ALD Doping Review

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Review Article: Atomic layer deposition of

doped ZnO films

Cite as: J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 37, 050802 (2019);
Submitted: 03 June 2019 . Accepted: 30 July 2019 . Published Online: 16 August 2019

Zhengning Gao, and Parag Banerjee


Paper published as part of the special topic on Special Topic Collection on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
Note: This paper is part of the 2020 Special Topic Collection on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD).

This paper was selected as Featured


Atomic layer deposition of silicon-based dielectrics for semiconductor manufacturing: Current

status and future outlook
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37, 060904 (2019);

Review Article: Atomic layer deposition for oxide semiconductor thin film transistors:
Advances in research and development
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 36, 060801 (2018); https://

Status and prospects of plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37, 030902 (2019); https://

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 37, 050802 (2019); 37, 050802

© 2019 Author(s).
Review Article: Atomic layer deposition of doped ZnO films
Zhengning Gao1 and Parag Banerjee1,2
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816
Nano Science and Technology Center (NSTC), University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816

(Received 3 June 2019; accepted 30 July 2019; published 16 August 2019)

This article reviews the process-structure-property relationship in doped ZnO thin films via atomic
layer deposition (ALD). ALD is an important manufacturing-scalable, layer-by-layer, thin film deposi-
tion process that precisely controls dopant type and concentration at the nanoscale. ZnO is an impor-
tant technological material, which can be doped to modulate structure and composition to tailor a
wide variety of optical and electronic properties. ALD doped ZnO is viewed as a transparent conduct-
ing oxide for application in solar cells, flexible transparent electronics, and light-emitting diodes. To
date, there are 22 elements that have been reported as dopants in ZnO via ALD. This article studies
the underlying trends across dopants and establishes generalized relationships for (1) the role of ALD
process parameters, (2) the impact of these parameters on the structure of the ZnO matrix, and (3) the
impact of dopants on the optical and electrical properties. The article ends with a brief discussion on
the limitations of the ALD-based doping scheme, knowledge gaps in the compositional maps,
and a perspective on the future of ALD doped ZnO films. © 2019 Author(s). All article content,
except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1(a). Applications of ALD doped ZnO have included thin
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) exerts the ultimate control film transistors, solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and gas
over film thickness and composition at the nanoscale. The sensors.33–36 The main motivation for developing ALD doped
sequential pulsing of precursor molecules leads to self- ZnO as a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) is to replace
limited chemisorption from the gas phase on to surfaces and currently used TCOs such as tin-doped indium oxide (ITO).
results in monolayer growth of films. Mixing and matching Given that ZnO is a wide bandgap semiconductor metal
pulse chemistries results in new tailor-made compositions, oxide, it is easy to appreciate how doping can create excess
harder to achieve by other deposition techniques. These charge carriers in ZnO while maintaining optical transpar-
process advantages in ALD have been realized through more ency.37,38 Group III oxides and, in particular, Al2O3 is used
than two decades of fundamental and applied research and to synthesize Al-doped ZnO TCOs [Fig. 1(b)]. The Kröger–
highlighted in numerous review articles.1–15 Today, ALD is Vink reaction can be represented as
a manufacturing-at-scale process, adopted by industry and
2ZnO 1
projected to reach a market value of $3.01 billion by 2025.16 Al2 O3 ! 2AlZn þ 2OX 
O þ 2e þ O2 " : (1)
ZnO is a wide bandgap (3.30 eV) semiconductor that is a 2
versatile materials platform used in thin film electronics, gas
sensors, light-emitting devices, photodiodes, solar cells, and The two electrons generated in the above reaction are
catalysts.17–22 These applications are made possible by a rich donated to the conduction band. This results in improved
compositional diversity achievable by doping ZnO with electronic conductivity. One can extend the rationale to
various elements. For example, Mg-doped ZnO and Cd-doped group IV (e.g., TiO2) and group V oxides (e.g., Ta2O5),
ZnO are two compositions typifying the use of doped ZnO for assuming that a higher number of electrons may be avail-
bandgap engineering in optoelectronic devices.23,24 able for conduction. However, the actual scenario is more
Thus, given (1) the process advantages of ALD and (2) the complicated than what the above reaction implies. The pres-
material importance of ZnO, ALD of ZnO presents immense ence of intrinsic defects such as O vacancies, Zn intersti-
opportunities for future devices and technologies. ALD chem- tials, and hydrogen and charge compensation mechanisms
istry for ZnO was first demonstrated by Tammenmaa et al. create a complex electronic environment that has been
using zinc acetate and water as precursors.25 Since then, a extensively studied in the literature.39–44
large body of work has been published, detailing fundamental From a process perspective, the key takeaway is that ALD
mechanisms of ALD of ZnO using diethyl Zn (DEZ) as a pre- represents a powerful platform to realize a range of doping
cursor and the ability to dope ZnO using a combination of compositions by (1) elemental type and (2) atomic percent
various precursor molecules.26–32 There are 22 elements that (at. %), which allows for a systematic investigation of
have been used to dope ZnO via ALD. This is shown in process-structure-properties relationships of doped films. By
varying the order and ratio of pulsing sequence, the entire
compositional phase space can be mapped, and fundamental
Note: This paper is part of the 2020 Special Topic Collection on Atomic processes related to doping mechanisms can be unraveled. If
Layer Deposition (ALD). the deposition rate (in nanometers/cycle) of the parent film

050802-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 37(5), Sep/Oct 2019 0734-2101/2019/37(5)/050802/17 © Author(s) 2019. 050802-1
050802-2 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-2

FIG. 1. (a) There are 22 elements that have been reported as dopants in ZnO via ALD. These are shown as highlighted boxes in the periodic table. (b) Among
the 22 elements, Al is the most widely studied dopant followed by Ga, N, Ti, and In. The other elements are listed on the x-axis as a function of decreasing
number of papers (on y-axis).

and dopant is known, the estimated atomic percent dopant II. EFFECT OF ALD PROCESS PARAMETERS
can be written as ALD process parameters strongly dictate properties of
λMOx doped ZnO. In this section, the effect of pulsing sequence,
at: % ¼ : (2) deposition temperature, and choice of dopant precursor mol-
λMOx þ Γ  λZnO
ecules is considered.

Here, λMOx and λZnO are deposition rate per ALD cycle
for the dopant oxide MOx and ZnO, respectively, and Γ is A. Effect of pulsing sequence
the cycle ratio of ZnO to MOx. The above formula assumes Dopant distribution can be precisely tuned along the
no chemical “cross talk” between the parent and dopant thickness direction of an ALD film. Injecting a dopant pulse
films and is an oversimplification. Yet, a majority of papers after a few, fixed cycles of Zn and oxidant precursor mole-
use similar formulae for estimating atomic percent in ALD cules is the most common method for synthesizing doped
doped ZnO films. Because of the ease with which ALD ZnO.27,89,207 The entire sequence, or “super-cycle,” is then
doped ZnO can be fabricated and their previously stated role repeated to achieve the desired thickness. This is schematically
in key applications, there now exists a wealth of literature shown in Fig. 2(a) for the cation Al3+ doped in ZnO, although
that needs to be collectively assessed. the efficiency of doping of anions such as N is known to be
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review current data sequence dependent as well.134 By considering the “pre”
and extract underlying trends in ALD doped ZnO films that dopant pulse (Zn or oxidant, “O”), the dopant pulse, and the
may aid in our understanding to design and synthesize the “post” dopant pulse (Zn or O), one can see that there are at
next generation of doped ZnO films and other multicompo- least four (i.e., 2 × 2) combinatorial ways of achieving the
nent films via ALD. Table I provides a comprehensive list of pulse sequences. These sequences are represented from n1 to
ALD doped ZnO films from the perspective of TCOs.45–207 n5 in Fig. 2(b), based on the recent work by Le Tulzo et al.127
This table lists the doped element, the precursor molecules Sequence n1 has two consecutive oxidant pulses that differs
used, the composition (or cycle ratio) at which the TCO from sequence n5 which has only one postdopant H2O pulse.
properties are optimized, the thickness deposited, and the Additionally, we have included the pulse sequence “co,” i.e.,
optical and electrical properties. a co-injection pulse where both DEZ and dopant are pulsed
With a view to aid practitioners of ALD design better pro- into the reactor simultaneously.90
cesses, this review focusses on the processing-structure- There are marked differences in electrical properties
properties relationships in ALD doped ZnO films. In Sec. II, observed between these pulse sequences. We specifically
we describe the process parameters that are important for pro- discuss the widely published case of Al-doped ZnO.127
ducing efficiently doped ALD ZnO films. Next, the character- According to Le Tulzo et al., the sequences n1 and n5
ization of these films is discussed. In particular, x-ray described above, where the DEZ pulse immediately precedes
diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), a trimethyl aluminum (TMA) pulse, create lower resistivity
and photoluminescence (PL) data are discussed for various films for films deposited at 200 °C and a TMA:DEZ cycle
ALD doped ZnO films. Finally, optical and electrical proper- ratio of 1:10. This has been suggested to be due to the
ties are highlighted. Where there is availability of extensive etching of TMA on ZnO surfaces, which leads to superior Al
data, generalized trends in ALD doped ZnO films are pre- incorporation inside the ZnO film. On the other hand, Pollock
sented. At the end, limitations in the processing schemes, and Lad 99 have shown that sequence of type, n2 lowers film
knowledge gaps in the compositional maps, and perspectives resistivity for films deposited at 160 °C with a TMA:DEZ
on the future of ALD doped ZnO are described. cycle ratio of 1:11. Additionally, the Al-doped ZnO film

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

TABLE I. Listing of cation and anion dopants used in ALD doped ZnO along with the precursor chemistry, process parameters, deposition rate, substrate type, and optical and electrical properties. Optical bandgap indicates the largest bandgap of the ALD doped
ZnO, and optical transmittance data are recorded between 400 and 800 nm.

ZnO chemistry Dopant chemistry Optical Electrical

Deposition Deposition Carrier

temperature Optimal Optimal rate Thickness Bandgap Resistivity concentration Mobility Other
Element Zn precursor Oxidant Dopant precursor Oxidant (°C) cycle ratio atomic % (nm/cycle) Substrate (nm) (eV) Transmittance (Ω cm) (cm−3) (cm2/V s) References References

1 Cations H+ Diethyl Zn H2O H-plasma — 200 — — 0.14 Glass 172 3.64 92.5% 7.30 × 10−4 6.00 × 1020 14.0 198 199, 200
2 Mg2+ Diethyl Zn H2O Bis(ethylcyclo-pentadienyl) — 200 1:7 — — Thermal SiO2 50 3.9b 85.0% — — — 203 204b
3 Mn2+ Zinc acetate H2O/O3 Mn(thd)3, Mn(acc)3 H2O/O3 230 1:9 — — c-Sapphire, — — — — — — 177 —

JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films

4 Co2+ Diethyl Zn H2O Cobalt (II) acetyloacetonate Cobalt H2O 160 c-Sapphire, 176
Dimethyl Zn (II) chloride hydrate GaAs,Si, Glass
5 B3+ Diethyl Zn H2O B2H6 — 165 — — — Glass 200 3.48b 90.0% 6.40 × 10−4 8.00 × 1020 15.0 131 102b, 130,
6 Ga3+ Diethyl Zn H2O Hexakis (dimethylamino) gallium H2O 300 1:33 3 — c-Sapphire 54 3.59b 90.0% 3.30 × 10−4 1.38 × 1021 13.0 158 72, 149–157b,
7 Al3+ Diethyl Zn H2O Trimethylaluminum H2O 200 — 5 — Glass, 200 3.73a,b 80.0% 6.50 × 10−4 7.90 × 1020 11.8 52 25–27, 45–51,
c-Sapphire 53–88, 89b,
8 As3+ Diethyl Zn H2O As — 280 — — — GaN/Al2O3 2000 — — — — — 201 —
9 In3+ Diethyl Zn H2O Trimethyl indium H2O 200 — 80 — Thermal SiO2 40–50 — — 3.90 × 10−4 3.00 × 1020 50.0 166 163–165,
10 Ge4+ Diethyl Zn H2O Tetramethoxy germanium H2O 250 — 1.4 — Glass 300–400 3.62a 78.0% 1.50 × 10−2 1.50 × 1020 11.0 178 —
11 Si4+ Diethyl Zn H2O (N,N-dimethylamino) H2O 300 1:35 2.1 — Si, Glass, 150 3.38a 85.0% 9.20 × 10−4 4.30 × 1020 15.6 184 —
trimethylsilane c-Sapphire
050802-3 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films

12 Ti4+ Diethyl Zn H2O Titanium isopropoxide H2O 200 1:20 — — Si, Thermal 100 4.00a 80.0% 8.87 × 10−4 4.80 × 1020 15.0 186 185, 187–193
SiO2, Quartz
13 Zr4+ Diethyl Zn H2O Tetrakis (dimethylamino) H2O 180 — 2 — c-Sapphire 100 3.34 90.0% 1.30 × 10−3 2.20 × 1020 24.0 172 173–175
14 Sn4+ Diethyl Zn H2O Tetrakis (dimethylamino) tin H2O 150 1:3 — — Si — — — — — — 206 —
15 Hf4+ Diethyl Zn H2O Tetrakis-ethylmethyl amino H2O 200 — 3.3 — Glass, 100 3.55a 80.0% 6.00 × 10−4 3.00 × 1020 22.0 180 181–183
hafnium c-Sapphire
16 Nb5+ Diethyl Zn H2O Niobium Pentaethoxide H2O 180 — 3.4 — Si 50 — — — — 7.9 205 —
17 Ta5+ Diethyl Zn H2O Pentakis (dimethylamino) tantalum H2O 170 1:40 1.8 — Si, Glass, 30 3.39a 80.0% 4.00 × 10−3 1.20 × 1020 11.0 207 —
18 Anions F− Diethyl Zn H2O HF — 140 — 1 — Thermal SiO2 287 3.42a 80.0% 1.88 × 10−3 1.38 × 1020 24.2 194 195–197
19 Cl− Diethyl Zn H2O HCl (33%–40% in Water) — 140 — 0.65 — Thermal SiO2 200 3.36a 80.0% 1.21 × 10−2 5.72 × 1019 31.8 202 —
20 S2− Diethyl Zn H2O H2S — 110 — 1.4 0.2 Thermal SiO2 100 2.65b — 1.00 5.00 × 1015 11.5 160 161, 162b
21 N3− Diethyl Zn H2O NH3 — 190 — 2.5 0.25 Glass 50 2.89b — 2.10 × 10+1 6.00 × 1016 4.0 141 134–140,
142–145, 146b,
22 P3− Diethyl Zn 2% O3 Trimethyl phosphite 2% O3 250 — 1.4 — Thermal SiO2 150 — — 3.00 × 10−3 1.30 × 1020 18.0 170 72, 171, 172

Bandgap due to Burstein–Moss effect.
Optical bandgap data are obtained from reference in last column, i.e., other than the electrical data reference.
050802-4 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-4

FIG. 2. (a) Schematic of Al-doped ZnO film showing one super-cycle consisting of n monolayer ZnO and one Al2O3 monolayer. (b) Schematic of pulse
sequences vs time, used for doping ZnO. (c) Cross-section TEM showing quasi-superlattice-like structure of Al-doped ZnO. Reprinted with permission from
Lee et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 448 (2011). Copyright 2010, John Wiley and Sons. (d) Auger electron spectroscopy depth profile of 1 at. % Al doping in
ZnO with periodically separated doping sequence. Reprinted with permission from Yuan et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 30, 01A138 (2012). Copyright 2012,
American Vacuum Society. (e) Atom probe tomography of Al-doped ZnO showing Al doping and mixing with the ZnO matrix. Reprinted with permission
from Wu et al., Chem. Mater. 30, 1209 (2018). Copyright 2018, American Chemistry Society. (f ) Comparison of estimated and measured thickness vs percent-
age of ZnO cycle. Reprinted with permission from Elam and George, Chem. Mater. 15, 1020 (2003). Copyright 2003, American Chemistry Society.
(g) Deposition temperature dependence of resistivity of Al-doped ZnO. Reprinted with permission from Ahn et al., Thin Solid Films 545, 106 (2013).
Copyright 2013, Elsevier. (h) Surface treatment effect on carrier density of Al-doped ZnO. Reprinted with permission from Yanguas-Gil et al., Chem. Mater.
23, 4295 (2011). Copyright 2011, American Chemistry Society. (i) Type of dopant precursor effects doping efficiency of Al-doped ZnO films. Reprinted with
permission from Wu et al., Chem. Mater. 25, 4619 (2013). Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society.

crystallinity and texture is enhanced along the [002] direction. Understanding interaction effects of the precursors with
It is also suggested that the DEZ step after TMA helps to the film come from both in situ and ex situ analyses of pro-
localize and bind the defect site produced as a result of prior cesses and films. In situ quartz crystal microbalance,27,87
TMA etching. Variation of pulse sequence has not been tried quadrupole mass spectrometry,207 and in situ conductance
for dopants other than Al. measurements87 provide insights into how the dopant pulse
In contrast to periodically layered dopants, homogeneous interacts with the film. Ex situ characterization of films
dopant distribution can also be achieved using ALD.162,202 using TEM has shown the quasi-superlattice-like, periodi-
The co-injection pulse sequence is labeled as “co” in cally layered microstructure as shown in Fig. 2(c).92 Auger
Fig. 2(b). Yuan et al.90 have achieved co-injection by tuning electron spectroscopy can determine the periodicity of the
the partial pressure of DEZ and TMA to maintain an appropri- dopant layers [Fig. 2(d)].90 Recently, the Kessels group125
ate mixture ratio during the precursor pulse. For similarly has shown the periodicity of Al-doped films using atom
doped Al atomic percent, the homogenously doped films probe tomography [Fig. 2(e)]. Surprisingly, the Al concen-
show better crystallinity and mobility as compared to the peri- tration profile along the depth of the film is not as discrete
odically doped films. Improved electrical performance of as previously thought and shows considerable mixing with
homogeneous Hf-doped ZnO has been reported as well.182 the ZnO matrix.

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

050802-5 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-5

B. Dopant precursor effect on growth rates distribution affect the electrical property and the doping effi-
Ideally, the dopant pulse should not interact with the ciency.92 Here, we focus on ALD process strategies for achiev-
underlying film. However, in practice there is significant ing isotropic and homogeneous doping.
chemical “cross talk” between the dopant pulse and the “Surface poisoning” using alkyl alcohols or passivation
underlying film. Elam et al. were the first to show the impact using titanium tetra-isopropoxide210 after each TMA pulse
of TMA etching on ZnO films. In Fig. 2(f ),27 the thickness reduces density of surface reaction sites.93 This implies that
difference of an AZO film between measured and estimated less Al is incorporated in each layer but counterintuitively
values based on the “rule of mixtures” is shown. The mea- helps to increase the carrier density of an Al-doped ZnO film
sured thickness of Al-doped ZnO is lower than the calculated [Fig. 2(h)].93 Alternately, using a larger Al precursor mole-
thickness. As the Al percentage increases, the difference cule, such as dimethyl-aluminum isopropoxide (DMAI), can
between measured and calculated thicknesses increases until also affect Al-doped ZnO film resistivity.95 DMAI molecules
the Al cycle ratio reaches 20% (i.e., 80% ZnO cycle). This are much larger than TMA and have a larger steric hindrance
thickness difference is a result of the etching effect of TMA when attached to the ZnO surface. This leads to less Al con-
on ZnO surfaces. Incidentally, trimethyl indium shows a centration in a single layer. The doping efficiency using
similar effect as well.166 Phenomenologically, it has been DMAI is much higher than TMA [Fig. 2(i)].95
shown that it takes ∼6 cycles of DEZ + H2O to recover 63%
of the original ZnO deposition rate.89 The etching mecha-
nism is responsible for the Al incorporation into the ZnO
matrix. Recent data show that a cation exchange mechanism, In this section, the impact of extrinsic dopants on the struc-
where Al substitutes Zn in the film, is possible.208 tural characteristics of ALD doped ZnO films will be pre-
In contrast to TMA, Ti-doped ZnO using tetrakis- sented. Dopant effects on ZnO crystallinity, chemical
isopropoxide (TTIP) results in enhanced growth rates.185 This bonding, and defects will be discussed while presenting x-ray
is suggested to be due to the enhanced adsorption of TTIP diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and photolumi-
molecules on ZnO surfaces. However, the end result is nescence data, respectively.
similar to the TMA case, where excess Ti is detected beyond
the rule of mixtures. A. XRD
There are two primary growth directions for ALD ZnO.
C. Effect of deposition temperature ZnO, which has a wurtzite crystal structure, has a (002) plane
ALD of ZnO can be performed across a wide temperature which is a charged, polar surface due to alternate layers of
window. For example, the lowest temperature for ZnO deposi- Zn2+ and O2− along the c-axis. The a-axis (100) plane is a
tion is reported to be 60 °C using DEZ and H2O as charge neutral surface that consists of alternate rows of Zn2+
co-reactants.71,209 The highest temperature of ZnO deposition is and O2− [Fig. 3(a)].92 Atomic layer epitaxy of ZnO on (0002)
reported to be 300 °C using DEZ and H2O as co-reactants.168 sapphire produces a c-axis oriented film. Alternately, it has
The dopant incorporation must be activated between these been shown that at low temperatures, ALD of intrinsic ZnO
two extrema in temperature. However, this is not the only leads to a preferential growth of the (100) plane, while at
consideration when choosing a suitable deposition tempera- high temperatures the (002) plane is favored.211 This is attrib-
ture as highlighted in Fig. 2(g).82 Here, the change in resistiv- uted to the distribution of surface charge which in turn deter-
ity is shown as a function of deposition temperature. It is mines surface energies of the crystal planes during the
noted that the nominal temperature for ALD ZnO and Al2O3 sequential surface reactions in ALD. Thus, the prevalence of
using H2O as an oxidant is around 200 °C.27,89,209 However, either the charged (002) or neutral (100) plane and their sub-
in ALD Al-doped ZnO, the lowest resistivity sample is syn- sequent presence as a function of dopant concentration
thesized at 250 °C. The higher deposition temperature provide insights into the effectiveness of dopant incorporation
enhances the removal of precursor ligands and carbonaceous in ALD doped ZnO.
species from the film. Postdeposition annealing to tempera- To understand dopant behavior on crystallinity, we look at
tures as high as 550 °C could further improve film resistivity ALD doped ZnO films deposited on glass or thermal SiO2 on
by redistributing dopant atoms uniformly in ZnO and simulta- Si, except for the case of N-doped ZnO which is conducted
neously increasing the grain size of the film.90,105,158 on sapphire. Substrate effects are not considered in our analy-
sis, although it has been shown that carefully chosen sub-
strates can enhance conductivity.88
D. Effect of preconditioning and precursor selection We have analyzed the effective ionic radius212 r under tet-
Dopant incorporation and hence film properties are affected rahedral coordination and the charged state (+Z) of the
by preconditioning the surface prior to the dopant pulse or dopants used in ALD ZnO. The linear charge density which
carefully choosing different precursor molecules. Essentially, can be a measure of the strength of interaction of the cation
the isotropic and homogeneous distribution of dopants is a key dopant with the ZnO matrix can be approximated by the
factor for improved transparency and conductivity of ALD parameter “Z/r,” that is, the charge density per unit length of
doped ZnO films. The dopant “effective radius model” can the ionic radius. Higher this parameter, stronger the interac-
help explain how surface poisoning and homogeneous doping tion. The linear charge density parameter is plotted as a

JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films

050802-6 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-6

FIG. 3. (a) Wurtzite crystal structure along c-axis (left), showing alternate layers of Zn2+ and O2− in the (002) plane and along a-axis (right), showing the
charge neutral (100) plane. (b) Ionic radius under tetrahedral coordination (Ta5+ data extrapolated from Shannon) for various cations used for doping ZnO. The
size of the bubble indicates 1000 × Z/r. Cations marked by blue bubbles (large Z/r, type I) result in loss in crystallinity of the ZnO matrix. Cations marked by
red bubbles (small Z/r, type II) show improved crystallinity at low atomic percent doping, before amorphization or secondary phase formation occurs at higher
atomic percent doping. (c) XRD of Nb-doped ZnO as a function of percent cycle ratio. Reprinted with permission from Shaw et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 109,
222103 (2016). Copyright 2016, AIP Publishing LLC. (d) XRD of B-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from
Garcia-Alonso et al., J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 3095 (2015). Copyright 2015, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) XRD of Si-doped ZnO as a function of atomic
percent. Reprinted with permission from Yuan, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 23, 2075 (2012). Copyright 2012, Springer Nature. (f ) XRD of Ta-doped ZnO
as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Gao et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces 3, 1600496 (2016). Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons.
(g) XRD of Ge-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Chalker et al., J. Mater. Chem. 22, 12824 (2012). Copyright
2012, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (h) XRD of Al-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Banerjee et al., J. Appl.
Phys. 108, 043504 (2010). Copyright 2010, AIP Publishing LLC. (i) XRD of Hf-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from
Ahn et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. 159, H384 (2012). Copyright 2012, Electrochemical Society. ( j) XRD of Ga-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent.
Reprinted with permission from Chalker et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 31, 01A120 (2013). Copyright 2013, American Vacuum Society. (k) XRD of
Mg-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Kaur et al., Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 161, 449 (2017). Copyright 2017,
Elsevier. (l) XRD of Zr-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Herodotou et al., Materials 8, 7230 (2015). Copyright
2015, MDPI. (m) XRD of In-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Lee et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 408 (2013).
Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society. (n) XRD of F-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi and Park,
J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 98 (2014). Copyright 2014, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (o) XRD of Cl-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with
permission from Choi et al., J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 8336 (2015). Copyright 2015, The Royal Society of Chemistry. ( p) XRD of N-doped ZnO as a function of
atomic percent. The film was prepared using plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition and rapid thermally annealed after deposition. Reprinted with permission
from Chien et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4, 3471 (2012). Copyright 2012, American Chemistry Society. (q) XRD of S-doped ZnO as a function of
atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Frijters et al., Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 155, 356 (2016). Copyright 2016, Elsevier.

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

050802-7 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-7

bubble graph in Fig. 3(b) for Zn2+, Mg2+, In3+, Ga3+, Zr4+, percent increase. Fully amorphous films are observed for
Hf4+, Al3+, Ta5+, Ge4+, Nb5+, Si4+, and B3+, where the size of >31 at. %. However, at 77 at. %, ZnS (111) with zinc blende
the bubble equals 1000 × Z/r. Independent of the effective structure is observed.
ionic radius (i.e., y-axis), there are two regions that can be
demarcated by the bubble size. The bubbles of Type I indicate
linear charge densities of cations with 1000 × Z/r > 90, signifi- B. XPS
cantly higher than Zn2+(1000 × Z/r = 33). The bubbles of XPS is a powerful surface analysis technique to study the
Type II indicate linear charge densities of cations with oxidation state of the Zn and dopant cation in doped ZnO. By
1000 × Z/r ≤ 77 and similar to Zn2+(1000 × Z/r = 33). This studying the perturbation of the charged state (i.e., “2+” for
demarcation using linear charge density is a useful way to the Zn cation), one can understand the degree to which the
analyze the XRD data as will be shown below. dopant is incorporated into the ZnO matrix. Alternately, by
In Figs. 3(c)–3(g), XRD of doped ZnO films as a function studying the XPS fine spectra of oxygen, the impact of
of atomic percent of type I cations is shown. In all the cases, dopants on the anionic sublattice can be understood. In partic-
the crystallinity of the ZnO matrix monotonically degrades as ular, the variation of VO†† can be monitored as a function of
atomic percent doping increases for Nb5+ (Ref. 205), B3+ dopant concentration. This is important because VO†† deter-
(Ref. 102), Si4+ (Ref. 184), Ta5+ (Ref. 207), and Ge4+ (Ref. 178). mines, to varying degrees, electrical properties of doped ZnO
The XRD peaks shift to higher 2θ, implying that lattice con- films. Herein, we will present XPS data as a function of
stants decrease with atomic percent. The peak intensities dopant atomic percent for the Zn 2p and O 1s fine spectra.
decrease and the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) widens. In pure ZnO, Zn 2p3/2 is between 1021.8 and 1022.5 eV
Irrespective of the effective ionic radius, the strong electrostatic and Zn 2p1/2 is 22.97 eV higher than 2p3/2.213 We find that
interaction of these cations disturbs the charge state of the ZnO there is a consistent trend in the Zn peak when a dopant is
matrix and hinders crystalline growth of doped ZnO films. added via ALD. This trend depends on the oxidation state of
In contrast, in Figs. 3(h)–3(m), XRD of doped ZnO films the dopant cation. In Fig. 4(a), the shift in the binding energy
as a function of atomic percent of type II cations is shown. (BE) is plotted (z-axis) as a function of dopant atomic
Here, the crystallinity of the ZnO matrix initially improves. percent (x-axis) and the oxidation state (Z) of the dopant
Peak intensities increase and FWHM narrows, before film cation (y-axis). The dopant cations for which data are avail-
crystallinity starts to degrade. For example, for Al3+, the able as a function of atomic percent are Z = +2 for Mg;204
primary peak intensity maximizes at 3 at. %,89 Hf4+ at Z = +3 for Al and In;31,119 Z = +4 for Zr, and Z = +5 for Ta
6.7 at. %,180 Ga3+ at 1.1 at. %,150 Mg2+ at 10 at. %,204 Zr4+ at and Nb,205,207 whereas, for Z = +2 and Z = +3, the Zn 2p
6.7 at. %,173 and In3+ at 4.7 at. %.166 It is noted that the linear peaks do not shift in their B.E. (i.e., shift = 0 eV), for Z = +4
charge density (Z/r) of the type II cations is similar to Zn2+. and Z = +5, the shifts to higher BE are measurable. This
Thus, the type II cations initially improve crystallinity of the implies that Zn2+ loses part of its valence electrons in the
films. At high dopant percent, past solubility limit, intercon- presence of these highly charge cations, namely, Zr4+, Ta5+,
nected islands of amorphous or secondary phase oxides in and Nb5+. An example of Zn 2p3/2 peak unperturbed with
the ZnO matrix, degrade ZnO crystallinity.180 increasing dopant concentration is presented in Fig. 4(b) for
For anionic dopants such as F− (Ref. 194), Cl− (Ref. 202), Al-doped ZnO.119 Alternately, in Fig. 4(c), Ta-doped ZnO
N (Ref. 142), and S2− (Ref. 162), the trends in crystallinity
shows a consistent trend of peak shifts to higher BE as the
differ from cationic dopants.142 The anionic dopants are incor- atomic percent Ta increases.207 Thus, based on the results
porated in the oxygen vacancies (VO†† ) or substitute oxygen above, we find that the Zn 2p spectra responds to the dopant
sites. In general, peak intensities shift to lower 2θ degrees, cation for Z ≥ +4.
indicating the presence of tensile stress and an increase in O1s spectrum in ZnO XPS can be deconvo-
lattice constants. For F− doping [Fig. 3(n)],194 a change in luted119,180,195,202,205,207 into three peaks, namely, O associ-
crystallinity is not observed though film texture appears to ated with ZnO (i.e., O2−) at 529.6 eV, O in the vicinity of
change with increasing atomic percent doping. Since the ionic VO†† at 531.8 eV, and adsorbed oxygen at 532.8 eV. For
radii of F− (1.31 Å) and O2− (1.38 Å) are almost the same, no Al-doped ZnO, systematically increasing Al concentration
change in the lattice constants is observed. For Cl− doped leads to an initial increase of VO†† till 3.41 at. % [Fig. 4(d)].119
ZnO [Fig. 3(o)],202 the crystallinity of the film remains intact A subsequent increase in Al concentration leads to a decrease
as Cl− concentration increases to a maximum of 0.65 at. %. in VO†† .119 Al3+ creates more VO†† at low doping and this
The crystalline orientation of the film changes from a-axis to helps in improving film conductivity. However, other cation
c-axis. Further, the c-axis and a-axis lattice parameters dopants have a different influence on VO†† in ZnO. For
increase. This is expected as the ionic radius of Cl− is 1.81 Å, example, in Ta-doped ZnO the strong VO†† initially observed
while O2− is 1.38 Å. For N3− doping [Fig. 3(p)],142 the peak in intrinsic ZnO [Fig. 4(e)] is clearly reduced at 5.2 at. %. As
intensity appears to diminish rapidly for post rapid thermally the Ta percentage further increases, the shoulder defect peak
annealed films and at 12.9 at. %, formation of Zn3N2 is reappears.207 In Nb-doped ZnO shown in Fig. 4(f), the VO††
observed. A shift of the peak to lower 2θ is observed. Finally decreases from bulk ZnO to 3.8 at. % and then increases for
for S2− doping [Fig. 3(q)],162 the entire phase space from ZnO 12.6 at. % Nb doping.205 For Hf-doped ZnO shown in
to ZnS has been explored. Pure ZnO starts as wurtzite with Fig. 4(g), the concentration of VO†† reaches its lowest value at
diminishing peak intensities and shifts to lower 2θ as S atomic 6.7 at. % and increases again as Hf concentration increases.180

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050802-8 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-8

FIG. 4. (a) BE shift of the Zn 2p core level as a function of atomic percent and charge state of the dopant. (b) Zn 2p core level spectra in Al-doped ZnO as a
function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Li et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 11711 (2017). Copyright 2017, American Chemistry
Society. (c) Zn 2p core level spectra in Ta-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Gao et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces 3,
1600496 (2016). Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons. (d) O 1s core level spectra in Al-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permis-
sion from ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 11711 (2017). Copyright 2017, American Chemistry Society. (e) O 1s core level spectra in Ta-doped ZnO as a func-
tion of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Gao et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces 3, 1600496 (2016). Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons. (f ) O 1s
core level spectra in Nb-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Shaw et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 222103 (2016).
Copyright 2016, AIP Publishing LLC. (g) O 1s core level spectra in Hf-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Ahn
et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. 159, H384 (2012). Copyright 2012, Electrochemical Society. (h) O 1s core level spectra in Cl-doped ZnO as a function of atomic
percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi et al., J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 8336 (2015). Copyright 2015, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (i) Variation of VO††
and OH as a function of Cl atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi et al., J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 8336 (2015). Copyright 2015, The Royal Society
of Chemistry. ( j) O 1s core level spectra in F-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi et al., Sol. Energy Mater. Sol.
Cells 132, 403 (2015). Copyright 2015, Elsevier. (k) Variation of VO†† and OH as a function of F atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi et al.,
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 132, 403 (2015). Copyright 2015, Elsevier.

One possible explanation about differences in vacancy to the valence band of ZnO, and thus the defects perturb the
behavior between Al3+ compared to Ta5+, Nb5+, and Hf4+ O orbitals.
dopants could be that the corresponding oxides of these For anion dopants, the changes to VO†† are straightfor-
cations, Ta2O5, Nb2O5, and HfO2, provide a more oxygen ward. In both Cl-doped ZnO and F-doped ZnO, the con-
rich environment than Al2O3. Thus, the intrinsic VO†† asso- centration of VO†† monotonically decreases with increasing
ciated with ZnO is annihilated by use of the higher oxidation Cl and F concentration. The fine spectra and the trends for
state (Z ≥ 4+) dopants. However, at higher concentrations of Cl-doped ZnO are shown in Figs. 4(h) and 4(i), respec-
these dopants, density functional theory calculations predict tively.202 The fine spectra and the trends for F-doped ZnO
acceptor like metal vacancies to form.207 The acceptor like are shown in Figs. 4( j) and 4(k), respectively.195 The
nature of these defects implies their energy levels to be closer likeliest explanation for this behavior is that the direct

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

050802-9 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-9

substitution of VO†† by Cl or F in ZnO leads to the annihi- decreases first at low doping percentage. As the doping per-
lation of VO†† . centage is increased, the green band emission reappears again.
This phenomenon indicates that VO†† is annihilated first, when
the cation dopants are introduced into ZnO. Continued increase
C. PL in the cation concentration leads to regeneration of defects.
Photoluminescence spectroscopy is another way to inves- For anion dopants, Cl-doped ZnO [Fig. 5(e)]202 and
tigate ALD doped ZnO films. The near band edge (NBE) F-doped ZnO [Fig. 5(f )],194 the change of NBE is not as
emission of ZnO at 385 nm (=3.22 eV) corresponds to its strong as for the cationic dopants. Similarly, there is little
direct bandgap. The sharpness of this peak reflects the crys- change in NBE observed in ALD F and Ga co-doped ZnO
tallinity of the doped ZnO film. Shift in the peak position in Fig. 5(g) with varying F− atomic percent.215 However,
represents changes to the bandgap. At the same time, the the quenching of NBE in N-doped ZnO is stronger than
broad emission on the low energy side correlates with the Cl-doped ZnO and F-doped ZnO as shown in Fig. 5(h).213
defects in the ZnO due to the doping process. Thus PL, in One hypothesis for stronger NBE quenching of N-doped
conjunction with XRD and XPS, can be used to study the ZnO would be the high negatively charged state of the N3−
structure of doped ZnO films and its impact on optical and compared to Cl− and F− which could strongly perturb the
electronic properties.214 Figure 5 shows PL spectra of ALD anionic lattice of ZnO.213
doped ZnO with different dopants. For cationic dopants and The substitution of oxygen by chlorine and fluorine
specifically in Fig. 5(a) for Al-doped ZnO,91 Fig. 5(b) for causes the intensity of VO†† to reduce to the minimum as
Hf-doped ZnO,180 Fig. 5(c) for Zr-doped ZnO,173 and shown in Figs. 5(e)–5(g). The higher the doping percent-
Fig. 5(d) for Ta-doped ZnO;207 as the doping percentage age, the lower the intensity of VO†† peak. This reduction of
increases, the intensity of NBE of ZnO is quenched and the VO†† in anion doped ZnO is similar to XPS data presented
peaks become broader. The broader shape of NBE indicates earlier. The effect of N-doping on the defect band has not
a degradation in film crystallinity. This crystallinity change been reported.
due to the high percentage of cation doping is in line with Thus, the cation dopants and anion dopants behave differ-
the XRD data, though a quantitative analysis is harder to ently in the ZnO matrix and affect crystalline quality and
interpret. Furthermore, as the cation doping percentage defect. Whereas the cations degrade the crystalline quality,
increases, the NBE position shifts to higher energy. anions such as the halides do not affect the crystalline
Besides NBE emission, green band emission (502 nm, quality. On the other hand, cations reduce VO†† concentration
2.47 eV) is also observed. The green band emission is sug- at low atomic percent doping, before increasing defect con-
gested to be a result of VO†† .41,42 In Hf-doped ZnO [Fig. 5(b)] centration at high atomic percent doping. Anionic dopants
and Ta-doped ZnO [Fig. 5(d)], the green band emission universally reduce VO†† .

FIG. 5. (a) PL spectra of Al-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Geng et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 12317 (2011).
Copyright 2011, American Chemistry Society. (b) PL spectrum of Hf-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Ahn et al.
J. Electrochem. Soc. 159, H384 (2012). Copyright 2012, Electrochemical Society. (c) PL spectrum of Zr-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent.
Reprinted with permission from Herodotou et al., Materials 8, 7230 (2015).Copyright 2015, MDPI. (d) PL spectrum of Ta-doped ZnO as a function of atomic
percent. Reprinted with permission from Gao et al., Adv. Mater. Interfaces 3, 1600496 (2016). Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons. (e) PL spectrum of
Cl-doped ZnO as a function of at%. Reprinted with permission from Choi et al., J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 8336 (2015). Copyright 2015, The Royal Society of
Chemistry. (f ) PL spectrum of F-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from Choi and Park, J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 98 (2014).
Copyright 2014, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (g) PL spectrum of Ga- and F-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission from
Thin Solid Films 660, 913 (2018). Copyright 2018, Elsevier. (h) PL spectrum of N-doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent. Reprinted with permission
from Chien et al., Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4, 3471 (2012). Copyright 2012, American Chemistry Society.

JVST A - Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films

050802-10 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-10

IV. TRANSPARENT CONDUCTING OXIDE maximum in the carrier concentration. Subsequently, as the
PROPERTIES atomic percent Si4+ increases, the carrier concentration
Optical properties of ALD doped ZnO films will be dis- drops and a drop in bandgap is also observed. This is attrib-
cussed using UV-vis spectroscopy data. The electrical prop- uted to the Burstein–Moss effect.
erties consisting of resistivity, carrier concentration, type, In Fig. 6(c), the effect of S2− (Ref. 162), N3− (Ref. 146),
and mobility will be discussed presenting data from Hall Mg2+ (Ref. 204), Al3+ (Ref. 89), Ga3+ (Ref. 157), Ge4+
measurements. (Ref. 178), Ti4+ (Ref. 186), Hf4+ (Ref. 180), and Ta5+
(Ref. 207) on ZnO bandgap is shown and the x-axis scale
varies from 0 to 100 at. %. Because of the completeness in
A. Optical properties data, we take the case of S2−, first.162 The two compositional
The bandgap is an important TCO property to ensure that edges of ZnO and ZnS were found to have bandgaps of 3.2
ALD doped ZnO is transparent to incoming visible light and 3.4 eV, respectively. From the XRD shown previously,
(400–800 nm) while maintaining sufficient electrical conduc- the films undergo a transformation from wurtzite (ZnO) to
tivity. Thus, optical bandgap and transmittance of the film amorphous (ZnO + ZnS) to zinc blende (ZnS) structure.
are the two main parameters of interest. These data are Frijters et al.162 have used appropriate adjustments in their
obtained via UV-vis spectroscopy of the ALD films, which Tauć plots to account for these structural changes. Using the
measures the spectral response of optical transmittance. The formula presented above, a good fit to the variation of
resulting Tauć plot for direct allowed transitions (as is the bandgap as a function of S doping (c) can be obtained. This
case for ZnO) yields the bandgap.216 The room temperature is given as Eg(c) = 3.20(1 − c) + 3.4c − 3.02(1 − c)c. N3−
direct bandgap of ALD ZnO is reported to lie between addition to ZnO is the only other dopant that produces a
3.19 and 3.30 eV.89,102,146,157,162,172,178,180,184,186,194,202,204,207 decrease in bandgap. This is to be expected as the bandgap
This corresponds to a photon wavelength of 390–377 nm. As of zinc nitride (Zn3N2) is 1.23 eV.227
a result, ZnO is transparent across the entire visible spectrum. The case for Hf4+ deserved attention as well. Here, it is
The addition of dopant atoms leads to a change in the reported that the bandgap initially increases and reaches a
bandgap. This change is a function of dopant type and the maximum at 6.7 at. %.180 As the Hf4+ atomic percent increases
atomic percent doping. further, the bandgap starts to decrease. When the Hf atomic
Because ALD can systematically dope ZnO, trends of percent is about 39.3 at. %, two clear bandgaps are observed in
bandgap change with atomic percent doping can be obtained. transmittance spectrum. It is proposed that these two bandgaps
Here, it is noted that the Burstein–Moss effect, which causes are due to the phase separation as a result of heavy Hf4+
apparent bandgap increase due to increased carrier concentra- doping. It is reasonable to hypothesize that this effect would
tion, will be discussed under the section on electrical prop- manifest in other ALD doped ZnO systems, though the sepa-
erty. In the absence of any phase segregation, the change in rated bandgaps have not been observed in other dopants. In all
bandgap is a continuous function of composition and can be other instances of doping ZnO, a monotonous increase in
empirically modeled as217 bandgap is obtained as a function of dopant atomic percent.
In Fig. 6(d), we present the maximum change in bandgap
Eg (c) ¼ (1  c)EgjZnO þ c EgjAOx –bc(1  c), (3) obtained for various dopants and their atomic percent at
which these changes are observed. It can be seen that S2−
where Eg(c) is the bandgap of the alloy semiconductor, c is the and Ti4+ are the two most effective dopants to induce
atomic fraction of the alloy AOx, and b is the bowing parame- decrease and increase in the bandgap of ZnO, respectively.
ter that depends on the electronegativities of ZnO and AOx. Lastly, the transmittance of ALD doped ZnO needs to be
In Fig. 6(a), conduction and valence band edges and mentioned. It is reported that the average transmittance in the
bandgap of ZnO and the cationic oxides and anionic Zn visible wavelength range is 80%–85%. Thicknesses are in the
compounds are compared. The bandgap (Eg ∼ 1.23 eV) of range between 30 and 400 nm. High doping does not appear
Zn3N2 is noted to be particularly different. The bandgap of to have a strong effect on the transmittance of the film.
ZnS ∼3.56 eV, ZnF2 between 7 and 8 eV, ZnCl2 ∼3.74 eV,
MgO ∼7.8 eV, Al2O3 ∼8.7 eV, Ga2O3 ∼4.85 eV, SiO2
∼8.9 eV, GeO2 between 5.35 and 6.00 eV, ZrO2 ∼5.1 eV, HfO2 B. Electrical properties
∼5.9 eV, and Ta2O5 ∼3.9 eV, which are larger than ZnO.218–227 In this section, we will discuss the electrical properties of
Because the conduction band edge position of ZnF2 and B2O3 ALD doped ZnO with respect to the following parameters:
is unclear, the band structure of these is not shown. (1) resistivity (ρ), (2) electron concentration (n), and (3)
In order to observe the effect a dopant has on the ZnO mobility (μ); noting that electrical resistivity is given as
bandgap, we plot the bandgap change as a function of ρ = (neμ)−1. We only discuss single dopants even though
atomic percent doping. Figure 6(b) shows the atomic percent several papers show improved electrical properties of ALD
doping from 0% to 10% for Cl− (Ref. 202), F− (Ref. 194), doped ZnO with multidopants (i.e., more than one dopant). For
B3+ (Ref. 102), Si4+ (Ref. 184), and Zr4+ (Ref. 172). All example, the resistivity of Al and Ga co-doped ZnO is
dopants, except for Si4+, show a linear increase in bandgap 7.6 × 10−5 Ω cm for a 30–40 nm film.228 We further limit our
with atomic percent. For Si4+, the peak in bandgap change data to published reports that have comprehensive electrical data
(from 3.25 to 3.55 eV at 2.1 at. %) is attributed to a via Hall measurements without post-treatment of the sample.

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

050802-11 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-11

FIG. 6. (a) Bandgaps and band edge alignments of various cationic oxides and anionic Zn compounds used to dope ALD ZnO. (b) The variation of bandgap vs
atomic percent doping, varying from 0 to 10 at. %. (c) The variation of bandgap vs atomic percent doping, varying from 0 to 100 at. %. Here, the variation of
bandgap with S2− addition has been fitted to the model described in the text. (d) The maximum change in bandgap is summarized as a bar chart for various
dopants. The atomic percent at which the maximum change in bandgap is measured is also listed.

Figure 7(a) illustrates the resistivity (ρ) of ALD doped Ga-doped ZnO.158 It is also observed that ZnO with cation
ZnO with various dopants as a function of atomic percent. dopants have generally higher carrier concentration as com-
With the exception of N-doped ZnO, the trend in ρ shares pared to anion doped ZnO.
similar behavior.89,94,144,158,166,174,178,180,184,186,194,202,207 The Figure 7(c) illustrates the change in the mobility (μ) of
ρ decreases first as the dopants are introduced and reaches a ALD doped ZnO as a function of atomic percent doping. In
minimum. However, the specific atomic percent at which cation doped ZnO, μ decreases severely from ∼25 cm2/V s
ρ is minimized varies among dopants [Al3+ = 3 at. %,89 for undoped ALD ZnO to <5 cm2/V s, as the atomic
Ga3+ = 3 at. %,158 Si4+ = 2.1 at. %,184 Ge4+ = 1.3 at. %,178 percent doping increases. This is true for Al3+ (Ref. 89),
Ti4+ = 1.2 at. %,186 Zr4+ = 4.8 at. %,174 Hf4+ = 6.7 at. %,180 Ga3+ (Ref. 158), In3+ (Ref. 166), Si4+ (Ref. 184), Ge4+
and Ta5+ = 5.2 at. % (Ref. 207)]. Among all dopants, Ga-doped (Ref. 178), Ti4+ (Ref. 186), Zr4+ (Ref. 174), Hf4+ (Ref. 180),
ZnO has the lowest ρ of 3.30 × 10−4 Ω cm at 53 nm thick- and Ta5+ (Ref. 207). The μ loss is particularly strong for
ness.158 We also note that Lee et al. report In-doped ZnO with Ge3+ and Ti4+.178,186 It is known that μ is affected by (1)
a ρ of 3.9 × 10−4 Ω cm.166 However, this doping is for 80 at. % electron-electron scattering, (2) ionized impurity scattering,
indium doping; which should be considered as Zn-doped and (3) grain boundary scattering in the film. At lower atomic
In2O3 and not In-doped ZnO.166 Finally, for N-doped ZnO the percent, the electron-electron scattering will be enhanced due
n-type ZnO switches to p-type semiconductor as the N percent- to an increase in n. Dopants due to their highly charged state
age increases, which leads to a monotonous increase in ρ.144 are considered ionized impurities in the film, which lead to
The carrier concentration (n) of ALD doped ZnO is shown strong scattering as the atomic percent increases. Grain boun-
in Fig. 7(b). The n increases first as the dopant percentage dary scattering is a little difficult to assess due to the variabil-
increases and reaches a maximum value (except N-doped ity in grain sizes observed in the XRD data in Fig. 3. On the
ZnO). The highest n is 1.37 × 1021 cm−3, which is obtained in other hand, anionic dopants individually behave quite

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050802-12 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-12

FIG. 7. (a) Resistivity of ALD doped ZnO with different dopants as a function of the atomic percent. (b) Carrier concentration of ALD doped ZnO with dif-
ferent dopants as a function of the atomic percent. (c) Mobility of the ALD doped ZnO with different dopants as a function of the atomic percent. For
clarity, insets in the above graphs show the trends in Cl, F, and P at low atomic percent. (d) Burstein–Moss plots (n)2/3 vs ΔEg, of the ALD doped ZnO
with different dopants. The m* is the reduced effective mass obtained directly from the slope of the plots. m* = 0.72 corresponds to Ti whereas, m* = 0.45
corresponds to Si.

differently. We highlight the case of Cl− doped ZnO,202 Here, h is Planck’s constant and m* is the reduced effec-
where the μ increases as the atomic percent increases. This tive mass. It can be seen that the slope of the linear relation-
effect is attributed to the fact that Cl− substitutes the O2− sites ship contains information on m* which can be given as
and oxygen vacancies, passivating dangling bonds. Further, 1 1 1
the Cl− substitution does not perturb the conduction band, *
¼ * þ * : (5)
m meV meC
which is primarily made of Zn 2p orbitals.
Finally, we discuss the apparent increase in bandgap mea-
Here, m*eV and m*eC are conduction and valence band
sured with UV-vis spectroscopy with improved electrical
density-of-states effective masses. Thus, used effectively, the
conductivity. This effect is called the Burstein–Moss
Burstein–Moss plot can provide estimates on how strongly a
effect.229,231 The effect manifests itself in degenerate semi-
dopant is able to electronically perturb the band structure in
conductors where the Fermi level is pushed beyond the con-
a host lattice. To illustrate this, in Fig. 7(d) the highest slope
duction band edge. Thus, electronic band-to-band excitations
(for Ti4+) at m* = 0.72 and the lowest slope (for Si4+) at
must energetically surpass the intrinsic bandgap of the mate-
m* = 0.45 are illustrated. This can be compared to the
rials and the excess filled states in the conduction band as a
undoped ZnO reduced effective mass of only m* = 0.17
result of the degeneracy. While details of this phenomenon
obtained using m*eV = 0.59 and m*eC = 0.24.231
are well covered in the literature, in Fig. 7(d) the relation
We note that care must be taken when interpreting optical
between carrier concentration change (n 2/3) and the optical
properties of ALD doped ZnO and discerning between
bandgap change (ΔEg) is plotted for ALD doped ZnO. For
chemical effects that lead to a change in bandgap and the
identifying the Burstein–Moss effect, this trend must be
Burstein–Moss effect.
linear. This is because the linearized form between n 2/3 and
ΔEg is given as
8Π 2 1
n2=3 ¼ m* ΔEg : (4) In this review article, the current state-of-the-art in ALD
h2 3π 2 doped ZnO films has been surveyed. From a materials

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 37, No. 5, Sep/Oct 2019

050802-13 Z. Gao and P. Banerjee: Review Article: ALD of doped ZnO films 050802-13

perspective, doped ZnO films are potentially strong candidates 3. We have intentionally limited our reporting on multido-
as TCOs. While ITO is the most widely used TCO due to its pants in ALD ZnO due to the relative infancy of this sub-
high conductivity [1–2 × 10−4 Ω cm for polycrystalline ITO field. However, initial reports are promising. For example,
(Refs. 232 and 233) and 0.77 × 10−4 Ω cm for epitaxial ITO when 2 at. % Al-doped ZnO is deposited on epitaxially
(Ref. 234)]; polycrystalline Al-doped ZnO and Ga-doped ZnO grown GaN, the Ga diffusion into the Al-doped ZnO
synthesized via RF-magnetron sputtering can achieve compara- results in a film resistivity of 7.6 × 10−5 Ω cm.228 On the
ble resistivities of 2.0 × 10−4 Ω cm and 2.7 × 10−4 Ω cm, respec- other hand, mixed InGaZnO have been deposited as
tively.235,236 Similarly, epitaxially grown [via pulsed laser amorphous semiconductors for thin film transistor appli-
deposition (PLD)], Al-doped ZnO and Ga-doped ZnO can cations.84 These reports suggest a highly complex, mixed
reach resistivities of 0.85 × 10−4 Ω cm and 0.51 × 10−4 Ω cm, metal oxide environment where the cationic sublattice
respectively.237,238 Thus, doped ZnO films have comparable plays a crucial role in determining structure-property rela-
resistivities with ITO films. tionships in the films.
From a process perspective, the lowest reported ALD 4. Doped ALD films usually form nanolaminate struc-
film resistivity is 3.30 × 10 −4 Ω cm for epitaxially grown tures. On the other hand, there is a growing body of
Ga-doped ZnO on c-axis sapphire. 158 The next lowest work that shows dopant activation is most effective if
resistivity reported is for an amorphous In-doped ZnO the dopants are homogeneously distributed through the
film (or rather Zn-doped In 2 O 3 ) with a value of film. As a result, a high temperature postdeposition
3.90 × 10−4 Ω cm.166 Thus, PLD doped ZnO films are ∼6× anneal is commonly employed to redistribute dopants.
lower in resistivity than ALD doped ZnO films. Precursor This step is not compatible for applications involving
molecules with cleaner chemistries and low residual C and transparent conducting ZnO films on flexible, polymeric
N impurities, and postdeposition treatment of films can substrates. Thus, co-injection of dopants should be
help narrow this performance gap. On the other hand, the widely adopted as means to dope ZnO.90 This is not a
process advantages that ALD has over other deposition trivial process to control. It implies that precursor deliv-
techniques may offset the higher resistivity of ALD doped ery characteristics (volatility, vapor pressure, and chemi-
ZnO films. These process advantages include (1) pin hole- cal compatibility) of various molecules need to be
free films at ultrathin (a few nanometers) thicknesses, (2) closely matched, monitored in situ and, reliably dosed to
superb conformality in high aspect ratio nanostructures, (3) achieve precise but homogeneous doping in the film.
low deposition temperatures, (4) monolayer fidelity over 5. Finally, we observe that there is a lack of modeling
thickness control, (5) flexibility and ease of tuning film work for ALD doped ZnO films. ALD reaction model-
composition, and (6) manufacturing scalability. ing from ab initio principles is important, as experimen-
Based on the current review of the ALD doped ZnO lit- tal data suggest that there is significant chemical cross
erature, we believe that there remain knowledge gaps in talk between the chemisorbed dopant molecule and the
the synthesis and choice of dopants. Some of these are ZnO surface (and vice versa). As more complex precur-
listed below: sor molecules are formulated, reaction modeling will be
increasingly critical to understand surface reactions and
1. As was shown in Fig. 1(a), a limited set of 22 elements substrate interactions a priori. At the same time, dopant
have been used to dope ALD ZnO films. However, incorporation into the ZnO matrix results in significant
ALD chemistries for metal oxides are widely available.2 changes to the electronic band structure. An important
For example, dopants such as Cd2+ have shown to issue not extensively discussed in the surveyed papers is
reduce ZnO bandgap and work as an n-type with the impact of the dopant atoms on point defects, espe-
increased conductivity.239 Thus, there are opportunities cially oxygen vacancies.
to rationally screen and explore more dopants and inte- Here, it is noted that apart from ab initio modeling,
grate them with ALD ZnO films. The descriptor, linear there currently exists two models to explain the impact
charge density (Z/r), can be a valuable metric for ini- of dopants in ALD ZnO films. The first model is the
tially screening dopants that lead to improved crystallin- “effective radius model” by Lee et al.92 and adopted by
ity of ALD doped ZnO films. various groups.81,93,95,102 The second model is by Saha
2. It is becoming increasingly important to synthesize et al.,116 who propose a dimensionless parameter, KFle
new molecules, specifically tailored for dopant incor- (KF is the Fermi wave number and le is the elastic mean
poration in parent films. This is an often-overlooked free path of electrons) to evaluate the doping perfor-
requirement. However, current precursors are limited mance of ALD doped ZnO. Work should continue on
in their ability to effectively dope ZnO. For example, testing the validity and refinements to the models.
the use of dimethyl-aluminum isopropoxide—a con-
siderably larger molecule than trimethyl aluminum— In conclusion, therefore, ALD doped ZnO films show
results in 54% lower film resistivity.95 The idea of promising transparent conducting properties when compared
adding steric hindrance, thereby spatially separating to doped ZnO films via other deposition methods. The mate-
the dopant centers can be extended to Ga- and rials “palette” for designing new ALD doped ZnO films
In-based chemistries which may result in even lower remains extensive and continues to grow. In addition to the
film resistivities than currently reported. traditional process advantages of ALD over other deposition

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