Numl Research Mag
Numl Research Mag
Numl Research Mag
ISSN: 1814-2877
© NUML 2009
Printed at NUML Press, Islamabad
ISSN: 1814-2877
Dr Riaz Hassan
The Cohesion Pattern “ 是 对” in Chinese Response①
Dr.Yan-yan Sun
Problems of Learning through English by Urdu Medium Students
Lt. Col. Dr. Muhammad Shahbudin Shah (Co-author)
Dr. Nabi Bux Jumani (Co-author)
Shahinshah Babar Khan (Co-author)
Phonetic Mood of English, Direct Method and GTM
Arshad Mahmood (Co-author)
Muhammad Uzair (Co-author)
Appropriating Linguistic Strategies in Bapsi Sidhwa’s Ice-Candy-Man
Iesar Ahmad
Reader Response Theory: Towards a Cognitive Framework for
Teaching of English Literature to Second Language Learners
Dr.Munazza Yaqoob
Teaching Essay Content through Integrated and Product Approaches
Muhammad Fareed
Causes for Closing B.ED (Technology) Degree Program at NISTE
Saima Nazir (Co-author)
Dr. S. M. Hassan (Co-author)
Accelerated Reading: Skills and Strategies
Dr. Nighat Shakur
The Heart Divided: A Reflection on Pakistan’s Emergence as a Nation
Dr. Nighat Ahmed
Copyright Agreement
Style Sheet
Editor’s Note
Dr.Yan-Yan Sun,
Beijing University of Post and
This paper explores the types, meanings, characteristics and
the occurring frequency of the feedback cohesion pattern “嗯 啊 噢
是 对”. According to a closed statistic study, we have got the
following findings: “嗯”occurs in the highest frequency in talk
shows but in cross talks, “啊”occurs in the highest frequency. We
make an explanation about the difference between “嗯”and “啊”by
comparing the phonetic features, linguistic form and referring to the
iconicity and the maxim of providing enough information and not
providing excessive information.
Key words/terms: response; reply; cohesion pattern
1. Introduction
Charles Fries is the earliest expert who begins to investigate
the language convergence in discourse research. He called it “listener
response”, while some other researchers called this “the signal of
feedback”, or “feedback program”, or “interjection”, or “hearer’s
signal”, etc (Wu: 2000). Although the names are quite different, they
bear many similarities. That is, when a participant of conversation
has a chance to talk, he is to act as if he has issued a brief speech.
The main common characteristics of this kind of feedback is that
the conversation partner has no intention to interrupt the current
speaker's discourse, nor wants to take his/her turn, or contain new
substantial content. What he or she wants to do is to inform the
current speaker’s active participation in the session in order to make
the session continue. (Allwood et al.:1992).In this thesis, I call it
“language feedback”.
2. Research question
Q. What are the types, meanings, characteristics and the occurring
frequency of the feedback cohesion pattern “嗯 啊 噢 是 对”?
3. Literature review
In recent years in China, in addition to the English language
scholars, the Chinese language scholars have begun to study the
language feedback sessions in spoken Chinese. The common
consensus is that the Chinese language has modals, notional words,
repetition and other kinds of signals of feedback, with the following
typical items such as “嗯”、“啊”、“噢”、“是”、“对”and so on;
(Wu:2001). According to the aspects of function, the above items can
be divided into expressing reception, understanding, and attitudes
and so on. Many researchers agree that using the above language
feedback items is not for the purpose of getting the active position
during the discourse round. (Wu: 2001, Li&Fan: 2002, Liu: 2004). I
agree with the following viewpoints put forward by Allwood,
(1992), Duncan, S. & Niederehe, G. (1974), Duncan, S. & Fiske, D.
(1985) and Yueer Li (2002), that is, the language feedback items
include not only kinds of language signals such as“嗯”、“啊”、“噢”,
but also the form of words (lexicals), such as "不错" and even the
phrases and the idioms such as "谁说不是呢" and so on. The
function of language feedback can even include the linguistic
phenomenon that is the sentences said by rather the listeners than the
speakers but also simple clarifications, repetition, and even those
non-triggers which get the active position during the discourse based
on the contents of the speakers.
3. Methodology
(1)专家 A:清真菜里头很多都是牛羊肉,这个跟汉族的饮食
专家 A:不过菜的选材上要求要比汉族人要求的多。
专家 B:没错。
(2)朋友 A :明天阴天,你出去别忘了带伞。
朋友 B:啊(a)。
朋友 A:免得挨淋。
Friend B:啊(a)
主 持 : 嗯 ( en )。 ( 3 )
主 持 : 嗯 ( en )。 ( 4 )
主持:噢-(ǎo) (5)
真菜”) guest :Over 80% of the famous snack is Huis
moderator : 嗯 ( en ) 。
(3) guest :And after time goes by, it comes down to the social.
And can not be separated Han or Huis
moderator : 嗯 ( en ) 。
( 4 )
guest :strictly speaking, the snack of Huis is better.
moderator : 噢 - ( ǎo )
(5 )
主 持 : 嗳 ( ái ) 。
主 持 : 嗳 ( ǎ i ) 。
moderator : 嗳 ( ái ) 。
(6 )
moderator : 嗳 ( ǎ i ) 。 ( 7 )
(<<The discovery of eat drink and play>>)
(8) 嘉宾:按这个标准来套,就说那家馆子还适合家宴的要求。
主 持 : 对 ( du ì )。 ( 8 )
moderator : 对 ( du ì ) 。
捧 哏 : 呵 ( h ē ) 。
捧 哏 : 嚯 ( hu ō ) 。
First: the people come here is geting more and more.
Second: ai .
First:so many people.
Second: yes .
First: you live Qian men is the closest one
Second:EN .
First:there are people live very far.
Verbs 成 是 可以
Adjectives 好 行 得 中 对
Phrases 是吧 看吧 听吧 对吧
是不是 对不对
Guest : And I think I can accept that simple guest, and the
room of it is not take extra charge
嗯 啊 嗳 噢 是2 对
嗯 啊 嗳 噢 是
1. Allwood, J., Nivre, J. & Ahlsen, E. (1992). On the semantics and
pragmatics of linguistic feedback. Journal of Semantics,(Vol:9),
2. Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983) Discourse analysis. London and
New York: Cambridge University Press.( pp.154)
3. Chengxi Qu (2006).A discourse grammar of Mandarin Chinese.
Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press.
4. Duncan, S. & Fiske, D.(1985). The turn system. In Duncan, S. &
Fiske, D. (Eds.).Interaction Structure and Strategy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.(pp.58-59)
5. Haiman, J. (1985). Natural syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press (pp.11)
6. Hatch, E.M. (1992). Discourse and language education. London
and New York: Cambridge University Press. (pp.22)
7. Hong, L. (2004). Analysis of discourse structure. Beijing:Beijing
University Press.( pp.52-60)
8. Jiaxuan, S. (1999) Asymmetry and markers.Nanchang: Nanchang
Education Press.(pp.325-326)
9. Levinson, S.C. (1995).Three levels of meaning. In R. Palmer.
Grammar and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Sir John Lyons.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pp.11-42, 90-115)
10. Ping, W. (2000). A review on the study of feedbacks. Foreign
Languages and their Teaching. (Vol.3) (pp.31-34)
11. Ping, W. (2001). Feedback singles in Chinese. Interactive
Contemporary Linguistics.(Vol.2) (pp.119-126)
12. Yanyan, S. (2007).Cohesion patterns in answering sentences of
interrogatives and their characteristics in recent advance
Chinese computing technologies.Singapore:Colips
13. Yuanren, Z. (1979). A grammar of spoken Chinese.Beijing: The
Commercial Press. (pp.369)
14. Yuee, l. & Hongya F. (2002).Discourse analysis. Shanghai:
Shang Hai Foreign Language Education Press. (p.85-102)
15. Zipf, G. K. (1949). Human behavior and the principle of Least
effort: an introduction to human ecology.Cambridge and Mass.:
Addison-Wesley Press. (p.19-21)
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Dr.Yan-yan Sun. The author assigns to the NUML
Research Magazine and the National University of Modern
Languages a non-exclusive licence to use the document for
publication, personal use and in course of instruction. The author
also grants a non-exclusive license to the NUML Research Magazine
to use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and
reprint in all languages, forms and media. Any other usage is
prohibited without the express permission of the author.
Liu Hanlu,
Beijing Language and
Culture University,
This paper uses statistical methods to investigate the
following three ways of expressing approximate numbers: Lai (来), Ji (几)
and Duo (多). This paper tries to solve the following two problems.
Firstly, are all the native Chinese speakers hold the same understanding of
each way of expressing approximate numbers in Numeral+ 来 / 几 / 多
+Measure word form? If there is any difference, what are the correlative
factors, and is the difference significant? I also compare these three ways
in the sense that whether the native speakers hold significantly different
understanding of them.
Key words/terms: approximate numbers; teaching Chinese as a second
1. Introduction
1.1. The reason for selecting this topic
(b) When northern Chinese people use Lai (来), Ji (几) and Duo
(多), they use these three approximate numbers in a significantly
different way, whereas southern Chinese people use them without
significant difference.
3. Literature review
Table 1 studies how people who were born and have lived
for a long time in Beijing understand the number range of Number
word + Lai ( 来 ) + measure word (take shi lai ge( 十来个 ) for
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
range of
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
5.2. Ji (几)
5.2.1 Preliminary findings
of valu
es Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
Table 4 studies how the persons who were born and have
lived for a long time in Beijing understand the number range of
Number word +Ji (几) + measure word (take shi ji ge (十几个) for
example). It seems that above 80% Beijingers (no matter below-
40s or above-40s) think the number of Number word + Ji (几) +
measure word is larger than the number-word before Ji (几).
Table 5: northern parts (includes Beijing)
Table 5 studies how the persons who were born and have
lived for a long time in northern parts understand the number range
of Number word + Ji (几) + measure word. We can see that most
northern persons think in the same way with Beijingers.
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
age Conclusion
We can judge from the significance tests of differences that persons
from different residences have no significant difference in
understanding of Ji (几); and so is that between persons of different
The median, Std.Deviation and N. are listed below.
of Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
range of
values Below 10 Around 10 Above 10
age Conclusion
We can judge from the significance tests of differences that
persons from different residences and different age groups have no
significant difference in understanding of Duo (多).
The median, Std.Deviation and N. are listed below.
Paired SamplesaTest
Paired Differences
5% Confidenc
Interval of the
td. Erro Difference
Meand. Deviati Mean Lower Upper t df g. (2-taile
Pair LAI - J2.336 1.971 .201 2.736 1.937 1.617 95 .000
Pair LAI - D2.580 2.043 .208 2.994 2.166 2.376 95 .000
Pair JI - DU-.244 1.292 .132 -.506 6E-02 1.848 95 .068
a.AGE = 2
Paired Differences
5% Confidenc
Interval of the
td. Erro Difference
Meand. DeviatioMean Lower Upper t df g. (2-taile
Pair LAI - J-1.205 1.670 .156 -1.514 -.897 -7.741 114 .000
Pair LAI - D-1.435 1.753 .163 -1.759 -1.111 -8.777 114 .000
Pair JI - DU-.230 1.108 .103 -.434 0E-02 -2.223 114 .028
a.AGE = 3
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Erro Difference
Mean d. Deviatio Mean Lower Upper t df g. (2-tailed
Pair LAI - JI -1.902 2.048 .191 -2.280 -1.523 -9.958 114 .000
Pair LAI - D -2.303 2.166 .202 -2.703 -1.903 11.401 114 .000
Pair JI - DU -.401 1.204 .112 -.623 -.179 -3.572 114 .001 = north
Paired SamplesaTest
Paired Differences
5% Confidenc
nterval of the
td. ErroDifference
Meand. DeviatiMean LowerUpper t df g. (2-taile
Pair LAI - 1.502
J 1.677 .171 1.842 1.162 8.777 95 .000
Pair LAI - 1.541
D 1.623 .166 1.869 1.212 9.300 95 .000
Pair JI - DU
5E-02 1.154 .118 -.272 .195 -.327 95 .744 = south
People more than 40
People less than 40 years old
years old
(1) Lai(来)
Native speakers of different areas have different ideas
towards Lai(来),For the native speakers of more than 40 years old,
their understanding of Lai(来) is quite distinct: northern native
speakers of more 40 years old think that number+ Lai (来) + measure
word means the median should be less than the value which is in
front of Lai (来), Northern native speakers of more 40 years old
think that number+ Lai (来) + measure word means the median
should be more than the value which is in front of La I (来)。Most
of the northern and the southern who are less than 40 years old think
that number+ Lai (来) + measure word means the median should be
more than the value which is in front of Lai (来) 。
As the northern native speakers get younger and younger, the
range of number+ Lai (来) + measure word will move from the
number which is smaller than the value in front of Lai (来) to the the
number which is larger than the value in front of Lai(来). The
southern native speakers of dissimilar ages all think that the median
should be larger than the number in front of Lai (来).
Yes No Χ2 Χ2 Significance
Cause at 0.05 level
Calculated Tabl
value e
SA % A % UNC % DA % % Χ2 Χ2 Mean
age age SDA age at .05
age age
40 40 25 2 2 2 28 28 5 5 51 9.4 3.7
5 .9 88
Significant df= 4
Table 5 indicates that the calculated value of Χ2 is
51.9,which is greater than table value at level 0.05 ,it means that the
majority confirm that examination are test of memory.
The above table unveils that 65 % of the respondents
confirmed that it was a test of memory only.2 % could not decide
whereas 33 % considered it otherwise. Mean score was 3.7
Table No.6: Neglecting speaking, listening and reading skills
SA % A % UNC % DA % SDA % Χ2 Χ2
age age age age age at .05
40 40 15 15 15 15 20 20 10 10 27.5 9.488
Significant df= 4
Table 6 indicates that the calculated value of Χ2 is 27.9,
which is greater than table value at level 0.05; it means that the
majority confirm that reading/speaking listening skills are ignored.
5. Findings
a. The students considered that the listening skill remained
under developed, as they were not exposed to the native
accent through any audio visual facility. English was not
used in their society or at home. So the students only listened
to their teachers.
b.The students expressed that reading skill did not develop to the
desired level. As their pronunciation was not good they felt shy while
reading in the class.
c.Most of the students confirmed their inability to write on new
topic.Creative writing remained undeveloped.
d.Students confirmed that the final examination tested only writing
skills of the learner. It was a test of the memory rather than the
language used. The students showed their dissatisfaction on it.
e.Majority of the student admitted that they felt hesitation while
reading in the class room.
6. Recommendations
a. Efforts should be made to allocate equal importance to all
communicative skills in the syllabus selected for the intermediate
b. Speaking speed of the natives hinders listening comprehension of
the learners as a translation process from mother tongue to English or
English to mother tongue is very slow. This difficulty can be
overcome by giving maximum exposure to the non native speakers
of the native speakers.
c. Students should be told clearly by the teachers not to read aloud or
put pen, pencil or finger on the text as these cause slow speed of
d. Students should be encouraged to talk and take part in various
role-playing activities in the classroom.
e. Students should be encouraged to discuss their viewpoint in
English class freely.
f. English teachers should always talk in English to their learner
inside or outside the classroom.
g. Students should be made aware that non-natives have problems of
incorrect pronunciation. Further to this, pronunciation error should
be corrected very politely.
h. Students should be made conscious of the detrimental habit of
speaking while writing. It should be curbed as early as possible. It
has its detrimental effects on writing and other communicative
h. Fear of committing error should be annihilated by providing
maximum chances to the students of all the four skills in the
1. Chomsky, N. (1988). Language and problems of knowledge.
Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press. (pp.39).
2. Crystal, D. (1995). The Cambridge encyclopedia of language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pp.106).
3. Kachru, B. B. (1968).The alchemy of English. The spread,
functions and models of non- native.Oxford: Pergamon Press
4. Krashen, S.P. & Terrell, T.D. (1988). The natural approach
language acquisition in the classroom.UK: Prentice Hall
International Ltd. (pp.55-61).
5. Lazar, G. (1993). Literatures and language teaching: a guide
for teachers and trainers.Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. (pp.5).
6. Mansoor, S. (1993). Punjabi, Urdu, English in Pakistan.
Lahore: Vanguard Books Pvt. Ltd.
7. Rehman, T. (2002).Language ideology and power. London:
Oxford University Press.(pp.317).
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009. Lt. Col. Dr. Muhammad Shahbudin, Dr. Nabi
Bux Jumani and Shahinshah Babar Khan. The authors assign to the
NUML Research Magazine and the National University of Modern
Language a non-exclusive license to use the document for
publication, personal use and in course of instruction. The author
also grants a non-exclusive license to the NUML Research Magazine
to use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and
reprint in all languages, forms and media. Any other usage is
prohibited without the express permission of the author.
Phonetic Mood of English,
Direct Method and GTM
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Mr Arshad Mahmood and Mr Muhammad Uzair.
The authors assign to the NUML Research Magazine and the
National University of Modern Languages a non-exclusive licence to
use the document for publication, personal use and in course of
instruction. The author also grants a non-exclusive licence to the
NUML Research Magazine to use this document in worldwide
publication, distribution and reprint in all languages, forms and
media. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission
of the author.
Iesar Ahmad,
Assistant Professor,
Department of English,
Gordon College,
In a contact zone situation, where two or more languages and
cultures intersect or interface there is bound to be linguistic and
cultural intervention. Such is the situation with Pakistani creative
English literature, where distinctive and variant geo-linguistic and
socio-cultural counter discursive norms are installed in the inherited
colonial language. This paper is based primarily on Bapsi Sidhwa’s
Ice-Candy-Man and attempts to investigate how the author herself
and like other postcolonial writers particularly from the subcontinent
have appropriated and reconstituted the Standard English Language
in their narratives through some appropriating linguistic strategies
like neologism (coinage of loan words and loan blends),
transliteration, untranslated words, code switching/ code mixing,
glossing and translation equivalents.
Key words: neologism; transliteration; glossing
1. Introduction
To date, in addition to short stories and critical essays, Bapsi
Sidhwa has published four novels: The Crow Eaters (1978); The
Bride (1982); Ice-Candy-Man (1988); An American Brat
(1993).Although, nativization and reconstruction of the Standard
English Language on the linguistic pattern of mother tongue cuts
across Sidhwa’s novels, nonetheless, my analysis of her nativization
and innovative linguistic strategies will be confined to her novel,
Ice-Candy-Man (1988). Based primarily on the examples from this
novel, this paper attempts to explore how Sidhwa has appropriated
and reconstituted the English language through appropriating
linguistic strategies which includes neology, transliteration,
untranslated words, glossing, code switching and translation
To many literary critics of Pakistani English literature,
Sidhwa is the most eminent and celebrated Pakistani novelist. For
instance, her novel Ice-Candy-Man has been hailed as a pioneering
English novel and attracted wide readership across the continents.
Similarly, her earlier fictions have evoked postmodern trends/
characteristics in the new English literatures of the subcontinent.
Before, the publications of her works, Pakistani writing in English
was a category that was almost non-existed in the metropolitan
centers of putative aesthetics norms and coded referentilaity.
Likewise, her induction of innovative linguistic strategies (like
neology, transliteration, untranslated words, glossing, code-switching,
and code-mixing and translation equivalents) in her works has set
new linguistic usages and literary trends in the creative English
literature of Pakistan and India. Her induction of inventive linguistic
practices in her works have also contested and negotiated the
authenticity, originality, universality and purity of the Standard
English language and its discursive practices. Moreover, her fictions
have also foregrounded the postcolonial concerns like partition,
language, place, hybridity, ethnicity and separate identity in the
context of her complex colonized experiences.
This study will be very useful for highlighting and
pinpointing the identity crisis, linguistic dilemma and cultural
syncreticity in the context of postcolonial Pakistan. It will also very
effective for the bilingual/multilingual teachers of the subcontinent to
revisit and reinterpret the colonial discourse and its discursive
practices embedded in the Standard English language and its
discursive practices.
2. Hypothesis
Standard English is a myth.
3. Literature review
Like Anglophone Africa, there are two major literary camps
in Pakistan and India also, who are arguing for or against the
imposition of the Standard English language and its discursive
practices. For instance, in Anglophone Western Africa, Ngugi and
like are campaigning against the colonial language as it carries the
western cultural norms which covertly or overtly denigrate the
indigenous linguistic and cultural norms. Alternatively, the novelists
like Achebe, Soyinka and Gabriel Okara re-appropriated and
reconstituted the imposed colonial language to carry the weight of
linguistic hybridity and variant culture in the context of
post-independent and postcolonial Western Africa. Similarly,
Pakistani creative English writers like Anglophone African novelists
are also reconstructing and indigenizing the imposed language as the
alternative instrument to carry the burden of their colonized
experiences in the non-western settings of Pakistan. They are also
employing it in their narratives as a convenient and trustworthy
instrument for cross-culturality, ethnography, neutralization and
wider communication across the continent. The diaspora of Pakistani
creative English writers like Zulfiqar Ghose, Mohsin Hamid, Hanif
Kureishi, and Sara Suleri have also used the appropriated colonial
language in their writings to install richness repertoire of their
mother tongues as well as to demonstrate difference, separateness,
resistance and cultural distinctiveness from the privileged
metropolitan centre. Sidhwa is one of the most distinctive writers of
this latter camp who has not only subverted the Standard English
normative practices but also simultaneously appropriated and
reconstituted the inherited language on the linguistic pattern of her
mother tongues to foreground her peculiar linguistic, socio-cultural
and geo-political lived experiences in the local settings of the
Although the inherited colonial language has become a de
facto language of our commerce, judiciary, parliamentary and
administrative set up, yet the theoretical debate to switch over to
Urdu as a medium of instruction is still irresolvable and irreducible
in terms of the complex experiences of the postcolonial Pakistan.
The place and status of English in the context of geo-linguistic and
politico-cultural experiences of Pakistan has also been extensively
discussed (Tariq Rahman:1991;Anjum Riyazul Haqe:1993;Robert J.
Baumgardener: 1993;Muneeza Shamsie:1999).Hence, this study
implies that with the prevalence and diffusion of such nativizing
strategies as well as Pakistanization of English demonstrated in the
Pakistani postcolonial writers’ texts and the advocacy to switch over
to the Urdu language would be like turning reverse the hands of the
Henceforth, the researcher considers it appropriate at this
stage to describe the concept of appropriation as it is the primary
motif of this paper.
3.1 Concept of appropriation
Eric Gans traces the origin of appropriation and linguistic
sign in terms of Generative Anthropology that the ‘aborted gesture of
appropriation becomes the originary sign.’ According to him the
‘mimetic triangle’ contains all the elements necessary for the
emergence of sign, language as foundation of the human community
must have arisen in a ‘collective event’ when mimetic tension is
intensified by the multiplicity of the participant…thus the emission
of the first sign is the founding event of the human community. He
further postulates that ‘all culture is scenic’ in the sense of evoking
the tension between the ‘desiring periphery and desired centre of a
collective scene…’ (1999).In a similar vein Michel Foucault in the
essay Nietzsche, Genealogy, History, contends that the entire western
historical (theological or rationalistic) tradition emphasizes on
dissolving the singular event into an ideal continuity- as teleological
movement. Consequently ‘an event is not a treaty, a reign, or a battle
but the reversal of a relationship of forces, the usurpation of power,
the appropriation of vocabulary turned against those who had once
used it, a feeble domination that poison itself as it grows lax, the
entry of masked other,’( cited in Bouchard et al:1997).
Consequently, in the context of such appropriating
conceptual perspective, the postcolonial creative English writers of
the invaded colonies (like Pakistan, India, South East Asia, Western
Africa and West Indies) and partly in settler colonies (like Australia,
New Zealand and Canada) appropriated and reconstituted the
inherited colonial language to carry the load of their cultural
syncreticism and linguistic hybridization. Henceforth, the study
explores subversion, appropriation and reconstitution of the colonial
language by the creative English writers in the context of their
non-western settings of South Asia and Western Africa.
3.2 Subversion of the English language
The colonial language and its discursive practices were
introduced to disseminate the western dominant ideologies parallel
with the consolidation of imperial rule in the subcontinent.The
constant persistence and imposition of the dominant English
language entailed the appropriation and reconstruction of it on the
linguistic and grammatical structures of the indigenous languages in
the local settings of the subcontinent. The inventive linguistic and
textual strategies inducted by the creative Indian and Pakistani
novelists denote subversion of the dominant English language and its
normative practices. Bapsi Sidhwa like many other creative English
writers abrogated the standard normative practices by installing the
inventive linguistic practices in her novel Ice-Candy-Man. During
the process of abrogation, simultaneously the colonial language and
its discursive practices are appropriated by the creative English
writers Pakistan and India to carry the weight of colonized
experiences and variant cultures.
3.3 Appropriation of the colonial language
P.L Ha (2005), a university lecturer and researcher in
Vietnam and Australia, contends that she agrees with Widdowson’s
views that a language in use cannot be regulated beyond a certain
degree.It is bound to be appropriated.She also adds that the notion of
appropriation not only denotes resistance and reconstitution but also
simultaneously facilitates the appropriated language (English) ‘to
serve global citizens and would not take their sense of belonging as
well,’ (2005). In a similar context, Ashcroft also cites from the The
Empire Writes Back that the strategies by which a language is
appropriated and transformed are extremely varied. Apart from direct
glossing in the texts either by explanation or parenthetic insertions,
such innovative devices include ‘syntactic fusion, in which English
prose is structured according to the syntactic principles of the first
language; neologism, new lexical forms in English which are
informed by the semantic and morphological exigencies of the
mother tongues; the direct inclusion of untranslated lexical items in
the text; ethno-rhythmic prose which constructs an English
discourse according to the rhythm and texture of first language; and
the transcription of dialect and language variants of many different
kinds, whether they come from diglossic, poly-dialectical or
monolingual speaking communities,’(2001). Consequently, in view
of such appropriating linguistic and textual strategies, Bapsi Sidhwa
like many other postcolonial novelists of Pakistan and India
appropriated, remoulded and bent the inherited language to carry the
burden of linguistic hybridity and cultural syncreticity in the
non-native settings of India and Pakistan. Henceforth, the
appropriating strategies inducted by the creative English writers of
the South Asia and Anglophone Africa are reviewed and explored in
the context of postcolonial counter discursive practices and
appropriating strategies. I will also attempt to explore that her
innovative linguistic practices demonstrated in her text are as much
authentic and valid as are of the standard linguistic norms of the
metropolitan centre.
The creative English writers of the subcontinent like
Anglophone African novelists not only abrogated the colonial
language but also appropriated and reconstructed it on the linguistic
patterns of their mother tongues in the context of their multi-ethnic,
multi-racial and multi-linguistic settings. Ashcroft et al posits that
‘the abrogation is refusal of the categories of the imperial culture, its
aesthetic, its illusory standard of normative or correct usage and its
assumption of the traditional meaning inscribed in the words…where
as appropriation is the process by which the language is taken and
made to bear the burden of one’s cultural experience, or as Raja Rao
puts it to convey in language that is not one’s own the spirit that is
one’s own. Language is adopted as a tool and utilized in various
ways to express widely differing cultural experiences’ (1989). In a
similar vein Ashcroft et al further defines that ‘appropriation may
describe acts of usurpation in various cultural domains, but the most
potent are the domains of language and textuality. In these areas, the
dominant language and its discursive forms are appropriated to
express widely differing cultural experiences and to interpolate these
experiences into the dominant modes of representation to reach the
widest possible audience’ (2004).
In the context of such innovative and appropriating linguistic
practices, the creative English writers from the subcontinent and the
Anglophone Africa reconstituted the colonial language on the
syntactical, morphological, phonological and lexical structures of
their indigenous languages to foreground
Bamiro (2006) contends in Anglophone African perspective
that Achebe’s ‘lexico-semantic relexification and appropriation in
Anthills take the modes of semantic shift, analogical creation, and
coinage and translation equivalence.’ According to Bamiro, through
the process of semantic shift, Achebe appropriates extant English
words and imbues them with new meaning in consonance with the
Nigerian cultural context as in the following example:
‘But since my wife here is troubled, let us agree with her and
do as she says.’
‘…my wife came to me…’
Here the text emphasizes the kinship terms such as mother,
father, brother, sister, wife, and cousin characterized by semantic
widening; that its use in Nigeria and most of Africa, such kinship
indicates a wider semantic area than in British and American English.
(2006).Bamiro further says regarding the appropriation and
reconstruction of the colonial language, ‘I feel that the English
language be able to carry the weight of my African experience. But it
will have to be new English, still in full communion with its
ancestral home but altered to suit new African experiences,’(2006).
Consequently, Achebe and many other Western African writers like
Soyinka and Gabriel Okra’s innovative linguistic strategies of code
switching, code mixing, linguistic hybridization and Africanization
of English in the geolinguistic settings of Anglophone Africa suggest
a close analogy to the appropriating linguistic and textual strategies
inducted by Sidhwa in her novel Ice-Candy-Man. It also implies that
the presumptive Received English codes and its discursive norms are
inadequate to address the separate identity, linguistic plurality and
cultural syncreticity of African postcolonial societies. Henceforth,
the researcher describes the postcolonial discourse theory as the
framework to analyze and interpret the selected and identified
categories of appropriating strategies from Sidhwa’s novel.
4. Methodology
(Postcolonial Discourse Theory as a Conceptual Framework)
The researcher has chosen the Postcolonial Discourse
Theory and appropriation as the theoretical framework to analyze
and interpret the selected and identified appropriating linguistic
and textual strategies from her novel Ice-Candy-Man. The western
critical and theoretical approaches since 1920s onwards have been
inadequate to address the socio-linguistic and cultural peculiarities,
metonymic gaps, silence, and absence in the context of multifaceted
colonized experiences of Pakistan. Likewise, the researcher has
found that although, in the earlier phase of postcolonial theoretical
approaches denote the deconstruction and decolonization of the
western norms of epistemology, ontology and teleology yet these
might have as well subtly underpin the privileged Euro-centric codes
or culminate at simple binary opposition. The postcolonial theory in
its earlier stages stressed on the ‘anti-humanistic’ practices
(Foucaultdian or French Marxist) but in the recent times (since 1990
onward) it emphasizes the ‘revisionist practices’ that is the difference
but with sameness unlike complete sameness or complete difference.
The revisionist approach focuses on plurality, differentiality and
hybridity unlike totalizing discourse of sameness.
I will attempt to investigate in this paper the appropriating
linguistic practices inducted by Sidhwa’s in her novel (Ice-Candy
Man) and the emergence of nativitization or Pakistanization of
English in the context of her local settings of the Pakistan. This study
will be very useful for highlighting and pinpointing the identity crisis,
linguistic dilemma and cultural syncreticity in the context of
postcolonial Pakistan. It will also be very effective for the
bilingual/multilingual teachers of the subcontinent to revisit and
reinterpret the colonial discourse and its discursive practices
embedded in the Standard English language and its discursive
The researcher has identified and selected the text from the
novel Ice-Candy-Man to analyse the appropriating linguistic and
textual strategies inducted by Sidhwa in the socio-linguistic,
geo-politico, ethnographic and variant cultural perspective of
Pakistan and India. The researcher has also identified and selected
the innovative linguistic strategies like neologism (coinage of new
words, compounds and phrases), transliteration (to write words and
phrases by using letters of different alphabet or language),
un-translated words, code-mixing or code-switching, glossing (to
explain difficult word or phrase within parenthesis or without
parenthesis) and literal translation. Henceforth, such innovative
linguistic and textual strategies inducted by Sidhwa in her novel are
described and analyzed.
5. Analysis and findings
‘The English…language, rich also in literature, is no longer
the monopoly of the British we, the ex-colonized, have subjugated
the language, beaten it on its heads and made its ours! Let the
English chafe and fret and fume. The fact remains that in adapting
English to our use, in hammering it sometimes on its heads, and in
sometimes twisting its tails, we have given it a new shape, substance,
and dimension.’ (Sidhwa :1993) In a similar context Baumgardner,
R.J adds that ‘the borrowing and subsequent grammaticalization of
borrowed items is the natural consequence of language contact
situation, and in this respect the english of Pakistan has been
enriched by the multi- cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic
context in which it is used.’ (1993)
Henceforth, in view of such concepts, Sidhwa’s
appropriating strategies like neologism, transliteration, untranslated
words, code-switching, translation equivalents and glossing inducted
in her novel Ice-Candy-Man are sequentially analyzed and
interpreted as below. In the following instances from her novel,
neologism or coinage not only incorporate English words to a
postcolonial Pakistani reality but also enables the writer to widen the
contextual usefulness of English:
Ms Ding Weili,
Communication University of China,
This paper is natural data-based. Under the guidance of
cohesion theory, we make a statistic analysis on the cohesion of
various person substitutes from 4 aspects—within clause, beyond
clause, within paragraph and beyond paragraph.Consequently, the
factors that affect the option of person substitutes are person
perspective, semantic features and the iconicity principle.
Key words/terms: text; cohesion; person substitute
1. Introduction
Chen Ping holds the opinion that in Chinese there is continuity in
the objects that are referred to. So when a person and an object
have to be repeated in a Chinese text, a form without a phonetic
realization tends to be used. This kind of anaphora is called zero
anaphora. So; we call zero anaphora as zero person substitutes.
2. Literature review
There are many studies about the person substitute in
Modern Chinese, but few about specific studies. Several articles as
follows are chosen as examples.1) In A Discourse Analysis on
Narrative “Ta(他)”, a statistic analysis is made on the various
constraints of “Ta(他)” usages in texts at the linear and strata levels.
(Xu Jiujiu :1990)2) In An Analysis on the Noun References in
Narrations, noun references are classified into five types:
same-formed, partially same-formed, synonyms, hyponym and
comparison.(Xu Jiujiu: 1999) 3.In A Study on the Anaphoric
Function of Pronoun “Ta(他)”(Wang Canlong: 2000), Mr. Wang
discovers the rules of anaphora of person pronouns in and beyond
clauses. He points out that the person pronoun is one of the most
frequently used anaphora.4) In Applicable Analysis on the
Deeper-level Anaphora of the Third Person Pronouns (Qin
Hongwu:2001),Qin argues that reference is constrained in discourse
understanding and use and that syntactic rules are not the only
criterion for reference.In the above studies, the scholars focus more
on the studies of pronouns. Many of studies are about the cohesions
of person substitutes in Chinese and Sino-foreign languages.
However, there is little research done on the cohesion of various
person substitutes in texts and in a statistic way.
3. Methdology (Data collection and analysis)
The data in our study are collected from Readers (Gansu
People Publication Press: 2001, 2002) and An Edition of National
Awarded Mini-stories in 2001(Jin Mountain Magazine: 2002). We
choose 50 narrations and make an intra-context statistic analysis of
the cohesion of person substitutes beyond clauses.
The terms in the thesis “person substitute” and “person
reference” are different from but relative to each other. Here, person
substitutes refer to the language forms (including zero form[1][2],
as Ø) in a text.The word person here refers to any entity that can be
identified as human being through the language forms. We do not
employ person reference because scholars have not come into an
agreement about how to define reference and non-reference. For
instance, philosopher Mr. Donnellan holds opposite ideas to linguists
like Lyons (Wang Hongqi: 2001).Another reason why we do not use
reference is that non-reference can establish a cohesion with other
person substitute through a relative process. Non-reference can be
referred to as the person in a particular context. For example:
1)我有一个朋友,Ø 是个书虫。这个书呆子/书虫好几
I have a friend, Ø is a bookworm. For several days, this book
addict/bookworm hasn’t come over to me to borrow books.
刘思劲就是其中一位。②如今他去琼岛闯荡,Ø 已有三年(Ø)
没回家了。③刘母思儿心切,Ø 频频央人代笔修书(Ø)要儿子
In the clothes-store streets in Hecheng, there emerged
several outstanding people, one of whom was Liu Sijin who had sold
clothes in the street.
过三十,略显富态的儿子,Ø 喜极泪涌,Ø 抱着儿子的肩头,Ø
(“孩子,你把家忘了吗?Ø 把妈也忘了吗?)”
This day, Liu Sijin finally put aside his business and Ø came
back to his hometown. Mother Liu saw her over-thirty and a little
fat son and Ø was happy to cry and Ø hugged her son’s shoulder, Ø
said: “ My son, did you forget your family? Ø Forget your mother?”
⑥刘思劲的眼圈也潮湿了, Ø 连忙说:
Liu Sijin’ eyes were wet and Ø immediately said: “Mother,
Don’t you say that. How can I forget my family and Ø forget my
⑦Ø 随即把送给母亲的礼物呈上……
And then Ø presented the gift to his mother…
(A Green Parrot 《 绿 鹦
a. Reference: for example, “Ji wei jie chu ren wu” (几位杰出
人物)→ “qi(其)”, “Bai guo fu zhuang tan de Liu Sijin (摆
过服装摊的刘思劲)”→ “Ta 他”, “Hai zi 孩子”→ “Ni(你)”,
“Ma(妈)”→ “Nin(您)”, “Liu Sijin(刘思劲)”→ “Wo(我)”,
Repetitio Partial
n of the repetition
same of the same Hypon Rhetorica
type form form ym Synonym ls Total
percentag 100.00
e 74.28% 11.34% 3.43% 10.84% 0.11% %
46 0 0 46
Pronoun (100%) (0%) (0%) (100%)
Demonstrat 57 50 15 122
Pronoun (47%) (41%) (12%) (100%)
1136 34 9 1179
35 6 5 46
23 48 51 122
Pronouns (18.60%)(39%) (42%) (100%)
Total (41.80%)(30.70%)(27.50%)(100%)
5) 热恋了很久,他们准备结婚了。 《我要找
.. ..
They got prepared to marry after being in love each other for a
..... ... .... .... ..... .
long time.
..... ...
Find You)
6) 虽然清贫,但日子倒也过的闲适,像所有的小知识分子一
.. . .
样 , 他 们 彼 此 宽 容 、 互 敬 互 爱 。
. . . . .
In spite of being poor, they tolerate each other like all other
......... .... ..... ...
well-educated people. The life was comfortable.
... . .
(Holding Your Hands)
7) ……而那双执过天线的手, 丈夫也再没有松开过。
The husband did for ever hold the hands that had held the
antenna … (Holding Your Hands)
8) 我就一下子沉默了,一个熟悉的影子执拗地出现在我眼
I immediately became silent; a familiar figure appeared in my
mind. (Could I Hug You Kid)
In example 5, “Ta Men (他们)” occurs in the text for the first
time. Though the reader does not know who they are, from the
context of “fell into love with each other” and “got married”, the
reader can easily predict that “Ta Men(他们)” they refer to two
people of a man and a woman.; in example 6, the reader can know
that “Ta Men(他们)”refers to a couple and they are well-educated by
the context of “Ri zi( 日 子 )”, “Hu jing hu ai(互 敬 互 爱 ) and
“Xiang---yi yang(像……一样)”. Halliday and Hasan (1976) call the
above semantic association as collocation of lexical cohesion. In
examples 7 and 8, the reader can know that the underlined parts refer
to “Qi zi (妻子)” and “Na ge nv ren (那个女人)”. Therefore, the
option of person substitutes must carry the semantic features that
correspond to the language elements that are allocated with them.
Only if the features of the person substitutes and the language
elements around can correspond to each other, the communication
can be realized.
Some semantic features are shown through some special
markers, for example:
“She” and “he” were chatting on-line and got along well,
thus conveying love to each other.
10 ) 大 泉 知 道 “ 曼 德 拉 ” 啥 意 思 , 也 不 说 话 , 光 笑 。
Daquan could understand what “Mandala” meant, but said
nothing just smiled. (A Bucket of Water)
In the above example, the quotation marks embody some of
the characters’ personalities. In 9, “Ta (她)”is a male and “Ta (他)” is
a female, because, when chatting online, they use pseudo names that
do not show their true gender; in example 10, the nickname of
“Mandala” vividly describes an oil worker who has been working in
the desert for many years and has his skin suntanned.
3.4 Principle of iconicity
Iconicity is also called likeness. The rationality of language
is iconicity by nature. That is, the allocation of language structure is
constrained by people’s cognition about the world and schema.
Iconicity is universal. It is also exceptional to broad analogy. The
principle of iconicity actually shows that people speak what they
cognate and think of and that they describe the world in the way it is
like. It also shows that when they encounter a complexity, they speak
more to be clear and easy to understand, while when they encounter
a simple or well-known event, they speak less or even nothing. (Wu
Weizhang: 1999)
The option of person substitutes follows the principle of
iconicity. Take as an example “Yinghe Xiang de shu ji Zheng Zhang
(颍河乡的书记郑张)” and “Sheng zheng fu cai wu chu chu zhang
Lv Qiang (省政府财务处处长吕强)”, they both occur for the first
time in the text, the modifiers in the person substitutes provide the
background information for the development of the story, so it is
necessary to make a description about their identification. In the
later part of the story, “Zheng Zhang (郑张) 、Lv Qiang (吕强)” are
the partial repetition of the former, since the reader has been clear
about who they are. The option of zeros and pronouns also realize
the principle of iconicity and economy.
The person substitutes in the cohesion chains also observe
iconicity. The first person substitute usually occurs in a indefinite
form, but the sequent cohesion substitutes in a definite form. That
corresponds to the iconicity of character recognition. (Wang Hongqi:
1. Halliday, M.A.K. & Hasan,R. Cohesion in
2. Chen, P. (1987). A simple analysis on discourse analysis.Foreign
Languages Teaching and Research. (Vol.3).
3. Hu, Z. (1994). Cohesion and coherence in text.Shanghai:
Shanghai Foreign language Education Press.
4. Qin, H. (2001).An applicable analysis on the deeper-level
anaphora of the third person pronouns. Modern Linguistics
5. Wang, C. (2000). A study on the anaphoric function of pronoun
“Ta (他)”.The Chinese Language. (Vol.3).
Dr.Munazza Yaqoob,
Assistant Professor,
Department of English (FLL), Female Campus,
International Islamic University,
The present paper attempts to explore how reader response
theory can provide a theoretical framework for the application of
cognitive teaching strategies to teach literature to the second language
learners of English literature. The cognitive framework presented is
based on the literature review of reader response theory and cognitive
learning models. It builds up an association between the key concept
derived from reader response theory such as informed reader, reader
and his/her background, community of readers, and reader and the
world of the text and the basic requirements of cognitive learning
theory which include existence of prior knowledge or knowledge
base, problem solving, critical thinking, and cooperative learning.
Key words/terms: reader response theory; cognitive learning
psychology; cognitive teaching framework
1. Introduction
The present paper attempts to build a connection between
cognitive learning psychology and the teaching of literature. It
highlights how cognitive learning psychology provides help to devise
strategies for the application of reader response theory to the teaching
of literature to second language learners. It also suggests that a
systematic application of cognitive teaching strategies and techniques
in accordance with the basic principles of reader response theory
nourishes reading competence of students and improves their attitude
towards reading. In addition to this, it makes the reading of literary
texts a creative experience because it attempts to utilize literary texts
as a tool to enhance the functioning of students’ cognitive processes.
The methodology suggested also fosters flexibility and a spirit of
collaboration in students and develops their thinking skills. It also
encourages interdisciplinary approaches in a literature classroom and
relates literary texts with students’ personal life and culture. It thus
promotes active and meaningful learning.
The changed scenario of the twenty first century world has
also brought a change in the reading habit of students. They, as Susan
Basnett (2005) observes, are not interested in reading classical literary
texts and lack classical training. In addition to this, students of
literature with English as their second language lack require
proficiency of a second language. Thus they find reading literary texts
a cumbersome experience. As a result they lose motivation and
interest in literary reading. Reader response theory as it works on the
principles of cooperative and community learning ensures maximum
participation of students in reading process. It thus shifts burden from
an individual student to a group or community of readers. As a result it
relieves anxiety and involves students in the world of literary texts.
Reading becomes a creative reading experience. They fill in the gaps
of the text, predict and explore meaning, and synthesize generated
ideas. It develops their interest in texts which results in motivation for
reading literary texts.
2. Research question
Does reader response theory provide a sound theoretical
framework for the application of cognitive strategies in order to teach
English literature to the second language learners?
3. Methodology
The theoretical framework for the paper has been based on concepts of
reader response theory analysed in the light of pertinent cognitive
4. Literature review
The high-tech world of the twenty first century requires
educationists to design educational policies which do not merely
ensure transmission of knowledge, but rather prepare learners to face
the challenges of the rapidly changing dynamic world. Education
today needs to develop necessary skills and abilities of learners which
are required to process information and to use it in various contexts
independently. It is now strongly realized that a framework for
teaching is required that promotes spirit of exploration and
investigation, a flexible and collaborative attitude, and an ability to
create harmony between knowledge and creativity (Lyn: 1994). The
same goals are to be set for studying literature in twenty first century.
Lindblom (2000) supporting this asserts that “technological,
sociological, and political changes in our world demand that we use
literature as a way to encourage our students to engage in public
discourse of a global nature.” In order to achieve the said goals,
instructional methods and strategies which are based on cognitive
learning psychology are recommended as they focus on developing
learners’ problem solving abilities and other higher order thinking
skills and help make learning meaningful and life-relevant (Feden &
Vogel: 2003; Craft: 2001).
Cognitive learning psychology is concerned with thought
processes or cognitive processes such as perception, attention,
memory, concept building, retrieval and transference (Solso: 2004;
Reed: 2000; Ormrod: 2000). Cognitive theorists taking into
consideration theories of human learning by early theorists, in
particular Piaget and Vygotsky, focus on the cognitive processes
which are involved in learning. Cognitive psychology regards
learning as the processing of information and building connections
between ideas. It therefore suggests strategies which facilitate learners
to actively process information and construct knowledge. Information
processing theories of human cognition explain how people mentally
process information and thus facilitate teachers to help their students
to effectively learn whatever they want to teach them (Ormrod).
Social cognitive theorists like Piaget (1928, 1952), Vygotsky (1978),
Bandura (1977, 1986, 1989), and Bruner (1961, 1966) lay emphasis
on the role of interaction and environment in the process of learning.
Reader response theory bears close affinities with social
cognitive learning theory. Reader response approach provides an
effective critical framework to teachers to make their classrooms more
dynamic and promote active learning. The basic assumption of
reader response theory is that “meanings are in heads, not in books”
(Holland: 1995), Thus it lays emphasis on reader’s role in the
production of meaning of a text. The proponents of reader response
theory considers role of the reader to be as important as that of an
author in the creation of a text. In its attempts to trace out the effect of
the world of a text on a reader, Reader response theory takes into
consideration the moral, philosophical, psychological, and rhetorical
aspects in the process of textual analysis (Guerin et al.: 2005; Roemer:
1987). It is generally agreed that it is not a unified or monolithic
theory, but rather a collection of approaches emphasizing reader’s
active and primary role in the production of meaning in a literary text
(Bourdieu: 1977; Iser: 1972, 1978). The various positions which
Reader Response criticism takes include structuralism,
phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and hermeneutics.
Reader response theory insists on the active interaction
between reader and the texts. For Shafer (1997) reading texts with the
reader response theory is “a transactional experience of a text and
reader. Similarly for Rosenblatte (1978), reading is a “transaction, a
two way process involving a reader and a text” .David Bleich (1978)
introduced the idea of subjective response to text in his Subjective
Criticism. For him “reality is invented and not observed or discerned
by human beings”. Like Bleich, Wolfgang Iser also took the
phenomenological position and developed his theory on the notion of
“difficulty if not the impossibility of separating anything known from
the mind that knows it.”(Guerin et al). He proposed a “communication
model” of reading (Ray: 1989). For him it is the reader who by
building up connections in the text recognizes its exhaustibility (Iser:
1972; Iser: 1978). Similarly Norman Holland (1968) found the
possibility of application of ego psychology to the study of literature.
Reading and meaning making, for Holland, is a subjective experience
of readers who interact with the text. He establishes a relationship
between a literary text and identity- structure of the reader and argues
that every reader attempts to explore his identity theme in a text
((Newton: 1988). Stanley Fish’s in Surprised by Sin: The Reader in
Paradise Lost (1967) and Is there a Text in Class: The Authority of
Interpretative Communities (1980) regards the process of reading as
dynamic and asserts that readers negotiate with the text and then
actually create their own meaning as they read it. His informed reader
works in collaboration with the community of readers to negotiate the
meaning of the text. Hans Robert Jauss’s Reception Theory explores
the hermeneutical and new historical aspects of reader response
theory. He considers the documentation of reader’s response to texts
in any given period of time as an extremely important factor in order
to develop meaning (Newton; Guerin et al.).
The present paper attempts to explore how an interaction
between reader response theory and cognitive learning theory can be
developed to design cognitive strategies for teaching literature. On the
basis of the qualitative analysis of theoretical models of reader
response theory and cognitive meaningful learning presented in this
section, the paper presents the assimilation of key concepts of reader
response theory and cognitive meaningful learning which can help
develop a theoretical framework to design cognitive teaching
strategies for teaching literature to second language learners of
English literature.
5. Findings
Reader response theory as discussed in the preceding pages
encourages negotiation and interaction between a reader and the text,
which leads to discovering complete, correct, comprehensive, and
consistent meanings. It cherishes the richness and ever green beauty of
literature. It affirms that “literary texts are open to a wide range of
interpretations” (Allan: 2004). By assigning primary importance to
readers, it welcomes variety of responses, even if they are
idiosyncratic in the process of exploring more adequate meanings.
This multiplicity of interpretations for reader response theorists is a
means to revitalize the text and confirm its depth and complexity. The
theory working on the principles of social cognitive learning theory
acknowledges the unique experiences the reader brings in to interpret
a literary text. They actively create meaning of a text. Readers
reading with reader response approach build up connections between
their life and the world of the text as they invest their varied cultural
backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences into their perception of a text
(Roemer; Golden & Guthrie: 1986; Baird: 1993). The reception
approach in reader response theory encourages the analysis of books
and journal reviews, magazines and even personal letters in order to
determine the status and significance of a text. This analysis is a
process of investigation which brings a literary text out of the walls of
literary criticism into the ever-changing and expanding arena of
practical world. This method also supports innovative and creative
Reader response theory expects readers to be informed.
They need to possess a subject relevant knowledge base. In order to
comprehend a literary text students are required to have familiarity
with contextually appropriate linguistic items, i.e., vocabulary and
syntactic patterns and other interpretative conventions and strategies.
An informed reader is the one who can see and understand the wide
ranges in perspectives and choices and thus, is able to develop
comprehensive and acceptable meanings of a text. Being equipped
with the necessary linguistic and literary interpretative skills, the
students work on texts and generate the meaning independently. They
thus take the responsibility of their learning and attempt to achieve
autonomy. This also promotes reflective and critical thinking and a
spirit of investigation in students.
For social cognitive theorist people learn best when engaged
in discussion. This, as they explain triggers cognitive processes and
builds rich networks of information in long term memory. Learning as
Feden and Vogel (2003) perceive is building up connections in long
term memory. For creativity theorists such as Saaty (2001)
information in long term memory is also an important condition for
creative thinking .Reader response theory encourages negotiation and
interaction in the community of readers in order to determine the best
possible meaning of a text. The process of sharing starts with the
personal interpretations and ends on a generally agreed upon meaning
which seems closest to the design of a text. Thus Reader Response
theory supports collaborative learning. It also makes reading as an
organized meaning making process like problem solving process. It
requires the readers to first focus attention on certain aspects of a text
with a critical eye and disregard irrelevant parts. The readers share
their meaning with one another and attempt to build up connections
among all the parts of the text and synthesize them into an organized
meaningful whole (Lyn).
The application of reader response theory in a classroom supports
the role of a teacher as a facilitator, who creates a cooperative
environment and motivates students to think and contribute in the
meaning making process. Teachers become, as Cortland et al. (1980)
observe, “partners engaged in genuine enquiry with their students,
discovering commonplace locations that connect readers to each
other, readers to texts, and texts to students’ own lived
experiences…[and] enable the students to develop their understanding
of the processes involved in comprehension and interpretation”.
Reader response theory supports the notion that minds are
designed to expand and texts have “formative effect” on students
(Alcorn & Bracher: 1985). It demands students to generate personal
interpretations, explore alternatives and reject assumptions and
established opinions. Thus, it trains students to discard standardized
formats, and have self confidence and trust in their own judgment. It is
capable of bringing conceptual change in readers as Alcorn and
Bracher explain:
The reading and interpretation of literature appear
capable of promoting significant alterations in the
reader’s self. Such alteration of the inner world and
enhancement of the ego’s organizing capacity,
however, are largely cognitive rather than structural
changes. They can affect one’s perceptual, logical
functioning in important way…..
As the above discussion shows that reading literature with
reader response theory engages students in “dialogic inquiry” in
classrooms (Rex: 2001). It provides an effective critical framework to
teachers to make their classrooms more dynamic and promotes active
learning. By engaging students in active and independent reading it
enhances cognitive functioning of students and they construct their
experience and articulate conceptual insights in the form of linguistic
The detailed discussion in the preceding pages also helps to
extract four key aspects of reader response theory, which include
informed reader, community of reader, role of readers’ beliefs and
knowledge base in making meaning, and exploring the world of the
text. These four concepts are concerned with the basic requirements of
cognitive learning which aims to promote active and meaningful
learning. They are related to the processes of developing knowledge
base or schemata in long term memory, building connections
between and among ideas, and between classroom learning and
students’ personal life and experiences, problem solving, cooperative
and social learning. A framework for the application of cognitive
teaching strategies and techniques based on these key concepts of
reader response approach to reading is explained below:
a. Informed reader: A teacher is required to help students develop
their subject relevant knowledge base in order to make them informed
readers qualified to interpret a text. A prior knowledge helps learner to
determine what is more important to learn and then they can design a
framework for organizing information. (Ormrod). Learning is
meaningful when newly received information is connected with the
already stored information in long term memory. It is as Ormrod says
“comprehension and understanding”. Knowledge base also
facilitates learners to elaborate on information in order to fill gaps and
draw inferences. The suggested strategies, in this regard are using
in-depth study techniques, rehearsal, techniques for organizing
material, and working on projects and presentations. These strategies
also make learning meaningful.
b. Text and its world: It refers to exploring all the dimensions of the
world which a text brings to readers. The teacher is required to
encourage students to focus on all the aspects of the text and attempt
to discover a meaningful unity and a whole. The process of
exploration is like solving a problem. Major stages in problem solving
process according to Hayes as cited by Solso (2004) include
identifying the problem, representing the problem, planning the
solution, executing the plan, and evaluating the solution. Students are
required to focus on all the details of the text and critically analyze
them, connect all the details for a meaningful interpretation, and then
evaluate the interpretation .The suggested strategies in this regard are
using techniques of note taking, summarizing comprehension,
elaboration, and visualization.
c. Reader and his/her background: Reader response theory requires
readers to build their response to a text based on their cultural/ethnic
background and knowledge base, and use this understanding to
negotiate the meaning of the text. For cognitive theorists when
information is made life –relevant and connected to learners’
knowledge base, it becomes meaningful for them and results into
effective learning (Ormrod; Reed). The suggested teaching strategies
are using techniques of inference, making connections or
transference, and elaboration, and writing response essays.
d. Readers’ community: It refers to encouraging readers to share
their responses to the text in order to reach toward a more consistent,
satisfying and comprehensive interpretation/s of the text. Social
cognitive learning theory emphasizes motivating learners to observe
and share with others around them. It discourages competitive
learning, which is not focused on learning or cognitive processing of
information rather on performance goals. It promotes collaboration,
group thinking, and community feeling among learners which are
very effective for development of problem solving abilities
(Ormrod).The suggested teaching strategies in this regard are brain
storming, pair/group work, discussions, and working on projects.
6. Conclusion
The discussion given above makes it clear that reader
response theory can serve as a sound foundation for the application of
cognitive teaching strategies for teaching English literature to the
students who are non-native speakers of the English language. A
systematic application of the framework modeled on Reader Response
theory of reading and interpreting texts can help teachers to make their
classrooms more dynamic and empowering as it can assist to nourish
collaboration among students as well as build their autonomy, and
develop their problem solving abilities. The students can be equipped
with the necessary skills and knowledge to explore the world of a text
and bring out a variety of meanings and make their reading a really
satisfying experience. By making reading a pleasurable and
interactive experience, reader response theory helps enhances
students’ cognitive abilities. Improved cognitive processing skills
makes reading a smoother and less cumbersome process for the
learners which results in motivation for reading literary texts in
English which is their non-native language.
1. Alcorn, M. W. Jr., & Bracher, M. (1985). Literature,
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Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Dr.Munazza Yaqoob. The author assigns to the
NUML Research Magazine and the National University of Modern
Languages a non-exclusive licence to use the document for
publication, personal use and in course of instruction. The author also
grants a non-exclusive license to the NUML Research Magazine to
use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and reprint
in all languages, forms and media. Any other usage is prohibited
without the express permission of the author.
Teaching Essay Content through Integrated
and Product Approaches
Muhammad Fareed,
NED, University of Engineering &
Technology, Karachi.
One of the important problems in the teaching of English is
the method or approach used for teaching essays. Unfortunately, in
most of the cases – particularly in majority of public schools no
method / approach of essay writing is adopted; instead students are
not only provided ready made essays but also encouraged to
reproduce the same in examination.The purpose of the study is to
discover which of writing approaches (product approach and
integrated approach) helps students more improve content of essay at
tertiary level in Karachi, Pakistan. This experimental research
includes two equal ability and equivalent size intact groups of
undergraduate students of a public sector university in Karachi,
Pakistan. One of the groups was taught through integrated approach,
the other group was trained on product approach pattern.
Key words/terms: essay content; product approach; integrated
1. Introduction
In Pakistani public schools (Urdu medium) essay writing
often starts from class six; students are taught basic compositions,
such as short narrative and descriptive etc. It is most unfortunate that
instead of teaching writing and having writing skills practiced,
teachers either provide students notes or dictate already written
material, which they memorize and reproduce in their final
examinations – preferably word by word. The situation gets worse in
the board examinations Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and
Higher School Certificate HSC as the same practice is being carried
out there as well. Those students who are able to get the notes
prepared by experienced and qualified teachers get more marks in
board examinations than those who can not afford. Most importantly,
many SSC, and HSC boards including Karachi Board of Secondary
Education and the Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi play a
key role in promoting this “memorized form of writing” by repeating
the same topics for essay writing in examinations. The very practice
of replication encourages students to memorize, which is much
easier and less time consuming than developing writing skills.
Teachers also have a hand in promoting plagiarism; instead of
promoting writing skills in students they give them the tips to fit a
memorized essay into various slightly different situations. Finally,
when students reach the tertiary level, a significant number of them
are unable to produce an essay with appropriate content, grammar,
structure, cohesion, coherence and mechanics.
Essay writing can be taught through many approaches and methods,
some of them are: reading method, free expression method, process
approach, product approach, and genre based approach and finally
integrated approach. This research is limited to teaching essay
content through product and integrated approaches only.
2. Research question
Is the integrated approach more effective than the product
approach in teaching essay content at the tertiary level?
3. Review of related literature
The product approach or the traditional approach is the
oldest approach to teaching essay writing in the English language. It
is teacher cantered – teacher decides the essay topic, length and time;
focuses more on structure than on content, first draft of essay is
considered the final draft and it focuses more on structure than on
content. Students are provided with model essays of established
writers and are supposed to model their essays according to the
samples provided. However, they can also be given student essays to
identify problematic parts of the essays. “Traditional writing
instruction usually works on the assumption that students need to
learn the parts so they can eventually construct a meaningful whole.
Traditionally, emphasis is first on vocabulary, spelling, usage,
mechanics, and the conventions of manuscript presentation and later
on organization, style, and appeals to an audience. Usually the
subject is supplied by the instructor since the students do not know
anything “substantial”. It is logical, but it doesn’t work for most
students; the particulars are not abstractly significant to students who
cannot understand their purpose or importance until they use them to
make their own meaning.” (Murray: 1985.)
“Cognitive theorist including Piaget (1959), Vygotsky (1986),
and Burner (1966) have provided crucial insights by describing the
impact of thought and language on writing. The emphasis in the
writing process has shifted from analyzing students’ finished
products to investigating what students think and do as they write.”
(Tompkins: 1990)
Integrated approach to essay writing is based on process
approach and product approach of essay writing. It is neither fully
teacher cantered nor learner – neither bounds the student nor gives
him too much freedom. In integrated approach to essay writing
students follow various steps before they achieve the final product.
The steps that students follow are: brain storming, organizing,
writing the first draft, revising / sharing, writing final draft and
Four contrastive theories which are often used in ESL writing
include: cognitive development theory, contrastive rhetoric theory,
social constructionist t and Communication Theory. Cognitive
development theory, which emerged in Europe in the eighteenth
century, shifted the concept of writing as product to writing as
process. “Cognitive theorist including Piaget (1959), Vygotsky
(1986), and Burner (1966) have provided crucial insights by
describing the impact of thought and language on writing. “The
emphasis in the writing process has shifted from analyzing students’
finished products to investigating what students think and do as they
write.” (Tompkins: 1990) This theory emphasizes that it is not
only the product, which should be focused, but how that product was
achieved is equally important: nature of knowledge, structures and
Some researchers such as Hayes and Flowers (1981) regard
writing as recursive process as shown below:
The Cognitive Process Model of the Composing Process.
(Flower&Hayes: 1981).
Paired Differences t df
Std. Confidence
Std. Error Interval of
Mea Devi Mea the
n ation n Difference
Low Uppe
er r
Pre test
( Product
Approach) .1224 .0988 -.081 .3264 1.23 2
Pre test 0 9429 6 63 3 8 4
Approach )
Ho: µ1 = µ2
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2
α = 0.05
Decision Rule: Reject Ho if t ≤ -2.064 or t ≥ + 2.064
Referring to table of t-distribution, we find that calculated t =
1.238, with df = 24 and α = 0.05, lies between ± 2.064, hence
null hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that there is no
significant difference between the test scores of content of essay in
the pre- test of product approach and in the pre test of integrated
approach. Rejection of the hypothesis proves; the selected groups
were equal.
B.Null Hypothesis 2
There is no significant difference between the test scores of
essay content in the pre- test and post test of product approach
Table 2: Paired Samples Test (pretest and post tests content
Paired Differences t
Std. 95%
Std. Error Confidence
Devi Mea Interval of the
Mean ation n Difference
r Upper
Pre test
( Product
) -.5772 .4167 .0833 -.4051
-.74923 -6.925 24
0 5 5 7
Post test
( Product
Ho: µ1 = µ2
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2
α = 0.05
Decision Rule: Reject Ho if t ≤ -2.064 or t ≥ + 2.064
Result: Referring to table of t-distribution, we find that calculated t =
-6.925, with df = 24 and α = 0.05, is less than - 2.064, hence null
hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant
difference between the test scores of content of essay in the pre- test
and post test of product approach
C. Null Hypothesis 3
There is no significant difference between the test scores of
content of essay in the pre- test and post test of integrated approach.
Table 3: Paired Samples Test (pretest and posttest integrated
Paired Differences t Df
Std. or 95% Confidence
Devia Me Interval of the
Mean tion an Difference
Lower Upper
Pre test
content -8.
-.900 .5207 .10 -.685 2
-1.11574 65
( Integrat 80 2 414 86 4
Post test
( Integrat
Ho: µ1 = µ2
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2
α = 0.05
Decision Rule: Reject Ho if t ≤ -2.064 or t ≥ + 2.064
Referring to table of t-distribution, we find that calculated t = -8.650,
with df = 24 and α = 0.05, is less than - 2.064, hence null
hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant
difference between the test scores of content of essay in the pre- test
and post test of integrated approach.
D. Null Hypothesis 4
There is no significant difference between the test scores of content
of essay in the post- test of product approach and post test of
integrated approach.
Table 4: Paired Samples Test (posttests product approach and
integrated approach)
Paired Differences t df
Lower Upper
( Produ
-.20 .654 .1308 .0689 -1.5
-.47131 24
120 38 8 1 37
Ho: µ1 = µ2
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2
α = 0.05
Decision Rule: Reject Ho if t ≤ -2.064 or t ≥ + 2.064
Referring to table of t-distribution, we find that calculated t =
-1.537, with df = 24 and α = 0.05, lies between ± 2.064, hence null
hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that there is no significant
difference between the test scores of content of essay in the post- test
of product approach and post test of integrated approach.
6. Findings
The conclusion that can be drawn from the findings of this
experiment is that both “Product approach” and “integrated
approach” help students improve essay content equally, and tertiary
level English language teachers in Pakistan can adopt either of the
approaches for teaching essay content.
1. Anderson, R. Overwriting and other techniques for success with
academic articles. In Robinson. Pauline C. (Ed.). Academic
Writing: Process and Product. Hong Kong: Modern English
Publications in Association with The British Council.
2. Anderson, N. (2003). Reading. In Nunan, David. (Ed.). Practical
English language teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M. (1987). The psychology of
written composition. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum.
4. Bloor, M. & St John. Project Writing: The marriage of process
and product. In Robinson, Pauline C. (Ed.). Academic Writing:
Process and Product. Hong Kong: Modern English Publications
in Association with The British Council.
5. Brumfit, C. J. (1979). The communicative approach to language
teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (pp.65).
6. Carson, J. G., & Longhini, A. (2002). Focusing on learning styles
and strategies: a diary study in an immersion setting. Language
learning. (52{2}) (pp.401-438).
7. Clenton, J. (n.d.). Academic Writing: towards an integrated
approach Retrieved 07 02, 2008, from
8. Cohen, A. D. (1998). Strategies in learning and using a second
language (First Ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman
9. Murray, D. (1985). A writer teaches writing. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Company.
10. Tompkins, Gail E. (1990). Teaching writing balancing process
and product. Columbus: Merrill Publishing Company.
Copyright Statement
Copyright© 2009 Muhammad Fareed. The author assigns to the
NUML Research Magazine and the National University of Modern
Languages a non-exclusive licence to use this document for
publication, personal use and in courses of instruction. The author
also grants a nonexclusive license to the NUML Research Magazine
to use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and
reprint in all languages, forms and media. Any other usage is
prohibited without the express permission of the author.
Causes for Closing B.ED (Technology) Degree
Program at NISTE
100% 146
40% Series1
Responses of Trainee Teachers.
Table 1: Quality of the program
40% Series1
Figure 2: Teaching faculty
KBP = Knowledge Items based program
FS = Faculty Shortage
TTM = Training in teaching methods QF =
Qualified faculty
LP = Lab. Practical
TLE = Training in handling of lab. equipment
LWE = Labs. Well equipped
BAL = Books available in library
Figure 1 shows the quality of the program. Respondents were
found satisfied with the teaching methods, lab equipment and practical
work. However, respondents (74%) stated to have faced the problem
of faculty shortage during studies as shown in Figure 2.
Table 3: Problems regarding fee and degree
60.00% Series1
Figure 3:
regarding fee
and degree
About Program
Figure 4: About program
PGM = Problems in getting money UP = Useful Program
SAE = Stipend amount enough NCP = Not to close
DE = Degree Equivalence PC = Program to be
IAGD = Incentive after getting degree
Figure 3 shows a high percentage regarding the issues of degree
accreditation, incentive and stipend amount while 100 percent
respondents have pleaded for the continuation of the program and
usefulness of the program as shown in Figure 4.
Table 5: Instructors’ findings about the program from the nominees
90% 150
50% Series1
Opinion of executors
87 95.2
M ean
60 Series2
Quality of the Teaching Faculty Problems regarding About Program
Program Fee and Degree
Figure 7: Responses of the respondents
M ean
Nominees Understanding (Opinion of Opinion of Executors
Responses of the
officers concerned
6. Conclusion
The program was closed due to a number of reasons such as
problems in getting fee money/stipend (82.6%), degree accreditation
(100%), no incentive (100%), faculty shortage (74%), and nominees
found the program not helpful in career building (91%). With the
comparison of results of trainee teachers and instructors/officers, it is
found that all agree to continue the program by amending the service
rules and providing necessary incentive to teachers in order to attract
them for the program.
There are no other regular teacher training programs for
technical teachers in Pakistan. It is suggested that specialized bodies
may be created to launch technical teachers training programs.
1. Abdal-H. (1995).Professional development schools. A directory
of projects in the United States. Washington, DC: AACTE
2. Blum, R. (1990). Effective school practices: a research synthesis.
Portland, Oregon: Northwest Regional Laboratory.
3. Ali, M. (1998). Milestones: progress of technical education in
Pakistan: 1947-1997. Sindh Board of Technical Education,
Karachi, Pakistan. Kifayat Academy Educational Publishers,
Karachi. Pakistan. (pp 4-5,106-107)
4. Bajwa, M. (2006). Clarification regarding Award of
Degrees.NISTE/ V/Media/2006/CC The Daily NEWS
5. PC-1. (1999).Technical Education Project (TEP) with the
Assistance of ADB.
6. ADB Loan # 1373-PAK 9SF
7. Qureshi, M. & Hijazi, T.S. (2006) Testing teaching burnout in
Pakistan. Journal of Education. AIOU. (pp.95-103).
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Ms Saima Nazir and Dr. S. M. Hassan. The
authors assigns to the NUML Research Magazine and the National
University of Modern Languages a non-exclusive licence to use the
document for publication, personal use and in course of instruction.
The author also grants a non-exclusive license to the NUML
Research Magazine to use this document in worldwide publication,
distribution and reprint in all languages, forms and media. Any other
usage is prohibited without the express permission of the author.
Accelerated Reading: Skills and Strategies
Used to Adversative
Casual Connectives
l ti hi f
Rexpr T F N
Speci refer
Connectives tives/D Connectives
i signaling
G Re In
D C Nam D I A S C War
e po it
e l ing e p u o nin
E H o
x E Re y
x -in
Does do
skillcomprehend thehelp
of previewing meaning of the
you in
reading the text 90
How dotry
Do you youtofind the hidden
anticipate meaningsofofthe
the meaning thetext
before getting into the detailed study of the text 95
Mean % of
Questions Problems
8.7.1 Connectives
• Supplying a text with connectives omitted and replaced by
gaps, to be filled in with two or three given connectives
(multiple choice).
• Supplying a text as above and giving a list of connectives in
random order / supplying a text as a above with a list.
• Giving a few groups of sentences with a linking word in
each group and asking to join each of the sentences into one
8.7.2 Reference / Substitution
• Giving a list of referents with empty spaces to be filled in
with the items they refer to in the text.
• Circling the referents and asking the learners to underline the
items in the text they refer to.
• Supplying the text with reference items omitted and replaced
by gaps and supplying a list of omitted items in a random
8.7.3 Ellipsis
• Framing questions that focus on elided elements.
• Signalling the ellipsis in the given sentences by means of
8.7.4 Vocabulary
• Giving a table with appropriate headings according to the
vocabulary required to be completed.
• Supplying a text and a diagram illustrating a lexical
relationship found in it, partially filled in.
• Circling, boxing or underlining terms with the same referents,
and joining them with coloured lines and giving them the
same number.
• Devising questions for picking up the different items with
same referents.
8.7.5 Organizing a Paragraph
• Supplying a paragraph with key sentences omitted and
replaced by a gap to be filled with a correct key sentences
chosen from the list of the possible key sentences given.
• Supplying a paragraph with one sentence/ sentences omitted
(but not indicated by a gap).
• Supplying a paragraph in which all the sentences are
• Giving sentences to be resembled with a question
8.7.6 Organization above paragraph level
• Supplying a text with one paragraph omitted and given
separately to be inserted at an appropriate place.
• Supplying a text with opening and concluding paragraph
omitted and giving several opening and concluding
paragraphs separately.
• Supplying a text with a topic sentence of each paragraph
omitted and replaced by a gap to be filled with appropriate
sentences given separately.
• Supplying a text with main headings and sub-headings to be
numbered in a conventional way.
9. Conclusion
The aim of the study was to explore the reading problems of the
students at the advanced level and to suggest certain skills and
strategies to overcome those problems and finally to become
accelerated readers.
The data analysis has revealed the fact that the majority of
learners had serious reading problems in all major aspects of reading
due to which they loose interest in reading. Most readers do not
consciously think about the structure of the text in normal
circumstances. The result is that the text may seem as a jigsaw
puzzle in which parts can be identified but the way they fit together
remains obscure, so they fail to read effectively. In order to read
effectively and efficiently it is desirable that the reader must study
the structure, development and organization of the text, carefully and
thoroughly, which will remove all the impediments obstructing the
path of fluent reading
It is only then that readers are able to grasp the real meaning that
a text holds and drive real pleasure and learning that is the goal of all
reading. Reading causes one to reflect on one’s perceptions, make
distinctions of new areas of reality and become sensitive to them. As
Norman Cousins (as cited in H.G. Rickover, 1974) has rightly
remarked:“The proof of living is in memory, and all of us, through
reading, can live five or six lifetimes in one. Through reading the
sluices of the mind open up, making accessible the range of
experiences otherwise beyond our personal reach.”
It is thus crucial that we inspire the young to read; for if they do
not read, they will never change this world or beat its manipulation.
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Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Dr. Nighat Shakoor. The author assigns to the
NUML Research Magazine and The National University of Modern
Languages a non-exclusive licence to use the document for
publication, personal use and in course of instruction. The author
also grants a non-exclusive licence to the NUML Research Magazine
to use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and
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The Heart Divided: A Reflection on Pakistan’s
Emergence as a Nation State
Dr. Nighat Ahmed,
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of English Language,
Literature & Applied Linguistics,
NUML, Islamabad.
The post World War Two era witnessed the division of the Indian
sub-continent into two independent nation states Pakistan and Bharat.
The Heart Divided by Mumtaz Shahnawaz is a realistic
representation of this mammoth historical event. The reasons and the
process of division are described by the writer through various
characters. The injustices met out to the colonized by the British and
the struggle of the people ultimately led to throwing off the yoke of
subjugation and enslavement. Being a politically aware person,
Shahnawaz firmly believed in the Two Nation Theory and she
effectively propagates this through her work The Heart Divided.
2. Hypothesis
The struggle to gain the status of independent nation state was the
story of each colonized country. This is documented in history and
recreated in literature. Mumtaz Shahnawaz is a prominent voice from
Pakistan. Shahnawaz highlights and attempts to present the case
study of the Indian sub-continent in terms of its gaining freedom
from colonial rule on the basis of two-nation theory in her fictional
construct The Heart Divided.
3. Literature review
The term ‘nation’ was first used in 1882 by the French Orientalist
Ernest Renan. In Renan’s (1882) contention nation is like soul, it has
a spiritual principle. Two things which in truth are but one constitutes
this soul or spiritual principle. One lies in the past, the other in the
present. He traces the emergence of the nation state to the breakup of
the classic and mediaeval empires, locating its cultural provenance in
specifically European political and social environment. In his
opinion nations are profoundly unstable formations always likely to
collapse back into sub divisions of clan, tribe, language or religious
4. Methodology
The methodology for this research paper is based on the textual
analysis of the novel The Heart Divided within the parameters of the
hypothesis stated earlier.
The writer has given voice to the Muslims of the sub-continent. The
events presented here have their basis in historical facts. The reality
is that Muslims had become disenchanted with Congress and its
biased policies, which marginalized them and failed to consider them
as equal partners. Consequently this became a reason for formation
of Muslim League as a representative party of the Muslims in the
sub-continent. In another incident, Shahnawaz reinforces the idea of
Muslim nationalism, Sheikh Jamaluddin while conversing with his
daughter Zohra reminds her about the history of Muslims in the
Jamaluddin asserts that under this pretext the British had crushed the
Muslims and had oppressed and weakened them in every possible
way. To Zohra, this is amazing as the history books which she had
read had presented a totally different perspective. Here the writer
refers to the biased policies of the British, and examines the colonial
practice of using texts and textuality as a tool for imperial control
and subversion. This illustrates the colonial perception of the relation
between knowledge and control.
Sughra question;
Zohra remarks:
Ahmed continues;
Zohra replied;
Ahmed elaborates;
6. Conclusion
To conclude Shahnawaz has realistically presented the Muslim
predicament in the colonial era in The Heart Divided. The novel
presents the firm determination and resolute struggle of the Muslim
political movement in the sub-continent which ultimately led to the
creation of Pakistan. The text focuses in particular on the role of
Muslim League in the political reawakening of the Muslims and their
demand for a separate homeland on the basis of the Two-Nation
theory. Hence the novel’s significance as a historical and political
document is commendable.
Copyright Statement
Copyright © 2009 Dr. Nighat Ahmed. The author assigns to the
NUML Research Magazine and The National University of Modern
Languages a non-exclusive licence to use the document for
publication, personal use and in course of instruction. The author
also grants a non-exclusive license to the NUML Research Magazine
to use this document in worldwide publication, distribution and
reprint in all languages, forms and media. Any other usage is
prohibited without the express permission of the author.
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