WFP Guidelines 2020
WFP Guidelines 2020
WFP Guidelines 2020
October 1, 2019
No. 2019- 07%
To guide you in the development of your Work and Financial Plan for 2020, attached is the 2020
WFP Guidelines. Please take note of the following dates of submission:
DOH Unit
Where to
Form Central
Heaith ocpitat/ Due date Submit
| risa
Office TRCs
Development ,
Pan Matix
Plan Mat
v . “
Jan, 15, 2020 HPDPB
WEP Form 2 - Policy / y y y
Research / TA Agenda
QI: April 15, 2020
BAR No.1 Quarterly Physical Q2: July 15, 2020
Y v v OSM
Reports Q3: Oct.15, 2020
Q4: Jan 15, 2021
the authority of the Secretary of Health
Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Craz, 1003 Manila @ Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1113, 1108, 1135
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 @ URL:; e-mail: [email protected]
Planning Guidelines
Prepared by
Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau
Departmentof Health
Title Page
Rationale “=
Objectives —
a) General
b) Specific walrope
\ AY]
The Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau (HPDPB) developed the WFP Guidelines to
guide the stakeholders/managers/planners within the Department of Health (DOH) in the execution
and developmentof their annual plans..
The HPDPB acknowledges the following offices/bureaus who contributed and give inputs in this
guidelines/tools, to wit: Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB), Bureau of Local Health
Systems Development (BLHSD), Epidemiology Bureau (EB), Health Emergency Management
Bureau (HEMB), National Voluntary Blood Services Program (NVBSP), Health Human Resource
Development Bureau (HHRDB), Financial Management Service (FMS), Office of Strategy
Management (OSM), and Health Policy and Systems Development Team.
In the development of
the Work and Financial Plan 2020, the Department of Health (DOH)
continues to implement the FOURmula One Plus for Health, which is the strategic
framework to boost Universal Health Care. The 2020 also marks the first year of
implementation of the UHC Act and
Policy, National Integrated Cancer
the other laws such as the Philippine HTV and AIDS
Control Act, Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Ina Act
and Mental Health Act. -
The cash based budgeting system, which is the utilization of budget within the year, will
still be implemented as reflected in DBM National Budget Memorandum No. 131 dated
February 26, 2019.
This Memorandum establishes the DOH work and financial plan development guideline for
the year 2020.
A. General Guidelines
1. The National Expenditure Program (NEP) shall serve as the basis for the
development of the WFP 2020 and shall also serve as the budget release document
for all appropriations, except for the following:
a. Appropriations that by virtue of law, general or special provisions, and mules
and regulations have conditions or requirements before release;
b. Those requiring a Special Budget under the general or special provisions.
2. In any case that there is a variation between the NEP and General Appropriations
Act (GAA) of thesame year, the GAA shall prevail. In such case, the WFP 2020
shall be updated.
3. The basis for performance targets and commitments shall be the following key
planning and budgeting references:
Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022;
National Objectives for Health 2017-2022;
DOH Scorecard 2018-2022;
F1 Plus for Health Strategic Execution Plan 2019-2022;
5. All DOH units shall prioritize fund allocation to address the concerns of the
a. Poor, vulnerable, and marginalized population as identified in the following but
not limited to:
i. National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR);
ij,Households in priority areas identified by the Human Development and
Poverty Reduction Cluster
b, Children and youth, senior citizens, and persons with disability.
All DOH units shall allocate at least 5% of total budget for Gender and
Development (GAD) activities!.
All DOH units shall conduct regular performance reviews to ensure efficient plan
implementation and the attainment of physical and financial performance targets.
The approved WFP and/or other plans stipulated in Section II1.B.6 of this guidelines
shall be the basis for the issuance of Certificate of Availability of Funds (CAF) and
Tequests for payment. Fund releases will only be authorized based on approved
B. Specific Guidelines
1. There shall only be one WFP with separate pages for each budget line item per unit.
2. All DOH units shall fill-out applicable WFP forms as indicated in this
There shall be clear totals per budget line item that is consistent with the amounts
indicated in the NEP.
All DOH units shall submit approved WFP to the Program Planning and Budget
Development Committee Secretariat, and shall re-submit all approved revised
versions of the WFP.
2National Expenditure Program, FY 2020 General Provisions — Sec. 31 - Programs and Projects Related to Gender and
7. All income-generating units shall have a separate WFP for use of income.
8. All ODA assisted projects or activities shall also be reflected in the WEP, indicating
the amount of support and the source of fund.
They shall each develop their own WFP consistent to the Fl Plus for Health
commitments (DOH Scorecard) and Office Performance Commitment and Review
The Team Leader shall be the approving authority of the WFP of the Assistant Team
The Assistant Team Leader shall be the approving authority of the WFP of the team
members, except for teams with no Assistant Team Leader.
They shall ensure that the F1 Plus for Health commitments assigned to their teams
are reflected and duly funded in the individual WFPs of all team members.
All changes in the major commitments shall be communicated to the Secretary of
Health, as stipulated in the Department Order No. 2019-0302 or Fourmula One Plus
for Health Strategic Execution Plan 2019-2022.
a. They shall ensure that all necessary projects and activities that will facilitate the
attainment of the DOH scorecard targets are reflected in the WFP.
b. They shall ensure the consistency of their WFP and OPCR.
They shall submit physical performance monitoring reports to the Office of Strategic
Management every 15" day of the 1* month of the succeeding quarter duly signed
to [email protected].
They shall ensure that major commitments of the DOH emphasized during budget
reviews and deliberations are delivered.
The Regional Directors shall recommend the approval of WFPs of all health facilities
within their respective jurisdiction. This includes: Regional Hospitals and Sanitaria
and DOH Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, Blood service
The head of hospitals with national reference laboratories (NRL) shall be the
approving authority of the WFP of said laboratory.
All changes in major commitments shall be duly endorsed by the Team Leaders and
formally communicated to the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau per
Department Order No. 2019-0302 or Fourmula One Plus for Health Strategic
Execution Plan 2019-2022.
3. Program Planning & Budget Development Committee
a. They shall review overall physical and financial quarterly performance relative to
the 2020 budget.
b. They shall report to the EXECOM overall physical and financial quarterly
c. They shall provide guidance and directions on the development and implementation
of WFPs.
In order to minimize variations in the compliance to the WFP development guideline and to
streamline the planning processes among DOH units, a generic planning flow is indicated
in Annex A. In addition, the key planning processes are developed for each type of DOH
unit, annexed as follows:
Each planning process includes the following: 1) Development Process Flow, 2) Applicable
forms for compliance, 3) Pertinent NEP Special Provisions, 4) NEP Budget Level, and 5)
Menu of activities recommended by programs (for CHDs).
Central Office BED 1 & 3 are to be submitted to FMS, BED 2 to HPDPB, and BAR 1 to OSM
Regional Offices & Hospitals BED 1 & 3 are to be submitted via DBM Unified Reporting System, BED 2 to be
encoded in
the URS and the URS generated report to be submitted to HPDPB and OSM respectively.
submissions to HPDPB shall be uploaded to
This form is required for submission to the DOH-HPDPB
All submissions to OSM BAR 1 shall be emailed to [email protected] and provide signed hard copy.
Planning Process Flows
Figure 1 shows the general process flow for the development and implementation of the WFPs.
Specialty =
Hospitals |
Fi Functional
' ~
Management |
Team (HPSDT,
s r-n > = =
Hospitals /
Central Ly I '
Offices |
_ YW . ,
= == =
1 2 3
WEP Development based Team:Head: WFP’ approval and’
validation; inter-cluster resolution of | Decision
Recommending approval by _
Tecommendation to ExeCom or the
WEP tati
implementation impl
Secretary of Health
of Offices: ’
ExeCom discussions
1 ~The WFP of each DOH unit is formulated using the NEP budget levels where details is based
on the DOH proposal to the DBM. All of the applicable general and specific guidelines shall
be followed in the development of the WFP. The heads of Centers for Health Development
should be able to vet for the WFPs of their catchment regional hospitals/ sanitaria and TRCs. -
2 — The team leaders are responsible for the alignment of the WFPs offices within their scope of
through validations and approval of WFPs. Each team member should coordinate with team
leader in order to resolve issues that may arise in the development and/or implementation of
WFPs. The team leader, through the chairperson of the Program Planning and Budget
Development Committee, may also provide recommendation to the Executive Committee or
the Secretary of Health on matters pertaining to WFP development and implementation.
3-—The PPBDC will collect and analyze WFPs as input to EXECOM discussions.
4 — The broken line leading to the Executive Committee and vice-versa represents the need per
agendum of WFP matters requiring resolution and the corresponding decision or directive
that may be issued to the team leaders or the PPBDC.
Annex B
Key Planning Process for Central Offices and Attached Agencies
B.1. Development Process Flow & Applicable forms for compliance
BED 3:
Based on NEP; Submit
1: Physical
Financial Plan
Based on the GAA? Budget
Advisory, Update BEDs and
Submit WFP Forms
* BED 1&3
** BED 2
January 15, 2020
if NEP # GAA BED 1-3
submit to FMS
to be uploaded to
Submit BARs
*BED 1 & BED 3 to FMS Budget Q2: July 15, 2020
Division Q3: Oct 15, 2020
Upload to HPDPB Planning Division Website Q4: Jan 15, 2021
WEP Form 1- Work and Financial Plan Matrix
WEP Form 2- Policy/Research/TA Agenda
Figure 1 Central/Regional Offices, Specialty and Regional Hospitals, Sanitaria & Attached Agencies Key Planning Process Flow
1. The BED 2 of Central Offices and Attached Agencies shall be submitted on November 15,
2019 to HPDPB via uploading to
By January upon the release of the GAA, if the NEP # to the GAA budget level, the BED 2
of offices with inconsistent NEP and GAA will be re-submitted to HPDPB via uploading to
Budget Accountability Report No. 1 are due every 15th day of the month of the 1
succeeding quarter duly signed and email to [email protected] with the following
scheduled submission: Q1: April 15, 2020, Q2: July 15, 2020, Q3: Oct 15, 2020, Q4: Jan
15, 2021.
B.2. Pertinent NEP Special Provisions
are the NEP special provisions pertinent to the development of WFPs of central offices and
attached agencies. These provisions shall be considered in the development of WFPs however
these may be updated pending the
enactment of the GAA.
Special Provision
SP No. 3, Fees and Charges of the Bureau of Quarantine and International Health Surveillance
In addition to the amounts appropriated herein, Ninety One Million Seven Hundred Forty Three
Thousand Pesos (P9 1,743,000) shall be used for the operational requirements of the Bureau of
Quarantine and International Health Surveillance sourced from fifty percent (50%) of
the fees and BOQ
charges collected in accordance with Section of R.A. No. 9271.
9 i
Release of funds shall be subject to the submission of a Special Budget pursuant to Section 35,
Chapter 5, Book VI of E.O. No. 292
SP No. 4, Fees, Fines, Royalties and Other Charges of the Food and Drug Administration
In addition to the amounts appropriated herein, Five Hundred Sixty Seven Million Thirty Two
Thousand Pesos (P567.032,000) shall be used in support of its Five-Year Developmental Plan sourced
from fees, fines, royalties and other charges collected by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) in
accordance with R.A. No. 9502. Release of funds shall be subject to the submission of a Special
Budget pursuant to Section 35, Chapter 5, and Book VI of E.O. No. 292.
SP No. 5 Quick Response Fund
The amount of Five Hundred Million Pesos (P500,000,000) appropriated herein for the Quick
Response Fund (QRF) shall serve as a stand-by fund to be used for the rehabilitation and repair of
health facilities, replacement of medical equipment, as well as provision for emergency medical
assistance, in order that the situation and living conditions of people in communities or areas affected HEMB/
by natural or human-induced calamities, epidemics, crises, and catastrophes, which occurred in the last HFEP
quarter of the immediately preceding year and those occurring during the current year may be
normalized as quickly as possible. In no case shall the QRF be used for pre-disaster activities, such as
conduct of training, insurance of assets, and public information and information initiatives, or any
other purpose not authorized in this Act.
SP No. 6. Health Facilities Enhancement Program
The amount of Five Billion Eight Hundred Sixty Four Million Seven Hundred Ten Thousand Pesos (P
5,864,710,000) appropriated herein for the implementation of the Health Facilities Enhancement
Program (HFEP) shall be used for the purchase of hospital equipment for government health care
facilities to be constructed, upgraded, or expanded, with priority to those located or nearby areas H¥FEP
where there are large number of poor families or households under the National Household Targeting
System for Poverty Reduction.
The details of the HFEP are provided in Volume No. II of this Act.
SP No. 7. Assistance to Indigent Patients
The amount of Nine Billion Four Hundred Thirty Nine Million Nine Hundred Seventy Four Thousand
Pesos (P9, 439,974,000) appropriated herein under Assistance to Indigent Patients shall be used for
hospitalization and assistance indigent and poor patients. In no case shall more than one percent
(1%) of said amount be used for administrative expenses. Release of subsequent medical assistance by FMS PAU
the DOH to LGU hospitals shall be made only when at least fifty percent (50%) of the amount
previously transferred has been liquidated in accordance with accounting and auditing rules and
Special Provision
The DOH andrecipient hospital shall post on its website the name of recipient government hospitals
and patients, whether confined or outpatients. The head of agencies and web administrator or their
equivalent: shall be responsible for ensuring that said information are posted on the agencies’
SP No. 8. DOH Medical Scholarship Program
The amount appropriated herein for the DOH Medical Scholarship Program shall be used for
scholarships to
aspiring medical and allied health professionals. Applicants to the DOH Medical
Scholarship Program must pass the required entrance examinations of any DOH-partner medical
school and comply with the criteria prescribed by the DOH, with priority given to poor and deserving
students or those coming from families in Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs) HARDB
or Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities or belonging to the low-income bracket as determined by
PSA. After passing the board examinations, the scholars of the program shall render service to the
government in accordance with the guidelines issued by the DOH.
The DOH shall develop a database that will effectively provide periodic monitoring of the Program’s
SP No. 9. Purchase and Allocation of Drugs, Medicines and Vaccines
The amount of Nineteen Billion Ninety Million Pesos (Php19, 090,000,000) appropriated herein shall
be used for the procurement of drugs, medicines and vaccines, including medical and dental supplies DPCB,
for distribution to government health care facilities. Of said amount, eighty percent (80%) shall be
allocated to provinces where incidence of diseasesis high.
SP No. 10. Advance Payment for Drugs and Vaccines Not Locally Available
The DOH is
authorized to deposit or pay in advance the amount necessary for the procurement of
drugs and vaccines, not locally available, from the World Health Organization, the United Nations DPCB
International Children's Emergency Fund and other specialized agencies of the United Nations,
international organizations or international financing institutions.
SP No. 11. Deployment of Human Resources for Health
In the deployment ofdoctors, midwives, nurses and other health-related workers, the DOH shall give
priority to the following: (i) localities where there are barangays without health workers; (ii) GIDAs; HHRDB
(iii) IP communities; and (iv) where the absolute number of poor and the incidence of poverty are high
as identified in the latest official poverty statistics of the PSA.
SP No. 12 Reporting and Posting Requirements
The DOH shallsubmit quarterly reports on its financial and physical accomplishments, within thirty
(30) days after the end of every quarter, through the following:
(a) Unified Reporting System (URS) or other electronic means for reports not covered by the URS; FMS,
and (b) DOH'’s website. HPDPB,
The DOH shall send written notice when said reports have been submitted or posted on its website to OSM,
the DBM, House of Representatives, Senate of the Philippines, House Committee on Appropriations, KMITS
Senate Committee on Finance, and other offices where the submission of reports is required under
existing laws, rules and regulations. The date of notice to said agencies shall be considered the date of
compliance with this requirement.
B.3. FY 2020 NEP Allocation (in Thousand PhP)
General Management and Supervision 325,133 303,008 - 628,141
Administration of Personnel Benefits 6,009,740 - - 6,009,740
Systems and Technology
Developmen 6294} 426,401} 309,978 1,242,673
BA. Guidelines in Accessing Pooled Funds for Research and Training
} Guide .
|. Research!
“additional funds* to
‘Health (HIRE) and
Anstititional Capacity
~ “ be pooled”. Management
/ /
All Central Bureaus /
What Central bureaus / All Central Bureaus All Central Bureaus Services EXCEPT:
services can access the Services Services DPCB, HFEP, DTTB, and
centrally pooled finds? EXCEPT: DPCB FETP of EB, BOQ, FDA
and attached agencies
Appropriateness of > None > Results of LDNA
research question/study >» Results ISO audits,
to the policy need >» Results of impact
Strategic priorities from evaluation/studies,
the Medium Term > Training Inventory
What is
the evaluation criteria
Health Policy and Database
for requests for funding?
Systems Research > Priority of the
Agenda (MT-HPSRA) administration
2017-2022 or relevant to
policy need.
> Priority of the Executive
Once prioritized, the office > Endorsement from > Learming Development
shall provide the
the Head of Plan
Office/Cluster » Audit / evaluation
Endorsement/Certification Head/Office of the report
from the Head of Secretary > Annual report of
Office/Team Head/Office > Draft Terms of trainings (from the
Reference database)
of the Secretary
following attached > Endorsement from the
Draft Terms of Reference
template Head of Office / cluster
following the prescribed
What are the requirements to
minimum requirements set > Work and Financial head / Office of the
access the funds? Plan (WFP Form 2) Secretary
forth in Department
Memorandum No. 2018- > Approved > For Learning and
0264. Additional Certification of Development
sections/information may Availability of Interventions (LDI) —
Funds (CAF) and attach a Leaming
be requested based on
research partner
Obligation Request Design or course
and Status (ORS) syllabus outline to the
Work and Financial Plan Department Personnel
(WEP Form 22)
(please see DM 2015-0173)
Pertains to funds which the originating office intends (1) use for research and (2) have HPDPB co-manage the
(through agreements with the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development, University of the Phillppines-
Manila and Philippine Institute for Development Studies)
FAQ eo
HealthSector Research
pment poo
‘Health Sector
Research? -
additional funds* to
‘Hunian Resources for
Health (HRH) and
Institutional Capacity
i funds |
be pooled
None. The amount will depend The budget will depend 3% of their bureau budget or
Bthere a capper Central bureau
on the type of study and the on the amount that was it depends on the priority list
¥ activities transferred to HPDPB. that submitted
corresponding _it
they to
re quest
entails. HHRDB
The Implementing Unit (HPDPB) and its research
management partner (PCHRD) shall:
b> Review and finalize terms of reference Implementing Units:
> Initiate call for proposals HHRDB ‘
priority LDIs
technical review panel) all project-related documents
» Review and provide
and/or outputs clearance for all LDIs
» Facilitate the necessary documentary requirements for
/Service that handles the budget line item: HPDPB for Health Sector Research Development, HHRDB for
Human Resources for Health and Institutional Capacity, HPCS for Health Promotion
For Human Resource for Health (HRH) and Institutional Capacity Management
Name of Division/Unit: (e.g.
Learning and Development Division) Name of Bureau
2020 Learning and Development Plan
Instruction: 1) Please accomplish this Plan based on the results of your 2019 Learning and Development Needs Assessment and the recent updates made therein; and
2) Division Chiefs/Supervisors are highly encouraged to participate in
the finalization of this plan, which shall be approved by the Head of the Office.
Target Competency Mode LD Interventionof
No. (State only competency title Name
of Personnel Position / Designation (Specify mode of learning and development intervention address
based on the DOH Competency competency gap of personnel; see Annex B for sample list LD
(First name, Middle initial/s, (Spell out position title/
List (see Annex A), e.g. Conflict interventions)
Management, Technical Expertise Sumame) designation;
— it is based on functions or
abbreviation/acronym, e.g., AA Formal Non-Formal Informal
organizational mandate. ia Learning! Learning? Learning?
I Technical Writing Juan V. Dela Cruz Administrative Officer IV Technical writing
short course
(ull Name and Signature) (Full Name and Signature) (Full Name and Signature)
Learning and Development Officer
Date prepared:
Division Chief
Date prepared:
Office/ Director
Date prepared:
‘Refers to educational arrangements such as curricular qualifications and teaching-learning requirements that take place in an educational and training institutions recognized by relevant national
authorities and which lead to granting diplomas and qualifications (e.g. bachelor, master, doctorate, etc.)
?Refers to learning that has been acquired in addition or alternatively to formal learning, which may
short courses, training, seminars, conventions)
structured and made more flexible according to educational and training arrangement (e.g.
3Refers to learning that occurs in daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation and accreditation processes and which can contribute to a qualifications (e.g, certifications)
Source: Republic Act No. 10912 — “Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016”
1. Developing People Theability to plan and support learning and career growth
and development of individuals or teams so that they can
fulfill current or future jobs/roles and responsibilities
effectively. .
Functional Expertise (sample) Competency Title and Definition
Health Human Resource Development Bureau — Career Development Management: The ability to
Career Development and Management Division and guide personnel in the implementation of their career
plan for their professional growth within the
Department of Health
2020 Training Calendar
Organizational Outcome
Line Item
PROPONEN LGU/RHU Etosp. DOU-Hosp. Partuers/Otber
T DIVISION Stakeholders
MCC sc sc Number of
Resource Particip ALLOT DISBURS
ise 154
Annex C
Key Planning Process for Centers for Health Development
——| Based on NEP; Submit Based on the GAA! Budget ————_»| Submit BARs as required
1. BEDs of CHDs shall be submitted by November 15, 2019. BED 1 - 3 via URS, and BED 2
URS generated report to HPDPB
uploading to
By January upon the release of the GAA, the NEP # to the GAA budget level, BEDs 1 —3
may revised and submitted via URS on or before January 15, 2020. A copy of the URS
generated BED 2 shall be uploaded to BAR 1 to be submitted to
OSM via email [email protected] and a hard signed copy.
4. Budget Accountability Report No. 1 are due every 15th day of the 1“ month of the
succeeding quarter duly signed and email to [email protected] with the following
scheduled submission: Q1: April 15, 2020, Q2: July 15, 2020, Q3: Oct 15, 2020, Q4: Jan
15, 2021.
C.2. Pertinent NEP Special Provisions
Below are the NEP special provisions pertinent to the development of WFPs of regional offices.
Theseprovisions shall be considered in the development of WFPs however these may be
updated pending the enactment of the GAA.
Special Provisions
SP No. 11. Deployment of Human Resources for Health.
In the deployment of doctors, midwives, nurses and other health-related workers, the DOH shall
give priority to the following: i) localities where there are barangays without health workers;
ii) GIDAs; iii) IP communities; and iv) where the absolute number of poor and the incidence
of poverty are high as identified in the latest official poverty statistics of the PSA.
C.3. FY 2020 NEP Allocation (in Thousand PhP)
Table 1. FY 2020 NEP Allocation, By Regional Office, In Thousand PhP
Local Health Resources
Sector ,,Sestems for Health
Operations of Regional Offices
“onc Ren
Table 2. FY 2020 NEP Allocati ‘on, By Region, In Thousand PhP
Health Operations of
Emergenc Blood Centers .
Regulation of Regional Health
C.4. Menu of Activities
Program General Public ‘Health Activities ‘Research Health Promotion
> Hiring of technical staff,
surveillance officer, admin
assistant for program operations
> Hiring of focal person for
> Hiring of Mosquito-borne
Surveillance, Monitoring and
Evaluation Officer (Regional
and Provincial Level)
National Leprosy Control > Consultation Meeting with » Support to ® Advocacy/IEC (World| » Human Resource
Program LGUs special Leprosy Day, Skin Development/Training/T
> Coordination meeting with studies/projects Awareness Week, echnical Support (to
stakeholders Kilatis Kutis) include Basic Leprosy
» Monitoring and evaluation Diagnosis, Treatment,
» Technical Support to Active Contact Tracing
Hospital/Medical trough Modified Leprosy
Center/Sanitarium Elimination Campaign
> Procurement of supplies and (MLEC) (contacts of
materials index case based onthe 5
> Communication expenses years data), e-LEARNS
(internet, SMS, and cell) on Stigma and
Discrimination, ILIS,
Leprosy Summit, Manual
of Procedures, Program
Review, Leprosy Alert
and Response Network
and Surveillance System
for MHO/PHN, Midwife
and BHWs)
Schistosomiasis Control and |» Support for the establishment of » Endemic mapping » Forum on] P Orientation training on
Elimination Program Regional Reference and of transmission Schistosomiasis Ensuring Safety on
Collaborating Laboratory Center sites Technical Updates and Preventive
for Schistosomiasis and other » Focal Surveillance Program Implementation Chemotherapy and
parasitosis of endemic Review on Preventive Addressing Serious
Municipalities/Bar Chemotherapy and Adverse Events (SAEs)
angays Transmission _Control for LGUs
“7. Program: +
General Public Health Activities,
» Support for the provision of anti- |: Research: |.
= ‘Health Promotion.
(Environmental > Case
Training Management
side reaction and supportive sanitation and Snail (Clinical Practice
drugs Control and Surveillance) Guidelines) updates for
>» Support to Pre and Post multi- > Regional Malacological LGUs staff and partners
sectoral orientation, consultation and Environmental (DepEd and Private
workshop, planning and review Sanitation forum for the Sector)
on harmonized and combined control of > Regional Pre and Post
for SCH and STH Schistosomiasis,
and Food and Water-
STH roulti-sectoral
Technical assistance to LGUs orientation, consultation
for Basic and Advance Bome Diseases for LGUs workshop, planning and
Malacology and Snail Control Rural Sanitation review on harmonized
and Surveillance orientation Inspectors (RSIs) and combined MDA.
with guided endemic mapping of > Partnership forum and » Orientation on Ensuring
transmission sites using advocacy orientation to Safety on Preventive
Geographic Information System promote schistosomiasis Chemotherapy and
(GIS) awareness and Preventive Addressing Serious
Support to Barangay Chemotherapy activities Adverse Events (SAEs)
Schistosomiasis Task Forces with LGUs, DepEd and for LGUs
Activities (activities to include other NGAs. » Case Management
clearing operations, snail colony » Technical Support to (Clinical Practice
/vector surveillance, advocacy, program implementation, Guidelines) updates for
procurement of advocacy, LGUs staff and partners
materials/supplies /PPEs for communication, social (DepEd and Private
program implementation) mobilization and health Sector
Support to LGU Mobilization promotion activities
activities on Preventive includes hiring of
Chemotherapy (RCA, Coverage program and
Supervision Tool), administrative assistants
Transmission Control and encoders, provision
(Sanitation, snail clearing and of communication cards
modification activities) and or airtime expenses and
Incentives and procurement of advocacy
Recognition/Awards for highly materials (e.g. T-shirts,
performing LGUs bags, hats, etc.)
Monitoring and supervision of > Support for the
MDA coverage, environmental reproduction of
General Public Health Activities }|,
sanitation, sentinel surveillance
of index schools and snail sites
©-Research:” "Health Promotion. ;. «|
materials for
~. Training
and other SCEP activities Schistosomiasis
including provision of vehicle Awareness and Mass
rental and transport expenses. Treatment Month
National Malaria Control > Expansion of Malaria > Development, > Conduct of capacity-
and Elimination Program Diagnostic and Treatment reproduction and building activities and
Services (RDT and Microscopy distribution of IEC trainings for Malaria
Capacity) materials for malaria Basic Microscopy,
> Strengthening and control and elimination Diagnosis, Treatment,
implementation of QAS on > Reproduction of NMCEP Vector Control,
Diagnosis, Treatment and forms and references Surveillance, Quality
Vector Control (manuals, policies for Assurance, Program
» Support to Collaborating dissemination) Management
Centers including maintenance Roll-out of NNCEP
and operations Policies orientation
> Support to Surveillance and
Response Activities particularly
on Case Notification, Case
Investigation and Foci
> Support to Hiring of Disease
Surveillance, Response Officers,
malaria spay man and
supervision, and other Job
Orders for malaria operations
> Conduct of Meetings and
Program Reviews
> Conduct of Monitoring and
Evaluation activities to the
> Establishment of Malaria
Elimination Hub
> Support to procurement of
laboratory supplies.
Program }.
transportation to malaria-related
» Support to development and
implementation of strategies
targeted at risk-groups for
National Rabies Prevention ® Monitoring, Supervisory Visits > Rabies Elimination » Program Review/Planning
and Control Program and Evaluation of Rabies -free campaign Workshop and
Certification » Rabies Summit Consultative Meeting or
> Support for activities of partner » Rabies Awareness Month Conference
agencies > Rabies day > Training on Bite
» > Advocacy activities Management (ABTCs &
ABCs) with Orientation
on! Basic Leprosy
» Program
(to include Manual of
> NARIS Training (ABTCs
& ABCs)
National Dengue Prevention Conduct of monitoring, » Wolbachia Project » Intensification of dengue » Orientation and
and Control Program supervision and evaluation health promotion dissemination of new
(NDPCP) activities such as field visits, activities highlighting NDPCP 5 years (2018-
data validations/quality checks enhanced 4S and dengue 2022) Strategic Plan
and PIRs services available at the &» Provision of continuous
> Continuous implementation of RHUs * orientation and training
Integrated Vector Management » Conduct of dengue activities on clinical case
(IVM) in the prevention and advocacy activities and management (Dengue,
control of dengue vector and regional commemoration Chikungunya and Zika),
augmentation of dengue vector of ASEAN Dengue Day dengue RDT and dengue
control commodities (as needed) LAMP technology, basic
during possible dengue outbreak entomology and
and other mosquito-borne Integrated Vector
Management (IVM)
“oa Program: °°" ~.|-General-PublicHéalth Activities
diseases such as chikungunya
and zika
Strengthen collection and
|. Research...’ < “Health Promotion.
|.> Training
Aedes Borne
Disease (AVD)
the Philippine
Morbidity and Mortality Review
Emerging and Re-emerging |» Finalization, issuance and > Support the advocacy , Continued assistance and
Infectious Diseases Program dissemination of the EREID risk communication and provision of capacity
(EREID) Program National Policy (A.O), community mobilization building activities to the
Manual of Operations and activities on EREID,
regional offices and
procedures (MOP), 5 year reproduction of
Strategic and Investment Plan, customized prototype
as requested by
Monitoring and Evaluation TEC materials and radio ROs
Program Tool and Risk and TV media
Communication Manual
Assistance for the development
of updated regional
preparedness and response
plans, referral system algorithms
and reactivation of the Regional
task Force and / or regional rapid
response teams (RRTs) for
Support for the policy and
interagency collaboration of the
regional offices and LGUs on
the EREID activities towards
health system strengthening
Conduct of monitoring,
supervision and evaluation
activities such as field
monitoring visits (regional
offices, EREID referral
Hospitals and RHUs), program
‘Prograni __
General Publi¢.Heéalth Activities Researchi Health Promotion . Training
implementation reviews(PIR)
and data quality checks
> Establish renewed collaboration
with hospitals, health facilities
and laboratories on biosafety
and biosecurity, detection and
management of EREID suspects
and cases and strengthen the
capacity of the 17 EREID
Referral Hospitals.
National Food and FWBD interventions of the » FWBD-related » Advocacy, » Conduct of trainings for
Waterborne Diseases region including case research Communication, Social Regional and
Prevention and Control notification, case investigation mobilization with LGUs Provincial/City
Program (FWBD) of _feported cases and
and Partners Microscopists and
surveillance DMOs
» Monitoring Activities Orientation and
b> Procurement of commodities Utilization of the
> ORT Corner Establishment in all FWBD Clinical
health facilities Practice Guidelines
b> FBT-IEC awareness. Orientation and
> Integration of Paragonimiasis to Implementation of the
NTP Microscopy Services FWBD Policies and
> Creation of FWBD Task Force Guidelines (MOP,
and Coordinators Designation M&E, AO Revision,
National AIDS/STI For all regional offices Differentiated Care ® Promotion of HIV testing
Prevention and Control » Establish Treatment Hubs in all Models in the and treatment services in
Program (NASPCP) DOH
hospitals, provinces and Delivery of HIV workplaces, schools and ,
Program General Public Health Activities |
Research Health Promotion Training
» HIV Testing Services in ALL discrimination at the
hospitals and Social Hygiene barangay level
Clinics > School/ workplace-based
> Conduct of rapid HIV HIV education program
Diagnosis in Social Hygiene
> Setting-up of sundown clinics
> Setting-up Primary HIV Care
> Partnership with NGO on
Community-based screening
> Hiring of HIV Case Managers
> Support groups for People
Living with HIV
> Promotion of condom
availability in the STI facility
> Engagement of Peer Educators
Integrated Helminth Control > School and Community-based > Awarding activities for > Integrated program
Program (IHCP) deworming campaigns best practices and best orientation/reorientation
of Regional, Provincial
a7 Programa. _
General Public Health Activities:
> Sentinel surveillance of selected
schools and barangays
|. ‘Research __ Health Promotion.
performing regions
_ Training -:
and Municipal LGU and
DepEd Coordinators on
cst Program? 1. -.|General,
Public Health Activities,
and big
warehouse officers/
| ~ “Research
susceptible and
drug resistant TB
National Lung
- -
Program. General Public Health Activities Research. ‘Health Promotion Training
Research Institute for > Support to hiring of Job Order > Support to training for
Tropical Medicine to support the vector control malaria basic
> Support to payment for PCR microscopy and bite
fees and rabies confirmatory
management for Rabies
> Support to production of
malaria slides for slide bank and
Lifestyle Related Diseases > Provision and monitoring of » Conduct of Advocacy > Roll-out training on
commodities for Hypertension campaign such as: Diabetes management
and Diabetes Mellitus from - World Diabetes Day using Insulin
- Heart Month
Program General Public Health Activities: Research: Health Promotion Training
Cardiovascular Central Office and Regional Hypertension Week
Disease/Diabetes Mellitus procurement such as: > Reproduction of
Disease - Losartan assessment forms,
- Amlodipine patient booklet, and
- Insulin vials and insulin other IEC materials
- Glucose strips
- Urine Strips
> Ensure conduct of assessment
and screening using PhilPEN
protocol in health facilities
> Establishment of DOH
Hypertension and Diabetes
Club in the facilities
> Submission of program data
needs and reports of monitoring
Cancer + Palliative/Hospice » Establishment of Hospital > Conduct Advocacy Basic Course on Thyroid
Care + Thyroid Disorder Cancer Registry in DOH campaign: for Primary Care
Designated Cancer Centers > Conduct Advocacy and
Physicians and Barangay
> Establishment of Regional Awareness campaigns:
Health Workers
Cancer Registry and o Cervical Cancer
Surveillance Consciousness
> Submission of the following Month
indicators on Cervical Cancer o Cancer in Children
Screening Program: Awareness Month
- Number and percentage of o World Hospice and
women aged 25-55 years who Palliative Care Day
have been screened over a 12- o Goiter Awareness
month (disaggregating first Week (GAW)
screen from repeat screen) o International Thyroid
- Number and percentage of Awareness Week
women aged 25-55 with a dTAW)
positive result in the previous o Thyroid Cancer
12-month period Awareness Week
- Number and percentage of first- (TCAW)
time screen-positive women
‘General Public Health Activities Reséarch Health Promotion
Program _
completing appropriate
treatment for pre-cancer and
treatment for invasive cancerin
the previous 12-month period
Risk Factors » Provide technical assistance in ® Conduct Research ® Conduct of advocacy > Conduct ‘Training on
establishing FCTC compliant on the Economic carmpaign: Brief Tobacco
Tobacco Use ordinances Burden of 40 - World No Tobacco Intervention
> Conduct Quarterly meeting with Day > Conduct training for
Tobacco-related National No Smoking
partners - MPOWER strategy
> Conduct consultative Diseases in the Month
meetings/workshops for the Philippines
development of National
Tobacco Control Strategy| NOTE: Proposed,
2023-2028 but no approved
TOR yet. Subject
to change
Program General Public Health Activities _____ Research _
Health Promotion Training
Physical Inactivity > Establish functional gymnasium > Reproduction of » Conduct of Orientation,
/Unhealthy Diet for the promotion of physical prototype IEC materials Monitoring and
activities and well-being of on the promotion of Evaluation of the
employees consumption of healthy
implementation of
diet and conduct of
physical activities for the policies/guidelines
prevention and
management of diabetes,
dyslipidemia and
> Sustain waist
circumference reduction
advocacy activities —
Belly Gud for Health
Pm Conduct of Advocacy
campaign: Nutrition
Occupational Health > Conduct Monitoring of Chapter > Conduct orientation to
Program VIl-Industrial Hygiene Regional DMOs, PHOs,
Implementation and Provincial Hospital
> Conduct of RLACEH-OH Sector Chiefs on the Revised
Meeting IRR Chapter VI -
> Identify No. of Public Health Industrial Hygiene of PD
Workers to be vaccinated with 856
Hepatitis B Vaccine for 2018 > Conduct of capacity
and 2019 assessment of
> Submit No. of Public Health Hospitals on provision of
Workers vaccinated with OH Services (AO 2012-
0030 and 2013-0018)
Hepatitis B Vaccine
> Assignment/Hiring of Personnel
Conduct of Basic
Occupational Health
bf, 2 Propram:
Chemical Safety
/- ?*.*| General Public.HéalthActivities "|; ." -Reséaréh!
> Printing and Distribution of IEC ® Conduct
Materials on Poisoning
Identification and
k: - Health Promotion... ~
+. Training
Prevention Strategic
> Conduct of RIACEH-TSHW Mapping of
Sector Meeting Critical Areas for
> Conduct of Monitoring of Chemical Safety
Chemical Safety activities Planning and
> Link-up ONEISS-Poisoning Health
Cases for Regional Planning Surveillance
> Provision of ICT » Conduct/Outsour
equipment/software ce
> Assignment/Hiring of Personnel clinical/analytical
training for
doctors, nurses
and other field
Industrial Hygiene > Conduct Monitoring of Chapter
VI-Industrial Hygiene
» Consolidate (Municipal, City,
IPA Forms) and Submit
Industrial Hygiene Reporting
Adolescent Health and > Policy Dissemination Forum > Health systems > Development of > Comprehensive
Development > Program Monitoring & gap in Adolescent Health Training on the
evaluation/Program addressing and Development Management of
Implementation Review Adolescent Communication Plan Adolescent Health
> Provision of technical Pregnancy > Development of IEC (Foundational
assistance and monitoring of materials for other Course, HYO, AJA,
adolescent-friendly health AHDP components ADEPT) for LGU
facilities > Development of
radio health service
> Reproduction Training and television providers
Manuals on AHDP infomercials and
Program General Public Health Activities Research Health Promotion Training
> Support to activities of other audio- visual > Training on AHDP
programs (i.e. FP, presentation (AVP) Manual of Procedures
HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, for
Safe Motherhood, Nutrition Health promotion
& WCPP) and partner activities for the
agencies like DepEd, DSWD, prevention on
POPCOM Adolescent
Support to Adolescent pregnancy
immunization program
Generation of program
data/indicators, including
Data Quality Check (DQC)
Provision of technical
assistance to TWGs and
Support to capacity-building
activities of LGUs
Women and Children Conduct of meetings with > Production of IEC > Capacity building
Protection Program DOH
Hospitals, LGU- Materials activities for CHD
(WCPP) supported Hospitals and WCPP Coordinators,
development partners on the > Conduct of Hospital Staff (DOH,
strengthening/ establishment Advocacy and LGUs) and personnel,
of WCPUs Networking newly-appointed/
Activities to include assigned staff on
Provision of funding support Commemoration of Recognizing, Recording,
to hospitals to augment Women's Day events Reporting, Referral
operational costs (i.e. hiring (4Rs)/
of 2 contractual staff for the > End VAWC Enhanced Training on
Level 2 WCPU (24/7), Handling Abused
equipping, improving the Women and Children
physical structure) (EnThAWC)
Program General Public Health Activities Research Health Promotion Training
Healthy and Productive > Conduct of meetings and Conduct of advocacy > Geriatric training for
Aging Program provision of technical activities in particular primary health
assistance to LGU's/ partners service delivery in providers
in their different activities the celebration of the
> Program monitoring & elderly week
evaluation/Program Production of IEC
Implementation Review materials and kits
> Conduct field monitoring
> Printing and reproduction of
comprehensive geriatric
screening tool and training
Family Planning > Program Monitoring & Conduct of Development of > Capacity building on
Program evaluation/Program Population RPRH Law FPCBT 1 and FPCBT
Implementation Review Based Survey Communication Plan 2, Implant insertion
> Support to CSO engagement using Lot Development and and removal, Bilateral
in FP advocacy and Quality reproduction of FP Tubal Ligation, and
information, demand Assurance IEC materials No-scalpel Vasectomy
generation, and service Sampling Development of radio Capacity building on
delivery Methodology to and television establishment of FP in
> Support to FP Interpersonal Determine infomercials and Hospitals and FP in
Communication and Contraceptive audio- visual Hospitals Recording
Counselling Coverage in presentation (AVP) and Reporting System
> Support to other related Select for Family Planning Development and
program including but not Provinces of the Support to demand reproduction of
limited to: Safe Motherhood Philippines generation activities training manuals for
Program and Adolescent RPRH Law 5 Support to Purple participants and
Health Program Year Evaluation Ribbon Award of facilitators
>» Technical assistance and CHDs
monitoring of Family Conduct of the 2020
Planning in Hospitals National Purple
Ribbon Award
Program General Public Health Activities Research Health Promotion Training
>» Technical assistance of
integration of FP with other
health programs
> Technical assistance on FP
Data Quality Check
> Provision of technical
assistance to the National and
Regional Implementation
> Development of service
delivery-related materials i.e.
MEC wheel and GATHER
cue cards.
> Support to capacity-building
activities of LGUs
Safe Motherhood > Provide technical assistance > Conduct Maternal > BEmONC Training
Program as requested by the CHDs or Sepsis Awareness for RHUs and
LGUs. Campaign CEmONC Training
> Program monitoring & > Conduct advocacy for LGU hospitals
evaluation/Program campaign on Triple
Implementation Review EMTCT of Syphilis,
Hepatitis B and HIV
Epidemiology & Surveillance (as recommended by the Epidemiology Bureau)
Vv Conduct of epidemiological investigation, which includes but is not limited to investigation of clustering and outbreaks, verification of health events, and
conduct of response activities (e.g. Rapid HEALTH Assessment, Establishment of Disease Surveillance, etc.)
Collection of disease surveillance data, analysis, data interpretation, report writing, dissemination and feedback
Collection, storage, and transport of specimens
Publication of reports, researches and special studies
Conductof monitoring and evaluation activities related to PIDSR, VPD, FHSIS, HIV/AIDS/IHBSS, ESR, NCDs, GTSS, GSHS, and Dengvaxia Surveillance.
Conduct of risk assessment, operation/intervention researches, and special studies
Conductof local dissemination forum, consultative meetings, annual conferences, and response activities
Conductof Applied Epidemiology and Health management, Disease Surveillance, and Response trainings, orientations, and workshops, which includes but
it is not limited to the following: basic epidemiology, public health surveillance, outbreak investigation, data management and analysis (Excel, Epi Info,
STRATA, etc.), scientific writing, and monitoring and evaluation.
> Financial and manpower augmentation during response to outbreaks and events of public health concern.
Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (PIDSR)
» Timely collection, validation, and consolidation of data and report from provinces, cities, municipalities, clinics, laboratory facilities, health facilities, and
other reporting units;
> Data management and data reconciliation;
> Data analysis and generation and dissemination of weekly, monthly, and annual disease surveillance reports
> Establishment and/or strengthening of Epidemiology and Surveillance Units (ESU) at local government units, hospitals and other health facilities
> Conduct verification, follow-up and investigation of cases and events;
> Conduct of risk assessment and special studies.
> Capacity building includes, but not limited to, the following:
- Conduct of PIDSR trainings
Conduct of Comprehensive VPD Surveillance training
Conduct of VPD/AEFI training
- Conduct of Advocacy and Orientation Meetings on VPD Surveillance among ESU staff and clinicians
- Conduct of data management and analysis trainings
> Orientation on PIDSR, especially for new public and private hospitals and other disease reporting units
> Hiring of dedicated coordinators, encoders, data validators, surveillance assistants, and surveillance officers for PIDSR (SG-15)
> Reproduction of CRF, CIF, questionnaires, manuals, and other forms and documents
> Establish and conduct regular Regional Adverse Effect Following Immunization Committee (AEFIC) meetings
- Establish RAEFIC if none yet
- Training of RAEFIC members and secretariat
- Conduct of regular RAEFIC meetings
> Provision of honoraria to non-DOH RAEFIC members
> Establish and conduct regular Expert Panel Meetings
- Establish EPM if none yet
- Training of EPM members and secretariat
> Provision of honoraria to non-DOH Expert Panel members
I. For Line Item Local Health Systems Development and Assistance (LHSDA)
- Financial Assistance to Local Government Units: Provinces/ Highly Urbanized Cities (HUC)/ Independent Component Cities (ICC), and
Support to Centers for Health Development
- Incorporate in the DOH CHDs Yearly Budget Allocation under the Local Health Systems Development and Assistance Line Item/ Fund
- For Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
4. Local Investment Plans for Health (LIPH)/Annual Operational Plan (AOPs)
a. Activities on the development/crafting of 2021 AOP and LGU Investments needs/requirements such as local orientation, advocacies
consultation workshops and meetings; and
b. Capacity building of LGUs on the development and implementation of LIPH/AOP.
Annex A
Breakdown of 2020 Fixed Tranche per Province/ HUC/ ICC
2020 Amount
a0) Lous|
. Baseline # of
Region Province/City %
patitlement POPULATION (40%) “a0%).
CAR ‘Abra 700,000 247,331 13.53% 157,491 178 31.50% 275,034 27 35.53% 310,145 1,442,009
CAR Tfugao 700,000 214418 11.73% 136,533 112 19.82% 173,055| 11 14.47% 126,355 1,135,043
CAR ‘Apayao 700,000 125,653 6.87% 80,011 77 13.63% 118,975] 7 9.21% 80,408 979,304
CAR Mt. Province 700,000 154,968 8.48% 98,678 46 814% 71,076 10 13.16% 114,868 984,622
CAR Kalinga 700,000 203,581 12.23% 142,368 48 850% 74,166 8 10.53% 91,895 1,008,429
CAR Benguet 700,000 862,047 47.16% 548,919 66 11.68% 101,979 13 17.11% 149,329 1,500,227
CAR Baguio City 1,000,000 376,106 38 6.73% 58,715 1,149,495
Sub-total 5,200,000 1,827,998 1,164,000 565 873,000 76 873,000 8,200,780
La Union 700,000 830,947 15.68% 125,719 127 49.03% 295,189} 20 16.13% 97,097 1,218,005
I Tlocos sur 700,000 720,066 13.58% 108,943 62 23.94% 144,108 34 27.42% 165,065 1,118,116
Pangasinan 700,000 3,132,327 59.09% 473,909 50 19.31% 116216| 47 37.90% 228,177 1,518,302
i locos Norte 700,000 617,525 11.65% 93,429 20 7.72% 46,486 23 18.55% 111,601 1,251,577
i Dagupan City 1,000,000 181,443 0 1,000,000
Sub-total 3,800,000 5,300,865 302,000 259 602,000 124 602,000 6,106,000
T Cagayan 700,000 1,273,513 34.67% 340,815 177 22.18% 103,470 29 31.18% 229,817 1,434,103
TT Tsabela 700,000 1,697,321 46.21% 454,234 381 47.74% 351,876} 37 39.78% 293,215 1,799,325
Tl Quirino 700,000 201,168 5.48% 53,836 44 551% 40,637 6 645% 47,548 842,021
TT Nueva 700,000 483,271 13.16% 129,332 167 20.93% 154,234 15 16.13% 118,871 1,102,437
T Batenes 700,000 17,869 0.49% | 4,782 29 3.63% 26,783) 6 645% 47,548 779,114
Santiago City 1,000,000 143,069 1,164,000 0 7,000,000
Sub-total 4,500,000 3,673,142 983,000 798 737,000 93 737,000 6,957,000
# of
Region Provinee/City ntitlement POPULATION % “a0%),
pa % “0%. Gus % “30%. TOTAL
Nueva Ecija
Il Tarlac 700,000 1,458,926 11.83% 168,414 16 8.25% 88,165 18 14.06% 150,328 1,106,907
Ul Aurora 700,000 227,363 1.84% 26,246 17 8.76% 93,675 8 6.25% 66,813 886,734
Il Bataan 700,000 836,120 6.78% 96,519 45 23.20% 247,964 12 9.38% 100,219 1,144,702
Il Bulacan 700,000 3,677,663 29.81% 424,538 14 7.22% 77,144 24 18.75% 200,438 1,402,120
Tl Pampanga 700,000 2,889,715 23.43% 333,580 12 6.19% 66,124 21 16.41% 175,383 1,275,087
Il Angeles City 1,000,000 455,794 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Tl Olongapo City 1,000,000 252,677 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Sub-total 6,900,000 12,335,732 1,424,000 194 1,069,000 128 1,069,000 10,462,000
IV Quezon 700,000 2,258,239 13.81%] 135,743 0 0.00% 40 27.97% 206,154 1,041,897
IV Batangas 700,000 3,028,922 18.52% 182,069 49 55.06% 405,764 34 23.78% 175,231 1,463,064
IV Rizal 700,000 3,315,702 20.28% 199,307 15 16.85% 124,213 14 9.79% 72,154 1,095,675
IV Laguna 700,000 3,421,797 20.92% 205,685 23 25.84% 190,461 31 21.68% 159,769 1,255,915
IV Cavite 700,000 4,328,644 26.47% 260,196 2 2.25% 16,562 24 16.78% 123,692 1,100,450
IV Lucena City 1,000,000 283,231 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Sub-total : 4,500,000 16,353,304 983,000 89 737,000 143 737,000 6,957,000
MIMAROPA Romblon 700,000 301,309 9.46% 92,994 58 15.38% 113,385 6 9.84% 72,492 978,871
MIMAROPA Palawan 700,000 1,218,740 38.26% 376,144 26 6.90% 50,828 23 37.70% 277,885 1,404,857
MIMAROPA Oriental 700,000 902,668 28.34% 278,594 61 16.18% 119,249 15 24.59% 181,230 1,279,073
MIMAROPA Occidental 700,000 521,997 16.39% 161,106 45 11.94% 87,971 11 18.03% 132,902 1,081,978
MIMAROPA Marinduque 700,000 240,291 7.54% 74,162 187 49.60% 365,568 6 9.84% 72,492 1,212,221
# of
Region Province/City sptvitement POPULATION %
“a, opa % “G0. Lcus % “30%, TOTAL
# of
Baseline 2020 Amount # of Amount
potidement POPULATION
(40%) oIpA
0%) Lous} ” @o%)
x Zamboanga
700,000 682,068 18.32% 128,605 117 14.96% 78,848 16 23.19% 122,203 1,029,656
Ix Zamboanga 700,000 1,977,013 53.40% 372,770 135 17.26% 90,978 26 37.68% 198,580 1,302,328
del Sur
Ix Isabela City 1,000,000 128,809 1,000,000
x Zamboanga
1,000,000 909,913 1,000,000
# of
Baseline 2020 Amount Amount # of Amount
Region .
entitlement POPULATION ”
(40%) CIDA -% G0%) |Lcus|
x Lanao del 700,000 1,109,144 21.79% 231,677 192 34.59% 276,065 22 26.19% 209,000 1,416,742
x Misamis 700,000 636,274 12.50% 132,905 82 14.77% 117,903 14 16.67% 133,000 1,083,807
Camiguin 700,000 93,082 1.83% 19,443 0 0.00% - 5 5.95% 47,500 766,943
x Misamis 700,000 1,717,441 33.75% 358,738 83 14.95% 119,341 23 27.38% 218,500 1,396,579
Xx Cagayan de 1,000,000 742,048 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Oro City
x Nigan City 1,000,000 372,922 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Sub-total 5,500,000 5,089,062 1,063,000 555 798,000 84 798,000 8,159,000
XI COMVAL 700,000 785,003 14.73% 144,802 120 33.43% 246,351 11 20.37% 150,130 1,241,283
XI Davao 700,000 600,609 11.27% 110,789 75 20.89% 153,969 11 20.37% 150,130 1,114,888
XI Davao del 700,000 2,517,311 47.24% 464,345 91 25.35% 186,816 15 27.78% 204,722 1,555,883
XI Davao del 700,000 1,087,096 20.40% 200,526 B 20.33% 149,864 ll 20.37% 150,130 1,200,520
XI Davao 700,000 339,032 6.36% 62,538 0 0.00% - 6 11.11% 81,889 844,427
XI Davao City 1,000,000 1,814,435 0 0.00% - 1,000,000
Sub-total 4,500,000 5,329,051 983,000 359 737,000 54 737,000 6,957,000
XII South 700,000 1,658,647 35.54% 313,788 32 10.36% 68,557 11 22.92% 151,708 1,234,053
XO Sultan 700,000 878,011 18.81% 166,105 89 28.80% 190,673 12 25.00% 165,500 1,222,278
XI Saranggant 700,000 590,411 12.65% 111,696 70 22.65% 149,968 7 14.58% 96,542 1,058,205
XI North 700,000 1,540,363 33.00% 291,411 118 38.19% 252,803 18 37.50% 248,250 1,492,463
XII Cotabato City 1,000,000 327,843 1,000,000
# of -
(40%) eipA %
0%) |LGus| Go%)
CHDs may opt to provide additional funds for the Fixed Tranche from other CHD fund sources
Annex B
Breakdown of 2020 Local Health Systems Development and Assistance (LHSDA)
PBIfor 2019 LGU Integration of 2021 AOP
Fixed Tranche BHWs Health Local Health GIDA/IP Total
Scorecard Development
(500K) Systems
NCR 17,000,000 500,000 886,056 1,909,944 1,225,000 - 21,521,000
Region I 6,006,566 500,000 465,564 754,870 344,000 610,000 8,681,000
CAR 8,409,192 500,000 494,646 1,382,162 480,000 450,000 11,716,000
Region II 7,207,879 500,000 468,105 819,016 416,000 850,000 10,261,000
Region I
Region IV
MIMAROPA 7,207,879 500,000 438,105 1,319,016 416,000 450,000 10,331,000
Region V 8,409,192 500,000 550,146 1,382,662 480,000 800,000 12,122,000
Region VI 9,610,505 500,000 627,687 881,808 552,000 900,000 13,072,000
Region VII 8,409,192 500,000 574,146 754,662 480,000 820,000 11,538,000
Region VIII 9,610,505 500,000 642,687 1,381,808 552,000 710,000 13,397,000
Region IX 6,005,566 500,000 335,523 1,190,911 344,000 830,000 9,206,000
Region X 8,409,192 500,000 517,146 818,662 480,000 470,000 11,195,000
Region XI 7,207,879 500,000 398,105 1,318,016 416,000 470,000 10,310,000
Region XI 7,207,879 500,000 402,105 1,255,016 416,000 560,000 10,341,000
Region XIII 1,207,879 500,000 438.105 1,318,016 416,000 673,000 10,553,000
TOTAL CHDs 135,930,000 8,000,000 8,500,000 18,251,999 8,057,000 9,593,000 188,331,000
Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HEPR)
ld Development and updating of DRRM-H plan, contingency plan, business continuity plan, protocols, and guidelines;
> Learning and development on DRRM-H including but not limited to Basic Life Support/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (BLS/CPR), Standard First
Aid (SFA), Medical and Public Health (€M&PH), Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies (WASH), Mental
Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS);
VY Promotion and advocacy (i.e. dissemination of policies, plans & research, IEC, drills & exercises, mass Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
campaign, celebration of National Disaster Resilience Month, etc.);
Organization and mobilization of Health Emergency Response Teams (HERTS);
Logistics management of the following but not limited to medicines, drugs, supplies, PPEs and other emergency and disaster equipment;
Delivery of essential service packages on M&PH, NiE, WASH and MHPSS during emergency and disaster;
Support to the operations of Operation Center including but not limited to communication, information requirements and hiring of support personnel;
Partnership building;
Monitoring and evaluation including DRRM-H related Research; and
Other activities that support the Center for Health Development (CHDs) and DOH Hospitals in implementing their DRRM-H plans
The same line item for regional allocation may also fund the following activities of the Public Health Management:
p Augmentation of LGU commodity needs only in special cases where the need for the commodity is urgent and has compelling need (i.e. may result
to public risk). As much as
possible, Regional Offices should not procure centrally-procured commodities;
Other LGUrequests not covered by the national plan (e.g. health facility, human resources for health, ICT materials);
Augmentation fund for surveillance activities;
Augmentation fund for training for LGU staff;
Augmentation fund for the operations of DOH provincial health team offices;
Monitoring & Evaluation;
Policy Development;
Logistics Management (ensuring stock availability at service points) including freight, handling, taxes, duties, etc.);
Forepe Support to Public Health Associates;
Health emergency fund where 70% shall be programmed for Preparedness activities and 30% for Response activities; and
Augmentation for hospital laboratories operating expenses in the event of outbreaks and other related health emergencies.
Annex D.
Key Planning Process for Specialty & Regional Hospital, Sanitaria, TRCs
&Other Health facilities
D.1. Development Process Flow & Applicable forms for compliance
corresponding BEDs Advisory, Update BEDs and
Submit WFP Forms
BED 1: Financial Plan “Revised
January 15, 2020
BEDs if NEP # GAA BED 1-3
Quarterly BAR 1 Reports
[email protected]
BED 2: Physical Plan * BED 1&3
submit to FMS Budget Division
BED 3: Monthly Disbursement Plan ** BED 2 to be uploaded to the Ql: April 15, 2020
“BED 1 & BED 3 to FMS Budget https: Qz2: July 15, 2020
Division Q3: Oct 15, 2020
Upload to HPDPB Planning Division Website Qa: Jan 15, 2021
WFP Form 1- Work and Financial Plan Matrix
WEP Form 2- Policy/Research/TA Agenda
1. BEDs of DOH Hospitals / Sanitaria and TRCs shall be submitted by November 15, 2019. BED 1 -3
via URS, and BED 2 URS generated report to HPDPB via uploading to
4. Budget Accountability Report No. 1 are due every 15th day of the 1% month of the succeeding quarter
duly signed and email to [email protected] with the following scheduled submission: Q1: April 15,
2020, Q2: July 15, 2020, Q3: Oct 15, 2020, Q4: Jan 15, 2021.
D.2. Pertinent NEP Special Provisions
Below are the NEP special provisions pertinent to the development of WFPs of DOH hospitals.
These provisions shall be considered in the development of WFPs however these may be updated
pending the enactment of the GAA.
Special Provision
SP No. 2. Hospital and Other Health Facilities Income
In addition to the amounts appropriated herein, all income generated from the operation
of specialized hospitals, medical centers, institute for disease prevention and control,
including drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation centers and facilities, blood service
facilities (blood stations, blood collection units, blood banks), and other hospitals under
the DOH shall be deposited in an authorized govemment depository bank and used to
augment the hospital's and other health facilities’ MOOE and capital outlay
requirements, subject to the following conditions: (i) at least twenty five percent (25%)
of said income shall be utilized to purchase and upgrade hospital equipment used
directly in the delivery of health services; and (ii) income sourced from PhilHealth
reimbursements from availment of medical services shall be used exclusively by said
hospitals and other health care facilities for the improvement of their facilities, and for
the replenishment of drugs, medicines and vaccines, including medical and dental
supplies used in government health care facilities.
In no case shall said amount be used for the payment of salaries, allowances and other
Disbursements or expenditures by the hospitals and other health facilities under the DOH
in violation of the above requirements shall be void and shall subject the erring officials
and employees to disciplinary actions in accordance with Section 43, Chapter 5 and
Section 80, Chapter 7, BOOK VI of E.O No. 292, and to appropriate criminal action
under existing penal laws.
The DOH shall prepare and submit to the DBM not later than November 15 of the
preceding year, the annual operating budget for the current year covering said income
and corresponding expenditures. Likewise, it shall submit to the DBM not later than
March | of the current year its audited financial statements for the immediately preceding
year. The Secretary of Health and the Agency's web administrator or his/her equivalent
shall be responsible for ensuring that the foregoing documents are likewise posted on the
DOH website.
D.3. FY 2020 NEP Allocation (in Thousand PhP)
Hospital PS MOOE Total
Region [IV -MIMAROPA 303,296 72,999 376,295
Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital 124,145 36,499 160,644
Ospital ng Palawan 179,151 36,500 215,651
Region V - Bicol 1,205,426 463,549 1,668,975
Bicol Medical Center 700,151 98,550 798,701
Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital 429,127 54,750 483,877
Bicol Region General Hospital and Geriatric Medical Center 76,148 310,249 386,397
Region VI - Western Visayas 1,460,270 226,301 1,686,571
Corazon Locsin-Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital 663,007 87,601 750,608
Don Jose §. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital 63,820 18,250 82,070
Western Visayas Medical Center 647,754 93,075 740,829
Western Visayas Sanitarium 85,689 27,375 113,064
Region VIf - Central Visayas 1,977,594 808,808 4,352,812
Don Emilio del Valle Memorial Hospital 66,408 127,750 194,158
Eversley Child Sanitarium 62,160 110,309 172,469
Governor Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital 434,831 318,002 2,319,243
St. Antony Mother and Child Hospital 53,194 18,250 71,444
Talisay District Hospital 246,372 36,500 282,872
Vicente Sotto Sr. Memorial Medical Center 1,114,629 197,997 1,312,626
Region VIII - Eastern Visayas 715,740 118,625 834,365
Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center 653,695 109,500 763,195
Schistosomiasis Hospital 62,045 9,125 71,170
Region IX - Zamboanga Peninsula 1,426,204 566,233 8347365
Basilan Provincial Hospital 88,728 14,763 103,491
Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital 156,362 32,993 189,355
Labuan Public Hospital 44,706 86,126 130,832
Margosatubig Regional Hospital 327,001 36,500 363,501
Mindanao Central Sanitarium 69,414 189,800 259,214
Sulu Sanitarium 53,570 8,951 62,521
Zamboanga City Medical Center 686,423 197,100 883,523
Region X - Northern Mindanao 1,590,895 452,132 2,043,027
Amai Pakpak Medical Center 390,978 229,403 620,381
Camiguin General Hospital 54,750 54,750
Mayor Hilarion Ramiro Sr. Regional Training and Teaching
Hospital 317,226 41,062 358,288
Medina Extension Hospital 27,375 27,375
Northern Mindanao Medical Center 882,691 99,542 982,233
Regen kT a Daved BSI 67d 222700 8,234.37
Davao Regional Hospital 676,046 131,400 807,446
Southern Philippines Medical Center 1,835,631 591,300 2,426,931
Region XII - SOCCSKSARGEN 559,259 233,599 792,858
Cotabato Regional and Medical Center 502,756 136,875 639,631
Cotabato Sanitarium 56,503 $1,099 107,602
SOCCSKSARGEN General Hospital 45,625 45,625
Regioh XITI—CARAGA 7°.
Adela Serra Ty Memorial Medical Center
Fee “449,508.
Caraga Regional Hospital 206,039 45,994 252,033
Table 4, FY 2020 NEP Allocation, By Treatment & Rehabilitation Center, In T]
housand PhP
Hospital PS ‘MOOE co Total
CY 2020
A. DOH Major Activities for CY 2020 DOH Targets
The major activities presented in the table below are the health commitments as stated in
the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, the National Objectives for Health 2017-2022 and
the Budget Priorities Framework for CY 2020.
Summary ofMajor Activities (MOOE and CO), by Strategic Goal, Amount is in Thousand PhP
Strategic Goal 1: Better Health Outcomes
Public Health
Integrated implementation of public health programs
. . .
Provide vaccines for infants, adolescents, pregnant
National Immunization 7,543,001
women and senior citizens
Provide micronutrient supplementation and
Family Health, Nutrition
and Responsible 2,228,916 management of acute malnutrition to vulnerable
population and family planning commodities to poor
Parenting women of reproductive age
TB Control
Provide diagnostic/ prevention/ control/ treatment
commodities to address infectious diseases
Provide diagnostic/ prevention/ control/ treatment
commodities for Tuberculosis control
Provide diagnostic/ prevention/ control/ treatment
Elimination of Diseases 324,465 commodities to address diseases for the elimination
(Malaria, Filariasis, Schistosomiasis, Leprosy)
Provide control/ treatment commodities to address
Rabies Control 500,366 Rabies
Prevention and Control of|
control/ treatment commodities to
. . . ngs
10 PhP
7 is lodged under Miscellaneous Personne! and Benefits Fund for the remainder of the HRH deployment
There is an unprogrammed fund worth PhP 5.4 B for HFEP subject to revenues that will be generated by the Sin Tax
iGjGall ace § oe.
Operate 58 DOH regional hospitals and other health
. facilities, including the operating expenses for the
Operation of DOH
Camiguin General Hospital, Medina Extension Hospital,
: : . .
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program
Indicator Description Year 2019 Year 2020
contributes Unit Year Value
Target Targets
Number of briefs based on
researches (including but not
limited to DOH funded
number 24
researches) developed and
disseminated (e.g. research,
policy, etc.))
OO1: Access to
Promotive and
Preventive Health
Care Services
Outcome Indicators
Performance Governance no data
percentage 2017 (new
Strategic Readiness Score
Output Indicators
16 17 HRH: 19 HRH:
HRH to Population Ratio ratio 2017
HRH:10,000 10,000 10,000
Output Indicators
Percentof partners provided
with technical assistance on
percentage 100%
local health systems
Percent (& Number) of priority
areas supplemented with HRH
from DOH Deployment percentage 2017 100% 100% 100%
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance .
which the Program
Indicator Description car 2019 car 2020
Year Year
ovine |
umber 2017 42 59 68
wrovinees, number 2017 38 42 46
rabies-free zones
(provinces number TBD
P —
prcantage OFART percentage 2017 51% 90% 90%
rate forall
Facttment success rate 2017 92% 90% 290%
Output Indicators
Percent (& Number) of LGUs
and other health partners no data
provided with technical percentage 2017 (new 80% 100%
assistance on public health indicator)
Percentage of received health
commodities* from the Central
Office (CO) distributed to percentage Treva nucle y varies per region
health facilities based on the
allocation list
Percentage of CHDs with no
stock out of centrally procured
major health commodities for
Integrated Comprehensive percentage AMT Cect Cece 100%
Essential Service Delivery
Package (ICESDP) as
identified by the Programs
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program
Indicator Description Year
contributes 2019
Year 2020
Unit Value
Outcome Indicators
Output Indicators
Percent (& Number) of
outbreak/epidemiologic percentage 2017 37 90% 75%
investigations conducted
Outcome indicators
Percent (& Number) of LGUs
with institutionalized Disaster no data
percentage 2017 (new 40% 40%
Risk Reduction Management
for Health (DRRM-H) Systems indicator)
Output Indicators
Percent (& Number) of LGUs
provided with technical
assistance on the development
percentage 90%
or updating of Disaster Risk
Reduction Management-Health
O02: Access to
Curative and
Rehabilitative Health
Care Services
Outcome Indicators
Hospital infection rate rate 2017 1.57% 2% <2%
Percent (& Number) of drug
dependents who completed the percentage 2017 75.18% 80% 80%
treatment program
Output Indicators
Number of policies, manuals
and plans developed on health number 10
facility development
% of National External Quality
Assurance Scheme (NEQAS)
provided to Health Facilities by percentage 90%
the National Reference
Laboratories (NRLs)
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program:
Indicator Description Year
contributes Year 2020
Unit Year Value 2019
Number of blood
Blood Service number 2017
by 47,791 180,958 124,290
Number of inpatient and
outpatient drug abuse cases number 2017 39,722 38,706 38,706
003: Access to Safe
and Quality Health
Devices, and Facilities
Outcome Indicators
Percent of
no data
establishments, facilities and
percentage 2017 {new 70% 100%
health products compliant to
regulatory policies
% of PHEIC and/or PHR no data
rapidly responded at Points of percentage 2017 (new 95% 100%
Entry (POE) indicator)
Output Indicators
Percent ofapplications for
permits, licenses, or
accreditation processed within percentage 85%
the citizen charter timeline
(Whole DOH)
Percent (& Number) of
licensed health facilities and
services monitored and
percentage 2017 73% 90% 90%
evaluated for continuous
compliance to regulatory
Percent (& Number) of
establishments and health
no data
products monitored and 2017 60% 65%
evaluated for continuous percentage (new
compliance to regulatory
OO4: Access to Social
Health Protection
Outcome Indicators
Percent of excess net bill
covered by MAP incurred by no data
poor in-patients admitted in percentage 2017 (new 100% 100%
basic accommodation or indicator)
service ward
Output Indicators
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Prone eran
Sub Outeome/s (OO/s) to
rogram/Performance which the Program
Outcome Indicators
. . . 16 17 HRH: 19 HRH:
HRH to Population Ratio ratio 2017
HRH:10,000 10,000 10,000
Output Indicators
Percent of partners provided
Iooal healthayaene percentage revised indicator 100%
Percent (& Number) priority
areas Dot Deplewment percentage 2017 100% 100% 100%
Outcome Indicators
Percent (& Number) of public (1,920/2,400
health facilities with no stock- percentage 2017 RHU's and 70% TBD
outs Health
Percent (& Number) of
no data
externalAl aecigonce provided percentage 2017 (new 85% 100%
as satisfactory or better
province number 2017 42 59 68
wrovinees, number 2017 38 42 46
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program
Indicator Description Year Year
contributes Unit Year Value 2019 2020
Target Targets
Output Indicators
Percent (& Number) of LGUs
and other health partners no data
provided with technical percentage 2017 (new 80% 100%
assistance on public health indicator)
Percentage of received health
commodities* from the Central
varies per
Office (CO) distributed to health percentage
facilities based on the allocation region
Percentage of CHDs with no
stock out of centrally procured
major health commodities for
Integrated Comprehensive percentage 100%
Essential Service Delivery
Package (ICESDP) as identified
by the Programs
Outcome Indicators
Percent of epidemiological and
public health surveillance percentage 13%
strategic report disseminated
Output Indicators
Percent (& Number) of
outbreak/epidemiologic percentage 2017 37 90% 75%
investigations conducted
Outcome Indicators
Percent (& Number) of LGUs
no data
with institutionalized Disaster
percentage 2017 {new 40% 40%
Risk Reduction Management for
Health (DRRM-H) Systems indicator)
Output Indicators
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program
Indicator Description Year Year
contributes Unit Year Value 2019 2020
Target Targets
O02: Access to
Curative and
Rehabilitative Health
Care Services
Outcome Indicators
Hospital infection rate rate 2017 1.57% <2% <2%
Percent (& Number) of drug
dependents who completed the percentage 2017 75.18% 80% 80%
treatment program
Output Indicators
Number of policies, manuals and
plans developed on health facility number 10
% of National External Quality
Assurance Scheme (NEQAS)
provided to Health Facilities by percentage 90%
the National Reference
Laboratories (NRLs)
Number of
blood units collected
number 2017 47,791 180,958 124,290
by Blood Service Facilities
Number ofinpatient and
outpatient drug abuse cases number 2017 39,722 38,706 38,706
OO3:Access to Safe
and Quality Health
Commodities, Devices,
and Facilities Ensured
Outcome Indicators
Percent ofhealth establishments, no data
facilities and health products percentage 2017 (new 70% 100%
compliant to regulatory policies indicator)
% of PHEIC and/or PHR rapidly no data
atPoints of Entry percentage 2017 (new
95% 100%
Output Indicators
Percent of applications for
permits, licenses, or accreditation 85%
processed within the citizen
charter timeline (Whole DOH)
Percent (& Number) of licensed
health facilities and services
monitored and evaluated for percentage 2017 73% 90% 90%
continuous compliance to
regulatory policies
Organizational Baseline Information Targets
Program/Sub- Outcome/s (OO/s) to
Program/Performance which the Program
Indicator Description Year
contributes 2019
Unit Year Value Your 2020
Percent (& Number) of
establishments and health no data
products monitored and evaluated percentage 2017 (new 60% 65%
for continuous compliance to indicator)
regulatory policies
004: Access to Social
Health Protection
Outcome Indicators ‘
me da
percentage 2017 (new 100% 0,
Output Indicators
Number of patients provided with
number 2017 686,034 1,000,000 1,000,000
medical assistance
Annex F.
WFP Form 1
CO/Bureau/Office/CHD/Hospitals/Sanitaria/DA-TRCs/Other Health Facilities:
Calendar Year: CY 2020
The following DOH Units of the Department of Health (Central Offices/Bureaus/Centers for Health Development/Hospitals/DA-TRCs and
Other Health Facilities) shall fill-up the form following the instructions.
* Inthe first column reflect all the Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR) commitments or output functions.
* Inthe second column identify the commensurate activity/is in order to accomplish the OPCR commitment. Add rows as needed, however bear in
mind to correctly number the activity for referencing to an output function.
* Inthe third column (timeframe), indicate the month when the activity will be conducted. This information should be the basis for your monthly
disbursement program. .
¢ In fourth column (Q1-Q4) indicate the target quantity of the planned activity.
Inthe fifth column (cost and source of funds) indicate the estimated cost requirement for the activity. A costing breakdown with credible cost basis
should be made available as needed. Indicate in the source of funds whether the cost will be charged against the DOH unit’s budget line item,
or to
other DOH units (indicate c/o), or from a health partners (specify the health partner i.e. name of the development partner).
* Inthe sixth column, indicate the name of the unit staff (i.e. division head, technical or administrative staff) in-charge of the activity.
* Inthe signatories, “the prepared by” may be expanded to
other unit staff involved in the development of the WFP (e.g. budget officer, administrative
* The head of the unit should indicate his/her signature in the “noted by”, signifying the vetting of the plan.
* The Center for Health Development Regional Director is the recommending approval for the regions.
* The approving authority is the Assistant Team Leader.
Note: For Hospitals/Sanitaria/DA-TRCs and Other Health Facilities, they shall submit a separate WFP for the use of their income.
WFP Form 2
WFP Form 2: CY 2020 Policy / Research / TA Agenda
Instruction: This form is intended to capture planned (those with funding) and proposed policy/research /technical assistance agenda that will be implemented / proposed to be implemented in CY
2019. Inputs to this form allows the HPDPB to
consolidate and analyze all
planned activities on policy, research and TA, and for those proposed to be included for funding by the GOP and/or
development partners.
CO/Bureau/Office/CHDs/Hospitals/Sanitaria/DA-TRCs/Other Health Facilities:
Calendar Year: CY 2020
Rationale / Justification
Objective Estimated Cost
Agenda Type of Agenda
‘Specify the proposed
accomplish and
Specify the reason for the need th Requirement
proposed agenda) ¢S
pecify ¢ estimated cost Fundin; ig
(Indicate title of agenda) (Tick one wie apply) ibe to th le performance
contribute required to implement the
of the office’s mandate)
A Pokey Oop
(NEP GAA 2019)
1 Techoical CO]
Requires funding support
5 Boho OGopP
Di Techsical (NEP / GAA 2019)
O Requires funding support
(NEP / GAA 2019)
DO Technical
O Requires funding support
Planning Officer
of the DOH Units CHD Regional Director
Assistant Team Leader
In the first column, indicate the title or concept for the agenda.
In the second column, indicate by ticking the type of agenda required as defined below (select only one that applies)
a. Policy agenda: Include proposed Executive Order/ Administrative Order/ Department Order
b. Technical assistance agenda: Include assistance needed for the development of Manuals / Guidelines (not in the policy agenda)/ Training
Other references / Systems / Programs Plans
c. Research agenda: Include research agenda aligned with the Medium-Term Health Research Agenda & the Omnibus Policy for health research.
This may be but not limited to: Conduct of Health Policy & Systems Research / survey riders / nationwide surveys / public health surveillance /
impact evaluation / Research related activities or purpose: agenda setting, research proposal development, data collection, analysis,
dissemination, capacity building related to research
In the third column (objective), specify what the proposed agenda will accomplish and contribute to the performance of the office’s mandate.
In the fourth column (rationale / justification), specify the reason for the need of the proposed agenda.
In the fifth column (estimated cost requirement), specify the estimated cost required to implement the agenda.
In the sixth column (funding) indicate by ticking the source of funding for the agenda as defined below
a, GOP (NEP / GAA): If the estimated cost for the agenda is already funded in the DOH unit’s WFP (as indicated in WFP Form 1)
b. Requires funding support: If the source of fund for the agenda is to be determined or needing support
In the signatories, “the prepared by” may be expanded to other unit staff involved in the development of the WFP (e.g. budget officer, administrative
8. The head of the unit should indicate his/her signature in the “noted by”, signifying the vetting of the plan.
9. The Center for Health Development Regional Director is the recommending approval for the regions.
10. The approving authority is the Assistant Team Leader.
(In Thousand Pesos)
Operating Unit
Organizational Code (UACS)
, Budget
meget tear
Baton Pri Frogram
Current Year's Obligations
Particulars acs
Code Actual (Jan Estimate Total
1-Sept 30) (Oct 1- ota aa a2 a3 aa sub-total
ub-To! a a1
az a3 a4 Sub-Total
Dec 31)
11=7+8+9 16=12+13+
1 2 3 4 5=3+4 6=11+16 7 8 9 10 +10 12 13 14 15 14+15
Financial Services Head/Budget Officer Planning Service Head/Planning Officer Agency Head/Department Secretary
Date: Date: Date:
Operating Unit
Organizational Code (UACS)
1 2 3 4=243 9 = 5464748
5 6 7 10 11
Planning Service Head/Planning Officer Financial Services Head/Budget Officer Agency Head/Department Secretary
Operating Unit
Organizational Code(UACS)
32 21=18+1 2228+12+1
12 10+11+12 14 9420 7421
Financial Services Head/Budget Officer Planning Head/Planning Officer Agency Head/Department Secretary
Date: Date Date
BAR No. 1
For the Quarter Ending
Prepared By:
Planning Service Head/Planning Officer Financial Services Head/Budget Officer Agency Head/Department Secreta’