Milk Protein Synthesis
Milk Protein Synthesis
Milk Protein Synthesis
Proteins are composed of amino acids. Amino acid utilization by mammary tissue is affected by
a) blood concentrations of amino acid,
b) mechanisms of amino acid uptake into mammary cells, and
c) intracellular metabolism of the amino acid.
Each of these levels of control is further influenced by a range of factors. Blood amino acid
concentrations are affected by nutrition, but also by physiological state of the animal and other
In terms of intracellular metabolism of amino acids, once inside the cell, AA's may:
Routes 3 and 4 are minor in the mammary gland relative to the tremendous synthesis and
secretion of milk proteins.
Enzymes - There are a large number of enzymes involved in milk synthesis. For example,
lactose synthase is responsible for lactose synthesis, acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty
acid synthetase are two type of enzymes involved in milk aft synthesis, and several
proteases are involved in milk protein processing and interactions of the mammary cels
with their extraccellular environment.
Structural proteins - There are many structural proteins involved in mammary gland
structure and function. For example, collagens, laminin and other connective tissue
proteins form the basis of the extracellular matrix of the tissue (the noncellular
components of the stroma and the basement membranes of the alveoli), and cytoskeletal
proteins are involved in cell structure, cell movement and cell function (tubulin, actin,
cytokeratin are some discussed in the Histology and Cell Biology section of the
Mammary Structure Lesson).
Nutrients - Casein is a good example of a protein which supplies nutrients (amino acids).
Hormones - Prolactin, growth hormone, placental lactogen, insulin, and a number of
growth factors are examples of hormones and growth factors which affect mammary
gland function. Oxytocin is a peptide hormone which causes myoepithelial cell
contractions during milk ejection.
Protective agents - Immunoglobulins, lactoferrin (an iron-binding protein), lysozyme (an
enzyme), and lactoperoxidase (another enzyme) are a few examples of factors which can
protect the mammary gland from infection.
Toxins - Some bacterial toxins are peptides or derivatives of peptides. These may cause
inflammation in the mammary tissue.
Others - Transport of substrates into the mammary cell occurs by protein molecules
associated with the cell plasma membrane; transcription factors in the nucleus and
translation factors in the cytoplasm are proteins; hormone receptors and growth factor
receptors are proteins; and there are many more.
Caseins (CN):
Found in milk in the form of a Micelle (a dense protein granule). The phosphate groups
covalently bound to the casein molecules are involved in binding Calcium (Ca) via ionic bonds.
After caseins are phosphorylated, Ca++ binds to the phosphate to initiate polymerization of the
micelle particles. This [casein-PO4- Ca++ - PO4-casein] structure is key to micelle formation.
The casein micelle functions as a source of nutrients for the neonate: supplying amino acids,
calcium and phosphate.
Micelles are ~140 nanometers in diameter. They are composed of alpha- (as-), beta-, and kappa-
caseins. a-Caseins are in multiphosphorylated forms (as2, as3, as4, as5, and as6). ß-Casein is a
major casein in cow milk, but is the minor casein in human milk. k-Casein (a glycoprotein) is
distributed throughout the casein micelle and acts to stabilize the micelle. Gamma-caseins (part
of the proteose peptone fraction of milk) are C-terminal fragments of ß-casein, which are
released by plasmin digestion, mostly while the milk is in the gland.
The destabilization of the casein micelle structure and partial hydrolysis of casein decreases the
quality of fluid milk and the yield of cheese from milk. Conversely, the destabilization of the
casein micelle by proteases is part of the mechanism involved in milk digestion in the stomach
and intestine. Controlled hydrolysis of casein is also the means of producing cheeses and other
cultured milk products.
ß-LACTOGLOBULIN (ß-LG): Is ~50 % of the total whey protein content in milk. Is the major
whey protein in ruminants and pigs. It is not found in milk of many species. The function of ß-
LG is unknown; it may be a fatty acid or lipid binding protein. It does have sequence similarities
with retinol-binding proteins, but this may not be its function. Generally it is found in milk of
species which transport high levels of immunoglobulins during colostrum formation, however
the specific relationship between the presence of ß-LG and immunoglobulin transport remains
a-LACTALBUMIN (a-LA): Is ~25 % of the total whey protein content in milk. Is the "B"
protein of the Lactose Synthase enzyme complex (see Lactose Synthesis Lesson). Therefore, it is
of major interest in terms of the control of milk secretion. May have other nonspecific effects on
the integrity of milk fat membranes. a-LA binds Ca and Zn.
SERUM ALBUMIN (SA) : Serum albumin comes from the serum; it is not synthesized in the
mammary gland. It is presumed to enter the milk via "leakage" by the paracellular pathway, or
by uptake with other components such as immunoglobulins. There does not seem to be a more
specific mechanism of transport. Increases in milk concentration of serum albumin occur
especially during mastitis and during mammary involution. Function of serum albumin in milk is
unknown. It does bind to fatty acids, as well as other small molecules.
IMMUNOGLOBULINS (Ig): include IgG1, IgG2, IgA, IgM : Immunoglobulins are in very high
concentrations in colostrum, but much lower concentrations in milk. Immunoglobulins are part
of the passive immunity transported to the neonate via colostrum in many species. They are part
of the mammary immune system. Secretory Component (SC) is the part of the IgA receptor
which hydrolysed by a protease and remains attached to IgA as it is secreted from the cell.
Lysozyme - Is an enzyme that cleaves the carbohydrate polymers of the bacterial cell wall. High
activity in human milk and possibly in horse milk, but very low activity in cow milk.
Milk has numerous other enzymes including: proteases, protease activators, nucleases,
glycosidases, and others
Skim milk has cell membranes and their associated membrane-bound enzymes such as
galactosyltransferase (the "A" protein component of Lactose Synthase; see the Lactose Synthesis
section ).
The proteins that will be secreted by the cell, including the milk proteins synthesized by the
epithelial cell, are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Kappa-casein also is initially
glycosylated in the RER. Proteins are then transported to the Golgi apparatus where they are
further processed. For example, the caseins are phosphorylated and the micelles are formed in
the Golgi. Remember from the sections on lactose that it also is synthesized in the Golgi