Text For Questions 1 and 2

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Jum’at, 27 Maret 2020

Kelas : IX Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit

B. Read carefully and then choose the correct answer!
Text for questions 1 and 2
TO : All Teachers and Staff
Date : October 15th 2018
Subject : Meeting

We will hold a meeting after class is over at

03.00 P.M. We will discuss Computer Based
Test for Semester Test. Thank you. Please be
on time!

School Principal
3. To whom is the announcement possibly
LN Firmansyah intended?
a. basket ball team
1. When will be the meeting held? It will be held… .
b. basket ball coach
a. in the evening
c. basket ball lovers
b. at night
d. basket ball manager
c. in the morning
4. This opportunity will suit for … because of free
d. in the afternoon
2. The phrase “Please, Be on time!” can be best
a. couple of best friend
replaced with … .
b. best team
a. Be in a hurry!
c. experienced coach
b. Don’t be late!
d. a family
c. Keep silent!
5. “Watch it with us live on full HD Giant Screen.”
d. Pump starts without warning!
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
Text for questions 3 and 4.
a. tiny
b. small
c. huge
d. fast

Text for Questions 6 to 8.

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9. What is going to be held by Stefanie? She
will hold … .
a. annual meeting
b. fiesta of annual celebration
c. wedding party
d. engagement ceremony
6. Where is it possibly found? It is … .
10. Hope to See You There!
a. at the web site
The underlined word refers to … .
b. at the laboratory
a. Friday
c. at the chemical warehouse
b. 20th March 2019
d. at the construction project site
c. 15 Central Park Regency
7. What is the consideration in compulsory of
d. Sydney
wearing visibility vest? Because … .
a. the danger of spreading nuclear radiation
Text for questions 11 and 12
b. the project area is mostly dark
c. abundant of rubbish and debris may fall
d. this area is challenging for playing game
8. Protective footwear must be worn”
The underlined word can be best replaced with
a. coat
b. shield
c. shoe
d. brake

Text for Questions 9 and 10. 11. What consideration do the readers think to
choose this product? Because … .
BIRTHDAY a. it is healthy
b. it is cheap
Join us in celebrating c. it contains alcohol
Stefanie’s Birthday d. it is very original
Wednesday 20th March 2019 from 7pm
12. What do you think about PAM? It is used … .
15 Central Park Regency, Sydney a. absorb the acid and cholesterol
b. heat the mineral
Hope To See You There
c. as cook spray and fat free cooking
d. avoid the canola oil contaminated

Text for Questions 13 to 14

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friends in their study; as a result, lots of friends,
thanks to his whole-hearted help, have become
good ones.
In my relation with Norman, I have got
13. How long will the event last? It will be for ... . precious experience: thirst for learning, patience to
a. four hours overcome difficulties, helpfulness and filial piety.
b. Thursday, June 13th
c. ribbon cutting ceremony 15. What does make Norman and the writer have
d. celebrating Open House the similarity? They are … .
14. We can find these things in that event, except … a. discipline
. b. good looking
a. music performance c. high responsibility
b. juice and various beverages d. good in learning
c. painting exhibition 16. What is Norman’s side job to help his parents?
d. popular songs He helps with … .
a. waking up at early morning
Text for Questions 15 to 18 b. delivering the newspapers to its
To me, one of my best friends is Norman. He subscribers
is only over eighteen but he is welldeveloped; so he c. developing bicycle service centre
is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a d. working hard every night
broad forehead, a straight nose and bright eyes. He 17. What makes the writer keen on Norman?
is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is a. He is a professional mechanic
easy to get on with everybody. We have been b. He often helps his parents
friends for a very long time. The deeper our mutual c. He is a honest boy
understanding becomes the more we feel closely d. He works for himself to pay school fee
attached to each other. “Birds of a feather flock
together, Norman and I are keen on learning. We
are the best pupils in our class. Norman is always at 18. …, “I have got precious experience.””
the top. He is good at every subject, but he never The underlined word is closest in meaning to
shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn ….
harder. a. good
Norman’s family is not rich enough. His b. valuable
parents are retired workers. Realizing the hardships c. amazing
of his parents, although he is absorbed in his study, d. difficult
he often spends most of his spare time doing useful
things to help his parents in their old age. He gets Text for Questions 19 to 21
up early in the morning to have enough time to Creole Onion Soup
deliver newspapers to subscribers before going to This is a traditional French dish adapted by the
school. After school in the afternoon, he repairs Creoles of New Orleans.
bicycles and motorbikes. Therefore the money he It is sometimes known as “Looney soup”
gets from his manual job is sufficient for his school Ingredients
fees and for his parents’ presents. I like Norman  75 gr unsalted butter
very much because of his honesty and straight  6 large onions, peeled and sliced
forwardness. He is always ready to help his weak  salt and pepper
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 1 tea spoon brown sugar Text for Questions 22 and 23
 600 ml beef stock Once upon a time in West Sumatra, a widow
 60 gr plain flour took her two children to a party. Hercchildren, a boy
 1 tea spoon Worcester sauce and a girl were very happy. They wore beautiful
 6 slices of French bread clothes to the party. They found delicious foods, and
saw many guests in the party. The children were
 6 tea spoon grated cheese
having a great time.
There was also a traditional music show.
1) Melt butter slowly.
The show crowded with people. The children asked
2) Add sliced onion, a pinch of salt and pepper
their mother if they could see the music show which
and the sugar.
was located a few meters away. “Yes, you two may
3) Cook on a low heat, stirring from time to time,
go there. But please remember, don’t go to far,”
until the onions have browned.
said the mother. The children ran to the stage
4) Add beef stock and bring to the boil.
where the music show was performed. They
5) Sift the flour, stirring hard to avoid lumps
enjoyed the music. But they were bored just
6) Add chicken stock.
watching the show so they took a walk around the
7) Simmer for 3 – 4 hours
stage. They forgot their mother’s message not to go
8) Add sauces
too far.
9) Top each bowl with bread and cheese and
Suddenly they saw a pond. The water was
place under grill for two minutes until
very clear and fresh. Because the sun was very hot,
cheese has melted. The bowls will be hot, so
they were tempted to play in the water. So they took
warn your guests. It is a very filling soup, so
off their clothes and jumped into the water. They
you won’t want much else to eat. It should be
swam together happily. It felt so fresh! Meanwhile,
served for 4 to 6 people.
the party was almost over. The mother remembered
her two children. She felt so desperate because she
could not find them. The day turned into night. The
19. How much Worcester sauce do you need to
children were still missing. The mother cried and
make creole onion soup?
cried. She went home without her children.
a. One tea spoon
She fell asleep after a long hour of crying.
b. One table spoon
And she had a dream about her children. In her
c. Two tea spoons
dream, she met an old woman. The old woman told
d. Six tea spoons
her, “Your children are in the pond near the party
20. Why should you warn your guests while having
house. If you want to see them, throw a handful of
the soup?
rice into the pond. Your children will appear.” As
a. You won’t want much else to eat
soon as she woke up, she quickly ran to the pond.
b. The bowl is placed under grill
She also had a handful of rice in her hand. When
c. The cheese has melted
she reached the pond, she threw the rice into the
d. The bowls are hot
pond and she called her children’s names.
21. “Simmer for 3-4 hours.””
The dream was true! Two big fish with
What does “simmer” mean?
beautiful colors appeared in the pond. The mother
a. Boil gently
cried when she saw them. Her children turned into
b. Stir carefully
big beautiful fish because they disobeyed their
c. Sift smoothly
mother’s message. The mother cried and cried
d. Melt slowly

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again. All the people of the village cheered her up. just before the winter season. Pikas do not
But she was still very sad. hibernate, so they generally spend time during the
summer collecting and storing food they will eat
22. What is the moral value of the text above? over the winter. Each rock-dwelling pika stores its
a. honesty needs to be increased own "haypile" of dried vegetation, while burrowing
b. obeying the parents is a must species often share food stores with their burrow
c. keep on working hard mates. Haying behavior is more prominent at higher
d. killing two birds with one stone elevations. Many of the vocalizations and social
23. What does two big fish really actually imply? It behaviors that pikas exhibit are related to haypile
actually implies … . defense.
a. the people
b. the son and daughter’s widow 24. What does Pika resemble? It looks like … .
c. the origin of Sungai Jernih founder a. a deer
d. the resembling handful of rice b. a big rat
c. a wolf
Text for Questions 24 to 26 d. a rabbit
Pika 25. How long does the gestation period of young
Pikas are small mammals, with short limbs pika last?
and rounded ears. They are about 15to 23 a. One year
centimetres (5.9 to 9.1 in) in body length and weigh b. Quarter year
between 120 and 350 grams (4.2 and 12.3 oz), c. One month
depending on species. Like rabbits, after eating they d. A half month
initially produce soft green feces, which they eat
again to take in further nutrition, before producing
the final, solid, fecal pellets. Some pikas, such as
the collared pika, have been known to store dead 26. What is the aim of the text above?
birds in their burrows for food during winter. a. To describe particular Pika
These animals are herbivores, and feed on a b. To describe Pika’s experience during the
wide variety of plant matter, including forbs, summer
grasses, sedges, shrub twigs, moss, and lichen. As c. To describe Pika in general
with other lagomorphs, pikas have gnawing incisors d. To guide the readers about how to keep
and no canines, although they have fewer molars Pika as a pet
than rabbits, and have a dental formula of:
Rock-dwelling pikas have small litters of Text for Questions 27 to 29
fewer than five young, while the burrowing species
tend to give birth to more young, and to breed more A WOLF AND A CRANE
frequently, possibly due to a greater availability of A wolf was one day was eating his dinner.
resources in their native habitats. The young are He was very greedy. He ate so quickly that a bone
born after a gestation period of between 25 and 30 stuck in his throat. He had tried hard to get it out,
days. but all was in vain. Then he went to the crane and
Pikas are diurnal or crepuscular, with higher- said, “Good morning Crane. Will you help me to do
elevation species generally being more active something?”
during the daytime. They show their peak activity
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“What help do you want of me?” asked the PLEASE CALL TODAY
“”I have a bone stuck in my throat. You have 30. What is the objective of the text?
a long bill, and so you can draw it out.” said the a.Informing someone to make a call
wolf. “If you do that for me, I will give you a b.Inviting someone to come
reward.”” c.Asking for information
“”Let me try,” said the crane. “It is not difficult d.Giving permission to call someone
for me to do so.” 31. What is the relationship possibly between Mr.
The wolf opened his mouth wide. The crane Rico Raffael and Mr. Vincent? They are … .
put her bill in and drew out the bone. a.business colleague
“”Now, will you give me your reward, b.business management
please?” the crane asked the wolf. c.supervisor company
“”Reward?” said the wolf. “Don’t talk about d.employee and employer
that. You should be thankful to me. Although you
put your head into my mouth, I did not bite it off. Text for Questions 32 to 35
What more do you want?””

27. Why did the wolf go to the crane?

A. To give the crane a reward 32. How long will be the interview conducted by
B. To help the crane the airline? It will be … .
C. To bite the crane off a. three days
D. To draw a bone in his throat b. six hours
28. When did the wolf get his problem? c. 3 hotels in3 cities
A. In the morning d. Jinnah International Airport
B. In the midday 33. Whom is the advertisement above suitably
C. In the evening addressed to?
D. At night a. fresh graduates
29. Now, will you give me your reward, please?” b. unexperienced woman
What does the underlined word mean? c. teenagers
A. Punishment d. career woman
B. Prize 34. What do mostly the workers talk in daily
C. Work language?
D. Fine a. English
b. Arabic
Text for Questions 30 and 31 c. Indian
MESSAGE NOTE d. Both English and Urdu
35. “Two years contract (extendable)”
What does the airliner intend with releasing
DATE & TIME : 22/09/2018 those statement?
TO : Mr. Rico Raffael a.Before two years can be cancelled
CALLER : Mr. Vincent b.The contract is held for two years
COMPANY : SGX STOCK EXCHANGE c.Two years is critical time
PHONE NUMBE :(021) 74321000 d.Contract can be revised any time for two

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Text for Questions 36 to 38 next. Suddenly, it seemed that a man with a torch
The most unforgettable experience is always stood in front of us. At first, it frightened us stiff. We
hard for me to forget, and staysfresh in my memory dared not to open our eyes until he came to pat on
all the time. I think I remember the experience of our shoulders and told us that if we got lost, he
being lost at night all my life. would help us to find the way. At this moment, I was
It was a dark and a little bit cold night. One relieved because I knew I wouldn’t stay in the forest
of my friends suggested that we gooutside for star all the time. This kind man led us to go out. It was
seeing. We started from the cabana we lived in with him who ended up this terrible experience of getting
a touch in each one’s hand. At first we just wanted lost.
to go around and appreciated the beautiful sky It was really an unforgettable experience in
decorated by many stars. But then we decided to go my life. I will not forget such a special unforgettable
further in. All we thought about was walking and experience.
talking. We ignored the most important thing which
is the big forest was beyond the cabana. It was 36. What experience did the writer tell to the
unfortunate readers?
that we a.A very amazing story
went into b.A frightening experience
the forest c.lost and found baggage
and got lost. d.temporary death
37. What made the situation worse?
a.The writer’s eyes were closed
b.They were too far in deep forest
c.The fog came down in the dark
d.A man approached with the torch
38. “All we thought about was walking and talking.
We ignored the most important thing.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to
When we found we were lost, it was too late ….
to find the original way back to the cabana. I a.paid no attention
grasped my friends hands firmly. The cold and b.took care of
strong wind blew against my face all the time. It c.thought about
whispers through the trees. What’s more, the fog d.looked up
became thick quickly. Terrible fear came to my mind 39. The students were doing the test when the
and made me tremble out of my control. I was someone…. at the door.
sacred to death. The only idea came into my brain a.knocks
was that it was the end of my life. It was impossible b.knocking
for me to get out of the forest. Even though my c.knocked
friends tried to convince me that nothing bad would d.knock
happen to us and we were safe and sound. I still 40. The new garage next to the bus station … next
feared that we would come to a sticky end. year.
It was hard to find the way clear because of a.is built
the dense fog. It made us lose the sense of b.builds
direction totally. We didn’t know which step to follow c.was building
d.will be built
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