Merck and River Blindness: A Case Study in Ethical Dilemma: International Journal of Academic Research and Development
Merck and River Blindness: A Case Study in Ethical Dilemma: International Journal of Academic Research and Development
Merck and River Blindness: A Case Study in Ethical Dilemma: International Journal of Academic Research and Development
Ethics is that greyish zone of human behaviour that lies between the law on the one hand and the common courtesy on the other. It
is not mandated by law. You do not have to be ethical. It is a moral obligation.
International Journal of Academic Research and Development
parts of the world, those suffering from the malady could not Merck voluntarily recalled Vioxx a few years ago, after
pay for the medication. In 1978, Merck was testing learning that it caused cardiovascular problems in patients
Ivermectin, a drug for animals, to see if it could effectively who took it for 18 months or more. The recall created uproar
kill parasites and worms. During this clinical testing, Merck and lot of lawsuit. Merck fought them, because of its claim
discovered that the drug killed parasite in horses that was very that it had done no wrong. But after winning more cases that it
similar to the worms that caused river blindness in humans. lost, it finally settled the remaining cases and it moved on its
This, therefore, was Merck’ s dilemma, the Company trajectory of ethical excellence.
scientists were encouraging the firm to invest in further
research to determine if the drug could be adapted for safe use Lessons learnt from Merck
with humans, but Merck knew it would likely never be a On October 21st 1987, Merck &Co decided to donate newly
profitable product. discovered drug molecule to combat River Blindness. Merck
took this decision collaborating with international experts in
Merck’s ethical leadership parasitology and WHO. This decision came twelve years after
Although the decision by Merck to develop this drug for no the discovery of Mectizan and seven years after its clinical
profits is an old one, it is still a great example of corporate trials in Dakar, Senegal.
social responsibility and ethical leadership. Merck did this Merck chairman Raymond V Gilmartin has reaffirmed
long before the CSR was fashionable. company’s commitment to donate as much Mectizan as
necessary for as long as necessary to treat river blindness and
Reputational utility of Merck to help bring the disease burden down and under control as a
The outcomes for the patients are tremendous and with the public health problem.
growing media attention, Merck was on the verge of Mectizan has taught us about how to mobilize resources in
catapulting into ethereal fame in an overriding manner. Hence successful public/private partnerships to address significant
reputational utility far surpassed its personal utility. That was health problems so as to significantly reduce disease burden
the beauty of selfless philanthropy. over long term.
At the same time scientists who are the main human resourse Effective treatment requires only one annual dose, easily
of Merck feel good while innovating some new drug administered with no major side effects. Some of the critical
molecule. Yet some opportunity cost is also there in the form success factors for this achievement are as below:
of drugs not discovered because the scientists were working 1. The need to focus scientific and clinical research resources
passionately on this project of Mectizan. Merck took the on feasible targets for clearly important health priorities.
decision in terms of the question of philanthropy. 2. The importance of partnerships among public and private
sector organizations including Non Governmental
Merck’s value system organizations to control a dreadful disease.
Merck says that it values people over profits. And it has acted 3. The essential role of distribution mechanisms and
like this indeed. Otherwise, there is no use of creating a lot of healthcare infrastructure in ensuring that medicines like
cynical employees who do not respect their organization’s Mectizan reach those who need them.
Health impact and capacity building for future
If you do not mean it, please do not say it! And it goes programmes
pretty well for individuals too. Since the inception of MDP, around sixteen million children
Extra mile mentality of Merck around the world have been spared the risk of infection due to
It is pertinent to note that Merck wanted to pursue research. spraying programme combined with Mectizan treatment. The
And it did succeed after many millions of dollars and a decade World Bank report says that 25 million hectares of arable land
of pain and privation. But that was worth it. They came up have been recovered enough to feed 17 million people. More
with a wonder drug for river blindness but alas! no one was than 60,000 cases of blindness have been prevented.
ready to take this. Not even the government. The cooperative nature of programme has helped to strengthes
The company took an extraordinary decision- to distribute the the primary care system in many countries where Mectizan
drug for free to all who needed it forever or till the time river has been delivered: in fact the delivery strategy and treatment
blindness was eradicated! And that was not the end of the guidelines have resulted in the delivery of other health
show for the company. The biggest challenge was to transport services e.g. Vitamin A in the Central African Republic and
the drug to the remotest possible areas where it was needed diagnosis of `other conditions such as cataracts.
the most. They designed their own network and logistic Donation programmes offer a mechanism for providing access
support. to care and treatment which should be evaluated on a case by
Their philanthropy programme is being emulated by other case basis.
companies as well. Merck remains one of the most The Merck Mectizan Donation Programme which has helped
philanthropic companies of US. There was another outcome- millions of people in the developing world is an instructive
when AIDS became a world health problem, the company’s case, reminding us that even when medicines are free,
experience with the distribution of Mectizan in Africa helped. questions of infrastructure, transparency, distribution,
Although AIDS drugs were more complicated, the company logistics, partnership and sustainability structure the prospects
could call on its experience to direct these new efforts. for long term health benefits.
International Journal of Academic Research and Development
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