RM Pattern UK 208print
RM Pattern UK 208print
RM Pattern UK 208print
without limits
Pattern Catalogue 208
RMIG | www.rmig.com 2 Perforation without limits
Table of contents
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1 19
Hole shape and arrangement
1 Length
RMIG uses the international ISO norm 7806-1983(E) when describing hole shape and arrangement
2 Width
3 Sheet thickness
Shape of holes: Arrangement of holes: Examples:
4 Margins (long sides)
6 Hole size
C = Square holes 20 7 Triangular pitch, longitudinal
U = Rectangular pitch R 10 U 15 x 20 8 Triangular pitch, transverse
H = Hexagonal holes
Z 9 Rectangular pitch
5 10 Diagonal pitch
R LR = Slot holes Z
L Z = Staggered pitch
C LC = Rectangular holes
12 Staggered pitch parallel to length
17 Measure of pitch
18 Row of holes
Perforated sheet without margins Perforated sheet with margins Perforated sheet with margins
1. 2. 3.
Formula for calculation of the weight of a perforated sheet: Overview of specific gravity (kg/dm3)
(Please insert measures in mm) Aluminium: 2.70
Weight of raw sheet x (1-% open area) = weight of perforated sheet in kilos Stainless steel: 7.92
Perforation formulas
Arrangement of holes Description Open area % Number of holes per sq. m.
U1 R2 x 78.5 1,000,000
U1 x U2 U1 x U2
R U2
U1 C2 x 100 1,000,000
U1 x U2 U1 x U2
C U2
C Z2
LR - Z1, Z2 (L x R - 0.215R2) x 100 1,000,000
R 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2) 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2)
L Z2
LC - Z1, Z2 L x C x 100 1,000,000
0.5 x (Z1 x Z2) 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2)
L Z2
Flattening Grinding
For some applications a high level of flatness Grinding is principally carried out on stainless
of the sheet or the coil is required. steel (2B) and aluminium. It can be
processed to different finishes.
A perforated sheet may be cut to a specific Degreasing
size or shape, meeting the needs of the final Degreasing is possible on all kinds of materi-
application. There are various means of cut- als and is above all used when further finish-
ting e.g. laser, flame, shears, water etc. ing processes like painting or welding are
This type of finishing is necessary to obtain Polishing
areas without material or to prepare the sheet This process is necessary to achieve a shiny
for bending of edges. effect of the treated surface and is generally
carried out on stainless steel.
This work is necessary to obtain products Hot dip galvanising
with a concave or convex shape and requires This kind of finishing is used extensively to
a special tooling. This process can further- obtain good protection against atmospheric
more give the sheet more resistance and agents and therefore against oxidation. The
extra rigidity. finished product is immerged into a hot liquid
zinc bath for full protection.
This process is used to give the sheet a Protection film application
cylindrical form. The application of protective film may be
necessary to protect the material from
Welding scratches, spots or marks during perforation
Welding joins two or more parts of different or transportation.
products. It can be carried out in different
ways. Deburring
This process is very useful to reduce sharp
Surface treatment edges on perforated sheets. This is neces-
Surface treatment is principally needed for sary for particular applications where a burr
two reasons: to protect or to decorate the may compromise the correct function or look
final product. A very wide range of possibili- of the final product.
ties is available according to the type of
material. Autophoretic coating
Autophoretic coating is an ecological surface
Painting treatment for steel components and improves
Lots of different bright or opaque colours are resistance to corrosion. It consists in a depo-
available. There are options for items to be in sition of organic drops through a chemical
contact with atmospheric agents and others reaction with positive ions released from the
for items to be used only in sheltered areas. treated metal.
Design Quality
We offer to you our wealth of expertise in Quality is of prime importance to us, as it is
perforation. From the initial idea to the final to you. Precision and uniformity are proper-
specification of your perforated product, we ties secured and controlled by our extensive
are your sure choice to obtain the optimum quality management. We have been con-
solution. We will be your partner from the stantly refining and developing our quality
concept stages of design, offering advice systems and awareness since our first com-
and expertise and ensuring that you get the pany became accredited to ISO 9002, in
best advice from the start. 1989. We see this as our service guarantee.
We offer one of the world’s largest ranges of
perforation patterns, from traditional round
and square holes to decorative and complex
shapes. Our tools are manufactured and
maintained by our own tooling department.
When there is a demand for specific tooling,
we can develop this for you.
Our production sites use “State of the Art
machinery”, able to manufacture the full
spectrum of perforated products. No job is
too big, and none are too small.
R: 0.50 T: 1.09 Open area: 19.0% R: 1.00 T: 2.00 Open area: 22.7% R: 1.50 T: 3.00 Open area: 22.7%
R: 3.00 T: 5.00 Open area: 32.7% R: 5.00 T: 8.00 Open area: 35.4% R: 8.00 T: 11.00 Open area: 48.0%
R: 10.00 T: 14.00 Open area: 46.4% R: 20.00 T: 27.00 Open area: 46.8% R: 25.00 T: 39.00 Open area: 37.3%
R: 1.25 U: 1.50 Open area: 54.8% R: 3.00 U: 5.00 Open area: 28.3% R: 5.00 U: 12.50 Open area: 12.6%
R: 1.75 M: 3.18 Open area: 23.7% R: 2.50 M: 7.00 Open area: 10.0% R: 4.30 M: 11.30 Open area: 11.4%
R Z1
R: 1.30 Z1: 2.00 Z2: 3.50 Open area: 37.9% R: 5.00 Z1: 20.00 Z2: 40.00 Open area: 4.9%
C: 4.00 U: 6.38 Open area: 39.3% C: 9.00 U: 34.00 Open area: 7.0% C: 9.50 U: 13.33 Open area: 50.8%
C Z1
CD: 3.00 M: 7.00 Open area: 18.4% CD: 6.00 M: 9.19 Open area: 42.6% CD: 7.50 M: 11.50 Open area: 42.5%
CD: 12.00 M: 18.50 Open area: 42.1% CD: 15.00 M: 20.00 Open area: 56.3% CD: 20.00 M: 26.50 Open area: 57.0%
Conical holes
For normal perforation, the maximum thickness of mild steel sheets may On this page some of the patterns are shown for which
exceed the hole diameter by approximately 25%. Therefore, for normal perfo- tools are available.
ration, 2 mm holes can be perforated in sheets up to 2.5 mm thickness. Where very small holes are required, relative to the sheet
thickness, the solution may be a Perfocon sheet as
For special perforation, the sheet thickness may exceed the hole diameter described on page 20.
considerably. For example, using mild steel sheets we can punch 2 mm coni-
cal holes in 4 mm thick sheets, and punching conical holes their diameters
may be even smaller.
Conical holes are smooth from top to bottom.
RR: 0.50 T: 2.00 Open area: 5.7% RR: 0.75 T: 2.00 Open area: 12.6%
L: 4.00 C: 0.37 U1: 1.17 U2: 5.65 Open area: 22.4% L: 15.00 C: 4.00 U1: 8.00 U2: 19.00 Open area: 39.5% L: 15.70 C: 5.00 U1: 7.50 U2: 18.20 Open area: 57.5%
L: 4.00 C: 0.35 Z1: 2.68 Z2: 5.00 Open area: 20.9% L: 16.00 C: 1.50 Z1: 11.00 Z2: 20.00 Open area: 21.8% L: 15.00 C: 4.00 Z1: 16.00 Z2: 19.00 Open area: 39.5%
L: 10.00 R: 0.30 U1: 1.40 U2: 13.00 Open area: 16.0% L: 20.00 R: 2.50 U1: 5.00 U2: 24.00 Open area: 40.5% L: 25.00 R: 6.00 U1: 10.00 U2: 32.00 Open area: 44.5%
L: 6.00 R: 0.60 Z1: 4.50 Z2: 8.70 Open area: 18.0% L: 20.00 R: 3.00 Z1: 12.00 Z2: 24.00 Open area: 40.3% L: 25.00 R: 8.00 Z1: 28.00 Z2: 34.00 Open area: 39.1%
RD: 6.00 L: 25.00 U1: 17.10 U2: 22.20 Open area: 35.6% RD: 8.00 L: 40.00 U1: 37.00 U2: 20.00 Open area: 41.4%
L: 20.00 RDD: 2.50 U1: 17.00 U2: 7.00 Open area: 46.3% L: 12.00 RDD: 6.00 U1: 13.75 U2: 13.33 Open area: 35.1%
L: 20.00 R: 1.74 U1: 24.00 U2: 4.57 Open area: 29.3% L: 25.00 R: 2.50 U1: 28.00 U2: 5.68 Open area: 39.0%
TTR: 2.00 U1: 3.14 U2: 4.24 Open area: 39.0% TTR: 4.00 U1: 6.24 U2: 8.24 Open area: 39.7%
H1: 9.00 H2: 10.39 T: 14.00 Open area: 41.3% H1: 24.00 H2: 27.71 T: 30.00 Open area: 64.0%
Trieur - Flat and round - a few examples Trieur - Combined - a few examples
No. R T d t No. R Z1 Z2 d
LREMR1.1x1.3T1.66 1.10 1.30 1.66 0.60 1.00 LREMC2.75Z4.5x7 2.75 4.50 7.00 1.65
LREMF2.25x2.8T3.5 2.25 2.80 3.50 1.20 1.25 LREMC5.5Z8.5x13 5.50 8.50 13.00 3.15
LREMF6x7.1T9 6.00 7.10 9.00 3.40 2.00 LREMC10.5Z16x27 10.50 16.00 27.00 5.15
LREMR6.5x7.7T9.75 6.50 7.70 9.75 3.60 2.00 LREMC22Z32.5x56.5 22.00 32.50 56.50 7.50
Trieur Sheets
RM Trieur sheets are one of the most important components within The “pockets” are very specific for each purpose; any deviation in
specialist machinery that size/sort grain and seeds or where they are “pocket” size or shape even to the extent of just a few tenths of a
separated from other foreign bodies. millimetre may cause loss of efficiency.
In order to achieve the best results the correct shape of “pocket” is
vital, as too is the “pocket” size which is customized for each pur- RM Trier has been developed with the minimum of spacing between
pose. Our trieur sheets are manufactured with painstakingly tested the “pockets” so as to provide the maximum sorting/sifting per
and extremely efficient oval shape “pockets” in the sheet thicknesses square metre.
listed above. It is not advisable to use thinner sheets than listed since
the shape of the “pockets” will be impaired and efficiency decreased. RM Trieur benefits:
• High precision “pockets” to improve separation quality
We are able to deliver sheets with almost any size of “pocket”, if you • Improved efficiency by optimised sorting/sifting area
do not see what you require in the above table please contact us.
Trieur sheets can be supplied as flat plain sheets cut to size or as
rolled and welded cylinders.
RM Perfocon
RM Perfocon
Perfocon has a very long life and is of high quality compared
to alternative products, which may mean fewer production
stops and large savings.
Z2 Z2
Z1 Z1 R]
Collared holes - a few examples Countersunk holes - a few examples Indented holes - a few examples
No. CIR T Open area No. RC U/M Open area No. RI T/M/U Open area
CIR8T15 8.00 15.00 25.8% RC5U10 5.00 10.00 19.6% RI4.79T15 4.79 15.00 9.2%
CIR18T26.25 18.00 26.25 42.6% RC9M19.8 9.00 19.80 16.2% RI10M28.8 10.00 28.80 32.7%
RI15U32 15.00 32.00 17.3%
RI22T56 22.00 56.00 42.4%
CIR8T15 (525-003) 1:1 RC5U10 (2745-001) 1:1
CIR: 8.00 T: 15.00 Open area: 25.8% RC: 5.00 U: 10.00 Open area: 19.6%
Anti-skid sheets
RAS5/8.1M17.68 (4209-000) 1:1 RAS12U25 (4212-000) 1:1
R: 5.00 R: 8.10 M: 17.68 Open area: 20.0% R: 12.00 U: 25.00 Open area: 20.6%
14 mm 2.5 x 2.5 mm 6 mm
6 mm 2 mm 3 x 4 mm
8 x 12 mm 5 x 15 mm
5 x 12 mm 4.5 mm
25 x 25 mm 25 x 75 mm 42 mm
Technical information:
Bridge hole 12.5 x 32 / 25.5 x 45
S1 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm 8 mm
Open percentage according to stamping
depth: a1 20 ± 0.2
W 5 ± 0.2 e 7 ± 0.2
1.5 mm ca. 3.7% b 6.5 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 9 ± 1.0
2.0 mm ca. 5.3% h t±1 t±2 t±3 t±5 t ± 7.5 t ± 7.5
2.5 mm ca. 7.2% 1 39 42 45 48 54 54
3.0 mm ca. 9.1% 1.5 42 45 48 48 54 54
2 42 45 48 51 54 57
2.5 45 48 51 54 57 60
a2 a2 = a1 + 1.4h
a3 a3 = a1 + 2.8h
Bridge holes
Open area
D e
Ornamental perforations
CPR12.21M13.58 (1-020) 1:1 CPS15.3M15.6 (2-000) 1:1 CPRR6x9.75M15 (1-006) 1:1
W c b
Expanded metal has great strength when exposed to weight, and the raw
material is used very efficiently and economically.
The load table shows the weight allowable including safety factors in kilos / sq. m. mentioned as evenly dispersed (distributed) load.
Underlined load corresponds to the weight of a person with tools (around 100 kilos) in the middle of the footbridge.
The load table applies to sheets welded or buckled on the abutment. The abutment and the fastening to it is to be calculated sepa-
Please note that we make reservations with regard to any misprints made in this table, or errors made in calculations based on the
values in the table.
LT: 6.00 x 27.00 Z: 1.20 x 1.00 Open area: 62.0% Walkways gratings
LT12x30Z4.5x2.5 12.00 x 30.00 4.50 x 2.50 41.0% 14.0 kg
LT20x62Z4.5x3 20.00 x 62.00 4.50 x 3.00 63.0% 9.7 kg
LT20x62Z6x3 20.00 x 62.00 6.00 x 3.00 60.0% 12.8 kg
LT20x62Z6x4 20.00 x 62.00 6.00 x 4.00 48.0% 17.0 kg
LT34x122Z9.5x4.5 34.00 x 122.00 9.50 x 4.50 50.0% 28.5 kg
LT75x200Z6.3x4.5 75.00 x 200.00 6.30 x 4.50 82.0% 7.7 kg
LT20x62Z6x3 1:1
LT30x88Z6x4 1:1
LT12x30Z4.5x2.5 1:1
LT: 30.00 x 88.00 Z: 6.00 x 4.00 Open area: 68.0% LT: 12.00 x 30.00 Z: 4.50 x 2.50 Open area: 41.0%
LT: 26.00 x 52.00 Z: 4.80 x 2.50 Open area: 72.0% LT10.00 x 20.00 Z: 1.20 x 1.20 Open area: 73.0%
Belgium | RMIG nv/sa | Victor Bocquéstraat 11/1 | Industrieterrein Noord IV | 9300 Aalst
Tel. +32 53 76 77 40 | Fax +32 53 76 77 49 | [email protected]
France | RMIG | 12, rue André Citroën | Z.A. des Grandes Terres | B.P. 314 | 69745 Genas Cedex
Tel. +33 4 72 47 43 43 | Fax +33 4 72 47 43 20 | [email protected]
United Kingdom | RMIG Ltd | Adlington Court | Risley Road | Birchwood WA3 6PL | Warrington Cheshire
Tel. +44 1925 839 610 | Fax +44 1925 826 326 | [email protected]