Design and Development of Public Health Record Collection System Using Mms
Design and Development of Public Health Record Collection System Using Mms
Design and Development of Public Health Record Collection System Using Mms
Andualem Workneh
June, 2009
2. _________________
3. _________________
First and for most I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Dr.
Solomon Atnafu, for deep concern, constructive comments and suggestion he
has given from the beginning to the end of this project.
I would like also to extend my very sincere and special thanks to my mother
for providing me all the necessary assistance during my work.
Table of content
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of The Problem.................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of The Project ...................................................................................4
1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................4
1.3.2 Specific Objective......................................................................................4
1.4 Scope of The Project .........................................................................................4
1.5 Methodology .....................................................................................................5
1.6 Application of The Project ................................................................................5
1.7 Outline of The Document..................................................................................6
2 Related Work ..........................................................................................................7
2.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................7
2.2 Multimedia Messaging Service.........................................................................7
2.3 Application Of Mobile Messaging In Health Care ...........................................9
2.3.1 Medical In-Field Diagnostic Assistant (MIDA) ......................................10
2.3.2 Click Diagnostic.......................................................................................10
2.3.3 Cell-Preven ..............................................................................................11
2.3.4 The Dokoza System .................................................................................12
2.3.5 Episurveyor ..............................................................................................12
2.3.6 Mobile Phone For Tele-Dermatology......................................................13
2.4 Drawbacks Of The Reviewed Systems ...........................................................13
3 The Current System .............................................................................................14
4 System Analysis.....................................................................................................16
4.1 Overview .........................................................................................................16
4.2 Functional Requirement ..................................................................................16
4.3 Non-Functional Requirment............................................................................17
4.4 Model Analysis................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Use Case Model .......................................................................................17
4.4.2 Sequence Diagram ...................................................................................26
4.4.3 Class Diagram..........................................................................................31
5 System Design........................................................................................................33
5.1 Overview .........................................................................................................33
5.2 Design Goals ...................................................................................................33
5.2.1 Performance Criteria................................................................................33
5.2.2 Dependability Criteria..............................................................................33
5.2.3 Maintenance Criteria................................................................................34
5.2.4 End User Criteria .....................................................................................34
5.3 System Architecture ........................................................................................34
5.3.1 Subsystem Decomposition.......................................................................35
5.3.2 Hardware/Software Mapping...................................................................37
5.3.3 Persistent Data Management ...................................................................38
6 Implementation .....................................................................................................41
6.1 Programming Tools.........................................................................................41
6.2 The Multimedia Data Collection System (MMDCS) .....................................42
6.3 Evaluation........................................................................................................55
7 Conclusions And Recommendation ....................................................................56
7.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................56
7.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................57
8 References..............................................................................................................58
List of Tables
Table 4.1 Actors of the system ........................................................................... 18
List of Figures
EMS Enhanced Messaging Service
FMoH Federal Ministry of Health
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System of Mobile
HC Health Center
HEP Health Extension Program
HEW Health Extension Worker
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
J2ME Java 2 Micro Edition
MMS Multimedia Messaging Service
MMSC Multimedia Messaging Service center
RHB Regional Health Bureau
SMS Short Messaging Service
SMSC Short Messaging Service Center
URL Uniform Resource Locator
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WHO Woreda Health Office
Mobile technology is playing a great role in communication and service
delivery to users. Currently it is capable of providing voice calls, messaging
services and more. With the help of messaging services, text, image, audio
can be sent from a mobile subscriber to another mobile subscriber or to a
third party application.
Messaging services such as SMS and MMS are also applicable in data
collection and remote monitoring in different domain. Such applications are
developed and used in health data collection and remote patient monitoring.
In this project, MMS-based data collection is designed and developed for
remote data collection to support the current data collection task of diseases
surveillance activity in Ethiopia. In the project, the current workflow and
procedure of data collection in disease surveillance and reporting were
studied. In the current system, since data collection is done using paper
forms, data reporting and analysis takes much time. To overcome this
limitation, MMS-based data collection application was designed and a
prototype is developed.
Information is a main factor that determines the economic growth of a
country. It is one important input for performing different tasks in several
sectors including education, health, transportation, etc. As a result,
information processing and delivery becomes an important part of an
organization’s overall operation.
Currently handheld devices like PDA and mobile phone are contributing their
parts to fulfill information processing and delivery requirement of an
organization. These handheld devices are capable of providing number of
services. One of the services is collection and delivery of information from
remote site. This service can be used by field workers. It can be done through
messaging services like Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia
Messaging Service (MMS).
SMS was developed as part of Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM) network in 2G mobile system. It is capable of delivering text message
of up to 160 characters. Latter in 1990s, Enhanced messaging service (EMS)
was proposed by Ericsson to send formatted text messages and ring tons.
And at the time 2.5 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) mobile phone
system was introduced, Multimedia messaging services (MMS) were included
to add multimedia support for mobile messaging service. MMS is also a part
of the current 3G mobile network system. It is a non-real-time multimedia
service that allows mobile subscribers to exchange arbitrary types of
information in a store-and-forward manner. Multimedia message can
consist of text, images, audio or video clips, or any combination of
these [7, 8].
Currently there are SMS-based applications used for data collection.
These systems are widely used in health care programs in different
countries. For instance, mobile phone based data monitoring and
disease management applications were developed in Latin America and
Africa [1, 5]. Similarly, SMS-based application was launched by
UNICEF Ethiopia to monitor massive food distribution program to
supply the high-protein food Plumpy’nut to under-nourished children
In this project, MMS-based data collection system is planned to be
designed and developed so that in addition to text message, media
types like audio and image can be collected. This application is
designed for public health record collection and monitoring that can be
used in the health Extension and disease surveillance program of the
To solve these problems, in some countries, SMS-based data collection
application is used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data through
SMS form. The collected data can then be sent to a central database server.
In this approach, fast delivery of data reduces the amount of time required to
respond to the reported problem. In addition, the collected data is stored in a
database and that makes latter retrieval and processing easy [6]. But using
text-based data collection alone has disadvantages like risk of inaccurate
data input, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of data, and lack of
ability to capture the verbal and non-verbal cues that may also
influence the context and interpretation of the message [2, 6]. As a
result of these drawbacks, enhanced data collection approach is
The proposed approach for field data collection can be done using MMS. With
this service, audio, image, and text can be incorporated. By taking picture of
object-of-interest or by recording data in audio form, the field worker can
collect and send the required data to the central server. One advantage of
using MMS is that, it enables the field worker to collect data without typing.
As a result, data collection can be done easily with minimum data entry
error. In addition, with this new approach, drawbacks listed in using SMS
technology such as misinterpretation of content can be solved. Hence, in this
project, MMS-based data collection was designed and developed to solve the
aforementioned drawbacks.
In order to design and develop the system,
• Literature review has been conducted to study and analyze the
previous efforts in this domain.
• Interview with different parties has been done to find out what data
needs to be collected, how the collected data is analyzed and monitored
in the health service provision.
• Requirements of a health data collection system have been identified.
• Based on the requirement identified, the system has been designed
• Prototype has been developed and then tested in the identified target
environment. During implementation stage, programming languages,
simulators and other software tools were selected and used.
For the overall system development life cycle, object-oriented software
development approach is used.
This project report contains seven Chapters including this Chapter. In the
next Chapter, reviewed literatures are presented. In Chapter three, the
current system and its limitation are presented. In Chapter four and five,
requirement analysis and design of the proposed system is presented. In the
remaining Chapters, the developed prototype is shown and then conclusions
and recommendation is given.
In public health monitoring program, health record collection and reporting
is the main task to be done. Health centers, regional health bureaus,
hospitals, and other parties in the health sector need accurate data for
making better decision and designing policies and programs based on the
health facility requirement of the community. To achieve this objective,
health workers and health professionals are assigned in health centers and
health posts [3].
Currently paper-based data collection is used. In this case, the health
workers fill in the pre-designed form and report it to the nearest health
facility. With this approach, the collected data can be analyzed manually or
with the help of computer system. Because of this, information delivery and
reporting takes much time. But, by making use of mobile messaging service
for public health data collection, the health worker can collect data and send
it to computer system directly. With this approach, data entry error and time
required from data collection to analysis is reduced [22]. In different
countries such as South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, mobile based data collection
applications are implemented by using messaging services: SMS and MMS
text. Similar to other messaging services like e-mail and SMS, MMS is viewed
as a non-real-time message delivery [9].
A typical MMS network consists of MMS client, MMS gateway, MMS sever,
SMS center (SMSC), and other third party value added systems. The MMS
client is a device through which the user receives or sends multimedia
message. It can be a mobile phone or a computer system which is connected
with the mobile network. When MMS message is sent to a recipient, what it
is actually sent is an MMS notification message which is sent over SMS. For
this purpose, the SMSC is taken as part of the MMS network. The MMS
notification message consists of header information about the MMS message
and a URL pointer from which the actual MMS message can be fetched.
The client device can send and receive MMS message to the gateway by using
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
First the sending client initiates data connection with the MMSC over GPRS
network and performs HTTP POST to the messaging center to send the
multimedia message. Once the MMSC receives the message, it stores the
message and sends notification message to recipient. The notification
contains URL to the multimedia message and it is sent via SMS network [23].
The message center is also responsible to switch message between different
nodes in the network. That is, it can switch message between two MMS
clients or between MMS client and e-mail user. The multimedia message
service center (MMSC) is also known as MMS gateway [9].
The other component of the MMS network is the MMS server. It stores the
multimedia message permanently. The server provides persistent storage for
the message on the network. And from this persistent storage, the stored
message can be accessed by other third party applications [9, 10]. The overall
structure of the MMS network is shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1 Structure of the Multimedia Messaging Service
for data gathering from remote areas. Such applications have been deployed
in many developing countries mainly as a pilot project [13]. Some of these
applications are discussed in the following sections.
MIDA aims to help isolated rural health workers with a free, interactive
diagnostic support tool to enhance their work and also to compile health
information to assist government and NGO workers. Currently the project is
in its first phase of selecting pilot program in the hosting countries. MIDA
uses mobile technology to minimize system running cost and to realize
mobility. With the help of this system, rural health workers can get
assistance from the server by sending free text message with their mobile
phone. Reported cases can also be accessed by health professionals in the
health center through web interface. In addition the health authorities can be
alerted early on to spreading epidemics by accessing data in real-time basis
MIDA utilize a simple user interface through which field workers can submit
query as SMS text-message to the central data-hub. The central system can
then interpret and process the given query automatically and provide medical
diagnostic information back to the field worker. Through the series of SMS
message exchange, the field worker can get solutions to the reported
problem. The system is also capable of routing the reported information to
specialists via email for further consultation [12].
enables health-workers to provide advanced medical consultation and to
gather health data by connecting to global health servers via mobile phones.
It is designed to provide different services such as remote consultation and
diagnosis, early diseases detection and warning and public health data-
gathering. For instance, with the help of this system, health workers can take
pictures of people’s eyes or skin and transmit the picture to doctors for
diagnosis. For this purpose, mobile phone with multimedia messaging
capability is used [17].
The Dokoza System is SMS based mobile system designed to fast-track and
improve critical services to patients. Initially it was developed for HIV/AIDS
and TB patients but extended to include other diseases patients. The project
is implemented in South Africa to mainly solve the problem of data-sharing
in health sector. The system involves the use of SMS and cell phone
technology for information management, transactional exchange and
personal communication. The cell phone makes use of an existing mobile
technology and normal SMS text message. As a result it does not require
special additional software for interacting. Dokoza’s back-end system is
extensively rule based for intelligent interaction to build the capacity of
health workers with little knowledge and experience. The Dokoza system is
also integrated with the existing hospital system for data sharing [13].
The health care system organization in Ethiopia is a decentralized system. It
consists of The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), the Regional health
bureaus (RHB), and the woreda health offices (WHO). FMoH and RHB
functions more on policy related issues. The woreda health office on the other
hand is responsible to manage and coordinate the operations of the primary
health care service [18, 19]. On the average, the primary health care unit
consists of one health center and five satellite health posts. In each primary
health care unit, health workers are assigned to give service to the
community [3, 20].
The health extension workers are responsible to conduct house to house
visit, educate families, monitor health condition of families, and report cases
such as disease outbreaks which is seen in the village. In this case, data
collection is the major task which is done regularly so as to track the health
status of the community. Currently data collection is done by using paper-
based forms. The collected data can then be reported to other stakeholders
such as health center, woreda health office, regional health bureau and/or
FMoH depending on the type of the case. Other media like phone call can
also be used to report incidents which need to be reported immediately.
Analysis on the collected data can then be done either manually or with the
help of a computer. Manual data analysis is error prone and time consuming
task. To minimize this problem, computer application programs like MS-
Excel are used. But this approach requires entering the collected hardcopy
data into the computer system manually. As a result, error can be introduced
during data-entry.
The main drawback of the current system is in both data collection and data
analysis approaches. Since data collection is paper based, data reporting and
analysis takes much time. With this data collection and analysis mechanism,
health programs such as disease surveillance and reporting are facing great
In the case of disease surveillance and reporting program, since the program
is implemented for early detection and timely response for communicable
diseases, it requires efficient data collection and analysis approach.
Currently in this program, about nineteen communicable diseases were
identified and are under close surveillance. These diseases are kept in two
categories. The first category contains communicable diseases that need to
be reported immediately when their symptom is seen. In this case, health
workers who notice the symptom should report to the nearest health facility
or to surveillance focal person. The report should then be delivered at federal
level within 24 hours.
The other category contains list of diseases which are under routine
surveillance. This category includes all diseases which are in the first
category and also other communicable diseases. In this category, the
existence of these diseases will be surveyed and reported weekly.
Because of limited communication infrastructure, reporting cases is mainly
by paper reports. In this case, reports may take days before they reach the
concerned health service provider. And in worst case, disease cases may be
left unreported at all. Another problem in the current system is that even
though the report reaches on time, analysis may take time since it requires
data entry of all forms received.
The current system, since reporting is based on pre-prepared reporting
formats, it has no option of reporting images. For some diseases whose
symptoms can only be identified by images, the current system has no
After observing the problems of reporting in the current system and
considering the available technologies, it is our believe that most of these
problems can be solved.
Taking into account the drawbacks of the current data collection system, we
have proposed an MMS-based data collection system to support the current
system. The proposed system will allow the health extension worker to collect
data with the help of mobile phone. This system is designed to support
disease surveillance program of the country.
With the help of this proposed system, the health worker can report disease
cases from site to the health center by sending multimedia message. The
message can then be stored in a database and accessed by other users in the
health center. As a result, this system can greatly reduce the amount of time
required to report incidents and help to achieve the time constraint set.
The proposed system will have the following functional and non-functional
requirements to support health worker in collecting data related to disease
• The system should allow users to do analysis and query on the
stored database based on their requirement.
The non-functional requirement of the system deals with how well the system
provides service to the user. It includes security, reliability and performance
issues of the system. ACTORS
An actor describes any entity that interacts with the system. In this system,
the interaction of actors with the system is through either the mobile
application which runs in the mobile device or through the web interface
which is deployed in the health center. In the proposed system, the following
actors were identified. The actors are listed in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Actors of the system
Actor Description
Health worker Health worker is a personal who is
assigned at kebele (village) level to
provide health service for the
Health professional Health professional is to refer to
professionals who give service at
the Health center. This includes
medical doctors, nurses, and senior
staffs in the health center.
Surveillance focal person Surveillance focal person is an
individual who is in charge of
monitoring the disease surveillance
activity in the woreda.
System administrator System administrator is a person
who maintains and administers the
Figure 4.1 use case diagram
Report cases
Get Assistance
Generate Report
logged in
Flow of events 1. The system administrator activates register new
user functionality
2. Fill the new user registration form and then
activates registers the new user command
3. The system displays confirmation to the system
Alternate Flow If the filled form is invalid, the system displays error
[Alt-A] message to the system administrator and redisplay the
Post condition: The new user is registered
Remove User
View Received Message
Give assistance
and audio.
3. Then send the reply message to the health
Alternate Flow If there is error in the reply message, the system will
[Alt-A] inform the user to correct it
Post condition: Reply is sent to the health work who requested
Get report
Interaction between objects which are identified from ReportCase use case is
shown in figure 4.2. The sequence diagram shows how the health worker
report case from her mobile phone. He/She first initiate the use case via the
boundary object and can report a case by submitting a filled form.
To request assistance, the actor, Health worker, first initiates the use case
via boundary object. Once the use case is initiated, he can request assistance
by submitting a filled form. The sequence diagram for the getAssitance use
case is shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.4 Sequence Diagram for Generate Report use case
Figure 4.5 Sequence Diagram for Register user use case
In the server-side, if the health professional needs to see received messages,
he can initiate view received message use case. And the system will display
list of received messages together with their detail information. The sequence
diagram is shown in figure 4.7
Figure 4.7 Sequence Diagram for view Received message use case
Figure 4.8 Sequence Diagram for Give Assistance use case
-ID number : string
-DateTime Reported : string
-Reporting Health Facility Name : string
-Reporting Facility Kebele : string
-Reporting Facility Woreda : string
-Reporting Facility Zone : string
-Reporting Facility Region : int
EpidemicReport -ReportedDisease : string
-EpidemicDiseaseName : long -LocationSeen : string
-EpidemicSite : string WeeklyReport -DateTimeSeen : string
-Date -idNumber : string -ReportingFacilityName : string
-ReportingFacilityName -NumberOfCases : string -ReportingFacilityRegion : string
-ReportingFacilityRegion -caseTypes : string 1 * -ReportingFacilityZone : string
-ReportingFacilityZone -ReportingFacilityWoreda
-ReportingFacilityWoreda -ReportingFacilityKebele : string
-ReportingFacilityKebele * -ReportGenerated -NumberOfVaccineDoses : int
-Image -DateOfVaccine : string
-Audio -AssociateWithOutbreak : bool
-In_Out_Patient : string
-TreatmentGiven : bool
-outcome : string
-FinalClassification : string
+storeReport() -AccessReport
-FinalClassification_Measles : string
* -ReportGenerated -Audio *
1 -ReportAuthor +storeReport()
HealthWorker -ReportAuthor -ReportGenerated *
-ID : string
11 -Name : string 1
-Father Name : string 1 -ReportConsumer
AssistanceRequest -Sex : string
-To : string -Address : string Surveillance_Focal_Person
-Subject : string * -HealthWorkerPhoneNumcer -Id : string
-TextMessage : string -Name : string
-patientName : string -RequestMade
-Father Name : string
-patientFatherName : string 1 -ResponseConsumer
-Sex : string
-PatientSex : string -Position : string
-PatientAge : int * -AccessResponse -Address : string
-Audio AssistanceResponse
+createAssitanceRequest() -ResponseDestination : long
+displayAssistanceRequest() -ResponseSubject : string
+sendRequest() -ResponseMessage : string
+storeRequest() -Image
-ID : string
-Name : string
-Father Name : string
-Sex : string
-Address : string
* -ResponseMade
-Id : string
1 -Name : string
-Father Name : string
-Sex : string
-Position : string
-Address : string
The system analysis model describes the system from the user’s point of
view. In the model, the functional and non-functional requirements of the
system were identified and the behavior of the system was modeled by the
help of sequence diagram. In this section, the internal structure of the
system will be discussed. This includes identification of system’s design goal
and description of system’s architecture.
Identification of design goal is the first step in system design. It describes the
quality of the system that should be satisfied for the final product. Design
goal of the system were identified based on the non-functional requirements.
The following major criteria were identified
Health Center
Health Post or
Field Visit
Server-Side System
Mobile Network
Data Collection Subsystem
Report Generating Subsystem
«subsystem» «subsystem»
Communication Network MangageSystemUsers
removing an existing user, and/or changing profile of a user, this
subsystem is used. This subsystem runs on the server side.
• Database subsystem: It provides persistent data storage mechanism
for storing data. All other subsystems interact with this subsystem.
In this system, some part of the system runs on user’s mobile phone which
can be held by a field worker and the other part of the system runs on a
central server which is deployed in the health center. To show the
relationship among run-time components of the system and the hardware
nodes, UML deployment diagram is used.
In the client side, subsystems related to data collection are deployed in the
user’s mobile phone. In this node, forms for data collection, local data stores
for storing data temporarily and message sending module to send collected
data to the central server are included.
In the other side, the server-side subsystem runs on a web-based server
system. In this node, a database management system is deployed to store
collected data permanently. A web server also runs in this system to provide
web-based interface to the database. In this case, users can get access to the
collected data and reports via the web page designed for this application. The
deployment diagram of the system is shown in Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3 Deployment diagram of the system
To store collected data for later analysis and reporting, persistent data
management is required. For this purpose, relational database management
system is used in the central system. In addition, for temporary data storage,
record management system is used in the mobile phone. The record
management system is an application programming interface that is used to
store and manipulate data in small computing devices using a J2ME
application. It can be used to store collected data in the mobile phone. This
enables the data collector to collect and store data in the mobile phone when
there is no network connectivity and then send it when network is available.
The relational database consists of a single database for storing reported
data which is collected from field. The system users’ information is also
stored in this database. The relational database developed includes the
following tables.
• Table to store Reported case based disease,
• Table to store Reported Epidemic disease,
• Table to store Patient related information,
• Table to store Assistance Request made by the field worker and its
corresponding Reply made by the health professional in the health
• And Table to store system user’s personal data.
In the client system, records were created to store data temporarily in the
mobile phone. This includes:
• Record to store collected data about case-based diseases
• Record to store collected data about epidemic diseases
• Record to store assistance request made from the mobile and
responses given to the requests from the central system
• Record to store user’s name and password. It is used to perform user
side authentication instead of sending user name and password to the
central machine and get authenticated.
For the relational database which is deployed in the central system, the
relationship of tables and their attribute is shown in Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.4 Tables and relationship among them
To develop the prototype for the designed system, the actual mobile
multimedia messaging service was planned to be used. But the multimedia
messaging service was not released by the telecommunication network
operator during the project. Because of this, we have decided to use
simulation tools to develop the prototype and test the system.
As a result of the aforementioned communication network limitation, testing
the system in actual mobile phones and mobile network were not possible.
But, with the help of the selected tools, sending a multimedia message from
the phone simulator to the web server is tested. During this time, multipart
message consisting of text, image and audio is created in the phone
simulator and then the message is sent to the web server via HTTP
To develop the prototype, the following tools and programming languages
were used.
• Java wireless Toolkit: It is used to develop java-based application for
wireless device such as mobile phone. This tool is used to develop the
client-side applications such as case and epidemic reporting forms,
Assistance request form and the local record store which is stored in
the mobile phone. In addition the wireless toolkit provides built-in
simulator which supports wireless messaging API (WMA). Multimedia
messaging capability is included in Java wireless toolkit version 2.2
and latter versions. And because of this, the built-in simulator is used
in the project.
• Mysql Database Management System: Mysql server is used to store
collected data persistently. It is deployed in the server-side of the
system. Mysql server is selected because it is a free and open database
management system and it is capable of working with server-side
scripting language, php.
• Apache Web Server: It is a web server. It is used to develop dynamic
web applications together with scripting languages like php.
• Java 2 Micro Edition programming language: J2ME is Java
programming language for smaller device such as mobile phone, PDA,
etc. J2ME is used to develop the client side application.
• Php: It is a server-side scripting language. It is used to develop the web
interface. It is back ended with Mysql DBMS to retrieve and to store
Based on the system design, prototype was developed is named as
“Multimedia Data Collection System”. The development of MMDCS includes
development of user side application which runs on the user’s mobile phone.
When the user starts the application, login form is displayed to authenticate
himself to the system. The login form is displayed in Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.2 List of functionalities in the mobile user’s side
Each of the options provides reporting forms for the user. The Case reporting
form is used to report case based reports. The content of case reporting form
is shown in figure 6.3.
Case Reporting Form
Reported Disease:
Location Seen
Date/Time Seen:
Reporting Institute
Inserted Image
Inserted Audio
More Information
Number of Vaccine doses
Date of Last Vaccine
In/Out Patient:
Treatment Given
To collect patient related information, a separate form is designed. This form
is used while reporting case-based reports and epidemic reports. The content
of Patient record form is shown in figure 6.4.
Patient Record Form
Father Name
Date of Birth
House Number
In addition Assistance request form is also designed to enable worker to
request assistance. The content of the request assistance form is shown in
figure 6.6.
Assistance Request Form
Text Message
Patient Information
Father Name
Inserted Image
Inserted Audio
Figure 6.6 Assistance Request form
Under the case reporting form option, list of features related to case reporting
is displayed. This includes the actual case reporting form, local store to keep
list of sent messages and list of saved messages. The screen shot of case
reporting form is displayed in figure 6.7.
Figure 6.7 Case Reporting Form
The case reporting form includes fields to fill information about disease type,
location and time it is seen, reporting option, and address of the reporting
facility. Information related to the patient is filled in a separate form. This
form can be accessed through ‘Add Patient Record’ button. With this form
patient’s name, father name, sex, birth date, add address can be filled. The
screen shot of patient record form is shown in figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8 Patient Record Form
Once textual information is filled in the forms, image and audio content can
be inserted by using ‘Insert Image’ and ‘Insert Audio’ options. With ‘Insert
Image’ option, the user can select stored image and insert it into the form.
And similarly, with ‘Insert Audio’ option, the user can select and insert audio
file. Figure 6.9 shows the list of options.
Figure 6.9 List of options in Case reporting Form.
If an image is inserted in the report, the image selected will be attached with
the filled form. And then when the user sends the report, the content of the
form and the image attached will be sent to the server-side system. Form
with attached image is shown in figure 6.10
Figure 6.10 Case Reporting form with attached Image.
The other functionality that can be accessed from the mobile application is a
form to request to assistance. By using this assistance request form, health
worker can send request in the form of textual description and multimedia
contents. The screen shot of assistance request form is shown in Figure 6.11.
Figure 6.11 Assistance Request Form
Figure 6.12 List of reported cases Accessed via the Web interface
Detail information for a particular reported case can be viewed by using ‘view
detail’ link. It will display the images and the audio file posted by the health
worker. Screen shot of the detail page is shown in figure 6.13.
Figure 6.13 Detail Information for the selected reported case
Figure 6.14 Report Generated for a particular case
In addition, the system administrator can also view registered users and
register new users. This web-interface is shown in figure 6.15
System evaluation is done to compare the functionality of the system with
the requirements which are identified during analysis. While evaluating the
system the following functionalities were considered.
• Functionalities that are used by the health worker to report cases, and
to request assistance and
• Functionalities that run in the server side to store the reported case
and generate report from the collected data.
During evaluation, messages were sent from the client interface to the server
and checked whether the messages are delivered to the server side properly.
The message used for evaluation includes text, image and audio. And in the
server side, the contents were stored in a database as required and accessed
via the web interface.
With this capability of the developed prototype, the proposed system can be
applied in health data collection application and particularly in disease
surveillance and reporting.
In the current system, manual data collection is done to collect health related
data. In this approach, workers will use paper forms to collect and report
disease outbreaks and to monitor health status of the community. Using
manual data collection has many disadvantages and one of the
disadvantages is its inability to report cases on time. Because of this, reports
may take days before they are delivered to their destination. To solve this
problem, mobile based data collection is proposed. In this case mobile’s
messaging services like SMS and MMS are used to conduct remote data
collection. This mobile based data collection has great advantage to conduct
data collection in areas where there is limited communication infrastructure.
In this project, the current data collection and reporting system in health
service provision was investigated to find problem area. From this
investigation, diseases surveillance and reporting were identified to be one of
the critical parts of health service provision which needs efficient
communication and reporting mechanism. The existing data collection
approach and reporting flow was studied to identify requirement for the
proposed system. Considering the functional and non-functional
requirements identified, an MMS-based data collection system was designed
and a prototype is developed to show the applicability of MMS for data
collection in disease surveillance and reporting. The prototype development
includes developing a java based reporting form in the mobile phone and
developing a web interface which runs in the server system to easily access
the collected data. The system enables workers to collect data from field and
report it to the central system which is deployed in the health center.
To improve the proposed system, the following points can be considered.
• The system can be integrated with other communication facilities such
as woredaNet. With the help of these infrastructures, report made by a
health worker in a particular kebele can be accessed at the federal level
health facilities within short period of time. As a result of this, timely
delivery of reports can be achieved.
• The system can be extended to consider other data collection tasks in
the health service. This includes extending the system to consider
other health programs such as HIV/AIDS patient monitoring,
immunization program monitoring, etc.
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Annex A:
Interview Questions
11. Is there any challenge or problem that is resulted from the current data
collection approach?
12. Is there any planned approach or system to improve the current system?
A. EpiSurveyor program
13. Are there any program/project linked in this activity?
A. HealthNet and woredaNet
Annex B:
The current case reporting form is shown below.
IDS Case-based Reporting Format
From Health Facility/Health Worker to Woreda/Zone Health offices/Department
Cholera Dracunculiasis Neonatal Measles Meningitis Plague Viral Yellow Others/
Tetanus Hemorrhagic Fever Specify
Annex C:
The current Epidemic reporting form is shown below.
Epidemic Disease Report Form
Reporting Institution: ___________________________________ Region: __________________________
Zone: _________________________ Woreda: ______________________ Date of Reporting: _________________
Epidemic disease Epidemic Site Site Population Date of Onset <1 1–4 5 – 14 15 – 44 45+ Total
I, the undersigned, declare that this project is my original work and has not
been presented for degree in any other university, and that all sources of
materials used for the project have been acknowledged.
Declared by:
Name: ______________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Confirmed by advisor:
Name: ______________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________