Israeli State Exam For Dentistry

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Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD

Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Playback licensing tests:

Summary of: sep2002, aug2001, sep2001, feb 2000, sep 1999, licen. Test 1999,
Feb. 1999, sep1998, sep 1997, feb1997, aug 1996 1+2, feb 1996, sep 94, 94 printed.


1) The percent of water in the pulp? à90%

2) Patient that afraid and fainting during anesthetic injection, in the next meeting:
a) To give premedication for example valium
b) Injection in the supine position
3) What is the principle role of the autoclave?à Pressure+ spread steam/ vapor
(sep 99/96) (autoclave 125 degree for 10 minutes of pressure) (the most
common dry heat).
4) Sterilization of high speedà periodic manner (aug. 96-10) /or after each
patient/or at the end of the day. (aug 96-56).


5) Bilateral headache may be: à tension headache.

Note: (unilateral headache: cluster type, hemicranias, paroxysmal, migraine).
6) A patient complains from spontaneous pain in the half of the face that wake
him from the sleep and sometimes the pain continue 30 minutes. Sometimes
painful during the day, the patient took amoxicillin because he suspected that’s
sinusitis, what can be with the patient? à Cluster headache (note: the pain for
a short period of time, pain may be from 15-120 minutes, and may wake the
patient during sleep time, more in male).
7) What influence about the end of the pain? à Sex, age, fatigue, severity of the
8) Neuralgia of the 5th nerve? àUnbearable pain, acute and short (less than
2min) , doesn’t awakening at night


- pulpitisà awakening from the sleep time

- Sinusitis à not awakening from the sleep time

- Migraine à not awakening from the sleep time
- Cluster à awakening from the sleep time
- Tension headache à awakening from the sleep time
- Trigeminal neuralgia à not awakening from the sleep time.

Oral biology:
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1. The source of cells for opening a lesion in the periapical region? àremnant
cells of rest of malaise.
2. The first response for the complex of the dental pulp to the caries? à Sclerotic
dentin (fibrotic tertiary dentin).
3. What is the factor of production for the secondary and tertiary dentin? à
Abrasion +attrition+ caries (the answer all of them).
4. Tertiary dentin created by? à Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells.
5. The function of the fibroblast in the pulp? à Creation and decomposition of
6. What is the source of odontoblasts that form bridge of dentin after (DPC)
direct pulp capping? à Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells (if this answer not
exist) fibroblast (not histocytes).
7. The odontoblasts, cementoblasts, osteoblasts secrets: à matrix (not similar
8. Dental pulp develops from? à Dental papillae.
9. Loss of teeth determined in the stage: à dental lamina + cap stage.
10. During enamel calcification? à Most of the organic materials changes to
11. Alcohol affects? à The odontoblasts.
12. During acute pulpitis the microorganism's penetration to the pulp, the first
responders: à blood vessels.
13. Which types of microorganisms located in the infected tooth pulp? à Aerobic
and anaerobic. (Essentially facultative anaerobic and obligatory anaerobic).
14. The necessity to produce NEW CONNECTIVE TISSUE
ATTACHMENT,necessary for creating differentiated cells required adhesion
mechanism from ? à Periodontal ligament. (year 1999-77)
15. In gingivitis , the first damage in : ? àvascular system.
16. Attachment apparatus :à PDL, cement and bone (doesn’t include: enamel and
junctional epithelium).
17. Sharpies fibers:à attaches between the alveolar bone and cement).
18. Which of the following tissues present elastin? àAlveolar mucosa.
19. Alveolar bone? àPresent with tooth eruption, disappear after tooth extraction
( present around the vital tooth NOT CORECT).
20. Width of PDL:à 0.25mm.
21. How the cement is created? àmodeling for all the life (NOT remodeling).
22. The space between the cells in desmosomal layer? à 300 A.
23. Anachoresis? àInfection that reach from the blood to the tooth in the area
with partial necrosis.
24. How the infection reach o the dental pulp? àcaries, blood circulation,
periodontitis (the answer all of them).
25. What does bacteria analyze to produce acids? Sugars (note: critical ph =5.5).
26. What is the most common antibody: à immunoglobulin A (IgA).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Law / regulation:

27. A doctor did treatment without the agreement of the patient, this thing is: à
ethical contravention and aggression contravention.
28. The component of informed consent does not include: àPatientsigninga
consent form, also not requiredto reportprevious medicalexperience
(Elements ofinformed consentinclude:explanation of the natureand
circumstancesprocess, potential risks, therapeuticalternatives, the possibility of
Lack of care).
29. A doctor calling you and need information about treatment you did for a
patient for putting a plan treatment for this patient:?à May provide
information. (Meanings may you see: relevant information, preferably with
30. Free lance profession or liberal profession include: àImportantand
uniqueexpertise, professional autonomy, self-control, responsibility.
31. A doctor shows slides or photos for patient with his name: à forbidden (even
the patient approved).
32. A father brings his son his age 14 years, to perform recovery but the child
refuse, what you will do? àNot treat himagainst his willbecause itviolatesthe
autonomy of thechild.
33. Paternalism: à modern medicine set the benefits of the patient.
34. A person received tongue parasthesia after anesthesia of (IDN) and plaintiff
you: à I am fault because I must inform that there is a risk.
35. Patient hides informationfrom the doctorandwas damaged: if he is
hidinginformationwas not madein good faith,patient's fault.
36. Non- malifisence?à Not cause harm to the patient.
37. Orthodontist gave to the dental hygienist to match brackets:à the medical
hygienist is fault because she worked in dentistry and is prohibited for her.
38. Whatcandental hygienistmake: à finish and polish restorations.Nature study,
cleaning and brushing, removing deposits, removal of excess cement surfaces
removing stitches and bandages mouth, using preparations to prevent cavities
smear) sealing grooves (delayed release medicines on prescription and
preparations for local anesthesia topical application, consulting / training on
dental care) according to the section 5 dentists Ordinance (doctor must
supervise the work. forbidden dental hygienist: Matching braces, tooth
exchange clap, impression for total denture.
39. A doctor transfer his patient to other doctor because he want to depart to other
country (for travel) and after the checkup appeared that there is alteration on
the treatment plan .what the doctor can do? àto explain for the patient that
appeared some modifications.
40. Great obligations for the doctor: à to protect the public health,
comfortableness and welfare of the patient, to come for high level of
41. AssistantRequiredbyGuidelines:àmandatory in public clinic, in
privateclinicis recommended.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

42. Dental hygienist employed by:à rule regulations.

43. According to the patient privilege law : à the dentist can give to the patient
44. Dentist and external investor are interested to open dental clinic what is the
correct? à Refer to ministry of health and ask about license to open clinic, the
investor not allowed to involve the dentist business
45. A new patient brings pictures with him to the dentist;àdoctorwill attachthem
46. Registration of dental examination finding by the duty doctor is: à obligatory
according to the patient privilege law ( law of patients right).
47. The dentist may transfer instructions to do a dental work: àto qualified
technician with license.
48. A dentist opening a clinic can he advertise himself? àsign post or board out
of the clinic.
49. A specialized dentist worked 20 year out of the country and came to the
country what he should do? àTo do license exam and license exam on his
50. Élan Cohen specialize in public dentistry second year, what he allowed to
write on his visiting card? à DMD (doctor of dental medicine).
51. Implantologist can advertise: à this specialty not present and not allowed to
advertise this.
52. Aesthetic dentist practice : à not familiar in Israel (not present)
53. Consultation by the dentist just after:à meticulous examination.
54. Dentist found a new method of treatment: à can use this method instead of+
compensation. Reward
55. How should the specialist behave when the patient refers to him? àto be
accepted ethical point of view and to send a litter to his dentist to thank about
referral and give summary about the treatment that was done.
56. What is professional ethics? à The relation between the doctor and the
patient, the doctor to the subject, relation with society (all of them).
57. A dentist was defendant to the judgment; the ministry of health required the
patient record? à Must to give.
58. Can a person who not a dentist to open a clinic? à yes can
59. Doctorconsulting witha dental technician: à must have qualifiedcertificate.
60. Singularity /uniqueness profession: à the establishment must protect the
public, so limit the work to selected profession.
61. For whom appellant if you failed in the exam: à general manager of the
ministry of health.

Oral radiology –interpretation and diagnoses (general, lesions, types of

radiography, anatomical structures).

62. Radiolucent lesion, vital tooth, not symptomatic. How we diagnose? à

Anamnesis+ old x-rays.(PCD-periapical cement dysplasia à histology :
connective, basal lining, young bone and material like cementum).
63. Which lesion doesn’t require x-ray? àpulpitis ( need x-ray :- proximal caries,
deep occlusal caries , periapical lesion).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

64. When we see the lesion on the x-ray? à If loss of cortication occur.
65. What is the most radiopaque? àEnamel(more than the bone and dentin, and
salivary glands).
66. Bone marrow space can be seen in the x-ray? àit is varies from person to
person (sep. 2001-44).
67. When the radiolucent area is symmetrically in both sides of the jaws?
àAnatomical landmarks of the jaws.
68. A tooth with elongated pulp chamber in occlusal-gingival dimension:
69. Turner tooth:à local defect in permanent tooth due to periapical infection in
primary tooth.

Notes: -

- turner syndrome – 45X losing of X .monosomy.

- Taurodontismà cone position apically that lead to enlarged pulp chamber.
- à Teeth with enlarged crown. And can appear isolated finding.
- In the families with kleinfilter syndrome or down syndrome is rarely
situation can be meet.
70. When the borders of the radiolucent well defined? à Most of the lesion
development is slow or mostly they noting lesion was chronic.
71. Which lesion can be seen in the x-ray radiography clear? à Hemi-septum.
72. Benign tumor can be seen radiologically? à Clean borders and opaque
(undefined marginsà malignant tumors).
73. In which situation the radiolucenceywith undifferentiated margins? à
In osteomyelitis, primary metastatic carcinoma, primary intraosseous, Ewing's
, sarcoma lymphoma in bone.

Note: Ewing's sarcoma:

- In children and adolescents.

- Ages 5-30.
- 60% in male.
- Radiolucent diffuse with undifferentiated borders.
- Multilocular.
- Onion shell shape.
74. In the x-ray for adults patient, central incisor appears short, what finding that
the etiology due to external resorption: à the apex of the root round
(curved)/pulp obliteration / opened apex. (sep 1999-5).
75. On x-ray the ID canal seen between the molar roots, when do another x-ray in
angle (-25). The ID canal separated from the roots the conclusion is: à the ID
canal is lingual to molar roots (if in the x-ray present overlapping, must to do
other x-ray in negative angle (-25) can be seen separated.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

76. In proximal x-ray the mandibular canal not in contact with tooth roots 48. If
we change the angle to (-25), the roots appear inside the canal, what the
decision? àthe canal is buccally to the roots (feb1997-56).
77. When the mandibular canal pass near the roots of the lower 8 tooth: à the
root is buccally to the canal/ the canal buccally to the roots/ the canal do notch
inside the root/ the canal between the roots (ans. :all)
78. In the x-ray, the mandibular canal disappear and seen more radiolucent lines in
the area of the roots of the lower 8th tooth? àThe roots surround the canal.
79. In panoramic x-ray seen thin and enlarged teeth? à Normal (in anterior teeth
focal spot). (Feb. 1997-55).
80. You order panoramic x-ray to determine the effect of the lesion on adjacent
structures: à (not in all new patients, in place (status), bitewing x-ray, only in
children routinely, for periodontal (‫ט‬.‫)ת‬. plane).
81. What we seen in panoramic x-ray? à Missing germs, extra teeth
(supernumerary), dental age, fracture in the condyle, pathological lesions,
teeth near eruption (can't see carious and occlusion problems).
82. In which x-ray can be seen mandibular nerve overlapping? à Eccentric
vertical (frank).
83. In order to differentiate between mandibular canal and the roots of the lower
quadrant (8th region), we doing x-ray? à Frank shift.
84. Upper first premolar, periapical lesion (P/A), was taken x-ray from the
mesial direction, what is correct? àif the lesion moves to the distal direction
so the lesion related to the buccal root.
SLOB à means same lingual, opposite buccal.
85. Occlusal radiography on the mandible give good demonstration: à 1.
Impacted location of tooth in bucco-lingual direction. 2. Stones in the salivary
86. Types of radiography used to exam the sinusitis? à Waters view, (in sinusitis
can be seen plus (full) turbidity (opacity).
87. In which radiography can be seen the furcation in molars? à Radiolucent area
in lower premolar region.
88. In roentgen x-ray to the patient (status), you see round radiolucent area near
the root of tooth nr. 44, in the tooth present old and deep amalgam restoration,
the tooth not painful, what you do? à To do vitality test for tooth 44.
89. What furcation can be seen in x-ray? 3rd degree furcation.
90. Diagnosis perforation can be done? à Radiologically. (NOT guttapercha or
91. A person comes with sensitivity to hot and cold and sensitivity during
percussion. In the lower jaw, on the x-ray have no evidence of anything and
present of shallow restoration, what is the differential diagnosis? à Cracked
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Oral radiology – radiation

92. What from the following is radioactive radiation? à gamma rays

93. Radiation particles? à Photon radiation, cathode à radiation particles
94. Electromagnetic radiation includes? à Radio rays, gamma rays, light photon
95. What character of roentgen radiation is the standard for geometrical regulation
of roentgen device during taking the x-ray? à Roentgen radiation more in
straight line NOT parallel (focused point).
96. Roentgen radiation is differentiated from light radiation? àthe radiation is
very high energy and short wave length.
97. To increase the permeability of roentgen radiation: à to decrease the waves
length by increase the KVP.
98. To increase of photon energy of electromagnetic radiation related to increase?
à Waves frequency. (High wave frequency =short wave length).
99. Diagnostic radiography based on the interaction of the following roentgen
radiation material: à (62% from effect) the effect done by co photon. + (80%
from effect). Coherent diffuse. + (30% from effect). Is photo electric effect.
(the ans. All of them).
100. The amount of radiation that reach the thyroid gland lead apron? à
40m RAD (0.0040 RAD).
101. The toxic effect of radiation? à Ionization +mitotic effect+ cytotoxic
102. Cell destroying by radiation related to? à amount of radiation and
strength of radiation, rate of radiation + surface of radiation (ans. All).
103. What problem causes the exposure to the roentgen radiation? à Lead
to damage DNA, free radical and ionize radiation.
104. What is the stability of the mandible to the radiation? à 5000 CEG
(NOTE: would be more affected than the maxilla due to compact bone
structure, less blood and lymph supply than the maxilla and enclose several
organs (glands)).
105. In what condition you have the largest biological damage? à Scientist
39 years old that exposed by miss chance to 4000 RAD that last 3 minutes in
whole the body.
106. What group of cells is in the most sensitive to the radiation? à
Immature tissue cells.
107. Acute radiation syndrome of CNS in human being leads in the most of
cases to? à Death.
108. The amount of radiation absorption by the material depends on? à 1.
The average of radiation beam. 2. Absorb density of material +thickness of
absorbable material. (NO relation of speed of x-ray film).
109. The x-ray should be performed in initial unit only: à when there is
probability that the radiography contribute to diagnosis.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

110. MA in roentgen apparatus responsible for? à Photons quantity +

primary energy.
111. X-ray status equal to: à 40m RAD.
112. Periapical x-ray equal to? à 14.15m RAD.

Oral radiology –equipment

113. Which of the following will reduce the amount of secondary radiation
reaching the x-ray film? à lead plate behind x-ray film +Sutter on the x-ray
tube+ extra or additional of (Al) filter+ open cone, cylinder of closed cone
(answer: all).
114. Lead diaphragm in roentgen apparatus used to: à limitation in size of
damage by the radiation.
115. Usage of long cone compared to short cone? à Prevent the deformity
in the shape of the object (x-ray).
116. Regardless of the distance of the radiation sources, if the x-ray film not
put it in correct horizontal plane cause? à Overlapping of teeth.
117. The brown spots that produced on the x-ray film are? à Not enough
118. Changing the film from D to E? à Decrease the time of exposure 2
119. The layer that includes the halogenous salt granules of the silver on the
x-ray film known as à emulsion.
120. Dark and white regions, and less gray seen in the radiography, this x-
ray film is? àWith high contrast. (If increased the KVP is decreased).
121. Latent radiography: à radiography that produced after radiation and
before developing.
122. X-ray film usage with magnifying screen can be? àSensitive to light
with the same wave length. (In this situation possible introducing the duration
of exposure and/or use low KVP, these films absorb blue or green light
emitted from the magnifying (amplification) screens).
123. Indication for bitewing? àProximal caries (May also for calculus and
high of bone).
124. What increase the sharpness of the x-ray film? à When the cone away
from the object. (But the film in contact with object).
125. X-ray film distortion in the mouth, what we will do to improve the
image? à Place source of radiation away (cone away àdecreased
126. X-ray film of upper central incisor, what we can see? à Nasal floor.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Diagnosis and treatment plan:

127. Girl 17 years old came in the clinic with pain in the angle of the mouth
and irradiate to the ear from 3 days, and also presence limitation in mouth
opening, yesterday was pain that wakeups her from sleep time. What the
diagnosis? à Pericoronitis.
128. Patient came to your clinic: tooth 46 was extracted 10 years ago and
never influence him, what your recommendation? à Does not need treatment.
129. Patient 32 years old, have high caries risk and you must change a big
MOD restoration in tooth 15, tooth 46 was done before 3 years. What you
choose for treatment? à Crown (GI and amalgam platform). (Aug. 1996-11).
130. In tooth 14 MO restoration, 30 minutes after meal intake pain started in
embrasure area with the adjacent tooth. What the diagnosis?àMissing contact
131. Radiolucent lesion with defined border, in apex roots of lower central
incisors and they are vital. Diagnosis is? à PCD stage 1.
132. You can't do accurate diagnosis to caries without radiography.
133. Pregnant women 5th month, came for treatment after toothache, in
physical examination you can't diagnose the problem. What you should do? à
You must do diagnostic x-ray for diagnostic necessity.
134. Person was in the dental urgency before 3 days and they put material
that kills the pulp, after that came to the clinic with pain. During examination
was fount edematous gingival. What we have? à The material leaked on the
gingival margins.
135. Dental area with frequency pain, sensitivity in tooth 24 during
horizontal percussion, hot and cold sensitivity in tooth 23. What the diagnosis?
è Cracked dentin in tooth 24 and pulpitis in tooth 23. (Be attentive not
always can choose the same teeth).
136. Person came with urgent cause, when you can do x-ray? àIf its help in

Prosthodontics- general

137. Emergence profile?àline that describe the crown direction in relation

to the root ,its straight and continue from point of eruption until the
138. During mouth examination .for a patient, before reconstruction you
have to refer to? àEconomic status /intraoral examination result /x-ray /study
impression/requirements of the patient. (Ans: all).
139. Combination syndrome is?àUpper jaw àcomplete denture and in
lower jaw class I by Kennedy.
140. What is not present in combination syndrome?àangular chelitis (no
loss of vertical dimension ).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

141. Patient 40 years old, healthy and good periodontal situation, àbetter
bridge denture after (PRD).
142. Parallelometer?àExamine the path of insertion and removal.
(Between prepared teeth) .
143. The purpose of casting?à1-return the cusp to place in the arch .2-put
the cusp away from the center of the tooth,3- give retention to the tooth ,4-give
resistance to the tooth.(ang.96-61).
144. The principle that influence casting, when prepare tooth for
crown.àStructural stability (Aug 96-75).
145. What to do with collapsed loosed bite in the posterior area?àRelated
to loss in posterior support and related to loss in anterior periodontal support.
146. Person fall lost the central and lateral incisors, and its prepared for
implant, what temporary treatment to do?à(Spoon denture) full palatal
coverall without clasp (retentive clasp).
147. Retention is?àThere resistance of removal restoration opposing path
of insertion.
148. Women with mobile teeth after sever periodontal disease, the dentist
advice to extract the teeth and a CD .the pat. Wants B/D. what the dentist
should do?àhe should insist on his opinion and not to give up to his pt.
prosthetic -materials
149. What stimulate alginate hardening?àCa-sulfate (calcium replaces
sodium in alginate and cause setting).
150. What inhibit alginate hardening?àNa-phosphate (retender).
151. What accelerate gypsum hardening?àadding cold water (20-37c)
152. Gypsum: àcalcium sulfate dehydrate.
153. What accelerate gypsum hardening? àK+ (potassium sulfate) ,water
gypsum, fast mixing ,temp(20-37c).
154. What inhibit the gypsum hardening àsaliva, blood, alginate agar,
temp 37-100c (over oppose the reaction).
155. Advantage of additional silicon in in compare with other impression
material: àdimensional stability (high) until 7 days.
156. Not allowed to pour additional silicon in the 1st 20 min due to H2
157. Which impression material you can pour after several
days?àAdditional silicon.
158. The polyether you can pourà during 1 hour.
159. To place the cement in the crown?àOnly place on the crown
margins.(to introduce with pressure and it necessary to do painting).
160. Dental cement resist in the following force?à1-maximal compression
2-minimum stretching.3-mild shearing.
161. In the tooth cement –crown unit, the cement is the weak like so during
tooth preparation, you strict basically to resist opposing what
force?àStretching/ May in exam tension.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

162. The module of high elasticity?àZnP (the highest elastic component).

163. How long time to worry about dry environment during working ZnP
cement?à 7min ( the Zn/p cement during 24h the PH 7)
164. Why we use ZnP cement?àBecause familiar with it ,or its common
for long period of time (many years) .
165. After 2 min of placing the ZnP cement in the cavity?àAcidic (PH
166. What inhibit the time hardening of cement?àCooling surface of
mixing glass pad.
167. What accelerate the hardening time of ZnP cement?àAdditional water
(or the liquid of cement) but affects the property of the cement.
168. ZnP component à zinc oxide powder and phosphoric acid
polycarboxylic situated in the polycarboxylate cement liquid).
169. In which cement mechanical interlocking?àZnP cement and resin
170. Molecular link: àpolycarboxylate cement, GI cement.
171. GIC used for:à sealing pits and fissure +cementation class I
restoration in molar.
172. The liquid in GIC?àpolyacrlic acid (note: powder comp: foregoing of
calcium aluminum-silicate ).
173. Crown cementation with GIC after week there is sensitivity what the
cause?à PH is acidic (this problem occur only during the hardening of GIC).
Internings :wetness +marginal leakage ‫)כל המיסיחים אכן מתיחסים ל‬GIC ‫אך הם‬
(‫אינם גורמים לריגושות‬
174. Sensitivity for 1 week after crown adherence with GIC what the
cause?àMarginal leakage.
175. Sensitivity after adherence of crown with GIC, what the
cause?àAcidic PH.
176. What the clinical use of adhesive (bonding agent) à
1- cementation of resin compound to teeth (composite).
2-cementation of restoration (laboratory restoration)
3-cervical sensitivity.
4- Tooth bleaching. (Whitening).
177. Cements contain fluoride?àGIC, polycarboxylate cement, silica

Metal crown

178. Definition of metalloid is?àElement that not ionize in sol' and conduct
179. What is the connection between size of metal crystals and physical
property?àSmallest crystal size àbetter physical property.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

180. Why adding indium and tin to noble metal alloy in M/C
restoration?àto get oxides that use as chemical connection between the metal
and the ceramics (also can be added zinc.)
181. In FPM crown the connection between the oxide and
182. What the disadvantages of the alloy are from group sold –platinum
palladium that use in metal ceramic?àWeek resistance to bending.


1-additional disadvantage: low module of elasticity –flexibility, wide melting

point, expensive.

2- Advantage high resistance, durability, resistant corrosion, easy to work,


183. Disadvantage of wide melting point?à 1- in this case alloy not stable
2- have inclination to oxidation ,3-high chance to change in dimension .
184. What is the main disadvantage of metal alloy from the group of silver-
palladium used in ceramic restoration?àChange the color of the ceramic by
silver (greening) (note: advantage high strength to (SAG,) bending).
185. What type of gold not used in cast crown?àSoft- type 1, note: type I
àsoft For: inlay, onlay, (I.III.V).type IIàmedium crown for onlay (II, IV).
Type IIIà hard for bridges. Type IVà extra hard for dentures (ceramic one).
186. Why Al2O3 used during sand blasting?àTo increase surface area +
retention (wetting).
187. Beryllium and nickel?àAllergic and carcinogenic.
188. Amalgam?àNot inert.
189. Porcelain and titanium?àInert.
190. Mercury is?àToxic.


191. The large part porcelain type PFM is?àSilicon oxide (potassium
aluminum silicate).
192. Which porcelain can be used on PFM ceramic crown?àlow fusion

note: medium fusion ( 1300-1100c)ceramic crowns (full).- high fusion (1300c)

for dentures (not used today).- ultra low fusion – under 850c.

193. Medium fusion used in what type of crowns?à Jacket – full ceramic.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

194. Porcelain with a shoulder reconstruction ?àtranslucent and fire

shrinkage or weak radiolucent (1994).

Note: disadvantage porcelain for preparation with Butt Joint :

1- Opaque and slightly shrink in fire.

2- Opaque and weak.
3- Translucent and shrink in fire.
4- Translucent and weak.
195. Property of dental porcelain (ceramic)?à 1-translucent,2- resistance to
compression/ condensation ,3- weak to strength force/ strong to
compression,4- esthetic sensitive to fracture (Brittic)
Retraction material.
196. The use of retraction material during taking impression ?àUsually
cause recession of 0.1mm, 0.0001m.

Prosthetics-crown and bridges,

197. Contraindication for full ceramic crown?àexcessive wear of the teeth

/Bruxism /crowding/deep bite with loss of gingival space of the tooth /
discoloration (Ans :all)
198. What is from the following is contraindicated to making of
bridge?àActive caries, bad oral hygiene, advanced periodontitis. (Not
contraindicated of making B/D: àimpaired phonetic, occlusion defect as a
result from missing teeth).
199. What contraindicated to clinical crown lengthening?àWhen needs to
produce path of insertion for 3 teeth bridge.
200. Indication for crown lengthening?àFractural tooth 4mm under
gingiva, to gain biological width.
201. Tooth that prepared to be abutment in bridge denture, have distal caries
that reach 1 mm from bone what to do?àSurgical crown lengthening.
202. You have RCT dental patient in teeth nr. 15, 35, 34.22, the patient can
do only 1 crown in what tooth you advice to do?àTooth nr.15 ( to stand in
force of mastication ).
203. Situation that dictate to be restored by B/D except?àTooth nr. 11 with
disto-incisal in child 12 years old with limited pulp exposure(here we do fixed
BD in the following cases: loosed teeth 44,46, reconstruction of frontal teeth
after RCT with advanced periodontal disease and mobility that need splint
element smashed teeth after extensive crowns lengthening destroyed .
204. Tooth 36 is absent, tooth 37 inclined mesially with periodontal pocket,
you correct 37 and doing bridge what get?à1- Pocket disappear 2-
distribution of force in larger tooth surface.
205. Patient made PFM crown in frontal tooth with buccal margin from
ceramic finish line, all though crown fitness is good and you found RL area
around no excessive cement .what the cause ?àReflection of dark root.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

206. False undercuts?àThe natural undercuts that not related to inclination

of the model in the survey.


207. The ante role refers to?àThe relation between root surface of teeth of
teeth support and missing teeth.
208. What you prefer during bridge preparation?àOcclusal-gingival high
of the prepared tooth (increase length àbetter resistance).
209. Which bridge you do in spite of opposing the principle of ANTE?à
13xxx17 (root of the 2nd molar diversion, canine have long root).
210. When you do cantilever?àx 35 36 (34 missing ) (note: in this option
x 13 (12 missing) 14 15 x ( 16 missing ) or 35 36 x ( 37 missing )).
211. You want to do a bridge, in x-ray crown –root ratio not enough, how to
solve this problem?àTo add 16 as secondary abutment.
212. Degree of deformity of the pontic found?àProportional to the width of
the 1/3 turn squared and thickness of the 1/3rd.

213. What type of pontic design contraindicated to use?àSaddle (also used:

orate, ridge lap, sanitary conical.
214. Bridge 33x35x37, where to put the non rigid connector?àDistal side
of tooth 35.
215. Pier abutment where to place the non-rigid connector?àPrepared
middle tooth – distal part (pontic in central tooth)(male part mesial to the
distal to the central tooth , female part distal of central tooth).
216. What advantages of Maryland Bridge?àInexpensive, conserve tooth
structure (also: not affect gingiva, high esthetic.
217. Maryland bridge advantages?àMinimal preparation, proper esthetic,
low cost.
218. How to do cant I lever?àIn C.O (central occlusion) not in lateral

Prosthodontics: preparation.
219. During tooth preparation increase the amount of secondary dentin,
more in which surface of the tooth?àIn all surface (occlusal MD, BL) in the
same degree.
220. The aim of positive seat is?àprevent root splinting (dividing )
221. The aim of oriental /guide groove?à 1- to allow orientation and direct
in all stages 2- to allow the measurement amount of tooth preparation ( their
aim : not to prevent pulp exposure , to help to determine the lower part to be
prepared ,to determined the place of the finish line .
222. Orientation groove (guidance groove)?àHelp the stage of preparation.
223. The depth of the guide groove in tip of incisal cusp depends
on?àOcclusion (incorrect distractors): tooth vitality, type of metal use, cusp
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

224. The aim of occlusal bevel ?àroundation of sharp edge in occlusal

surface .
225. Which of the following principle affected by occlusal
bevel?àStructural durability (functional cusp bevel).
226. What factors from the following affected from structural
durability?àThickness of the metal restoration and the height of O-G.
227. Structure durability?à removal occlusal sufficiently , FOA ,remove
sufficient axially and parallel ,prevent under cut,
228. Pulp damage during preparation due to?àDeep preparation and
preparation without cooling tooth heating during polymerization of acrylic
resin (ans.all).
229. During preparation and removal of caries from contact point, created
defect on the contact area, what to do?àRestore it by restoration material.
230. During preparation tooth 35 you found distal caries in tooth 34 when
you restore tooth 34?àBefore doing temporary crown.
231. Proximal walls of preparation tooth meet in the following
criteria?àRetention resistance structural durability (not correct marginal
232. Proximal walls during preparation nearly parallel to tooth?àGood
holding of the restoration.
233. Factors that determines retention in bridge denture?à
· relation between opposing axial walls
· Facial surface of the teeth (surface area of the teeth).
· O-G height.
· Path of insertion only single path. (Ans: all).
234. Which of the following factors that related to the concept of
· Relation between opposing surface.
· O-G height
· One path of insertion.
· Diameter of prepared tooth in finish line area.(Ans:all).
235. Resistance increase when?à the O-G length increase
236. What factor from the following affect resistance ?à
· O-G length
· Relation between opposing wall (not affect the surface relation area).
237. Retention groove?àIncrease surface area.
238. What from the following principle contribute retention ?à
· Relation between opposing surface.
· O-G height
· Surface area of prepared tooth
· One path of insertion (Ans: all).
239. In conical (taper) you get more?àStretch type force.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

240. How you examine that you removed sufficient thickness?àTemporary

241. Indication to select path of insertion of restoration on number of
prepared teeth?àAccording to long axis of prepared teeth that have proper
standing (stony standing in strong teeth).

Prosthodontie –finishing line:-

242. During preparation of aesthetic crown, finish line?à0.5mm under
gingival border.
243. When the high of smile line where we will do finishing line for
porcelain crown?àThe margin of the crown maximum 0.5mm under the
244. What the effect of subgingiva preparation?àGingival recession and
problem in taking impression.
245. Finishing line define as: à(the most apical scratch "prepare" of the
prepared tooth (end of preparation)).
246. Defect in marginal fit might cause failure in restoration result
from?àCaries, rinsing of cement, pulpitis. (Gingival inflammation not leads
to failure of restoration in this case).
247. Crown degree with a porcelain shoulder buccally:à gingival angle 90
degree.(note: the shoulder : between the axial and gingival walls to support the
ceramic ).
248. Butt Joint?àangle between axial wall to gingival wall , the edge more
round, ( there is a metal support under the ceramic).
249. Why we di shoulder for Jacket crown?àto support the ceramic.
250. With using gold alloy, type of finishing line?àKnife edge.
251. Crown in teeth 16, 36 with fracture class I finishing line type?àKnife
252. Finishing line type" knife edge" performance?àWhen you need to
forced the finish line subgingivally.
253. Finishing line type 'knife edge '?àMore enamel surface (less
preparation) .
254. Finishing line type ' knife edge'?àRetentive (from friction).
255. What is ferruling effect?àHolding at least 1.5-2mm healing tooth.

Prosthodontics – adapting problem in B/D

256. If you need high force to fit the bridge?àNo path of insertion.
257. When we examine the shape and color of the crown?àin Biscuit stage
258. In examination before cementation of veneer crown (acrylic-gold) you
found that no contact point .what to do?àyou ask the technician to remove the
acryl and add contact point from gold.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

259. Created fracture in ceramic in the margin of the crown what cause
that?àLoss of local fusion between the metal to ceramic.
260. During measuring of PFM crown, was fracture to ceramic in marginal
edge what the reason?à problem in ceramic and metal connection
(PFM).(false ans' 1- problem contact2- thin porcelain 3- crowding contact
point 4- thickness.)
261. In stage of measuring the crown you found loss of fit in finish line in
create point what to do?àTake new impression.
262. During measuring the crown you found that crown not reach to the
finish line, the possible reason?àRemaining of cement on the tooth,
remaining of ceramic in finish line, proximal premature contact.
263. The reason that the crown exit seats high in the mouth? àProximal
premature contact and small particles of ceramic in metal.
264. A dentist has a problem to fit the bridge in patient mouth?àYou
examine the problem and send to technician for correction.
265. When vertical force can activate on cement tension force?àCreated
lever action that causes pulling out.
266. Cement flow during cementation of restoration on the tooth related
to?àGeometry of finish line.
267. Making crown in tooth 11 after period of 3 mouth exposure (defect) of
1 mm in buccal area from the following factors, how do you think k could
cause this situation?àRemaining of cement in gingival sulcus and marginal
crown that not suitable.
268. In order to see better esthetic Jacket crown?àNo correct ans' (the
correct ans': choose yellow alloy, do gold plating decrease the thickness of

Prosthodontics-laboratory :
269. Alloy to soldering from soldering type?àThe melting point should be
lower than all the other component of the bridge.
270. The meaning of pickling?àTreat the oxide layer in metal of the crown
and clean the frame work.
271. Transfer articulator?àJaw relation; check the reliability of the denture.

Prosthodontics- temporary crowns.

272. Main purpose of the lining when you do temporary restoration from
acryl is?àTo allow good fitting to the prepared teeth.
273. Purpose of temporary crown?àProtect the tooth; preserve the health
of the gingiva.
274. Temporary crown –biological requirement?à
· Protect the pup( include caries and marginal leakage)
· Healthy Periodontium
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

· Preserve the tooth vitality in arch

· Occlusal function
· Protect the crown of the tooth from fracture.
275. Temporary crown- mechanical requirement?àAllow function .to
examine retention from preparation and allow continuous use.
276. Temporary crown diagnostic and esthetic requirement?àTo examine
shape of preparation –amount of removal.
277. Which of the following cases to leave the tooth prepared without
temporary crown?àNo case.
278. Which from the following to create direct temporary bridge?àneknok
279. Primary impression, indirect- direct lining of temporary bridge
received from the laboratory?àIndirect.
280. In which stage you do acrylic crown?àBeginning of doughy stage and
ends of fiber stage.
281. Difference between cold and hot acryl?à
Hot Cold
Shrinking % 0.26% 7%
Free monomer% 0.3% 5%
282. Venting?àHole in temporary /permanent crown, so the excessive
cement can go out.
283. In what of these stages indicate the polymerization of acrylic
resin?àRelease of heat and loss of shining.
284. Purpose of cement in temporary crown?àRetention of crown and
prevent marginal leakage.

Prosthodontics- construction posts:

285. Length of the post related to?àLength of anatomical root +retention
that required. (Presence of relation to the size of bone support.
286. Tooth 16 after RCT because of deep occlusal caries and without
anterior restoration, source of retention that proper to core is?àIn the pulp
287. What affect the retention of holding the post?àLength (can be used
resin cement).
288. The main purpose of the post?àRetention of core.
289. What frame you do to teeth with fracture crown?àCasting frame.
290. Lower central incisor, working length 15mm, gutta Percha master to prepare?àCasted frame with key way to prevent rotation inside the
291. Tooth nr.11 after RCT with more than 1/2 of the crown, what the
treatment?àCasting frame and crown.
292. When making tooth frame with bone high, what to do?àBone removal
and casting frame.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Prosthodontics-complete denture

293. Primary, secondary, releasing pressure area à

Upper jaw Lower jaw

Primary Hard palate Retro molar pad buccal
Secondary Residual ridge Residual ridge
Relief area Incisive papilla sutura Retromylohyoid space

294. Primary impression to complete dentureàcommercial tray with alginate.

295. Role of basic temporary occlusal rim when doing (PRD) isàHelp in teeth setting
and determines the relation between the upper and lower jaw.

296. The main purpose of the denture base isàgive support

297. Muco-static impression àwithout doing pressure (to get viscoelastic tissue).or
tissue at rest.

298. In impression to sharp mandible ridge, you can relief the area: à by wax inside
the tray before the final impression.

299. When we do beading and boxing? àAfter final impression.

300. Why we do beading and boxing? àTo conserve the width of the margins in the
denture. +to determine the width of vestibulum and to protect the pattern (form).
(Incorrect answer: to create clear borders between polished surface and tissue

301. How to make fixation in C.R? àBy roll of wax when the mandible in C.R.

302. How you take wax impression in retarded contact? àWhen contact with the
opposite (Antagonists) +when the slope in contact.

303. According to what you determine the occlusal plane?à2/3 of retro molar pad.

304. What occur in VOD when you incline the head posterior (externation) ànot

305. Vertical occlusal dimension-OVD?àCan be changed when doing restoration.

306. What change during the day? àFWS. (Free way space)+VDR. (Note: - FWS.
space between teeth when mandible at rest 2-4mm).

307. What change during life? àFWS+CO+OVD. (Note: - C.R. not changes because
its relation bone to bone).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

308. What protect the OVD? àThe tip of supported cusp. (Note: contraindication to
remove from the cusp tip when reach I.C.).

309. To determine OVD? àThe patient set or stands+ help of visual and phonetic
diagnosis +help of wax rim+ comparison to old denture.

310. To examine OVD? àAsk the patient to say “S” (if there is increasing in vertical
dimensionàheard click sound). (To say “F”, to position the anterior teeth when
setting the teeth in the denture).

311. What change the FWS? àSmall in flexion, big in extension. (Note: 1-FWS
decrease when heard down sound /flexion. 2-FWS increase when heard back

312. How you can increase the “free way space “? àBy incline the head post.
(Extension when the muscles of the neck contract),*decrease when flex the neck.

313.Patient that complain 1 week after receiving the denture on tongue biting: àvery
short occlusal plan(hVD=iFWS)or setting the anterior teeth at TETE A TETE (edge
to edge).or hyper-active tongue.

314.Patient that complain 1 week after receiving the denture on cheek bitingàshort
occlusal plan, low OVD-occlusal height very small, or loss of over jet in
molars(answer: all).

315. Most important factor to set teeth in denture isàcentral occlusion (balance

316. In complete denture the occlusion characterize toàsimultaneous contact from

both sides in arch and in all movements à(balanced occlusion).

317. When difficult to do central relation, which teeth select for the denture? àBone
anatomical teeth/cusp less teeth.

318. To achieve balanced occlusion, more easy to use? àTeeth with sharp cusps.(to
reach the contact).

319. Using bilateral balanced occlusion, important to? àPrevent denture movement
in the end of mastication stage.

320. What determine anterior occlusion? àCondylar slope (after anterior guidance).

321. Setting anterior teeth determined by? àEsthetic and phonetic.

322. The contact between the 2 upper centrals determined byàmiddle of the face
(face midline).

323. Esthetic from complete denture starts from? àPosition of the teeth.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

324. The selection size of the teeth in better way, according? àStudy model to patient
mouth before teeth extraction.

325. Maximum inter-cuspationàIC (max closure of teeth).

326. Aim of clinical remountàocclusal balance (to connect the occlusion).

327. We do clinical remount to correct error occur during? àDenture preparation.

328. When we do balance occlusion? àWhen we change teeth in the denture

+problem in occlusion +when change the denture base.

329. in the mouth there is contact in I.C but in articulator don’t have? àDenture
carried wrong (false denture) _impression defect.

330. The balance of the denture before delivery doneànot in patient mouth, the
balance done in the articulator then finally fit in patient mouth.

331. You can correct the complete denture by relining in case of? àBone resorption
(resorped ridge).

332. Patient with complete denture have ridge resorption in posterior area, what to
do? àBalance occlusion.

333. during the patient (rest, speech, opening the mouth) the new complete denture
falls. What to do? àRelining to correct the posterior seal.

334. New upper complete denture fall during speaking and opening the mouth?
àPost dam.

335. You receive complete denture from laboratory, 1st thing to examine? àRelated
to our design, related to our patient, patient design.

336. What the purpose of balance side? àDistribution of occlusal force +correct the
defect in occlusion and prevent interference during movement,

337. What marks the latter (H) in Hannaw equation? àCondylar slope 20-25
L=H/8+12 àbennt angle=17 degree.

338. What the difference between articulation and occlusion? àArticulation: relation
between jaws/occlusion: relation between teeth.

339. What can't be transferred by articulator semi-adjustable? distance between

condyles +(yes can transfer: bennet angle, benne movement, anterior and lateral

340. What can't be transferred to articulator? àFWS+VDR.

341. Most important thing for retention of upper CD? àPeripheral sealing.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

342. What factors those cause adhesion in upper CD? àAtmospheric pressure
+amount and quality of saliva, correct position of the teeth on ridge+ correct
occlusion +posterior sealing to the denture base (answer: all).

343. What the importance of fovea palatine in CD? àhelp to determine the posterior
border of the upper denture.

345. To get posterior seal in upper denture? àuse impression with selective pressure+
ask the patient to say ”A” during taking impression.

346. 2nd support in upper denture? àAlveolar ridge.

347. Adhesion of the lower CD by? àMuscles activity.

348. Elevator muscles, cause? àLoss of adhesion.

349. What doesn’t affect during contraction on the lower CD? àMedial pterygoid
muscle.(affects: genioglossus, masseter, mylohyoid)

350. Where the buccinators pass relative to buccal flange in CD adjacent tooth 46?
à(I,m,l) inferior, lateral, medial.(answer: all).

351. Which muscle affects adhesion in CD? àThe most affect,(mylohyoid)and


352. Which muscle helps in adhesion and stability in lower CD? àBuccinator.

353. What provide primary support in lower complete denture? àBuccal shelf.

354. What advantages of buccal shelf in primary support area (what don’t resorped)?
àThick cortical bone, keratinized mucosa, attachment of muscles. (Aug 96-145).

355. Posterior border of lower CD? àPalatogossus (lingual)

356. Posterior border of lower CD-buccally? àRetro molar pad.

357. Modiolus is? ànot the attachment of muscles to bone of residual ridge.(modulus
is place that limit(make border)the masticator table on anterior area +place attachment
of number of muscles+ when the muscles attach to this contact the modulus moves

358. Retromylohyoid curtain covers the? àSup. Constrictor, palate-glossus, lining

mucosa, posterior border of the lower denture.

359.After delivery of the denture the patient return after 24 hours complaining about
pain on swallowing, what the possible cause? à

1) The borders of the upper denture over extended and traumatic pressure in area of
retro molar pad.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

2) The borders of lower denture long lingually cause traumatic pressure on pharynx

3) Pressure from denture base on mylohyoid ridge, the tissue is inflamed (ulcerated)
and the patient sensitive to touch area. (Answer: all).

360. What from the following combination, not suitable? àHinge axis-vertical high


- Axis passes between 2 condyles.

Appropriate combinations:

1. Support is of buccal shelf.

2. Stability area of posterior seal.

3. Denture fracture relief frenum labially.

361. Patient came with fall and fractured upper denture, what to do? àTake
impression of the denture and send to technician.

362. After correction (repair) of denture that was fractured and the patient complain
about uncomfortable denture, what to do? àNew denture or rebase +relining.

363. If the denture not suitable? à Do new one.

364. Contraindication to use immediate denture àepilepsy hemophilia.

Prosthodontics-partial removable denture (RPD)

365. Unilateral teeth loss in molar area (36, 37, 38) and in premolars area in
antagonist side and 2 anterior incisors, what classification by Kennedy? àClass 1,
modification 2.

366. Important x-ray factor to determine ability of bone to stand load of RPD is?
àBone height (level).


367. Advantage of major connection in upper denture to lower major connector type
lingual bar? àSupport from tissue (hard palate).

368.When advisable to use major connector type full coverage? àbilateral missing of
premolar +molars need for high support.

369. When to use palatal strap? àKennedy class 2 with 1 modification (symmetrical).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

370. Kennedy class 3 and missing anterior teeth, using? àAnterior-posterior bar.

371. What major connector advice to use in upper jaw? àAnterior posterior.

372. Main connector horse-shoe (U shaped)? àType for the upper RPD and usually
not recommended.

373. Upper jaw connector gives? àStability, support, strength, connects all the other
elements (answer: all).

374. Why you do lingual bar less than 1mm from floor of mouth? àTo prevent
trauma to the tissue.

375. Making lingual baràto keep small distance (space), between lingual bar and

375. The reason? àPrevent pressuring from lingual bar on soft tissue during
activation post load.

376. Minor connector? àIn all RPD.


377. Base of RPD that restore missing post. Teeth in lower jaw? àSimilar to
posterior part in CD.

378. Purpose of temporary wax-rim in PRD is? àDetermine the relation between
jaws (record the occlusion between the jaw and vertical dimension and help in setting
the teeth.

379. When you do lining for RPD with distal extension? àWhen the base not fit on

380. Retention in RPD Kennedy class 3 achieved to? àGuide plane and clasp.

381. In design of RPD class 3 with modification you can achieve good holding by
use? àRetentive clasp+ guide plain.

382. Indirect retainer àKennedy class 1+2(in free saddle) in case of distal extension.

Arm holder
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

383. RPD with RPI in Kennedy class 2 with distal extension, force transferred to
denture baseàdistribute equally on denture and tissue and on the abutment,(the aim
to activate less force on teeth).

384. Advantages of clasp back action (hair PIN) compared with RPI? àless contact
with gingival (supragingival occlusal-approach)

385. Advantages of clasp back action? àComfortable design, highly esthetic, good
holding, less contact to gingival.

386. Which part of RPD causes inclination to teeth? àRetentive arm and rest.

Training plane

387. Guide plane not give? àSupport (retention, stability)

388. Function of guide surface? àsingle path of insertion ,assure the activity of direct
retainer, decrease pressure, holding resistance against removal. Eliminate food
accumulation, esthetic, because replace the use of reciprocal arm.

389. Position of guide-surface à1/3widthB-L, 2/3 length of the crown from MRA to
down word (MRA-marginal ridge).

390. In addition to function of path of insertion, important function of guide plane is?
àstability and passive holding.

391. Function of path of insertion? àRetention, prevent food impaction, stability

opposing horizontal and rotation movement, assure function of holding arm.

Embracing arm

392. Embracing arm-function? àResistance to lateral force that act on the teeth by
the retentive arm.


393. Function of rest in RPD? àPrevent denture drop, resistant to vertical seating
force to protect the tissue.(support).

394. Rest is?àDon’t give retention.

395. Rest dimension is?àM-D width: molar is 1/3, premolar ½, B-L width: 1/2 from
chewing plate and ½ from tooth width in molars and premolars.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

396. Rest position medially near the distal extension? àPrevents transfer of
horizontal forces to abutment teeth.

397. The preferred rest position near the distal extension? àMesial to abutment near
the distal extension area (free saddle).

398. In which area we put rest in Kennedy class 3? àAdjacent near the area of
missing teeth.

399. The tooth adjacent to missing teeth area (not free saddle), the perfect position to
the rest to be? àAdjacent to missing area to prevent food impaction.

400. The tooth adjacent to missing teeth area in Kennedy class 2+1, the perfect
position to the rest to be? àAway from missing area (medially) to prevent the rest to
activate force on the tooth and lead to inclination.

401. The rest on upper clasp (Ackers type) in case of distal extension should be? àTo
mesial side (Kennedy 2+1)

402. Ackers modification with ledge? àArm of RPA from the proximal plate,
circumferential arm.

403. In case of distal extension, when the rest on the distal side where you move the
tooth? the tooth should move distally, you should put it mesially.

404. Distal rest is? àHave more occlusal-vertical force on abutment.

405. Mesial rest? àHave more horizontal force on teeth.

Lining and balance

406. The aim of remount is? àBalanced occlusion.

407. When should be lining of RPD type 3 by Kennedy? àWhen the denture saddle
can't fit on the ridge.


408. Custom tray technique (commercial tray) with alginate is performed in? àIn
Kennedy class 3 upper jaws with missing 1 or 2 premolars. (No need for accuracy to
soft tissue).

409. Stock tray technique is? àImpression on commercial tray performed with

410. For Kennedy class 1+2 performing impression is? àSectional then altered cast.

411. The refractory model is? àIs a laboratory copy that not similar to master
model.(note: stand in high temperature).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Master model

412. What type of impression prefers to do master model, to produce RPD that restore
all the upper molars? àAlginate impression with special tray.

413. You can use alginate impression with commercial tray to give master model in:
àKennedy class 3 with short missing area (2-3 teeth)(custom tray).

414. When the RPD is ready, what do examine? àFitness of the framework in patient

415. The smear layer: à contain collagen, decrease the postoperative sensitivity + to
prevent fluid passage, his function to block the tubules. (Ans: all), (answers for
other question form: sealing tubules protect the pulp, increase the collagen).
416. During tooth preparation, the bacteria proliferate, firstly on? à Smear layer.
417. What damage can cause light cure? àRetinal damage (retino-macular
418.Wave length of light cure: à 470nm.
419.What cause mechanical abrasion? à Hold pipe in mouth.

Note: attrition-tooth to tooth/ abrasion-pipe /erosion-acid.

420. Characteristic feature of dental pain? àAppear correspond to stimuli +sharp

short pain (not localize easily). (sep-1999-31)
421.Hybrid layer: à produced between primer and dentin.
422. The term VALUE, regarding color refers to? à Relation between black and
white colors in specific color.
423.In clean tooth surface the plaque that form contains mainly bacteria? àAerobic
gram positive and degraded sugar.
424.Tooth number 37 according FDA dental formula enumeration system , it's called
according ADA dental formula enumeration system: à 18
425. Why sealing groove is important addition to the features of caries prevention? à
The sealed area of teeth has small effect from fluoride (pits and fissures).
426. Reason for sealing fissure failure? à Wet tooth (incorrect options: over F low
427.What should be the size of wedge to do proximal restoration? à slightly large
from the space between the 2 teeth.

Conservative – caries:

428. DMF is measuring index for: à caries disease.

Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

429. To turn a caries lesion to arrested caries, must: à change diet habit, change type
of diet, use fluoride, change the option of cleaning in the area, control the plaque
more better, dental floss usage. (Ans: all).
430.Amount of caries activity in mouth measured by: à buffer system ability,
number of strep. Mutants. Note: the number of lactobacilicus tills about presence
of possibility to developed caries but not tell about amount of caries activity.
431. Where the inter-proximal caries starts? à Under gingival to the contact point.
432. What the substitute of sucrose that advised more to prevent caries? à Xylitol.
433.According Stephan curve: à the critical PH =5.5.
434.What is critical PH? à PH that starts the demineralization.

Conservative – treatment

435. Property of caries treatment? à Morphology, function, esthetics. (Ans: all).

436. Deep caries, thin dentin, Ca(OH)2 and amalgam filling, the net day there is pain
,what the cause? à Pulp exposure during amalgam condensation or high filling,
if this not high filling (over filling) can be food impaction.
437. Patient come next day complain from pain, (not sharp), after you do filling on
tooth 45, the reason is? à Heating the pp during drilling, indirect pulp capping,
overfilling (high filling). (Ans; all).
438. Patient came after you did for him a filling on his mouth; complain from
sensitivity to mastication and cold, the filling seen good the cause? à Overfilling
(high filling). (Impossible to be: crack, acute pulpitis, missing contact point).
439. Two days after amalgam restoration in tooth 25, the patient complains from
sensitivity to cold, in examination there is shining point on occlusion, what to do?
à Occlusion examination, remove the high spot (premature contact).
440. Class 2 amalgam restorations, complains: pain 30 minute duration after eating
and sensitivity to cold, on examination no signs of pulpitis, what is the cause? à
Loss of contact point.
441. Patient which do pulp capping and pin placement, after one day complains of
pain, what happened? àDeep penetration to the pulp.
442. Patient passes indirect pulp capping, after one day complains of pain, what
happened? à Hidden pulp exposure, penetration to the pulp during amalgam
condensation, high filling.
443. During examination you found loss of contact point between tooth 16 to 17. In
tooth 16 DO restorations was found food remnant and the patient doesn’t
complain .what to do? à You need to change the filling to prevent irreversible
periodontal damage.
444. When to repair over hanging margin? à In any case.
445. Filling that done yesterday, fall, what the reason? à No moisture control or
problem in retention.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

446.Immediate response when we have loss of contact point between crown and
adjacent tooth? à Papilitis, after food impaction.
447.Patient 50 years old cam to examination (checkup): no caries, no restorations, but
he have deep and discolored groove on posterior teeth. What is the treatment?
àNo need for treatment.
448. On tooth 16 present MOD lesions, on tooth 15 present MOD lesion, on tooth 14
present DO lesion what re the 2 restoration we choose to do in one visit? à
Tooth 14+ tooth 16.
449. What you advice to patient want change posterior amalgam filling? àNot
preferred, just in case of allergy from mercury /amalgam.
450.Patient with caries on buccal side in the lower canine, what restorative material
you prefer? à Composite micro filler.
451.Amalgam filling with gap in margin, not suitable amalgam filling. What to do?
àNew filling.
452. Liner layer put it in: dry dentin (in new version written wet dentin??!!) (Primer-
wet dentine).
453. Liner under composite: à chemical bonding.( if speaking about GIC).
454.Why we put liner under amalgam filling? à To decrease the marginal leakage.
Note: liner- protects the pulp / varnish- marginal gap leakage.
455. Sealing grooves and fissures: à only point not to drill. (Note: F.S- 37%
phosphoric acid "15 sec" // wash and dry (30sec) // apply the F.S and cure
456.When you do sealing of the fissure with composite and bonding (PRR) not
regular fissure? à When the probe catch at least 2 grooves and when the probe
reach the dentine on one fissure.
457. Caries 1mm above the alveolar bone:à do crown lengthening.
458.What you can't do in caries 3mm under the gingiva? à Temporary filling then
permanent filling. (due to bleeding, saliva, moisture).

Conservative- pins –parapulpal post:

459. How much of pins we use? à The minimum that give retention.
460. Function of parapulpal pin is: à retention.
461. What is the most influence on the pin retention? à Length.
462. Why you can't the pin more than 2mm on dentine? à Possible to damage the
pulp and periodontal ligament.
463. Pin risk:à young tooth (wide pulp), 1st premolar in mesial pulp, lower incisor
and high furcation.
464.Types of pins: à cemented, friction sure locked, screwed (TMS)-self threading
commonly used.

name minuta minikin minim regular x

color pink red Silver/gray gold x
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Use Wide class 5 Centrals//premolars In molars Not recommended x

Conservative- teeth whitening:

465. What replace hydrogen peroxide on non vital bleaching? à Sodium perborate
mixed with water or with 35% H2O2. (Notes: non vital teeth bleaching –
superoxol= 35% H2O2 // pyrozone= 25% H2O2 in ether).
466.During bleaching you do: àopen the pulp chamber and clean chamber by alcohol
or chlorophorm- not exactly because could melt the G.P. in uncontrolled manner
+ remove the G.P. filling under or near the ECJ.
467. How done home bleaching on vital teeth? à 10%-16% carbamide peroxide.
468. Tooth 21 changes in color after RCT. Complete tooth and good RCT, no
occlusion problems, what the treatment option? à Tooth bleaching.

Conservative laminates:

469. During preparation for laminate you found that the finish line on dentine, what
the problem? à Risk of marginal leakage.
470. After you prepared anterior tooth for ceramic crown, you found that 70% from
the surface preparation is dentine, how to continue the treatment? àdo temporary
crown and impression for porcelain.(Aug 1996-80)
471.Porcelain laminate you can prepare only? à No answer correct (false options:
only anterior teeth –not correct because you can do from tooth 5-5, only on
complete tooth, when have space between teeth, small patients).

Conservative- cavity preparation.

472. Leaving unsupported enamel might cause? à Secondary caries, fracture enamel,
marginal leakage. (Answer: all).
473. The axial pulpal wall on the box on class 2 cavity on permanent teeth? à
Parallel to DEJ on B-L, parallel to the long axis of the tooth O-G.
474. During preparation of class 2 cavity the maximal width of the cavity not more
than 1.5mm to? à Protect cusp thickness.
475. 3rd class cavity by (G.V black). Include? à inter-proximal caries on upper and
lower segment.
476.During preparation of 2nd class cavity with amalgam important for? à to enlarge
the isthmus width until 1/3 from distance between margins, meeting with 90
degree between tooth and amalgam finish tooth and cavity, slightly round angles
to release pressure on tooth and restoration.
477. On which wall that you can leave dislocation in deep caries (deep cavity)? ànot
to remove if its strong area (pulpal and inter-proximal wall).
478.Caries type pit and fissure, how you prepare the walls on M-D? à Divergent
until become parallel (B-L walls to be convergent walls).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

479. The aim of bevel? à To facilitate enamel etching –better bonding + improve the
color and esthetic+ increase surface area + decrease marginal leakage. (Answer:
480. What not provide resistance? à Converging walls. (Also contributing to the
resistance: flat floor, round angles, remove unsupported enamel.

Conservative- instruments:

481. Which instrument used to cut the dentine? à Excavator.

482. Which dental mirror prefers to use in child mouth? à Anterior surface –front.
Surface no.4
483. Dental mirror with anterior surface type is? à Dental mirror provides clear and
sharp image without the shadow of the object.
484. Examination set includes: àmirror, explorer and probe.
485.Most suitable device to remove unsupported buccal enamel wall box in cavity
class 2 type DO in tooth 47 is: à hatchet.

Notes: hatchet- enamel and dentine cutting internal walls.// the HOE like CHIESEL
just for cutting enamel without support and for rounding angles. The 2 types: bine
angle –used for posterior teeth, the curved used for anterior teeth.

486. GMT-gingival marginal trimmer is: à for gingival floor of the box.
487.The diameter of GMT instrument 8-15? à 1.5mm width, 8mm length.
488.GMT number 80? à Mesial. (over 90-distal)
489. Numbers:

Width Edge of the blade angle relative to the Length lade angle relative to
edge longitudinal axis of the handle radians edge in the longitudinal axis of
(1/10)mm (Appears only the fourth number changed from mm the handle 0-100
90) centigrade


490.What does varnish do under amalgam filling: à prevent marginal leakage.

491. What cause over tornation (mixing) of amalgam? à Decrease the volume of the
filling (over tornation better than under tornation because more CO2 in mercury).
492. In over tornation: à decrease working time, increase shrinkage contraction,
decrease volume, the strength to compression and tension regular type increase +
spherical type decrease, increase flowing.
493.Defect in the surface of amalgam restoration one week after placement? à
Insufficient condensation.
494. Rough amalgam on occlusal filling- cause? à Excess mercury (1999-98).
495. How many Percents of copper in amalgam rich copper? à over 6%
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

(Conventional copper <6%, high copper alloy-12%-30%).

496. Difference between conventional amalgam and amalgam rich copper?
àPhysical features.
497.What affect the amalgam features? à Size of the component + shape of
particles+ additional element (answer: all).
498. The weight you want to activate on amalgam condensation? à 4-5kg.
499.Holding the amalgam to the cavity with advance (modern) instrument and
without contact to hand is? à to prevent contact with moisture (wetness)/
500. What emphasize to filling material in class 5 near gingiva? à Sensitivity to
blood and gingival fluid (ex: resistant is GI).
501. To decrease the percent of fracture in amalgam filling require? à Slow flowing
and good condensation and remove excessive mercury, correct covering, and
good polishing (answer: all).
502. Rough amalgam filling with fractured margins, what the reason? à Excess
mercury, amalgam with zinc that wet during condensation, not controlled
503. How amalgams exit from the body? à Through kidney.

Conservative- etching and bonding.

504. For what is connected dentine bonding? à Collagen. (Also tubules. 1999-29).
505. The link between composite and bonding is by? à Chemical bonding
(composed from the same material).
506.The link (connection) between amalgam and bonding is? à No link.

Conservative –glass ionomer cement.

507. Usage of GI? à Filling cavity type 5, 3 and base material under restoration.
508.GI is: à liner under composite.
509.Reaction of GI is:à acid-base and produce hydro gel.
510.Old GI less good from new GI in: à esthetics.
511.What not give retention to filling with GI? à Erosion (acid etching not to do on
GI filling. (Give retention: chemical bond with enamel and dentin+ retentive
512. Light cure GI used as? à Liner.

Conservative- composites

513. What is the assumption of profit theory about class 2 composite? à Not
recommended due to difficulty to obtain contact point, high wear, shrinkage to
light direction, gingival marginal gap (incorrect answer; shrinkage toward the
tooth not the light).
514.What filling can be used from composite in posterior teeth? àHybrid and
bonding material to wet dentine (for ex: primer).
515.Micro filler composite compared to macro filler type? à More resistant to wear.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

516. Reducing particle reconstruction for restoration to 0.5 and inducing density,
cause? à More resistant to wear (micro stronger than macro).
517. ZOE? à Deterrent to composite polymerization (IRM, Tempbond).


518. What can't be seen in sagittal movement? à Lateral movement when transit
from RC to IC (what can be seen in sagital movement? à in over jet and overbite
+ maximal opening and maximal protrusion).
519. In what plain you can see the mastication occur? à Vertical, lateral and anterior
posterior (few).
520. Benet angle measure between? à Anterior-posterior line and condyle pathway
on non working side (Benet angle=17 degree).

Note: Benet movementà working side and on sagittal plain, up/down/lateral/anterior-


521. The relation between Benet movements to Benet angle? à If we have larger
Benet movement we have larger Benet angle.
522. In maximal mouth opening: à over head (condyle) move in linear motion
+slide (transition) movement. (Slightly open mouth àonly linear movement,
pure rotation).
523. Supporting cusps (functional):à lower jaw buccal cusp and upper jaw palatal
cusp +long axis of force similar to long axis of tooth +conserve the force height
(level &bull).
524.Class 1 occlusion the contact between canine on working side (CANINE
GUIDANCE):à FOA- distal of lower canine with mesial inner aspect.

FOAà functional occlusal aspect.

525. NW-none working according to which type of activation? à DUML

DUMLà distal upper mesial lower.




526. When there is interference on the NW side in complete denture, from where to
remove? à From upper palatal cusp.
527. Patient after extraction of tooth 46 with over eruption of tooth 16, the problem
on? à None-working side +protrusion +contact with 47.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

528. When is interference on FOA, what type of movement occurring? àWorking

or protrusion.
529. Contact interference in ML cusps of tooth 36, what type of movement? à
530. Woman with pain in the last days o the lower jaw, the pain irradiate to the ear
especially after sleeping, in the last time there is inability to open the mouth, and
diagnosis is? à Problem in TMJ (INTERNAL DERANGEMENT).
531. Maximum teeth closure: à maximum inter-cuspidation.
532. Functional guide night:à eliminate occlusion problem and produce occlusal
533. Simple articulator imitates movement: à vertical movement (just closure and
534. Function of articulator is? à Diagnosis and working in laboratory.
535. Qeanmic face-bow is: à bow to pass axis between condyles, and attach to
upper jaw.
536. In what anatomical point help to transfer the relation between the upper and
lower jaw to articulator? à Infraorbital notch.
537. The maximal force that activated during mastication in the area of: à first

Oral pathology –leukoplakia

538. What from the following is etiology of leukoplakia? à Tobacco and alcohol. (In
other questions you can find: alcohol and smoking).
539. Etiology of hairy leukoplakia? à EBV (Epstein bar virus).
540. What are the most common 2 places of leukoplakia? à In the vestibulum +
buccal mucosa.
- 50% from leukoplakia in: vestbulum and buccal mucosa.
- In other areas: in the palate, maxillary ridge, lower lip.
- Less common areas: floor of the mouth and retro-molar pad.
- Lesions in the lateral sides of the tongue occur just in HIV patients, with
keratin extension where situated the virus in.
541. Black hairy tongue? à Condition characterized by enlargement in filiform
papilla and external pigmentation.
542.Migratory stomatitis called also? à Geographic tongue.
Notes: (More in female). (Sometimes in children). (Unknown cause).
Completely benign. (Dekeratinization and desquamation of filiform papilla).
(Change place and form with time). (Linked to grow tongue and usually
asymptomatic, maybe sensitive). (Red-white lesion). (Surrounded by white-
yellow elevated area of lesion).
Histological: hyper-keratinization, acanthosis+ PMN and lymphocyte.
D/D: candidal leukoplakia, lichen planus, SLE,
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Treatment: not necessary treatment, or if necessary: steroids and antifungal


Oral pathology- fungal

543. Fungal infection in the mouth this is?à White, red, erosive, exophytic (Ans: all).
544. What are the signs of Candida in the mouth? àAngular chelitis+ white surface
that can be/ cannot be itchy + erythematous area under the denture +diffuse
erythematous area. (Ans: all).
545. When appears chronic atrophic candidiasis or denture stomatitis? à When the
patient not remove the denture in night (during sleeping).
546. What correct about Candida? àCommon in adults and children. (Incorrect
options: not occur in children, the treatment with tetracycline).
547.The major cause of Candida development is? à Antibiotics.

Oral pathology-cysts

548. For which cyst that not contains epithelium? à aneurismal-(pseudocycts,

presents in children. In vascular spaces with massive bleeding).
Note: aneurismal occur in traumatic case and stiffens bone.
549. Globulo-maxillary cysts situated in? à Between the laterals and canine which
appear inverted pear shape. (Hint: gloublo-maxillay cyst is non odontogenic
550. What correct for traumatic bone cyst? àCommon occur in children.
551. Which cyst not related to this group? à Traumatic cyst.
(Note: epithelial cysts globule-maxillary, dentigerous and radicular cyst).
552. Dentigerous cyst is: à around the crown (related to the crown of impacted
553. What cyst cause more root resorption? àDentigerous cyst.
(Note: OKC doesn’t cause root resorption).
554. Which cyst has the high recurrence? àOKC
555. Child 17.5 years old seen around tooth 48 radiolucent areas. Diagnosis? à
Dental sac.
556. For Which cyst we didn’t do marsupialization? à Traumatic bon cyst.
557.Naso labial cyst is: à in the region of soft tissue.
Notes: - not seen on radiography, non-odontogenic cyst (the source: naso-
lacrimal duct).
558. Naso-palatine cyst, (non-odontogenic). à Heart shape radiolucency.
559. Differential diagnosis between cyst, PA granuloma and chronic abscess is: à

Oral pathology- bone lesions:

Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

560. Person 45 years old was found in the x-ray radiolucent area around lower incisor
and the tooth vital. What is the possible diagnosis? à periapical cemental
dysplasia stage 1.
Notes: periapical cemental dysplasia:
- Common in black females around age 40.
- In anterior segment of mandible.
- Adjacent teeth are vital
- Not necessary treatment.
- Florid- periapical cemental dysplasia- the same thing but found in posterior
561. The most common odontogenic lesion in under age 30:à odontoma.
In ages:
- AOT odontoma- at age 18.
- Ameloblastic fibroma and Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma at age 12.
- Uni-cystic ameloblastoma at 2-3 decades.
- Myxoma at age 30.
- Ameloblastoma, squamous odontogenic tumor and CEOT. (Calcifying
epithelial odontogenic tumor). At age 40.
562. What lesion found in small ages? à Cystic ameloblastoma until 22 years old,
Ameloblastic fibroma and Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma at 2 decade, adeno-
ameloblastoma (AOT). (Ans: all).
563. Which from the lesions involves most commonly for impacted 3rd molar? à
Dentigerous cyst.
564. Keratocyst à primordial cyst: is multiple keratocyst on body basal cell nevi +
problem in rib goulin-goltz syndrome.
565. To differentiate between CGCG and between brown tumor, the appropriate
analysis? à PTH analysis. (Both have giant cells but brown tumor has increased
in PTH).
566. In x-ray seen multilocular radiolucent lesion, suspected in C.G.C.G. What must
to check? àTo check PTH to exclude brown tumor, after, to do another x-ray to
long bone also to exclude brown tumor. After that to do histology search about
giant cell. (Sep. 1998-66).
567. What cause hyper- PTH? à Brown tumor. (Hyper-PTH- radiolucent lesion and
absent of lamina Dura).
568. In histology seen CGCG- what other test you do? àPO4 in blood +Ca+2 in
blood, hyper-PTH, to do x-ray to long bon.
569. Garres osteomyelitis more common in? à Mandible. (In children, ages 6-8,
always related to necrotic tooth).
570. Root resorption due to lesion occurs in case of: à malignant disease, source of
inflammatory disease, benign disease, odontogenic cyst. (Ans: all).
571. Multiple keratocyst, on skin basal cell nevi, problem in ribs- in which
syndrome? à Gorlin syndrome. (Gorlin-COC).
Note: GRLIN SYNDROMEà deformation in ribs and vertebrae+ multiple OKC
+ abnormal calcification in menings+ multiple basal cell carcinomas.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

572. GARDNER SYNDROMEà multiple osteomas of the jaw. (Radiopaque

Note: C.G.C.G – central giant cell granuloma:
- Occur on jaws only.
- Giant cell.
- No increase in PTH.
573. Mikulicz syndromeà benign lymph-epithelial lesion –uni-lateral/bilateral
swelling of the parotid with infiltration lymphocytes.
574. The differential diagnosis of Mikulicz syndrome (swelling after parotid
inflammation)? à Seogren syndrome.
575. Where you see ground glass appearance? à Fibrous dysplasia.
(Also present in PADGET phase 2. In PADGET also present hyper-cementosis
and loss of lamina Dura).
576. In which cases can be seen radiolucent area with not well defined borders? à
Osteomyelitis+ metastatic carcinoma + primary lymphoma in bone+ Ewing's
sarcoma+ primary intra-osseous carcinoma. (Ans: all).
Note: Ewing's sarcomaà in children and teenagers, from age 5-30, 60% in
males, in radiography seen: diffuse radiolucent area, undefined borders, onion sell
577. Condensing osteitis-? àEndodontically involved teeth. not appear with vital
tooth . (C.Oà in non vital teeth).
578. Idiopathic osteosclerosis is:àcan appear within vital teeth.

Oral pathology- jaws lesions.

579. A person 45 years old came after pain in both jaws. In examination: radiolucent
diffuse area in the jaws, hyper-gamma-globulinemia, anemia, increasing of
plasma cells in bone marrow, in urine test found protein BENCE JONES. What
the diagnosis? à Multiple myeloma.
Note: multiple myeloma:
- Up to 5 decades, Average age 63.
- Weakness and weight loss.
- 10% of systemic amyloidosis
- Radiographic changes in bone (POUNCHED OUT OF LESIONS).
- Plasmocytosis in bone marrow and protein in urine.
580. PRENICIOUS ANEMIA- ? à Due to vitamin B12 deficiency, anemia,
weakness, breath shortness(asthma), affection of CNS like tetanus and headache,
atrophy of tongue papillae.

Oral pathology- salivary glands

Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

581. A guy, 22 years old came with raised blue translucent lesion in lower lip. What
is the diagnosis? àMUCOCELE. (Note: sub-mucosal elevation on lower lip due
to trauma).
trauma to lower lip.
Actually the MUCOCELE:
- Develop after trauma to minor salivary glands in lower lip.
- Results from fluid escape. (??)
- Contains chronic inflammatory cells.
- Not covered by epithelium.
- T.T –excision of the affected gland.
- MUCOCELE differ histologically from MUCOUS RETENTION


- Cyst surrounded by epithelium.

- Widening in the duct after obstruction.
- Not appear in the lower lip.

Oral pathology- salivary glands diseases.

583. A child 9 years old came to your clinic with peri-auricular swelling, temp. =37c0
on examination tests no signs of obturation in stensons duct , the area is tender to
palpation. The swelling appeared in the past. What is the diagnosis? à
584. Patient with recurrent SIALOADENITIS infections in Submandibular gland,
when the patient feel pain? à During meals. (Especially in acidic meals).
585. In which salivary gland that mostly you found stones? à In Submandibular
gland (the next location in parotid gland).
586. Stones in Submandibular gland? à 25% not-calcified, 75% calcified.
587. Stones in parotid gland: à 40% not calcified, 60% calcified.

Oral pathology- tumors.

588. For which lesion the most poor prognosis? à SCC in the floor of the mouth.
589. For which lesion the most good prognosis? à SCC in lower lip.
590. What is the most common way for SCC migration? à Lymphatic, (leukemia –
hematogenic diffusion).
591. What is the correct statement? à 90% from oral cancer are SCC.
592. The most common site of SCC is: à lateral borders of the tongue.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

593. PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA-? à Most common in parotid gland. (Parotid

85%, Submandibular 8%, minor salivary gland 7%).
594. Risk factors of oral cancer are: à smoking+ alcohol drinks+ sun exposure+
previous oral cancer (Ans: all).
595. What is the common region can be found melanoma in the mouth? à Mucosa
of the hard palate+ in the jaws.
596. What is the malignant lesion with good prognosis? à Varicose carcinoma in the
soft palate.
597. Varicose carcinoma- how to treat? à Remove with safe margin/border,
excision with a margin.

Note: varicose carcinoma

- Excellent prognosis.
- No deep penetration.
- Appears usually in old male people, in 6-7 decades.
- Tobacco, smoking.
- HPV involvement.
- Not metastatic.
- Usually in check.
- Histological appearance: elephant leg, if radiant might transform to SCC.
598. Ulcerated lesion in posterior 1/3 lateral of the tongue? à SCC (Feb 1999-132).
599. For what lesion with smallest percent to be malignant? àPemphigus.
600. Which lesion is premalignant: à erosive lichen planus.
601. For which from the following chance to be malignant? à Solar/actinic chelitis.
(Premalignant, lower lip).
602. Do you think that seogren syndrome may develop malignancy? à In seogren
syndrome patients you found lymphoma 40% more than other patients.
603. From which source common tumors that metastasizes to the jaws? à Breast
gland. (Note: in male lungs, kidneys, skin.//in females: breast, sex organs, lungs).
604. What cause malignant lesions? à Smoking, alcohol, radiation. (Ans: all).
605. What is the most common malignant lesion in minor salivary glands (in USA)?
606. The most common area for tumors to appear in minor salivary glands? à Hard
607. Which tumor that reaches to the nerves? à ADENOID CYSTIC
CARCINOMA. (Note: poor prognosis and mostly affected the palate).
608. TNM means to: à T= initial lesion size, N= lymph node involvement, M=
609. Lesion 15mm in floor of the mouth, mobile lymph nodes in palpation, no
metastasis, what is the stage? à Not possible to know.
Note: LN= hard not mobileàtumor. // LN= enlarged, softened mobileà
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

610. Lesion 10mm, swelling lymph node from the same side of the lesion. What
stage? à Not possible to know.

- T1= size until 2 cm.
- T2= size from 2-4cm.
- T3= size larger than 4cm.
- T4= diffuse to adjacent area.
- N0= no lymph nodes involvement.
- N1= lymph nodes involvement in the same side of the tumor, size=3cm.
- N2= lymph nodes involvement in the same side of the tumor or bilateral, size
from 3-6cm.
- N3= fixed palpable nodes, size above 6cm.
- M0= no metastasis.
- M1= with metastasis.

ü Stage 0 – T in situ N0M0

ü Stage 1 – T1N0M0
ü Stage 2 – T2N0M0
ü Stage 3 – T3N0M0, T1-3N1M0
ü Stage 4 – T4N0-1M0, T1-4N2-3M1

Oral pathology- blisters and vesicles

611. Diseases with aphthus ulcer: à Chron disease, cyclic Neutropenia, Behtes
syndrome, Reiters syndrome, HIV+ PFAPA.
612. The repetitive attack with vesicles and/or ulcers, you found in the following
diseases? à Recurrent minor aphthus, cyclic Neutropenia, herpes labialis,
scarring aphthae. (Ans: all).
613. What is the correct theory about primary herpetic gingivostomatitis? à The
patient may have high fever + cervical lymphoadenopathy.
614. Which theory is correct correspond herpes zoster? à the virus that cause
herpes zoster related from the antigenic point of view to etiology of chicken pox
+ painful vesicles appear at the length of the sensory nerve+ lesion in the mouth
,the vesicles distributed unilaterally+ present usually in elderly people. (Ans: all).
615. Distribution in the mouth is different in? à Herpes zoster. (Unilateral

Steven Johnson: young age by allergy to drugs. T.T= steroids but you have to
confirm that’s the cause not herpes because we cannot treat the herpes by steroids.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

616. Which lesion similar to BECHET SYNDROME: à minor aphthae.

BECHET SYNDROME: - is a multi systemic disease affect: in CNS, GI, genitals,

muscles, joints, eyes, etc… // sedimentation of Ag-Ab in blood vessels wall that cause
vascolitis. Results in local necrosisà ulcer.

617. Recurrent aphthus stomatitis-what's correct? à Children and adults+ constant

clinical symptoms+ loss of vitamins+ decreased immune system (unknown
etiology, by vaccination).
618. What not caused by bacteria? à HERPANGIANA (affected from Coxsackie
619. 40 years old, cracked blisters on buccal surface and gingiva, in histological
examination the basal layer was affected. The diagnosis is? à lichen planus

Lichen planus: more in females in the 4th decade, loss of basal layer, linear shining in
basal membrane.

620. Pemphigus vulgaris-à supra-basal layer separation. In all area of the mouth
without the palate, check, gingiva. (especially in traumatized areas).
621. Lichen planus –plaque form, appears in: à dorsal part of tongue, buccal
622. Reticular Lichen planus appears in? à Buccal mucosa, tongue. (Less common
in gingiva and lips).
623. Papillary lichen planus appears in: à attached gingiva and check.
624. Characteristics of pemphigus vulgaris? àNot change to malignant, affect the
625. What characterize cicatricial pemphigoid= BMMP? à Affect the eye and may
cause blindness.

- More in females in 2 times, in the 7-8 decade.
- Heals by scarring.
- Infra –basal sub-epithelial separation and blindness.
- Nikolsky sign.
- TT. =topical steroids.
- Indirect IF not diagnosed because present just 5-20% suitability.
- In direct IF we can see linear lightening in basal membrane zone of IgG and
626. What can be seen in erythema multiforme? à Sedimentation of (Ag-Ab) in
blood vessel wall.
627. In which disease you see complex of (Ag-Ab) in blood vessels wall? à
Erythema multiforme.

EM: -
- More common in males, in 2-3 decade.
- Can be found in children.
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

- Supra-basal layer separation in skin target lesion.

- In direct IF you see peri-vascular lightening.
- Etiology: drugs like barbiturates+ sulfonamide. //microbial: herpes, TB. And
628. For lesions in skin in erythema multiforme called? à Target lesion also called
629. What is the etiology of erythema multiforme? à Hypersensitivity.
630. Lesion characterize in young's? àErythema multiforme.

Oral pathology- pigments lesions.

631. How you can distinguish between amalgam tattoo and ORAL MELANOTIC
MACULE? àBiopsy. (*during examination of small blue spots on alveolar ridge
enter amalgam tattoo.
632. After x-ray to area, no radiopacity, and was decided that in this area no amalgam
tattoo. àThe sentence is correct. (?????)
633. Differential diagnosis of hyper-pigmentation in PEUTZ JEGHER from?

PEUTZ JEGHER= familial intestinal polyposis –

- congenital peri-oral lesions,
- The lesions are oval in shape and irregular in black-brown color.
- Not malignant, gastrointestinal polyp especially in small intestine.
634. Addison disease? à Adrenal insufficiency, ACTH and MSH increased.
635. Which from the following can cause by continuous tobacco smoking?
àSmokers/ oral melanosis. (The not caused: oral macule, melano-canthoma,
epithelial hypertrophy, focal hypertrophy.
636. In what disturbance no eye affection? à ALBERGHT SYNDROME.

- Diffuse pigmentation on skin.
- Café au lait spots.
- Affected bone and hyperactivity of endocrine gland, and the result in early
637. BECHETS SYNDROME-? à Aphthus, genital affection, arthritis. (Can be
also: joints, muscles, GI, eye).
638. BMMP-? à Oral affection, eye affection, genitals.
639. REITERS SYNDROME- à aphthus, arthritis, uveitis, conjunctivitis, non
gonococcus uretritis.

Oral pathology- dental development problems.

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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

640. What may cause supernumerary teeth in pre-maxillary area? à Delay eruption,
root dilacerations, root underdevelopment, root resorption, delay root resorption,
diastema/loss of root development, dilacerations and ectopic eruption. (Correct
options was in 1997-130 = diastema and delay root resorption).
641. MESODENS- the suitable definition? à No correct definitions. (other options:
- Germination= the attempt of single tooth bud to form two distinct
morphological entities, the clinical result in single large tooth with fissure.
- Fusion= the result of joining two adjacent tooth buds, the clinical situation
single large tooth with fissure.
- Twining= complete splinting of single tooth bud, the result two teeth.
- Additional tooth bud= the clinical result two similar teeth.
642. Typical congenital missing teeth. In what syndrome? à Anhidrotic ectodermal
643. When can be present supernumerary teeth? à Cleidocranial dysplasia. Or
Gardner syndrome.
644. Down syndrome? à Delayed eruption and absence of teeth.
645. CONCRESCENCE- à communication between two teeth by cementum.
646. Missing teeth linked to? à Genetic and environmental.
647. Dentinogenesis imperfecta- shilleds type II: à only in teeth+ in x-ray see
obliteration of the pulp.

Dentinogenesis imperfecta-:
- Shilleds type I= involves the bone and teeth, pulp calcification. (related to
osteogenesis imperfecta.
- Shilleds type II= only in teeth & bulbous crown.
- Shilleds type III= completely absence of dentine.

Oral pathology- exophytic lesions:

648. The most common lesion in children? à Hemangioma. (When we press on it

will appear white).
649. Child 11 years old, before 3 weeks appears hyperplasia in the gingiva (red-blue
color), near the upper incisors, the most suitable diagnosis is? à From the answer
we have: PGCG, but it does appear usually in 4-6th decades. More logic the
answer to be pyogenic granuloma because it's characterized in adolescents and
children. You may see similar options gingival granuloma, in gingiva and lips
hemangioma, peripheral cell granuloma only in 4-6th decade. Also in gingiva
traumatic fibroma but the color normal. (PGCG=peripheral giant cell granuloma).
650. A girl with red-blue lesion soft in palpation and appears in vestibule above
upper incisor. What is the diagnosis? à Hemangioma in (children, gingiva,
benign). After that pyogenic granuloma. No possibility to be MUCOCELE and
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

651. Pyogenic granuloma contains always? à Bleeding, fibroblasts, chronic

inflammatory cells.
652. In clinical point of view papiloma is differentiated from? àCondyloma
653. Intra oral verruca vulgaris-? à Clinically may be similar to papilloma+ caused
by HPV virus group.
654. Lesion only on the gingiva for person 42 years old, red and bleeds after
brushing? à PGCG. (PGCG= in both males and females. In 4th-6th decade).
655. What is the most common lesion on the mouth? à Irritation fibroma.
656. Treatment of fibroma? àRemove the cause+ excision biopsy.

Oral medicine:

657. Which from the following drugs not used to treat Candida? à Genthamicine
658. What from the following drag used to treat Candida? à Nizoral, dectran.
659. Antifungal agent (nizoral) - à to treat Candida.
660. What is the recommended treatment for angular chelitis? à Antifungal
treatment. (Topical nystatin gel), and chlorhexidine mouthwash.

Angular chelitis:
- Not necessary to appear in combination syndrome.
- Etiology: Candida, staph.aureus, hyper salivation.
- T. T= antimicrobial agent and steroids.
661. Diabetic patient, which drug you will give to relief the pain? à MEPERIDINE.
(Opoid drug). (Aug. 1996II-20).
662. What may appear in excessive dose of adrenaline? à Heart rate affection
(erythema). (May be also: increased heart rate and blood pressure).
663. What from the following drugs you can give for patient with stomach problems?
à DEMAROL (paracetamol, meperidine). (Do not give; aspirin, ibuprofen,
664. What is not stained from Tulidine-blue? à LINEA ALBA.
665. Tetracycline- concentrated in gingival fluid: à 2-4 more than in blood.
666. The phenomenon of teeth discoloration after prolonged usage of chlorhexidine
solution in the mouth: à discolor the protein in the teeth.(reversible decreases
667. How influence chlorhexidine? à Acts on the cell. (Attach to the cell membrane,
doing cell lysis and affect the fixation). (Advantages: not affect the resistance
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

because it's not specific). (Disadvantages: causes staining, increase accumulation

of calculus, metallic taste, ulcers, delays the growth and attachment of epithelium,
affect the healing).
668. The pharmacological principles that permits delay releasing are: à the drug
situated for long time in the therapeutic area+ the drug give less time and efficient
for long time.
669. Which antibiotics you give for patient treatment with cellulitis in the canine
space that caused from the tooth 13? à Amoxicillin (or erythromycin-microlids).
670. Flagil is? à Metronidazole. (Never to give alone because its only antibiotic
- Bactericidal to anaerobic bacteria and disrupt bacterial DNA.
- Effect on A. a combination.
- Affect in prophyromans gingivalis, prevotella intermedia.
- To treat: ANUG, aggressive and chronic periodontitis
- Not given with alcohol and anticoagulant agents.
671. How bacteria protect themselves from antibiotics as penicillin? à B-lactamas.
Other option: enzyme produced from bacteria.
672. Patient treated with moxypen due to abscess in tooth 46; the patient called you
and complains from rashes in all the body. What you do? à Instruct the patient
to stop the antibiotics and to take antihistamine, refer the patient to emergency
673. ORACORT-? àTRIAMCINOLONE (steroid) + EZRACAINE (lidocaine).
674. Which from the following drugs cause localized hyperplasia in the gingiva? à
No one. But may you see another options; cyclosporine, (nfdepine= obstruct
calcium channels –for high BP., phentoyen=hydintoyen –to treat epilepsy and
extensive hyperplasia. Digoxin not causes hyperplasia in gingiva. (cyclosporine –
675. What from the following drugs decrease the secretion of saliva? à Was option
in the name of dipridamale (cardoxin)For treatment of atherosclerosis, anti-
fibrillation (in addition to aspirin)but not known if decrease the secretion of
676. Epileptic status -? à to give valium 10mg/I.V. ( not in supine position. Put in
upright position. To incline to side o prevent aspiration. To remove all things
677. Diabetic patient sensitive to penicillin and he take erythromycin for 1 week
duration to treat periodontal abscess and no improvement, what you will change?
à To change the antibiotic to clindamycine.
678. Ibuprofen –? à NSAID, prevent PG formation –act on COX.
679. During treatment of HBV patient the dentist stab and in examination found in
the dentist blood HBS antigen what necessary to do? à Passive immunization.
(In the new version of questions written not necessary to do vaccination).
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Patient in risk:
680. What disease caused by strep. B hemoliticus group A? à Lympho-nodular
pharingitis+ scarlet fever. (Scarlet fever and nephritis are possible complication to
pharingitis). If necessary to choose only one answer choose just scarlet fever.
681. Child suffers from not balanced hyperthyroidism, how you give anesthesia? à
Without adrenaline.
682. To strict on given small amount of local anesthetics with epinephrine in patient
with? à Uncontrolled hypertension, hyperthyroidism, have changes in heart beat.
683. If we give epinephrine with retraction cord, what's happened immediately? à
Tachycardia and tachypenia, sweating, instability and high blood pressure.
684. Patient with defect in coagulation pathway, cardiovascular problems and
pacemaker heart. What the way to treat gingiva? à Retraction cord immersed in
aluminum sulfate.
685. Patient with constant steroids intake+ in continues procedure must give double
686. In which adults more likely to see rampant caries? à patients with radiation in
head and neck area.
687. Guy with cervical caries in molars only, what the cause? à Radiation, seogren,
sweets. (Ans: all).
688. Xerostomia? à Cause cervical caries.
689. Patient take anti –depression drugs, what to expect? à A lot of caries because
of xerostomia (not increase gag reflex).
690. What from the following conditions we don’t have xerostomia? à Patient with
pemphigus that is treated with prednisone and steroids.
(Xerostomia may be in:à hyperthyroidism and patient under radioactive iodine
treatment, bipolar syndrome, patient under lithium intake, radiation to head and
neck, progressive scleroderma, patient under azatioperiene intake.
691. Patient with suspect to xerostomia? à To do sialometry (measuring the amount
of saliva).
692. Patient 40 years old with 7 point of cervical caries. What to ask him? à If he
have dryness in his eyes.
693. What symptoms can be seen in patients with vaso-vagal reflex? à Decrease
blood pressure, pulse decrease, sweating and pallor. Vasovagal reflex differ in
increasing of BP. Because of blood collection from the peripherals, the treatment:
leg elevation.
694. Sympathetic system cause widening in pupil of the eye.
695. What cause bacterial endomielitis? à Endocarditis.
696. What from the following not complication of endcarditis? à No one. Other
options: liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, CVA, embolia and bleeding.
697. What from the following situations causes high risk to develop sub acute
endocarditis? àAcquired heart defect. (Also congenital heart defect that involve
the endocardium.
698. What can cause bacteremia in patient with endocarditis? à Root planning+
scaling+ bass brushing method. (Ans: all).
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

699. When there is no need for antibiotic cover prevention? à Angina pectoris.
(Also increased BP., 6 months after surgery and after thrombophlebitis).
- Scleroderma: autoimmune disease with excessive collagen.
- Mitral stenosis congenital defect in the heart endocardium.
700. Definition of myocardial infarction: à necrosis, death of muscle cells of the
heat, necrosis in heart muscles.
701. What characterize the heart failure? à Not affected by nitroglycerine.
702. Patient with myocardial infarction, what the signs? àPain in the lower jaw
(systolic BP slightly decreases).
703. Patients with pain left side radiate to jaw and arm can't put in supine position: à
myocardial infarction.
704. What is the etiological factor of blood pressure? à idiopathic
705. Patient 30 years want to pass dental procedure, in the examination of blood
pressure and found 150/110. What to do? à Refer the patient to his family doctor
for more information. In other option: refer to his doctor to monitor BP then to do
the treatment.
706. What you think about BP in age of 50 year old? à Up to 140/90.
707. Which drugs can't give for patient against pain G6PDD? à Aspirin+ dephsone.
(Today can be given all these drugs like: aspirin, mypdrine, acamol, prcdone).
708. In patient G6PDD abscess in tooth 48, weak pulse, and generalized weakness,
temp. =370. What the cause? à Infection stimulates hemolysis.
709. What is the correct about uncontrolled diabetic patient? à Hyperglycemia,
increased urination (polyuria), polydepsia, eating and drinking more. (Ans: all).
710. Disease in the skull? à PADGET.
711. Hyperplastic lesion in the gingiva suspect about? à Leukemia.
712. What cause to burning mouth syndrome? à Drugs+ psychogenic+ lack of
vitamin A. (Ans: all).
713. Problem in neurotransmission? à Myasthenia gravis. (The antibodies damage
the receptors of acetylcholine and prevent signal passage).
714. Bell's palsy= half face paralysis due to damage in facial nerve by infection.
715. Asthmatic patient, get attack during treatment? à Instruct the patient to use his
716. If appears ulcer, white plaque in mucosa and erosive in the mouth. What is
missing? à Lack of vitamin A.
717. How have lack of vitamin B12. How long time takes to heal? à6 weeks.
718. Lack of vitamin C? à Scurvy+ gingival inflammation.
719. Lack of iron, vitamin A and B12? à Ulceration.
720. Lack of vitamin D? à Rickets.
721. Lack of vitamin B? à Angular chelitis, glossitis and lips cracks.
722. Lack of riboflavin? à Kertitis in the eyes+ dermatitis.
723. Lack of vitamin B3 ? à Niacin –in dermatitis+ diarrhea+ dementia+ death.
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724. Lack of folic acid? àIncreased of RBC, macrocytic anemia, GI tract problems,
the cells in bone marrow –megaloplasty.
725. Defect in T helper- ? à AIDS.
726. What are the symptoms of AIDS? àCandida, ANUG, Kaposi sarcoma. (no
hyperplasia in gingiva).
727. What is the less pathognomic than AIDS? à Diabetes mellitus (symptoms: over
sweating, loss of weight, ANUG, Candida).

728. From the following investigation, what test is not important in examination of
coagulation pathway? à Hemoglobin.
729. From the following investigation, what is important in examination of
coagulation pathway? à PT, PTT, BT (bleeding time), fibrinogen. (PT becomes
730. What test is important to examine on patient takes cytotoxic drugs that suspect
for bleeding? à Bleeding time not help in measurement, when have tendency to
bleeding. (If this answer not presents to put platelet count).
731. What examine BT? à Platelet function. (NOT quantity).
Normal values:
- Platelets: 150-400 thousands.
- BT- 1-6 minutes.
- PT- 12-14 seconds, 60-100%, extrinsic pathways: 7,9,10 c. factors.
- PTT- 23-32 seconds, intrinsic pathway: thrombin. 2,8,9,11,12.
- INR- 0.5-1.5.
- BT- give aspirin, PT= warfarin, PTT= heparin.

732. Aspirin-? à Increased BT+ affects the aggregation.

733. Chemotherapy- ? à Thrombocytopenia, may affect platelet quality.
734. Patient under aspirin treatment- ? à to check BT.
735. Patient takes every day 100mg aspirin. When will be the renew the platelets? à
7-10 days.
736. Patient under anticoagulation treatment, through oral cavity administration- ? à
Must to check PT.
737. The effect of comedin on: à Decreased PT and INR increased. (Also PTT
increased). (PT increase, but the value in percent decreased from 100%).
738. Patient with INR=3.5, PT=42%, PTT=18. What to do for extraction procedure?
à Not to extract.
739. Patient under treatment with comedin and moxypen, after treatment occurred
bleeding in the palatal of the tooth 26. Why? à The antibiotics increase the effect
of comedin and increase the PT.
740. Serum-? à Liquid that remains after analysis of blood coagulation.
741. Plasma-? à Liquid without cells.
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

742. From what we should be aware in struge Weber syndrome? à Bleeding

Strug Weber syndrome- encephatrigeminal angiomatosis. Vascular
malformation in the face and brain. A skin lesion occurs like spot wine stains in
the innervated skin by trigeminal nerve. // the vascular defect can spread intra-
orally to the cheeks and the gums. // neurological defect includes seizures.

First aid:
743. What is the immediate treatment of anaphylactic shock? à Adrenaline 1:1000
until 1ml. we give 0.3-0.5mg i/m or subcutaneous. (In other options may be
written 40-100% steroids and oxygen).
744. What from the following not mediator for anaphylactic shock? à TSH,ACTH.
745. What from the following not mediator of anaphylactic shock? à glucose.
The mediators of anaphylactic shock:
- Histamine, serotonin.
- Esonophilic chemotaxis factor.
- Leukoterine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, PG, bradykinin.
746. What are the materials that released after anaphylactic shock? àHistamine,
serotonin. Esonophilic chemotaxis factor. Leukoterine, norepinephrine,
epinephrine, PG, bradykinin.
747. The difference between anaphylactic shock and diabetic coma is? à In coma
can you smell acetone smell.
748. Unconscious patient in the street, blue color appearance, needs resuscitation.
What you do? à Airway evacuation or open airway.
749. Which of the following not complication for CPR? à Bronchial expansion.
CPR complications:
- Fractured ribs.
- Stomach swelling.
- Penumothorax.
- Chest hematoma.
750. Rate of respiration and CPR compressions with 2 people is? à 2:30 also for 1
751. Patient 57 years old during dental procedure, suspected block in the heart
muscles. How to order the treatment? à Sublingual nitroglycerine.
752. Patient with chest pain (angina pectoris). Needs complex dental treatment. What
you will do before the treatment? à Advice him to take nitroglycerine before the
Angina pectoris: à order of treatment –sublingual nitroglycerine, oxygen, to call
the red shell of David, to do ECG.
753. Eso-electric line in ECG (EKG)? à No action potential in the heart. (May be
the electrodes fallen or dropped and problem in the contacts).
754. MI -? à Nitroglycerine doesn’t help.
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Oral surgery:


755.What the treatment of dry socket? à Irrigation and iodoform gauze. (The gauze
soaked on IRM liquid and mixed with lidermix, local placement of steroids).
756. Treatment that not accepted in dry socket? à Curettage.
757. Treatment of dry socket is? à Symptomatic treatment.
758. In your clinic was a patient with epulis fisuratum on the upper jaw, she said that
the denture fall from her mouth, what is the proposed treatment? à To instruct
her not to wear the denture for 2 weeks, after that excision of the epulis and after
to change the denture.
759.The reason of failure to close the oroantral fistula? à Lack of attached gingival,
cannot be good closure without pressure.
760.When we don’t do palatal flap in oroantral fistula? à In small hole and found
761.Sinusitis features? à Radiation pain to the ear, pain when incline the head
forward, pain in the area of the premolar and molar during percussion, pain in the
area of the premolar and molar during palpation. (Answer: all).
762.What the treatment of sinusitis? à Antibiotics+ nose droplets.
763.Sagittal ostectomy, who much time to fix the IMF? à 6-8 weeks. (Sep.1999).
764. When you do frenectomy in the maxilla? à When the frenum attach to the end
of the alveolar ridge.
765.60 years old with missing teeth, on x-ray seen radiopaque soft dome projected
from the base of the maxillary sinus? à Antral mucocele.
766.What the order or the steps to stop bleeding? à Direct pressure for 20 minutes;
clean the granular layer, gel form and suturing, local anticoagulation agent.
767.Continuous bleeding for 20 minutes, with cotton mash pressure after extraction.
What to do? à Curettage-irrigation –additional pressure for 20 minutes.
768. Patient under comedin treatment, PT=40, 2 hours after extraction and bleeds.
What to do? à Gel form and suturing.
769.Sialography-? à Illustrate the gland duct status.
770. T99 scan- ? àTo illustrate warthins tumor and gland activity.
771. What the treatment for Submandibular sialolithialsis? à Location of the stone,
symptoms, depend in circumstances.
772. Cryosurgery-? Fast freezing and slow melting.

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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

773.Referred to your clinic a patient with roots of tooth 16 for extraction, in x-ray the
maxillary sinus seen between these roots, during extraction disappeared the M-B
root, the possibility that the root is pushed is? à Into the maxillary sinus, under
the buccal periostium or under the mucosa of the sinus not inside the mouth.
(NOT: the root pushed under the palatal periostium.
774. What the accelerated time for bone resorption after extraction? à 6 months.
775.After extraction of the wisdom tooth, what are the complications? à Hematoma,
infection, trismus. (Answer: all).
776.Hemisection and amputation (root extraction), done? àIn molars only.
777.Was discovered during extraction of lower tooth 8, exposure of: à lingual nerve.
778.Tooth 45, who to extract? à B-L movement+ rotation.
779. After teeth extraction with acute abscess?àDon’t suture to allow for drainage.
780. Classification of impacted teeth refers to: à location of impacted tooth in
relation to upper ramus, location of impacted tooth in relation to adjacent teeth,
position of the impacted tooth in relation to vertical axis.
781. During the extraction of the tooth 34, fractured the apical 1/3 of the root and
remained in the socket. What to do? à No one is correct. (Other options: straight
elevator under the roots and elevate left-right, or, to elevate apically.
782. During local anesthesia in tuberosity area (tooth 18). Developed hematoma,
swelling and injury in? à Posterior superior alveolar artery. (Because
immediately to the artery). (If this occurs slowly, in addition involvement to the
pterygoid plexus.


783.Anterior open bite, after fall on the face result of: àfracture in the middle 1/3 of
the face (le fort II). Bilateral subcondylar fracture.
784.What is the suitable treatment in case of pyramidal fracture when no damage in
the mandible? à Splint for zygomatic arch (zygomatic arch fixation) + splint
between the jaws (inter-maxillary fixation).
785.The symptoms of zygomatic arch fractures: à limitation of the lower jaw
movement+ depression on arch area.
786. The symptoms of zygomatic bone fractures? à Depression in arch area+
limitation of the lower jaw movement+ loss of sensation in infra-orbital area+
787.What is the most serious damage in case of subcondylar fracture? à If this inter-
proximal the answer ankylosis// if this subcondylar= asymptomatic (cosmetic).
788.Young woman after car accident present fracture in the body of the mandible
between 34 and 35 with displacement. In addition right subcondylar fracture.
What the recommended treatment? à Open reduction in the fractured mandibular
body+ fixation (immobilization) between the jaws (IMF) for 2 weeks.
789. Subcondylar fracture from the left side –what we see? à Deviation of the jaw to
the left opening (hint: this answer not was. from the options the most correct is
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

periapical hematoma in the left side. (The options were: anesthesia to the corda
tympanic nerve// anesthesia to the auricular-temporal nerve. // deviation to right
side in opening. // no wrong answers.
790.Favorable fracture in the mandible, is expressed in? à The fractured parts of the
bone in place (attached).
791.During mouth opening there is deviation to the right of the mandible. What
muscle is damaged? à Right lateral pterygoid muscle.


792.Spreading of infection from the sublingual space to the Submandibular space is?
àAlong the lower border of the mandible.
793.What type of bacteria usually causes cellulitis? à Streptococcus aerobic (options:
anaerobic, aerobic, and pneumococcal).
794. The anatomical space is: à imaginary space that appears when is filled with
liquid// imaginary space that contain weak attachment layer (easily expand).
795. Wisdom tooth positioned horizontally, where the infection may be spread? à
Pterygo-mandibular space+ masseteric space. (May be also to the Submandibular
space but in the exams wasn’t option like this!).
796.Impacted lower 3rd molar, infection spread to? àPterygo-mandibular space.
797.What is the important that leads to spread the infection from tooth 37 to
sublingual region? à Insertion of mylohyoid muscle relative to the apex.
798. How the infection spreads form the teeth to the lymphatic nodes? à By the
799.Swelling in the Submandibular gland due to abscess in the lower molars,
indicates? àLymphatic diffusion of the infection only. (If the tissues were
involved, the swelling "on the way").
800. What infection causes trismus? àMasseteric space+ pterygo-mandibular space+
lateral pharyngeal space.
801. To where can spreads the periapical infection? à All of them: palate, buccal
space and buccal vestibulum.
802. Eczema is: à blood in the tissues, not require antibiotics.

803. Which from the following muscles not open the mouth? àTemporalis (close the
Muscles open the mouth:
- Mylohyoid muscle: depress the mandible; elevate the hyoid bone and the
- Anterior belly of digastric muscle: depress the mandible; elevate the hyoid
bone and the tongue.
- Lateral pterygoid muscle: depress the mandible and protrusion.
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Muscles close the mouth:

- Temporal muscle: elevate the mandible and retraction.
- Masseteric muscle: close the mandible.
- Medial pterygoid muscle: close the mandible.

804. The attachment of the lateral pterygoid muscle is: àto the condyle disk.
805. Patient pass trauma in the angle of the mandible suffers from loss of sensation in
the end of the lower lip. What is the most likely damaged? à Inferior alveolar
806. Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve includes: à mental nerve,
mylohyoid, lingual, long buccal, inferior dental, auriculotemporal nerve.
(Answer: all).
807. What is the lymphatic drainage for the base of the tongue? à Deep cervical
808. What is the lymphatic drainage for the upper teeth? à Submandibular.
Submandibular lymphatic drainage:
- Laterals of the nose
- Anterior 1/3 of lateral tongue
- Teeth and gingiva.
- Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
- Floor of the mouth.
Submental lymphatic drainage:
- Tip of the tongue, gingiva, floor of the mouth, central part of lower lip.
Superficial cervical lymphatic drainage:
- Superficial of the parotid and Submandibular link.

809. How is called the passage from the mouth to the pharynx? à Oro-phraynx.
810. What innervate the anterior 1/3 of the hard palate? à Anterior naso-palatine
811. What sensory nerve innervates the masseteric muscle? à Trigeminal.
812. What muscle not innervated by trigeminal nerve? àBuccinator muscle.
(Innervated by facial motor nerve).( masseteric, temporal, medial and lateral
pterygoid= mastication muscles innervated by motor branch for trigeminal
813. Anterior naso-palatine innervate: àhard palate. (Soft and hard tissue in the area
of molars until the canine "palatal gingiva from 3-8").
814. Naso- palatine innervate: àhard palate from canine to canine, palatal gingiva
from 3 to 3.
815. Tongue structure:
- Vallate: like bottoms.
- Foliate: like knife in the laterals of the tongue.
- Filiform: like rabbi.
- Fungiform: like fungal form situated between the filiforms.
816. Lack of vit. B12:à flatting in filiform papillae (atrophic glossitis).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

817. Migratory stomatitis: à burn (sure) and loss of filiform papillae (geographic
818. Hairy tongue:à elongation of filiform papillae.
819. Elevated and inflamed (ulcer) lesion in laterals of tongue? à INFECTIVE
820. What give innervations for posterior part of the tongue? à The 9th nerve (glosso


821. Fracture of the needle during local anesthesia-? àBending the needle increase
the risk of fracture+ in repeated sterilization of the needle at high temperature will
increase the risk of fracture+ the area between the needle and syringe that connect
them may be also fractured.(answer: all).
822. After injection of mandibular and lingual nerve block, you can do the
following procedures without pain: extraction of tooth 33, oclusal restoration in
tooth 37 with profound caries, cervical restoration in tooth 33, (we can't do
extraction for tooth 36 because we must block the long buccal nerve).
823. What anesthesia you will give for treatment in tooth 34 (restoration or
extraction)? à IDN. Block
824. During which nerve block you have high chance to anesthetize the facial
nerve? à Inferior alveolar nerve.
825. To anesthetize the posterior superior alveolar nerve? à To inject in 45 degrees.
826. In anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve through which muscle you pass? à
Buccinator (anterior) may also medial pterygoid.
827. What the reason for failure of mandibular block? à Anatomical variation, bad
technique (lower position or more interiorly), extra-innervations, low PH (acidic).
(Answer: all)
828. Inability to open the mouth after IDN anesthesia, which appeared after 1 day, the
cause? àInjury of the medial pterygoid muscle.
829. When we do mandibular anesthesia we may cause muscle injury for? à
Buccinator+ medial pterygoid.
830. In injection of periodontal ligament –the pressure during mastication is: à
increase in the anterior teeth, not changed in posterior teeth.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

831.After you give a patient infra –orbital injection, the patient complain from blurred
vision. What to do? àReassure the patient and to explain that this a result form
anesthesia to the lower eyelid.
832. 1 day after you give IDN anesthesia, the patient complains from anesthesia in
his tongue, what the cause? à Injury in the lingual nerve.
833. In patient after extraction of tooth, appears loss of sensation, and after 9 month
from extraction the sensation returned, logically the injury was? àNeuropraxia
- Neuropraxia= temporary injury. // axonotemsis= damage pass healing.
- Neuro= all the nerve injured. // axono= only axon injury.
- Praxia= injury without tearing. // tmesis= injury with tearing.
834. During extraction of tooth 48, the doctor press in the IDN nerve, and parasthesia
continued for 9 months then returned to normal, what can be the cause?
835. Local anesthesia in inflamed area, pharmacokinetics is:à this material is
eliminated very quickly from the body, (because the material is eliminated from
the injected area very quickly). (Options: small quantity of ionized injected
anesthetic material that results less effect, this option not correct because the
anesthesia works without ionization).
836. Dana, 4 years old, came to make pulpotomy and crown in tooth 53. Before the
treatment you injected to Dana 1 ampoule of carbocaine 4% infiltration to buccal
mucosa (hint Dana weight 20kg). After few minutes Dana compliance that she
see you double. What the reason? à The anesthetic material was injected in the
infraorbital foramen.
837. In what height the posterior superior alveolar nerve pass in the jaw that exposed
to local anesthesia? à Half of the distance between the infraorbital foramen and
the level of closure.
838. Where to inject the anesthetic material in the superior posterior alveolar nerve
block, to get more faster anesthesia? à Posterior to the permanent 1st molar.
839. Danny, 7 years old, needs occlusal restoration in tooth 55, what type of
anesthesia you do?à Infiltration anesthesia in buccal and palatal sides of the
tooth 55 (because you need rubber dam).
840. Danny, 7 years old, needs DO restoration in tooth 55. What type of anesthesia
you do? à Infiltration anesthesia in buccal and palatal 55 and 16. (because you
need rubber dam application).
841. What you can't do if we do IDN block+ anesthesia of the lingual nerve? à
Extraction of the tooth 36. (We can do restoration for 33, 34, and extraction for
842. Adding of vasoconstrictors to anesthesia allow to? àAll the answer correct.
(Gives the anesthesia to remain longer time in area of injection). (Options: raise
the maximum dose effect of the same material at 80-100%//to decrease the
minimal dose at 30%// faster injection for the material.//using a wide needle 25
843. What maximal adrenaline you to healthy person? à 0.2 mg.
844. What maximal dose of adrenaline to patient with hypertension? àMax. 0.04mg
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Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

845. Child 25kg, how many maximal cartridges can you give? à3 cartidges (more
they are ask about cartridge of 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor). (The
calculation: 25kg*4.4mg/kg/36= 110/36=3).
846. What the cause of burning anesthesia? àFast injection, acidic PH, heating
anesthetic material. (Answer: all).
847. Who many lidocaine cartridges you can give for patient weighing 80kg? à8
cartidges. (The calculation: 80kg*4.4mg/kg/36= 352/36=9.77). (note according
calculation is 9.77 but the answer 8 ???!!!?? ).
848. What from the following not from amidic group? àTetracaine.
849. What is the amount of adrenaline in the anesthesia? à 0.0018mg.
850. In time of local anesthesia for extraction of tooth upper tooth 8, appears swelling
and hematoma, what you injured? àPosterior superior alveolar artery// posterior
superior alveolar plexus// posterior superior alveolar vein //pterygoid plexus.
(Sep. 2003-116).
851. Patient said that prohibited to do for him general anesthesia with
soksenylcholine. What not to give him? à Procaine, tetracaine, ester.
852. Patient complains from allergy to anesthetic material. What you do? à send him
to allergic occupation clinic.
853. Patient 50 year old, with acute pulpitis. How you recommend doing anesthesia?
à IDN block.
854. Contraindication of Interligament anesthesia is:à extraction of primary teeth.
(Interligament anesthesia contraindications are: primary teeth to prevent the
damage of dental bud and in inflamed area).
855. Patient came with fluctuant abscess in the area of 16-18, the involved tooth is 17.
Which anesthesia you need for extraction? à Maxillary nerve block through
greater palatine foramen.
856. From where excreted anesthetic material? à Kidneys.
857. Contraindication to use adrenaline? à Erythema.


858. What is the color of the file 70? à Green.

859. What is the diameter of the file 45 in D2 point? à0.77 (calculation: 0.45+
(2*0.16) =0.45+0.32=0.77 èthe distance between D1 and D2).
860. During cleaning the root canal, the material which widely used is sodium
hypochlorite. Why? à antibacterial+ affect the organic layer.
Advantages of sodium hypochlorite:
- ability to dissolve the organic layer.
- Bactericidal and disinfectant.
- Bleach and remove the odors+ lowering surface tension.
Disadvantages of sodium hypochlorite:
- Toxic allergy and cause layer irritation.
- Decomposed when exposed to the light.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

861. Usage of analogue EDTA and Dakin's solution gives: à appearance of oxygen
bubbles. (EDTA= decompose inorganic materials and attach to the Ca+2.
862. The cement properties that used for endodontic treatment is: à bactericidal.
863. When the AH-26 finally hardened? à 24-48 hours.
864. Working time of AH-26? à20 minutes (Feb. 1997-51). (According to the book
AH-26=8hours, AH PLUS= 4 hours).
865. The composition of AH-26: à powder: bismuth trioxide 80%. 20%
hexamethelene tetramine. Liquid: bisphenol diglycidyl ether.
866. The composition of G.P is: à 66-75% ZnO, 20% G.P, radiopaque material, dyes
material, wax, binders.
867. G.P pins found that is better than silver pins because: à you can remove them
easily from the canal when you prepare post cure.
868. The recommendation for not use the chloroform in USA because: à is
carcinogenic material.
869. Why we not use formalin? à Because its mutant carcinogenic.
870. One from the following materials not used to remove G.P? à Chloramphenol.
(Also used: chloroform, xylol, ocliphytol).
871. RC-preparation: à dissolve the inorganic layer and soften the dentin.
872. Which from the following material pass through evaporation? à CPK. (And
IKI). (February 1997-15).
873. After extirpation you need to put antibacterial material between the visits.
Which type of material? à Calcium hydroxide (also ledermix).
(The given options: IKI 2%, not necessary, calcium hydroxide=19%,
phormaldyhide, 35% cresol).
874. IKI 2%-: à volatile antibacterial material. Not used because some patient
sensitive to iodine. Today they use these material together with calcium
hydroxide when do minimal expansion of 25.
- Minimal sensitivity, long working time
- Used when possible, sufficient o fill the working length and prepared width.
- Inserted to the canal by paper point like CPK.
- Some patients are sensitive to iodine.
- Cause teeth stains, not dissolve tissues.
875. Calcium hydroxide -? à Partial necrosis when touch (not total necrosis).
After 10 min will be alkaline.

Endodontic treatments:
876. Opening of the root canal from? à Floor (chamber) of the root canal.
877. The aim of access cavity in endodontics is? àTo reach the canal opening.
878. Small access cavity during RCT, cause? à Ledge formation/ perforation to root
canal. // inability for cleaning the root canal well. // inability for good sealing of
the root canal. // change of the root color. (Answer: all).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

879. When the source of pain is from the pulp and the tooth is vital: à cold test is
needed, no need for x-ray.
880. You found few PMN in PA lesion. What the reason? à Accidental finding.
881. K- File. How rotate? à 1/4 rotation.
882. Step back-? à To work in bend/curved canal.
883. During preparation of access cavity of RCT, you need temporary restoration
between the visits. Why? à To prevent marginal leakage. // to prevent
inflammatory response // to prevent medication to go out from the canal. // to
prevent neutralization of the medication. (Answer: all).
884. Not necessary to put disinfectant material between the visits. à The sentence
not correct.
885. Tooth 14 –PA radiolucency, before 3 months the tooth was restored with MOD
form. What you must to do? à Vitality test.
886. How you differentiate between sub-acute pulp inflammation and hyperemia?
à(If no histological option: to look in tooth history). (Hyperemia is one of the
symptoms of periapical area inflammation, in first stages no radiological sign.
887. The test to diagnose of tooth in patient complains from pain on mastication? à
In percussion.
888. Diagnosis between PA abscess from source of ENDO. And periodontal? à
Vitality test.
889. RCT which you did was overextended. What could be the cause? à Incorrect
working length.
890. Factors that may reduce the chance of RCT success? à Broken instrument+
overfilling. Presence process (‫ )ס"ח‬before the treatment, patient age (age bigger
èincrease success). (Not the number of visits).
891. Root canal filling material which passes through the apex-? à Delayed healing.
892. After biomechanical preparation, you entered paper point to the canal and you
discovered small bleeding in the tip of paper point. Perhaps it's due to? à No
enough instrumentation (cleaning and shaping). (Remember in perforation will be
a lot of bleeding in paper point).
893. Tooth with calcified canal and PA lesion- what you do? à Apicectomy.
894. What in not indication for apicectomy? àShort RCT + lesion.
895. Contraindication of apicectomy? à Root resorption to half of length (short root).
896. In what cases the surgical indication for the periapical region? à No one from
these. (More options: failure of RCT, extra canal in the tooth which appeared ON
x-ray, curved root (dilacerations), Absorption points with large shading area in
the root of Upper central incisor).
897. In external root resorption, prognosis usually? à Good, if the RCT until the
resorped area.
898. Internal resorption –how can be seen on x-ray? à By eccentric x-ray the defect
area stay in the same place (not change place).
899. How can be seen internal resorption in the x-ray? àThe interior surface is near
the external wall surface.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

900. When internal resorption can occur? à Chronic pulp inflammation. (Tooth with
RCT for long time).
901. Most reliable vitality test is? à Drill test.
902. Lower molar infection, PA lesion seen in the mesial root of the molar. Why? à
Because the mesial root is closer relatively to the buccal plate than the distal root.
903. What affects the prognosis of perforation? à Perforation in bifurcation over
904. When appears unexpected bleeding during RCT, what you will do? à X-ray
with G.P.
905. During RCT present expected bleeding .what is the first thing you will do? à
906. You did RCT and crown, after that the patient have pain on this tooth, what to
do? à Medication. (If this option not present put: apicectomy if the RCT was
907. Patient complains from spontaneous pain 4 days ago and this pain wakeups the
patient from sleeping time. In examination: teeth 23, 24 are sensitive in
percussion, tooth 23 not respond to cold test, tooth 24 in cold test was with over
sensitivity. The diagnosis is: à pulpitis in tooth 24, acute periapical periodontitis
in tooth 23.
908. It is recommended to insert the tip of G.P to the fistula during x-ray intake and
diagnosis: à this help to localize the source of lesion.
909. Pregnant woman with acute fluctuant abscess and in tooth 24 deep caries. What
is the treatment? à Cut and drainage + antibacterial cover.
910. During cavity preparation, occurs accidental exposure after 1 week the response
to clod test was similar to the adjacent tooth but slightly sensitive in percussion,
pulp diagnosis is? à The pulp vital and normal.
911. What not affect the success/prognosis of RCT? à Number of visits. (Which
affect are: working length, restorative material (temporary/permanent), presence
of periapical region.
912. Direct capping done after few days the tooth reacts the same as the other teeth
but is sensitive in percussion. What the diagnosis? à Healthy tooth with high
913. Why we check the mobility before RCT? à To estimate degree (support) of the
bone+ to estimate the degree of healing (chance of recovery).
914. When you see periapical radiolucent lesion in the bone? à When the lesion
reaches to the cortical bone (or 30% demineralization).
915. You discovered acute pulpitis under MOD restoration, what to do? àOpen the
chamber and put toksoit. (This is not a recommended treatment but it is only the
logical option reconstructions, you need to do extirpation and put ledermix (more
916. Most infections in the pulp are characterized by: à aerobic and anaerobic
917. The diagnosis between acute and chronic periodontitis? à Spontaneous pain,
waking up from sleeping time, percussion, x-ray: presence or absence of lesion.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

918. PA lesion –how you know if it's pathological lesion? à Examine the continuity
of lamina Dura, vitality test, another x-ray from different angles to confirm that
no superimposition of anatomical foramen/landmark. (Answer: all).
919. Teeth 24 with severe pain from several days. In x-ray nothing seen, no response
to vitality test. Diagnosis is: à acute periapical pulpitis.
920. What clearly indicate bad RCT? à Infiltration of bacteria from the mouth to PA
area (no coronal seal).
921. What is the main cause of failure of RCT? à Bacteria in the canal.
922. Failed RCT: à RCT short filling.
923. Root perforation: à gates Glidden, curved root+ curved root and straight file
(answer: all).
924. Patient with severe pain (acute pulpitis) under MOD restoration from few days –
what is the treatment? à Pulp extirpation.
925. Pain in palpation of the vestibulum –is starting for: à PA abscess. (Not cyst).
926. It is possible that even though TAG BACK no good sealing:à the sentence is
927. RCT treatment in 2 visits done in 1 visit: à no effect in terms of pain.
928. Application of cold to pulpitis: à like percussion in abscess and acute PA
Biological process:
929. In acute pulp inflammation, first respond is: àblood vessels.
930. Pulp disease mainly:à infections.
931. Theory of pain transmission on dentine is: àhydrodynamic theory.
932. Hot test mechanism of causing pain: à more slow because of C- fiber transfer.
933. C-fibers related to? àGradual pain (in stages).
Aδ – severe acute pain- respond to cold, found in periphery –firstly damaged.
c -respond to heat –found in center of the pulp, last damage.
934. When there is a periapical lesion that affects the 2 cortical plates, type of
healing. You expect? à Scar layer and bone.
935. Calcification in the pulp appear: à result from treatment that preserve the pulp
936. Replacement resorption -? à Problem in PDL. (Problem in cementoblasts+
937. Tooth abscess, how the inflammation passes to the lymph nodes? à Through
lymph, tissue and lymph, tissue lymph and blood.
938. Denticles: à pulp stones. Seal the canal because found in chamber near the
canal opening.// in RCT must to take it out.

939. Upper 2nd premolar has à 2 separated canals, 2 canals with 1 opening, 1 canal
that split to 2 canals, only 1 canal. (All the answers correct).
940. Tooth 42:àusually 1 root , may be 2 canals in 40%, central incisor smaller than
lateral incisor. (ANS: all).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

941. Access cavity for endodontic treatment in lower 1st molar, will be in shape of? à
Trapezoid (2M, 1D).
942. The chance of 4th canal in upper 1st molar found usually: à in M-B root in 40%
943. Arrangement of canals in upper 1st molar: à 2-3 buccal, 1 palatine
944. How many canals in the upper molar? à 3-4 canals.
945. Which root is the thicker (larger) in M-D dimension? àTooth 16 –root P.
946. The wider root in B-L dimension: à tooth 46 –root M.
947. Number of roots in primary molars: à 3 in upper molars, 2 in lower molars.
(You may see this option: 2-3 roots and canals in molars).
948. How many roots for upper tooth D? à 2-3 buccal.
949. For lower tooth D have the same number of roots such as: à 6 lower molar.
950. For which tooth the largest support surface? à Tooth 16.

951. How much time heals biological width? à 6 weeks (or 6-8 weeks).
952. Setting biological width: à the distance from the bottom of the sulcus to the
bone. (The biological width = 2.04:0.97 junctional epithelium + 1.07 connective
tissue attachment).
953. The biological width: à not change in periodontal disease.
954. Borders of periodontal pocket: à sulcular epithelium+ JE+ tooth.
955. Gingival recession result from: à apical migration f attachment epithelium.
(Support apparatus).
956. Gingival recession result from: à accumulation of bacterial layer (plaque).
957. Gingival recession caused due to: à traumatic brushing, pocket inflammation
restoration defect that extent to the biological width.
958. Periodontal disease today is: à Remission attacks have different length in
different places in the mouth.
959. In gingivitis: à edema+ inflammatory infiltration and pseudo pockets.
960. In gingivitis: à no radiographic finding.
961. Gingivitis always leads to periodontitis and the opposite is correct. àBoth of
them not correct.
962. When gingivitis start? à Week, 10 days, 15days, 20 days. (Clinically 14 days,
histologically after 2 days).
963. *** Teeth migration: à the layer of plaque, amount of bacteria, traumatic
964. How much bacteria found in Perio? à Hundreds kinds.
965. Fenestration -:à damage in bone, window shape with root exposure. (Local
window in bone, exposed root, may develop from B/L inclination of the root.
966. Length of long junctional epithelium: àabove 1mm (may be until 6-8mm).
967. What respond firstly to bacterial infiltration to the pocket? à Blood vessels.
968. During passage of inflammation from Periodontium to bone? àRadiolucent
area, radiopaque area, loss of lamina Dura (all the answers possible).
969. Limits of the biological space: àDistance from base of the sulcus to the bone.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

970. What is the distance from CEJ to the marginal of normal alveolar bone? 1mm
(august 2001). According linde.
971. Clinical attachment level: àform the CEJ until the base of the pocket depth
(until bone resorption). (Clinical attachment loss what lost from Clinical
attachment level).
972. Development of periodontal disease results from? à Combination of local cause
(bacterial layer), response of the reaction.
973. The narrowest Attached gingiva found in the tooth? à Tooth 41 L side, or 34 B
sides. (February 2000-41).
974. The minimal width of attached gingiva is: à 2-3 mm.
975. What is the length of connective tissue attachment? à1.07.
976. Attached gingiva: àincreased in childhood and then stabilized.
977. Where the gingiva thicker: à from B side.
978. The width of attached gingiva in average more narrow in: à L side of 31, 32,
41, 42 (also B side of 34, 35).
979. Which epithelium cover (coated) by keratin? à Keratinized epithelium of
attached gingiva.
980. The GMJ is: à lines separated between alveolar mucosa+ attach gingiva.
981. Gingival index measured by: àno one from the following. (Additional options:
accidental areas, random areas, special solution), (the correct options: bleeding
and view).
982. Which from the following x-ray diagnostic measures is the better to help in
diagnosis of periodontitis? à X-ray status in parallel method.
983. Why we examine fremitus? à Evaluation of tooth movement, result from
closure of the mouth (mobility of teeth by closure of the mouth).
984. At the initial lesion: à dissolution of perivascular collagen.
- Initial lesion –vasculitis, (GCF liquid in the layer), epithelial trying to rete
- EARLY LESION –increase in severity.
- ESTABLISHED LESION –after 14 days, bleeding, plasma cells, apical migration
of epithelium, and loss of collagen.

Operation stages:
985. In which type of surgery do not receive the reduction of pockets? à
CORONALLY positioned flap. (Purpose: to prevent hypersensitivity by root
986.Positioned flap apically –decrease pocket size.
987. MODIFIED WIDMAN FLAP –raising flap not behind the MGJ, the pocket size
5mm, to do open curettage –for example: RP+SC ad remove of granulation tissue
988. For what important to strict in the flap? à The base to be wider than the apex.
989. Indication for gingivectomy: à fibrosis+ gingival hyperplasia.
990. The difference between gingivoplasty and gingivectomy is: à
- Gingivoplasty: to correct gingival shape and establish physiologic counters.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

- Gingivectomy: loss of gingiva during surgery.

991. The worst prognosis when we do gingivectomy: à tooth passes eruption more
bad relation between C.R and tooth with super-eruption.
992. The first indication to do periodontal surgery is: à direct access (visually and
manually) to treatment area.
993. What is found in mucoperiosteal incision (full thickness)? à Oral epithelium,
attachment layer, mucosa and muscle fibers, periostium. (This is the only flap use
in surgery to do extraction).
994. What are the requirements to do flap incision? à Vertical incision 2mm from
surgery area, the base of incision wider than apex.
995. What is the importance of flap incision is: à Base will be wider in the free
996. Loss of periodontal attachment can be: àcompensated by implant (graft).
Muco-periosteal flap:
- GTR and crown lengthening.
- Implant placement and osseous respective surgery.
- Hemisection and root amputation.

Initial preparation:
997. Initial preparation- ? à OHI + restorations+ RP and SC.
998. After root planning and scaling? à Less gram negative and spirochetes.
999. What removed during root planning and scaling? à Plaque and sub and supra
gingival calculus.
1000. The aim of periodontal treatment in stage I: à control amount of
1001. To decrease in depth of periodontal treatment in stage I is? à control the
amount of inflammation.
1002. Sensitivity that develop after root planning, result from: à dentine exposure.
1003. Ultra sonic device compared to manual scaling: à leave the cement less
smooth (rough cement), less removal of endtoxines.
1004. After usage of ultrasonic device the surface stay rough –what this can cause?
à Delay healing, bacterial retention, accumulation of plaque. (Answer: all).
1005. In what angle we hold the scaler? à 900-800.
1006. Which from the following not include the primary preparation? à All of them
include (OH instruction, restorations, SC+RP, temporary restorations.


1007. How much time needed to wait from the finish of primary preparation until
new estimation (evaluation)? à (4-6 weeks).
1008. During new evaluation the examination not include: à new x-ray status
/examine teeth mobility /teeth extraction / pocket depth and bleeding on probing /
furcation depth.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

Brushing and shining:

1009. You found different methods of brushing in: à MODIFIED BASS

INTRASULCULAR TECHNIQUE. In all of these techniques: put the tooth brush
at 450 toward the gingiva.
1010. BASS TECHNIQUE- à the recommended technique to use.
1011. Modified stilman= roll technique? àFiber at 45 - degrees with light pressure
on the tooth. Axis parallel to tooth brush.
1012. CHARTERS TECHNIQUE- ? à This method used for brushing in case of
loss papilla (interdentally papilla). That brushes the tooth at 450 toward the
1013. Horizontal technique: à recommended for children.
1014. Intra-vascular technique: à the most dangerous technique for gingival
1015. Better way to remove plaque is: à no correct answer. (From the options
wasn’t mechanical removal and it’s the correct answer).
1016. Treatment for furaction I? à Scaling+ root planning (grade 1>3mm).
1017. Perio-endo lesion: à usually the tooth vital.
1018. Furcation involvement in upper 1st molar: à furcation involvement in BD
furcation most common. (Because of proximity of the roots to the root of the
second molar). (According the book is MB not BD)??
1019. Tunneling –the suitable treatment in case of: à furcation involvement stage
III in the lower molar.
1020. What is the definition of primary occlusal trauma (primary traumatism): à
healthy Periodontium –parafunctional forces.
1021. A splint- ? à Continues spaces include wire that attaches amalgam or
composite used for long period. (Performed with composite restoration in anterior
teeth and amalgam in posterior teeth).
1022. Splint is: à helpful to spread force on multiple teeth not on 1 tooth.
1023. What is the preferred splint? à A –splint.
1024. How do you check the success of splint? à The stop of mobility due to
1025. What cause severe damage to the Periodontium? à Crown with finish line 3-
4mm under gingiva, gram (-) and spirochetes, sub gingival plaque, beta blockers
may cause xerostomia. (Answer: all).
1026. Digoxin? à Cause gingival hyperplasia.
1027. Which from the following teeth with the worst prognosis: à upper first
premolar with furcation involvement grade II (in D side).
1028. The recommended treatment for tooth 14 with furcation involvement is: à
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1029. In which lesion that not changes the architecture of bone? à Lesion with 3
1030. Furcation in tooth 14 -? à Half of the O-G height. (Bad prognosis).
(According nokompski- between apical 1/3 and middle 1/3).
1031. After amputation of the roots in the molars, what should be done? à
Dentoplastic crown.

1032. You did dental implant osseointegrated type for patient 55 years old, you
begin the loading of the implant: à prevent immediate loading and delay it to 3-6
1033. To achieve osseointegration is recommended: à delay loading is the better
1034. Subperiosteal implant is suitable for what jaw? à In the upper jaw lower
sinus level and extended to the jaw.
1035. Bridge on tooth and implant? à Not advised and better to avoid it in all way.

GTR- guided tissue regeneration

1036. GTR in periodontitis means: à regenerative surgery.
1037. What is the reason to create hole in the cortical bone in GTR? à Source of
mesenchymal cells. (SEP2000, 32).
1038. The first occupation cells in GTR:à PDL.
1039. What prevent regeneration of bone in attached layer in GTR? à Migration of
epithelial cells (prevent bone to form).
1040. The local factors that affected from DFDBA. They are? à Bone cells.
1041. Factors that are in DFDBA are: à bone. (DFDBA= allograft,sseoconductive).
1042. Which from the following have osseoconductive ability? àDFDBA.
1043. What is osseoconductive? àHydroxyapetite. (Conductive= hard tissue
replacement –HTR haloplast).
1044. BIO-OSS: à xenograft. (From animals).
1045. GTR is: à scaffold reticulum allows 3 biological processes: increase the
capillaries, growth of perivascular tissue (collagen), and growth of Osseo-
progenitor cells.
1046. Perforated bone, before putting a membrane is to: à achieve bleeding that
allow progenitor cell to reach the necessary area.
1047. Where to Place the membrane to GTR? à Between the incision and the teeth.
(The purpose: to isolate the area from attached layer and epithelium because they
more proliferate and faster than bone, to give the bone cells local benefit.
1048. Indication for using membrane: àto stabilize blood coagulation. ( important
to prevent micro –movement to the membrane. Suture the incision above the
membrane without stretch it.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1049. What decrease the prognosis of the GTR? à Smoking (because affects blood
vessels and healing).

Crown lengthening

1050. Contraindication for crown lengthening: à Furcation class II.

1051. What cause difficulty in crown lengthening? àSuper –eruption teeth.
1052. When we do crown lengthening? à Inter-proximal caries, (we can't do in:
super –eruption teeth, mesial inclination of the tooth, and perforation in the
middle third of the crown.
1053. The major disadvantage in crown lengthening? à Decreasing support in
adjacent teeth.
1054. Surgical crown lengthening –disadvantage? àIncrease CR (crown: root)
1055. Advantage of extension eruption to crown lengthening? à The CR ratio better
(small). (Less affect on CR ratio).
1056. Advantages of orthodontic treatment, when we do crown lengthening?
àEsthetic+ better CR ratio+ less trauma to adjacent teeth+ better to treat bone
lesion near the tooth. (All the answers correct).
1057. When we do crown lengthening, the CR ratio is? à Increase.
1058. Orthodontic extrusion gives better CR ratio.

Gingival grafts:
1059. Advantages of graft from attached layer to free graft? à Close the donor site
(better aesthetic).
Graft from attached layer: no epithelium, usually from the palate.
- The preferred area: the tuberosity attached layer, this is the position that will
develop over the epithelium.
- Closure of the donor area is better
- The received initial treatment at the donor site and this graft contains blood
vessels, so no need to be covered by epithelium.
- The graft will remain vital because have vascularization.
- Healing on the recipient area is for long junctional epithelium not for
recipient regeneration.
Free graft:
- Contains attachment layer and epithelium.
- We do complete cut from the donor site to the received site.
- To achieve the 2nd closure in the donor site.
Alloderm –cellular extracellular matrix:
- Graft of attached layer without cells and blood vessels
- Without covering the graft by epithelium in the receiver site and it will die.
(All types of grafts are complex procedures).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1060. The preferred donor site of attach gingival graft? àTuberosity.

1061. Graft from attached layer (CT) that cover the root binded by: à long
epithelial attachment.
1062. Attached layer degeneration found in: à PDL (Sep. 2002 page 8 in the mid).

1063. How to treat pre –pubertal periodontitis? à Primary treatment and strict oral
hygiene, antibiotic treatment.
1064. What disease affects the gingival condition? à Diabetes.
1065. Patient 35 year's old, loss of periodontal support in 7mm, she complains form
gingival inflammation from 15 years ago. The most suitable diagnosis is? à
Early onset periodontitis.
1066. Refractory periodontitis: à disease that not respond for any treatment.
1067. What is the layer that affected in ANUG? àInter –dental papilla.
1068. ANUG in HIV clinically is similar to ANUG. In HIV is similar in progressive
to ANUG. à The 1st sentence is correct but the second not.
(In HIV the disease progressive in more aggressive way and acute, slow healing
and respond less to treatment in AUNG).
(ANUG= in ages of 15-35, stress stimuli not only in young patients).
1069. Patient 40 years old –what you will not see? àEarly onset periodontitis.
1070. Inflammation of the middle ear and upper respiratory tract infection, found in
patients? à Generalized pre –pubertal periodontitis.
1071. Juvenile periodontitis? à Phenomenon of adolescence. (In ages 11-19).
1072. Why we treat juvenile periodontitis with antibiotic? à Aggressive disease,
defect in immunity, infiltration of bacteria to soft layer.
1073. Patient with advanced periodontal disease. When advice to start maintenance?
à Each 2-3 months.
1074. Treatment of juvenile periodontitis? à 0.75 tetracycline (250mg every 6
hours "1gr/day"). (Today: metonidazole 250mg + amoxicillin 500mg).
1075. Hyperplasia in gingiva more typical in: à all.

1076. The age that the child should visit the dentist for the 1st time is: à 12 months.
(According to: ADA= half year after growing of the 1st teeth and not more than
12 months).
1077. Father brought his child to do restoration and the child refuses what to do?
àNot to treat him out of his accordance because this harm his autonomy.
1078. Child 6 years old came to dental clinic and afraid a lot, refuse to cooperate.
What the reason for his behavior? àBad history experience.
1079. What the reason for giving the child mirror during treatment? à To feel like
in control.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1080. What is the name of the important principle for approach children during
treatment? à Tell, show, and do.
1081. What method used for brushing teeth in children? à Horizontal.
1082. What usually correct about canine impaction? à Palatally impacted. (the
palatally impacted canine are 3 times more than buccally impacted. The maxillary
impacted canines are 20 times more than mandible).
1083. Isolated hypo-plastic defect in permanent lateral incisor –what is the reason?
à Trauma to primary teeth.
1084. Which group of teeth commonly missing? à 3rd molars, upper lateral, lower
2nd premolars.
1085. Which group of teeth commonly to be impacted? àWisdom teeth and then
upper canines.
1086. Bottle syndrome: àabsent in lower incisor and present in upper incisor.
1087. Pulp polyp –: àhypertrophy in affected pulp.
1088. Diet advice to child: àto eat sweets with sugar substitutes and to eat the
candy's with the meals.
1089. Child in the next visit to the dentist decreased his cooperation to demand
authority. What do you think that the doctor should do? àTo activate his
authority and demand to cooperate.
1090. What the doctor should do to create communication with child 5 years old and
afraid? àTo communicate him with simple language (common and
understandable to the child).
1091. What effects do calcium hydroxide in primary teeth? àInternal resorption.
** Direct pulp capping with calcium hydroxide is contraindicated in primary
teeth. (Only done with indirect pulp capping).

1092. The major component (in percents) in tooth paste is: à abrasive material in
1093. Fluoridation recommended in child 2.5 years old in non –fluoridated area? à
0.25mg/1 time per day.
1094. Fluor quantity given for child 3 years old in fluoridated area is? à 0
1095. Fluor quantity given for child 3 months (0.7ppm) with mother milk feeding is:
à 0.
Age/PPM Non – Partially – fluoridated notes
fluoridated fluoridated
Less 0.3 0.3-0.7 More 0.7
0.5 -3 years 0.25 0.0 0
3 -6 years 0.50 0.25 0
6-16 years 1.0 0.50 0
1096. Where we have more fluoride? àExternal surface of enamel and internal
surface of dentine.
1097. What from the following not considered local effect of fluoride? à
- Affect the metabolism and enzymes of bacteria.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

- Formation of hydroxy –apatite compound.

- Formation of flour –apatite that difficult to dissolve.
- Re-mineralization of initial (incipient) lesion.
1098. Systemic effect of fluoride active: à when ameloblast present.
1099. What is PTD for child 20 kg and he take sodium fluoride tablets 2.2ml? à
100 tablets. (Calculation: 20kgx 5mmg/kg/1.1mg = 100 tablets).

1100. In panoramic x-ray for a child we can examine: àmissing teeth (germs,
follicles), supernumerary teeth, physiological resorption of roots, dental age. (All
the answers correct).
1101. When you demand panoramic x-ray? àFor diagnosis reason or for specific
1102. When we do periapical bitewing x-ray for a child? àAfter destructions, deep
caries, when you want to do periapical treatment. (Answer: all).
1103. When we do bitewing radiography for a child? à In case of crowding teeth
with contact point.
1104. When you do x-ray in children with caries free? à After development of
primary teeth.
1105. To carry out treatment under general anesthesia in a private clinic what you
need? à Anesthesiologist to do the anesthesia and resuscitation (CPR) team and
proper equipment.
1106. To carry out preparation of class I in lower primary molar with rubber dam.
Necessary to do anesthesia in? à Long buccal, lingual, inferior alveolar nerve.
1107. After local anesthesia when you need to advice the child not to bite lip and
cheek? àImmediately after giving local anesthesia.
1108. Mandibular block in children: à to give in lower level than the adults (in
children we give in the occlusal plan).
1109. The amount of O2 given to patient that takes 4L/O2 and 2L/N2 ? à 66%

Pulp capping
1110. Deep caries in lower 6, child 8 years old, in preparation you came near the
pulp horns, no symptoms before treatment. What the treatment? à Indirect pulp
capping with Ca(OH)2 and amalgam.
1111. What is the suitable treatment in case of small exposure in permanent tooth
with closed apex, Treatment is? à Direct pulp capping with Ca(OH)2 .
1112. Treatment in primary tooth near the pulp? à Indirect pulp capping with
Ca(OH)2 and SSC.
1113. The major role of Ca(OH)2 in indirect capping is? àTo stimulate secretion of
reparative dentin (bridge of dentin).
1114. How do you know if the indirect pulp capping succeeds? Or (what shows the
success of indirect pulp capping)à remineralization, (vital tooth, creation of
bridge of dentin during 6-8 weeks).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1115. What is the minimal time needed to see the sign of remineralization (bridge of
dentin) on x-ray? à 2 months (7.5 weeks).

1116. During treatment in primary tooth occurs very small pulp exposure, before no
clinical symptoms. What is the treatment? à Pulpotomy with formocresol
** You can't do direct pulp capping in primary teeth because causing internal
1117. When there is exposure of vital pulp caused by caries (in primary and
permanent teeth) what advised with good prognosis? à Complete pulpotomy. (In
primary teeth no partial pulpotomy).
1118. Which signs of pulpotomy failure with formocresol? à Percussion
sensitivity, internal resorption, fistulas, PA lesion.
1119. During treatment in primary tooth occurs very small pulp exposure due to
caries, patient complain from pain in mastication in the past. The treatment before
the permanent restoration is? à Pulpotomy with formocresol.

Endodontics –diagnosis and RCT.

1120. The best method to examine the vitality on permanent and temporary teeth is:
à ice. (With ethylene chloride we don’t do direct spraying// vertical and
horizontal percussion are not relevant to vitality).
1121. What sign from the following constitute the most reliable criterion to
determine the pulp condition in primary teeth? à Fistula (presence of fistula –
non vital tooth).
1122. Sign of pulpotomy failure, which require pulpectomy or tooth extraction: à
1123. What is not contraindication for RCT on primary teeth? à Mechanical
perforation or caries on the floor of the chamber, resorption more than third of the
root, wide lesion around the tooth apex.
1124. The enamel in primary teeth: àthe prisms (on the cervical area) toward
occlusal (the enamel finish in the CEJ –not rough so no need for GMT).
** GMT= gingival marginal trimmer.
1125. What we use in RCT on primary teeth? àMaesto= paste from iodoform.
1126. In what from the following cases you do RCT or extraction? à Percussion
sensitivity, intra-radicular radiolucent lesion, internal resorption.

1127. Young tooth with Apexification, what from the following not indicate the
criterion of success? à Pulp obliteration. (Indication for success: production of
Dentin Bridge, closure of the apex, completes development of the tooth).
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1128. Apexification treatment is recommended when: à not complete formation of

necrotic pulp and opened root.
1129. What is the purpose from using Ca(OH)2 in Apexification? à To allow the
non vital pulp to complete root formation, formation of barrier on the root tip.

Prefabricated Crown
1130. When you do SSC? à Pulpotomy, proximal caries, after RCT.
1131. During preparation of teeth to SSC: àminimal preparation on enamel and
dentin with parallel M-D walls.
1132. Preparation of SSC to children: à to prepare the proximal enamel to produce
parallelism (the option for enamel and dentin preparation for minimal parallelism
not good because implied from them preparation of B-L walls).

Permanent and temporary teeth

1133. The MD size of the 2nd primary molar compared to permanent teeth that
replace it is: àlarger.
1134. In what age the calcification of crown of upper permanent centrals complete?
à Age of 2-5 years.
1135. In what age that the primary teeth starts calcification? à From 4th -6th month
in intrauterine period. (7 weeks pregnancy= germ development).
1136. Where typically found calcification on the teeth? à Tooth with vital pulp that
started to treat it.
1137. Calcification on the pulp: à typically in the coronal part.
1138. Primary tooth that the morphology similar to permanent tooth and replace it:
à in upper distal.
1139. When falling the upper primary canine? à 11-12 years.
1140. Which primary tooth similar to tooth 6 and replace it? à Upper E (Sep. 1998).
1141. Cleidocranial Dysplasia: àmissing clavicles and permanent dentition (be
attentive in the options written primary teeth, not correct).
1142. When falling upper tooth C? à 11-12.
1143. Yellow grayish color area in permanent incisors and cusps of the 6th teeth: à
tetracycline intake in age of 6 months (0.5 year).
1144. Only in anterior teeth there is change in color –the cause? à trauma
1145. In what stage of development, the effects of metabolism cause
hypocalcification in enamel? à Early maturation and late secretory.
1146. What is the time that the 2nd primary molar remains in the mouth? à 10 years.
1147. At age of 5-6 years completed the calcification of the crown of? à All of
them wrong. (1st premolar).
1148. Which teeth calcifying fetal life? àNo teeth calcification (primary teeth
started to calcify also tip cusp MB of the 1st molars). (Need to check?????)
1149. Where erupt the upper 6th tooth? à Distal to primary 2nd molar.
1150. In E tooth present distal caries, where grow the permanent tooth? àMesial
1151. When completed calcification of upper first permanent molar? à 9 years.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

(To be completed= 6 years appearance in the mouth and 3 years root formation).

Diagnosis and primary treatment:
1152. Why we do x-ray to tooth after trauma? à For follow up, to diagnose present
of fracture, evaluate the stage of root development, evaluate the bone condition.
(All the answers correct).
1153. The main cause of trauma in primary teeth is: à fall down due to undeveloped
motor coordination. (The causes of trauma in mixed dentition are; physical
activities (sport), protrusion of maxilla+ open bite).
1154. Concussion? à No movement (no displacement).
1155. Vertical fracture –how to diagnose? à X-ray and percussion.
1156. Trauma to permanent upper incisors, opened apex, to complete vitality of the
pulp and good prognosis in the following cases: à fracture involves enamel and
dentin (the pulp not affected).
1157. In what type of trauma the prognosis to the pulp is good? à Fracture involved
enamel and dentin without pulp exposure.
1158. After tooth extrusion what is the worst thing may be? à inflammatory
1159. A boy, had avulsion of central incisor came to the clinic after 20 minutes, the
treatment is:à soak in saline and reimplant immediately (boy with closed apex).
- Opened apex: less than 60 minute from avulsion –place the tooth in
doxycycline before reimplant. (Doxycycline= decrease bacteria and increase
- Closed apex: more than 60 minutes from avulsion –wash the tooth with APF
before reimplant. (APF= acidate phosphate fluoride).
1160. Avulsion and reimplant after 3 hours –à starts replacement resorption.
1161. Parents of a child call you and said the tooth fallen down before 2 minutes,
what you recommend: à to wash with water and to replace the tooth and to come
to the clinic.

Lateral luxation:
1162. Child 11.5 years old came to the doctor with labial displacement of tooth 11
with pain, on x-ray not seen fracture, passed 30 minutes after trauma. What the
diagnosis? à Lateral luxation.
1163. How you see the upper central incisor with lateral luxation of the crown to
palate direction in PA x–ray? à Short comparing to adjacent tooth, more
radiopaque in comparative to adjacent tooth, with widening of PDL space in
apical part.
1164. 2 years old child, lateral luxation in both upper centrals –treatment?
àAntibiotics and follow up.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1165. Child after trauma, the apical 1/3 intrudes up. What the treatment? àFollow
up (in case of opened apex).
- Permanent tooth, closed apex –partial extrusion+ expected to grow. To do
RCT in 2 weeks and semi-rigid splint in 2-4 weeks.
- Permanent tooth with opened apex –don’t pull it because have potential t
- Primary tooth –waiting for spontaneous growth. Antibiotics and follow up.
1166. Child 1, 5 years old fall on the teeth BAAB and occurred intrusion. What
necessary to do? à Antibiotics and follow up.
1167. In which case the worst prognosis? à Intrusion with closed apex.

1168. What is the required time for fixation of permanent tooth with mature apex
that has avulsion? à 7-10 days.
1169. What fixation requires more in children? à Composite and etching.

Root fractures:
1170. Child reaches 1 hour after trauma, in your examination: fracture in the middle
of the root without displacement. What is the treatment? àNo need for treatment.
- Permanent /primary teeth without displacement =no need for treatment.
- Primary tooth with displacement= extraction.
- Permanent tooth with displacement= return to place and splint with semi-rigid
2-3 months.
1171. Child 11 years old came to your clinic and said for you that he get a trauma
form a basket ball on his teeth, in examination was found that tooth 11 sensitive
in percussion and a little mobile. No changes in color and no response to vitality
test, in posterior teeth no symptoms and normal gingiva surround the tooth 11 and
posterior teeth, in PA radiography seem to be fracture in the root. How we can
decide to treat the tooth 11 and you must confirm or ignore if there is presence of
fracture or not? à To take another radiograph (PA x-ray). To tooth 11 with
higher angle.
1172. Root fracture, in separation radiography there is 1mm between two parts of
fracture, what is the treatment? à Anesthesia, return coronal part to position,
semi rigid splint 2-3 months.
1173. After period of time with fracture in apical 1/3 of the root, appears RL area
around the apical part that shift from position, the recommended treatment is: à
apicectomy and remove the apical part.
1174. Girl 9 years old, came with trauma in tooth 11, present fracture in the middle
part, in x-ray seen space between parts of the fracture and bone fractured, what to
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

do? à Anesthesia and splint 3-4 months. (The most exact option: anesthesia
reposition semi rigid splint 2-3 months).
1175. Permanent tooth with fracture in the middle part of the root. à No
displacement no treatment, if present displacement –semi rigid splint for 3
1176. Child 4 years old –fracture in apical part of primary tooth –how to treat? à
Remove the coronal part and leave the apical part.
1177. Horizontal fracture on the root, what will determine the chances of healing?
àLocation of the fracture, the crown displacement and the situation of the apex.

Crown fractures
1178. Child came to your clinic after 1 day from trauma in anterior tooth, the
diagnosis: Crown fracture, pulp exposure 1mm, no root fracture, the tooth vital
and PDL not affected. In what type of treatment the prognosis is good? à Partial
pulpotomy. (Direct pulp capping just in permanent tooth).
1179. Child 12 years old came to your clinic 2 week after trauma with complex
crown fracture of maxillary incisor, vital pulp of the tooth and hyperplastic in the
area and no symptoms of other pathology. What is the recommended treatment?
à Partial pulpotomy with Ca (OH)2 .
1180. Depth of chronic inflammation that reach after small pulp exposure, due to
crown fracture of permanent incisor after 1 week? à 2mm.
1181. Fracture in permanent tooth that reaches the pulp? àTo do partial pulpotomy.

1182. What is BODILY movement? à The movements of the crown and root
together in the same direction.
- TORK – movement only for the root.
- TIPING – movement only for crown.
1183. What is the shape of the mandibular growth? à Periosteal and anchondral.
- Anchondral growth –condyles and the base of the skull.
- Intra –membranous growth: in the sutures and skull box.
1184. What is the direction of mandibular growth? à Downward, forward with
forward rotation.
1185. Child 11 years old, the density arrangement of frontal teeth about 6mm, what
you can advice the parents? à To worry about, and to start the treatment.
1186. The passive (retraction) breaching is the result of: à apical withdrawal of the
complex of dento –gingival.
- Active breaching (lifting): breaching the tooth until reach the closure. Divided
into 2: in the bone, exit from the bone until arrival to the closure.
1187. Over breaching (retraction):à hatching tooth after loss of antagonist tooth.
Translated by: AWAWDA MAJD
Cooperated with me: ATAMNA MONA, AZEM.F.

1188. A person without lateral teeth from the birth, with anterior teeth arrangement,
class I occlusion. Was done orthodontic treatment to push the canines to the
lateral area and move the premolar and molars forward. What type of occlusion is
obtained? à Class II.
1189. The fastest tooth loss place in dental arch? à The location of tooth 55. (The
hardest loss area in the lower 5).
1190. High palate? à Oral breathing.
1191. Frontal density –early extraction of 83 at age of 5, what will happen? à
There is a deviation of the center line to the right
1192. How are the growths of the maxilla in the anterior posterior dimension? à
Apposition of the posterior area of the maxilla.
1193. How occurs the 1st molar adjustment? à At age of 8 by the growth of the jaw.

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