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The Hoard

A Necromunda Campaign
By Dave Jakowyszyn
Rumours have been circulating that a recent mutation in the unreachable (e.g. behind a wall, or up on a platform). Zombies
zombie plague virus is causing it to spread faster, infecting are moved one at a time, with players taking turns to move them,
greater numbers and unleashing hundreds of zombies into the of course this could lead to a player moving zombies towards his
underhive. Many gangers believe that this is just own characters, but no-one said life in the hive was easy! Each
scaremongering; paranoia cooked up by stimm-junkies. But a zombie only moves once per turn.
few are not so sure, while travelling between settlements to
For example, after player 2 completes his own turn; Player 1
collect credits they've heard noises, glimpsed shapes in the
selects one of the zombies and moves it towards the nearest
darkness. Could the underhive really be on the brink of an
ganger. Player 2 then selects another zombie and moves it
epidemic of the living dead?
towards the nearest ganger, player 1 then moves another zombie.
BACKGROUND When all the zombies have moved, it is the zombie attack turn…
This is a campaign for Necromunda involving Plague Zombies, Resolve hand to hand combat as normal. As above, players take
full stats for these can be found in the rules for Scavvy Gangs. it in turns to attack their opponent (or even their own gang!)
The campaign can be played by any number of players and can using the zombies. Each zombie may attack only once per
go on for as long as you dare… the numbers of the zombies will Zombie Attack turn.
continue to grow!
When all zombies have made their moves and attacks, their turn
SCENARIOS ends and the gangs move.
Any Necromunda scenarios can be played in The Horde
campaign. Make sure you keep a record of the games that have Turn Sequence:
already been played in this campaign, as the further into the 1. Player 1: Movement, combat and recovery as normal.
campaign you are, the further the plague has spread. Select a 2. Player 2: Movement, combat and recovery as normal.
scenario using the normal rules, the player who has selected the 3. Zombie Move: Players A and B alternate moving zombies.
scenario then rolls on the zombie chart below. Roll a D6 and add 4. Zombie Attack: Players A and B alternate zombie attacks.
the number of games played so far in the campaign (not ENDING THE CAMPAIGN
including the current game):
When the number of zombies appearing every game is making
D6 + games played Number of zombies appearing scenarios difficult to play, the players can choose to put an end
1-2 No zombies appear to the spreading plague. This is done by playing the 'Antidote'
3-4 D3 Zombies appear and 'Dead End' scenarios.
5-6 D6 zombies appear
7-8 D6+3 Zombies appear
9-12 D6+3 Endless zombies appear
13-17 D6+6 Endless zombies appear
18-25 2D6+3 Endless zombies appear
26+ 2D6+6 Endless zombies appear
Endless Zombies: This represents the non-stop flow of the
infected. When an Endless zombie goes 'out of action' and is
removed from the game, the current player immediately places
another zombie on the board. This must be within 8” of the
board edge but not within 8” of any gang members.
Zombie Placement: At the start of the game zombies are placed
after gangs have been set out. They are set up one at a time
alternately by each player. Zombies cannot be placed within 8” of
any gang members.
Scavvy Gangs: The plague zombies adopted by leaders of Scavvy
gangs are infected by the old strain of the plague and remain
loyal to their masters. Scavvy gangs can still use their plague
zombies, even when in combat against the zombie horde.
Zombies are very simple creatures; they move towards food and
then eat. Unfortunately, their food is your gang! To represent the
shuffling, mindless advance of the zombies, they have their own
turn and move according to simple rules.
When both players have completed their turns the zombie horde
then moves. Zombies automatically move towards the closest
gang member, even if that character is out of their line of sight or
Areas of the Underhive are overrun, thousands of the infected At the end of the game, gang members gain the following
are roaming, looking for flesh to devour. One day a survivor experience:
makes his way into your territory, he's heard that an antidote +2D6 Survives. Each fighter who survives the battle earns D6
has been developed for the new strain of the plague. The only points. Even fighters who are wounded and taken out of action
way to save your territories is to get hold of the antidote and receive experience for taking part.
put it into the ventilation system. Can you find the vial before
another gang takes it and claims the credit? +1 Zombie Kill. A fighter earns 2 points for each zombie that he
puts out of action.
In this scenario, both gangs are searching the remains of an
underhive lab for a vial of plague antidote. The gang that collects +5 Rescued Vial. The ganger who leaves the table carrying the
it will have the chance to save their territories, increase their vial, gains 5 points.
fame and put an end to the zombie hoard…
TERRAIN You've got the antidote, but can you delivery it into the
Terrain is placed according to normal rules. Once you have ventilation system? Zombie numbers are still increasing and
placed the terrain you must place six Loot counters on the table every other gang in the area is out to get the antidote and take
to represent storage boxes. the credit for the rescue of the underhive. Just one more battle
and your gang could go down in hive history…
Each player takes it in turn to place a counter. Roll a D6 to see
which player goes first. Loot counters must be placed more than In this scenario, the gang must try to deliver the antidote into the
8" from the edge of the table and at least 4" away from each other. underhive ventilation system; the opposing gang must try to
Counters are placed before deciding which edge the gangs will capture the vial so they can take the credit for themselves. This
play from, so ensure that the counters are placed towards the scenario can only be played when one of the gangs has obtained
middle of the table. the vial from 'Scenario 1 - Antidote'.
Once all the Loot counters have been placed each player rolls a Terrain is placed according to normal rules. Choose a suitable
dice. The high scorer chooses which table edge he wishes to set terrain piece to represent the ventilation system entry point and
up on, and places all of his gang fighters within 8" of that edge. place it as close to the centre of the table as possible.
His opponent then sets up within 8" of the opposite table edge.
When gangs have been set up; roll for zombie numbers and set Each player rolls a dice. The high scorer chooses which table
them up as normal. edge he wishes to set up on, and places all of his gang fighters
within 8" of that edge. The opposing gang then sets up within 8"
of the opposite table edge.
Both players roll a D6 and the highest scoring player takes the
first turn. When gangs have been set up; roll for zombie numbers and set
them up as normal.
A gang member checks a box by stopping so that his model is STARTING THE GAME
touching the counter. A model checking a box does so during the The gang holding the vial moves first.
shooting phase and may not fire a weapon. Roll a D6, on a roll
of 6, the box contains the vial. On the roll of 1-5, the box is ENDING THE GAME
empty. If the box is empty leave the loot counter where it is. Each The player who gets to the vent while holding the vial must
box can be checked only once by each gang member, a gang spend his shooting turn there to introduce the antidote into the
member cannot check the same box twice. There is only one vial, system. The antidote will take effect at the end of that player's
when it is found remove all the loot counters from the board. turn, all the zombies collapse to the ground, the plague is
finished and the gang is victorious!
A gang member can carry the vial without affecting his movement
or ability to shoot or fight. A gang member who goes out of Note: Plague Zombies belonging to Scavvy gangs are not affected
action will drop the vial where they are at the time. Remove the by this antidote!
model but leave the loot counter in place. A model can transfer EXPERIENCE
the vial to another model in base-to-base contact during the The winning gang receives the adulation of the underhive, to
shooting phase, but neither model may shoot during the turn. If represent this fame, the gang automatically receives a 'settlement'
a gang member takes an enemy carrying the vial out of action in territory. In addition, both gangs receive experience as shown
hand-to-hand combat he automatically captures the vial. below:
ENDING THE GAME +2D6 Survives. If the fighter survives the battle then D6 points
The game ends when one of the gangs has obtained the vial and are earned. Even fighters who are wounded and taken out of
exits the board from the side they entered. action receive experience for taking part.
Any gangers left on the table (i.e Down when the rest of his gang +1 Zombie Kill. A fighter earns 1 point for each zombie that he
has left) is devoured by the zombies. puts out of action.
+10 Antidote Administered. A fighter earns 10 points for
administering the antidote into the air vent.


I live in York and I've been playing GW games since 1990. I'm currently introducing my son to the hobby with an old copy of
HeroQuest. I also wrote the 'Lucky Sevens' article for the recent BB comp.

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