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without limits

Pattern Catalogue 208
RMIG | www.rmig.com 2 Perforation without limits
Table of contents

Description of a perforated sheet 4

Perforation without limits...

Technical characteristics and formulas 5
Welcome to the Pattern Catalogue of RMIG. Coils and sheets 6
The aim of this catalogue is to inspire and provide you with
information about the many different kinds of perforation we can
Guide to raw materials 6
offer. We have more than 30,000 different patterns ready for pro-
duction, of which we have chosen to show a small selection in Guide to additional finishing 7
this catalogue. Therefore, if you do not see what you are looking
for we would like to invite you to visit our homepage for a more
detailed list of available patterns (many thousands of patterns
Solution provider 8
are listed in our online pattern catalogue at www.rmig.com) or to
contact one of our sales representatives to discuss your exact
Round holes 9
If we do not have tools in stock for the exact pattern you want, Square holes 12
our tooling department will be more than pleased to produce a
new tool, enabling us to supply perforated sheets exactly to
your wishes.
Conical holes 14
RMIG is the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of perfo- Rectangular holes 15
rated metal with manufacturing units and sales offices through-
out Europe. With over a century’s experience in the perforation
industry we have gathered vast experience in various applica-
Slot holes 16
tion areas where our products are used, this allows us to serve
as a knowledgeable partner to you, finding the right solution to
your needs.
Triangular and hexagonal holes 18
We look forward to hearing from you.
Trieur sheets 19
Perfocon 20
Nose screens 21
Lipped perforations 22
Collared, countersunk and indented holes 24
Stabbed and rasp perforations 24
Supporting sheets 25
Anti-skid sheets 25
Embossed sheets 26
Bridge holes 28
Ornamental perforations 29
Expanded metal 32
RMIG | www.rmig.com 3 Perforation without limits
Description of a perforated sheet
18 18 4

19 22
5 6 13 15 21

2 11 12 16 14
12 11
18 12
20 22
1 19

Hole shape and arrangement
1 Length
RMIG uses the international ISO norm 7806-1983(E) when describing hole shape and arrangement
2 Width

3 Sheet thickness
Shape of holes: Arrangement of holes: Examples:
4 Margins (long sides)

5 Margins (short sides)


R = Round holes T T = Triangular pitch


6 Hole size
C = Square holes 20 7 Triangular pitch, longitudinal
U = Rectangular pitch R 10 U 15 x 20 8 Triangular pitch, transverse
H = Hexagonal holes
Z 9 Rectangular pitch
5 10 Diagonal pitch
R LR = Slot holes Z
L Z = Staggered pitch

11 Staggered pitch parallel to width


C LC = Rectangular holes
12 Staggered pitch parallel to length

M = Diagonal pitch 20 13 End staggered pit. parallel to width

CD = Square, diagonal
CD C 5 Z 15 x 20 14 End staggered pit. parallel to length

15 Rectangular pitch parallel to width

16 Rectangular pitch parallel to length

17 Measure of pitch
18 Row of holes

Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C 19 Slot hole length

M2 20 Slot hole width

M1 21 Hole length nose screen

22 Hole width nose screen



Perforated sheet without margins Perforated sheet with margins Perforated sheet with margins


1. 2. 3.

RMIG | www.rmig.com 4 Perforation without limits

Technical characteristics
Besides its basic features (as shape and • Overall length and width of the sheet/coil All these issues must be considered and their
arrangement of the holes) a perforated prod- • Length and width of the perforated areas acceptable tolerances quantified and
uct is defined by a number of technical char- and unperforated margins approved during the first negotiation process
acteristics as listed. The requested range of • Flatness between manufacturer and customer. RMIG
tolerances will strictly depend on the technical • Squareness has the knowledge and experience to assist.
needs of each specific application. Please • Surface aspects: free of oil, free of scratch- We can actively participate in that process
note that the requested tolerances affect the es whatever application and complexity level.
complexity of the manufacturing processes of • Burrs on holes and shearing burrs Please contact us for any additional informa-
the perforated products and therefore their • Mis-pitching and missing holes tion you may require.
final costs.

Formula for calculation of the weight of a perforated sheet: Overview of specific gravity (kg/dm3)
(Please insert measures in mm) Aluminium: 2.70

Width x length x thickness x specific gravity weight of Brass: 8.55

1,000,000 raw sheet Mild steel: 7.92

Weight of raw sheet x (1-% open area) = weight of perforated sheet in kilos Stainless steel: 7.92

Perforation formulas
Arrangement of holes Description Open area % Number of holes per sq. m.

T T R-T R2 x 90.69 1,154,700

T2 T2

U1 R2 x 78.5 1,000,000
U1 x U2 U1 x U2
R U2

U1 C2 x 100 1,000,000
U1 x U2 U1 x U2
C U2

Z1 C - Z1, Z2 C2 x 100 1,000,000

0.5 x (Z1 x Z2) 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2)

C Z2

LR - Z1, Z2 (L x R - 0.215R2) x 100 1,000,000
R 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2) 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2)
L Z2

LC - Z1, Z2 L x C x 100 1,000,000
0.5 x (Z1 x Z2) 0.5 x (Z1 x Z2)
L Z2

Calculation formula for a sheet before folding

Formula valid for inner radius = 1 mm: Add all L-measures + addition per bend
L1 + L2 + L3 + (bend x 2) = unfolded sheet e.g. at sheet thickness 1 mm: addition = 0.3 mm (see table)

Example: Thickness of sheet (mm) Addition per bend (mm)

t 1 mm
L1 = 25 mm 0.50 0.15
L2 = 25 mm 25 mm L1 L2 25 mm 1.00 0.30
L3 = 50 mm 1.50 0.45
t = 1 mm 50 mm 2.00 0.60
L = Inner side length L3
1 mm 2.50 0.75
t = Sheet thickness
100.6 mm 3.00 0.90
r1 = Radius 1 mm

Unfolded measures = 25 + 25 + 50 + (0.3 x 2) = 100.6 mm

RMIG | www.rmig.com 5 Perforation without limits

Coils and sheets
Perforated material can be supplied in coils
of different widths and lengths, as well as in
sheets of different sizes.

Sheets can be delivered in thicknesses

between 0.3 and 25 mm.

The available widths of perforated coils go

from 55 mm to 1500 mm, with a maximum
weight of approx. 8000 kilos. Thicknesses
range from 0.3 to 3.0 mm.

Guide to raw materials

Electro galvanised steel
RMIG offers perforated products in a wide This is carbon steel that has passed through This kind of treatment entails a brushed finish
range of materials. The qualities of the most an electrolytic bath of zinc which deposits a on the surface of the steel. It is possible to
commonly requested materials are described zinc coating onto the surface. ask for various brushed finishes and even
below: shiny effects such as (BA), these are good for
Pre-painted steel decorative purposes.
Carbon steel (mild steel) This is usually pre-galvanised or electro gal-
Carbon steel is the most commonly used raw vanised steel that has been painted. A wide Aluminium and its alloys
material. Principally there are two types of range of different bright or opaque colours is This material is particularly interesting
carbon steel: available. Usually the upper surface is protect- because of its weight advantages, being only
• Carbon steel cold rolled. It has a quite bright ed by a polyethylene film. Principally there are one-third the weight of steel. It is also quite
surface. It is used in thicknesses from 0.3 to two categories of paint. One for indoor use resistant to corrosion even in an untreated
3.0 mm. and the other for outdoor use where atmos- condition. The wide range of available alloys
• Carbon steel hot rolled pickled or black. The pheric agents are more aggressive. extends the application possibilities in high-
former has an opaque surface and the sec- tech segments.
ond has a quite black surface. They are Stainless steel
used for thicknesses from 1.5 mm and Stainless steel is a general name for different Titanium
above. kinds of steel alloyed with nickel and chrome, Titanium is characterized by an excellent
combined with other elements. The three resistance to corrosion, from the most oxi-
Pre-galvanised steel most common types are EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), dant acids to saline atmospheres.
This is carbon steel that has gone through a EN 1.4404 (AISI 316L) and EN 1.4016 (AISI
hot zinc bath just after rolling. This process 430) (chromatic steel). EN 1.4301 is resistant Copper
gives quite a good protection against oxida- to corrosion from humidity, and EN 1.4404 is Copper is a very malleable and corrosion
tion and rust, but it can only be used indoors resistant to corrosion from humidity and less resistant material.
as the protective layer is interrupted where the aggressive acids. EN 1.4016 is less corrosion
holes are punched. However, some of the zinc resistant than the other two types. Brass
is pushed into the holes so that there is some The surface can be finished in different ways. Brass includes a wide range of copper-zinc
protection at these points for indoor use. Besides the standard surface (2B) one of the alloys that are strong, durable, hard, conduc-
most commonly requested finishes is a tive, and resistant to wear and corrosion.
ground surface. Brasses can easily be punched, fabricated
Steel and aluminium and formed.
Terms under the European norm and the most used terms in DK, SE and DE.
New EN term Old EN term Denmark Sweden Germany
As in all other industrial sectors plastic has
DC01 Fe PO1 St. 1203 SS 1142 St. 1203
been introduced as a material for perforated
DC04 Fe PO4 St. 1403 SS 1147 St. 1403 products.
S235JRG2 Fe 360 St. 37-2 SS 1312 St. 37-2
DD 11 St. W 22 St. W 22 St. W 22 St. W 22 Other materials
It is possible to perforate other materials, and
DX 51D+Z Fe PO2 G St. 02Z SS 1151 St. 02Z
our technicians are at your disposal for fur-
EN 1.4301 EN 1.4301 AISI 304 SS 2333 W 1.4301
ther information and consultation.
EN 1.4401 EN 1.4401 AISI 316 SS 2347 W 1.4401
EN 1.4404 EN 1.4404 AISI 316L SS 2348 W 1.4404 Please contact us for other needs.
EN 1050 A EN 1050 A ALU 2S SS 144007 W 3.0255
EN 5754 EN 5754 AlMg 3 SS 144133 W 3.3535

RMIG | www.rmig.com 6 Perforation without limits

Guide to additional finishing
The following additional finishing processes are available to our customers:

Flattening Grinding
For some applications a high level of flatness Grinding is principally carried out on stainless
of the sheet or the coil is required. steel (2B) and aluminium. It can be
processed to different finishes.
A perforated sheet may be cut to a specific Degreasing
size or shape, meeting the needs of the final Degreasing is possible on all kinds of materi-
application. There are various means of cut- als and is above all used when further finish-
ting e.g. laser, flame, shears, water etc. ing processes like painting or welding are
This type of finishing is necessary to obtain Polishing
areas without material or to prepare the sheet This process is necessary to achieve a shiny
for bending of edges. effect of the treated surface and is generally
carried out on stainless steel.
This work is necessary to obtain products Hot dip galvanising
with a concave or convex shape and requires This kind of finishing is used extensively to
a special tooling. This process can further- obtain good protection against atmospheric
more give the sheet more resistance and agents and therefore against oxidation. The
extra rigidity. finished product is immerged into a hot liquid
zinc bath for full protection.
This process is used to give the sheet a Protection film application
cylindrical form. The application of protective film may be
necessary to protect the material from
Welding scratches, spots or marks during perforation
Welding joins two or more parts of different or transportation.
products. It can be carried out in different
ways. Deburring
This process is very useful to reduce sharp
Surface treatment edges on perforated sheets. This is neces-
Surface treatment is principally needed for sary for particular applications where a burr
two reasons: to protect or to decorate the may compromise the correct function or look
final product. A very wide range of possibili- of the final product.
ties is available according to the type of
material. Autophoretic coating
Autophoretic coating is an ecological surface
Painting treatment for steel components and improves
Lots of different bright or opaque colours are resistance to corrosion. It consists in a depo-
available. There are options for items to be in sition of organic drops through a chemical
contact with atmospheric agents and others reaction with positive ions released from the
for items to be used only in sheltered areas. treated metal.

Anodizing Please contact us for any other needs.

Anodizing is principally used on aluminium
and is available in various colours.

RMIG | www.rmig.com 7 Perforation without limits

Solution provider

Design Quality
We offer to you our wealth of expertise in Quality is of prime importance to us, as it is
perforation. From the initial idea to the final to you. Precision and uniformity are proper-
specification of your perforated product, we ties secured and controlled by our extensive
are your sure choice to obtain the optimum quality management. We have been con-
solution. We will be your partner from the stantly refining and developing our quality
concept stages of design, offering advice systems and awareness since our first com-
and expertise and ensuring that you get the pany became accredited to ISO 9002, in
best advice from the start. 1989. We see this as our service guarantee.

Focus on the customer’s needs and on Additional finishing

quality Take your requirements a step nearer to the
For RMIG it is vital to get a good understand- finished article. We offer options of rolling,
ing of your product specification. Our experi- cutting, bending and welding, complemented
enced team will understand your needs, and with a variety of surface treatments and fin-
whether your concern is quality or service we ishes.
will work closely with you throughout.

We offer one of the world’s largest ranges of
perforation patterns, from traditional round
and square holes to decorative and complex
shapes. Our tools are manufactured and
maintained by our own tooling department.
When there is a demand for specific tooling,
we can develop this for you.

Our production sites use “State of the Art
machinery”, able to manufacture the full
spectrum of perforated products. No job is
too big, and none are too small.

RMIG | www.rmig.com 8 Perforation without limits

Round holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Round holes, triangular pitch Triangular pitch - a few examples

No. R T Open area
R2T3.5 2.00 3.50 29.6%

R3T4 3.00 4.00 51.0%

R3T5 3.00 5.00 32.7%
T T R4T5 4.00 5.00 58.0%
R4T7 4.00 7.00 29.6%
R5T8 5.00 8.00 35.4%
R6T9 6.00 9.00 40.3%

R R7T10 7.00 10.00 44.4%

R8T11 8.00 11.00 48.0%
Triangular pitch - a few examples R10T14 10.00 14.00 46.4%
No. R T Open area R10T16 10.00 16.00 35.4%
R0.5T1.09 0.50 1.09 19.0% R12T16 12.00 16.00 51.0%
R0.75T1.5 0.75 1.50 22.7% R15T21 15.00 21.00 46.3%
R1T2 1.00 2.00 22.7% R20T27 20.00 27.00 46.8%
R1.2T2 1.20 2.00 32.7% R25T39 25.00 39.00 37.3%
R1.5T3 1.50 3.00 22.7% R30T35 30.00 35.00 66.6%

R0.5T1.09 (705-020) 1:1 R1T2 (710-000) 1:1 R1.5T3 (715-001) 1:1

R: 0.50 T: 1.09 Open area: 19.0% R: 1.00 T: 2.00 Open area: 22.7% R: 1.50 T: 3.00 Open area: 22.7%

R3T5 (730-000) 1:1 R5T8 (750-002) 1:1 R8T11 (780-020) 1:1

R: 3.00 T: 5.00 Open area: 32.7% R: 5.00 T: 8.00 Open area: 35.4% R: 8.00 T: 11.00 Open area: 48.0%

R10T14 (810-044) 1:1 R20T27 (820-029) 1:1 R25T39 (825-001) 1:1

R: 10.00 T: 14.00 Open area: 46.4% R: 20.00 T: 27.00 Open area: 46.8% R: 25.00 T: 39.00 Open area: 37.3%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 9 Perforation without limits

Round holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Round holes, rectangular pitch Rectangular pitch - a few examples

No. R U1 U2 Open area
R1.25U1.5 1.25 1.50 1.50 54.8%

R2.5U5.5 2.50 5.50 5.50 16.6%

R3U5 3.00 5.00 5.00 28.3%
R5U12.5 5.00 12.50 12.50 12.6%
R6U8 6.00 8.00 8.00 44.2%
R7U10 7.00 10.00 10.00 38.5%
R8U16 8.00 16.00 16.00 19.6%
R U2
R10U15 10.00 15.00 15.00 34.9%
R12U38 12.00 38.00 38.00 7.8%
R16U25 16.00 25.00 25.00 31.2%
Rectangular pitch - a few examples R20U35 20.00 35.00 35.00 25.6%
No. R U1 U2 Open area R25U50 25.00 50.00 50.00 19.6%
R0.5U22.68 0.50 22.68 22.68 0.4% R30U50 30.00 50.00 50.00 28.3%
R0.75U5.22 0.75 5.22 5.22 1.6% R50U64 50.00 64.00 64.00 47.9%

R1.25U1.5 (712-025) 1:1 R3U5 (730-053) 1:1 R5U12.5 (750-019) 1:1

R: 1.25 U: 1.50 Open area: 54.8% R: 3.00 U: 5.00 Open area: 28.3% R: 5.00 U: 12.50 Open area: 12.6%

Round holes, diagonal pitch Diagonal pitch - a few examples

No. R M Open area
R1.5M4 1.50 4.00 11.0%
R1.75M3.18 1.75 3.18 23.7%
R2M4.24 2.00 4.24 22.0%

R2.5M7 2.50 7.00 10.0%

R3.5M5.5 3.50 5.50 31.0%
R4.3M11.3 4.30 11.30 11.4%

R M R5M11.31 5.00 11.31 15.3%

R9M15 9.00 15.00 28.3%

R1.75M3.18 (717-007) 1:1 R2.5M7 (725-027) 1:1 R4.3M11.3 (743-001) 1:1

R: 1.75 M: 3.18 Open area: 23.7% R: 2.50 M: 7.00 Open area: 10.0% R: 4.30 M: 11.30 Open area: 11.4%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 10 Perforation without limits

Round holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Round holes, staggered pitch


R Z1

Staggered pitch - a few examples

No. R Z1 Z2 Open area
R1.3Z2x3.5 1.30 2.00 3.50 37.9%
R3Z4x8 3.00 4.00 8.00 44.9%
R5Z20x40 5.00 20.00 40.00 4.9%
R7Z20x40 7.00 20.00 40.00 9.6%
R22Z44.2x70 22.00 44.20 70.00 24.6%
R70Z100x160 70.00 100.00 160.00 24.0%

R1.3Z2x3.5 (713-028) 1:1 R5Z20x40 (750-029) 1:1

R: 1.30 Z1: 2.00 Z2: 3.50 Open area: 37.9% R: 5.00 Z1: 20.00 Z2: 40.00 Open area: 4.9%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 11 Perforation without limits

Square holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Square holes, rectangular pitch Rectangular pitch - a few examples

No. C U1 U2 Open area
C1.2U1.7 1.20 1.70 1.70 49.8%
C3U5 3.00 5.00 5.00 36.0%
C4U6.38 4.00 6.38 6.38 39.3%
C5U7.5 5.00 7.50 7.50 44.4%
C8U12 8.00 12.00 12.00 44.4%
C9U34 9.00 34.00 34.00 7.0%
C9.5U13.33 9.50 13.33 13.33 50.8%

C10U12 10.00 12.00 12.00 69.4%

C15U20 15.00 20.00 20.00 56.3%
C20U25 20.00 25.00 25.00 64.0%
C U1 C50U62 50.00 62.00 62.00 65.0%

C4U6.38 (404-000) 1:1 C9U34 (409-005) 1:1 C9.5U13.33 (409-013) 1:1

C: 4.00 U: 6.38 Open area: 39.3% C: 9.00 U: 34.00 Open area: 7.0% C: 9.50 U: 13.33 Open area: 50.8%

Square holes, staggered pitch


C Z1

Staggered pitch - a few examples

No. C Z1 Z2 Open area
C2.2Z4.25x8.5 2.20 4.25 8.50 26.9%
C7Z8.5x17 7.00 8.50 17.00 67.8%
C8Z11x22 8.00 11.00 22.00 52.9%
C12.7Z16x32 12.70 16.00 32.00 63.0%
C100Z120x240 100.00 120.00 240.00 69.4%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 12 Perforation without limits

Square holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Square holes, diagonal pitch Diagonal pitch - a few examples

No. CD M Open area
CD3M7 3.00 7.00 18.4%
CD6M9.19 6.00 9.19 42.6%
CD7.5M11.5 7.50 11.50 42.5%
CD11M15.23 11.00 15.23 52.2%

CD12M18.5 12.00 18.50 42.1%

CD15M20 15.00 20.00 56.3%
CD20M27.57 20.00 27.57 52.6%
CD20M26.5 20.00 26.50 57.0%


CD30M38 30.00 38.00 62.3%

CD40M50 40.00 50.00 64.0%

CD3M7 (3403-000) 1:1 CD6M9.19 (3406-000) 1:1 CD7.5M11.5 (3407-008) 1:1

CD: 3.00 M: 7.00 Open area: 18.4% CD: 6.00 M: 9.19 Open area: 42.6% CD: 7.50 M: 11.50 Open area: 42.5%

CD12M18.5 (3412-000) 1:1 CD15M20 (3415-000) 1:1 CD20M26.5 (3420-000) 1:1

CD: 12.00 M: 18.50 Open area: 42.1% CD: 15.00 M: 20.00 Open area: 56.3% CD: 20.00 M: 26.50 Open area: 57.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 13 Perforation without limits

Conical holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Conical holes
For normal perforation, the maximum thickness of mild steel sheets may On this page some of the patterns are shown for which
exceed the hole diameter by approximately 25%. Therefore, for normal perfo- tools are available.
ration, 2 mm holes can be perforated in sheets up to 2.5 mm thickness. Where very small holes are required, relative to the sheet
thickness, the solution may be a Perfocon sheet as
For special perforation, the sheet thickness may exceed the hole diameter described on page 20.
considerably. For example, using mild steel sheets we can punch 2 mm coni-
cal holes in 4 mm thick sheets, and punching conical holes their diameters
may be even smaller.
Conical holes are smooth from top to bottom.

Conical holes, triangular pitch Triangular pitch - a few examples

No. RR T t Open area

RR0.2T1.6 0.20 1.60 0.50 1.4%

RR0.3T2.88 0.30 2.88 0.70 1.0%
RR0.5T1.5 0.50 1.50 0.90 10.0%
RR0.5T2 0.50 2.00 0.90 5.7%
RR0.75T2 0.75 2.00 1.00 12.6%
RR2.5T7.5 2.50 7.50 2.00* 10.0%
t = max thickness of sheet in mild steel

* = max thickness of sheet in stainless steel

RR0.5T2 (3505-000) 1:1 RR0.75T2 (3507-008) 1:1

RR: 0.50 T: 2.00 Open area: 5.7% RR: 0.75 T: 2.00 Open area: 12.6%

Conical holes, rectangular pitch Rectagular pitch - a few examples

No. RR U1 U2 Open area
RR0.8U1.75x1.5 0.80 1.75 1.50 19.1%
RR1.5U10 1.50 10.00 10.00 1.7%
RR3.5U5.33x10 3.50 5.33 10.00 12.6%


RMIG | www.rmig.com 14 Perforation without limits

Rectangular holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Rectangular holes, rectangular pitch Rectangular pitch - a few examples

No. L C U1 U2 Open area
LC0.37x4U1.17x5.65 4.00 0.37 1.17 5.65 22.4%
LC4x15U8x19 15.00 4.00 8.00 19.00 39.5%
LC5x15.7U7.5x18.2 15.70 5.00 7.50 18.20 57.5%

LC1.05x20U10x24 20.00 1.05 10.00 24.00 8.8%

LC20x25U40x55 25.00 20.00 40.00 55.00 22.7%

LC33x51.1U43x60 51.10 33.00 43.00 60.00 65.4%


LC0.37x4U1.17x5.65 (1037-001) 1:1 LC4x15U8x19 (1403-001) 1:1 LC5x15.7U7.5x18.2 (1503-001) 1:1

L: 4.00 C: 0.37 U1: 1.17 U2: 5.65 Open area: 22.4% L: 15.00 C: 4.00 U1: 8.00 U2: 19.00 Open area: 39.5% L: 15.70 C: 5.00 U1: 7.50 U2: 18.20 Open area: 57.5%

Rectangular holes, staggered pitch Staggered pitch - a few examples

No. L C Z1 Z2 Open area
LC0.4x2.5Z2.6x3.5 2.50 0.40 2.60 3.50 22.0%
LC0.9x10Z5.92x14 10.00 0.90 5.92 14.00 21.3%

LC1.5x16Z11x20 16.00 1.50 11.00 20.00 21.8%

LC0.35x4Z2.68x5 4.00 0.35 2.68 5.00 20.9%
LC4x15Z16x19 15.00 4.00 16.00 19.00 39.5%

LC12x40Z40x48 40.00 12.00 40.00 48.00 50.0%

L LC20x30Z52x36 30.00 20.00 52.00 36.00 64.1%

LC0.35x4Z2.68x5 (1035-007) 1:1 LC1.5x16Z11x20 (1154-004) 1:1 LC4x15Z16x19 (1403-003) 1:1

L: 4.00 C: 0.35 Z1: 2.68 Z2: 5.00 Open area: 20.9% L: 16.00 C: 1.50 Z1: 11.00 Z2: 20.00 Open area: 21.8% L: 15.00 C: 4.00 Z1: 16.00 Z2: 19.00 Open area: 39.5%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 15 Perforation without limits

Slot holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Slot holes, rectangular pitch Rectangular pitch - a few examples

No. L R U1 U2 Open area
LR0.3x10U1.4x13 10.00 0.30 1.40 13.00 16.0%
LR1x20U2.5x24 20.00 1.00 2.50 24.00 33.0%
LR2.5x20U5x24 20.00 2.50 5.00 24.00 40.5%
LR5.5x20U9x24 20.00 5.50 9.00 24.00 47.9%

LR3x25U12x30 25.00 3.00 12.00 30.00 20.3%


LR6x25U10x32 25.00 6.00 10.00 32.00 44.5%

L U2
LR20x100U40x120 100.00 20.00 40.00 120.00 39.9%

LR0.3x10U1.4x13 (1031-000) 1:1 LR2.5x20U5x24 (1255-000) 1:1 LR6x25U10x32 (1606-000) 1:1

L: 10.00 R: 0.30 U1: 1.40 U2: 13.00 Open area: 16.0% L: 20.00 R: 2.50 U1: 5.00 U2: 24.00 Open area: 40.5% L: 25.00 R: 6.00 U1: 10.00 U2: 32.00 Open area: 44.5%

Slot holes, staggered pitch Staggered pitch - a few examples

No. L R Z1 Z2 Open area
LR0.6x6Z4.5x8.7 6.00 0.60 4.50 8.70 18.0%
LR1.5x20Z7.5x24 20.00 1.50 7.50 24.00 33.0%
LR2x20Z8.88x24 20.00 2.00 8.88 24.00 36.7%
LR2.5x20Z10.8x24 20.00 2.50 10.80 24.00 37.5%
LR3x20Z12x24 20.00 3.00 12.00 24.00 40.3%

LR10.5x20Z30x24 20.00 10.50 30.00 24.00 51.8%

LR4x25Z16.5x50 25.00 4.00 16.50 50.00 23.4%

L Z2 LR8x25Z28x34 25.00 8.00 28.00 34.00 39.1%

LR20x60Z62x72 60.00 20.00 62.00 72.00 50.0%

LR0.6x6Z4.5x8.7 (1063-006) 1:1 LR3x20Z12x24 (1305-006) 1:1 LR8x25Z28x34 (1806-006) 1:1

L: 6.00 R: 0.60 Z1: 4.50 Z2: 8.70 Open area: 18.0% L: 20.00 R: 3.00 Z1: 12.00 Z2: 24.00 Open area: 40.3% L: 25.00 R: 8.00 Z1: 28.00 Z2: 34.00 Open area: 39.1%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 16 Perforation without limits

Slot holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Slot holes, rectangular pitch Rectangular pitch - a few examples

No. L RD U1 U2 Open area
LRD6x25U17.1x22.2 25.00 6.00 17.10 22.20 35.6%

LRD3.25x35U29x10 35.00 3.25 29.00 10.00 38.4%

LRD8x40U37x20 40.00 8.00 37.00 20.00 41.4%
LRD11x60U35x139 60.00 11.00 35.00 139.00 1.7%

U1 LRD14x60U56x32 60.00 14.00 56.00 32.00 44.5%

LRD6x25U17.1x22.2 (1606-019) 1:1 LRD8x40U37x20 (1808-019) 1:1

RD: 6.00 L: 25.00 U1: 17.10 U2: 22.20 Open area: 35.6% RD: 8.00 L: 40.00 U1: 37.00 U2: 20.00 Open area: 41.4%

Slot holes, herringbone pitch Herringbone pitch - a few examples

No. L RDD U1 U2 Open area
LRDD6x12U13.75x13.33 12.00 6.00 13.75 13.33 35.1%

LRDD3.5x16U16x10 16.00 3.50 16.00 10.00 33.4%

LRDD2.5x20U17x7 20.00 2.50 17.00 7.00 46.3%
LRDD3x20U17.5x8 20.00 3.00 17.50 8.00 41.5%


LRDD1.8x25U20.7x7 25.00 1.80 20.70 7.00 30.6%

LRDD2.5x20U17x7 (1254-019) 1:1 LRDD6x12U13.75x13.33 (1602-019) 1:1

L: 20.00 RDD: 2.50 U1: 17.00 U2: 7.00 Open area: 46.3% L: 12.00 RDD: 6.00 U1: 13.75 U2: 13.33 Open area: 35.1%

Slot holes, cross pitch Cross pitch - a few examples

No. L R U1 U2 Open area
LR1.74x20Ux[5]4.57x24 20.00 1.74 4.57 24.00 29.3%
LR2.5x25Ux[5]5.68x28 25.00 2.50 5.68 28.00 39.0%
LR3.2x20Ux[4]5.77x25 20.00 3.20 5.77 25.00 39.6%

LR4x25Ux[4]7.54x31 25.00 4.00 7.54 31.00 40.2%

R L U1

LR1.74x20Ux[5]4.57x24 (1175-003) 1:1 LR2.5x25Ux[5]5.68x28 (1256-001) 1:1

L: 20.00 R: 1.74 U1: 24.00 U2: 4.57 Open area: 29.3% L: 25.00 R: 2.50 U1: 28.00 U2: 5.68 Open area: 39.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 17 Perforation without limits

Triangular and hexagonal holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Triangular holes Triangular holes - a few examples

No. TTR U1 U2 Open area
TTR0.75U1.35x1.75 0.75 1.35 1.75 30.9%
TTR2U3.14x4.24 2.00 3.14 4.24 39.0%
TTR2.55U3.68x5 2.55 3.68 5.00 41.5%

TTR4U6.24x8.4 4.00 6.24 8.40 39.7%

TTR U1 TTR5.5U7.75x10.77 5.50 7.75 10.77 47.1%

TTR2U3.14x4.24 (3820-000) 1:1 TTR4U6.24x8.4 (3840-000) 1:1

TTR: 2.00 U1: 3.14 U2: 4.24 Open area: 39.0% TTR: 4.00 U1: 6.24 U2: 8.24 Open area: 39.7%

Hexgonal holes Hexagonal holes - a few examples

No. H1 H2 T Open area
H1.5T2 1.50 1.73 2.00 56.3%
H1.9T2.5 1.90 2.19 2.50 57.8%
H2.3T3 2.30 2.66 3.00 58.7%

H9T12 9.00 10.39 12.00 56.3%


H6T8.25 6.00 6.92 8.25 52.9%

H2 H22T34 22.00 25.40 34.00 41.9%
H24T30 24.00 27.71 30.00 64.0%
H40T49.7 40.00 46.19 49.70 64.0%

H9T14 (959-000) 1:1 H24T30 (974-000) 1:1

H1: 9.00 H2: 10.39 T: 14.00 Open area: 41.3% H1: 24.00 H2: 27.71 T: 30.00 Open area: 64.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 18 Perforation without limits

Trieur sheets
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Trieur - Flat (LREMF) Trieur - Round (LREMR) Trieur - Combined (LREMC)

Trieur - Flat and round - a few examples Trieur - Combined - a few examples
No. R T d t No. R Z1 Z2 d
LREMR1.1x1.3T1.66 1.10 1.30 1.66 0.60 1.00 LREMC2.75Z4.5x7 2.75 4.50 7.00 1.65
LREMF2.25x2.8T3.5 2.25 2.80 3.50 1.20 1.25 LREMC5.5Z8.5x13 5.50 8.50 13.00 3.15
LREMF6x7.1T9 6.00 7.10 9.00 3.40 2.00 LREMC10.5Z16x27 10.50 16.00 27.00 5.15
LREMR6.5x7.7T9.75 6.50 7.70 9.75 3.60 2.00 LREMC22Z32.5x56.5 22.00 32.50 56.50 7.50

Trieur Sheets
RM Trieur sheets are one of the most important components within The “pockets” are very specific for each purpose; any deviation in
specialist machinery that size/sort grain and seeds or where they are “pocket” size or shape even to the extent of just a few tenths of a
separated from other foreign bodies. millimetre may cause loss of efficiency.
In order to achieve the best results the correct shape of “pocket” is
vital, as too is the “pocket” size which is customized for each pur- RM Trier has been developed with the minimum of spacing between
pose. Our trieur sheets are manufactured with painstakingly tested the “pockets” so as to provide the maximum sorting/sifting per
and extremely efficient oval shape “pockets” in the sheet thicknesses square metre.
listed above. It is not advisable to use thinner sheets than listed since
the shape of the “pockets” will be impaired and efficiency decreased. RM Trieur benefits:
• High precision “pockets” to improve separation quality
We are able to deliver sheets with almost any size of “pocket”, if you • Improved efficiency by optimised sorting/sifting area
do not see what you require in the above table please contact us.
Trieur sheets can be supplied as flat plain sheets cut to size or as
rolled and welded cylinders.

Flat Round Combined Combined

RMIG | www.rmig.com 19 Perforation without limits

For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

RM Perfocon

Perforation in the right direction

Perfocon is a specially designed product from RMIG, pro- A stainless Perfocon sheet that has subsequently been elec-
duced with a technique that enables us to manufacture tro polished will distinctly minimize the risk of enzymes and
sheets with a thickness many times the hole diameter, e.g. other particles “sticking” in the holes and reducing the flow
0.2 mm holes in 1.0 mm thick stainless steel. since the holes are de-burred and the surface is smoothed.
The directional perforation enables control of airflow and
sieving, and the design and angle of perforation is developed Perfocon hole sizes
to reduce the possible filling/clogging of the holes. These RMIG offers as standard Perfocon waved in stainless steel
qualities make Perfocon particularly suited for separation with hole sizes from 0.15 mm to 1.0 mm and in mild steel
processes. However, Perfocon has a wide range of other with hole sizes from 0.15 mm to 3.0 mm.
applications from cheese boxes to distributor plates in fluid Perfocon can also be delivered in other materials - please
bed dryers and hammer mill cylinders. contact us for further information.

RM Perfocon
Perfocon has a very long life and is of high quality compared
to alternative products, which may mean fewer production
stops and large savings.

Perfocon waved/round Perfocon flat



R) Sheet thickness R] Sheet thickness

Perfocon waved/round Perfocon flat

Z2 Z2

Z1 Z1 R]

RMIG | www.rmig.com 20 Perforation without limits

Nose screens
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Nose screens Nose screens - a few examples

No. LTNP L Z1 Z2
LTNP LTNP4x8Z10x10 4.00 8.00 10.00 10.00
LTNP6x10Z12.8x13 6.00 10.00 12.80 13.00
Z2 LTNP8x11Z15.5x18.3 8.00 11.00 15.50 18.30
LTNP12x22.5Z19x26 12.00 22.50 19.00 26.00
LTNP16x32Z26x36 16.00 32.00 26.00 36.00
Z2 Z1
LTNP19x40Z31x44 19.00 40.00 31.00 44.00

LTNP16x32Z26x36 (3916-000) 1:1 LTNP12x22.5Z19x26 (3912-000) 1:1

LTNP19x40Z31x44 (3919-000) 1:1 LTNP6x10Z12.8x13 (3906-000) 1:1

LTNP8x11Z15.5x18.3 (3908-000) 1:1 LTNP4x8Z10x10 (3904-000) 1:1

RMIG | www.rmig.com 21 Perforation without limits

Lipped perforations
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com


Lipped perforations - a few examples Lipped perforations - a few examples

No. B L No. B L
POLR6x12U10.6x16 6.00 12.00 PCLR8x13.5U10.5x18.75 8.00 13.50
POLR5x13U8x17.2 5.00 13.00 PCLR7.5x104.5U12.5x112 7.50 104.50
POLR6x12U8x20 6.00 12.00 PCLR11x20Z30x50 11.00 20.00
POLR6x130U12x140 6.00 130.00 PCLR12x230U20x280 12.00 230.00
POLR8x14U10x23 8.00 14.00 PCLR12.5x14U20x40 12.50 14.00
POLR8x42U10x52 8.00 42.00
POLR8x55U15x70 8.00 55.00 1:1
PCLR11x20Z30x50 (503-000)
POLR8.25x24Z16.5x32 8.25 24.00
POLR9x65U12x77 9.00 65.00
POLR11x18U15x28 11.00 18.00
POLR11x110U20x124 11.00 110.00
POLR18x130U25x140 18.00 130.00
POLR18x190U24x205 18.00 190.00
POLR18x210U36x240 18.00 210.00

POLR5x13U8x17.2 (575-003) 1:1 PCLR4.5x20U16.4x17.5 (566-000) 1:1

POLR8.25x24Z16.5x32 (571-000) 1:1 PCLR7.5x104.5U12.5x112 (565-000) 1:1

RMIG | www.rmig.com 22 Perforation without limits

Lipped perforations
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

POLR8x42U10x52 (576-000) 1:1 POLR12x34Z16.6x48 (576-003) 1:1

POLR3x7Z12.5x6.35 (583-000) 1:1 POLR5x7Z12.5x6.35 (583-001) 1:1

RMIG | www.rmig.com 23 Perforation without limits

Collared, countersunk and indented holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

Collared holes Countersunk holes Indented holes






Collared holes - a few examples Countersunk holes - a few examples Indented holes - a few examples
No. CIR T Open area No. RC U/M Open area No. RI T/M/U Open area
CIR8T15 8.00 15.00 25.8% RC5U10 5.00 10.00 19.6% RI4.79T15 4.79 15.00 9.2%
CIR18T26.25 18.00 26.25 42.6% RC9M19.8 9.00 19.80 16.2% RI10M28.8 10.00 28.80 32.7%
RI15U32 15.00 32.00 17.3%
RI22T56 22.00 56.00 42.4%
CIR8T15 (525-003) 1:1 RC5U10 (2745-001) 1:1

CIR: 8.00 T: 15.00 Open area: 25.8% RC: 5.00 U: 10.00 Open area: 19.6%

Stabbed and rasp perforations

Stabbed perforation Stabbed perforation Rasp perforation Rasp perforation
No. RT M/T/U No. RRA U Open area
RT0.5M1.25 0.50 1.25 RRA3U9 3.00 9.00 8.7%
RT1.6T10.5 1.60 10.50
RT2.8M7.8 2.80 7.80
RT6U37.5 6.00 37.50

RT2.8M7.8 (506-000) 1:1


RMIG | www.rmig.com 24 Perforation without limits

Supporting sheets
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

SSLR3.1x10.1Z6x24 (3618-112) 1:1 SS2.5x4Z10.5x6 (3615-000) 1:1

Open area: 31.7%

SSLR3x10U6x14 (3618-002) 1:1 SSLR3x10Z6x28 (3618-111) 1:1

Anti-skid sheets
RAS5/8.1M17.68 (4209-000) 1:1 RAS12U25 (4212-000) 1:1

R: 5.00 R: 8.10 M: 17.68 Open area: 20.0% R: 12.00 U: 25.00 Open area: 20.6%

RAS11/10M36.36 (4210-000) 1:1 RAS8T20 1:1

11.00 / 10.00 M: 36.36 Open area: 14.0% R: 8.00 T: 20.00

RMIG | www.rmig.com 25 Perforation without limits

Embossed sheets
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

LREM12x30U60 (L1) 1:1 LREM8x22U44 (L1BIS) 1:1 LREM13x38U60 (L2BIS) 1:1

CDEM16M25.45 (L3) 1:1 CEM8Z20x29 (L4) 1:1 EM10x20U50 (L7) 1:1

CEM5U8 (L8) 1:1 CEM12U20 (L8BIS) 1:1

RMIG | www.rmig.com 26 Perforation without limits

Embossed sheets
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

CEM14U18 (511-000) 1:1 LREM2.5x5.5U10 (518-000) 1:1 CEM6U6.15 (508-000) 1:1

14 mm 2.5 x 2.5 mm 6 mm

CEM6U6 (508-001) 1:1 EM2x2U2 (3002-000) 1:1 EM3x4Z8x5 (3003-000) 1:1

6 mm 2 mm 3 x 4 mm

EM8x12Z13.25x20 (509-000) 1:1 LREM5x15Z14.5x20 (588-000) 1:1 LREM20x50U80x60 (588-010) 1:1

8 x 12 mm 5 x 15 mm

LREM5x12Z23x23 (594-000) 1:1 CEM4.5U6.25 (516-000) 1:1

5 x 12 mm 4.5 mm

EM25M30.5 (599-000) 1:1 EM25x75U30x80.5 (598-000) 1:1 REM42U56 (590-000) 1:1

25 x 25 mm 25 x 75 mm 42 mm

RMIG | www.rmig.com 27 Perforation without limits

Bridge holes
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com
Bridge perforation is a special perforation pro-
duced with extreme precision. The combina-
tion of heavy sheet thickness and very fine
openings provides great resistance for e.g. fil-
tering and ventilation.

Bridge perforation is often used for water

drainage shafts and chemical processing.

Technical information:
Bridge hole 12.5 x 32 / 25.5 x 45
S1 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm 6 mm 8 mm
Open percentage according to stamping
depth: a1 20 ± 0.2
W 5 ± 0.2 e 7 ± 0.2
1.5 mm ca. 3.7% b 6.5 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.8 9 ± 1.0
2.0 mm ca. 5.3% h t±1 t±2 t±3 t±5 t ± 7.5 t ± 7.5
2.5 mm ca. 7.2% 1 39 42 45 48 54 54
3.0 mm ca. 9.1% 1.5 42 45 48 48 54 54
2 42 45 48 51 54 57
2.5 45 48 51 54 57 60
a2 a2 = a1 + 1.4h
a3 a3 = a1 + 2.8h

Bridge holes

S1 = Sheet thickness A-B b

h = Opening C-D S1 h
a3 = Length of bridge
w C

Open area


D e

RMIG | www.rmig.com 28 Perforation without limits

For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

F27 1:1 F72 1:1 F30 1:1

Open area: 38.3% Open area: 27.7% Open area: 20.8%

Ornamental perforations
CPR12.21M13.58 (1-020) 1:1 CPS15.3M15.6 (2-000) 1:1 CPRR6x9.75M15 (1-006) 1:1

Open area: 46.1% Open area: 43.6% Open area: 36.3%

DEC19M26 (7-000) 1:1 DEC22x22M18 (32-000) 1:1 DEC11x14Z18x16 (4-000) 1:1

Open area: 52.0% Open area: 52.0% Open area: 60.0%

DEC17x27Z36x34 (3-002) 1:1 DEC8x12Z17x13.32 (37-000) 1:1

Open area: 44.0% Open area: 58.0%

DEC15x24Z17.5x30.15 (52-000) 1:1 DEC11T20 (35-000) 1:1

Open area: 29.0% Open area: 28.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 29 Perforation without limits

Ornamental perforations
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

DEC13.4M18.5 (30-000) 1:1 DEC10.5M18.5 (45-000) 1:1 DEC20M26.5 (36-000) 1:1

Open area: 46.0% Open area: 29.0% Open area: 50.0%

DEC11U18 (33-000) 1:1 DEC11M22.5 (59-000) 1:1 DEC16.5x24.5Z34x23 (89-000) 1:1

Open area: 45.0% Open area: 33.0% Open area: 51.7%

DEC10x18.5Z14.5x30 (87-000) 1:1 Italy 1:1 DEC9.21x15.1Z14x24 (90-000) 1:1

Open area: 42.0% Open area: 26.0% Open area: 42.1%

DEC10x22M28 (43-000) 1:1 DEC34.5x48Z55x55 (46-000) 1:1 DEC9x44U18.2x47.5 (28-000) 1:1

Open area: 42.0% Open area: 38.0% Open area: 38.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 30 Perforation without limits

Ornamental perforations
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

DEC23x40Z52x36 (3-000) 1:1 DEC13.5M18.5 (34-000) 1:1 DEC26x45.5U50x30 (523-001) 1:1

Open area: 56.0% Open area: 46.0% Open area: 62.0%

DEC45U51.5 (40-000) 1:1 DEC43U48 (39-000) 1:1

Open area: 33.0% Open area: 48.0%

DEC50.5x71Z81x81 (42-000) 1:1 DEC8x21.5Z12.5x25 (613-000) 1:1

Open area: 37.0% Open area: 42.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 31 Perforation without limits

Expanded metal
Expanded metal is a form of net or grating It is important that you mention length and width a Width of mesh
produced by cutting and subsequently of the sheets / coils according to the picture b Length of mesh
expanding the material. The production is below. c Width of rib
done mechanically, the metal being cut d Thickness of rib
with intervals and expanded by a machine. W = Width
L = Length

W c b

Expanded metal has great strength when exposed to weight, and the raw
material is used very efficiently and economically.


Length The bending is greatly reduced because of the

Assembly: Expanded metal has to be fastened so that the short diagonals of angular formation of the ribs in proprotion to
the mesh run in the longitudinal direction of the footbridge. the level of the sheet.

Load table for walkway gratings - width of footbridge in mm

Type no. 400 mm 500 mm 600 mm 700 mm 800 mm 1000 mm 1250 mm
LT12x30Z4.5x2.5 440 380 310 270 230 190 150
LT13x42Z4.5x2.5 410 350 290 250 220 170 140
LT20x62Z3x3 210 180 150 130 110 90 70
LT20x62Z4.5x3 320 270 220 190 170 130 100
LT20x62Z6x3 430 360 300 260 200 180 140
LT20x62Z6x4 570 480 400 340 300 240 190
LT26x62Z6x5 550 460 390 290 230 180 150
LT30x88Z4.5x3 210 180 150 130 110 90 70
LT30x88Z6x3 280 240 200 170 150 120 90
LT30x88Z6x4 380 320 270 230 200 160 130
LT40x115Z6x3 210 180 150 130 110 90 70
LT40x115Z6x4 280 240 200 170 150 120 90

The load table shows the weight allowable including safety factors in kilos / sq. m. mentioned as evenly dispersed (distributed) load.
Underlined load corresponds to the weight of a person with tools (around 100 kilos) in the middle of the footbridge.
The load table applies to sheets welded or buckled on the abutment. The abutment and the fastening to it is to be calculated sepa-
Please note that we make reservations with regard to any misprints made in this table, or errors made in calculations based on the
values in the table.

RMIG | www.rmig.com 32 Perforation without limits

Expanded metal
For a detailed list of available patterns refer to www.rmig.com

LT2x5Z0.6x0.5 1:1 No. a x b mm c x d mm Open area Weight sq. m.

Micros meshes
LT2x5Z0.6x0.5 2.00 x 5.00 0.60 x 0.50 43.0% 3.6 kg
Rhomboidal meshes
LT6x27Z1.2x1 6.00 x 27.00 1.20 x 1.00 62.0% 2.6 kg
LT4x10Z1x0.5 4.00 x 10.00 1.00 x 0.50 68.0% 0.6 kg
LT: 2.00 x 5.00 Z: 0.60 x 0.50 Open area: 43.0%
LT30x88Z3x3 30.00 x 88.00 3.00 x 3.00 78.0% 4.4 kg
LT30x88Z6x3 30.00 x 88.00 6.00 x 3.00 75.0% 8.7 kg
LT6x27Z1.2x1 1:1
LT30x88Z6x4 30.00 x 88.00 6.00 x 4.00 68.0% 1.6 kg
Flattened rhomboidal meshes
LT26x52Z4.8x2.5 26.00 x 52.00 4.80 x 2.50 72.0% 7.0 kg
Hexagonal meshes
LT10x20Z1.2x1.2 10.00 x 20.00 1.20 x 1.20 73.0% 2.5 kg

LT: 6.00 x 27.00 Z: 1.20 x 1.00 Open area: 62.0% Walkways gratings
LT12x30Z4.5x2.5 12.00 x 30.00 4.50 x 2.50 41.0% 14.0 kg

LT20x62Z4.5x3 20.00 x 62.00 4.50 x 3.00 63.0% 9.7 kg
LT20x62Z6x3 20.00 x 62.00 6.00 x 3.00 60.0% 12.8 kg
LT20x62Z6x4 20.00 x 62.00 6.00 x 4.00 48.0% 17.0 kg
LT34x122Z9.5x4.5 34.00 x 122.00 9.50 x 4.50 50.0% 28.5 kg
LT75x200Z6.3x4.5 75.00 x 200.00 6.30 x 4.50 82.0% 7.7 kg

LT: 4.00 x 10.00 Z: 1.00 x 0.50 Open area: 68.0%

LT30x88Z3x3 1:1 LT20x62Z4.5x3 1:1

LT: 20.00 x 62.00 Z: 4.50 x 3.00 Open area: 63.0%

LT20x62Z6x3 1:1

LT: 30.00 x 88.00 Z: 3.00 x 3.00 Open area: 78.0%

LT30x88Z6x4 1:1

LT: 20.00 x 62.00 Z: 6.00 x 3.00 Open area: 60.0%

LT12x30Z4.5x2.5 1:1

LT: 30.00 x 88.00 Z: 6.00 x 4.00 Open area: 68.0% LT: 12.00 x 30.00 Z: 4.50 x 2.50 Open area: 41.0%

LT26x52Z4.8x2.5 1:1 LT10x20Z1.2x1.2 1:1

LT: 26.00 x 52.00 Z: 4.80 x 2.50 Open area: 72.0% LT10.00 x 20.00 Z: 1.20 x 1.20 Open area: 73.0%

RMIG | www.rmig.com 33 Perforation without limits



RMIG | www.rmig.com 34 Perforation without limits

RMIG | www.rmig.com 35 Perforation without limits
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Tel. +45 87 93 44 00 | Fax +45 87 93 44 01 | [email protected]

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Tel. +31 184 491 919 | Fax +31 184 491 910 | [email protected]

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Tel. +47 33 33 66 66 | Fax +47 33 33 66 70 | [email protected]

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Tel. +48 61 8 676 650 | Fax +48 61 8 676 649 | [email protected]

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Tel. +41 62 287 88 88 | Fax +41 62 287 88 80 | [email protected]

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Tel. +44 1925 839 610 | Fax +44 1925 826 326 | [email protected]

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