Tooth Bleaching-A Critical Review of The Biological Aspects
Tooth Bleaching-A Critical Review of The Biological Aspects
Tooth Bleaching-A Critical Review of The Biological Aspects
Article in Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine: an official publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists · February 2003
DOI: 10.1177/154411130301400406 · Source: PubMed
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U. Pallesen
Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
ABSTRACT: Present tooth-bleaching techniques are based upon hydrogen peroxide as the active agent. It is applied directly,
or produced in a chemical reaction from sodium perborate or carbamide peroxide. More than 90% immediate success has been
reported for intracoronal bleaching of non-vital teeth, and in the period of 1-8 years' observation time, from 10 to 40% of the ini-
tially successfully treated teeth needed re-treatment. Cervical root resorption is a possible consequence of internal bleaching and
is more frequently observed in teeth treated with the thermo-catalytic procedure. When the external tooth-bleaching technique
is used, the first subjective change in tooth color may be observed after 2-4 nights of tooth bleaching, and more than 90% satis-
factory results have been reported. Tooth sensitivity is a common side-effect of external tooth bleaching observed in 15%-78%
of the patients, but clinical studies addressing the risk of other adverse effects are lacking. Direct contact with hydrogen perox-
ide induced genotoxic effects in bacteria and cultured cells, whereas the effect was reduced or abolished in the presence of
metabolizing enzymes. Several tumor-promoting studies, including the hamster cheek pouch model, indicated that hydrogen
peroxide might act as a promoter. Multiple exposures of hydrogen peroxide have resulted in localized effects on the gastric
mucosa, decreased food consumption, reduced weight gain, and blood chemistry changes in mice and rats. Our risk assessment
revealed that a sufficient safety level was not reached in certain clinical situations of external tooth bleaching, such as bleach-
ing one tooth arch with 35% carbamide peroxide, using several applications per day of 22% carbamide peroxide, and bleaching
both arches simultaneously with 22% carbamide peroxide. The recommendation is to avoid using concentrations higher than
10% carbamide peroxide when one performs external bleaching. We advocate a selective use of external tooth bleaching based
on high ethical standards and professional judgment.
Case report WBa 2 teeth 2 teeth all teeth Latcham, 1986, 1991
Case report WBb 1 tooth 1 tooth all teeth Goon et al., 1986
Case report WB+TCc 18 teeth 15 teeth all teeth Harrington and Natkin, 1979;
Lado et al., 1983; Cvek and
Lindvall, 1985; Gimlin and
Schindler, 1990; Al-Nazhan, 1991
Follow-upd WBe 3-15 yrs 20 112 No 0% Abou-Rass, 1998
Follow-upd WBf 4 yrs 31 248 No 0% Anitua et al., 1990
Follow-up WBg 3 yrs 86 95 96% 0% Holmstrup et al., 1988
Follow-up WB, TC, WB+TCh 1-8 yrs 46 58 38%i 6.9% Friedman et al., 1988
were observed (Friedman et al., 1988). Another 95 teeth exam- with cervical defects of the cementum constitutes a risk factor
ined three years after treatment by the "walking bleach" tech- for the development of cervical resorption. In addition, efficacy
nique (sodium perborate in water) revealed no cervical resorp- studies have shown that 30% hydrogen peroxide was not essen-
tion (Holmstrup et al., 1988). In a four-year follow-up of 250 tial to the attainment of an acceptable treatment outcome.
teeth with severe tetracycline discoloration, with sodium perbo- Tooth crown fracture has also been observed after intra-
rate in oxygen-water as the bleaching agent, no evidence of coronal bleaching (Grevstad, 1981), most probably due to
external resorption was found (Anitua et al., 1990). An analo- extensive removal of the intracoronal dentin. In addition, intra-
gous study comprised of 112 teeth bleached with a paste of sodi- coronal bleaching with 30% hydrogen peroxide has been found
um perborate in 30% hydrogen peroxide and observed for 3-15 to reduce the micro-hardness of dentin and enamel (Lewinstein
years reported no external root resorption (Abou-Rass, 1998). et al., 1994) and weaken the mechanical properties of the dentin
A high concentration of hydrogen peroxide in combination (Chng et al., 2002).
with heating seemed to promote cervical root resorption
(Friedman et al., 1988; Baratieri et al., 1995), in line with obser- (V) External Tooth Bleaching
vations made in animal experiments (Madison and Walton,
1990; Rotstein et al., 1991b; Heller et al., 1992). The underlying
mechanism for this effect is unclear, but it has been suggested
that the bleaching agent reaches the periodontal tissue through Vital tooth bleaching can be performed at home and in-office.
the dentinal tubules and initiates an inflammatory reaction Four different approaches for tooth whitening have been rec-
(Cvek and Lindvall, 1985). It has also been speculated that the ognized and reviewed by Barghi (1998): (1) dentist-adminis-
peroxide, by diffusing through the dentinal tubules, denatures tered bleaching—the use of a high concentration of hydrogen
the dentin, which then becomes an immunologically different peroxide (from 35 to 50%) or carbamide peroxide (from 35 to
tissue and is attacked as a foreign body (Lado et al., 1983). 40%), often supplemented with a heat source; (2) dentist-super-
Frequently, the resorption was diagnosed several years after the vised bleaching—by means of a bleaching tray loaded with
bleaching (Lado et al., 1983; Friedmann et al., 1988). In vitro stud- high concentrations of carbamide peroxide (from 35 to 40%)
ies using extracted teeth showed that hydrogen peroxide placed that is placed in the patient's mouth for 30 min to 2 hrs while
in the pulp chamber penetrated the dentin (Rotstein, 1991) and the patient is in the dental office; (3) dentist-provided bleach-
that heat increased the penetration (Rotstein et al., 1991d). The ing—known as "at-home" or "night-guard" bleaching and
penetration has been found, in vitro, to be higher in teeth with administered by the patient applying from 5 to 22% solution of
cervical defects of the cementum (Rotstein et al., 1991a). carbamide peroxide in a custom-made tray; and (4) over-the-
Hydrogen peroxide also increased dentin permeability (Heling counter products, often based on carbamide peroxide or hydro-
et al., 1995), and that may enhance the effects of hydrogen per- gen peroxide of various concentrations and placed in a pre-fab-
oxide following repeated exposures. Based on the cited litera- ricated tray, or by the recently introduced strips (Gerlach, 2000),
ture, the use of a thermo-catalytic bleaching procedure in teeth both to be adjusted by the user.
Incidence of
Type of Duration No. of Treated No. of Untreated Hypersensitivity
Treatment Bleaching Procedure of Study Patients Controls Reactions Reference
In-office 30% H2O2 + heat, 3 visits 30 days 19 0 78% Cohen and Chase, 1979
of 30 min during 3 wks
In-office 35% H2O2 + heat, 2-6 visits nia 15 0 67% Nathanson and Parra, 1987
of 30 min
At-home 10% carbamide peroxide, 28 days 28 0 15%b Schulte et al., 1994
2 hrs or overnight
At-home 10% carbamide peroxide, 14 days 24 0 64% Tam, 1999a
At-home 10% carbamide peroxide, 6 wks 37 0 38% Leonard et al., 1997
day or night
At-home 10% carbamide peroxide, 6 wks 38 0 52% Leonard et al., 1997
6-8 hrs/day with
solution changes
At-home 10% carbamide peroxide, 6 wks 27 0 78%c Leonard et al., 1997
day + night or day with
solution changes
a ni = no information given.
b These patients terminated the study due to hypersensitivity, and there is no information about hypersensitivity reactions in the patients who completed the
c The duration of symptoms was also longer in this group where the solution was changed compared with the group treated daytime or night time without
the solution being changed.
restored teeth was higher than that of intact teeth (Gökay et al., days after the treatment (Seale et al., 1981). In another study,
2000). The amount of peroxide detected in the pulp chamber 1 5 - , 30-, and 45-minute treatments with hydrogen peroxide
was related to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the and heat were applied 4 times at two-week intervals, and the
preparations applied (Gökay et al., 2000), and also varied dogs were killed at 13, 62, and 92 days following the last treat-
among different brands of bleaching agents with the same ment (Seale and Wilson, 1985). Histological examination of the
declared concentration of carbamide peroxide (Thitinanthapan pulp of the bleached teeth revealed pathological changes in
et al., 1999). The concentration of peroxide in the pulp chamber odontoblast morphology and dentinogenesis at both the 13-
was not determined in the above studies, and the clinical sig- and 62-day time points, and the severity of the changes was
nificance of the findings is therefore unclear. Structural pulp related to the length of each treatment. Repair of the lesions
damage was not observed in human premolars exposed to 35% was observed 92 days after the last treatment (Seale and
hydrogen peroxide in vivo and observed up to 30 days before Wilson, 1985). Tooth sensitivity was also a common symptom
the teeth were extracted and submitted for histological evalua- in patients who had not bleached their teeth, and their symp-
tion (Cohen and Chase, 1979; Robertson and Melfi, 1980; tom was correlated with gingival recession (Jorgensen and
Baumgartner et al., 1983). The longest exposure was three times Carroll, 2002). Patients with a previous history of tooth sensi-
for 30 min each (Cohen and Chase, 1979), and in two of the tivity may thus have a higher risk for such an adverse effect
studies, heat was used to accelerate the bleaching process from external tooth bleaching, and this should be taken into
(Cohen and Chase, 1979; Robertson and Melfi, 1980). Only one account before treatment begins.
study included patient reaction to the treatment, and it report-
ed that 78% of patients suffered from sensitivity to cold and Mucosal irritation
intermittent spontaneous pain lasting up to one day after treat- A high concentration of hydrogen peroxide (from 30 to 35%) is
ment (Cohen and Chase, 1979). Histological evaluation of the caustic to mucous membranes and may cause burns and
human pulp after vital bleaching overnight with 10% car- bleaching of the gingiva. In animal experiments, exposure of
bamide peroxide revealed mild inflammatory changes in 4 out the gingiva to 1% H2O2 for 6 to 48 hrs resulted in epithelial
of 12 teeth after both 4 and 14 days' treatment, and no inflam- damage and acute inflammation in the subepithelial connective
mation in teeth that were bleached with carbamide peroxide tissue (Martin et al., 1968). Long-term application of 3% or 30%
for 14 days followed by a "recovery" phase of 14 days hydrogen peroxide in the hamster cheek pouch twice weekly
(González-Ochoa, 2002). resulted in inflammatory changes (Weitzman et al., 1986). In
An in vivo study in dogs indicated that hydrogen peroxide clinical trials that used 10% carbamide peroxide in custom-
alone or in combination with heat caused alterations in odon- made trays, from 25 to 40% of the patients reported gingival
toblasts and deposition of dentin (Seale et al., 1981). irritation during treatment (Leonard et al., 1997; Tam, 1999a). It
Hemorrhage and inflammation were observed in teeth 3 and 15 is therefore advisable that the tray be designed to prevent gin-
days after bleaching, and the pulpal changes were reversed 60 gival exposure by the use of a firm tray that has contact with
Effects on restorations
Data from laboratory studies documented
increased mercury release from dental amal-
gams exposed to carbamide peroxide solu-
tions for periods ranging from 8 hrs to 14-28
days (Hummert et al., 1993; Rotstein et al.,
1997). The amount of mercury released var-
ied with type of amalgam and type of
bleaching agent and ranged from 4 times to
30 times higher than in saline controls. It has
been suggested that bleaching may increase
Figure 6. SEM photomicrographs of an enamel surface without (A) and with (B) exposure the solubility of glass-ionomer and other
to a bleaching procedure. The enamel of an extracted human tooth was cleaned with cements (Swift and Perdigão, 1998).
water-spray, and half of the surface was covered with nail varnish (the control). The tooth Furthermore, the bond strength between
was then exposed to 10% carbamide peroxide gel for 1 hr two times daily during 3 wks. enamel and resin-based fillings was reduced
After each bleaching procedure, the gel was removed by water-spray, and the tooth was
in the first 24 hrs after bleaching (Dishmann
stored in water between treatments. At the end of the bleaching period, the nail varnish
was removed, and comparative sections of bleached and unbleached enamel were pre- et al., 1994). After 24 hrs, there was no differ-
pared for direct scanning electron microscopy (Holmen et al., 1985). The enamel ence in the strengths of dental composite
microstructure of the bleached-enamel surface (B) illustrates an obvious enamel etch resin cement bonds to bleached and non-
caused by the bleaching agent, compared with the unbleached surface (A). bleached enamel (Homewood et al., 2001).
Following bleaching, hydrogen peroxide
residuals in the enamel inhibit the polymer-
ization of resin-based materials and thus
solely the teeth. In this respect, the newly introduced bleaching reduce bond strength (Lai et al., 2002). Therefore, tooth-bleach-
strips may be unfavorable, since the bleaching gel will come ing agents should not be used prior to restorative treatment
into contact with the gingiva. with resin-based materials.
Alteration of enamel surface (V-4) GENERAL SIDE-EFFECTS
Morphological alteration of the enamel following tooth bleach- The risk of adverse effects has not been the main focus in the
ing (Fig. 6) has been addressed in several studies. Enamel slabs design of clinical studies of external tooth bleaching. For exam-
were subjected to different bleaching agents containing 10% ple, for a case-reference study that detects a doubling of the risk
carbamide peroxide for 15 hrs a day, for two- and four-week for an adverse effect that occurs at a level of 1:1000 in the refer-
periods, and evaluated by scanning electron microscopy ence group, the study group must have at least 1000 people,
(Shannon et al., 1993). During the remaining 9 hrs every day, the and for detection of a 10% increase in the risk, more than 10,000
slabs were exposed to human saliva in vivo. Significant surface people must be enrolled in the study (Bjerre and LeLorier,
alterations in enamel topography were observed in slabs treat- 2000). In the clinical studies published on tooth bleaching that
ed with the bleaching solutions for 4 wks (Shannon et al., 1993). address adverse effects (Cohen and Chase, 1979; Nathanson
This finding was confirmed in a study with 30% hydrogen per- and Parra, 1987; Haywood et al., 1994; Schulte et al., 1994;
oxide and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixed with sodium perbo- Leonard et al., 1997; Tam, 1999a,b), the number of participants
rate (Ernst et al., 1996). Compared with the untreated control has been small compared with the above numbers, and many
surfaces, the enamel surface exposed to the bleaching agents studies did not have control groups. Therefore, the potential
underwent slight morphologic alterations. Teeth that were general adverse effects of external tooth bleaching cannot be
bleached in vivo with 35% carbamide peroxide (30 min/day for assessed at this time.
14 days) lost the aprismatic enamel layer, and the damage was
not repaired after 90 days (Bitter, 1998). By infrared spectro- (V-5) GENOTOXICITY AND CARCINOGENICITY
scopic analysis, it was found that in vitro treatment of extract-
ed teeth with 35% carbamide peroxide for 30 min/day for 4
days changed the inorganic composition of the enamel, where- The genotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide and of tooth whiteners
as 10% and 16% concentrations did not (Oltu and Gürgan, containing carbamide peroxide has been evaluated (IARC,
2000). Evaluation of casts made from impressions of teeth 1985; ECETOX, 1996; Li, 1996). The consensus arising from
bleached with 10% carbamide peroxide for 8-10 hrs/day for 14 these evaluations was that direct contact with hydrogen perox-
days revealed no or minimal changes in the enamel surface ide induced genotoxic effects in bacteria and cultured cells.
(Leonard et al., 2001), which may be due to inadequate repro- When hydrogen peroxide was administered to bacteria or cul-
duction of the minor enamel alterations in the impression. A tured cells in the presence of catalase or other metabolizing
high concentration of carbamide peroxide was detrimental to enzymes, the effect was reduced or abolished. Testing of hydro-
enamel surface integrity, but the damage was less than that gen peroxide for systemic genotoxic effects in animals revealed
seen after phosphoric acid etch (Ernst et al., 1996). A clinical no evidence of in vivo mutagenicity. Since hydroxy radicals,
CAa, 100 mice H2O2 in drinking water 100 wks 100 wks Control 0.1% 0.4% Ito et al., 1981
duodenal hyperplasia 9% 40% 61%
duodenal adenoma 1% 6% 2%
duodenal carcinoma 0% 1% 5%
CAa, 138 mice H2O2 in drinking water 700 days 700 days duodenal carcinoma 0% 5% Ito et al., 1982
CTb, 85 mice H2O2 in drinking water 7 months 7 months duodenal tumors 5.3d 1.7d 0.7d Ito et al., 1984
11% 31% 100%
PRc, 61 rats (A) MNNGf in food 7 months 7 months A B C Takahashi et al.,
(B) MNNG in food + 1% forestomach 1986
H2O2 in drinking water papillomas 0% 100% 50%
(C) 1% H2O2 in fundus hyperplasia 0% 38% 0%
drinking water pylorus carcinomas 3% 10% 0%
duodenal carcinomas 10% 0% 0%
a CA = carcinogenicity study.
b CT = chronic toxicity study.
c PR = promoter studies.
d Catalase activity (10-4 k/mg protein).
e Duodenal tumors consisting of hyperplasia, adenomas, and carcinomas.
f MNNG = 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (CAS no. 70-25-7).
perhydroxyl ions, and superoxide anions formed from hydro- lowed for 50 wks (Klein-Szanto and Slaga, 1982).
gen peroxide are capable of attacking DNA, the genotoxic Hydrogen peroxide did not promote MNNG (1-methyl-3-
potential of hydrogen peroxide is dependent on the accessibil- nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine) (CAS no. 70-25-7)-initiated gastric
ity of free radicals to target DNA. This may explain why tumous in rats, but an increased number of forestomach papillo-
hydrogen peroxide induces genotoxicity in the presence of mas and fundus hyperplasia were observed in animals receiving
metabolizing enzymes neither in vitro nor in vivo. Tooth whiten- MNNG, food supplemented with 10% sodium chloride, and
ers containing carbamide peroxide were mutagenic in certain drinking water with 1% hydrogen peroxide ad libitum for 7 wks
bacterial strains and non-mutagenic in the presence of addi- (Takahashi et al., 1986). Painting of the hamster cheek pouch with
tional activating enzymes. Several in vivo studies addressing DMBA (7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene) (CAS no. 57-97-6) in
the formation of micronuclei in bone marrow cells and sister combination with 3% or 30% hydrogen peroxide showed that
chromatide exchange after exposure to carbamide-peroxide- 30% hydrogen peroxide had a promoting effect on DMBA car-
containing products revealed no genotoxic effects. cinogenesis (Weitzman et al., 1986). A study on the tumor-pro-
Data on animal experiments evaluating long-term effects moting effects of hydrogen peroxide in mice via dermal applica-
of the oral administration of hydrogen peroxide are given in tion of 5 to 15% hydrogen peroxide in acetone following initia-
Table 3. A dose-dependent increased incidence of duodenal tion with DMBA showed increased incidence of skin papillomas
hyperplasia was observed in a study where 0.1% and 0.4% in the treated groups (Klein-Szanto and Slaga, 1982). In other
hydrogen peroxide was administered to mice via drinking similar experiments in mice, with DMBA as the initiator and 3%
water for 100 days (Ito et al., 1981). In addition, the number of and 6% hydrogen peroxide as the promoter, there was no signif-
adenomas and carcinomas increased in the duodenum of the icant increase in the incidence of skin tumors (Shamberger, 1972;
exposed groups, but not in a dose-related manner (Ito et al., Bock et al., 1975; Kurokawa et al., 1984), although epidermal
1981). In another study, mice were given 0.4% hydrogen perox- hyperplasia was evident in most treated mice in one of the
ide in the drinking water for up to 700 days. Benign and malig- experiments (Kurokawa et al., 1984). Skin painting with DMBA
nant lesions were found in the stomach and duodenum after 90 and 5% carbamide peroxide in water did not result in tumors
days' exposure (Ito et al., 1982). The incidence did not increase after 56 wks of the promoting stimulus (Bock et al., 1975).
with exposure time, but more severe lesions were observed Increased proliferation of gingival epithelial cells was observed
later in the experiment. The stomach lesions regressed com- in biopsies taken from patients after a five-week period of
pletely after an exposure-free period of 10-30 days, but some of bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide (da Costa Filho et al.,
the duodenal lesions persisted. Strains with different catalase 2002).
activity and provided to mice with 0.4% hydrogen peroxide in Based on the aforementioned studies, hydrogen peroxide
the drinking water resulted in tumor incidence inversely relat- was shown to have a weak local carcinogenic-inducing poten-
ed to the catalase activity (Ito et al., 1984). In mice, topical appli- tial. The mechanism is unclear, but a genotoxic action cannot be
cation of 15% hydrogen peroxide in acetone on the skin for 25 excluded, since free radicals formed from hydrogen peroxide
wks resulted in an increased number of papillomas in the treat- are capable of attacking DNA. Several studies of DMBA car-
ed group, but no malignant changes were observed in mice fol- cinogenesis in mice skin and hamster cheek pouch indicate that
Calculated Exposures to Hydrogen Peroxide during Two-hour Bleaching of One Arch with Custom-
made Tray and the Safety Factors Derived
a H2O2 concentration determined based on the composition of carbamide peroxide that consists of 36% H2O2 (mol w) and 64% urea (Budavari et al., 1989).
b Exposure based on bleaching 10 teeth with 500 mg bleaching agent (Li, 1996), 25% of the bleaching agent ingested during 2 hrs (Matis et al., 2002),
and the WHO body weight estimate (60 kg) (Woodward, 1996).
c Safety factor = NOAEL/exposure (rounded to nearest 10) (Fig. 7). The NOAEL value is 26 mg/kg BW/day. The minimum acceptable safety factor, based
on data derived from animal studies, is 100 (Woodward, 1996).
d Exposure based on bleaching 10 teeth with 900 mg bleaching agent (Dahl and Becher, 1995), 25% of the bleaching agent ingested during 2 hrs (Matis
et al., 2002), and the WHO body weight estimate (60 kg) (Woodward, 1996).
e This concentration is intended for professional use only. The calculation is included in case the patient uses the preparation at home.