Cookery 9 LAS-Q2-W1
Cookery 9 LAS-Q2-W1
Cookery 9 LAS-Q2-W1
Mise’ En Place is a French term which means setting everything in place and
organizing all the materials and ingredients before preparing foods.
ACTIVITY 1: Direction: Identify the different kitchen tools and utensils in preparing
salad. Write your answer on the space provided as shown
1. Dishes can be washed easily if you keep them under the water
while scrubbing them for particles to lift away. Bring the dish out of
the water to check for any missed spots.
2. Stacking a few dishes in the sink at a time allows dishes a few
minutes of soaking time while you wash another dish.
3. Try drying pots and pans with a paper towel to reduce residue from
the pan which causes staining the dishcloth.
4. Don’t s oak aluminum while dishwashing for it may cause darkening.
Dish washing silverware can be tricky. Use a lint free cloth for drying
• Time – the longer a cleaning solution remains in contact with the equipment
surface, the greater the amount of food soil that is removed. More time in contact
with the soil reduces the chemical concentration requirements.
The kitchen cutting board gets a lot of use and this means that it gets a lot of
exposure to bacteria. Proper cleaning of the cutting board is essential to your good
health. Whether you use a wood or a plastic cutting board, you should clean and
sanitize it after every use.
Cleaning the Cutting Board
After you used the cutting board for slicing, dicing, or chopping all kinds of
neat goodies, use a metal scraper or spatula to scrape away any remaining bits
and pieces of food. Throw the scrapings into the garbage disposal, garbage
receptacle, or trash bin.
Scrub the board with hot, soapy water thoroughly. If your dishwasher
reaches a temperature of at least 165°F, then you can probably place a high-
density plastic cutting board into the dishwasher. Moreover, if your dishwasher has
an antibacterial cycle, use it to wash the cutting board. Otherwise, scrub it by hand.
Allow the board to air dry.
To remove stains from the cutting board, you can use the following
procedure: wet the stained area with water and sprinkle it with salt and allow the
salt to sit undisturbed for twenty-four hours. Rinse the salt from the cutting board
with clean water. Using the salt and clean water, create a paste. Use a clean
nylon scrubbing sponge or a clean toothbrush to scour or scrub the paste on the
stained area of the cutting board. Rinse the area clean with fresh water. Repeat
the procedure to guarantee that you have removed all the stain. Rinse the board
Scrub the cutting board with hot, soapy water and rinse with clean water. Allow it
to air dry.
Plastic and wooden cutting boards can be sanitized using a diluted liquid
chlorine bleach solution. For this solution, combine one teaspoon of bleach to one
quart of water. Pour the solution onto the entire surface area of the board and
allow it to sit undisturbed for several minutes. Rinse the board clean with water.
Allow it to air dry or use a clean cloth to dry it.
If you prefer, you may use a vinegar solution in place of the bleach solution.
Simply combine one-part vinegar to five parts water. Use this solution in the same
manner as the one explained for the bleach solution.
Clean In Place (CIP) – is utilized to clean the interior surfaces of tanks and
pipelines of liquid process equipment. A chemical solution is circulated through a
circuit of tanks and or lines then return to a central reservoir allowing the
chemical solution to be reused. Time, temperature and mechanical force are
manipulated to achieve maximum cleaning.
Clean Out of Place (COP) – is utilized to clean the parts of filters and parts of
other equipment. This requires disassembly for proper cleaning. Parts removed
for cleaning are placed in a circulation tank and cleaned using a heated chemical
solution and agitation.
Mechanical – it normally involves the use of brush either by hand or a machine
such as a floor scrubber. Mechanical cleaning uses friction for food soil removal.
Methods of Sanitizing
1.Thermal Sanitizing. It involves the use of hot water or steam. There are three
methods of using heat to sanitize surfaces – steam, hot water, and hot air. Hot
water is the most common method used in restaurants. If hot water is used in the
third compartment of a three-compartment sink, it must be at least 171F (77C). If
a high temperature ware washing machine is used to sanitize cleaned dishes, the
final sanitizing rinse must be at least 180F (82C). For stationary rack, single
temperature machines, it must be at least 165oF (74C). Cleaned items must be
exposed to these temperatures for at least 30 seconds.
. Refrigerator / Chillers
1. Wipe up spilled foods immediately
2. Wash inside shelves and trays at least twice a week with baking soda.
3. Rinse and dry thoroughly
4. Flush drains weekly
ACTIVITY II: Describe the cleaning and sanitizing process of a cutting board in
the table. Y Cleaning the Cutting Board
After you used the cutting board for slicing, dicing, or chopping all kinds of neat
goodies, use a metal scraper or spatula to scrape away any remaining bits and
pieces of food. Throw the scrapings into the garbage disposal, garbage receptacle,
or trash bin.
Scrub the board with hot, soapy water thoroughly. If your dishwasher reaches a
temperature of at least 165°F, then you can probably place a high-density plastic
cutting board into the dishwasher. Moreover, if your dishwasher has an
antibacterial cycle, use it to wash the cutting board. Otherwise, scrub it by hand.
Allow the board to air dry.
our answer shall be assessed using the rubrics below.
Tool/Equipment Cleaning Removing Sanitizing
Cutting board
After you used To remove Plastic and
the cutting board stains from the wooden cutting
boards can be
for slicing, dicing, cutting board,
sanitized using a
or chopping all you can use the
diluted liquid
kinds of neat following chlorine bleach
goodies, use a procedure: wet solution. For this
metal scraper or the stained area solution, combine
spatula to scrape with water and one teaspoon of
away any sprinkle it with bleach to one
remaining bits salt and allow quart of water.
and pieces of Pour the solution
the salt to sit
food. Throw the onto the entire
undisturbed for
scrapings into the surface area of
garbage disposal, the board and
garbage hours.
allow it to sit
receptacle, or Rinse the undisturbed for
trash bin. salt from the several minutes.
Scrub the cutting board with Rinse the board
board with hot, clean water. clean with water.
soapy water Using the salt and Allow it to air dry
thoroughly. If your clean water, or use a clean
dishwasher create a paste. cloth to d
reaches a Use a clean nylon If you prefer,
temperature of at scrubbing sponge you may use a
least 165°F, then or a clean vinegar solution
you can probably toothbrush to in place of the
place a high- scour or scrub the bleach solution.
density plastic paste on the Simply combine
cutting board into stained area of one-part vinegar
the dishwasher. the cutting board. to five parts
Moreover, if your Rinse the area water. Use this
dishwasher has clean with fresh solution in the
an antibacterial water. Repeat the same manner as
cycle, use it to procedure to the one explained
wash the cutting guarantee that for the bleach
board. Otherwise, you have solution
scrub it by hand. removed all the
Allow the board to
stain. Rinse the
air dry.
board clean.
our answer shall
Scrub the
be assessed
cutting board
using the
with hot, soapy
rubrics below.
water and rinse
with clean
water. Allow it to
air dry.
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Exceptionally Generally Lacks clarity, Unclear, impossible to
Clear clear, easy to clear, able difficult to follow
follow to follow follow
III. ASSESSMENT: Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the
letter that best describe the statement. Encircle the letter of your correct answer.
1. What kitchen tool and equipment in preparing salad used for keeping cold foods
chilled for service?
A. Chiller B. Citrus zester C. Colander D. Salad spinner
2. Which of the following kitchen tool used to remove juice/liquid and citrus peels?
A. Chiller B. Citrus zester C. Colander D. Salad spinner
3. What refer to a kitchen utensil used to grate foods into fine pieces. It was
invented by Francois Bouillier in 1540s?
A. Chiller B. Citrus zester C. Colander D. Grater/shredder
4. Which kitchen tool/equipment used for broiling or grilling of the salad toppings?
A Grater/shredder B. Grill pan C. Salad spinner D. Zester
5. Which of the following kitchen tool and equipment are necessary in preventing
bacterial infections from foods?
A. Chiller B. Freezer C. Refrigerator D. All the above
6. It is a fundamental cleaning procedure of soiled equipment that surfaces are
scraped and rinsed with warm water to remove loose food soils?
A. Acid rinse B. Cleaning cycle C. Rinse D. Scrape and Pre-rinse
7. What refer to a fundamental cleaning procedure of kitchen tool and equipment
which is the removal of residual food soils from equipment surfaces?
A. Acid rinse B. Cleaning cycle C. Rinse D. Scrape and Pre-rinse.
8. It is one of the tips and warnings in washing and cleaning kitchen tool and
equipment that, Wash _____________first, before greasy pots and pan s.
A. Chinaware B. Dinnerware C. Flatware D. Glassware
9. What method of cleaning the equipment used to increase mechanical force,
aiding in soil removal?
A. Clean in Place B. Clean out of place C. Foam D. High pressure
10.Which of the following is a method of sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment that
involves the use of hot water or steam?
A. Acid cleaner B. Chemicals sanitizing C. Thermal sanitizing D. All of these
Answer key:
Act 1:
1.knife 2. Mixing bowl 3.salad server 4.cutting board 5.peeler
Activity II:
Cleaning the Cutting Board
After you used the cutting board for slicing, dicing, or chopping all kinds of neat goodies, use a metal scraper or spatula to
scrape away any remaining bits and pieces of food. Throw the scrapings into the garbage disposal, garbage receptacle, or
trash bin.
Scrub the board with hot, soapy water thoroughly. If your dishwasher reaches a temperature of at least 165°F, then you
can probably place a high-density plastic cutting board into the dishwasher. Moreover, if your dishwasher has an antibacterial
cycle, use it to wash the cutting board. Otherwise, scrub it by hand. Allow the board to air dry.
Removing Stains from the Cutting Board
To remove stains from the cutting board, you can use the following procedure: wet the stained area with water and
sprinkle it with salt and allow the salt to sit undisturbed for twenty-four hours.
Rinse the salt from the cutting board with clean water. Using the salt and clean water, create a paste. Use a clean
nylon scrubbing sponge or a clean toothbrush to scour or scrub the paste on the stained area of the cutting board. Rinse the
area clean with fresh water. Repeat the procedure to guarantee that you have removed all the stain. Rinse the board clean.
Scrub the cutting board with hot, soapy water and rinse with clean water. Allow it to air dry.
Master Teacher I
Division EPP/TLE Supervisor PSDS – Caibiran District I