policy makers
Summary for
policy makers
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Introduction 1
Key messages2
1 Soil organisms drive processes that produce food, purify soil and water, and
preserve both human well-being and the health of the biosphere2
Soil biodiversity
and human health5
2 Our current understanding of the role of soil organisms in plant growth and
the transformation of pollutants has been harnessed to improve agricultural
production and reclaim degraded soils8
Agricultural sector 8
Environmental remediation12
Agricultural industry14
Food Industry14
Ecosystem restoration14
Agricultural intensification23
Policy development23
Our well-being and the livelihoods of human societies are highly dependent on biodiversity and the
ecosystem services it provides. It is essential that we understand these links and the consequences
of biodiversity loss for the various global challenges we currently face, including food insecurity and
malnutrition, climate change, poverty and diseases. The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development sets
out a transformative approach to achieve socio-economic development while conserving the environment.
There is increasing attention on the importance of biodiversity for food security and nutrition, especially
above-ground biodiversity such as plants and animals. However, less attention is being paid to the
biodiversity beneath our feet, soil biodiversity. Yet, the rich diversity of soil organisms drives many
processes that produce food or purify soil and water.
In 2002, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) decided
at its 6th meeting to establish an International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil
Biodiversity and since then, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been
facilitating this initiative. In 2012, FAO members established the Global Soil Partnership to promote
sustainable soil management and increase attention to this hidden resource. The Status of the World’s Soil
Resources (FAO, 2015) concluded that the loss of soil biodiversity is considered one of the main global
threats to soils in many regions of the world.
©Andy Murray
The 14th Conference of the Parties invited FAO, in collaboration with other organizations, to consider the
preparation of a report on the state of knowledge on soil biodiversity covering its current status, challenges
and potentialities. This report is the result of an inclusive process involving more than 300 scientists
from around the world under the auspices of the FAO’s Global Soil Partnership and its Intergovernmental
Technical Panel on Soils, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
and the European Commission. The report presents the state of knowledge on soil biodiversity, the
threats to it, the solutions that soil biodiversity can provide to problems in different fields, including
agriculture, environmental conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, nutrition, medicine
and pharmaceuticals, remediation of polluted sites, and many others.
The report will make a valuable contribution to raising awareness of the importance of soil biodiversity
and highlighting its role in finding solutions to today’s global threats; it is a cross-cutting topic at the
heart of the alignment of several international policy frameworks, including the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and multilateral environment agreements. Furthermore, soil biodiversity and the ecosystem
services it provides will be critical to the success of the recently declared UN Decade on Ecosystem
Restoration (2021-2030) and the upcoming Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Soil biodiversity could constitute, if an enabling environment is built, a real nature-based solution to most
of the problems humanity is facing today, from the field to the global scale. Therefore efforts to conserve
and protect biodiversity should include the invisible array of microorganisms that make up more than 25%
of the total biodiversity of our planet.
Key messages These organisms are part of a vast food web that
ensures the cycling of energy and nutrients from
microscopic forms through the soil’s megafauna to
organisms that live on top of the soil.
1 Soil organisms drive
For the purpose of this summary the terms soil
processes that produce biological diversity, and below-ground biodiversity
have been used interchangeably, and they include
food, purify soil and water, soil microbes and soil fauna. Likewise, the terms
and preserve both human microbial diversity, soil microbes, soil microbiome
and soil microorganisms are used interchangeably
well-being and the health specifically to describe soil microbial diversity.
of the biosphere
Contributions of soil
What is soil biodiversity? The contributions of soil organisms can be
grouped into three broad categories (Figure 1).
We define soil biodiversity as the variety of life
First, soil microorganisms (i.e., bacteria, fungi)
belowground, from genes and species to the
and microfauna (i.e., protozoa and nematodes)
communities they form, as well as the ecological
transform organic and inorganic compounds
complexes to which they contribute and to
into accessible forms as part of their metabolism
which they belong, from soil micro-habitats to
through extraordinarily complex biochemical
landscapes. Soil biodiversity is essential for most
processes. These transformations are critical for
of the ecosystem services provided by soils, which
ecosystem services such as nutrient availability
benefit soil species and its multiple interactions
for the growth of plants and other organisms,
(biotic and abiotic) in the environment. Soil
soil organic matter and nutrient cycling, and the
biodiversity also supports most surface life forms
filtration, degradation and immobilization of
through the increasingly well understood links
contaminants in water and soil.
between above and belowground. For humans, the
services provided by soil biodiversity have strong Second, soil organisms are part of a vast food web
social, economical, health and environmental that cycles energy and nutrients from microscopic
implications. forms through the soil’s megafauna to organisms
that live on top of the soil. An important part of
Soils are one of the main global reservoirs of
the food web is represented by mesofauna such
biodiversity, more than 40% of living organisms
as springtails and mites, which accelerate litter
in terrestrial ecosystems are associated during
decomposition and enhance nutrient cycling and
their life-cycle directly with soils (Decaëns et
availability (especially nitrogen), and predate on
al., 2006). Soil organisms can be divided into
smaller soil organisms (Figure 1).
different groups: microbes, micro, meso, macro,
and megafauna. They include a wide range of Finally, soil macrofauna and megafauna such as
organisms, from unicellular and microscopic earthworms, ants, termites and some mammals act
forms, to invertebrates such as nematodes, as ecosystem engineers that modify soil porosity,
insect larvae and earthworms, arthropods and water and gas transport, and also bind together soil
their larval stages, to mammals, reptiles, and particles into stable aggregates that hold the soil in
amphibians that spend considerable parts of their place, reducing soil erosion (Figure 1).
lives below ground. In addition, there is a great
diversity of algae and fungi, as well as a wide
variety of symbiotic associations between soil
microorganisms and algae, fungi, mosses, lichens,
plant roots, and invertebrates.
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Figure 1. Simplified model with the groups of soil organisms: microorganisms, micro, meso and macrofauna grouped into three
categories in the food web. First, the micro-food web (dotted lines) includes bacteria and fungi, which are at the base of the food
web and decompose soil organic matter, which represents the basic resource of the soil ecosystem, and their direct predators, pro-
tozoa and nematodes. Secondly, litter transformers include microarthropods that fragment litter, creating new surfaces for micro-
bial attack. Finally, ecosystem engineers, such as termites, earthworms and ants, modify soil structure by improving the circulation
of nutrients, energy, gases and water.
Plants fix carbon from the atmosphere, but Carbon is either fixed or released from soils,
they require macro and micronutrients that are depending the activity of the soil organisms and
absorbed from the soil to create biomass and driven by soil conditions. Carbon is fixed into soils
transfer nutrients and energy. Soil microbes through the transformation of plant and animal
and microfauna interact with abiotic factors – detritus, and also some bacteria and archaea can
temperature, pH, moisture content- and drive fix carbon by using atmospheric CO2 as their
these transformation processes. energy source. Beyond their direct role in the
carbon cycle, soil organisms are also critical for
Soil micro, meso and macrofauna play a key role in efforts to reduce overall greenhouse gas (GHG)
the physical breakdown of plant residues, allowing emissions from agriculture. Globally, agricultural
the soil microorganisms to liberate the nutrients ecosystems contribute 10 to 12 percent of all
and energy bound up in the plant material. direct anthropogenic GHG emissions each year,
with an estimated 38 percent resulting from soil
The role of soil organisms in agriculture has
nitrous oxide emissions and 11 percent from
many beneficial effects beyond plant nutrition.
methane in rice cultivation. Soil microorganisms
For example, soil microbiota such as arbuscular
are involved in every step of nitrogen and carbon
mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen fixing bacteria
transformations that yield these greenhouse gases,
can minimise cost and dependence on synthetic
and managing the soil environment to minimise
nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, and enhance
emissions is a key objective in sustainable soil
soil fertility and environmental sustainability,
including reducing greenhouse gas emissions
from the energy-intensive manufacture of nitrogen
©Andy Murray
Soil biodiversity Soil biodiversity and
and human health environmental protection
Soil biodiversity supports human health, both It is well established that preservation of soil
directly and indirectly, through disease regulation biodiversity is critical for the maintenance and
and food production. enhancement of above-ground biodiversity.
The complex food webs that transfer nutrients
Since early 1900, many drugs and vaccines have and energy from the organic materials in the
come from soil organisms, from well-known soil, through soil-dwelling organisms, to birds,
antibiotics like penicillin to bleomycin used mammals, reptiles and amphibians, are central to
for treating cancer and amphotericin for fungal life on earth.
infections. In a context of increasing illnesses due
to resistant microorganisms, soil biodiversity has Soil biodiversity can attenuate threats to
a huge potential to provide new drugs to combat ecosystem services, for instance by acting as a
them. powerful tool in bioremediation of contaminated
soils. Biostimulation and bioaugmentation are
Soil biodiversity and healthy soils help to mitigate environmentally sound strategies that contribute
the risk of foodborne illness by boosting plant to the filtration, degradation and immobilization
defenses against opportunistic infections. For of target contaminants (Figure 2). Furthermore,
example, the very harmful bacterium Listeria the integral use of organisms such as microbes
monocytogenes is found in low concentration (bioaugmentation), plants (phytoremediation) and
in many agricultural soils, but its pathogenicity worms (vermiremediation) as a bioremediation
depends on the richness and diversity of soil strategy in hydrocarbon-contaminated soils has
microbial communities, as well as soil type, pH and proven to be a viable alternative for increasing
other soil-related factors. hydrocarbon removal. On the other hand, soil
macrofauna, such as earthworms, termites, and
The relationship between plant roots and soil ants, play an important role in improving soil
biodiversity enables plants to manufacture structure and aggregation, which can improve
chemicals such as antioxidants that protect them resistance to soil erosion caused by wind and
from pests and other stressors. When we consume water.
these plants, these antioxidants benefit us by
stimulating our immune system and assist in
hormone regulation.
Figure 3.The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil directly influenced by root secretions/exudates and associated microorgan-
isms’ interactions. Leguminous plants receive nitrogen –a limiting nutrient in many soils-, in the form of ammonia, thanks to rhi-
zobium, an N2-fixing bacteria that forms nodules in the plants’ roots. In return, Rhizobium receives nutrients and habitat from the
roots. Mycorrhizae (symbiont fungi in roots) play a key role in providing ecosystem services such as soil fertility, soil formation and
maintenance, nutrient cycling and improving plant root exploration of the soil.
excessive use N2O
of fertilizers
N2O Emissions
+ Leaching
Azospirillum Bradyrhizobium
Plant-growth N2- fixing
NO3- promoting bacterial
bacteria strains NO3-
NO3- NO3 -
NO3 -
Figure 4. The co-inoculation of N2-fixing efficient bacterial strains (Bradyrhizobium) with other plant-growth promoting bacteria
such as Azospirillum in cereals, could replace part of mineral N fertilizers reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as N2O, and
diminishing leaching of reactive forms of nitrogen (NO3-) that contaminate underground water and coastal ecosystems; besides
saving investments and capital input.
Genetic engineering
to insert Bt genes
into plant tissues
thuringiensis (Bt)
DNA membrane
Bt Toxin
Crystal Cell wall
Figure 5. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a bacterium species isolated from the soil, has been successfully used as a biological
control agent against insects. Bt produces an intracellular toxin that, when ingested by an insect, is released in the insect’s gut,
killing it. The genes that produce the Bt toxin are inserted into agricultural crops, particularly maize, giving the plant the ability
to avoid attack by certain pathogenic organisms.
•Opencast mining
•Mine spoil waste
•Engineering works
Under the influence of soil forming
factors, including biodiversity
management, technosols may again
provide ecosystem services
Soil rehabilitation
Mulching + organic
•Beneficial for restoring
degraded soils
• Stimulate the growth and
activity of soil fauna (i.e.,
microbes, neamtodes, mites,
springtails, earthworms, etc.).
•Increase soil fertility.
Figure 6. Mining activities have drastic negative effects on soils, especially in arid areas. An alternative to restore the biological
communities of the soils is the establishment of technosols. Essential actions in the recovery of soil functionality include the
addition of organic matter, which together with the action of pioneer plants, promotes the growth and activity of soil biota
populations, eventually influencing the improvement of the fertility of degraded soils.
drivers and effects • Land use change
• Loss of specialist species and
on soils • Loss of SOM and nutrients.
increase in generalist taxa.
• Changes in soil physical Impacts
on soil • Decrease in predator species.
properties. biodiversity
• Reduced soil and functional
• Disruption of suitable
• Recovery could take decades.
• Changes in pH.
Cl Mg
Zn Na Cu
Mo S
Nutrient B Mn
imbalances Fe Si
drivers and Ca N
effects on soils • Reduces the growth capacity of
soil microorganisms.
• Change in the availability Impacts • Reduces nutrient flow through
of essential nutrients. on soil
biodiversity the soil food web.
• Excessive use of mineral
• Alteration of the nutritional
content of primary producers
and litter inputs.
drivers and effects • Water absorption hampered by • Ion imbalance and
on soils changes in chemical and physical nutrient deficiency
soil properties. Impacts
on soil
decrease microbial
• Irrigation with brackish water. biodiversity functions and biomass.
• Salt water intrusion due • Shift in the composition of
to aquifer exhaustion. microbial, micro and
• Inadequate irrigation practices. mesofaunal communities.
drivers and
effects on soils • Microplastics • Acute and chronic toxicity to soil
• Fertilizer application. Impacts
• Persistent organic on soil • Cascading effects from individual
pollutants. species to communities and
• Biocides and pesticides. ecosystem functions.
• Waste disposal. • Bioaccumulation in the food chain.
Urbanization • Soil sealing, increasing water • Reduced habitat for soil biota,
drivers and effects runoff and reducing
and increased spatial heterogeneity
on soils infiltration. on soil and fragmentation.
• Pollution. • Alteration in soil communities
• Topsoil removal or and food web dynamics.
replacement, and addition • Drastic alteration of the environment
of anthropogenic materials. where soil organisms live.
Surface sealing
drivers and effects • Increases water runoff and reduces
on soils water infiltration.
• Changes nutrient and carbon cycling. Impacts
• Affects climate and microclimate
on soil
• Loss of habitats for
regulation. soil organisms.
• Building of roads and other
permanent infrastructures.
Erosion and
• Detachment, transport and • Inhabitants of upper soil layers
landslides deposition of soil particles by may be eliminated or
drivers and displaced.
water or wind.
effects on soils • Loss of habitat and decrese in
• Loss of organic matter and Impacts
on soil
changes in soil physical and biodiversity its quality for soil biota.
chemical properties. • Spread of pests and
• Creation of degraded and pathogens.
enriched depositional • Reduced soil biodiversity and
environments. functioning.
Loss of C C C
drivers and
effects on • Decrease in:
soils • Lower microbial biomass
• Formation and Impacts and diversity (especially in
stabilization of aggregates. on soil
biodiversity extreme environments).
• Cation exchange capacity.
• Decreased resources to
• Water infiltration and retention.
belowground food webs.
• Soil fertility and C sequestration.
Table 1
Summary for policy makers
• Better understanding of • Monitoring tools that • Advocate for the • Guarantee soil health
microbiome (or functional include: new analytical implementation of SSM for all ecosystem vitality &
groups/keystone species) approaches; advanced under the VGSSM at human well-being.
networks. computing power; next- national level. • Support agriculture for
• Better understanding generation sequencing • Implement the use/ sustainability, productivity,
of micro, meso and for the assessment of management and and resource use
macrofauna roles in soil microbial SB coupled with conservation of soil efficiency.
functions and nutrient traditional techniques; biodiversity as nature- • Support farmers to
cycling. increase predictive power based solutions. reduce vulnerability by
• More research is needed to changes in climatic • Promote ecosystem- diminishing production
to corroborate SB data in factors, new cropping based approaches that costs, increasing yields
different ecosystems and systems, and SSM; digital conserve, restore and and strengthening their
agroecosystems. soil mapping tools avoid soil degradation and capacity to design and
• Small and large-scale in combination with biodiversity loss. implement SSM practices.
SB studies in many biological information. • Develop partnerships • SB can significantly
ecoregions of the world, • Implement large- that support multi- contribute to tackle
especially in the southern scale (watershed and disciplinary approaches, environmental problems.
hemisphere. landscape) SB studies. foster synergies and • The knowledge that
• Targeted research • Include soil biodiversity
Understanding soil biodiversity, from cells to vertebrates
• Economic valuations • Support projects focused • Advocate for the • Guarantee soil health
of SB functions and on the economic valuation implementation of SSM for all ecosystem vitality &
Contributions of soil biodiversity to ecosystem services and functions
ecosystem services on SB functions and under the VGSSM at human well-being.
provided are scarce. services. national level. • Support agriculture for
• More attention must • Measure SB contribution • Implement the use/ sustainability, productivity,
be paid to the regulation to different soil functions management and and resource use
services -such as carbon and services at different conservation of soil efficiency.
storage- that rely on SB. scales, and under different biodiversity as nature- • Support farmers to
• It is highly necessary conditions. based solutions. reduce vulnerability by
to develop methods to • Develop baseline data • Promote ecosystem- diminishing production
measure SB contribution on SB and make regular based approaches that costs, increasing yields
to all ecosystem services small and large-scale conserve, restore and and strengthening their
affected, and at different measurements over time. avoid soil degradation and capacity to design and
spatial and temporal • Better analyze the biodiversity loss. implement SSM practices.
scales. relationship between • Develop partnerships • SB can significantly
the structure of SB that support multi- contribute to tackle
communities and their disciplinary approaches, environmental problems.
role in the ecosystems foster synergies and • The knowledge that
and agroecosystems ensure a multi-stakeholder soil is alive expands the
functioning. perspective regarding SSM possibilities for human-
• Promote the adoption and SB. soil relationships.
and feasibility of Payment • Implement the • SB must be considered a
for Environmental combined use of natural capital asset from
Services based on SB, traditional knowledge, which ecosystem services
with appropriate policies novel technologies and are produced.
at various governmental innovation and ensure that
levels. all relevant stakeholders
have access to these tools
and associated policies.
• Develop robust and
reliable biological
indicators, and
protocols for SB.
• Raise social awareness
on SB loss and recovery;
threats to SB including
agricultural intensification
and best practices for
SB assessment; and
management and
monitoring for all land
management activities.
*This content applies to all themes addressed in table 1 SB: soil biodiversity;
N: nitrogen;
SOC: soil organic carbon;
SSM: sustainable soil management.
©Andy Murray
• It is crucial to envision • Consider SB and • Advocate for the • Guarantee soil health
land-use change and ecosystem services in land implementation of SSM for all ecosystem vitality &
management as a trigger use planning. under the VGSSM at human well-being.
for other threats to SB. • Foster activities to national level. • Support agriculture for
• There are knowledge promote the practical • Implement the use/ sustainability, productivity,
gaps in urban SB. application of SB, and management and and resource use
• Lack of knowledge integrate it into broader conservation of soil efficiency.
of contaminant policy agendas for food biodiversity as nature- • Support farmers to
concentrations in soils and security, ecosystem based solutions. reduce vulnerability by
exposure thresholds for SB. restoration, climate • Promote ecosystem- diminishing production
• Lack of understanding change adaptation based approaches that costs, increasing yields
on interactive effects and mitigation, and conserve, restore and and strengthening their
among multiple global sustainable development. avoid soil degradation and capacity to design and
change drivers on SB. • Promote sustainable biodiversity loss. implement SSM practices.
• Poor understanding of planning management of • Develop partnerships • SB can significantly
the role and impacts of urbanized environments that support multi- contribute to tackle
Threats to soil biodiversity
*This content applies to all themes addressed in table 1 SB: soil biodiversity;
N: nitrogen;
SOC: soil organic carbon;
SSM: sustainable soil management.
©Andy Murray
• Increase research on the • Promote the prevention, • Advocate for the • Guarantee soil health
field-scale performance suppression and control implementation of SSM for all ecosystem vitality &
of microbial inoculants of pathogens and invasive under the VGSSM at human well-being.
and entomopathogenic species. national level. • Support agriculture for
nematodes as biological • Invest on targeted • Implement the use/ sustainability, productivity,
control of insect pests. research on soil-borne management and and resource use
• Insufficient knowledge diseases and promote conservation of soil efficiency.
of the role of direct and integrated pest biodiversity as nature- • Support farmers to
indirect management management. based solutions. reduce vulnerability by
of micro, meso and • Privilege the • Promote ecosystem- diminishing production
macrofauna in soil development of whole based approaches that costs, increasing yields
functioning and ecosystem community microbial conserve, restore and and strengthening their
service delivery. inoculants over single avoid soil degradation and capacity to design and
Management of soil biodiversity
*This content applies to all themes addressed in table 1 SB: soil biodiversity;
N: nitrogen;
SOC: soil organic carbon;
SSM: sustainable soil management.
ISBN 978-92-5-133583-3
9 789251 335833