SOCSCI203 - OBE Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Graduate Studies and Applied Research


VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for improved
quality of life towards nation building.

QUALITY POLICY: LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension and production services. Thus, we are
committed with continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university stakeholders’ highest
level of satisfaction through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation.


Program: Master of Arts in Education__________________ Academic Year: _ 2020_- 2021_____
Course Title: _Functional Procedure and Evaluation in the Social Sciences Semester: _1st________ Summer: ______
Pre-Requisites: __None______________________________ No. of Units: ___3___ No. of Hours: ___54_____

Part 1. Course Description

The course focuses on the development of competence and skills on the use of technology in the form of tools and modern equipment,
technical know-how and improved materials for instruction.
Focus: This course emphasis is on the application of developing instructional materials suitable for the topics discussed.
Outcome: Students are expected to demonstrate in depth knowledge in using variety of teaching strategies, evaluation materials and methodologies.

Part 2. Outcomes-based Macro Curriculum Framework

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Program (PILOS) Course (CILOs)
Institutional (ILOs)

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

LSPU Graduate Attributes When you successfully complete the Master of When you successfully complete the Social
Arts in Education , you should be able to: Science 203, you will be able to:
An LSPU (CTE) Graduate is expected to be a:
1. Responsible and Upright Citizen, who is Develop leadership potentials and Demonstrate concern among individual by
capable of achieving high level personal well- management skills and competence necessary applying the different procedure and
being contributive to the harmony and in the real life situations. evaluation in teaching Social Sciences.

betterment of the profession, family, society,

and nation.
2. Compassionate Leader, who is an Achieve relevant instructions and training Shows leadership in decision making in
advocate of good governance and quality programs to assure success in qualifying different life challenges as they get employed.
management for a quality life. professional examinations and employability
in the world of work.
3. Professionally Skilled, who applies Be responsible graduate imbued with the Demonstrate positive attitude and preserve
technological as worker-leader in the field of ideals and aspirations of Philippine life and the sense of nationalism towards nation
expertise apt to the global needs. culture capable to preserve, enrich and building.

perpetuate the authentic Filipino traditions

and aesthetic values.
4. Effective Communicator, who is proficient Enhance your concepts of self-discipline, Apply appropriate work ethics in the teaching
in the exchange of information orally and physical fitness and cooperation which learning environment.
in writing both in English and in Filipino in essentials to effective teaching.
interpreting, expressing and negotiating
meanings in relevant settings for lifelong

5. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates Expand creativity, critical thinking, and Exhibit creative and critical thinking skills in
and produces entrepreneurial resources research capabilities to improve the quality of teaching and conducting research.
extended to families and community for instructions required for the development of
improvement. national economy.

6. Competent Research Oriented Individual, who Develop, improve, extend and disseminate Apply the skills by making innovations and
is able to analyze facts methodically, discover educational innovations to service areas reaching the lives in the community.
and establish new theory to use in solving through on the job-training and outreach
problems and decision making contributory to programs for the advancement of community
the sustainability of the needs of the life.
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
Part 3. Curriculum Mapping

Program Outcomes
Professional Courses
Soc Sci 203 Functional Procedures and Evaluation in the Social Science D D D D

I – Introduced
P – Practiced skills with supervision
D – Demonstrated skills without supervision

Part 4. Learning Matrix

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Course Contents Learning Assessment Time Frame
Activities Task
ILO 1. Awareness on the guidelines and policies I. Orientation Lecture 9 Hours
implemented by GSAR.

Understanding of the legal bases of Legal Bases of Education Socialized Reflective Paper
education A. Definition Discussion
Encourage students to learn how to apply B. New Approaches
their skills to authentic tasks and projects.  Performance Assessment
 Authentic Assessment
 Portfolio and Narrative

ILO 2. Recognized the individual differences of the Individual Teaching Brainstorming Reflective Paper 9 Hours
students and draw own conclusions, generalization Methodologies
and recommendations.  Independent Study
 Writing Journal Socialized
 Narratives Discussion
 Individual Instruction
 Preparing Projects and Collection
 Discovery Approach
 Constructivist Approach

ILO 3. Develop the ability of the students to gather  Experiential Learning Discussion Reflective Paper 9 Hours

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

information with an end in view of finding answer  Special Reports
to questions or problems  Student Research
 Problem Solving Reciprocal
 Creative Writing questioning
 Using Multiple
 Intelligence Theory

ILO 4. Learn from actual demonstration and Methodologies for Small Groups Lecture Reflective Paper 9 Hours
develop the skills on observing others.  Cooperative Learning
 Role Playing
Assist the learners to analyze, synthesize  Socio-drama
and evaluate information in order to gain deep  Peer Tutoring
understanding.  Microteaching
 Direct Instructions
 Inquiry Approach
 Reading
 Integrative Approach
 Using Instructions Device
 Experimenting

ILO 5. Gain communication skills such as stating Methodologies for a Class Reciprocal Reflective Paper 9 Hours
ideas clearly, listening to others, responding to  Discussion questioning
others in appropriate ways and learning how to  Reflective Teaching
ask good questions.  Concept Teaching
 Interest Learning Center
 Team Teaching
 Demonstration

ILO 6. Enable to meet, listen or interview a  Field Study Socialized Narrative Report 9 Hours
specialist on a particular topic.  Lecture Discussion
 Simulation
Knowledge of the environment is  Inviting Specialist
broadened and enriched thru exposure and  Field Trip
application to real life situations Education in Media
 Technology
Develop skill in the use of technology/E-  Using Audiovisual Strategies
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
gadgets as instructional materials and aid in  Exploring Community Resources
Note: This learning program may be revised and adjusted as the course progresses.

Garcia, Carlito D. (2005) Principles and Strategies of Teaching: A Skills Approach., Books Atbp.
Publishing House Corp.
Ornstein, Allan C. (1990) Strategies for Effective Teaching, Harper-Collins Publishers
Salandanan, Gloria G. (2012) Methods of Teaching, 2000, rev.ed., Lorimar Publishing Inc.,
[email protected]

Laptop, LCD Projector, Speaker, Power Point Presentations

Part 6. Learners’ Assessment (Grading System)

Attendance 10%
Individual 10%
Group 10%
Assessments/ILOs 30%

Requirement 20%
Midterm 10%
Finals 10%
TOTAL 100%

Part 7. Course Policies

1. Regular attendance is required for all students; three (3) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course.
2. Wearing of the University students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except when having field activities.

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3. Active participation individually or in group is expected.
4. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence.
5. Student shall abide the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

Prepared by: Reviewed : Approved:

Faculty Graduate Program Coordinator Dean

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

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