

The default function block templates in Field Device Manager provide limited diagnostic displays
for function blocks, as the blocks should be diagnosed using the detail displays for the linked
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks described in Chapter 9 “User Displays”. The function
block Diagnostics tabs can be used in conjunction with the Foxboro Evo detail displays.
To access diagnostic information for a function block:
1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu to open the
device in Field Device Manager.
2. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the func-
tion block, and click the Diagnostic tab in the editor window.
The standard Diagnostic tab for a device function block shows IACC database and
device values for the FF_BLOCK, MODE_BLK and BLOCK _ERR parameters.

When the BLOCK_ERR field is blank or contains 0 (as opposed to 0x0 Other),
there are no block errors associated with the device.

If the template for the block is not locked by the parent device definition, the tab can
be customized to show additional parameters. If the template is locked by the parent
object, you can create a new diagnostic tab to monitor other parameters. Figure 14-8
shows a custom diagnostic tab added to a function block template and configured to
include the block’s PV and OUT parameters. The steps for customizing are the same
as those described for resource and transducer blocks described in the previous sec-

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 14-8. Custom Function Block Diagnostic Tab

3. Use the mode buttons at the top of the block display to change the block’s target
mode and observe the changes in block operation (if the buttons are not locked by the
parent device definition).
As the Target and Actual mode changes, the new state is displayed in bold type. Note
that the Target mode changes first, and then Actual.
4. If resolution of the problem requires changes to a function block, make those changes
by modifying the corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block in the con-
trol database as described in “Modifying Function Blocks” on page 323.

Online Enhanced EDDL Displays

Field Device Manager supports the new Enhanced EDDL (Electronic Device Description Lan-
guage) technology, as recently adopted by the Fieldbus Foundation’s DD cooperation project.
This technology enhances on-line device viewing screens by having the device vendor organize
screen menus in a hierarchical fashion, and organizing data presentation and content for a device
screen, with items such as gauges, bar indicators, trends, histograms, and embedded graphics.
When a device supports an enhanced device descriptor, the description and the vendor-supplied
interface are imported with the DD and made available through Field Device Manager for both
the device type and the derived instances.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

To access Enhanced EDDL displays for configuration or device monitoring:

1. Do either of the following to access the EDDL display:
♦ Pull down the list on the left end of the Field Device Manager, right-click on the
device or one of its blocks, and choose Enhanced Device Descriptor and one of
the three functional areas from the context menu (to half of Figure 14-9).
♦ Switch to device or one of its block using the pull-down list, and then right-click the
selected DTM/BTM, and choose Enhanced Device Descriptor and one of the
three functional areas from the context menu (bottom half of Figure 14-9).

Figure 14-9. Selecting an Enhanced Device Descriptor for a Transducer Block

The selected functional area is displayed in a multi-tab format (Figure 14-11). The
hierarchy of tab pages and the parameters shown is specific to the device.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 14-10. Example EDD Display Shows Actuator Pressure

2. Refer to the device documentation for information on using the interface.

3. Right-click the selected block in the pull-down list and choose a Function Info tab
from the context menu to return to the standard Field Device Manager display
(Figure 14-11).

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

Figure 14-11. Returning to a Field Device Manager BTM

Troubleshooting with the Vendor’s DTM

Field Device Manager provides the option of using a DTM from the device manufacturer to run
additional diagnostics. The vendor’s DTM must be associated with the device in the IACC data-
base. This is usually done during definition of the device type, as described “Using the Manufac-
turer’s Device Type Manager” on page 101.
To respond to a system alarm using the vendor’s DTM:
1. Right-click the device and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device Man-
ager (Vendor) from the pop-up menu to open the device in the associated DTM.
2. Use the DTM to display diagnostic information and take the appropriate remedial
As an FDT application, Field Device Manager supports operation of the associated
DTM including communication with the selected device and display of the user inter-
face in the editor window. For specific instructions on using the DTM, refer to the
documentation and help supplied by the vendor.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

If you save any diagnostic information when using the associated DTM, the infor-
mation is saved in the instance-related path of the DTM and not included in the
data saved in an IACC database backup. See “Periodic Backup of Databases” on
page 337 for additional information on saving and backing up the diagnostic data.

3. Do one of the following if resolution of the problem requires changes to the device
resource or transducer blocks:
♦ Exit the vendor DTM and make the changes using Field Device Manager.
♦ Make the changes using the vendor’s DTM and then open the device in Field
Device Manager and upload the device to save the configuration to the IACC

Do not use the equipment manufacturer’s DTM to reconfigure device function
blocks. If resolution of the problem requires changes to a function block, make
those changes by modifying the corresponding FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
block in the control database as described in “Modifying Function Blocks” on
page 323.

Replacing a Device
To replace a failed H1 device:
1. Start Foxboro Evo System Management, select the host control station in System
Monitor Domains screen, and click CONFIG to display control station’s PIO Bus dis-
2. Select the FBM228 to which the device is connected, click NEXT LEVEL, and then
choose the appropriate H1 segment in the port selection dialog box.
3. Select the device in the segment I/O Display and click the EQUIP CHG button.
4. Select DISABLE COMMS in the Equipment Change Screen to take the device off-line.
5. Follow the device vendor’s documentation to replace the device on the fieldbus and
connect the replacement to the process.
6. Start IACC and expand the Configuration in the Project Navigator Network tab to
display the control station, the FBM, and the connected devices.
7. Right-click device and choose Field Device Manager > Commission from the
pop-up menu to start the Commission Wizard.
The wizard displays a list of connected devices that could be a match for the device
selected in the Project Navigator based on the Manufacturer, Device type, Device
Revision and DD Revision.
♦ Click Show All Devices and then Refresh to see the other connected devices.
♦ Click Filter Devices and then Refresh to show only potential matches.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

8. Click Show All Devices and then Refresh to the display remaining devices on the
segment (Figure 14-12).

Figure 14-12. Commission Wizard Listing All Devices

9. Select the device to be commissioned and click Next.

The wizard displays the sequence of commissioning activities, including setting the
resource block MODE_BLK to OOS, and two options for specifying post-commis-
sioning activities (Figure 14-13):
♦ Set the MODE_BLK.TARGET as specified in the IACC database. If the option is
not selected, the target mode is left as OOS.
♦ Upload all device parameters to the IACC database after successful completion of
the download. This actions aligns the two databases and marks the device in the
IACC database as commissioned.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 14-13. Commission Actions and Post-Commissioning Options

10. Check or un-check each option and click NEXT, read the warnings in the next dialog
box, and click OK in the warning dialog box to confirm the action and proceed with
the commissioning.
The wizard displays the status of each step in the process. If a particular download is
not successful, you can either repeat the commissioning or take the following actions:
♦ Download the device system management and network management parameters
from the SM and NM tabs respectively.
♦ Use the Compare tabs for resource and transducer blocks to identify the device
parameters that do not match the IACC database, selectively download those
parameters, and upload all device values to IACC.
11. Allow the commission wizard to complete the list of tasks, and then close Field Device
12. Return to the Foxboro Evo System Management displays to verify that the device is
a. Select the device in the segment I/O Display and click the EQUIP INFO button to
view the device status.
b. If necessary, click the EQUIP CHG button and select ENABLE COMMS in the Equip-
ment Change Screen to bring the device on-line.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

Figure 14-14. Status of Commissioning Activities

Moving a Device to Another Link

Moving a device from one segment to another on the same FBM involves modification of the
device’s equipment control block (ECB201) before the device is connected to the new link.
Moving the device to a different FBM requires configuration of a new device ECB. The proce-
dures are described separately below.

Both the sequences in this section involve downloading the device ECB as part of
the change. However, a moved device can be accessed online using Field Control
Manager - Control Room before the new device ECB is downloaded from the
IACC database. You can perform functions such as modifying resource and trans-
ducer blocks, and running methods when the physical device is tagged to match the
device instance in the IACC database. You can tag the device using the Commission
Wizard (“Device Commissioning” on page 255) or the segment live list display (see
“Setting PD_tags to Devices” on page 263).

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

On the Same FBM

To move a device to another segment on the same H1 network:
1. Use the System Management displays to take the device off-line:
a. Select the host control station in System Monitor Domains screen, and click
CONFIG to the view control station’s PIO Bus display.
b. Select the FBM228 to which the device is connected, click NEXT LEVEL, and
then choose the appropriate H1 segment in the port selection dialog box.
c. Select the device in the segment I/O display and click the EQUIP CHG button.
d. Click DISABLE COMMS in the Equipment Change Screen.
2. Disconnect the device from the segment.
3. Use IACC to remove the device’s equipment control block (ECB201) from the con-
trol processor without removing it from the IACC database:
a. Expand the Configuration in the Project Navigator Network tab to display the
FBM, its software and ECB200/202, and the connected devices.
b. Right-click the device to be moved and choose Validate/Download > Remove
from CP from the pop-up menu.
The device ECB is deleted from the database in the control processor, but retained in
the IACC database where the ECB’s download state is changed to Not Downloaded.
4. Change the port number in the device ECB and download the ECB to the control
a. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Properties from the
pop-up menu.
b. Change the Portno parameter in the Properties dialog box to the new segment
number and click Download in the bottom right corner of the dialog box.
c. Click the Next button in the succeeding dialog boxes to validate the ECB and
download it to the control station.
IACC re-creates the device ECB in the control processor and changes the down-
load state of the ECB in IACC to Downloaded.
d. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose ListViews > IA
Block to view the download state of the device ECB.
5. Attach the device to the new segment and use the System Management displays to
bring the device on-line:
♦ Navigate to the device’s Equipment Change Screen and click ENABLE COMMS.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

On a Different FBM
To move the device to another FBM:
1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator, choose Properties from the pop-up
menu, and note the following parameters that will be re-used when you create the
replacement ECB:
♦ Name
♦ Type
♦ Dev_id
♦ Dvname
2. Use the System Management display to take the device off-line:
a. Select the host control station in System Monitor Domains screen, and click
CONFIG to display view station’s PIO Bus display.
b. Select the FBM228 to which the device is connected, click NEXT LEVEL, and
then choose the appropriate H1 segment in the port selection dialog box.
c. Select the device in the segment I/O display and click the EQUIP CHG button.
d. Select DISABLE COMMS in the Equipment Change Screen to take the device off-
3. Disconnect the device from the segment.
4. Delete the device from the control processor and the IACC database:
a. Right-click the device to be moved and choose Validate/Download > Remove
from CP from the pop-up menu.
b. Right-click the device, choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and click OK in the
Delete Request dialog box.
5. Create a new device in IACC with the same properties as the deleted one but assigned
to the new FBM:
a. Select the new FBM in the Project Navigator and expand the object to display the
FBM’s software and its equipment control block (ECB200/ECB202).
b. Right-click the ECB200/202 and choose New Child Device from the pop-up
menu to list the available device types in the Create Device dialog box.
c. Select the appropriate device type (Type parameter in the original ECB), enter the
segment number in the Port field, and click OK.
6. Right-click the newly created device, choose Properties from the pop-up menu,
and edit the Name, Dev_id and Dvname parameters to match those in the original
ECB, and then click OK.
7. Right-click the host control processor in the Project Navigator, choose
Validate/Download > Download from the pop-up menu, and follow the prompts
in the succeeding dialog boxes to complete the validation and download.

14. Device Maintenance B0700BA – Rev K

8. Attach the device to the configured segment on the new FBM and use the System
Management displays to bring the device on-line:
d. Select the FBM228 to which the device is now connected, click NEXT LEVEL,
and then choose the appropriate H1 segment in the port selection dialog box.
e. Select the device in the segment I/O display and click the EQUIP CHG button.
f. Select ENABLE COMMS in the Equipment Change Screen.

Deleting an FBM
To remove an FBM from the Foxboro Evo system:
1. Make the appropriate changes in the IACC database to CSDs that reference devices
hosted by the FBM and download the changes to the control station.
To identify the device references:
a. Expand the FBM and its software and ECB200/202 in the Project Navigator to
display the ECBs of the connected devices.
b. Select each device in turn and choose Edit > Where Used to display all current
configured references to the device in the IACC database.
See “Modifying Function Blocks” on page 323 for detailed instructions on modifying
and downloading blocks.
2. Switch to Foxboro Evo System Management, select the FBM in the PIO Bus display
for the host control station, click EQUIP CHG at the bottom of the screen, and make
the following selections in the Equipment Change screen:
♦ INHIBIT ALARMS to suppress system alarms when the FBM and its devices are
♦ GO OFF-LINE (and Both in the module selection box for a redundant FBM) to
take the FBM off line.
See “System Management Displays” on page 275 for detailed instructions on locating
FBMs in System Management and taking equipment change actions.
3. Physically remove the FBM from the system.
4. Switch to IACC, and expand Configuration at the top of the Network tab to display
the host control station and the FBM to be removed.
5. Right-click the FBM, choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and click OK in the
Delete Confirmation dialog box.
The FBM and all the connected devices are deleted from the IACC database.
6. Right-click the control station and choose Validate/ Download > Download to
update the control database in the control station.

B0700BA – Rev K 14. Device Maintenance

15. Managing Change
This chapter contains information on updating the control and device configurations while
maintaining the integrity of the IACC databases.
This chapter covers some of the tools available for aligning the IACC database with the control
system and with the field devices, and for safeguarding multiple databases as the system evolves.
The following topics are included:
♦ “Modifying Function Blocks” on page 323
♦ “Modifying Resource and Transducer Blocks” on page 326
♦ “Comparing the Device with the Database” on page 330
♦ “H1 Hand-held Devices” on page 332
♦ “Upgrading a Device to a New DD” on page 333
♦ “Changing Device Types” on page 335
♦ “Periodic Backup of Databases” on page 337
♦ “Exporting Databases” on page 342
♦ “Importing Databases” on page 342
Refer to the Help topics “Downloading Control Blocks” and “Managing IACC Databases” for
additional information on these and other resources for managing the database.

Modifying Function Blocks

Downloading Modified Parameters
You can initiate a download of modified parameters from either the Project Navigator or the
block’s Properties dialog box (Figure 15-1).

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

Figure 15-1. Modified AI Block to be Downloaded

To download a modified block:

1. Click the Download button in the Properties dialog box, then click Next in the
Hierarchy Validation dialog box to start the validation.
2. Click Next to start the download after the blocks have been validated.
If the live update determines that one of the affected device function blocks is not in
the required mode, it displays the Foundation Fieldbus Download Advisory dialog
box (Figure 15-2).

Link to FoxView
when IACC is on Device block
a Foxboro Evo mode from
Workstation live update

Figure 15-2. Dialog Box with Download Advisory

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

The top of the box describes the discrepancy and provides instructions for either
cancelling the download or changing the blocks to their required mode. The Help
button in the lower right opens a dialog box with additional information about the
parameters that require that the block be in either OOS or Manual (Figure 15-3).

Figure 15-3. FOUNDATION fieldbus Advisory Help Dialog Box

3. Open the detail display of the affected block in FoxView.

If IACC is running on a Foxboro Evo workstation, you can access the block detail
display in FoxView by clicking on the pathname of the parameter (Figure 15-2).
4. Change the block’s mode by clicking the OOS SWITCH (or Man SWITCH) button in the
lower right corner of the display (Figure 15-4).

Figure 15-4. Block Mode Indicators and Switches in an AI Detail Display

5. When the detail display indicates that the block is in the required mode, switch back
to IACC and click Next in the Download Advisory dialog box to display the Down-
loading dialog box (Figure 15-5).

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

Figure 15-5. Downloading Dialog Box

6. Click Start to complete the download.

7. Switch back to FoxView and turn the block back to its mode prior to the download.

Modifying Resource and Transducer Blocks

This section describes how to use Field Device Manager to modify the resource and transducer
block parameters in an installed H1 device. The parameter values are changed in the IACC data-
base and then downloaded to the device. The following example involves changing the permitted
modes in a resource block. These parameters are unlocked. The device is online and functioning
in the process. The instructions also apply to transducer blocks.

It is recommended that you open no more than three H1 devices per host FBM228
online in Field Device Manager. This limit does not apply when working offline.

Modifying the Configuration

To modify a resource block in a live device:
1. Start IACC and click the Network tab.
2. Expand the host FBM, its software, and its ECB200/202 to display the attached
H1 devices.
3. Right-click the device and choose Field Device Manager > Field Device Man-
ager (Universal) from the pop-up menu.
4. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the
resource block, and then click the Configuration tab.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

The editor displays the parameter values as set in the IACC database. The page dis-
plays only those parameters that are selected in the template for this device type.
The Actual field in the upper left of the editor window displays the current block
mode in the device. Target displays the target mode as set in the IACC database;
when the target mode is displayed in bold type, the parameter value in the device is
the same as the IACC database value. The button to the right of the mode field indi-
cate the currently configured permitted modes (OOS and Auto in Figure 15-6).
5. Click +5 to expand the MODE_BLK parameter, and click inside the MODE_BLK.PER-
MITTED value cell to display a check list of configurable values.
6. Click the check boxes for Manual, and click anywhere outside the cell.
The cell background color turns to yellow to indicate that the change has not been
downloaded to the device (Figure 15-6).

Figure 15-6. Modified Block Configuration

7. Make other changes to the resource block.

At this point, the parameter change can be saved in the IACC database, or down-
loaded to the live device, in which case the change is also saved to IACC database.

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

Downloading Resource and Transducer Blocks

Resource and transducer blocks configurations are downloaded from the IACC database as part of
the commissioning process, run either from an instrument shop system (see “Commissioning
Devices” on page 209) or from IACC on a Foxboro Evo workstation. The blocks can also be
downloaded individually using commands on the blocks’ Configuration page in Field Device
Manager. The download can be performed at any time from either an instrument shop system or
a control room system, as described in this section.
The parameters that are included in the download and the order in which they are sent to the
device are configured in the device definition. The Download configuration (Figure 15-7) con-
sists of two lists: Writable Parameters and Download. To download a parameter change that
parameter must be on the Writable parameter list. This list can be edited at the device level if the
configuration is not locked at the device type level. See “Configuring Downloads” on page 94 for
additional information on how the configuration is set and maintained.

Figure 15-7. Download Dialog Box

To download a resource block to a live device:

1. Use the pull-down list in the upper left corner of the editor window to select the
resource block, and then click the Configuration tab (Figure 15-6).
2. Click OOS above the resource block tabs to set the target block mode to OOS if the
block mode is not already out of service.
In the example in Figure 15-6, the resource block mode in the device is in its target
mode (Auto) and two parameters have been modified in the Configuration tab. The
parameters are displayed in yellow as the changes have not been downloaded. With
the live connection to the device, the Upload All, Download All, and Download but-
tons at the bottom of the tab are active.
3. Wait for the Actual mode to change to OOS.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

4. Click one of the download commands:

♦ Download to download only parameters that have been modified in the IACC
database and that are included in the Writable Parameters list (Figure 15-7).
♦ Download All to download all the parameters on the Download List, and
parameters that have been modified in the IACC database and that are included in
the Writable Parameters list.
Both commands also result in the configuration being saved to the IACC
5. Click Yes in the warning dialog box to confirm the action (Figure 15-8).

Figure 15-8. Warning Dialog Box for a Resource Block Download

IACC displays progress messages in the Output window as it downloads to the device.
♦ Choose View > Output Window from the IACC menu bar if the window is not
The download of certain parameters may have change other parameters in the device,
and as result the device configuration might not match the IACC database, especially
if the download contained only selected parameters.
6. Do one of the following to ensure that the IACC database is aligned with the actual
device configuration:
♦ Click Upload All to upload all resource block parameters to IACC.
All resource block parameters with a locked status of or are updated by
the upload. Parameters with a locked status of are not updated by the
♦ Use the Compare tab to review differences between the two databases and then
selectively upload or download parameters that do not match. Refer to “Compar-
ing the Device with the Database” on page 330.
7. Click Save on the Configuration tab.
If there is failure in the download, the Database Value cells for affected parameters and the mes-
sage icon in the upper right corner of the block display change to a dark red.
1. Click to open an Error Monitor dialog box describing the problems
(Figure 15-9).

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

Figure 15-9. Error Monitor Dialog Box

2. Do the following to resolve the problem:

♦ Check the actual resource block mode to ensure that it is appropriate for the
parameters being downloaded.
♦ Verify that you have permissions to download the specific parameters.
♦ Repeat the download procedure.

Comparing the Device with the Database

This section describes how to use the Compare tabs in Field Device Manager to align the IACC
database with the configuration of a device that has that has just been brought online. In the fol-
lowing example, the device has been prepared off-line in the instrument shop, and all resource
and transducer block parameters have been set to the desired configuration except the block tags,
which are correct in the IACC database. The blocks tags are downloaded to the device and then
the entire device configuration is uploaded from the device to update the IACC database.

While Field Device Manager provides a Compare tab for function blocks, the fea-
ture should only be used with resource and transducer blocks. Function blocks are
configured in the IACC CSD Editor and the properties sheets for the corresponding
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks as part of control configuration; function
blocks are not configured or maintained in Field Device Manager. The Compare
tab should be used with function blocks only to view the values in the device.

To align the IACC database with the configuration of an online device:

1. Right-click the device in the Project Navigator and choose Field Device Manager
> Field Device Manager (Universal) from the pop-up menu.
2. Use the pull-down list en the top left corner of the editor window to select the
resource block, and the click the Compare tab in the block display.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

The editor displays the database values for all parameters in the block and the device
values as the editor reads them from the device database, replacing the cyan * in the
device value column (Figure 15-10). If the values do not match for a specific parame-
ter, the editor displays in the column between the two values.

Figure 15-10. Resource Block Compare Tab

3. Select parameters to be updated:

♦ Click the row header (the left-most button in the row) to select the first parame-
♦ Press Ctrl while clicking the row headers for additional parameters.
♦ Click the left-most column header to select all parameters; click the column
header a second time to de-select all parameters.
4. Use the filtering options at the bottom of the page to select parameters of interest:
♦ Use the pull-down list to select parameters that appear on a specific tab:
♦ Configuration for parameters shown on the Configuration tab for this
♦ Diagnostics for parameters shown on the Diagnostics tab for this block
♦ All for all resource block parameters.

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

♦ Check Differences Only to display only parameters for which the values do
not agree.
♦ Check Selections Only to show only parameters you have selected.
5. Select the parameters (BLOCK_TAG in Figure 15-10) to be set from the IACC database,
and click Download Sel.
6. Click Save.
7. Select each transducer block in turn and download parameters values from the IACC
database where appropriate.
8. Select the device tag in the Field Device Manager navigation pane and click
Upload All.
9. Click Save and choose File > Close from the IACC menu bar to exit Field Device

H1 Hand-held Devices
While it is strongly recommended that you use IACC exclusively for managing the H1 devices
through all phases of the FOUNDATION fieldbus implementation, use of other tools such as hand-
held H1 devices may prove convenient in certain troubleshooting situations to view, and even
change, device and block parameters. However, changing the device database via a hand-held
presents several problems:
♦ There is a high risk of the device database becoming out of sync with the IACC
♦ Manual synchronization through compare screens on a hand-held requires in-depth
knowledge of how that database is used in the device.
♦ Changes to the device database, such as to scaling parameters, may adversely affect
that operation of the FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks in the control scheme.
♦ Configuration and subsequent synchronization with the system database requires
more effort than making the changes in IACC and downloading to the device.
Exercise caution if a hand-held is to be used to change the device database and then align the data-
bases as follows:
1. If required to take the device offline, use the System Management displays to access
the device as described in “H1 Device Displays” on page 283:
a. Select the device icon in the System Management display and click the EQUIP
CHG button at the bottom of the display.
b. Choose INHIBIT DEVICE ALARMS on the Equipment Change page to suppress
alarms while the device is being modified.
c. Choose DISABLE COMMS to take the device off-line.
2. Connect the hand-held device to the H1 device, and set the PrimaryLinkFlag vari-
able to False.
3. Follow the device documentation to access the parameters and, if necessary change,
the device parameters.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

4. Disconnect the hand-held device from the H1 device, and use System Management
displays to bring the device back on line and enable device alarming.
5. Follow the steps described in “Comparing the Device with the Database” on page 330
to validate the device configuration, align the system database with the device data-
base, and save the changes.

Upgrading a Device to a New DD

This section describes how to update devices to a new DD, while maintaining the templates for
the devices including resource and transducer block parameter settings, download setup, access
permissions, and customization of the user interface. There are two distinct cases of a DD
♦ There is a revision to the DD files but not to the device version. In this case, the num-
ber of blocks and the block parameter sets have not changed, but the new DD may
include additional methods, and modified descriptions and enumerations.
♦ There is a new device version, in which case there is a higher likelihood that there are
changes to the parameter sets making the new DD incompatible with the old devices.
Use the procedure described in this section only if you are actually swapping out all
the old devices to the new version.
In both cases, you will use a separate IACC database to merge information from the old device
templates with the new DD version.
Refer to the “Managing IACC Databases” topic in IACC Help for additional information on set-
ting up the separate database.

Before You Upgrade

Before upgrading to the new DD, take the following precautions:
♦ Consult with the device manufacturer to determine the changes made in the DD
♦ Ensure that you have a current backup of the IACC database that contains the devices
to be upgraded.
♦ Export the device type (or the entire database) in case the original templates need to
be restored. Refer to “Exporting and Importing Device Definitions” on page 108.

Merging Templates with the New DD

To upgrade a device type to a new DD revision:
1. Open the top-level device type in Field Device Manager, and do the following for each
block in the device:
a. Select the block, click the Customize tab, and click Save As at the bottom of the
b. Use the Save As dialog box to specify a name and location of an XML file for the
resource block template.
2. Close the Field Device Manager and exit IACC.
3. Start IACC, selecting a database other than the one containing the old device type.

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

4. Create a new device type by importing the new DD version, but using the old device
type name.
Refer to “Creating a Device Type” on page 64 for detailed instructions on creating
and naming device types.
5. Open the new device type in Field Device Manager and for each block in the device
do the following:
a. Select the block and click the Customize tab.
b. Click the Load From button at the bottom of the tab, and use the Open dialog
box to browse for and load the XML file created in step 2.
6. Export the device type as described in “Exporting and Importing Device Definitions”
on page 108, and exit IACC.
7. Start IACC selecting the database that contains the old device type and instances.
8. Import the new device type selecting the Replace Existing Objects, Copy
Other Objects option in the Import dialog box.
9. Open the device type in the Field Device Manager, select each block in turn and
review any error messages in the Output pane to identify incompatibilities between
the between the device type and the new DD version.

New DD, Same Device Version

It is anticipated that when the new DD is only a revision to the DD itself and not to
the device version, there will be a few minor incompatibilities between the DD and
the device templates. The inconsistencies will be noted when you open an individual
device instance until the new configuration is saved.
♦ Review the error messages, if any.
♦ Review all settings in each block.
♦ Download the new configuration to each device as part of regular device mainte-

The error messages for the device and for each block are removed only when the
device or block configuration has been saved.

New Device Version

Anticipate a greater number incompatibilities when the DD is for a new device ver-
sion. As you import the template for each block, there will a separate error message for
each parameter that cannot be imported and one for each parameter value that cannot
♦ Print or save the error listings in the Output pane.
An error listings file can be linked to the Identification page for the device or one
of its blocks, and the contents of the file can be cut and pasted to device or block

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

The error messages for the device and for each block are removed only when the
device or block configuration has been saved.

♦ Review all settings.

♦ Click the Save button to accept the new template for each block.
♦ Install the replacement devices.
♦ Open each device and save the template for each block to clear the error messages,
before commissioning the replacement.

Changing Device Types

This section describes replacement of devices with a different device type from the same or differ-
ent manufacturer. The process involves creating a new device template in the IACC database as
the database for the new devices is not compatible with the existing templates.
Before proceeding with the replacement:
♦ Refer to the manufacturers’ documentation to identify differences between the devices
in addition to those which led to the decision to replace the existing devices.
♦ Ensure that you have a current backup of the IACC database that contains the devices
to be upgraded.
♦ Export the original device type and device instances (or the entire database) in case
they need to be restored. Refer to “Exporting and Importing Device Definitions” on
page 108 and “Exporting Device Configurations” on page 132.
To start the device type replacement:
1. Create a new device type by importing the DD for the replacement device, configure
the device template and the template for each resource and transducer block.
Refer to Chapter 5 “Creating Field Device Types” for detailed instructions on creating
device types and developing the templates.
If the old and new device types are similar, some of the settings for the previous device
(particularly resource block and function block parameters) may be reused as settings
for the new device, using the Save As and Load From functions described in the
previous section. Importing the previous template may be useful for standard device
blocks such as the resource block. However, before experimenting with importing -
templates, you should export templates for the newly created device type so you can
revert to those templates if there are too many incompatibilities between the two
device types.

If the parameter names, parameter types or some other parameter attributes are not
matching between manufacturers, the export/import may not be successful for all

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

♦ If the replacement device type is reasonably similar to the existing type, import
template for the resource block, review errors to determine whether applying the
previous templates is significantly less work than developing new templates from

Review all settings to ensure correct behavior.

2. Create any application-specific versions of the new device type using the procedures
described in Chapter “Creating Application-Specific Types”.
For each device to be replaced:
1. Do the following to remove the original device from the Foxboro Evo system:
a. Start Foxboro Evo System Management, select the host control station in System
Monitor Domains screen, and click CONFIG to display control station’s PIO Bus
b. Select the FBM228 to which the device is connected, click NEXT LEVEL, and
then choose the appropriate H1 segment in the port selection dialog box.
c. Select the device in the segment I/O Display and click the EQUIP CHG button.
d. Select DISABLE COMMS in the Equipment Change Screen to take the device off-
e. Disconnect the device from the fieldbus.
2. Do the following to remove the device from the IACC database:
a. Select the Network tab in IACC and expand the configuration to display the
device instance.
b. Right-click the device, choose Where Used from the pop-up menu, and note the
uses of the device ECB listed in the Output pane Where Used tab.
Use the Where Used tab’s context menu to print the listing or save the tab con-
tents to a file.
c. Right-click the device, choose Delete from the pop-up menu, and click OK in the
Delete Request dialog box.
3. Create an instance of the new device type using the name of the deleted device.
See Chapter 6 “Defining the Fieldbus” for information on creating and naming device
4. Set the device tag, block tags and other values in the newly created devices to match
the settings of the device it replaces.
5. Update each CSD that used the previous device ECB, as follows:
a. Insert the new ECB block into the control strategy diagram.
b. Restore the connection between the FOUNDATION fieldbus function blocks (AI,
AO, DI and DO) and the device ECB.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

If the CSDs were generated from a CSD template, modify the CSD template and
taglist, and then regenerate the CSDs.

6. Connect the replacement device to the fieldbus and run the Commission Wizard as
described in “Device Commissioning” on page 255.
7. Download the modified CSDs to the CP.
8. Use Foxboro Evo System Management to bring the device on line, and verify the data
provided from/to the devices in the FOUNDATION fieldbus function blocks.
9. Delete the original device type when all instances have been replaced with the new
device type.

Periodic Backup of Databases

The IACC Database Administrator is a separate utility for backing up, verifying, and restoring
IACC databases. All three functions are selected from the IACC Database Administration win-
dow (Figure 15-11), which includes an Output window for monitoring the progress of the
selected operation.
When the IACC Database Administrator is initiated from Explorer, three command buttons are
active: Backup, Restore, and Verify.
When the IACC Database Administrator is initiated from the IACC window, only the backup
option is active, and the backup command is applied only to the currently open database.
Database restoration and verification can be executed only off-line; no user can be logged into the
target IACC database.

Figure 15-11. IACC Database Administration Window

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

Backing Up a Database
The backup procedure makes a copy of the complete IACC database, including DD files and
device data entered using third-party DTMs, and saves the database to a user-specified location.
You can save multiple backup copies and select from among them when you need to restore the
files. All changes made since the backup are eliminated.
Backups are automatically made each time you download.

You can also make backup copies of the IACC database using the copy and paste
functions in Windows Explorer. However, this approach requires separate backups
for DTM data, which is not saved in the IACC application path. The IACC Data-
base Administrator utility is the recommended method for a comprehensive backup
and restoration of an IACC database.

To back up the currently open IACC database:

1. Choose Window > Close All to close all editors.
2. Choose Tools > Backup from the menu bar.
IACC opens the IACC Database Administrator dialog box, with only the Backup and
Exit buttons active.
3. Click Backup.
An Enter backup file dialog box (Figure 15-12) prompts you to specify the location
and name of the backup file. The default name for the backup file is the filename with
the current date and time, for example:

Figure 15-12. Enter Backup File Dialog Box

4. Click Save to accept the default name and location, or use the controls in the dialog
box to enter a different name or location, and then click Save.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

The Output window in the dialog box displays the backup functions as they are
performed, and error messages if there are problems. When the process is complete,
the utility displays a message box (Figure 15-13).

Figure 15-13. Backup Complete

5. Click OK to close the information box and exit the utility.

The Backup function is applied to only one database at time. When accessed from
within IACC, the Backup only applies to the currently opened database.

6. Restart IACC, selecting another database to be backed up, and repeat the steps in
described in this section until backups have been made of all the databases.

Restoring a Database
The Restore function overwrites the current database with a file that was created with the backup
To restore a database:
1. Ensure that no one is logged into the target database.
If there is an active client, work is overwritten by the restore function.

If you are using multiple databases, make sure that you have the correct name and
path for the target database. The pathnames are displayed in the IACC Databases
dialog box when you log onto to IACC, and stored in the file \IACC\Data-

2. Use Explorer to locate the utility in the executable folder:


B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

3. Double-click DbAdmin.exe to open the IACC Database Administrator window

(Figure 15-11).
4. Click Restore.
The utility displays a dialog box in which you select the database to be restored
(Figure 15-14). The dialog box is similar to a standard Windows Open dialog box.

Figure 15-14. Selecting the Backup File

5. Use the dialog box controls to select the database to be restored, and click Open.
The utility displays the target directory, that is, the directory in which the original
IACC database files were located (Figure 15-15). If you select another location, the
Restore function does not work.

Figure 15-15. Select Destination Directory Dialog Box

6. Click Open.

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

If the target directory already contains a valid database, Restore overwrites it with the
selected database. To prevent data loss, the utility prompts you to back up the data-
base in the target directory (Figure 15-16).

Figure 15-16. Option to Back Up Files Currently in the Target Directory

7. Select Yes to back up the database using the default name and location, or click No to
skip the backup.
If you select Yes, the utility displays the Enter backup file dialog box (Figure 15-12) so
you can specify a filename and location.
The Output window displays the restore procedure, which includes both a verification
of the database to ensure that all pointers and references in that database are valid and
a database integrity check (Figure 15-17).

Figure 15-17. Restore Complete

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

8. Click Exit when the Output window indicates that the target database volume has
been closed.

Exporting Databases
Select the “Managing IACC Database” topic in IACC Help for additional information on export-
ing and importing databases.
To export an IACC database:
1. Select System at the top of the System tab.
2. Choose File > Export from the menu bar to open the Available Formats dialog box.
3. Select Export to IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
4. Specify a destination folder and an export file name (with the .ida extension) in the
IACC Export File Name dialog box, and click Next to display the specified export in
the Verify dialog box.
5. Click Next to start the actual export, and then Finish when the Export dialog box
displays the following message:
The Export operation is done

Importing Databases
To import from an IACC database:
1. Start IACC, selecting the database into which the data is to be imported, if there are
multiple databases available.

Once IACC is opened, you cannot switch databases. Care should be exercised to
ensure that the data is imported to the correct database.

2. Select System at the top of the System tab in the Project Navigator
3. Choose File > Import from the menu bar to open the Available Formats dialog box.
4. Select Import from IACC Format in the dialog box and click OK.
5. Specify the source folder and the export file name in the IACC Import File Name dia-
log box, and click Next to display contents of the file in the Import dialog box
(Figure 15-18).

15. Managing Change B0700BA – Rev K

Figure 15-18. Import Dialog Box

6. Click the check boxes for the objects to be imported.

7. Select one of the Import options:
♦ Copy All Objects, if you do not want to overwrite any object in the IACC
database that has the same name as an imported object. After import, the dupli-
cate names are displayed in red italic letters until one of the names is changed.
♦ Replace Existing Object, Copy Others to update definitions that have
matching names with the imported definitions.
8. Click Next.
A warning dialog box identifies those objects that will replace objects already in the
9. Click Next to proceed or Back to change the object selection or the import option.
10. Click Next in the verify dialog box, and then click Finish when the Export dialog
box displays the following message:
The import operation is done
When all imported items are copied, duplicate object names are displayed in red italic
letters, until you rename or delete one of the objects.

B0700BA – Rev K 15. Managing Change

After exporting a device database from an instrument shop system to a control room
system, or vice versa, you should check the port number configured for each device,
as different port numbers may be used on the respective systems.

Appendix A. Glossary
This appendix is a glossary of common terms and acronyms specific to the FOUNDATION
fieldbus and the Foxboro Evo system that are used throughout this document.
A comprehensive list of definitions related to FOUNDATION fieldbus can be found at the Founda-
tion web site www.fieldbus.org.

Acyclic Period That portion of the communication cycle time, during which
information other than Publish/Subscribe data is transmitted.
Typical information transmitted during this time includes
Alarms/Events, Maintenance/Diagnostic information, Program
invocations, Permissives/Interlocks, Display information, Trend
Information and Configuration.
AI Analog Input function block in an H1 device that provides
measurement input from a specified channel in the field device. AI
also refers to the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function
block used to interface with the device AI block.
AO Analog Output function block in an H1 device that provides out-
put to a specified channel in the field device. AO also refers to the
Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block used to inter-
face with the device AO block.
Application Layer A layer in the communication stack containing the object diction-
Baseplate A rack that provides mounting for 200 Series FBMs and FCMs.
There are vertical and horizontal baseplate configurations, provid-
ing up to eight mounting positions. The 8-position baseplate can
accommodate eight FBMs or a combination of FBMs and FCMs.
The baseplate also provides the necessary connectors for dc power
to the Foxboro Evo Module Fieldbus and termination cables.
Basic Device A Basic Device is any device not having the capability to control
communications on a H1 fieldbus segment.
BIN Binary input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to access
binary data from a variety of different communications buses. For
FOUNDATION fieldbus, BIN enables client/server access to device
block Boolean parameters.
BINR Redundant Binary input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to
access binary data from a variety of different communication
buses. For FOUNDATION fieldbus, BIN enables client/server access
to multiple device block Boolean parameters.
BLOCK_ERR A standard diagnostics parameter available in all H1 device blocks.
BPS Bulk Power Supply

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix A. Glossary

Bus A H1 fieldbus cable between a host and field devices connected to

multiple segments, normally through the use of repeaters.
Capabilities File A Capabilities File describes the communication objects in a field-
bus device. A configuration device can use Device Description
(DD) Files and Capabilities Files to configure a fieldbus system
without having the fieldbus devices online.
CD Compel Data. A message sent by the Link Master that causes H1
devices to publish data.
CFF Common File Format. Defined by a Fieldbus Foundation
specification, this file describes information about H1 devices
to allow off-line configuration. The DD Explorer uses CFFs to
populate IACC configuration options with data specific to the
selected manufacturer and device.
Common File Format A software file used by the Host to know the device detailed
File (CFF) FOUNDATION fieldbus capabilities without requiring the actual
Communications Layered software supporting communication between devices. A
Stack Communications Stack is device communications software, which
provides encoding and decoding of User Layer messages, deter-
ministic control of message transmission, and message transfer.
Connector A Connector is a coupling device used to connect the wire
medium to a fieldbus device or to another segment of wire.
Control Loop A Control Loop is a group of Function Blocks (FBs) that execute
at a specified rate within a fieldbus device or distributed across the
fieldbus network.
Control Station/ A Foxboro Evo module, such as the FCP280 or FCP270, that
Control Processor effects process control via a control network. It controls process
variables using algorithms contained in functional control blocks
configured by on-site process engineers to implement the desired
control strategies.
Coupler A Coupler is a physical interface between a Trunk and Spur, or a
Trunk and a device.
Data Link Layer The Data Link Layer (DLL) controls transmission of messages
(DLL) onto the fieldbus, and manages access to the fieldbus through the
Link Active Scheduler (LAS). The DLL used by Foundation™
fieldbus is defined in IEC 61158 and ISA S50. It includes Pub-
lisher/Subscriber, Client/Server and Source/Sink services.
DCI Distributed Control Interface block. DCI blocks run on the
Control Station to interface with field devices using digital
For the FBM228, the Foxboro Evo system supports DCI block
reads from and writes to device function block parameters using
either a client/server connection or a publisher/subscriber connec-
DD Device Description.

Appendix A. Glossary B0700BA – Rev K

DD Explorer A browser utility for reviewing and importing device descriptions.

DD Explorer provides device data to IACC for configuration of
both ECBs and FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks. DD
Explorer also generates H1 device templates for import into
Device Description A Description (DD) provides an extended description of each
(DD) object in the Virtual Field Device (VFD), and includes informa-
tion needed for a control system or host to understand the mean-
ing of data in the VFD.
DI Discrete Input. Function block in an H1 device that provides a
discrete input from a specified channel in the field device. DI can
refers to the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks
used to interface with the device AI block.
200 Series FBM Provides a high-speed communication interface between the con-
Subsystem trol station and field I/O sensors and actuators. 200 Series devices
(FBMs, FCMs, supporting cables and connectors) mount on a
baseplate which in turn, mounts on a DIN rail. The 200 Series
FBM subsystem is described in detail in the Standard and Compact
200 Series Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).
DO Discrete Output. Function block in an H1 device that provides
output to a specified channel in the field device. DO also refers to
the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block used to
interface with the device DO block.
ECB Equipment Control Block. A CP-resident block created for each
FBM or external field device to provide a holding place for the
software data associated with the FBM or external field device.
There are three standard ECBs defined in a Foxboro Evo system.
♦ When an FBM228 is configured as a single unit, an
ECB200 is created.
♦ When FBM228s are installed as a redundant pair, a single
ECB202 is created to represent both modules.
♦ An ECB201 (a child ECB) is added to the ECB200 or
ECB202 (the parent ECB) for each device connected to
the FBM.
FBM Fieldbus Module. The interface between process sensors/actuators
and the fieldbus in a standard Foxboro Evo system. The FBM228
is one of many types of FBMs offered as part of the Foxboro Evo

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix A. Glossary

FCM Fieldbus Communications Module. Interface that enables Foxboro

Evo 200 Series FBMs to communicate with the control station.
The FCM100 enables remote connection of the FBM228 to the
control station via the 100 Mbps switched network. The
FCM100Ef converts the 100 Mbps signals used by the control sta-
tion to two Mbps signals used by the FBM228, and vice versa.
When the FBM228 provides an H1 interface for an FCP280 or
FCP270 installed in the same or a connected baseplate, the FCM
is not required.
FDA Field Device Access. See FF-581 specification.
FDA Driver Task An application resident in a Foxboro Evo workstation that pro-
vides a file-based interface to the FDA Server in the FBM228.
FF FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol or Fieldbus Foundation, depend-
ing on context. In this document the term is used exclusively to
describe the set of FOUNDATION fieldbus specific Function blocks
that can be used only with the FBM228. This set includes AI, AO,
DI, DO, MAI and MAO.
FFPS Foundation Fieldbus Power Supply
Fieldbus A Fieldbus is a digital, two-way, multi-drop communication link
among intelligent measurement and control devices. It serves as a
Local Area Network (LAN) for advanced process control, remote
input/output and high speed factory automation applications.
Fieldbus Access Sub- The Fieldbus Access Sublayer (FAS) maps the Fieldbus Message
layer (FAS) Specification (FMS) onto the Data Link Layer (DLL).
Fieldbus Messaging The Fieldbus Messaging Specification (FMS) contains definitions
Specification (FMS) of Application Layer services in Foundation™ fieldbus. The FMS
specifies services and message formats for accessing Function Block
(FB) parameters, as well as Object Dictionary (OD) descriptions
for those parameters defined in the Virtual Field Device (VFD).
FIND-1+ FOUNDATION fieldbus controller ASIC. Supplied by Yamaha.
FISCO Fieldbus Intrinsic Safe Concept. Allows more power to an IS seg-
ment for approved FISCO devices, allowing for more devices per
IS segment.
Flexible Function A Flexible Function Block is similar to a Standard FB, except that
Block an application-specific algorithm created by a programming tool
determines the function of the block, the order and definition of
the block parameters, and the time required to execute the block.
Flexible Function Blocks (FBs) are typically used for control of dis-
crete processes and for hybrid (batch) processes. A Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC) can be modeled as a Flexible Function
Block device.
H1 This is a 31.25 kbps wire media (Heap 1) as defined by Part 2 of
IEC 61158 and ISA SP50.
H1 Field Device A H1 Field Device is a fieldbus device connected directly to a H1
fieldbus. Typical H1 Field Devices are valves and transmitters.

Appendix A. Glossary B0700BA – Rev K

H1 Repeater A H1 Repeater is an active, bus-powered or non-bus-powered

device used to extend the range over which signals can be correctly
transmitted and received for a given medium. A maximum of four
Repeaters and/or active Couplers can be used between any two
devices on a H1 fieldbus network.
High Speed Ethernet High Speed Ethernet (HSE) is the Fieldbus Foundation's™ back-
(HSE) bone network running at 100 Mbit/second.
HIST Host Interoperability Support Testing performed by the Founda-
tion to approve Host conformance to the FOUNDATION fieldbus
HPS High Performance System. In IACC, used to describe Foxboro
Evo control stations and workstations operating on the
100-megabit/1-gigabit switched Ethernet network.
HSE Field Device A HSE Field Device is a fieldbus device connected directly to a
High Speed Ethernet (HSE) fieldbus. Typical HSE Field Devices
are HSE Linking Devices, HSE Field Devices running Function
Blocks (FBs), and Host Computers.
HSE Linking Device An HSE Linking Device is a device used to interconnect H1 field-
bus Segments to High Speed Ethernet (HSE) to create a larger net-
HSE Switch An HSE Switch is standard Ethernet equipment used to intercon-
nect multiple High Speed Ethernet (HSE) devices such as HSE
Linking Devices and HSE Field Devices to form a larger HSE net-
I/A Series Intelligent Automation Series control system - former name for the
Foxboro Evo system.
IACC I/A Series Configuration Component software package. A
Windows XP based configurator used for the development of
control strategies. This configurator is used to define system
hardware (including the FBM228) and software, create control
strategy diagrams, and download the resulting compounds and
blocks to Foxboro Evo control stations. For FOUNDATION field-
bus, IACC is also used to configure H1 device function blocks
through configuration and download of connected FOUNDATION
fieldbus Function blocks.
IIN Integer input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to access
integer data from a variety of different communications buses.
Used for FOUNDATION fieldbus client/server access to device
block parameters.
Input/Output (I/O) An Input/Output (I/O) Subsystem Interface is a device used to
Subsystem Interface connect other types of communications protocols to a fieldbus
Segment or Segments.
Interchangeability Interchangeability is the capability to substitute a device from one
manufacturer with that of another manufacturer on a fieldbus net-
work without loss of functionality or degree of integration.

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix A. Glossary

Intrinsic Safety Barrier A physical entity that limits current and voltage into a hazardous
area in order to satisfy IS requirements.
IS Intrinsic Safety. A design methodology for a circuit or an assembly
of circuits in which any spark or thermal effect (produced under
normal operating and specified fault conditions) is not capable,
(under prescribed test conditions) of causing ignition of a given
explosive atmosphere.
ITK Interoperability Test Kit used by the Foundation to tick mark
Junction Box / Quick A junction box station allows for quick installation of four to eight
Connection Station field instruments via Terminal using Megablocks.
LAS Link Active Scheduler.
LED Light Emitting Diode
Link A Link is the logical medium by which H1 Fieldbus devices are
interconnected. It is composed of one or more physical segments
interconnected by bus Repeaters or Couplers. All of the devices on
a link share a common schedule which is administered by that
link's current LAS.
Link Active Scheduler A Link Active Scheduler (LAS) is a deterministic, centralized bus
(LAS) scheduler that maintains a list of transmission times for all data
buffers in all devices that need to be cyclically transmitted. Only
one Link Master (LM) device on a H1 fieldbus Link can be func-
tioning as that link's LAS.
Link Master (LM) A Link Master (LM) is any device containing Link Active Sched-
uler (LAS) functionality that can control communications on a H1
fieldbus Link. There must be at least one LM on a H1 Link; one of
those LM devices will be elected to serve as LAS.
Link Objects A Link Object contains information to link Function Block (FB)
Input/Output (I/O) parameters in the same device and between
different devices. The Link Object links directly to a Virtual Com-
munications Relationship (VCR).
MAC A unique hardware address given to each Ethernet interface chip.
MAI Multiple Analog Input function block in an H1 device that pro-
vides up to eight measurement inputs from a specified channel in
the field device. MAI also refers to the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION
fieldbus Function block used to interface with the device MAI
MAO Multiple Analog Output function block in an H1 device that pro-
vides up to eight analog outputs to a specified channel in the field
device. MAO also refers to the Foxboro Evo FOUNDATION field-
bus Function block used to interface with the device MAO block.
Methods Methods are an optional (but highly desirable) addition to Device
descriptions. Methods are used to define / automate procedures
(such as calibration) for operation on field devices.
NetARM+50 General-purpose microprocessor/microcontroller.

Appendix A. Glossary B0700BA – Rev K

Network Management Network Management (NM) permits Foundation™ Network

(NM) Manager (NMgr) entities to conduct management operations over
the network by using Network Management Agents (NMAs).
Each Network Management Agent (NMA) is responsible for man-
aging the communications within a device. The NMgr and NMA
communicate through use of the Fieldbus Messaging Specification
(FMS) and Virtual Communications Relationship (VCR).
NI National Instruments.
NMIB Network Management Information Base. See FF-801 specification
Object Dictionary An Object Dictionary (OD) contains all Function Block (FB),
Resource Block (RB) and Transducer Block (TB) parameters used
in a device. Through these parameters, the blocks may be accessed
over the fieldbus network.
OOS Out of Service device block mode.
PAKIN Packed integer input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to
access packed integer data from a variety of different communica-
tion buses. Used for FOUNDATION fieldbus client/server access to
device block parameters.
PD_Tag Physical Device Tag. The name of an H1 device.
Physical Layer The Physical Layer receives messages from the Communications
Stack and converts the messages into physical signals on the field-
bus transmission medium, and vice-versa.
PIO Process Input Output. Used to describe the bus and communica-
tions protocol between the CP and FBMs.
Resource Block (RB) A Resource Block (RB) describes characteristics of the fieldbus
device such as the device name, manufacturer and serial number.
There is only one Resource Block (RB) in a device.
RIN Real input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to access real
data from a variety of different communication buses. For
FOUNDATION fieldbus, the block provides client/server access to a
device block parameter. The Foxboro Evo system also supports use
of the RIN block to establish a publisher/subscriber connection
with the OUT parameter in an AI device function block.
RINR Multiple real input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to
access real data from a variety of different communication buses.
For FOUNDATION fieldbus, the block provides client/server access
to device block parameters.
ROUT Real output block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to access real
data from a variety of different communication buses. For
FOUNDATION fieldbus, the Foxboro Evo system also supports use
of the ROUT block to establish a publisher/subscriber connections
with the CAS_IN and BKCAL_OUT parameters in an AO device
function block.
Schedules Schedules define when Function Blocks (FBs) execute and when
data and status is published on the bus.

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix A. Glossary

Segment A Segment is a section of a H1 fieldbus that is terminated in its

characteristic impedance. Segments can be linked by Repeaters to
form a longer H1 fieldbus. Each Segment can include up to 32 H1
Shield A surrounding earthed metallic layer to confine the electric field
within the cable and to protect the cable from external electrical
SMDH System Management Display Handler. A Foxboro Evo application
for monitoring system performance.
SMIB System Management Information Base. See FF-880 specification.
Splice A Splice is a H1 Spur measuring less than 1 m (3.28 ft.) in length.
Spur A branch line, that is, a link connected to a larger line at a point on
its route that is a final circuit.
Spur A Spur is a H1 branch line connecting to the Trunk that is a final
circuit. A Spur can vary in length from 1 m (3.28 ft.) to 120 m
(394 ft.).
Stale Rate This is a number corresponding to the allowable missed communi-
cations before a device will shed mode. This is basically a Watch-
dog Timer.
Standard Function Standard Function Blocks (FBs) are built into fieldbus devices as
Block (FB) needed to achieve the desired control functionality. Automation
functions provided by Standard FBs include Analog Input (AI),
Analog Output (AO) and Proportional/Integral/Derivative (PID)
control. The order and definition of Standard FB parameters are
fixed and defined by the specifications.
STRIN String input block. A Foxboro Evo DCI block used to access string
data from a variety of different communication buses. For
FOUNDATION fieldbus, the block provides client/server access to
device block string parameters.
System Management System Management (SM) synchronizes execution of Function
(SM) Blocks (FBs) and the communication of Function Block (FB)
parameters on the fieldbus, and handles publication of the time of
day to all devices, automatic assignment of device addresses, and
searching for parameter names (or tags) on the fieldbus.
Terminator A matching network used at, or near, the end of a transmission line
that has the same characteristic impedance as the line. Used to
minimize signal distortion in the form of “reflected waves” which
can cause data errors. A Terminator is an impedance-matching
module used at or near each end of a transmission line. Two Ter-
minators are required on each H1 segment.
Topology The shape of the network such as Tree, Daisy Chain, and so on.

Appendix A. Glossary B0700BA – Rev K

Transducer Block (TB) A Transducer Block (TB) decouples Function Blocks (FBs) from
the local Input/Output (I/O) functions required to read sensors
and command output hardware. Transducer Blocks (TBs) contain
information such as calibration date and sensor type. There is usu-
ally one TB channel for each input or output of a Function Block
Transmitter A Transmitter is an active fieldbus device containing circuitry,
which applies a digital signal on the bus.
Trunk The main communication highway between devices on a H1 field-
bus network. The Trunk acts as a source of main supply to spurs
on the network.
User Application The User Application is based on blocks, including Resource
Blocks (RBs), Function Blocks (FBs) and Transducer Blocks
(TBs), which represent different types of application functions.
User Layer The User Layer provides scheduling of Function Blocks (FBs), as
well as Device Descriptions (DDs), which allow the host system to
communicate with devices without the need for custom program-
VFD Virtual Field Device. See FF-870 specification.
Virtual Communica- Configured application layer channels that provide for the transfer
tion Relationship of data between applications. Foundation™ fieldbus describes
(VCR) three types of VCRs: Publisher/Subscriber, client/Server, and
Virtual Field Device A Virtual Field Device (VFD) is used to remotely view local device
(VFD) data described in the object dictionary. A typical device will have at
least two Virtual Field Devices (VFDs).

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix A. Glossary

Appendix B. FBM228 System
This appendix provides a description of the system messages related to the FBM228 which an
operator may receive.
The FBM228 generates system messages with the formatting shown in Figure B-1.

Device Address
Source Error Source,
Timestamp Bus Type Class, and Code

2002-10-31 08:47:33 CP6001 Equip = CPPB0A -39 1 Norm FF 1 25 Alarm 5 6 1 Configuration Download Failed

FBM Link No. Descriptive Text

Severity Category
Figure B-1. FBM228 System Message Format - Using Example Message

Table B-1 describes the parts of the system message formatting.

Table B-1. System Message Labels

Alarm Label Possible Values Definition

FBM - Letterbug of the FBM228
-39 -39 Not used
Source 1 - FBM Message source - device or FBM
2- Device
Severity FATAL (Fatal) FBM228 has stopped operating
EMERGENCY (Emerg) FBM228 may be operating but can not per-
form normal functions.
CRITICAL (Crit) FBM228 is still operating but has an error
that must be corrected before normal opera-
tions can be expected.
HIGH (high) FBM228 is still operating but has an error
that must be corrected.
NORMAL (Norm) FBM228 is operating normally, but there
has been an error that prevents some func-
tion from being performed. Error can be
corrected by configuration changes.
LOW (Low) Informational. FBM is operating normally.
Bus Type FF FOUNDATION fieldbus for FBM228

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages

Table B-1. System Message Labels (Continued)

Alarm Label Possible Values Definition

Link No. 0-4 A value of 0 means an FBM problem not
related to a specific communication link. A
value of 1 to 4 indicates a problem related
to the corresponding communication link.
Dev Addr 0, .., 255 Address of a FOUNDATION fieldbus device
Category Alarm Not used by FBM228
Alert Not used by FBM228
Event An occurrence. An event MAY cause an
alarm condition, but the FBM will operate
Error An error. User action to resolve is often
required. However, some errors may clear
over time.
Info Information only. No user action required.
There will be no System Alarm condition.
Error Source To be defined during implementa- Interpretation depends on the specific error.
Error Class tion. Contact Global Customer Support at
https://pasupport.schneider-electric.com for
Error Code
Desc. Text Descriptive text (Up to 30 characters) of the

Table B-2 provides a list of potential system messages generated by the FBM228 (iom128).

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228

System Message Description

“I/O Port 1 Fault /OK” FBM internal stack supervision indicates stack failure.
“I/O Port 2 Fault /OK” FBM internal stack supervision indicates stack failure.
“I/O Port 3 Fault /OK” FBM internal stack supervision indicates stack failure.
“I/O Port 4 Fault /OK” FBM internal stack supervision indicates stack failure.
“I/O Port 1 Disabled Fault/OK” I/O Port 1 is Disabled and failed
“I/O Port 2 Disabled Fault/OK” I/O Port 2 is Disabled and failed
“I/O Port 3 Disabled Fault/OK” I/O Port 3 is Disabled and failed
“I/O Port 4 Disabled Fault/OK” I/O Port 4 is Disabled and failed
“Internal FBM Error” Internal FBM Error
“LAS Fault/OK” The FBM is in control (or not) of the LAS
“Interlink Fault/OK” Error in 1 or both Inter FBM redundancy channels
“HDLC Bus Rx Fault/OK” Receive Error in one of the HDLC (PIO) Bus interfaces
“HDLC Bus Tx Fault/OK” Transmit Error in one of the HDLC (PIO) Bus interfaces

Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages B0700BA – Rev K

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 (Continued)

System Message Description

“H1 Bus Interface Fault/OK” Error in one of the FOUNDATION fieldbus (IO) Bus inter-
“Slot Conflict Fault/OK” FBM detects that redundant partner is indicates wrong
base-plate slot residency
“Power 1 Fault/OK” Fault detected in base-plate power 1 supply
“Power 2 Fault/OK” Fault detected in base-plate power 2 supply
“Redundancy Sync Fault/OK” Redundant pair is out of synchronization
“Non-spec Fatal Fault” Internal non-specific fatal fault detected
“Non-spec Non-fatal Fault” Internal non-specific non-fatal fault detected
“Inv H1 Bus Params Fault” Incompatible H1 bus parameters detected on one of the
IO ports
“FBM Address Fault/OK” FBM address has been changed by external tool
“FBM PD Tag Fault/OK” FBM PD tag has been changed by external tool
“C/S Config Fault/OK” Too many periodic Client/Server accesses have been con-
figured. Some VIEW or data may not be updated. Remove
some DCI Block(s).
“Version Mismatch Fault/OK” Redundancy Inter-link messaging version mismatch
“Revision Mismatch Fault/OK” FBM228 software revision mismatch
“Red Role Conflict Fault/OK” Each redundant partner is attempting to perform same
redundancy role
“Live List Mismatch Fault/OK” A live list mismatch exists on one or more of the H1 links
between redundant partners
“Partner In Live List Fault/OK” Redundant partner FBM not visible on H1 bus
“Time Synchronized Fault/OK” FBM has drifted out of sync with a hosting CP by more
than a threshold value
“Excess C/S Blocks Fault/OK” Periodic Client/Server access overload. VIEW or periodic
C/S data access is falling behind. Remove blocks and/or
increase update period(s).
“C/S Overload Fault/OK” FBM can NOT perform all Client/Server communications
for one of the H1 busses attached to the FBM
“Recovery Fault/OK” Recovery to use an existing configuration has failed. Causes
- LAS link settings are different
- Existing schedule is different
“Resource Block Fault/OK” FBM detects at least 1 bit set in RB BLOCK _ERR param-
“Transducer Block Fault/OK” FBM detects at least 1 bit set in TB BLOCK _ERR param-
“Multiple TBs Fault/OK” FBM detects more than 1 Transducer blocks in the device
“Other Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 (Continued)

System Message Description

“Block Configuration Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Link Configuration Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Simulate Active Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Local Override Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Device Fault State Set Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Device Needs Maint Soon FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
Fault/OK” parameter
“Input Failure PV is Bad Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Output Failure Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Memory Failure Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Lost Static Data Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Lost NV Data Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“ReadBack Check Failed FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
Fault/OK” parameter
“Device Needs Maint Now FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
Fault/OK” parameter
“Power Up Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“Out of Service Fault/OK” FBM detects this bit set in RB or TB BLOCK_ERR
“PD Tag Fault/OK” FBM detected a device with cleared PD Tag
“Temp Address Fault/OK” FBM detected a device with temporary address
“Visitor Address Fault/OK” FBM detected a device with visitor address
“FF Comm Fault/OK” FBM Failed to communicate with the device. Possible
Initiate failed
FMS Service failed
Setting or clearing VCRs, Link objects etc. failed
Could not initiate to management VFD
“Duplicate PD Tag Fault/OK” Device with same tag name already exists on the segment.

Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages B0700BA – Rev K

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 (Continued)

System Message Description

“Clr Old Settings Fault/OK” The clearing of the device failed. This includes: clearing
VCRs, clearing link objects, or clearing FB Tags
“Subscriber Config Fault/OK” The configuration of the device subscriber endpoint failed.
The VCR or LINK object configuration was rejected by
the device
“Publisher Config Fault/OK” The configuration of the device publisher endpoint failed.
The VCR or LINK object configuration was rejected by
the device
“Block Param Config Fault/OK” The device rejected the configuration (write) of one or
more block parameter
“FB Schedule Fault/OK” The configuration of the FB schedule failed. This includes
failure to write a schedule item in the device.
“Time Master Config Fault/OK” FBM was unable to initialize the primary time master in
the devices
“CS Access Fault/OK” Client/Server update of a block parameter failed. This
includes updates to VIEWs or updates to periodic data.
This error will be set if three consecutive attempts to
read/write a parameter in a FOUNDATION fieldbus device
“Link Master Config Fault/OK” The LAS configuration and the actual operational mode in
the device are different
“LAS Download Fault/OK” Download of LAS schedule was rejected by the device
“Device Ident Fault/OK” A newly connected device is scanned to collect device data.
This data collection failed.
“CD Overlap Fault/OK” Compel Data configuration for data to or from the device
is overlapping.
“LAS Fault/OK” If set, the device is operating as Active LAS. FBM is not
Link Active Scheduler (LAS)
“CS Config Fault/OK” A DCI point is configured with an invalid (too small)
update period. The configured value has been ignored and
a default update period of 1 second is used.
“View Update Fault/OK” View updates of FOUNDATION fieldbus shadow block
“Recovery Fault/OK” Recovery for this device failed. The configuration has
changed while the FBM was removed or non-operational.
For example:
Connections have been added or removed
Connections have been changed
Block parameters have been changed
“Link Settings Fault/OK” The backup LAS has different configured link settings than
the FBM. The Backup LSA may not be able to operate link
properly and recovery may fail.

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 (Continued)

System Message Description

“CS Overload Fault/OK” Client Server access to device is overloaded. FBM FOUN-
DATION fieldbus C/S communication is overloaded. This
can be due to:
Too many DCI Blocks causing VIWE Updates
Too many DCI C/S Blocks with high update frequency
Constant Pass-Thru traffic generated by Field Device Man-
ager (FDM)
“Data Status Fault/OK” FBM has changed 1 or more device points state from
“Unsupported Data Type FBM has received a request for periodic access to a device
Fault/OK” parameter from unsupported data type
“Write Protected Fault/OK” Device has Write Protection enabled
“Device Capability Level Mismatch detected between actual and configured device
Fault/OK” capability level.
“Point Allocation FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Block Allocation FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Block Connect FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Too many subs FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Too many pubs FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Point parent FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Parameter table FAIL” FBM Fatal error.
“Blk/Pnt Parent not found” FBM Fatal error.
“'DCIPntName' FILE OK” Related DCI Point file is OK
“'DCIPntName' Cfg Chksum Block FILE processing failed with checksum error
“ 'DCIPntName' Seq( 'Number') Block FILE processing failed, wrong sequence number
“'DCIPntName' FILE Version Block FILE processing failed, invalid file version
“'DCIPntName' FILE Error Block FILE processing failed
“FBM Overload!” FBM Overload, not enough time to process all internal
“Out of Memory” Not enough free memory to process requests
“NV RAM Test Failed!” Internal NVRAM is not accessible
“Config Data Download” Configuration data was received by the FBM
“FB overlap Idx 'Number'” A function block is scheduled to execute in a time slot used
by different function block
“Link Settings Conflict” A device is running as LM with incompatible/unusable
link settings.

Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages B0700BA – Rev K

Table B-2. List of System Messages Generated By FBM228 (Continued)

System Message Description

“Block Index 'Number' not found” FBM was unable to find a block located on specified index
W('Index', 'subindex') 0xData The device rejected the configuration (write) from the
R('Index', 'subindex') 0xDevData!= Device configuration does not match with the FBM inter-
0xFbmData nal DB value.
EXC(Number, PCP, taskName) Exception generate by the operating system
Number - exception number/code
PCP - processor counter pointer (address where the
exception occurred)
taskName - task name in which the exception occurred.

B0700BA – Rev K Appendix B. FBM228 System Messages

calibration using the Methods tab 218
21 CFR Part 11 changing device types 335
configuration change tracking 51 colors in value fields xxi
comments xxi
A Commission Wizard
adding users 55 as used in the control room 255
AI as used in the instrument shop 209
definition 345, 350 communications DTMs
Alarm Text installing a third-party communication DTM
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block for the instrument shop 46
detail display 199 Compare tab
alarms as used in the control room 330
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block as used in the instrument shop 219
detail display 198 Compel Data message (CD) 174
AO configuration overlay
definition 345, 350 FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block
detail display 196 detail display 197
application-specific device types 74 configuring downloads at the template level 94
assigning Field Device Manager roles 53 configuring redundant FBMs 114
associating blocks with BTMs 104 control logic
example of creating a control strategy template
B 30
backup 338 control processors 3
baseplate and module identity 226 CSDs
Block Error display adding a DCI block to a CSD 162
H1 devices 287 quick-start example 30
block templates Customize tab
adding notes 92 tabs defined 82
adding tabbed pages 87 customizing block template displays 79
customizing tab pages 88
Tab Overview button and Parameter D
Overview dialog box 91 databases
blocks aligning the IACC database with a device in a
customizing block templates displays 82 live system 330
global locking and unlocking of parameters 90 aligning the IACC database with a device in
setting device block parameters in the device the instrument shop 219
type 69 DCI blocks 8
standard DCI blocks 8 configuring standard I/A Series DCI blocks to
BTMs read specific device block parameters
associating a BTM with a block in a device 162
template 104 Delete Request dialog box 100
opening a BTM 17 deleting
device types 100
C removing an FBM228 from the I/A Series
cable connections 230 system 321

B0700BA – Rev K Index

derived device types 74 inheriting settings from the defining device

detail display type 67
base display for a FOUNDATION fieldbus installation 223
Function block 191 maintenance 301
mode switch on FOUNDATION fieldbus moving a device to another segment 318
Function block displays 194 removing a device from an H1 segment 266
device addresses replacing devices 315
set with the Live List tab 261 scheduling devices on a segment and on a
device blocks home run 173
configuration example 26 troubleshooting a device with Field Device
modifying resource and transducer blocks in a Manager 306
live device 326 upgrading a device to a new DD 333
naming 126 verifying online connection 261
device creation sequence 15 DI
device fault conditions 139 default detail display 200
device Information page definition 347
Links and Graphics 80 Diagnostic tab 306
device status DISABLE COMMS
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block in a System Management display for an H1
displays 195 device 285
device templates discrete input/output devices
in the quick-start example 16 resource block requirements 73
device templates. See also device types 61 discrete valve controllers
device types resource block requirements 73
adding notes to the device template 92 DO
creating a type 64 default detail display 200
creating application-specific types 74 definition 347
deleting device types 100 DOWNLOAD 280
exporting and importing device templates 108 download 94
locking parameters 67 Download List 94
overview 61 downloads
setting parameters 67 tracking configuration changes with FoxCTS
setting up the user interface 79 51
devices DTMs
activating devices 250 associating the manufacturer’s DTM with a
bringing devices online in the quick start device type 101
example 38 installing a manufacturer’s DTM 50
calibrating devices in the instrument shop 218 opening a DTM 17
changing devices types 335
commissioning device off-line 209 E
commissioning devices in the quick start ECB200
example 34 CHAN Parameter 14, 113
commissioning devices online 255 description 6
connection to a device in the instrument shop detail displays 272
208 setting parameters in IACC 118
creating device instances 111 ECB201
example of adding devices to the I/A Series creating device-specific ECBs in IACC 64
System 28 description 6
example of device configuration 30 ECB202
description 6

Index B0700BA – Rev K

setting parameters in IACC 118 troubleshooting an FBM using Field Device

ECBs Manager 302
creating new ECB201 definitions 64 FCP270
EDDL adding an FBM228 111
configuring device instances 132 use with FBM228 3
configuring device types 67 FCP280
EEPROM UPDATE 279 adding an FBM228 111
in a System Management display for an H1 FDT roles 96
device 285 ferrite cores 227, 229
ENABLE DEVICE ALARMING Field Communication Modules (FCM100s) 115
in a System Management display for an Field Device Manager
FBM228 279 installing the software 42
in a System Management display for an H1 overview 9
device 285 quick start example 11
Enhanced EDDL restricting access to functions by block type
accessing online displays 311 and FDT role 96
selecting Enhanced Device Descriptor 18 system requirements 41
Equipment Change screen tabs in a device display 68
FBM228 279 uninstalling the software 49
Equipment Information screen Field Device Manager Roles 53
H1 devices 285 fieldbus
redundant FBM228s 281 defining the fieldbus 111
exporting design and installation 237
device types 108 wiring guidelines 239
fieldbus terminations 229
F FieldConnex power-conditioning baseplates 231
faceplates 193 Foundation fieldbus ECBs 6
Faultstate 149 FOUNDATION fieldbus Function blocks
H1 device options 150 adding blocks to an IACC database 144
setting FBM parameters in IACC 119 default detail displays 191
FBM228 example blocks in the quick start 32
adding FBMs to an IACC database 111 faceplates 193
adding H1 devices 120 making the field connections in IACC 145,
adjusting link parameters 188 159
adjusting minimum macrocycle 182 modifying deployed blocks 323
configuring redundant modules 114 modifying parameters in IACC 147
deleting an FBM 321 overview 6
EMI protection 227, 229 Foxboro Control Software 16
Equipment Information screen 281 FoxCTS
Faultstate options 149 set up connection to IACC 51
features 4 Fsdlay 119
going on-line 250 Fsenab 119
installation 223 FSTATE_VAL_D 152
installation on Invensys baseplates 228 function blocks
macrocycle 174 diagnosing function blocks with Field Device
maintenance 269 Manager 310
schedule devices on the fieldbus 173
System Management displays 275
global lock and unlock 90

B0700BA – Rev K Index

GO OFF-LINE installing Field Device Manager 42

in a System Management display for an installing NI FBUS H1 Communication DTM
FBM228 279 46
GO ON-LINE instrument shop
in a System Management display for an setup and data flow 201
FBM228 279 verifying a device connection 208
going on-line 250 ISEL block 166
Graphics on the device Information page 80
group display of FOUNDATION fieldbus L
Function block faceplates 193 Link Active Schedule 173
Group Overview tab 86 Link Master (LM) 173
Links on the device Information page 80
H Live List tab
H1 devices as used in the control room 261
Backup LAS and LM 173 as used in the instrument shop 208
block mode indicators and switches in an
FOUNDATION fieldbus Function M
block detail display 325 macrocycle
defining device types in IACC 64 macrocycle overflow 181
Foundation Fieldbus Download Advisory maximum performance loops 180
dialog box 324 setting minimum macrocycle in IACC 119
H1 hand-held devices 332 maintenance 301
H1 segments Maintenance user group 53
troubleshooting a segment with Field Device managing change 323
Manager 303 Methods tab 218
module fieldbus cables 225
I moving devices to another segment 318
MTL 4-segment power-conditioning baseplate
I/A Series blocks used with the FBM228
overview 6
IACC Administrator user group 54 N
IACC Database Administrator 337 naming conventions 126
IACC with Field Device Manager network connection between the instrument
overview 9 shop system and an IACC server 205
implementation sequence 15 Network Management parameters 188
importing NI FBUS H1 Communication DTM
device configurations to an instrument shop installation with Field Device Manager -
203 Instrument Shop 46
device types 108 Notes button 92
inheritance 67
in a System Management display for an Observer user group 53
FBM228 279 Operator user group 53
in a System Management display for an H1
device 285 P
installation 223 padlock icons 67
installing FBM228s on Invensys baseplates global lock and unlock 90
228 parameter groups
installing FBM228s on power conditioning Group Overview tab 86
baseplates 231 setting up a group 84
installing a device manufacturer’s DTM 50 parameter values 67

Index B0700BA – Rev K

lock all and unlock all 90 Setup Downloads buttons 94

PD_Tag 122, 126 simulation
PD_tags set with the Live List tab 261 control loop simulation 171
PID control loop 137 running simulations using hand-held devices
AI to PIDA connections 138 266
PIDA to AO connections 138 site commissioning 255
PIDA status overlay
CEOPT parameter 140 FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block
MANSW parameter 141 detail display 196
MBADOP parameter 140 supplied 18
Planning user group 53 SWITCH ROLES 280
positioners switch settings 226
resource block requirements 72 Syscfg 119
power-fault alarms system architecture 1
configuration on MTL and P+F baseplates 237 System Management displays
presentation template FBM228 275
adding tabbed pages 87 H1 devices 283
blocks 82 System Management parameters 188
example 19 system requirements for Field Device Manager
presentation template for devices and blocks 79 41

quick start 11 Tab Definition window 88
equipment and software used 11 Tab Overview window 91
tabs in a device display 68
R template notes 92
reference documents xix terminations assemblies
remote indicator 166 Invensys TAs 229
removing a device from an H1 segment 266 third-party terminations 229
replacing devices 315 third-party DTMs opened in Field Device
restricting access to Field Device Manager Manager 101
functions 96 third-party fieldbus terminations 229
revision information xix transmitters
roles 53 resource block requirements 72
S FOUNDATION fieldbus Function block
security detail display 199
adding users 55 troubleshooting an H1 segment with Field
assigning IACC privileges for editors other Device Manager 303
than the Field Device Manager 57 troubleshooting devices with Field Device
assigning users to an IACC group 56 Manager 306
Field Device Manager 53 troubleshooting devices with the manufacturer’s
security settings for the quick start example 13 DTM 314
troubleshooting function blocks with Field
setting access permissions at the block template
Device Manager 310
level 96
when using the device manufacturer’s DTM U
55 uninstalling Field Device Manager software 49
security. See also Security topic in IACC Help 53 update period for a DCI block 162
segment topology 237 user interface for a device 19
selecting blocks 17
service numbers xxi

B0700BA – Rev K Index

guidelines for fieldbus wiring 239

adding FBM228s 115
use with FBM228 3

Index B0700BA – Rev K

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