Channel Design AISC

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Channel Description = UPN200

d= 200 mm
b= 75 mm
tw = 8.5 mm
tf = 11.5 mm
tw d' = 177 mm
d' d
Ly = 1950 mm
Lz = 1950 mm
Ky= 2
Kz= 2
Fy = 250 N/mm²

(A) Section Properties of the given member :

Selfweight of the channel section : s.w = 25.3 kg/m

Gross Area of the Cross-Section : Ag = 3220 mm²
Moment of Inertia of the Section about Major Axis : Izz = 1910.00 cm⁴
Moment of Inertia of the Section about Major Axis : Iyy = 148.00 cm⁴
Plastic Section Modulus of the Section about Major Axis Zx = 228.00 cm³
Plastic Section Modulus of the Section about Minor Axis Zy = 51.80 cm³
Elastic Section Modulus of the Section about Major Axis Sx = 191.00 cm³
Elastic Section Modulus of the Section about Minor Axis Sy = 27.00 cm³
Radius of Gyration of the member about Major Axis : rz = 77.02 mm
Radius of Gyration of the member about Minor Axis : ry = 21.44 mm
Slenderness of the Section about Major Axis : λz = 50.64
Slenderness of the Section about Minor Axis : λy = 181.91
Minor Axis Slenderness Governs

Warping constant for the Channel section : cw = (d")2(b')3t.[(1-3α/6 + α2/2 (1+ d"w/6b't)]
Where, d" = d- tf
d" = 188.5 mm
b' = b - tw/2
b' = 70.75 mm
α= 1 / (2 + d"tw/ 3b'tf)
α= 0.38
Therefore, Warping constant for Channel Section : cw = 1.05E+10 mm⁶

Limiting Width to thickness ratio for Compression Elements 0.56 x Sqrt ( E /Fy ) Table B4.1a
For Flange 15.84 AISC-2010
Actual Width to thickness ratio for the Element b/t = 3.26
Flange of the Section is Non Slender

Limiting Width to thickness ratio for Compression Elements 1.49 x Sqrt ( E /Fy ) Table B4.1a
For Web 42.14 AISC-2010
Actual Width to thickness ratio for the Element h/tw = 20.82
Web of the Section is Non Slender

Limiting Width to thickness ratio for Flexure 0.38 x Sqrt ( E /Fy ) Table B4.1b
For Flange 10.75 AISC-2010
Actual Width to thickness ratio for the Element b/t = 3.26
Flange of the Section is Compact

Limiting Width to thickness ratio for Flexure 3.76 x Sqrt ( E /Fy ) Table B4.1b
For Web 106.35 AISC-2010
Actual Width to thickness ratio for the Element h/tw = 20.82
Web of the Section is Compact
(B) Design of the given member in Compression :

For Doubly Symmetric sections which are not slender, Flexural Buckling and Torsional Buckling governs.

Nominal Compressive Capacity : Pn = Fcr x Ag E3-1

Where (Fcr) is the Critical Stress and depends on Elastic Buckling stress (Fe) and Flexural-Torsional Buckling
Stress (Fet).

Elastic Buckling Stress Fe = π² x E / (KL/r)² E3-4

Elastic Buckling Stress Fe = 59.65 N/mm²

Flexural Torsional Buckling Stress Fet = [ π² E Cw / (Kz L)² + GJ ] x 1 / (Izz + E4-4

Where "G" is shear Modulus of Elasticity of Steel G= 77200 N/mm²

Where "Cw" is Warping Constant Cw = 1.05E+10 mm⁶

Where "J" is Torsional Constant J= ∑ bt³ / 3

Torsional Constant J= 1.1.E+05 mm⁴

Flexural Torsional Buckling Stress Fet = 4.87E+06 N/mm²

Flexural Buckling Governs for Compression Analysis

Critical Stress (Fcr ) depends on the Slenderness :

Condition (A) : When KL/r <= 4.71 x Sqrt ( E/Fy) Fcr = [0.658(Fy/Fe)] x Fy E3-2
Condition (B) : When KL/r > 4.71 x Sqrt ( E/Fy) Fcr = 0.877 x Fe E3-3
In our case Condition B is applicable

Critical Stress Fcr = 52.31 N/mm²

Nominal Compressive Capacity Pn = 168.45 KN

Design Compressive Capacity ø x Pn (LRFD) E1

where ø= 0.9 (LRFD)

Design Compressive Capacity as per LRFD : 151.6 KN

(C) Design of the given member in Tension :

Tensile Yielding Capacity of the Section : Pn = Fy x Ag D2-1

Gross Area of the Cross-Section : Ag = 3220 mm²

Tensile Yielding Capacity of the Section : Pn = 805 KN

Design Tensile Capacity ø x Pn (LRFD) D2-1

where ø= 0.9 (LRFD)

Design Tensile Capacity as per LRFD : 724.5 KN

(D) Design Flexural Strength of the Member about Major Axis :

For Doubly Symmetric sections which are Compact, Yielding and Lateral-Torsional Buckling governs.

(D.1) Design Flexural Strength of the Member due to Yielding :

Mp = Fy x Zx F2-1
where Fy is minimum Yield Stress AISC-2010
& Zx is the plastic Section Modulus about the Major Axis

Plastic Section Modulus of the Section Zx = b tf (D-tf) + 0.25 (D-2 tf)² tw

Plastic Section Modulus of the Section Zx = 228.00 cm³

Flexural Strength of the member due to Yielding Mp = 57.00 KNm

(D.2) Design Flexural Strength of the Member due to Lateral Torsional Buckling :

Condition (A) : When Lb <= Lp Lateral Torsional Buckling is not Applicable

Condition (B) : When Lp < Lb <= Lr F2-2

Mn = Cb [ Mp - (Mp - 0.7 Fy Sx) (Lb - Lp)/(Lr - Lp) ] AISC-2010

Condition (c) : When Lb > Lr F2-3

Mn = Fcr Sx AISC-2010

(Lp) Limiting Length when the Strength will be governed by Flexural Yielding

Lp = 1.76 ryy Sqrt ( E /Fy ) F2-5

Lp = 1067.2 mm

(Lr) Limiting Length when the Strength will be governed by Elastic Buckling

Lr = 1.95 rts [E/(0.7 Fy)] Sqrt { Jc/ Sx ho + Sqrt [ ( Jc /Sx ho )² + 6.76 (0.7 Fy/E)² ] } F2-6
For Channel Sections c= ho/2 x (Iy/Cw)^0.5
c= 1.12

(ho ) is the distance between the Flange Centroids ho = 188.5 mm

(Sx ) is the Elastic Section Modulus about Major Axis Sx = 1.9E+05 mm³

For Doubly Symmetric Sections rts can be taken as : (rts)2 = (Iy Cw)^0.5 /Sx
(rts)2 = 652.65
rts = 25.5 mm
Limiting Length (Lr) Lr = 4981.36 mm

(Lb) Unbraced Length against Lateral Displacement Lb = 3900 mm

Lateral Torsional Buckling is Applicable with Condition B

Mn = Cb [ Mp - (Mp - 0.7 Fy Sx) (Lb - Lp)/(Lr - Lp) ] Mn = 39.94 KNm

Nominal Flexural Strength about Major Axis : Mn = 39.94 KN

Design Flexural Strength about Major Axis : ø x Pn (LRFD) F1

Pn / Ω (ASD) AISC-2010

where ø= 0.9 (LRFD)

Design Flexural Strength about Major Axis as per LRFD : 35.9 KN

(E) Design Flexural Strength of the Member about Minor Axis :

For Doubly Symmetric sections which are Compact, only Yielding governs for Minor Axis .

Design Flexural Strength of the Member due to Yielding :

Mp = Fy Zy <= 1.6 Fy Sy F6-1

where Fy is minimum Yield Stress AISC-2010
Zy is the plastic Section Modulus about the Minor Axis
& Sy is the Elastic Section Modulus about the Minor Axis

Plastic Section Modulus of the Section Zy = b² tf /2 + (H- 2 tf) tw² /4

Plastic Section Modulus of the Section Zy = 51.80 cm³

Elastic Section Modulus of the Section Sy = 27.00 cm³

Nominal Flexural Strength about Minor Axis : Mn = 10.80 KN

Design Flexural Strength about Minor Axis : ø x Pn (LRFD) F1

Pn / Ω (ASD) AISC-2010

where ø= 0.9 (LRFD)

& Ω= 1.67 (ASD)
Design Flexural Strength about Minor Axis as per LRFD : 9.7 KN

(F) Design Shear Strength of the Member in Plane of the Web :

Nominal Shear Capacity of the Section : Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cv G2

(Aw) Area of Web Aw = Htw
Aw = 1700.00 mm²

For Webs of Channel members with h/tw < = 1.10 Sqrt ( E/Fy ) G2-2
Cv = 1 ø= 0.9
Nominal Shear Capacity of the Section : Vn = 255 KN

Shear Strength of the Member in Plane of the Web as per LRFD: 229.5 KN

(G) Design Shear Strength of the Member in Weak Axis :

Nominal Shear Capacity of the Section : Vn = 0.6 Fy Aw Cv G7

(Aw) Area of Flange Aw = 2 bf tf

Nominal Shear Capacity of the Section : Vn = 258.75 KN

Shear Strength of the Member in Weak Axis as per LRFD: 232.9 KN

(H) Design Capacities of the member as per LRFD :

Compression Capacity 151.6 KN

Tension Capacity 724.5 KN

Flexural Strength about Major Axis 35.9 KNm

Flexural Strength about Minor Axis 9.7 KNm

Shear Strength in Plane of the Web 229.5 KN

Shear Strength about Weak Axis 232.9 KN

(I) Serveacibility check for the Channel section :

Allowable Limit for deflection of Channel ∆ (Allow) = L/300

∆ (Allow) = 6.50 mm

Deflection of Channel due to point loads and self weight = wl4/8EIz + Pl3/3EIz + Pl2/6EIz (3l - l1)

Loading Information on Angle section :

Self weight of the Angle Member s.w. An = 0.15 kN/m

Dead Load due to Grating D.L = 0.60 kN/m2
Center to Center Support span for Grating c/c Grt = 0.70 m
Load due to Handrail over Angle H.R = 0.22 kN/m
Total Dead load over Angle Section Dead = 0.79 kN/m

Live Load Itensity over Grating L.L = 5.00 kN/m2

Total Live load over Angle Section Live = 3.50 kN/m

Total Span of Angle over Bracket Angle sp = 1.80 m

Therefore Total load over bracket, P1/P2 = 7.72 kN



Selfweight of Bracket member = 0.25 kN/m

Location of Load P1 from bracket end connection L1 = 200.00 mm

Deflection of Channel due to point load P1 ∆1 = 0.08 mm

Location of Load P1 from bracket end connection L2 = 1700.00 mm

Deflection of Channel due to point load P1 ∆2 = 4.04 mm

Deflection of Channel due to self weight ∆3 = 0.12 mm

Therefore, Total deflection due to applied loads ∆res = 4.24 mm


P1 P2 P3


Self weight of the Angle Member s.w. An = 0.15 kN/m

Dead Load due to Grating D.L = 0.60 kN/m2
Center to Center Support span for Grating c/c Grt = 0.90 m
Load due to Handrail over Angle H.R = 0.22 kN/m
Total Dead load over Angle Section Dead = 0.91 kN/m
Live Load Itensity over Grating L.L = 5.00 kN/m2
Total Live load over Angle Section Live = 4.50 kN/m

Total Span of Angle over Bracket Angle sp = 1.80 m

Therefore Total load over bracket, P1/P2 = 9.74 kN

Location of Load P1 from bracket end connection L1 = 100.00 mm
Deflection of Channel due to point load P1 ∆1 = 0.01 mm

Location of Load P1 from bracket end connection L2 = 1100.00 mm

Deflection of Channel due to point load P1 ∆2 = 2.44 mm

Location of Load P1 from bracket end connection L2 = 1950.00 mm

Deflection of Channel due to point load P1 ∆2 = 3.15 mm

Deflection of Channel due to self weight ∆3 = 0.12 mm

Therefore, Total deflection due to applied loads ∆res = 5.72 mm

Name Weight b h s t r1 e A d
Channel kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm cm2 mm
UPN100 10.6 50 100 6 8.5 4.5 15.5 13.5 64
UPN120 13.4 55 120 7 9 4.5 16 17 82
UPN140 16 60 140 7 10 5 17.5 20.4 98
UPN160 18.8 65 160 7.5 10.5 5.5 18.4 24 115
UPN180 22 70 180 8 11 5.5 19.2 28 133
UPN200 25.3 75 200 8.5 11.5 6 20.1 32.2 151
UPN220 29.4 80 220 9 12.5 6.5 21.4 37.4 167
UPN240 33.2 85 240 9.5 13 6.5 22.3 42.3 184
UPN260 37.9 90 260 10 14 7 23.6 48.3 200
UPN280 41.8 95 280 10 15 7.5 25.3 53.3 216
UPN300 46.2 100 300 10 16 8 27 58.8 232
UPN320 59.5 100 320 14 17.5 8.8 - 75.8 246
UPN350 60.6 100 350 14 16 8- 77.3 282
UPN380 63.1 102 380 13.5 16 8- 80.4 313
UPN400 71.8 110 400 14 18 9- 91.5 324

Name Ix Sx Zx Iy Sy Zy
Channel cm4 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 cm3
UPN100 206 41.2 49 29.3 8.49 16.2
UPN120 364 60.7 72.6 43.2 11.12 21.2
UPN140 605 86.4 103 62.7 14.8 28.3
UPN160 925 116 138 85.3 18.3 35.2
UPN180 1350 150 179 114 22.4 42.9
UPN200 1910 191 228 148 27 51.8
UPN220 2690 245 292 197 33.6 64.1
UPN240 3600 300 358 248 39.6 75.7
UPN260 4820 371 442 317 47.7 91.6
UPN280 6280 448 532 399 57.2 109
UPN300 8030 535 632 495 67.8 130
UPN320 10870 679 826 597 80.6 152
UPN350 12840 734 918 570 75 143
UPN380 15760 829 1010 615 78.7 148
UPN400 20350 1020 1240 846 102 190
bolt emin emax
dia mm mm
- - -
- - -
M12 33 37
M12 34 42
M16 38 41
M16 39 46
M16 40 51
M20 46 50
M22 50 52
M22 52 57
M24 55 59
M22 58 62
M22 56 62
M24 59 60
M27 61 62

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