2Y2S - L14 - Blood Flukes
2Y2S - L14 - Blood Flukes
2Y2S - L14 - Blood Flukes
Clinical Manifestations continued….. Chronic intestinal schistosomiasis (granuloma formation in gut wall,
Chronic Schistosomiasis most often large intestines)
o More common o Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (granuloma inflammatory
o Result from egg-induced immune response, granuloma reponse leading to hepatic fibrosis)
formation and associated fibrotic changes o Urogenital schistosomiasis (granulomatous
o Schistosomal eggs are highly immunogenic and induce inflammatory lesion involving urinary tract or genital
vigorous circulating and local immune response organs)
o Malabsorption syndrome Hematuria often the first sign of established
o Bloody diarrhea disease
o Heavy infections are more likely to produce hepatic o Neuroschistosomiasis (granulomatous response to egg
disease deposition in brain or spinal cord)
o Severe fibrosis leading to portal hypertension Spinal cord schistosomiasis (an inflammatory
o Splenomegaly myelopathy); most common form
o Hepatosplenomegaly Pseudotumoral encephalic schistosomiasis;
o Ascites slow growing tumor like mass lesion that
o Esophageal variceal bleeding results in focal neurologic signs and raised
Egg retention and granuloma formation in the bowel wall (S. mansoni intracranial pressure; symptoms vary
& S. japonicum) according to location of lesion
o Bloody diarrhea
o Cramping Acute: fever, hepatosplenomegaly, urticaria
o Inflammatory Colonicpolyposis Chronic: hepatosplenomegaly, abdominal tenderness, ascites, hem
o Increased rate of recurrent Salmonella Infection positive stool, bloody diarrhea, pedal edema, seizures
o Heavy Infection Hepatic Disease
o Severe Fibrosis Pipestem pattern Diagnosis
o Periportal Fibrosis portal HPN S. japonicum and S. mansoni:
o Portal HPN sequelae: Stool exam
Splenomegaly Serology
Ascites o ELISA – helpful in confirmation of past exposure
Esophageal varices o Schistosomal antigen test to help distinguish between
Development of portosystemic collaterals active and inactive infection
Egg retention (S. haematobium) o Antigen titers from serum and urine correlate with
o Hematuria degree of infection
o Dysuria Rectal biopsy
o Ulcer Kato-Katz thick smear clarified with glycerol – for identification and
o Bladder polyp quantification of ova in feces
o Obstructive uropathies Immunodiagnostic tests
o S. haematobium infections are also associated with o Circum-oval precipitin test (COPT)
development of bladder cancers, usually squamous o Cercaria Huellen Reaction (CHR)
rather than transitional cell CA o Fluorescent Antibody test for cercaria (FAT)
Old Trans Info: Ultrasound – to detect pipestem fibrosis of the liver and patency of
Disease Syndrome: the portal splenic and superior mesenteric vessels
o Swimmer’s itch (dermatitis)
o Katayama fever (snail fever) S. haematobium
o Chronic fibro-obstructive disease Urine Examination – (+) eggs definitive diagnosis; 24-hour urine
o Bladder carcinoma collection may be recommended
Dermatitis with pruritus known as “swimmer’s itch” Micropore filtration for the detection of ova in urine
The manifestation is self-limited and repeated cercarial exposure Cytoscopy
causes these acute reactions to wane over time Immunodiagnostic tests
o Circum-oval precipitin test (COPT)
Katayama fever/Katayama syndrome (“snail fever”) o Cercaria Huellen Reaction (CHR)
o 2-12 weeks following cercarial penetration o Fluorescent Antibody teast for cercaria (FAT)
o Schistosomule migration o ELISA
o Characterized by easy fatigability, respiratory symptoms, Ultrasound – to detect urinary tract lesion
arthralgias, myalgias, malaise, eosinophilia, fever, and
abdominal pain Treatment
Chronic colonic schistosomiasis
o Ulcerations caused by eggs result in dysentery or diarrhea,
depending on the worm burden
Complications References:
End organ disease Medical Parasitology in the Philippines by
Pulmonary hypertension Belizario & de Leon (3rd Ed.)
Lecture Notes
Cor pulmonale
Portal hypertension
Obstructive uropathy
GI bleeding
Most patient improve with treatment
Patients with early disease or without severe end organ complication
recover completely