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1. define types of speech
according to purpose

2. distinguish types of speeches

What is speech
according to the

This Speech Purpose decides what

Information goes into the Speech and what
does not. An Expository or Informative
Speech needs data to impart. A Persuasive
Speech needs specific data that will help
the Speaker in changing the minds of the
Listeners and move them to action. A
Speech to Entertain may or may not need
data unless that data can be used in a
humorous way.
1.Exploratory or

The Speaker wants the Listeners to be

informed about the Ebola pandemic.
The Audience will be informed on how
the pandemic came about and how to
tell if one is infected with it. At the
end, the Audience will be told about
the treatments available now and in
the near future to stop this virus and
prevent people from dying from it.
1.Exploratory or

Speech about E-jeepneys. "What are

E-jeepneys?" can be presented as an
Exploratory or Informative Speech.
The purpose is to introduce the
vehicle called an E-jeepney and
inform the Listeners of this new type
of vehicle. Most especially, the
Speaker must cite the benefits of
these new jeepneys.
An Expository or Informative Speech
must follow these guidelines (some of
which have been previously discussed):

*It must have a Message prepared at the level of knowledge

of the Speaker (so one does not sound like a know-it-all);

*It must be tailored to fit the level of knowledge of the

Audience (so one does not make it incomprehensible);

*and, most importantly, it has to take into account the age,

gender, social status, religion, and cultural affiliation of the
Listeners (to avoid offending anyone).
Analyze the following speech
excerpts from different individuals
and events!
"As the Red Cross have expressed it: "Each victim who
survives, will incur lifetime expenses for surgery and prosthetic
care totaling between 2,000 and 3,000."
That is an intolerable load for a handicapped person in a poor
country. That is something to which the world should urgently
turn its conscience.
In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an
amputee! Angola has the highest rate of amputees in the world.
How can countries which manufacture and trade in these
weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?"
—An excerpt from Responding to Landmines: A Modern
Tragedy and Its Consequences by Diana, Princess Of Wales,
Keynote Address June 12, 1997
Ways to organize the body
of an expository speech

1. Chronological/Sequential order

2. Climactic order

3. Topical order

4. Spatial order
"We should prepare for another Typhoon

Although information is disseminated,

the goal is to convince Filipinos to be
prepared as our country is visited by at
least 30 typhoons per year, several of
them as devastating as Yolanda was.
Such a Speech, if persuasive enough,
will help save lives.

A Speech that is Persuasive is meant to

convince the Listeners why the Speaker's
side of the equation is more beneficial.
The Speaker's assertion must be
supported by historical data in the form of
statistical results and experts' testimonies
as well as comparisons and contrasts
(e.g., before and after) between the
Speaker's side and the Listeners' side of
the equation.
Persuasive Speech must follow these
guidelines (some of which have been
previously discussed):

*It must have a Message at the level of knowledge of the

Speaker (given that one does not know everything);

*it must be tailored to fit the level of knowledge of the

audience (they will not like being talked down to);

*and, most importantly, it has to take into account the age,

gender, social status, religion, and cultural affiliation of the
Listener (try not to offend anyone).
Analyze the following speech
"No, I'm not an American. I'm one of the 22 million
black people who are the victims of Americanism. One of
the 22 million black, people who are the victims of
democracy, nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So, I'm not
standing here speaking to you as an American, or a
patriot, or a flag-saluter, or a flag-waver—no, not I. I'm
speaking as a victim of this American system. And I see
America through the eyes of the victim. I don't see any
American dream; I see an American nightmare."
—An excerpt from "The Ballot or the
Bullet" by Malcolm X, April 3, 1964
Important characteristics
to establish a convincing

1. Logical reasoning

2. Emotional appeal

3. Credibility
The following are some of
the ways to develop a
persuasive speech:

1. Problem-solution order

2. Comparative Advantage method

3. Statement of Reasons method


There might be Information involved such

as explaining what true love means, and
Persuasion is present in the act of
choosing someone as his/her true love.
However, the Purpose is Entertainment as
the Speaker makes light of the whole
process of looking for and probably not
finding the sought after "true love".

Entertainment Speech is not a comedy

sketch—the Purpose is not only to tell a
series of jokes. Neither is it the Purpose of
the Speaker to have the audience
laughing throughout the Speech. To make
the Listeners smile or feel lighthearted
after the Speech is enough.
An entertainment speech must lead the audience into looking at something familiar in a totally different and
completely humorous light by providing comparisons and contrasts, especially with the strange or unusual;
highlighting the quirks of important personages such as officials, celebrities, actors, and athletes and applying
them to regular people like, say, the listeners; or assigning human characteristics to inanimate objects.
Although it is an Entertainment
Speech, it must still follow these
guidelines (some of which have been
previously discussed):

*It must be prepared at the level of knowledge of the

Speaker (you are there to entertain not to show off);

*it must be tailored to fit the level of knowledge of the

Audience (a simple presentation works every time), and,

*most importantly, it has to take into account the age,

gender, social status, religion, and cultural affiliation of the
Audience (so as not to offend any of them).
Analyze the following speech
'...Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have often
longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one's
tender early years that such things will best take root and be
most enduring and most valuable. First, then. I will say to you my
young friends—and I say it beseechingly, urgently—Always obey
your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the
long run, because if you don't they will make you. Most parents
think they know better than you do, and you can generally make
more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on
your own better judgment."
—An excerpt from 'Advice to Youth' by Mark Twain, 1882
Choose your

Rehearse out Determine your

loud. purpose.

Write an outline to
organize your Analyze your
ideas: introduction,
body and

Research and gather

information or
evidence to support
your main points.
These three Purposes:
Persuasive, and Entertainment,
direct the Speaker toward the correct
treatment of the topic. After all, every
Speech has a Purpose in reaching out
to the Listener.

Delivering speeches has three essential purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to

entertain. In some references, there are only two major purposes for delivering a
speech while others give four to five. Other than keeping the speech interesting and
significant for the listeners, it is equally important for the speaker to utilize many
sources to establish credibility.

Persuasive speeches stress facts to change beliefs, and moving the audience to act,
while informative speeches give instruction, explain a process, describe an object or
idea, or clarify a concept. Lastly, entertainment speeches give valuable points to
audience through the use of humor.

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