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Aeon7500A service manual


This manual provides information needed to service the Aeon7500A anesthetic machine. This manual
is intended for use by certified biomedical engineering technicians or personnel with equivalent
experience and training in servicing this type of equipment. It is recommended that the user complete
the Aeonmed training class geared specifically to the Aeon7500A anesthetic machine.

While this manual covers the anesthetic machine configurations currently supported by Aeonmed, it
may not be all-inclusive and may not be applicable to your anesthetic machine. Contact Aeonmed for
questions regarding the applicability of the information.

Company: Beijing Aeonmed Co., Ltd.

Add. : No.9 Shuangyuan Road, Badachu Hi- tech Zone,

Shijingshan District, Beijing, China

P. C.: 100041

Tel: +8610–88799987

Fax: +8610–88791201

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: Http://www.aeonmed.com/

Edition: 1.1 i
Aeon7500A service manual


1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 WHAT THE MANUAL’S SYMBOLS MEAN? ............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ 3
1.3 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS (FOR SERVICING AND TESTING).................................................................................... 4

2 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 GAS SUPPLY ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 GAS BOARD......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 PIPE CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 ABSORBER CIRCUIT............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 BELLOWS ASSEMBLY......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 VAPORIZER ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

3 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................... 14

3.1 ELECTRICAL STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................. 14

3.2 POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3 MV300 ANESTHETIC VENTILATOR .................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.1 Operation principle...................................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.2 Basic electrical specification ....................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 MV300 MAIN UNIT .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Front PCB.................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.2 Proportional valve controller....................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.3 Power board and power supply system........................................................................................................ 27
3.4.4 Exhalation valve .......................................................................................................................................... 32
3.4.5 Switch power supply .................................................................................................................................... 33
3.5 MV300 DISPLAY SCREEN UNIT ........................................................................................................................ 34
3.5.1 MV300 screen internal structure.................................................................................................................. 35
3.5.2 Master computer system .............................................................................................................................. 36
3.5.3 Communication board.................................................................................................................................. 39
3.5.4 Keyboard PCB and Encoder........................................................................................................................ 43

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Aeon7500A service manual

4 TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................ 44

4.1 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM TEST ................................................................................................................................. 44

4.1.1 Test pipeline leakage.................................................................................................................................... 44
4.1.2 Flowmeter linkage device ............................................................................................................................ 45
4.1.3 N2O cut-off device ....................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.4 Oxygen lack alarm ....................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.5 Oxygen flush ................................................................................................................................................ 45
4.1.6 Test breathing circuit leakage ...................................................................................................................... 46
4.1.7 Vaporizer...................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.2 TEST MV300 ANESTHETIC VENTILATOR............................................................................................................ 47
4.2.1 Testing equipments....................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.2 MV300 standard operation parameters ....................................................................................................... 47
4.2.3 Debugging step ............................................................................................................................................ 48

5 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE AND MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................... 55

6 TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................................................................... 57

7 SCHEMATICS ....................................................................................................................................................... 67

Edition: 1.1 iii

Aeon7500A service manual

1 Introduction

1.1 What the manual’s symbols mean?

Warnings and Cautions indicate all the possible dangers in case of violation of the
stipulations in this manual. Refer to and follow them.

WARNING: indicates potential hazards to operators or patients

CAUTION: indicates potential damage to equipment

Instead of illustrations, other symbols may also be utilized. Not all of them may necessarily appear in
the equipment and manual. The symbols include:

ON (Power) Type B equipment

OFF (Power) Direct current

Attention, consult
Alternating Current
accompanying document

Protectively earth Dangerous Voltage

Equipotential SN Serial Number

Input Date of manufacture

Output Address of manufacture

Edition: 1.1 1
Aeon7500A service manual

Inspiration flow Expiration flow

View the reading on the top

Alarm Silence
of float

Ventilator operate / Auto Bag operate / Manual

ventilation ventilation

Movement in one direction Movement in two directions

Lock Unlock

Battery Fuse

O2+ Oxygen flush CE Representative

The system, with this label

under the stipulations in the
Directions of Drain Valve operating manual, complies
with the requirements related
from 93/42/EEC.

Edition: 1.1 2
Aeon7500A service manual

1.2 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

f Respiratory rate, i.e. breaths per minute (setting)

fspont Respiratory rate of spontaneous breathing by the patient (monitored)

ftotal Total respiratory rate, i.e. sum of f and fspont (monitored)

FiO2 Delivered oxygen percentage (monitored data)

FiO2 Oxygen percentage (setting)

I:E Inspiration to expiration time, I to E ratio, (monitored)

MV Exhaled minute volume (monitored)

MVspont Minute volume of spontaneous expiration by the patient (monitored)

Paw Patient airway pressure

PEEP Positive end expiratory pressure (monitored data)

Plimit Inspiratory airway pressure in PCV (setting)

Pmean Mean airway pressure is updated every at the end of last breath cycle, i.e. a
running mean (monitored)

Ppeak Maximum patient airway pressure during a patient breath (monitored)

Pplat Patient airway pressure measured at the end of inspiratory pause time

Vsens Volume sensitivity (setting)

TP Inspiratory pause time; increase inspiration time to facilitate increased patient

oxygenation (setting)

VT Tidal volume of mechanically delivered breaths (setting)

VTE Exhaled tidal volume (monitored)

VTI Inhaled tidal volume (monitored)

Edition: 1.1 3
Aeon7500A service manual

1.3 Tools and equipments (for servicing and testing)

Task Equipment
Routine verification Aeon7500A User Manual
Ventilation mode checkout Respirometer (hand-held)

Stop Watch
Changing fuses Small slotted screwdriver
Power switchover test External battery and cable
Cleaning Mild detergent
Disassembly One set of Allen keys

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Aeon7500A service manual

2 Pneumatic system

2.1 Gas supply

1 Air inlet 2 Connect to Air 3 N2O inlet

Pressure gauge
4 Connect to N2O 5 O2 inlet 6 Connect to O2
Pressure gauge pressure gauge
7 Air pipe 8 N2O pipe 9 O2 pipe

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Aeon7500A service manual

2.2 Gas board

1 Checkvalve 2 Micro-checkvalve 3 reducer

4 N2O cut-off valve 5 Gas reservoir 6 Common gas outlet
7 O2 flush valve 8 Whistle 9 Reversal valve

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Aeon7500A service manual

2.3 Pipe connection

1 Connect to O2 flowmeter 2 Connect to N2O flowmeter 3 Connect to MV300 gas box

4 Connect O2 inlet 5 Connect to N2O inlet 6 Connect to Air inlet
7 Connect to vaporizer

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1 Air inlet 2 N2O inlet 3 Connect to power supply

4 O2 inlet 5 Connect to Air pressure gauge 6 Connect to N2O pressure gauge
7 Connect to power board 8 Connect to N2O flowmeter 9 Connect to Air flowmeter
10 Connect to O2 flowmeter 11 Connect to O2 pressure gauge 12 Connect to vaporizer outlet
13 Connect to vaporizer inlet 14 Connect to flowmeter outlet

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Aeon7500A service manual

2.4 Absorber circuit

1 patient 2 Pessure gauge 3 exhalation valve (unidirection)

4 APL valve 5 absorber 6 fresh gas compensation

7 manual reservior 8 inhalation valve (unidirection)

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Aeon7500A service manual

1. Manual ventilation gas flow diagram

1 Exhalant gas from patient 2 Pressure sampling for exhalant gas

3 Pass exhalation valve (non-return) 4 Airway pressure gauge

5 Exhalant gas enter absorber 6 Non-absorbed gas leave absorber

7 Fresh gas compensation 8 Manual / Auto ventilation switch

9 Pressure sampling path for APL valve 10 Inhalation valve (non-return)

11 Inhalant gas to patient

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Aeon7500A service manual

2. Auto ventilation gas flow diagram

1 Exhalant gas from patient 2 Pressure sampling for exhalant gas

3 Pass exhalation valve (non-return) 4 Airway pressure gauge

5 Exhalant gas enter absorber 6 Non-absorbed gas leave absorber

7 Fresh gas compensation 8 Flow from ventilator

9 Manual / Auto ventilation switch 10 Inhalation valve (non-return)

11 Inhalant gas to patient

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Aeon7500A service manual

2.5 Bellows assembly


Figure 2-1 Ports of bellows assembly

1 Breathing system connector 2 Exhaust gas port 3 Driven gas connector 4 Adapter

WARNING: Never connect exhaust gas port with sub-atmospheric system directly. Or
else leakage of breathing system generates.

The adapter can be used to connect the waste gas scavenging system to the bellows assembly if the
standard pipeline is used in the waste gas scavenging system.

Ventilating circulation

Inhalation primary phase: Exhalation primary phase: Exhalation end phase:

1 Exhalation valve 6 Driving gas 8 Excess gas of patient circuit
2 Driving gas 7 From patient circuit
3 Gas of patient circuit
4 Spill-over valve
5 To patient circuit

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2.6 Vaporizer


1 body 2 interlock bolt 3 lock lever

4 control dial 5 Release button 6 Anesthetic tag
7 Screw cap 8 Liquid level indicator 9 Drain valve
10 Drain hole

Operational principle

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Aeon7500A service manual

3 Electrical system

3.1 Electrical structure

7500A anesthetic machine system structure contains two parts: 7500A anesthetic machine and MV300
anesthetic ventilator (hereafter MV300 in short).

Electrical circuit part of 7500A anesthetic machine includes mains supply input, auxiliary mains supply,
fuses, toplight or backlight circuit etc.
MV300 consists of display screen unit and main unit; both of them are connected with signal cable
(25-pin, male) and PS control cable (9-pin, female).

Main unit includes switching PS, Power PCB, Front PCB, proportional valve and controller, expiratory
valve, zero correction valves etc. In addition, there are optional configurations such as lead battery
pack, CO2 module etc. The functions of main unit are signal acquisition and amplification, drive of
airway actuator, power supply distribution etc.

Display screen unit includes PC104 embedded mainboard, AD/DA adapter, LCD, inverter, keyboard
communication interface board, keyboard PCB, encoder etc. The functions of display screen unit are
signal processing, algorithm and control, man-machine interaction etc.

The system electrical block diagram refers to figure7-2.

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3.2 Power supply

1 connect with anesthetic ventilator 2 connect with power switch

3 Power socket 4 Auxiliary mains socket outlet

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Aeon7500A service manual

3.3 MV300 anesthetic ventilator

3.3.1 Operation principle

The high-pressure oxygen enters the pressure regulator, and the output pressure passing the pressure
regulator is stabilized at 0.25MPa. Afterward the O2 enters the flow valve and passes it to drive the
bellows to operate. The gas flow leading to the patient can be controlled by adjusting tidal volume,
respiratory frequency, ratio of inspiration to expiration, inspiratory pause time etc. For safety, a safety
valve is designed to limit the maximum pressure in the airway and is installed in the airway. When the
airway pressure exceeds the set value of the safety valve (5.6~5.8kPa in general), the safety valve can
open automatically and the gas will be discharged from the safety valve. Anesthetic gas driven by the
bellows enters into the patient body through flow probe, that it makes the flow signal and pressure
signal switch to monitor signal used for monitoring inspiratory tidal volume in the system and adjusting
airflow output of ventilator. In expiration phase, the gas expired by patient reenters absorber cycle
passing through flow sensor, so that the expiratory tidal volume and minute volume can be calculated
according to the feedback signal of flow sensor. The process above is controlled by flow valve and
solenoid valve. In inspiration phase the flow valve will be opened and exhaust valve is closed, while in
expiration phase just the opposite, i.e. flow valve is closed and exhaust valve is opened. Whole
process is controlled by electronic control system. Master control unit provides different kinds of beats
using for system operation, including inspiratory time, control signal and opened degree of flow valve,
control signal of exhaust valve, signal acquisition and processing of sensor, keyboard response and
communication processing. Keyboard PCB is designed for keyboard and encoder input, power supply
control, and interface conversion functions. Amplifying and driving unit supplies amplification
regulation for sensor signal and drive for actuator such as flow valve, solenoid valve. The parameters
setting can be completed in the face plate. The power supply unit provides the circuit needed voltages
for each several part in the system.

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Figure 3-1 Operation principle sketch diagram of ventilator

3.3.2 Basic electrical specification

1. Recommended operating conditions and typical operating characteristics

z Power supply
Rated input voltage: 220/230VAC
Frequency: 50/60HZ
Max. Power consumption: 50VA
Max. input current: 5.5A (fuse: F6A 250V)
Max. output for single AMSO: 1.5A (fuse: F2A 250V)
MV300 max. input current: 1A (fuse: T1A 250V)
z Internal battery
Backup battery pack: 24V 2.3Ah (12V 2.3AH Lead-acid battery, 2 in serial)
Typical operating time when battery charged fully: 90 minutes
Typical charging time: 8 hr.

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2. Critical working parameters and electrical specification

(Warning: The apparatus may be fault when to operate exceeding critical parameters)

Item Minimum Rating Maximum Test condition

Mains supply
mains voltage (V) 176 220/230 264
Frequency (Hz) 47 50/60 63
input current (A) 0.2 —— 5.5 operating voltage 220V
output current of
1.5 each
auxiliary mains —— ——
4.5 total
supply (A)
power consumption No output for auxiliary
—— 31 50
(VA) mains supply
internal battery
operating voltage Only the battery shall be
22.5 24 25.6
(V) used
charging time (Hr.) 4 8 ——
discharge time
—— 90 120

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3.4 MV300 Main Unit

Figure 3-2 MV300 components

Figure 3-3 MV300 backview

1 Cable interface 2 O2 sensor interface 3 P&V interface

4 Analogue interface 5 Connect with power supply 6 Fuse
7 Power board 8 Switch power supply 9 O2 inlet
10 Reducer 11 Flow valve 12 Exhalation valve
13 Sensor board

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3.4.1 Front PCB

The front PCB is located inside MV300 main unit, and its functions are signal amplifying regulation and
actuator drive. The amplifying circuit part consists of signal sensor, amplifying circuit and analog power
supply etc. The amplifying circuit includes flow, airway pressure, O2 concentration etc signal channels.

The operating voltage of amplifier adopts ±12V power supply. All output signals is 0~10V single end
signal. All analog signals use the same analog ground as signal reference point (it is divided from
power supply ground on transportation).

Flow sensor adopts differential pressure sensor (163PC01D75), so quantity of flow can be acquired
via coincidence relation of differential pressure and flow on the sampling point. Pressure sensor
adopts MPX2010. Pressure signal is amplified by instrument amplifier AD620 and offset 1V upwards
so that the certain negative pressure can be responded. Detailed parameters of amplifying circuit refer
to the following table:

Item signal source Signal input Gain Signal output

Flow signal 163PC01D75 1-6V, 3.5V@0kPa 1 1-6V
Pressure signal MPX2010 ±25mV@10kPa 200 5V+1V (offset)
O2 concentration OOM102-1、V-03A about 10mV@21%FiO2 120 1-5V
Proportional PM510-DA1 0-10V 1 0-10V
valve calibrating

Edition: 1.1 20
Aeon7500A service manual Working point and parameters of front PCB:

Item Designed Voltage Typical working parameters (actual load)

CO2 module power supply 5V 5.3±0.1V CO2 module 5.3V/400mA max.
Front PCB analog +12V +12V±0.2V Amplifying circuit 300mA
Front PCB analog -12V -12V±0.2V Amplifying circuit 40mA
Front PCB drive +24V 24V±0.5V Proportional valve, solenoid valve 0.5A max
Reference power supply of front 10.00V 10.00V±0.01V
Sensor power supply 8.00V 8.00V±0.01V, adjust W2 and measure U3-1
Pressure amplifier zero point 0.00V 0.00V, in zero pressure condition, adjust W3
and measure T4.
Pressure zero point offset 1.00V 1.00±0.01V, adjust W4 and measure T1.
Use manometer to monitor, and then add
Pressure amplifier gain 4.0kPa static pressure. Afterwards adjust W1
to make show value be 4.0kPa.

Drive circuit part consists of inspiratory flow valve, expiratory valve, and calibration valve etc. Both
expiratory valve and calibration valve adopts triode and integrated circuit (ULN2003) drive; The
proportional valve and controller adopts 6022 DN2 flow valve manufactured by Burkert company and
TYPE1094-24 proportional controller. The controller will adjust valve body to acquire corresponding
flow by loading certain operating voltage to controller.

Edition: 1.1 21
Aeon7500A service manual Interfaces description

Interfaces and Pin Assignment Interfaces and Pin Assignment

functions functions
J2 1 +5V J3 1 GND
Power input 2 GND Signal cable 2 GND
3 +12V derivation 3 NC
4 -12V 4 +5V
5 +24V 5 +12V
6 +12V 6 +12V
J5 1 Signal plus 7 +5V
O2 sensor 2 Signal minus, GND 8 +5V
J9 1 GND 9 +12V-REF
CO2 module 2 +5V 10 +5V
interfaces 3 Module TX 11 GND
4 Module RX 12 GND
5 +5V 13 GND
6 GND 14 Backlight PS
J4 1 +24V 15 Cal. valve control
Expiratory valve 2 Driving end 16 Pressure signal
J6 1 +24V 17 O2 conc. signal
Flow valve 2 GND 18 Flow signal
3 Given voltage 19 Signal-GND
20 Flow valve signal
22 Signal-GND
24 Expiratory valve
25 GND

Edition: 1.1 22
Aeon7500A service manual Test points of front PCB

Label Definition
T6 FiO2 O2 conc. signal
T3 Flow Flow sampling signal
T7 Pressure Pressure sampling signal
T5 DAC1 DA output channel 1, used for calibrating inspriatory proportional valve.
T1 1V Zero voltage signal drifts, adjust W4 to make T1 be 1.0V.
T4 Pressure amplifying signal
Zero: when pressure is zero, adjust W3 to make T4 be 0.0V.
Gain: when 4kPa pressure is added, adjust W1 to make system display 4kPa.
T2 Inspiratory valve control signal, 0~5V logic voltage.
T8 Cal. valve control signal, 0~5V logic voltage.
GND GND Connection

1 connect O2 sensor 2 connect flow valve 3 connect cable interface

4 connect exhalation valve 5 connect power baord

Edition: 1.1 23
Aeon7500A service manual

3.4.2 Proportional valve controller

See the following figure, Flow valve assembly, including proportional valve, controller and pressure

Proportional valve controller (1094-24-PHR) shall be used with 6022 proportional valve together to
complete inspiratory flow control function. And the controller is calibrated before leaving factory, so it is
not recommended to calibrate flow valve out of factory.

Edition: 1.1 24
Aeon7500A service manual

DIP switch S1 setting:

1~5: to choose type of input signal

6~7: to choose matching valve body for PWM frequency required.

8 to setup zero insensitive region.

DIP switch position has been set completely before leaving factory, among which 3, 4 and 7 are ON but
the others are OFF.

Setting potentiometer
R1 minimum flow (zero point, increase clockwise)
R2 maximum flow (gain, increase clockwise)
R3 step input delay (0~10s, increase clockwise)

Indicator light:

If the indicator light is lit, it means there are current in the coil of proportional valve.

If not lit, it means there is no operating power supply or input signal less than 2% when zero insensitive
region available (i.e. in insensitive region).

Edition: 1.1 25
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Connection point

AN 1
1: PWR plus (24~28V DC)
3: Feedback signal-GND
4: Given input
5: Signal-GND

AN 2
1: Protective ground (to PWR)
2: Protective ground (to valve body)
3: valve coil (nonpolarity)
4: valve coil (nonpolarity)
5: Feedback output

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3.4.3 Power board and power supply system

Power board PCA diagram

Operating power supply of MV300 system is provided by Power board. Switching power supply
converts mains supply to direct current 28.6V input, at the same time 24V lead-acid battery pack is
provided inside the system so that the system can be used emergency when mains supply failure.

Power board completes charging management and over-discharge protection functions for the battery
pack. The battery used is 12V, 2.3Ah lead-acid battery, two in serial. When battery voltage less than
allowable minimum operating voltage, the controller will disconnect relay automatically to turn off the
apparatus; when mains supply connected in good condition, charging circuit on Power board will carry
out charging maintenance for battery automatically, and charging process has two stages floating
charge mode; the typical charging time is 8 hr. When the system in normal use, battery supply is
operated in floating charge mode; when mains supply failure, the power supply will switch to battery
supply automatically.

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Power board converts input to various direct voltages required for system, including the power supply
of actuators drive such as solenoid valve, operating power supply of amplifying circuit (±12V),
backlight power supply of display screen (12V), power supply of display screen computer, toplight and
expanding CO2 module (5V) etc. All power supply is achieved by DC-DC power supply circuit designed,
whose input is from internal power supply control relay, controlled by opening signal from
communication board.

system startup process: close power key —— APS switch on, relay and microcontroller power on——
microcontroller response power key-press and send an opening signal to relay —— relay close,

main power supply power on, starting up complete —— power key-press release, APS switch off.

System shutdown process: close power key —— APS switch on —— microcontroller response power
key-press and release an control signal to relay —— relay release, main power supply power off ——
shutdown finish.

Besides, the power supply of display screen unit (including PC104 power supply, inverter power
supply and controller power supply) is provided via signal cable and control cable by Power board of
main unit. The power supply line and control line of main power supply are located in 25-pin signal
cable and 9-pin control cable respectively. As a result of main power supply, especially 5V supply
current used for computer is larger, about 0.1V power supply voltage drop and 0.1V earth potential
rising are generated in signal cable. In view of stability of computer power supply, load voltage of 5V
power supply on Power board is designed to 5.3±0.1V, taken out transmission loss, actual load voltage
of display screen unit is about 5.0±0.1V. Pay attention to the operating voltage range of PC104 should
be 4.8~5.2V, because insufficient power supply of PC104, as a result of any cause such as power
cable loss increasing, may lead to reset and so on stability problems.

Further, power supply part of analog circuit is designed dividedly, including plus-minus power supply of
amplifier, reference power supply, operating power supply of special sensor, AGND and so on.

The quality of reference power supply will affect precision and stability of sensor and amplifying

Edition: 1.1 28
Aeon7500A service manual Interface description

Interface and Pin Assignment Interface and Pin Assignment

function function
J1 1 Battery input-plus J2 1 NC
Power input 2 Battery-GND Power supply 2 Power supply
control cable control signal
3 Switching power leading-out 3 APS +5V
4 Switching power 4 Switching PS +28V
5 Battery 5 Battery voltage
monitoring-plus signal
J4 1 DC output +5V 6 NC
DC output 2 GND 7 Power switch key
3 DC output +12V 8 GND
4 DC output -12V 9 DC PS +28V
5 DC output +24V 10 DC PS +28V
6 DC output +12V JP1 1, 2 V02 need to be
J5 1 +5V Battery monitor connected when
Toplight power 2 GND jumper using the battery.
supply Or else no

Edition: 1.1 29
Aeon7500A service manual Battery supply

z Specification

DC24V, 2.3 AH; 12V lead-acid battery, two in serial; interface type: 3-lead plug type

Discharge time: 90 minutes.

Charging time: 8 hours typically

z Precautions for use

Charge: Connect mains supply; the system will maintain auto-charging battery. It is recommended that
charging time is better than 8 hours.

Discharge: It will last 90 minutes generally to use the battery supply.

The alarm “Battery Low!” should be displayed on the screen when the capacity of battery is not enough
until the system shut-off. The user/operator should connect mains supply to charge battery in time and
avoid the system shut-off abnormally.

Do not disassemble battery device without valid authorization.

Do not short-circuit between positive plate and negative plate of battery.

z Storage

If the apparatus will not use for a long time, the battery should be charged fully to save.

The maintenance of charging should be carried out with interval of 3 months at least if storage of
battery exceeds 3 months.

Stored environment should avoid dampness, high temperature.

If improper maintenance makes battery damage, replace it in time to avoid liquid of battery corroding
the apparatus. Replace the battery, please contact service representatives.

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1 connect with sensor board 2 connect with top light

3 connect analogue interface 4 connect switch power supply

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3.4.4 Exhalation valve

It’s made up of gasket, spring and block seat as shown in the following figure.
Caution: Block seat can move freely after fixing.

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3.4.5 Switch power supply

Function:Change AC to DC for providing power required.

1 Switch power supply 2 Connect power board 3 Analogue harness

4 capacitance(0.47uf/1600V) 5 Fuse 250V 1A φ5×20(T) 6 Connect absorber heater(optional)
7 Connect power supply 8 Connect battery

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3.5 MV300 Display Screen Unit

Figure 3-4 MV300 screen frontview

On the back panel of MV300 screen, there are three interfaces: CRT interface, Cable interface and
Analogue interface.
CRT interface: used to connect external display.
Cable & Analogue interfaces: provide power supply and signal to the display.

Figure 3-5 MV300 screen rearview

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3.5.1 MV300 screen internal structure

Figure 3-6 MV300 screen internal structure

1 PC104 mainboard 2 Communication board 3 Knob PCB

4 Keyboard PCB 5 Inverter PCB 6 LCD harness

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3.5.2 Master computer system

The master control computer is located inside MV300 display terminal. Its functions are man-machine
interface of anesthetic ventilator, signal acquisition and control etc. It is a embedded computer system
including PC104 embedded mainboard, LCD display, backlight source, analog signals etc.

The master computer adopts PC104 embedded single board which is used in industrial control
generally. PC104 connects to auxiliary control circuits, expanded circuit module, external
communication equipment etc by COM ports, and carries out keyboard input, functions expanding and
data output etc functions; And PC104 outputs logic signal and controls solenoid valve, calibration valve
etc by LPT ports. PC104 is powered by single +5V power supply (+12V connected is not required). PC104 (I313)

Ports description
Power supply (label PWR1)
Pin Assignment Interconnection description
1 5V To communication board (red)
2 GND To communication board (black)
3 GND To communication board (black)
4 12V To communication board (yellow)
Please refer to MV300 Wiring Diagram about other ports connection such as LCD, LPT,
COM1, COM2, CRT etc.

Edition: 1.1 36
Aeon7500A service manual AD/DA adapter (PM510)

AD/DA adapter depending on PC104 extended bus can carry out data acquisition function and
proportional valve output control function. PM510 adapter provides 16-way 12-bit precision AD signal
and 2-way 12-bit precision DA output, and carries out flow, pressure, O2 concentration and feedback
signal etc input functions together with proportional valve control signal output etc functions. Both
signal input and signal output adopt single end 0~10V. PM510 can acquire +5V operating voltage from
PC104 bus.

PM510 adapter is connected with I313 by 104 bus, analog signal connected to J1. Address coding
switch K1 has been set uniformly before leaving factory.

W1 W2 W3 J4




Potentiometer Function description

W1 A/D Converter, bipolarity offset adjustment
W2 A/D Converter, gain adjustment
W3 A/D Converter, zero adjustment
W4 D/A1 Converter, zero adjustment
W5 D/A1 Converter, gain adjustment
W6 D/A2 Converter, zero adjustment
W7 D/A2 Converter, gain adjustment

Before leaving factory, the zero and gain for I/O section of AD/DA adapter have been adjusted rightly
according to unipolarity 0~10V, so it is not to be adjusted any more in general.

Other jumpers have been set completely before leaving factory, and need not to changed.

Edition: 1.1 37
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The display adopts 10.4" TFT LCD, and backlight source inverter fitted. The inverter uses single +12V
power supply (communication board).

LCD model used at present are SHARP, NEC etc trademark, and the corresponding inverters are
SAKQ012A, TPI-02-0104 etc.

LCD model Inverter model Assignment

NEC (single tube) TPI-02-0104-K1 1, 2, 5(12V); 3, 4(GND); 6 (NC)
SHARP (double tubes) SAKQ012A 1 (12V), 2 (GND)

Function: Providing high voltage for display startup required.

WARNING: No touching black part in the electrified surrounding (as shown in the following picture).

And, Each LCD manufacturer has a specified inverter, such as



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3.5.3 Communication board

The power supply of MV300 display terminal part PC104 and power supply of backlight inverter are
provided via communication board by power board of main unit. The communication board as auxiliary
control circuit of master computer of display screen, is to complete keyboard and encoder input, power
management, system monitoring, signal conversion and connection etc functions. The communication
board is a signlechip system including microcontroller, keyboard and encoder, condition indication,
interface circuit etc.

The controller of communication board adopts AT89C2051, its functions are the following:

z Processes keyboard and encoder input by user and sends corresponding code to master
z Battery voltage is acquired by ADC and the status data is sent to PC104;
z Monitor and indicate the condition of mains supply and give an alarm if appropriate;
z Complete starting up, shutdown and master-slave power supply switch management
functions according to key instructions by user.

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Interface and Pin Assignment Interface and Pin Assignment

function function
J1 1 GND J4 1 AGND
To signal cable 2 GND signal cable of 2 AGND
3 NC AD/DA adapter 3 AGND
4 +5V 4 Flow signal
5 +12V 5 AGND
6 +12V 6 O2 conc. signal
7 +5V 7 AGND
8 +5V 8 Pressure signal
9 +12V 9 AGND
10 +5V 10 AGND
11 GND 11 AGND
12 GND 12 AGND
13 GND 13 AGND
14 Backlight source 14 AGND
15 Calibration valve 15 AGND
16 Pressure signal 16 AGND
17 O2 conc. signal 17 AGND
18 flow signal 18 AGND
19 AGND 19 NC
20 flow valve signal 20 NC
21 COM2-RXD 21 flow valve signal
22 AGND 22 DA channel 2
24 Expiratory valve 24 AGND
25 GND 25 AGND

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J2 1 GND J6 1 +12V
Keyboard and backlight power 2 GND
encoder supply
2 Menu key J7 1 Expiratory valve
LPT line signal
3 Manual key 2 data bit 1
4 Silence key 3 data bit 2
5 DC28V 4 data bit 3
6 power indicator 5 data bit 4
7 Power key (28V) 6 data bit 5
8 Mains supply 7 data bit 6
9 NC 8 Cal. valve signal
10 NC 9 GND
11 GND 10 GND
12 Encoder-confirm J10 1 NC
key To power control
13 Encoder-GND cable 2 Power control
14 Encoder B 3 Power switch signal
15 Encoder A 4 switching power
supply 28V
16 Encoder-PS +5V 5 battery voltage
J3 1 +5V 6 NC
PC104 Power 2 +12V 7 Power key signal
supply 3 GND 8 GND
4 +5V 9 +28V
J5 1 COM1-232TXD J9 1 COM2-232TXD
Keyboard 2 COM1-232RXD CO2 module 2 COM2-232RXD
communication 3 GND communication to 3 GND
to COM1 COM2

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The test points provided by communication board are the following:

Label Assignment
AGND Analog signal-GND
FiO2 O2 conc. signal
Flow flow sampling signal
Pressure pressure sampling signal
DAC1 DA output channel 1, used for calibrating inspiratory proportional valve.
DAC2 DA output channel 2, backup

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3.5.4 Keyboard PCB and Encoder

Keyboard PCB includes AC indicator and keys. The keys consists of Power ON/OFF key, alarm
silence key, manual mode key, menu key etc, and the key information will be identified via
communication board. When mains supply connected is available, and internal power supply system is
ready, the indicator will be lit, at the time the internal battery will be charged automatically.

Encoder completes code of bidirectional rotary steps and confirming operation, as well as the code
can be identified via communication board.

The interface definition of keyboard and encoder refers to J2 of communication board.

There are four keys and one power indicator on the face of keyboard PCB. And, one 8-pin male stitch
on the back used to connect with communication board.

Keyboard PCB frontview

Keyboard PCB rearview

Encoder assembly

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4 Testing

4.1 Pneumatic system test

4.1.1 Test pipeline leakage

Leak of the line from the inlet to flow valve:

a. Turn off the flowmeter on the anesthetic machine. Ventilate the machine. And connect another
flowmeter in series to air delivery pipe between air supply and anesthetic machine.

b. Adjust the pressure of air supply to normal working range (0.4~0.45MPa). Note the value of flow
meter after the pressure became steady (refer to figure 1).The value should be less than 25mL/min.

Leak of the line from flowmeter to the collective gas outlet:

a. Turn off the first flowmeter on the anesthetic machine. Connect another flow meter in series to the
outlet of the first flowmeter and the manometer to the collective gas outlet. (Refer to figure 2)

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b. Turn off the second flowmeter. Then adjust the first flowmeter on the anesthetic machine to 100ml.
slowly adjust the second flowmeter, making the value of manometer keep 3KPa. At this time, note the
value of the second flowmeter.

c. Turn on and turn off the vaporizer respectively, and do the check above again. The value of
flowmeter should less than 50mL/min.

4.1.2 Flowmeter linkage device

Turn off the controlling valve of oxygen. Then adjust the controlling valve of N2O slowly, making the
flux show of N2O flowmeter become 1.5L/ min, 3 L/ min,6 L/ min, 9L/ min in turn. The corresponding
flux show of oxygen should be no less than 0.5 L/ min ,1 L/ min ,2 L/ min ,3 L/ min.

4.1.3 N2O cut-off device

Connect the O2 and N2O (can replace by O2). Open the controlling valve of O2 and N2O on the
flowmeter. Then gradually reduce the pressure of the oxygen supply. Observe the change of flux of O2
and N2O. In the whole process, the ratio of flux O2 to N2O must be larger than 1:3. Namely, the flux of
oxygen must be three times of the flux of N2O all the time. N2O would be cut off if the pressure of
oxygen is in the range of 0.02MPa to 0.2MPa.

4.1.4 Oxygen lack alarm

a. Turn on the oxygen supply, making the pressure from 0Mpa to normal.

b. In the state of normal pressure of oxygen, ventilate the machine and last more than 30 seconds.

c. Cut off the oxygen supply.

In the process of turning on the oxygen supply, observe the value of O2 pressure gauge. The alarm
should disappear before the value get to 0.23Mpa.

In the process of turning off the oxygen supply, observe the value of O2 pressure gauge. The alarm
should happened when the value is in the range of 0.05MPa~0.22MPa, and the time of alarm longer
than 7s.

4.1.5 Oxygen flush

Connect the flowmeter which range is 10L/min~100 L/min to the common gas outlet when the input
pressure is 0.4~0.45MPa. Turn on the oxygen flush valve. And observe the indicated value which
should be in the range of 35 L/min ~75 L/min.

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4.1.6 Test breathing circuit leakage

a) Stifled the joint which leads to air reservoir and the patient end of tee fitting.

b) Turn off the APL valve.

c) Insert a flowmeter in the circuit (See figure 3).

d) Adjust the flow valve, making the valve of pressure gauge keep at 3KPa. The value of flowmeter
should not larger than 120ml/min.

4.1.7 Vaporizer

1. Place the vaporizer into the testing room more than 3 hours (20±3℃). The vaporizer should be
tested solely.

2. Pour the vaporizer until the value of anesthetic is beyond the lower limit with 10ml. test the
vaporizer 45 minutes later.

3. Place the anesthetic gas analyzer to the exit of vaporizer to testing.

4. Adjust the flux of the vaporizer to 1L/min and 5L/min in turn. Observe the concentration show of
the anesthetic gas analyzer after one minute.

5. When the vaporizer at the place of “OFF”, its output concentration should not larger than 0.1%.

6. The error of gauged concentration should no less than 20% or 5% of the full range.

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4.2 Test MV300 anesthetic ventilator

4.2.1 Testing equipments

a) stopwatch;
b) Ventilating meter;
c) Digital pressure gauge or “U” manometer;
d) 3L- Reservoir Bag and fish joint haggis;
e) Oxygen cylinder, the concentration > 95%
f) Digital multimeter;
g) Oxygen monitor;

4.2.2 MV300 standard operation parameters

⎯⎯ Ventilation mode: VCV mode

⎯⎯ Tidal volume: 600mL;
⎯⎯ Breath frequency: 20times per minute;
⎯⎯ I:E: 1:2;
⎯⎯ Lower limit of airway pressure: 0.5kPa;
⎯⎯ Upper limit of airway pressure: 4kPa;
⎯⎯ Tp: OFF

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4.2.3 Debugging step

1. adjust the voltage

Switch on the power supply. Adjust the potentiometer W2 and measure the first feet voltage of U3 on the
forward board using multimeter to make the output voltage is 8V±0.01V.

2. Calibrate O2 sensor

Select the menu option of O2 sensor checking, check the 21% and 100% item in turn according with the
cue in the menu, then unbolt the O2 sensor from the machine. At this point, we can see the measured
value of O2 is ‘- -’.

3. Calibrate flow sensor

Select the menu option of flow sensor, and check the flow sensor according with the cue in the menu.

4. Calibrate flow valve

Install the ventilator onto the anesthesia, connect the pipeline, and use water lung as stimulant lung.
Ventilate at the standard working state and set the tidal volume as 200ml, 600ml respectively. If the error
of the output contrasted with the set point is more than +20% or -20% as each change of the set of tidal
volume, please check the proportioning valve.

The process is: under the menu of the sensor, select the check of the proportioning valve. And change
the water lunge with 3L bursa. Go into password “2020” then select OK to checking.

Note: At the process of checking, you can exit by pressing “menu”.

5. Check the tidal volume

At the standard rating, fix the MV300 onto the anesthesia machine. connect the flow sensor and
pipelines,and then set the tidal volume to 0ml, 200mL, 400mL, 600mL, 800mL, 1500mL in turn.
Connect the 3L- bursa and the fish joint haggis with the patients respectively. (when use fish joint
haggis, the max of tidal volume should be less than 600mL.) After the display on the screen become
steady, measure the tidal volume using the ventilatory capacity meter. You should get a set of data as
follow: 0±15mL, 200mL±20mL, 400mL±40mL, 600mL±60mL, 800mL±80mL, 1500mL±150mL;
Compare the measured data with the monitor data by MV300, the error should in the range of ±10%.
At the standard rating, we can adjust the respiratory rate to 10 BPM if the tidal volume can not reach

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6. The display of minute volume

At the standard setting, set the tidal volume to 0ml, 200mL, 400mL, 600mL, 800mL, and 1200mL in turn.
After the display on the screen become steady, measure the expiration tidal volume VTe using the
ventilatory capacity meter. Observe the monitoring value of minute volume after one minute. Compare it
with the calculated value of the expressions MV=VTe×T, the error should in the range of ±20%.

7. The display of total frequency

Set the respiratory rate to 4 BPM, 20BPM, 40BPM, 100BPM in turn. Compare the monitor data with the
times of ventilating in one minute, if the rate is below 20BPM, the error should be in the range of ±2BPM,
otherwise, ±10%.

8. I:E

At the standard rating, change the I:E from 1:0.5 to 1:8, we can see the respiratory time of ventilator
changed clearly, namely, the time of inspiration is shortening gradually.

9. The display of pressure in air passage

Connect the manometer and pressure sampling outlet of ventilator to standard batching container.
Pressurize the pressure sampling outlet by the standard batching container to make the manometer
stabilize at 0kPa、1kPa、+2kPa、+4kPa、+6kPa. Note the undee data of airway pressure. If the pressure
is in the range of 0kPa~+2kPa, the error should be ±200Pa, if the pressure is 2kPa~6kPa, the error
be ±10%. You should check as the flow, if not meet the demand.
At the standard settings, put the pressure sampling outlet into the air, adjust the potentiometer W3 on
the front board. At the same time, observe the pressure waveform on the screen. Firstly, adjust the
peak value to above 2cmH2O. Secondly, adjust the potentiometer W3 negative direction till the peak
becomes 0. And then set the pressure upper limit of the ventilator to 60cmH2O. Connect the pressure
sampling and U model manometer to injector. Pressurize by injector to make the making the U model
manometer show 60cmH2O. At the same time, adjust the potentiometer W1 on the front board till the
peak value become 60cmH2O on the beam.
Set the time of hold breath to OFF, 5%, 25%, 50%. When to OFF, there is not flat pressure, others the
flat pressure is in existence. At the same time, you would find the time when the velocity of flow is zero
is lengthening as the time of hold breath increased if you observe the waveform of flow.

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10. Display of oxygen concentration

Connect the O2 sensor with ventilator. Firstly, place the O2 sensor and oxygen analyzer in the air.
Secondly, note the display data of the ventilator and oxygen analyzer. Then place them into 100% pure
oxygen. Note the data again after 3 minutes. The error should be in the range of ±5%.

11. Monitor of the compliance C

At standrad rating, set the tidal volume to 0, 500 mL, 1000 mL in turn. Note the the volume of
inspiration tidal volume, the peak value of pressure Ppeak, and the pressure when the expiration is
end, Ppeep. Count the C by the expressions as follow. When the value of C is under 10 mL/hPa,the
error is ±2 mL/hPa, or else, the error is ±20%.

C = Vt /ΔP…………….…………….………………………..(1)
In the expressions:
ΔP=Ppeak-PEEP, hPa;
Ppeak——the peak value of pressure, hPa;
PEEP——the pressure when the expiration is end, hPa;

12. System submenu

Press MENU key, the menu window pop-up on the screen, showing as follow.
Go into this menu, you can select the mode of display between demo and real time waveform. There is
two choice of language: English and Chinese. Waveform includes Flow-t, Paw-t, V-t, CO2-t, P-V ring.
You can select the unit of pressure from 0.1kPa and cmH2O.

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13. Alarm setting


a) Alarm for exceeding the upper limit of per minute expiration volume

Set the upper limit value of per minute expiration to 1L, 5L, 10L, and 20L in turn. adjust the tidal
volume,until the alarm for exceeding the upper limit of per minute expiration volume occurs. Note
the data of per minute expiration volume inspecting by the breath inspecting machine. Compare it
with the setting data. If the per minute expiration volume is below 5L, the error is in the range of ±1
L. If it is above 5L, the error is in the range of ±20%.

b) Alarm for exceeding the lower limit of per minute expiration volume

The method is same as the a).

c) Alarm for exceeding the upper limit pressure of air passage

Set the upper limit pressure of air passage to 2kPa、4kPa、8kPa in turn. Connect the manometer
to the pressure sampling outlet. Then pressurize the sampling outlet with injector until the alarm of
exceeding the upper limit pressure of air passage occurs. Note the volume of the manometer, the
error should be in the range of ±8%.

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d) Alarm for exceeding the lower limit of airway pressure

Set the lower limit pressure of air passage to 0, 0.5kPa, 1kPa, and 2kPa in turn. Pressurize the
pressure sampling outlet with standard measuring container to make the pressure of air passage
reach the setting of lower limit or a little short. Increase the pressure after the alarm occurs, till the
alarm disappeared. Note the indicate value of pressure gauge, the error should be in the range of
±15%. At the same time, quickly adjust the pressure of the air passage to the setting of lower limit or
a little short. Time with the stopwatch until the alarm occurs again. The time should be between 4s
and 15s.

e) Alarm for exceeding the upper limit of respiratory rate

Set the data of upper limit of respiratory rate to 4bpm, 20 bpm, 100 bpm in turn. Adjust the
parameters of respiratory rate until the alarm for exceeding the upper limit of respiratory rate
happening. Note the count value of respiration rate. Compare it with the value of the setting. If the
respiratory rate is less than 20 BPM, the error is in the range of ±1 BPM. Others ,the the range is

f) Alarm for exceeding the lower limit of respiratory rate

The method is same as e).

g) Alarm for exceeding the upper limit of oxygen concentration

Adjust three O2 which concentrations are differ. Mix them enough. Connect the O2 sensor with probe
of the oxygen analyzer passing through the tee, and then put them in the air. Adjust the data of
upper limit of respiratory rate until the alarm for exceeding the upper limit of respiratory rate

h) Alarm for exceeding the lower limit of oxygen concentration

The method is same as g).

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17. Ventilation Mode

a) Standby Mode

At the state of Standby Mode, all parameters are effective.

b) VCV mode

At the state of VCV Mode, the parameter of Plimit is ineffective, displaying‘- -’. Set the breathing rate
to 20 BPM. The respiratory rate should be 19~21 BPM.

c) Pressure Mode

At the state of Pressure Mode, the parameter of Tp is ineffective, displaying‘- -’. Set the parameter
of Plimit, ventilate the machine, and then note the peak value of pressure. Compare the value with
the setting Plimit. If airway pressure can go up to the setting Plimit, the peak value should not
exceed the setting Plimit at 2cmH2O. At the same time, the machine stops ventilating and turn to
expiration after the inspiration was closed. If airway pressure can not go up to the setting Plimit, the
error between output tidal volume and setting tidal volume should be in the stated range.

d) Manual Mode

At the state of Manual Mode, only the alarm parameter is effective. The invalidation shows ‘- -’.
Turn the Manual/Machine switch to Manual Mode. Press the bursa according to a stated rate. At
the same time the times of extrusion in one minute. Compare it with the monitor data of breathing
frequency, the error should be less than 2 BPM. Compared the monitor data of tidal volume with
the measured value of air flow meter, the error should be in the range of (±10%).

e) SIMV Mode

At the state of SIMV, the parameter of Tp and Plimit are noneffective showing ‘- -’, the area of “f”
display fIMV. I:E display the time of inspiration(TI) with the unit of second. Vsens be come effective
with the unit of L/min. If we set the fIMV to 4 BPM, Vsens to 3L/min, pressed the bursa, the ventilator
can also touch off and ventilate.

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18. Operating key

The key on the faceplate of the ventilator should accord with its function.
When an alarm accruing, press the key of Silence, the alarm should be muted. At the same time, there
is a figure which is degressioning from 110s in the area of alarm condition indication.
The key of Manual can switch come-and-go between Manual Mode and other Modes.

19. Safe working pressure of air passage

At the standard state, set the pressure upper limit of the ventilator to 80cmH2O, plug up the patient end,
and then note the pressure of the air passage when the safety valve deflating. This pressure should be
in the range of 5kPa ~6kPa. You should adjust the safety valve of air passage if it can not satisfy the

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5 Precautions for use and maintenance

1. When tidal volume initial given by ventilator
deviates setting value more than 15%.
2. Make sure gas supply in normal condition,
anesthetic gas circuit no leakage, reservoir bag
volume is 3L. The operating time must be more
than 1 minute after ventilation mode switched
Cautions: to volume mode, and flowmeter should have
1. know when to calibrate 0.8L compensation.
Flow valve
2. know how to calibrate 3. Do not interfere or shake absorber cycle in the
3. the questions in the process process of calibrating. The tidal volume
of calibrating presents an increasing trend gradually. After
calibration end, if calibration succeeds, should
turn off power supply of ventilator to save data,
meanwhile a pop-up menu along with the word
"Power off..." presents on the screen.

The calibration should not be too frequent.

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1. Check unidirectivity of
absorber cycle.
2. Check and make sure the
gas supply and power
supply should be 0.4MPa
and AC220V respectively.
3. Check if soda lime needs to
1. Avoid CO2 accumulating.
2. Make sure the operating environment in
4. Check airtightness of
accordance with requirements stated by
anesthetic machine.
Preparation 5. Check if water log is present
3. Make sure CO2 absorbing device available.
before in the sampling system.
4. Ensure no leakage.
operation 6. Carry out warm-up
5. Ensure sampling exactly.
operation, and connect
6. Ensure flow valve in normal operation.
reservoir bag to patient end,
afterwards perform volume
Ready to perform an operation.
mode operation more than 1
minute. Observe if flow
valve calibration needs to be
7. Close vaporizer and
flowmeter, and switch to
manual mode.

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6 Troubleshooting
Malfunction Causes Solution Remark
Check tubing,
Gas circuit fault, absorber cycle,
volume is
leaks bellows and APL
Check the
The probe or
interconnection or
Tidal volume is low sampling tube leaks.
replace invalid parts.
or abnormal alarm
The available range
occurs in gas Gas supply pressure Check gas supply
of gas supply is 280
circuit. is low. system.
to 600kPa.
Turn down the setting
tidal volume and
The compliance of
increase respiratory
patient is bad.
frequency to assure
minute volume.
Tidal volume is Sampling tube has Blowing-dry or
deviating or water log. swing-dry.
waveform is Check sampling tube,
abnormal, for Sampling system internal connection,
example, zero leaks. airtightness of
point of waveform calibration valve etc.
is offset or AD/DA adapter or Refer to "Signal
saturated. signal channel fault waveform abnormal".
The sampling probe
is not matched. The
latest probe is
The new probes
applicable for the
marked the word
software up to date.
"0606" are
If the match is
available for
The conformity is wrong, it will bring on
software version
bad, either upper that the conformity of Replace probe, update
3.25.07 or later.
or lower all the tidal volume is bad: software.
The probes marked
times. such as lower (latest
the word "AEON"
software matches
only are available
older probe) or upper
for software version
(older software
3.25.07 or earlier.
matches latest
probe) all the times.

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Malfunction Causes Solution Remark
Warm-up time
should not less
Tidal volume is than 5 minutes at
parameter of flow Calibrate flow valve.
offset. least with big tidal
valve drifts.
volume ventilating
before calibration.
Clean valve core with
Clean proportional alcohol, afterwards
valve inside. reinstall and calibrate
flow valve.
Flow valve
If cleaning can't Valve body and
calibration failure
solve this problem, controller must be
so it can be judged Replace valve body. returned to
that valve body is manufacturer to
aging. calibrate.
Tidal volume can
reach low side, but Gas supply is not
Check gas supply and
high side can't be enough, and internal
make sure the
reached. The gas resistance is greater.
pressure of gas supply
supply gauge The expiratory valve
more than 280kPa
indication is down, can't close when
during operation.
and expiratory port mass flow occurs.
Tidal volume is
normal in low side
but can't reach
high side setting.
Compare with
Internal safety Pressure relief valve
ventilating waveform,
valve exhausts drifts leading to
adjust safety valve to
early in working exhaust early.
5.6~5.8kPa carefully.
pressure range,
and gas supply
gauge has no
obvious change.
The bellows Flow valve needs to Anesthetic machine
operation is warm-up. need to warm-up for 5
delayed after minutes after starting
starting up, and up, so that system can
actual tidal volume be in good condition
deviating for precision. Or
presetting too else, calibrate flow
large. valve.

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Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Clean the connector of Block P&V port by
Zero point of The connector of signal cable, or hand directly to
pressure waveform signal cable is Plug and insert 25-pin observe waveform
or flow waveform oxidized or bad signal cable variation for
drifts. contact. repeatedly and then verifying pressure
tighten the screws. and flow sampling
Sampling probe or Check connection or functions.
sampling tube fault. replace.
Note: A minor
Signal continuous
waveform Pressure waveform appears
abnormal waveform or flow Check internal signal in pressure or flow
waveform is line, and test P&V port waveform at times,
absent or showed directly and observe resulting from static
Signal line or AD/DA
as broadband the flow signal. If the pressure in gas
adapter fault
without change signal is not changed, circuit and static
continuously. replace signal line or flow. It can be
AD/DA adapter. approved by
removing sampling
tube connected on
P&V port.
Signal line,
Expiratory vale PC104-PRN line,
Expiratory doesn't work, and solenoid valve Check if wiring
valve rattling sound can't connection or Front connection is right.
hear either. PCB power supply

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Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Front PCB or Check 24V power
proportional valve supply of controller,
controller fault front PCB and Power
(should be 24V). board.
Signal line,
proportional valve Check wiring
and controller or connection
wiring fault
Test signal feedback of
AD/DA adapter by
Inspiratory pressing sampling
proportional valve tube and P&V port to
can't operate, no eliminate AD/DA
Inspiratory driving gas output No signal feedback adapter fault; Check
flow valve or AD/DA adapter drive signal line and
fault measure given signal
voltage on flow valve
controller in auto
mode, the measured
value varies from 0 to
Valve body has
Clean or replace valve
foreign matter or
No inspiration
action or delay too Valve body is aging
Replace valve body.
long after starting or fault.
The display is not Enable the function by
enabled. menu.
No O2 conc.
O2 sensor, wiring Check or replace
fault or interface connecting lines,
loosens. calibrate the sensor.
The O2 sensor is
Measured value is
O2 expired or need to Calibrate or replace it.
monitoring calibrate.
The O2 conc. can
be displayed on
the screen No sensor Connect the sensor or
sometimes when connected. close the display.
no sensor

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Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Check AC PS and
Mains supply is
fuses; The indicator light
invalid or fuse is
Connect the valid AC means DC in some
No AC indication short circuit, internal
PS; earlier products,
and startup failure. battery or switching
Check internal battery and is lit after
power supply is
and switching PS startup.
PS or battery Connect the valid AC
disabled. PS
The cable between
Check the cables from
display screen unit
display screen to main
and main unit is
AC indication is invalid.
present but startup Check if the wiring on The power supply
failure. keyboard PCB is right. on Power board
keyboard PCB, Press Power key and should be 5.35V;
Power board or observe relay action The power supply
connecting lines fault on power board and on communication
check if 5V on power board should be
board is normal. 5±0.1V.
Startup is Check internal
disabled. connecting lines.
Power on according to
the following steps and
judge fault point, and
replace spare parts:
1. Disconnect 25-pin
signal cable, then
startup and observe if
relay on Power board
Internal device short can maintain.
immediately after
circuit. 2. If normal operation,
starting up.
judge the fault is
present in the display
screen unit, turn to
step3; or else, the fault
is present in main unit,
turn to step5.

(See next page to


Edition: 1.1 61
Aeon7500A service manual

Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

3. Connect 25-pin
signal cable and
disconnect PC104 PS,
afterwards starting up,
if normal operation,
judge PC104 or
AD/DA adapter fault.

4. Remove AD/DA
adapter, then connect
PC104 PS and
startup, judge AD/DA
Startup is Internal device short adapter (or PC104)
immediately after
disabled. circuit. fault.
starting up.

5. Judge fault
coverage by
disconnecting power
line on front PCB;
Check if front PCB and
peripheral equipments
is fault; Check if power
board is fault;

6. Check and replace

it with spare part.

The controller on
communication board.
board is fault.

Edition: 1.1 62
Aeon7500A service manual

Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Black-screen is Measure if 12V PS of
present but other Backlight PS fault. communication board
functions operated is normal.
normally. Inverter fault Replace it
Measure PC104 PS
that should be
5V±0.1V, and 5V PS
PC104 PS fault;
on Power board
The voltage is low;
should be 5.35V;
25-pin signal cable
Clean signal cable
loose contact.
connectors and
improve the
Remove disk on-chip
PC104 or disk and then startup,
White-screen is
on-chip fault. afterwards judge fault
present after
point and replace it.
Display Check wiring
faults connection and
Video wirings fault or
reconnect it and
loose contact.
perform wirings pull
Power on according to
Short circuit may be zero load, PC104,
present inside PC104+AD/DA
peripheral circuit adapter respectively,
(AD/DA adapter). judge and replace fault
The stationary Check wirings Confirm LCD model
Display screen or
pixels are defective connection or replace in order to quality
wirings fault
or not displayed. it trace.
Random PC104 or disk Replace PC104 and
disordered display on-chip fault disk on-chip.
The display screen Check wiring
Video wirings or
is fault; display connection and
PC104 fault
image is abnormal. replace PC104.

Edition: 1.1 63
Aeon7500A service manual

Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Load voltage
parameters in
Check if the power operation:
voltage of power board Power board:
PC104 PS voltage and PC104 terminal 5.35±0.1V;
less than 4.9V are normal; check PC104: 5.1±0.1V;
resulting from 25-pin cable, if the Voltage drop on
connector of wiring voltage drop on the power cord:
oxidized. cable exceeds 0.35V, <0.15V;
System restarts or halted in the
and clean oxidized Voltage difference
process of operation or after
layer of connectors. on power supply
starting up.
ground wire:
Voltage less than
5.2V resulting from Replace Power board.
power board fault.
Replace PC104 and
PC104 or disk disk on-chip after
on-chip fault. power supply fault
Display BIOS
CMOS settings or
information and Replace PC104.
PC104 fault.
The PC keyboard,
Display BIOS
CMOS configuration connecting lines
The main information and
information error or Reinstall program or and installation
interface guiding device
disk on-chip file replace disk on-chip. procedure will be
can't be failure and similar
system fault. needed.
entered information.
Reconfiguration of
after Replace PC104 and
BIOS will be
startup Press DEL key to disk on-chip. (for soft
performed by
prompt password fault, remove CMOS
PC104 fault keyboard.
when entering cell in an emergency,
CMOS. and this problem is

Edition: 1.1 64
Aeon7500A service manual

Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Caution: It will lead
Either keyboard or to communication
Either keyboard or
encoder is fault or Check the lines and board damaged
encoder doesn't
the connecting lines replace fault parts. when keyboard
failure. lines are connected
The connecting line
Keyboard between J5 on
Check wiring
or encoder Press communication
doesn't power key board and COM2 on
work can PC104 is fault.
startup The PC keyboard
are Check CMOS settings
PC104/COM2 fault. and connecting line
failure or replace PC104.
will be needed.
Wiring connection of Check if the wiring
Shutdown keyboard PCB fault connection is right.
failure Communication Replace
board fault communication board.
Battery is aging; Replace battery, and Battery features:
Improper pay attention to Voltage when
maintenance. charging maintenance. charged fully:
Discharge time is Battery wirings or 25V±0.5V;
Repair or replace it.
too short or battery connectors fault Discharge cut-off
can't be charged. Output voltage of Output voltage of voltage:
switch PS is low, so switch PS should be 22.5V±0.5V;
charging is invalid. 28.6V±0.1V. Load voltage after
Charging circuit fault Replace power board. valid charging more
No battery icon No battery or the Check connecting than 22V usually.
display. connecting line fault. lines. Operating time
shall be more than
Check cable and 20 minutes at least
Startup failure Battery lines fault or
joints. when using battery
when no mains battery voltage is
Check battery and as power supply, or
supply. lower.
validity of charging. else the battery is
aging or failure.

Edition: 1.1 65
Aeon7500A service manual

Malfunction Causes Solution Remark

Cable fault or
Check cable;
Not found. software version too
Update software.
CO2 function is not Enable the function by
enabled. operating the menu.
No measured
Check cable and judge
value. Communication line
module is normal or
or module fault.
not, or else replace it.
Recalibrate and judge
by performing CO2
gain calibration using
CO2 sampling curve The calibration
exhalant CO2 of
offsets. code is 2010.
operator. Then
The CO2 measured perform designation of
value is low. standard gas.
CO2 sampling tube Check if water trap
leaks. leaks.
CO2 module fault
(such as pump, Replace the module.
sensor fault).
There are water log
in water trap. So the Drain the liquid in
module will be water trap in time, and In normal condition,
CO2 module is closed automatically then operate menu to after CO2 module is
blocked, and is in several minutes open CO2 pump. opened, CO2 pump
breakdown after after startup. will be opened and
startup for a Clean up the sampling closed periodically
moment. CO2 sampling tube tube, and then operate when to monitor
bends or presents the menu to open CO2 sampling.
water log. pump, try to operate it

Edition: 1.1 66
Aeon7500A service manual

7 Schematics
See Figure 7-1.
1. N2O cylinder (optional) 22. Airway pressure gauge

2. N2O Pipeline 23. Absorber canister

3. O2 cylinder (optional) 24. O2 flush

4. O2 pipeline 25. N2O-O2 linkage

5. Air pipeline 26. Air flowmeter

6. Pressure gauge 27. N2O flowmeter

7. Checkvalve 28. O2 flowmeter

8. O2 reducing valve (400kPa) 29. Interlock device

9. O2 reservoir 30. Vaporizer 1

10. Whistle 31. Vaporizer 2

11. N2O cut-off valve (20 to 200kPa) 32. Micro-checkvalve

12. Reducer (250kPa) 33. outdoor atmosphere

13. Magnetic valve 34. Expiratory valve

14. Flow valve 35. Inspiratory valve

15. Safety valve (6kPa) 36. O2 sensor

16. Exhaust valve 37. Flow probe

17. Pressure-relief valve 38. Patient

18. Bellows 39. Flow sensor

19. Bag / Ventilator switch 40. Pressure sensor

20. Manual reservoir bag 41. Ventilator

21. APL valve (0.19 to 0.6kPa) 42. Display screen

Edition: 1.1 67
Edition: 1.1

18 20
Aeon7500A service manual


P 5
17 34 36
16 22
1 15
23 38

P 6
12 13

31 30

P 6 11 32


8 28 27 26 40
P 6 7 7 41 42

25 25

P 6 7

5 24

Figure 7-1 7500A Pneumatic schematic diagram

Aeon7500A service manual

MV300 Display screen 7500A Anesthetic

LCD (5)

PC104 (1) Backlight (6)

Keyboard PCB (3)
Encoder Toplight
AD/DA adapter (2) (8) (23)

Signal control PS control cable (24)
cable (4) (12)

MV300 Main Unit

module Front PCB (9) Power board (10)

Battery Switching Ventilator PS
(11) PS (12)

AMSO (22)

Figure 7-2 MV300 electrical system structure block diagram

Edition: 1.1 69
Aeon7500A service manual

9-pin Control cable

Switching key
Mains supply indication (28.6V)
Battery capacity monitoring (<27.6V)
Aux. 12V

Battery Keyboard
pack 24V Aux. 5V VCC Key-press PCB
Startup signal

Flow valve
Mains Master control switch

supply Switching CO2
PS 28.6V Flow valve module
Auxiliary mains

24V Drive Flow control signal


DC conversion

12V Signal Analog signal

25-pin Signal cable

-12V processing COM2/RS232


Toplight PS
Calibration LPT output/TTL Display
Power screen
5.3V 5.1V PC104
12V Inverter Backlight

7500A Power PCB Front PCB Communication PCB

machine MV300 Main unit (signal and drive) MV300 Display screen (interface and control)

Figure 7-3 Detailed 7500A electrical system functional block diagram

Edition: 1.1 70
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


J1 J2 J3 J4

1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2






E E E E mark wire color





1F1 1F2 J1 L N E
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
250V5A/F 250V5A/F J2 E L N
L brown RV0.5 brown RV0.5
J3 E L N
N blue RV0.5 blue RV0.5
J4 E L N
E yellow&green RV0.5 yellow&green RV0.5
J5 1,2 3,4

P5 1,2 3,4

F1 1 2

F2 1 2

1F1 1 2
C K0 A2 C
T 1A 250V
L brown RV0.5 1 2 1 F1 2 brown RV0.5 L220VAC*2 T1 1 1,2 1,2 1
5VAC1 2F1 1 2

T 1A 250V
N blue RV0.5 4 3 1 F2 2
AC 5.5V 2F2 1 2
E yellow&green RV0.5 blue RV0.5 N 3 4 3,4 3,4 2
5VAC2 3F1 1 2
1 2 2
3F2 1

GND AWG-18 black

4F1 1 2

2 5V AWG-18 red
brown RV0.5 L
L K0 1 4 2 3
blue RV0.5 N
N OUT DC28.6V S1 2 1
yellow&green RV0.5 E
A1U2-J5 2 1
MV300 VENTILATOR OUTPUT (AWG-18 red+, black-)

A2 1 2

BAT. 24V A1U2 POWER UINT MV300.2.6 A3 1 2

1 1 1 +24V AWG-18 orange 1 2
J5 DC5V T1 1 4 5
B J1 DC28.6V 2 B

2 2 2 GND AWG-18 black X3

J2 CTRL to Comm UINT A1U2-J1 5 1 2





3 3 3 Batd+ AWG-18 yellow




RV0.5 brownblue brownbrownblue blue yellowyellowyellowyellowbrownblue
Acid Battery12V*2
AWG-18 red black red yellowgreen black

Aeon 7500A A

revision-mark revises file signature&date Anesthesia MAIN WIRING

designator technics
check standard
sheet 1 of 1 7500AJL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

W2 210000585
TO TOP LIGHT W15 210000586

D 1 9Pins D-type Interface 1 25 25Pins D-type Interface D

9 B1
- +


W16 122000287

8-1 +

9-1 - 240000080 2 11-1 W8 122000288
gnd 12-1

D9-CABLE interface D25-CABLE Interface VGA interface


VAL INSP. Controller

UaPvPv 1 9 1 25 1 15
W14 122000285





A6 A3 J1
654321 1 2 3 4 5 J2 J1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2 1 1 910 A7


J4 J5 J2 DC/AC reverser
J1 2

5-1 8
B- 3-2
122000290 2 LCD BackLight harness
V- 3-1 W10 122000282
C 3 C
V+ 4 W1 122000465
W4 122000287
W9 122000289
B+ 5 J3

P3 9-1 A5



Acid-battery (2X12V2AH)
BAT1 3-2 A4 10 1 J9 A2 J9 26 1


5-3 red
+ 210000151 - 2 J4 1 2 J3 1 26 J6 3 2 1 J8 COM2
26 J4
J1 J3
J1 1 J6 1 12V

122000294 J6 2 GND
BAT2 red 5-1 COM1
2 - + 1 1 + CRT
A1 A8 10 Aux.Comm.Uint 1

1 34
J2 red X1 1 PM510 Sampler 1 PC104 1 J7 J10
U1 1 +5V AMPLIFIER UINT L1+- black 2
1 210000313 10
4-1 2 GND 26 LCD 16

+V 1
+28.6V 122000293 Verifier VAL.
26 PC104 bus W11
+12V redX2 3 3 J5 J2

POWER SUPPLY +V 3 122000468 64 PRN 2
L2 +- 1
210000163 C1 COM
4 -12V black 4
1 104 J5 1 4

COM 0V 3-1 5 +24V W12 122000284

0-1 6 A12V 1 2 J5 W9 122000289
P4 W13 122000363
(AC )

W7 lcd line

2-1 2 X15 1 7-1 N 1

210000130 34 LCD1
TO 7500A Anesthesia J1 34 1 5
1-1 2 X16 1 6-1 L 2 10.4 ' TFT S1
A9 O2 Cell interface 122000361 122000462
210000130 1
0-1 J1 J2


MV300 A

revision-mark revises file signature&date

designator technics
check standard
sheet 1 of 2 121000023JL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Aeon7500A service manual

Aeon7500A Anesthetic Machine Service Manual

Edition: 1.1

Aug. 2007

Beijing Aeonmed Co., Ltd.

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