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Before we begin, we would like to ask you to answer a few general questions about yourself by circling in the
correct answer by feeling in the space provided.

Please read the following questions carefully and select the most appropriate answer from the options given
1. Give full information regarding the following
2. Information will remain confidential
3. Please read each item carefully
4. Please avoid overwriting
5. Choose only one item and kindly do not miss any item

1. Covid-19 deal with which system
a. Cardiovascular
b. Digestive
c. Respiratory
d. Renal

2. Covid-19 in mother is
a. Contagious disease
b. Life threating disease
c. Both a and b
d. Non of above

3. Virus causing covid-19 infection is called as
a. Severe acute respiratory syndrome covid-19
b. 2018 andcovid
c. Covid 19 SARs
d. Covid 7
4. What is incubation period of covid-19
a. 2 to 14 days
b. 3 weeks
c. Greater than 1month
d. Non ofabove
5. What is common mode of transmission
a. Human Transmission with covid-19
b. Animal contact
c. Seafood and live animal
d. Fast food
6. Which population is at higher risk of covid-19
a. Early age greater than 65years
b. People with comorbidcondition
c. Health worker who cares infected person
d. All of the above

7. Which is not used as lab diagnostic test for covid-19

a. Oropharyngealswab
b. Combine nasal and throatswab
c. Montok test
d. Real time or conventionalRTPCR
8. What are the common symptoms of covid-19
a. Difficulty in breathing
b. High temperature
c. Sore throat
d. All of the above
9. what are the complication of covid-19
a. Pneumonia
b. Kidney failure
c. Memoryloss
d. None of the above

10. What is the current treatment of covid-19 in India
a. No treatment and vaccine till date
b. Supportivetherapy
c. Vaccination
d. Radiation therapy


11. Another type of coronavirus infection (SARS,MERS) commonly occur in which trimester
a. First trimester
b. Second trimester
c. Third trimester
d. None of the above
12. Common mode of transmission of covid-19 from NC mother to child is known as
a. Vertical transmission
b. Horizontal transmission
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above


13. In case of confirmed covid-19 mother after delivery there is a provision of

a. Separate room for child
b. Family meeting
c. Early discharge
d. Antiviral therapy
14. During anaesthesia which are not an aroused generating procedure
a. General anaesthesia
b. Spinal anaesthesia route
c. Epidural route
d. All of the above
15. Common management in mild case of covid-19 in pregnancy
a. Home visit
b. Hospitalization
c. Critical care admission
d. Home isolation
16. Which management is common use in moderate case
a. Symptomatic treatment
b. Short term hospitalization
c. Home Quarantine
d. Surgical management
17. What are the aim of management of severe case ofcovid-19
a. To give early supporting therapy and monitoring
b. To manage hypoxemic failure of ARDS
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
18. which are not common under general guideline for obstetric health care
a. Practitioner should immediately notify infection control personal at healthcare
b. Registration for a woman admitted with confirmed covid-19 infection in pregnancy
c. Service in such a way that it is safe with reference to minimum staffing requirementto
provide obstetric care
d. All of theabove
19. Which is come under general guideline for obstetric healthcare
a. Practitioner should immediately notify infection control personal athealthcare
b. Registration for a woman admitted with confirmed covid-19 infection in
pregnancy maintain
c. Both a andb
d. Non of the above


20. Which is not used as personal protective measure in hospital

a. Social distancing
b. Hand hygiene
c. Use of facemask
d. Avoid vegetarian food
21. What is common medicine given to health care professional during covid-19care
a. Tab.Paracetamol
b. Tab.Amoxicillin
c. Tab.Hydroqloroquine
d. Tab.PAN
22. Use of face mask is not essential in which of following group
a. Health Professional
b. Being in close contact with person suspected of or know covid-19infection
c. Laboratory technician athospital
d. People who are well to protect themselves from covid-19infection
23. Which of the following is considered as close contact
a. Being with approximately 19 feet (3m of patient with covid 19 for prolonged periodof
b. Being with approximately 6feet
c. Direct contact with infectious secretions
d. Both b and c
24. which of the following is the most effective method for covid-19 infection in health caresetting
a. Avoid exposure
b. Vaccination
c. Both a andb
d. Non of theabove


25. Common aim of PPEkit

a. Prevention ofinfection
b. Heat generation
c. Protection fromcold
d. All of theabove
26. What is term used to wearing PPEkit
a. Donibing
b. Donning
c. Diving
d. Doffing
27. What is medical term for removing PPEkit
a. Dojjing
b. Dofsing
c. Doffing
d. Dosfing

28. Preferred method of handhygiene

a. Handrub with soap and water For atleast10sec
b. Handrub with soap and water For atleast20sec
c. Handrub with soap and water For atleast30sec
d. Handrub with soap and water For atleast1min

29. what is sequence of wearing PPE Kit .

a. ~mask~handwash~shoes~gloves~goggles.
b. Hand wash~shoes~gown~mask~goggles~gloves.
c. Hand wash~gown~shoes~mask~gloves~goggles.
d. Shoes~handwash~gown~mask~goggles~gloves.

30. Gown What is the sequence of removing PPE kit

a. gown~gloves~shoes~hand wash~goggles~mask~hand wash.
b. Shoes~gown~gloves~handwash~goggles~mask~handwash.
c. Mask~goggles~gown~gloves~handwash~shoes~ handwash.
d. Goggle~gown~gloves~handwash~shoes~mask~handwash
Question No. Answer
1 C
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 A
6 D
7 C
8 D
9 A
10 C
11 C
12 C
13 A
14 D
15 C
16 C
17 C
18 D
19 C
20 D
21 C
22 D
23 D
24 C
25 A
26 B
27 C
28 C
29 A
30 b

Grading Score

Poor 0-10
Good 11-20
Excellent 21-30

Content Cognitive Affective Psychomotor Total

domain Domain domain



Diagnostics evaluation



Mode of transmission

During delivery

Prevention by health care


Prevention Through



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