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Assessment Workbook 6

CHC33015 Certificate III in

Individual Support
Specialising in Ageing

Empowering People with

V1.1 Produced 25 August 2017
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25 August
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This is an interactive table of contents. If you are viewing this document in Acrobat,
clicking on a heading will transfer you to that page. If you have this document open
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WHAT IS COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT....................................................4

THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY...............................................................6
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT......................................................................... 7
THE UNIT OF COMPETENCY.........................................................................9
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS....................................................................10
ASSESSMENT METHODS.............................................................................11
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT......................................................11
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET......................................................12
IMPORTANT REMINDER.............................................................................13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT.........................................................................13
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT...........................................................................23
Instructions to Student........................................................................................................................ 23
Part 1: Project Assessment................................................................................................................... 23
Part 2: Case Study Assessment............................................................................................................ 23
PART 1: PROJECT ASSESSMENT..................................................................24
PART 2: CASE STUDY ASSESSMENT.............................................................27
Case Study 1: Lisa Luther..................................................................................................................... 27
WORKBOOK CHECKLIST............................................................................30
FEEDBACK............................................................................................... 31

The questions in this workbook are divided into two categories.
These questions are all in a short answer format. The longer questions requiring
creative thought processes are covered in the case studies assessment. You must

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answer all questions using your own words. However you may reference your
learner guide to complete this assessment.


The features of a competency based assessment system are:
 It is focused on what learners can do and whether it meets the criteria
specified by industry as competency standards.

 Assessment should mirror the environment the learner will encounter

in the workplace.

 Assessment criteria should be clearly stated to the learner at the

beginning of the learning process.

 Assessment should be holistic. That is it aims to assess as many

elements and/or units of competency as is feasible at one time.

 In competency assessment a learner receives one of only two outcomes

– competent or not yet competent.

 The basis of assessment is in applying knowledge for some purpose. In

a competency system, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is seen to be
ineffectual unless it assists a person to perform a task to the level
required in the workplace.

 The emphasis in assessment is on assessable outcomes that are clearly

stated for the trainer and learner. Assessable outcomes are tied to the
relevant industry competency standards where these exist. Where such
competencies do not exist, the outcomes are based upon those identified
in a training needs analysis.

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Definition of competency
Assessment in this context can be defined as:
 The fair, valid, reliable and flexible gathering and recording of evidence
to support judgement on whether competence has been achieved. Skills
and knowledge (developed either in a structured learning situation, at
work, or in some other context) are assessed against national standards
of competence required by industry, rather than compared with the
skills and knowledge of other learners.


Developing and conducing assessment, in an Australian vocational education and
training context, is founded on a number of basic conventions:

The principles of assessment

 Assessment must be valid

o Assessment must include the full range of skills and knowledge

needed to demonstrate competency.

o Assessment must include the combination of knowledge and skills

with their practical application.

o Assessment, where possible, must include judgements based on

evidence drawn from a number of occasions and across a number of

 Assessment must be reliable

o Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly reviewed to

ensure that assessors are making decisions in a consistent manner.

o Assessors must be trained in national competency standards for

assessors to ensure reliability.

 Assessment must be flexible

o Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and off-the-job

components of training within a course.

o Assessment must provide for the recognition of knowledge, skills

and attitudes regardless of how they have been acquired.

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o Assessment must be made accessible to learners though a variety of
delivery modes, so they can proceed through modularised training
packages to gain competencies.

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 Assessment must be fair and equitable

o Assessment must be equitable to all groups of learners.

o Assessment procedures and criteria must be made clear to all

learners before assessment.

o Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed upon between

assessor and the assessed.

o Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate

mechanisms must be made for reassessment as a result of

The rules of evidence (from Training in Australia by M Tovey, D Lawlor)

When collecting evidence there are certain rules that apply to that evidence. All
evidence must be valid, sufficient, authentic and current;
 Valid

o Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the unit of

competency. This evidence should match or at least reflect the type
of performance that is to be assessed, whether it covers knowledge,
skills or attitudes.

 Sufficient

o This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered It is imperative

that enough evidence is gathered to satisfy the requirements that
the learner is competent across all aspects of the unit of

 Authentic

o When evidence is gathered the assessor must be satisfied that

evidence is the learner’s own work.

 Current

o This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether the evidence
relates to current abilities.


The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work performance, and
not only narrow task skills. The four dimensions of competency are:

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 Task skills

 Task management skills

 Contingency management skills

 Job role and environment skills

Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners
with a disability - November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning
environment or making changes to the training delivered to assist a learner with a
disability. A reasonable adjustment can be as simple as changing classrooms to be
closer to amenities, or installing a particular type of software on a computer for a
person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability
 the same learning opportunities as learners without a disability
 the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and
assessment activities can include:
 customising resources and assessment activities within the training package
or accredited course
 modifying the presentation medium learner support
 use of assistive / adaptive technologies
 making information accessible both prior to enrolment and during the course
 monitoring the adjustments to ensure learner needs continue to be met.
Assistive / Adaptive Technologies
Assistive / adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been
specifically designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’
(World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice
recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert
systems, digital note takers.

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Reasonable adjustment made for collecting candidate assessment evidence must not
impact on the standard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant
Unit(s) of Competency. E.g. If the assessment was gathering evidence of the
candidates competency in writing, allowing the candidate to complete the
assessment verbally would not be a valid assessment method. The method of
assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet the competency

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The units of competency specify the standards of performance required in the
This assessment addresses the following unit(s) of competency from CHC33015 -
Certificate III in Individual Support:

CHCDIS007 Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability

1. Demonstrate commitment to empowerment for people with disability
2. Foster human rights
3. Facilitate choice and self-determination

For complete copies of the above units of competency:

Download them from the TGA website:

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The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment

1. Performance Evidence
- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
2. Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied in understanding the tasks
described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be
conducted under

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1. Written questions
- Written assessments to test students’ understanding of underpinning
knowledge, concepts and/or theories relevant to the units of competency
included in this subject
2. Case Studies
- Detailed scenarios and simulated environments providing all necessary
information required to complete relevant tasks and activities
3. Projects
- A task or activity completed according to set instructions and guidelines to
meet the requirements of the relevant units


- Workbook 6
- Internet access
- Access to intranet resources (provided within this workbook)
- Templates/Forms (provided within this workbook)

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TITLE: Empowering People with Disability




Please read the Candidate Declaration below and if you agree

to the terms of the declaration sign and date in the space
By submitting this work, I declare that:
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made
aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate,
and choose to be assessed at this time.
 I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I
can make for each assessment and I am submitting all documents
required to complete this Assessment Workbook.
 I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the
instructions provided and I am aware that my assessor will not assess
work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be
resubmitted according to the correct process.
 This work is my own and contains no material written by another
person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or statement
of attainment.
 I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of
qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the
qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or
observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for
verification purposes.

Name :      Signature:       Date:      

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The First Aid unit is a pre-requisite for vocational placement.
It is to be completed at another RTO provider of your choice.
See Workbook 7 for details.


1. Explain the difference between social and medical model of service in

disability care. Include in your explanation how these relate to the history and
recent developments in the industry.
Guidance: your response must have two parts: (1) the difference between social and
medical model of service in disability care, and (2) how this relates to the developments
in the industry practice.


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2. Explain the difference between institutionalised and person-centred
model of support in disability care. Include in your explanation how these
relate to the history and recent developments in the industry.
Guidance: your response must have two parts: (1) the difference between social and
medical model of service in disability care, and (2) how this relates to the developments
in the industry practice.


3. Disability as a social construct:

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a) Briefly explain disability as a social construct
b) Briefly explain the impact of your own attitudes on working with people
with disabilities



4. Seeking support from more experienced and qualified staff

a) In providing care for people with disability, when should you seek support
from more experienced and qualified staff?

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Guidance: include one specific example of an instance within the care environment
when one should seek support from more experienced and qualified staff
b) Using the example you provided in the previous question, explain how you
would seek support
Guidance: indicate the person/s (and their roles) to whom you would seek
assistance from



5. Match the following conditions to the examples listed on the table below by
writing the corresponding letters on the space provided on the first column. Then
on the last column, describe at least one support practice you can provide as a
care worker for each of the listed condition.

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a) genetic disabilities
b) physical trauma
c) psychological trauma
d) chronic lifestyle conditions
e) acquired brain injury

Condition Support Practice

      Anxiety disorder      

      Fractured femur      


      Down syndrome      


6. Briefly describe the following legal and ethical considerations in the context of
working with people with disability:
Guidance: describe how each of the listed considerations impact your role as a care

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Impact on care workers caring for people
Legal and ethical considerations
with disability

      codes of conduct


      dignity of risk

      duty of care

      human rights, including the United

nations convention on the rights of
persons with disabilities (UNCRPD)

      informed consent

      mandatory reporting

      privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

      work role boundaries – responsibilities

and limitations

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      work health and safety

7. List two examples of strategies that assist people with disabilities to exercise
their rights.



8. List two examples of strategies that assist people with disabilities to support
their independent action and thinking.


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9. Explain how to access and use advocacy services for people with disability


10. Explain how to access and use complaint mechanisms for people with

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11. List two examples of indicators of abuse in relation to people with disabilities



12. List two examples of indicators of neglect in relation to people with disabilities

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Instructions to Student

This section of this workbook covers the assessment of your skills relevant to the
performance requirements included in this subject.
This assessment is completed using simulated tasks based on a given case study
scenario. You will not need access to a workplace or a care facility to complete these
This practical assessment will assist your completion of the assessment activities
relevant to the requirements of the units covered in this workbook:
UNIT Assessment Activities
CHCDIS007 Facilitate the Part 1: Project Assessment
empowerment of people
with disability Part 2: Case Study Assessment

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This project requires you to complete a set of questions that will help you
demonstrate your commitment to empowering people with disability in a care

1. Identify changes in the legal framework within the care industry.


2. Identify changes in the political framework within the care industry.


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3. Identify changes in the social framework within the care industry.


4. Describe two ways society can affect the level of impairment experienced by a
person with disability.


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5. Describe your personal values and attitudes regarding disability, and explain
their potential impact on your role as a care worker.
Guidance: your answer must include two parts: (1) your personal values and
attitudes towards disability, and (2) how it may impact you as a care worker.


6. Describe how you can adjust your own approaches to facilitate empowerment.



This case study will provide you scenarios and tasks that will test your knowledge
and skills relevant to the requirements of the unit covered in this workbook.

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This case study is a hypothetical situation, and will not require you to have access to
a care facility, although your past and present workplace experiences may help with
the responses you provide.

Case Study 1: Lisa Luther

Name: Lisa Luther

Age: 90

This is Lisa Luther. Lisa has been a resident in Lotus Compassionate Care for two
years. Lisa moved to the centre after being diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer. She
loves staying in the centre as all the staff and care workers are very supportive in
helping her cope with the difficulties brought about by the disease.
Lisa is also suffering from hearing and vision loss;
Her left hear is completely deaf, while her right ear has moderate hearing loss. Lisa
wears a hearing aid on her right ear.
Both her eyes have cataracts that render her eyes with moderate visual impairment.
Lisa is a vegan and has been a vegan for the most of her life.

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Scenario 1

While assisting another client eat lunch in the centre’s common dining area, you
noticed that the care worker attending to Lisa is serving her meat. Having cared for
Lisa in the past, you know that Lisa is vegan and does not eat or use meat products.
You informed the care worker that Lisa follows a vegan diet. The care worker told
you that Lisa is not lucid and will not even know what she had lunch.

1. How can you ensure that Lisa’s cultural needs are met?
Guidance: in your explanation, provide an example of such cultural needs and what
you can do to ensure it is accepted and upheld.


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Scenario 2

Lisa hears your conversation and recognises the meat on her plate. She pushes the
plate away. The care worker holds Lisa on her wrist tightly, keeping her from pushing
the plate away any further. You see Lisa’s face grimace and carefully puts her hands
on her lap. Lisa looked scared and kept her eyes on her lap. You suspect abuse.

2. Identify possible breaches of human rights in the given scenario.

Guidance: list two examples of human rights violations demonstrated in the given


3. Using the form provided in the link below, complete an abuse incident report.
Save the completed report using the filename:
Lisa-Abuse Incident Report
Guidance: indicate in the form the indications of possible abuse that prompted you
to file an abuse incident report
Abuse Incident Report Form
Login: learner
Password: studyhard
(Note: If the link is not working, copy and paste the url to your browser:

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When you have completed assessing this workbook, review the candidate’s
assessment against the checklist below:
The candidate has completed all the assessments in the
Written Questions
Practical Assessments
 Project 1 – Reflection
 Case Study – Lisa Luther

Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment tasks to be
awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this cluster.

To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject, the candidate
must successfully complete all the requirements listed above according to the
prescribed benchmarks.

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Well done for finishing this workbook. We hope that what you learn with
us will open up new path ways of success in your life. At Inspire
Education, we continually strive to improve our courses and heighten the
learning experience for you. One way we do this is by seeking feedback.
Your experience is important to us and we are very keen to hear any
suggestions or complaints you may have. Click on the button below to let
us know what you think of us and our course.


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