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Chapter Domains
Chapter 1 Learning and applying knowledge

1.1 Acquiring basic skills (d1550)

1.2 Acquiring complex skills (d1551)

1.3 Focusing attention (d160)

1.4 Thinking (d163)

1.5 Solving simple problems (d1750)

1.6 Solving complex problems (d1751)

1.7 Applying knowledge, memory facts (d179)

1.8 Applying knowledge, orientation (d179)

1.9 Applying knowledge, visual and spatial perception

1.10 Calculation (d172)
1.11 Making simple decision (d177)

1.12 Making complex decision (d177)

Chapter 2 General tasks and demands

2.1 Undertaking a simple task (d2100)

2.2 Undertaking a complex task (d2101)

2.3 Carrying out daily routine (d230)

Chapter 3 Communication

3.1 Communication in general

3.2 Oral comprehension (d310, d315)

3.2.1 Understanding simple basic needs

3.2.2 Understanding simple information

3.2.3 Understanding complex information

3.2.4 Understanding discussion

3.3 Understanding written language (d325)

3.3.1 Understanding single words

3.3.2 Understanding simple text

3.3.3 Understanding long text

3.3.4 Understanding complex text

3.4 Oral expression (d330)

3.4.1 Reply to closed questions

3.4.2 Communicate wants and needs

3.4.3 Make simple statements

3.4.4 Make differentiated statements

3.5 Writing (d345)

3.5.1 Writing common words

3.5.2 Writing short notes and news

3.5.3. Writing simple text

3.5.4 Writing complex text

Chapter 4 Mobility
4.1 Maintaining a body position (d415)

4.1.1 Maintaining a lying position (d4150)

4.1.2 Maintaining a sitting position (d4153)

4.1.3 Maintaining a standing position (d4154)

4.2 Changing a body position (d410)

4.2.1 Lying down (d4100)

4.2.2 Sitting (d4103)

4.2.3 Standing (d4104)

4.3 Transferring oneself (d420) - only for wheel chair
4.3.1 Transfer oneself deep from the bed to the wheel
chair over the left side (d4208)
4.3.2 Transfer oneself deep from the bed to the wheel
chair over the right side (d4208)
4.3.3 Transfer high (d4208)

4.4 Lifting and carrying objects (d430)

4.4.1 Lifting and carrying objects in the work area (from
the hips to the shoulder area) till 2 kilogramm
4.4.2 Lifting and carrying objects over the shoulder area
(till 2 kilogramm) (d4308)
4.4.3 Lifting and carrying objects under the hip area (till 2
kilogramm) (d4308)
4.5 Fine hand use (d440)

4.5.1 Left hand

4.5.2 Right hand

4.5.3 Bimanuel
4.6 Hand and arm use (d445)

4.6.1 Left hand

4.6.2 Right hand

4.6.3 Bimanuel
4.7 Walking short distance (d450)

4.7.1 Walking for less than a kilometre, such as walking

around in rooms or hallways, within a building or for
short distances outside (d4500)
4.7.2 Walking on different surfaces and around obstacles
(d4502, d4503)
4.7.3 Walking up and downhill (d4508)

4.8 Walking long distance (d460) (more than 1

4.9 Stairs (d455)
4.10 Moving around, other specified (d455)

4.11 Driving wheel chair (d465)

4.11.1 Moving around with the wheel chair on the hospital
ward / or at home (d465)
4.11.2 Moving around with the wheel chair outside of the
hospital / or home (d465)

Chapter 5 Self-care
5.1 Washing oneself (d510)

5.1.1 Washing upper body part (d5100)

5.1.2 Washing lower body part (d5100)

5.2 Caring for body parts (d520)

5.3 Toileting (d530)

5.3.1 Regulation urination (d5300)
5.3.2 Regulation defecation (d5301)

5.3.3 Regulation menstrual care (d5302)

5.4 Dressing (d540)

5.4.1 Putting on and taking off clothes upper body

(d5400 / d5401)
5.4.2 Putting on and taking off clothes lower body (d5400 /
5.4.3 Choosing appropriate clothing (d5404)
5.5 Eating (d550)

5.6 Drinking (d560)

5.7 Looking after one's health (d570)

5.8 Coping night (d598)

5.8.1 Falling asleep and sleeping through the night (d598)

5.8.2 Toileting during the night (d598)

5.8.3 Changing body position in bed during the night

Chapter 6 Domestic life

6.1 Acquisition of good and services (d620)

6.2 Preparing simple meals (d6300)

6.3 Preparing complex meals (d6301)

6.4 Doing housework (d640)

6.5 Assisting others (d660)

Chapter 7 Interpersonal interactions and relationships

7.1 Interpersonal activities (d710)

Scoring ranges from 1–5.
1 = patient is not able to fulfil a task or needs assistance up to 75%
2 = patient is able to fulfil tasks with assistance of 25% to 75%
3 = patient is able to fulfil tasks with assistance less than 25% or under supervision;
4 = patient is able to fulfil tasks independently but needs more time and/or with auxiliary
materials, aids;
5 = patient is able to fulfil tasks independently

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