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Folder Wo Folgenabschaetzung en
Folder Wo Folgenabschaetzung en
Regulatory Impact
Assessment and the
Impact Dimension
of Gender Equality
What is regulatory impact assessment?
As of 2013, Austria’s Federal Constitution provides for out-
come orientation as a principle of budgetary management,
with particular regard to the objective of achieving de facto
equality between women and men. This means that the ac-
tions of public administration are no longer exclusively based
on the available resources (i.e. input), but rather that the
desired outcomes and the outputs required of public admin-
istration in order to achieve these play a central role.
• Financial impacts
• Impacts on the overall economy
• Impacts on small and medium-sized enterprises
• Environmental impacts
• Impacts in the field of consumer protection policy
• Impacts on administrative costs for citizens and enterprises
• Social impacts
• Impacts on children
• Impacts regarding equality of women and men
The substantial impacts are identified, as it is only those impacts
that are subject to in-depth assessment. On the basis of precise
questions, the most relevant impacts in these impact dimensions
are examined. This allows for a 360 degree analysis of the
expected impacts.
Problem Analysis:
1.: There is a high occurrence of accidents with personal injuries and
deaths due to speed limit violations on highways
Initial status: Mean deviation of measured velocity from the speed
limit +7 km/h; Share of transgression of speed limit by more than
20km/h: 10%, Share of head injuries among all injured cyclists
(children) 48%
Target status: Mean deviation of measured velocity from the
speed limit max. 3,5 km/h; Share of transgression of speed limit by
more than 20 km/h: < 5%, Share of head injuries among all injured
cyclists (children) < 30%
Target status: Less than 10% of all inspections show an infringe-
ment of the obligation to wear a bike helmet. The obligatory use
of a bike helmet is implemented into the materials for road safety
training in public schools.
Ursula Rosenbichler
Head of Unit III/9
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +43 1 531 15-207141
Monika Geppl
Deputy Head of Unit III/9
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +43 1 531 15-207461
Elisabeth Schindler
Unit III/9
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +43 1 531 15-207462
Legal notice
Owner, publisher and editor: Federal Minister for Women and Civil Service at the Federal
Chancellery; Minoritenplatz 3, 1014 Vienna; Authors: Johann Seiwald, Monika Geppl,
Elisabeth Schindler; Layout: BKA | ARGE Grafik; Printing: BM.I Digitalprintcentre; Vienna 2012