Why Leadership Matters To Internal Communication Linking Transformational Leadership Symmetrical Communication and Employee Outcomes
Why Leadership Matters To Internal Communication Linking Transformational Leadership Symmetrical Communication and Employee Outcomes
Why Leadership Matters To Internal Communication Linking Transformational Leadership Symmetrical Communication and Employee Outcomes
This study examines how organizational leadership influences excellent internal communication by
building the linkage between transformational leadership, symmetrical communication, and emplo-
yee attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. The results showed that transformational leadership
positively influences the organization’s symmetrical communication system and employee–
organization relationships. The effects of transformational leadership on employee relational
outcomes are partially mediated by symmetrical internal communication. Symmetrical communi-
cation demonstrates large positive effect on the quality of employee–organization relationships,
which in turn leads to employee advocacy. Effects of symmetrical internal communication on
employee advocacy are fully mediated by employee–organization relationships. Significant
theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Correspondence should be sent to Dr. Linjuan Rita Men, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University, Communication
Studies, 6550 Shady Brook Lane, Dallas, TX 75206. E-mail: [email protected]
professionals and organizational leaders on how to develop best practices of internal communi-
cation and form positive employee attitudes and behavior that contribute to organizational
Organizational Leadership
Leadership as a key factor in determining organizational success has been extensively studied in
management, business, and marketing, but leadership research in the public relations setting is
still emerging (Aldoory & Toth, 2004; Bass & Avolio, 1997). Yukl (2006) suggested that lead-
ership can be defined from various perspectives, such as the ‘‘traits, behaviors, influence, inter-
action patterns, role relationships, and occupation of an administrative position’’ (p. 2). For
example, Yukl and Van Fleet (1992) defined leadership as a process of influencing, including
‘‘influencing the task objectives and strategies of a group or organization, influencing people
in the organization to implement the strategies and achieve the objectives, influencing group
maintenance and identification, and influencing the culture of the organization’’ (p. 149). House
et al. (2004) conceptualized leadership as ‘‘the ability of an individual to influence, motivate,
and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization of which
they are members’’ (p. 15). Stogdill (as cited in Yukl, 2006, p. 8) noted that ‘‘there are as many
definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define this concept.’’
Researchers often define the term according to their individual perspective or the aspects of
the leadership phenomenon they are interested in (Yukl, 2006). This study agrees with Yukl
and Van Fleet (1992) that the essence of leadership is behavioral influence. Existing as a nested
form in the organization, leadership behavior influences not only the attitude and behavior of
followers and group performance but also the organizational structure, climate, culture, and
effectiveness (Yukl & Van Fleet, 1992).1
Transformational Leadership
According to Bass (1985) and Bass and Avolio (1997), leadership behaviors may be categorized
into three styles: transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire (nonleadership), known as the
full-range leadership model. Transformational leadership motivates followers by appealing to
their higher-order needs and induce employees to transcend self-interest for the sake of the group
or the organization. Transactional leadership appeals to followers’ lower-level personal desires,
based on instrumental economic transactions (Bennet, 2009). The laissez-faire leader is indiffer-
ent toward followers. Among these leadership styles, transformational leadership has received
the most significant scholarly attention across disciplines because of its relationship-oriented nat-
ure and the rich empirical evidence on its positive influence on employee attitudes and behavior
(e.g., Behling & McFillen, 1996; DeGroot, Kiker, & Cross, 2000; Dirks & Ferrin, 2002;
Dumdum, Lowe, & Avolio, 2002; Dvir, Eden, Avolio, & Shamir, 2002; Lowe, Kroeck, &
Sivasubramaniam, 1996; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, & Bommer, 1996).
Transformational leaders convey a strong sense of purpose and collective mission and
motivate employees by communicating inspirational vision and high performance expectations.
This form of leadership creates an emotional attachment between leaders and followers. Jin
(2010) noted that transformational leadership integrates ‘‘empathy, compassion, sensitivity,
relationship building, and innovation’’ (p. 174). Acting as role models, transformational
leaders elicit strong emotions from followers and identification with the leader (Yukl, 2006).
Transformational leaders take genuine interest in the well-being of employees, foster a climate
of trust, nurture confidence in their followers, and encourage individual development. Thus,
transformational leaders often closely interact with their followers to better understand and
address their needs. Transformational leaders empower followers in decision making and
delegate significant authority to followers to make them less dependent on the leader (Aldoory
& Toth, 2004; Men & Stacks, 2013; Yukl & Van Fleet, 1992). Therefore, transformational
leadership is relationship-oriented, empowering, and participative by nature.
Although recognized as a dominant perspective in leadership research, transformational lead-
ership has been criticized for its conceptual broadness and measurement validity issues (e.g.,
Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013; Northouse, 2004, Yukl, 1999). For instance, Yukl (1999) criticized
transformational leadership for its lack of conceptual clarity regarding the criteria against
which leadership aspects are included in or excluded from the concept. Other researchers
(e.g., Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013; Northouse, 2004) have challenged the weak discriminant
validity of the most commonly used instrument of transformational leadership, the Multifactor
Leadership Questionnaire (Bass, 1990), highlighting the difficulty to discern how each dimen-
sion has a distinct influence on the mediating processes and outcomes. Despite these concerns,
Similar to Yukl and Van Fleet (1992), this study does not distinguish between leaders and managers because these
terms are often interchangeably used in leadership literature. Specifically, leaders or managers are considered to be
individuals who occupy organizational positions that require them to lead other employees.
260 MEN
research on transformational leadership has kept its momentums and won increasing popularity
across fields because of its merits in leadership effectiveness. Conceptualizations and measures
have been refined to address the abovementioned issues (Podsakoff, Mackenzie, & Bommer,
1990; Rafferty & Griffin, 2004). Transformational leadership strongly emphasizes relationships,
individual consideration, meaning, and empowerment and thus has particular implications for
communication and relationship managers.
Employee–Organization Relationships
Public relations practice and research have developed a new emphasis on building, and maintain-
ing, quality relationships with strategic publics (Kent & Taylor, 2002). As one major outcome of
public relations, organization–public relationships have been extensively examined in various
contexts, including corporate, nonprofit, government, global, and online settings (e.g., Bruning,
Castle, & Schrepfer, 2003; Bruning & Ledingham, 1999; J. E. Grunig & Huang, 2000; L. A.
Grunig et al., 2002; Hon & J. E. Grunig, 1999; Huang, 2001; Hung, 2006; H. Kim, 2007; Ni
& Wang, 2011; Seltzer & Zhang, 2011). Broom, Casey, and Richey (2000) defined organiza-
tion–public relationships as ‘‘the patterns of interaction, transaction, exchange, and linkage
between an organization and its publics’’ (p. 18). Hon and J. E. Grunig (1999) noted that
a relationship begins when consequences created by an organization affect the public, or vice
versa. Organization–public relationships can be experienced as a process and perceived as an
outcome (J. E. Grunig, 2006). As an outcome, such a relationship is indicated by public trust,
control mutuality, commitment, and satisfaction (Huang, 2001), which contribute to the public’s
favorable perception of the organization (i.e., organizational reputation; S. Yang & J. E. Grunig,
2005) and supportive behavior (e.g., Bruning & Lambe, 2002; J. Kim & Rhee, 2011).2
Similarly, in the internal setting, the employee–organization relationship can be operationally
defined as the degree to which an organization and its employees trust one another, agree on who
has the rightful power to influence, experience satisfaction with each other, and commit them-
selves to the other. The quality relationships of organizations with their employees contribute not
only to organizational performance and the achievement of organizational goals but also to the
development and protection of organizational reputation and image in a turbulent environment.
J. Kim and Rhee (2011) proposed that employees with good long-term relationships with their
organization ‘‘are likely to consider organizational problems as their own, and are thus likely to
forward and share supportive information for their organization during organizational turbu-
lence.’’ By contrast, employees with poor relationships with the organization ‘‘are less empathic
to the organizational situation and more likely to disassociate themselves from their working
organization. Even worse, they empathize with external active publics who criticize and attack
the troubling organization and attribute problematic situations to organizational management’’
(p. 251). This notion reflects Rhee’s (2004) finding that employees who have positive
relationships with their organizations facilitate the development of positive relationships with
the organization’s external publics as corporate advocates.
Employee Advocacy
The influence of employees as informal spokespersons and brand advocates for organizations
has long been recognized within public relations (Dozier et al., 1995). Employees use their per-
sonal network to amplify the brand message or proactively personalize, promote, and defend the
Hon and J. E. Grunig (1999) suggested that trust concerns the willingness and confidence of both parties to a
relationship to open themselves to each other. Control mutuality refers to ‘‘the degree to which parties agree on who
has rightful power to influence one another’’ (Hon & J. E. Grunig, 1999, p. 13). Commitment means the desire of both
parties to make continuous efforts to maintain and promote a relationship. Satisfaction refers to the degree to which both
parties to a relationship are satisfied with each other.
262 MEN
brand. Compared with sophisticated public relations messages, what employees represent is
often perceived by external publics as neutral and credible (Men & Stacks, 2013). This obser-
vation is especially true in the social media era, when digital technologies facilitate not only
communication among employees but also interactions between employees and the external
publics. The interactions of employees with external publics arguably affect public relations
outcomes, such as the quality of organization–public relationships and organizational reputation
(J. Kim & Rhee, 2011). The unprecedented increase in employees’ power to communicate has
made employee advocacy a buzzword in professional literature on public relations. In the
academic arena, however, employee advocacy has yet to be studied as a focal concept.
Literature on marketing and business communication has extensively discussed the similar
concept of customer advocacy (e.g., Russel & Morgan, 2009; Urban, 2005; Walz & Celuch,
2010). Defined as ‘‘the promotion or defense of a company, product, or brand by a customer
to another’’ (Walz & Celuch, 2010, p. 96), customer advocacy behavior is more than a positive
form of word of mouth (WOM).3 Advocacy includes positive WOM but is also considered an
outcome of a strong relationship, in that the public defends the company or brand against critics
(Walz & Celuch, 2010). Thus, advocacy is a more influential form of behavioral support than
positive WOM. As an ultimate test of the relationship between an organization and its public,
advocacy significantly extends the effectiveness and efficacy of the communication efforts of
a company (Reicheld, 2003; Walz & Celuch, 2010). Similarly, in the internal setting, employee
advocacy is a major step forward in the evolving relationship (Urban, 2005) between an organi-
zation and its employees. Similar to Walz and Celuch (2010), this study defines employee advo-
cacy as a behavioral construct, that is, the voluntary promotion or defense of a company, its
products, or its brands by an employee externally.
2004): Transformational leaders seek opinion from followers and invite them to openly partici-
pate in the decision-making process (Hackman & Johnson, 2004). Therefore, transformational
leadership demonstrates the key inherent attributes of symmetrical communication, such as
openness, listening, feedback, two-way dialogue, participation, and accountability. Given that
leaders interact with employees daily, transformational leadership arguably serves as an avenue
for symmetrical communication in the organization. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed:
H2: Symmetrical internal communication is positively associated with the quality of employee–
organization relationships.
H3: Symmetrical internal communication is positively associated with employee advocacy.
Quality public relationships with the organization engender positive attitudes toward the
company as well as supportive behavior intention (Bruning, 2000, 2002; Bruning & Ledingham,
2000; Bruning & Ralston, 2000; Ki & Hon, 2007; J. Kim & Chan-Olmsted, 2005; Ledingham,
2001; Ledingham & Bruning, 1998; Peppard, 2000) and even actual behavior (J. Kim & Rhee,
2011). Thus, this study predicts that employees who perceive a quality relationship with the
organization are more likely to become loyal advocates for their company and promote or defend
the company and its products and services in public. Given that positive relationship is a major
precursor of advocacy (Urban, 2005), symmetrical communication efforts that enable organiza-
tions to foster positive relationships with employees could promote employee advocacy
indirectly. Therefore, it can be predicted that:
influence how employees feel about the organization (Men & Stacks, 2013). Transformational
leadership positively affects employees’ attitudes and behavior toward their jobs and leaders,
such as trust in leaders, job satisfaction, satisfaction with the leader, leader–member exchange,
team=organizational commitment, loyalty, task performance, and organizational citizenship
behavior (e.g., Behling & McFillen, 1996; DeGroot et al., 2000; Dirks & Ferrin, 2002; Dumdum
et al., 2002; Dvir et al., 2002; Judge & Piccolo, 2004; Lowe et al., 1996; Podsakoff et al., 1996).
Similarly, this study proposes positive relations between transformational leadership, employee–
organization relationships, and employee advocacy.
On the one hand, transformational leaders support employees, care about their concerns and
development, and delegate significant decision-making authority to them. Thus, employees are
motivated, empowered, and feel trusted by management. As a result, employees are satisfied
with the organization and less prone to leave. Furthermore, by coaching, listening, providing
performance feedback, fulfilling individual needs, and stimulating changes, transformational
leaders form lasting relationships with employees (D’Aprix, 2010) and foster employee
advocacy. On the other hand, transformational leadership communication is characterized by
symmetry, such as listening while telling, a balance of power, relationship orientation, trust,
and collaboration, which contribute to the development of symmetrical communication in the
organization. Symmetrical internal communication nurtures positive employee attitudes and
behavior (L. A. Grunig, et al., 2002; J. Kim & Rhee, 2011); thus, transformational leadership
can influence employee outcomes by shaping internal symmetrical communication. Therefore,
the following hypotheses are proposed:
FIGURE 1 Conceptual model of the impact of transformational leadership on symmetrical internal communication and
employee outcomes.
This study empirically tested a causal model linking transformational leadership, symmetrical
communication, employee–organization relationships, and employee advocacy to generalize it
to a large population. Quantitative survey was considered appropriate for the research because
it allows the testing of causal relationships among variables of interest with nonexperimental
data while ensuring external validity (Judd, Smith, & Kidder, 1991; Weisberg, Krosnick, &
Bowen, 1996).4
The study population comprised employees from different positions in medium-sized and large
corporations in the United States. Sample selection aimed to cover a diverse range of business
communities to cross-validate the proposed model. Rather than participant corporations, individ-
ual employees were recruited through a sampling firm.5 The sampling firm solicited partici-
pation from its 1.5 million research panel members in the United States through its patented
online sampling platform. Qualified potential participants were directed to the online survey
hosted by the researcher. Stratified and quota random sampling strategies were used to obtain
a representative sample with comparable age groups, gender, and corporation sizes across vari-
ous income and education levels. A final sample size of 402 was achieved (45.5% men and
54.5% women, 59.2% nonmanagement and 40.8% management employees, average age ¼ 44).
Approximately 55% of the respondents held at least a bachelor’s degree. The respondents were
employees working in various corporations with average company tenure of 10 years.6
Data Collection
Before survey administration, one pretest and one preliminary survey were conducted to ensure
the reliability and validity of the measure. The pretest was conducted with 30 employees
of a Fortune 100 software company in the company food court in January 2011. Respondents
completed the survey and provided feedback on their opinions of the wording, thematic clarity,
and format of the survey. Based on respondent feedback, several questions were reworded
to avoid ambiguity. For example, the item ‘‘Leaders in my department consider my personal
feelings before acting’’ was changed to ‘‘My manager considers my personal feelings before
acting.’’ A five-point Likert scale on major concepts was also changed to a seven-point Likert
scale (1 ¼ strongly disagree, 7 ¼ strongly agree) to capture respondent traits well and follow
The experiment method is generally considered the most rigorous way to establish causal relationships between
variables because it allows full control over extraneous variables. However, the external validity (i.e., generalizability)
of this method is low (Stacks, 2010; Wrench, Thomas-Maddox, Richmond, & McCroskey, 2008).
The sampling firm is a global provider of sampling solutions for survey research with headquarters in the United
States. This firm is the first commercial research sampling company.
The companies of participants covered various industries, including education, retail, health care, finance,
information technology, food, industrial and manufacturing, and transportation and logistics.
266 MEN
respondent suggestions. In March 2011, the researcher conducted a preliminary online survey
with 700 employees randomly selected from a Fortune 500 energy company through the
pretested instrument. A total of 167 employees completed the online survey. Preliminary analy-
sis of the reliability and validity of the measures revealed satisfactory results. Therefore, most of
the measurement items on key variables were retained. However, to avoid respondent fatigue
and reduce the length of the questionnaire, several demographic questions (i.e., questions about
ethnicity, nationality, and industry tenure) were excluded from the actual survey.
Data for the research were collected via an Internet survey in March 2012. The online ques-
tionnaire was used as the tool for data collection because of its low-cost and high-speed infor-
mation transmission (Stacks, 2010). On March 1, the link to the online survey was provided to
the sampling firm. Data collection began on March 5, when qualified participants randomly
selected by the sampling firm were directed to Weblink to complete the online survey. By March
15, 2012, a sample size of 402 had been achieved.
The measures of key concepts in this study were adapted from previous literature (J. E. Grunig,
1992; Hon & J. E. Grunig, 1999; Kirkman, Chen, Farh, Chen, & Lowe, 2009; Podsakoff et al.,
1990; Podsakoff et al., 1996). The scale used for close-ended questions was the seven-point
Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The measure of transformational
leadership was adapted from the Transformational Leadership Inventory of Podsakoff et al.
(1990).7 Strong evidence from prior empirical studies supports the reliability and validity of
this inventory (Kirkman et al., 2009; Pillai & Williams, 1998; Podsakoff et al., 1990; Podsakoff
et al., 1996; Viator, 2001). Following Kirkman et al. (2009) and based on the pretest results,
a short measure of six items was used to evaluate the transformational leadership style of leaders
(e.g., ‘‘My manager articulates a vision,’’ ‘‘My manager shows respect for my personal
feelings;’’ a ¼ .90).8
To operationalize symmetrical communication in the corporate internal setting, six items
developed by Dozier et al. (1995) were used (e.g., ‘‘Most communication between manage-
ment and other employees in this organization can be said to be two-way communication,’’
‘‘This company encourages difference of opinions;’’ a ¼ .86).9 To assess the quality of the
relationship between the organization and its employees, this study used the widely adapted
instrument developed by Hon and J. E. Grunig (1999). This 20-item instrument (a ¼ .97)
comprises four subconstructs: employee trust (a ¼ .89), control mutuality (a ¼ .93), commit-
ment (a ¼ .91), and satisfaction (a ¼ .96). Two items were also used to evaluate employees’
advocacy of their organization (e.g., ‘‘I will speak favorably about my company in public;’’
a ¼ .88).
Instead of the standard leadership instrument (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire; Bass, 1990), TLI was adapted
to measure transformational leadership because it is a more construct-valid measure.
The alpha values reported are Cronbach’s reliability coefficients for each construct in this study.
Although there exist a few measures of symmetrical communication (e.g., J. E. Grunig, 1992; L. A. Grunig, et al.,
2002) in the public relations literature, the study adopted Dozier et al.’s (1995) measure because it was developed parti-
cularly to measure the symmetrical qualities of internal communication from the employee’s perspective.
Before major data analysis, the data were proofread and checked to assess univariate normality
and identify obvious univariate and multivariate outliers.10 Expectation–maximization (EM) was
used to diagnose the pattern of missing data.11 Kline (2005) suggested that most methods used
to address incomplete observations assume that data loss patterns are negligible, missing
at random, or missing completely at random (MCAR).12 The result of Little’s MCAR test
was not significant (v2 ¼ 68.95, p ¼ .90), indicating that the missing data were MCAR. EM
was then used to compute and impute missing data before all multivariate analyses.
The proposed model (Figure 1) and hypotheses were tested through structural equation
modeling (SEM) AMOS 19.0 software.13 Two-step latent-variable modeling was used. Multiple
criteria were used to evaluate the model goodness of fit, including the comparative fit index
(CFI), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and standardized root mean square
residual (SRMR). These indices are a minimal set of fit indices that should be reported and
interpreted in SEM analyses (Kline, 2005).14,15
The proposed model was analyzed and interpreted in two stages: (a) an assessment of the
construct validity of the measurement model through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
and (b) an assessment of the structural model. All four constructs in the structural model (i.e.,
transformational leadership, symmetrical communication, employee–organization relationships,
Univariate outliers were detected by observing the subjects’ standardized values (z-scores) generated from descrip-
tive statistics in SPSS. Multivariate outliers were detected by comparing the Mahalanobis distance with the critical point
at a ¼ .001 of the chi-square distribution with the degrees of freedom of the number of independent variables plus one
(An, personal communication, October 25, 2011).
EM includes two steps. In the estimation (E) step, missing data are imputed by predicted scores in a series of
regressions, where each missing variable is regressed on the remaining variables for a particular case. In the maximization
(M) step, all imputed data are subjected to maximum likelihood estimation. Both steps are repeated until a stable solution
is reached (Kline, 2005).
MAR denotes that the presence and absence of data on a certain variable are unrelated to those on any other
variable. MCAR is simply a stronger assumption about the randomness of data loss than MAR (Kline, 2005). Little’s
MCAR test, a statistical test available in the most recent version of SPSS, diagnoses the pattern of missing data. If the
result of Little’s MCAR test is not significant (H0: Missing data are MCAR), the null hypothesis is accepted, indicating
that the missing data are MCAR.
Kline (2005) proposed that SEM can be applied to both experimental and nonexperimental data to verify a priori
models consisting of latent variables or a mix of latent and observable variables. Thus, structural SEM was used as the
primary statistical method to test the hypothesized model.
Hu and Bentler (1999) suggested that a cutoff value close to .95 for CFI and the TLI, a cutoff value close to .08 for
SRMR, and a cutoff value close to .06 for RMSEA indicate good fit between the hypothesized model and the observed
Kline (2005) observed that a single fit index reflects only a particular aspect of model fit and that a favorable value
of this index does not in itself indicate good fit. No single magic index provides a gold standard for all models. The
chi-square is the most commonly reported measure of model-data fit. However, the chi-square strongly depends on
sample size.
268 MEN
and employee advocacy) were specified as latent variables. The maximum likelihood method
was used for model estimation.
The test results of the initial measurement model indicated adequate but not good fit with the
data: v2(129) ¼ 580.42, p < .001, v2=df ¼ 4.50, RMSEA ¼ .09 (90% confidence interval [CI] ¼
.08–.10), SRMR ¼ .03, Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) ¼ .91, and CFI ¼ .93. The model was then
modified accordingly. Byrne (2010, p. 111) argues that ‘‘forcing large error terms to be uncor-
related is rarely appropriate with real data.’’ Allowing error covariance within the same construct
can also explain content redundancy. Following this line of thinking and based on model
modification indices, one error covariance between items one and six of the symmetrical
communication measure was added.16 This modification significantly improved data–model
fit (Dv2 ¼ 116.57, Ddf ¼ 1, p < .001), and the modified model demonstrated satisfactory fit with
the data: v2(128) ¼ 463.85, p < .001, v2=df ¼ 3.62, RMSEA ¼ .08 (90% CI ¼ .07–.09), SRMR ¼
.04, TLI ¼ .93, and CFI ¼ .94. Thus, it was retained as the final CFA model.
The standardized factor loadings in Table 1 indicate that all four constructs had the satisfying
validity. The minimum factor loading was .51 in the indicator of ‘‘higher performance expec-
tation’’ in the latent variable of transformational leadership. Except for two other items (on
symmetrical communication), all factor loadings exceeded .70, suggesting that the hypothesized
measurement model had the desired validity.
The multivariate normality assumption of SEM was evaluated in AMOS before the hypothesized
model was estimated. The sample data showed significant positive multivariate kurtosis. There-
fore, bootstrapping17 (N ¼ 2,000) through the maximum likelihood method was performed
to address the multivariate non-normality of the data. The bootstrap parameter estimations
did not deviate from those based on normal theory, indicating that the significant results
in Figure 2 remained significant in bootstrapping and the non-significant results remained
The hypothesized structural model in Figure 2 adequately fit the data: v2(128) ¼ 463.85,
p < .001, v2=df ¼ 3.62, RMSEA ¼ .08 (.07–.09), SRMR ¼ .04, TLI ¼ .93, and CFI ¼ .94.
Four structural paths demonstrated significant results at the p < .001 level.
The hypothesized model was simplified by eliminating nonsignificant paths. Kline (2005)
suggested that models can be trimmed according to empirical considerations, such as statistical
significance. The simplified model (Figure 3) was recalculated and compared with the hypothe-
sized model via nested model comparison. The hypothesized model had no significantly better
The error covariance between item one (‘‘I am comfortable talking to my manager about my performance’’) and
item six (‘‘I am comfortable talking to my manager when things are going wrong’’) was .52.
Byrne (2010) described bootstrapping as a procedure in which small random samples are repeatedly obtained from
a sample to develop empirical estimates of the standard errors of any parameter. Bootstrapping is commonly used to
address multivariate non-normality.
Standardized Coefficient of Measurement Indicators in the Final
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Model (n ¼ 402)
No. of Std.
Latent variable Indicator variable Items loading
Note. N ¼ 402, CFA model fit indices: (2(128) ¼ 463.85, p < .001, (2=df ¼ 3.62, root mean square error of
approximation ¼ .08 (90% confidence interval: .07–.09), Standardized root mean square residual ¼ .04, Tucker–Lewis
Index ¼ .93, and Comparative Fit Index ¼ . 94. All standardized factor loadings are significant at p < .001.
FIGURE 2 Results of the hypothesized model. Coefficients are standardized regression weights. For the sake of brevity,
only the path model is demonstrated. The confirmatory factor analysis model pattern coefficients, error terms of
indicators, and disturbances of endogenous variables were omitted from the figure. p < .001.
270 MEN
FIGURE 3 Results of the retained (simplified) model with the deleted nonsignificant paths. Coefficients are
standardized regression weights. p < .001.
fit than the simplified model: Dv2 (2, N ¼ 402) ¼ .774, p ¼ .68. Therefore, the more parsimoni-
ous model was used as the final model to interpret path coefficients. The model fit indices of the
initial and final CFA models as well as the hypothesized structural and simplified final structural
models are presented in Table 2.
Hypothesis Testing
The study proposed eight hypotheses, six of which were fully supported by the data. The other
two were rejected. The results of each hypothesis test are presented as follows.
Direct effects. Hypotheses 1 predicts the positive effect of transformational leadership on
symmetrical communication. This hypothesis was supported by the data (Figure 3). In particular,
transformational leadership demonstrated a large positive effect on symmetrical internal com-
munication, b ¼ .77, p < . 001, indicating that strategic leadership plays a critical role in shaping
the organization’s symmetrical communication system.
Hypotheses 2 and 3 propose the positive effects of symmetrical internal communication on
employee–organization relationships and employee advocacy. Consistent with previous findings
(e.g., J. Kim & Rhee, 2011), the results supported hypothesis 2. Symmetrical communication
Data-Model Fits for Two-Step Structural Equation Modeling (n ¼ 402)
Initial CFA model 580.42 129 .001 4.50 .93 .91 .03 .09 (.08, .10)
Final CFA model 463.85 128 .001 3.62 .94 .93 .04 .08 (.07, .09) 116.57
Hypothesized structural model 463.85 128 .001 3.62 .94 .93 .04 .08 (.07, .09)
Final structural model 464.62 130 .001 3.57 .94 .93 .04 .08 (.07.09) .77
Note. CFI ¼ Comparative Fit Index. TLI ¼ Tucker–Lewis Index. SRMR ¼ standardized root mean square residual.
RMSEA ¼ root mean square error of approximation. a90% confidence interval (low, high).
The internal communication system of an organization functions as a critical condition and a part
of excellent public relations (J. E. Grunig, 1992). As an extensive effort to expand knowledge on
excellence in internal communication, this study investigated the linkage among organizational
leadership (i.e., transformational leadership), the internal communication system (i.e., symmetri-
cal communication), and related employee outcomes (i.e., employee–organization relationships
and employee organizational advocacy). Results provided important implications for scholars
and professionals of public relations and organizational communication.
Keith (2006) proposed that a standardized coefficient (b) of < .05 suggests a negligible effect, .05–.10 a minimal
but meaningful effect, .10–.25 a moderate effect, and > .25 a significant effect.
272 MEN
Leadership is the nucleus of the organization’s internal communication process (Mast & Huck,
2008). This study revealed the critical role of transformational leadership in shaping the sym-
metrical internal communication system of the organization. In particular, employees supervised
by transformational leaders are more likely to perceive the organization’s communication as
symmetrical. This finding can be explained by the fact that transformational leaders motivate
employees by appealing to their higher-order needs and care about their welfare, concerns,
and personal growth and development. To that end, transformational leaders encourage two-way
exchange in communication (Bass, 1998) and listen to the feedback and opinion of employees.
They often practice ‘‘management by walking around’’ and interact with employees face-to-
face. Transformational leaders also encourage innovativeness and creativity among their
followers and are tolerant of individual differences and value different opinions. Such leaders
align the individual goals of employees with group and organizational goals and foster collab-
oration among followers (Podsakoff et al., 1990; Podsakoff et al., 1996). Transformational
leaders also delegate power and tasks to develop followers. Thus, by listening effectively
to employees, responding to employees’ higher-order needs, caring about employees’ interests,
and empowering employees, transformational leadership communication reflects the key
attributes of symmetrical communication, by which employees discern a balance of power,
feel cared for rather than controlled or manipulated, and value collaboration. Such interactive,
visionary, inspiring, relationship-oriented, and empowering leadership communication (Bass,
1998; Hackman & Johnson, 2004) forms a major part of the organization’s symmetrical
communication system and promotes positive employee outcomes.
Transformational leadership positively affects the job attitudes and behavior of employees (e.g.,
Behling & McFillen, 1996; DeGroot, Kiker, & Cross 2000; Dirks & Ferrin, 2002; Dumdum,
Lowe, & Avolio, 2002; Dvir, Eden, Avolio, & Shamir, 2002; Judge & Piccolo, 2004; Lowe,
Kroeck, & Sivasubramaniam, 1996; Podsakoff, MacKenzie, & Bommer, 1996). Men and Stacks
(2013) found that transformational leadership at the organizational level positively influences
employees’ perception of organizational reputation. Similarly, this study revealed that transfor-
mational leadership significantly and positively affects employee–organization relationships.
Employees perceive a desired relationship with the organization when they perceive their
managers to be engaging, visionary, inspiring, empowering, and caring. How employees feel
about the organization is largely affected by how they are treated by their direct managers.
Transformational leadership also indirectly affects employee–organization relationships via
symmetrical communication. Transformational leaders create an open, symmetrical, reciprocal,
horizontal, and employee-centered communication climate and system and thus engage employ-
ees in a quality relationship with the organization. Such a setting also produces positive
relational outcomes, such as employee trust, control mutuality, commitment, and satisfaction.
Therefore, through exerting influence on every aspect of the organization, transformational
leadership, as an organizational contextual factor, not only provide a hospitable environment
where excellent public relations is nurtured, but also directly contributes to the development of
the organization’s symmetrical communication system and the cultivation of quality employee–
organization relationships. The excellence researchers (Dozier et al, 1995; J. E. Grunig et al.,
1992; J. E. Grunig & L. A. Grunig, 2011; L. A. Grunig et al., 2002) have noted that management
behaviors (i.e., empowerment) and organizational infrastructures (i.e., organic structure,
participative culture) are fundamental influencers of the organization’s symmetrical communi-
cation. In this regard, the study was among the first to provide empirical evidence on how
a particular leadership style, transformational leadership, facilitates the establishment of the
organization’s internal communication system and influences communication outcomes.
This study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of symmetrical internal communi-
cation in nurturing quality employee–organization relationships (e.g., L. A. Grunig et al., 2002;
Jo & Shim, 2005; J. Kim & Rhee, 2011; Smidts, Pruyn, & van Riel, 2001). When the organi-
zation advocates open, two-way, and responsive communication, addresses the opinions and
concerns of employees, and boosts mutual understanding and collaboration, employees perceive
a positive relationship with the organization. Having employees involved indicates the organiza-
tion’s confidence and trust in employees and concern for them and thus provides employees
a sense of ownership regarding the organization and nurtures employee–organization relationships.
This study also established the linkage between employee relational outcomes and the
behavioral consequence of employee advocacy. The excellence study (e.g., L. A. Grunig et al.,
2002) suggests that long-term, positive relationships represent the value of public relations in that
such relationships may stimulate supportive public behavior while preventing destructive behavior.
However, empirical evidence on how quality relationships predict positive public behavior
toward the organization remains inconclusive (Ki & Hon, 2007). J. Kim and Rhee (2011) revealed
that employees with good relationships with the organization engage in microboundary-
spanning activities (i.e., self-propelled information seeking, selecting, forwarding, and sharing)
to support the organization. Similarly, our study found that employees who trust the organization
are satisfied with, and committed to, the organization, and agree on mutual influence are likely to
become corporate advocates that compliment, protect, and defend the organization in public and
recommend the organization, its product and services, and its brands to their personal networks.
In sum, the study indicates that the symmetrical internal communication system should be in
place for an organization to cultivate long-term, positive relationships with employees, which
in turn, increase the likelihood of employee advocacy behavior. Therefore, transformational
leadership and communication style should be developed to effectively and efficiently unlock
such internal advantage, maximize internal communication efforts, and eventually contribute
to business performance and organizational effectiveness.
The findings of the study provide important theoretical and practical implications for public
relations, organizational communication, and management. Theoretically, first, by demonstrating
the impact of transformational leadership on symmetrical internal communication and employee
274 MEN
outcomes, this study empirically linked leadership to internal communication. It introduced a new
perspective to examine leadership in the context of public relations and a construct that can pro-
mote understanding of how organizational management and infrastructure affect the effectiveness
of internal communication. Past studies have acknowledged the nucleus role of leaders in internal
communication as information catalysts and employees’ most trusted source of information (e.g.,
De Vries, Bakker–Pieper, & Oostenveld, 2010; Holladay & Coombs, 1993; Men & Stacks, 2013).
However, a systematic and empirical examination of leadership impact on internal communication
is lacking. Thus, the questions about leadership communication included in this study open up
a broad new territory for both public relations and organizational research. Second, the findings
of the study help advance the theories of relationship management in the internal setting. Aside
from symmetrical internal communication, transformational leadership was found to be an impor-
tant antecedent factor for positive employee–organization relationships, and employee advocacy to
be a behavioral consequence of such relationships. These concepts and the hypothesized model
specified how to enhance relationships internally and ultimately create supportive public behavior
and maximize the success of external communication efforts. The increasing and undeniable
importance of employees as the informal public relations force and communication assets of orga-
nizations necessitates the adoption of a context-specific and stakeholder-specific theory of internal
relationship management to guide practice. In addition, this study theorizes on employee advocacy
(a buzzword in professional publications on public relations) as an ultimate outcome of internal
communication efforts and thus contributes to the theory of the value of public relations. That
is, the value of public relations lies not only in shaping favorable perceptions or building positive
public relationships but also in engendering supportive public behavior.
Practically, the findings provide implications for internal communication professionals on how
to nurture best practices, breed internal excellence, and generate positive employee outcomes.
In particular, this study suggests that a two-way, employee-centered, and responsive symmetrical
communication system should be developed to guide daily communication practices and optimize
employee communication. For example, organizations could establish an internal listening center
that specializes in gathering and analyzing employee feedback through all available channels.
Second, this study suggests that internal communication efforts are affected by management effec-
tiveness and leadership behavior. The realm of public relations interacts with other subsystems in
the organization to achieve business goals and objectives. For best practices of internal communi-
cation, public relations professionals should consider all influencing contextual factors such as
leadership, organizational culture, structure, and diversity (L. A. Grunig et al., 2012; Men,
2011a, 2011b; Men & Stacks, 2013) to develop an inherently cross-enterprise and optimized com-
munication system encompassing all leaders, managers, and employees. In such an integrated
communication system, leaders are critical influencers and should thus be enabled and empowered
to be excellent communicators (Berger, 2008; Men & Stacks, 2013).
To that end, public relations and internal communication professionals should provide
managers at all levels with accurate information aligned with organizational values and goals;
identify, describe, and celebrate role models among employees; offer necessary training sessions
to develop the transformational leadership style, communication competence, and skills of lea-
ders; and embrace modern-day changes to equip leaders with an arsenal of tools that facilitate
internal communication. Leaders should be encouraged to adopt open-door policies that enable
them to listen to employees, solicit opinions and ideas, and facilitate upward communication.
Social media channels (e.g., instant messengers, blogs=microblogs, and social network sites)
Despite the pioneering explorations of this study, several limitations were encountered and should
thus be addressed in future research. The first possible limitation was the common source measure-
ment; the data were collected only from the perspective of employees. To provide a more compre-
hensive understanding of how leadership influences internal communication, insights from public
relations professionals and organizational leaders should be incorporated. Second, the findings
can be generalized only to large and medium-sized corporations in the United States. Although
probability sampling improves the generalizability of this study, organizations outside the scope
of this study or those in other cultural settings should be careful in using the findings as reference.
Third, although this study contributes to a general understanding of the relationship among leader-
ship, internal communication, and employee outcomes, a triangulated approach incorporating
multiple methods, such as documentary analysis, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and participant
observation, would have provided in-depth and valid explanations about how the model works.
Future research may conduct replication procedures to cross-validate the results of this study
by using different samples from various organizational or cultural settings. Leadership might
exert a different degree of influence on employee communication in Asian organizations because
collectivist societies hold different attitudes toward power from those of individualist cultures
(Hofstede & Hofstede, 2005). Qualitative research methods should be used to generate detailed,
descriptive, in-depth, and contextual understanding of the proposed model. An open-ended
qualitative approach could also facilitate the identification of potential mediators or moderators
of the effects revealed in this study. Incorporating the perspectives of public relations managers
into an examination of the relationships may provide a more comprehensive picture. Finally,
future researchers can incorporate other possible influencers of internal communication, such
as organizational culture, organizational structure, diversity issues, and job-related factors to
further test the model and expand the nomological network of excellent internal communication.
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