Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe: Name - / 75

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Name __________________________________________ _____ / 75

Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe
*All assignments done on the computer need to be turned in through Google
Classroom. For each box, you can either complete them online or on paper.
C. Create a rhyme or
B. Sort all of the use a
A. List all the jingle or song to help you
vocabulary words
vocabulary words to remember your
into categories.
and find a synonym words. Write them down
You must have a
and an antonym for on notebook paper or
minimum of six
each word. Can be Google Doc.
categories with an
done on paper or Example: Rewrite the
explanation for lyrics to Itsy Bitsy Spider
Google Doc.
each. to help you memorize the words. Be
to sing it to me!
E. For each of the
words draw a
F. Create a cartoon
D. Write a sentence picture that
strip using ten of
for each illustrates the
the words in the
word describing how it meaning of the
applies to YOUR life. word. You can also
between the
Underline the word. make an
infographic with
clip art.
I. Make frayer models
G. Create an acrostic of all the
poem vocabulary words.
H. Create a story using
for at least 10 of the They must include
all of your
words. Each letter has to the word,
vocabulary words.
represent a vocabulary definition, Picture,
word. Parts of speech and

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