Personal Development: Quarter 2 - Module 5: Insights Into One's Personal Development (Week 8)

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Quarter 2 – Module 5: Insights
into One’s Personal
(Week 8)
Personal Development – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 5: Insights into One’s Personal Development
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Author/s: Jose Roberto B. Tuason, Jr.


Illustrator and Layout Artist: Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-

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Senior High
High School

Quarter 2 - Module 5: Insight into
One’s Personal Development
(Week 8)

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message

Personal Development covers activities that improve awareness and

identify, develop talents, and potential, build human capital and facilitate
employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute and contribute to
the realization of dreams and aspirations.

A personal mission statement is your chance to articulate your values,

who you are, and how you define success. You can use a personal mission
statement to guide your decisions and ensure your professional career path
remains aligned with your personal goals.

This module aims to introduce the concept of crafting your own

personal mission statement which will help you achieve your dreams and
goals in life. Part of this module also tackles the different factors that affect
your personality as a person and some important personality enhancement
tips that will help develop your positive outlook in life.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. Personal Mission Statement;
2. Personal Development: Hindsight and Foresight.

Icons of this Module

This module has the following parts with their corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correctly, you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to strengthen your understanding
and skills of the topic. You may check the
answers in the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have Learned This includes questions or open-ended
statements to be filled in to process what
you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also develops
retention of learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

How to Learn from this Module

Follow the tips and reminders below to learn from this module.
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and
exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Explain the factors in personal development that may guide him/her
in making important career decisions as adolescents (Esp-
2. Share insights that make him/her realize the importance of personal
development in making a career decision as adolescent. (Esp-
3. Construct a creative visualization of his/her personal development
through the various stages/she went through, stressors, influences,
and decision-making points, and a personal profile analysis. (Esp-

What I Know

Direction: Choose form the given choices on each item.

1. It can be summed up as a constitutional, biological and physiological

A. Environmental B. Heredity
C. Biological D. All of the Above

2 It consists of the nervous system, glands and blood chemistry, which

determine our characteristics and habitual modes of behavior
1. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Biological Factor D. Cultural Factor

3. Plays an important role in molding the personality of children because a

significant part of child’s life is spent there between the ages 6 and 20
1. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. School Environment D. Cultural Environment

4. It is your chance to articulate your values, who you are, and how you
define your success.
1. A. Personal Values B. Personal Mission Statement
C. Personal Account Statement D. Personal Statement

5. To transcend means,
A. To rise above or beyond limits
1. B. The triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of life.
C. Outclass
D. All the above
6. Refers to certain cultural traditions, ideas, values which are accepted in a
particular society.
1. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Cultural Environment D. School Environment

7. According to Louw (1997), it is emphasized that the personality of an

individual develops in a social environment. It is the social environment,
that he/she comes to have moral ideas, social attitudes and interest.
1. A. Environmental Factors B. Hereditary factors
C. Cultural Factors D. School factors

8. Includes the influence of climatic conditions of a particular area or

country on man and his living.
1. A. Physical Environment B. Biological Environment
C. Cultural Environment D. School Environment

9. Personality development has three factors, namely;

A. Physical, Heredity and Personal
B. Heredity, Environment and Psychology
C. Cultural, Physical and Hereditary
D. School, Heredity, Physical

10. Reflection pertains to?

A. A thought, idea, or opinion formed, or remark made as a result of
B. Consideration of some subject matter, idea or purpose.
C. An effect produced by an influence
D. All of the above

11. Brazilian author of the book ―The Alchemist‖ who introduced the idea of
one’s Personal Legend as ―what you have wanted to accomplish‖.
1. A. Pablo Coelho B. Paolo Coelho
C. Paolo Cervantez D. Pablo Cervantez

12. Insights means

A. The power or act into seeing a situation
B. The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing
C. Discernment
D. All of the above

13. Which of the following qualities you need as a student to improve your
A. Know yourself
B. Bring positivity to your outlook
C. Read more often and develop new interests.
D. Be a good listener
E. All of the above

14. The chance to articulate your values, who you are and how you define
A. Personal Values Statement B. Personal Control Statement
C. Personal Mission Statement D. Personal Management

15. It another factor which influences personality development. Human

beings have a distinctive characteristic of communication through
1. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Language Factor D. Cultural Environment

Personal Mission Statement

What’s In



This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Brazilian author Paolo Coelho, in his book ―The Alchemist‖,

introduced the idea of one’s Personal Legend as ―what you have always
wanted to accomplish‖. At this point in your life, have you thought of the
mission that you were placed in this world to fulfill and live out? Have you
started figuring out what that mission is? This is probably a difficult thing to
ponder on considering that you have your whole life ahead of you waiting to
be explored.

What’s your life mission? It’s not an easy question to answer, but an
important one. You can talk about your aspirations and goals all day, but
when you write them down, they become, well, more real. It’s a starting
point to living the life you want. When you write a personal mission
statement, you’re clarifying what you want to accomplish and how, and
committing to it. Businesses and nonprofit organizations develop mission
statements for the same reason.

We can all talk about our dreams and goals in life, but it is said that
when we write them down, they begin to become more concrete and real.
Our task this session is to come up with your Personal Mission Statement
using everything you have learned about yourself from all the previous
learning experiences.
What’s New

What is a Personal Mission Statement?

Most students, and adults, don’t realize the importance of writing

their personal mission statements. It’s more than just your goals. Your
mission statement will help you sort out your priorities and how you want to
live your life. It may include short-term and long-term goals, or life-long
aspirations. It becomes a guide and provides direction, which comes from
you, not someone else.

Activity 1:

Imagine your teacher presents to the class a set of cards. This card is
labeled with different key ideas that will help you come up with a personal
statement. Write down words, phrases of statements that would describe
your answer/initial thoughts about each area/idea from the table below.

Table 1


Card 1 What do you see yourself
accomplishing in the area of
your academics / education?
Career: What kind of career are
Card 2 you seeing yourself to be
passionately pursuing for
yourself? What would be your
indicators of success in your
Personal Attributes
Card 3 What are the things you wish to
be able to develop in you? How
would you like to be seen as a
person using these values,
skills, and personal attributes?
Family and personal
relationships: How do you
Card 4 envision the quality of your
family and personal life? What
are the things that you would
like to be able to do or provide
for them?
How you want to live your life:
Card 5 What kind of lifestyle you are
seeing yourself to be living?
Faith and spirituality: How do
you see your faith growing in the
Card 6 years to come? How do you
intend to make sure that you
will be able to deepen your faith
and spiritual life?
Community service: How do
you intend to give back or ―pay it
Card 7 forward‖ to your community and
to the world? What do you
envision to be your contribution
to the world?
Write anything else that you feel
Card 8 would be relevant and part of
their personal mission in life?

What Is It

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

A personal mission statement defines who you are as a person (or as a
team member where you work) and identifies your purpose, whether that’s
in the office or simply in life. It explains how you aim to pursue that
purpose, and why it matters so much to you.
Author and career coach Dan Miller say a good mission statement
should include three things:
1. Your skills and abilities (what you like to do)
2. Your personality traits (how you operate)
3. Your values, dreams and passions (why you want to excel)

Why a Personal Mission Statement Is Useful?

Crafting a personal mission statement will serve you well in life. it
helps you focus on how to meet your long-term goals. It serves as a
guidepost for where you want to go in life.

How to Write a Personal Mission Statement

Once they’re written, a personal mission statements seem simple. But
if they’re done well, they require a lot of effort to create. Think about your
life principles and goals. Why did you set these goals? How do your goals
make you a better person? The mission statement should answer these
questions in 50 words or less, so try to get to the heart of who you are and
exclude unnecessary details. Don’t worry if your statement doesn’t mirror
someone else’s—every statement is different because no two people are the
Once you have a written mission statement, start using it. Frame it
and put a copy in your home so you see it often. You want to surround
yourself with your own positive attitude.
Not only should you live according to your personal mission
statement, but it’s also important others know about it as
well. Accountability from those closest to you will help you stick to it.

What’s More

Activity 2: Crafting a Personal Mission Statement

Assuming you have in your hands the cards with the key ideas from
activity 1 (which you have probably answered by now). Arrange those cards
by order of how you want to present your personal statement. Lay down
those cards one by one and you may choose to highlight or even disregard
some of the cards.
After you have finally made a choice of which of the cards/items to
include and the arrangement as to how you will be presenting the ideas, you
will write out your Personal Mission Statement using the arrange cards as
your guide
Here are some examples of Personal Mission Statement;
 My Goal revolves around sharpening and effectively using my skills in
a competitive environment. Growing as a student and growing along
with the institution, that I choose to be a part of, occupy important
slots in my list of priorities.
 I wish to learn from, excel in and go beyond every challenge I face in
life. Every opportunity in life, including this one, must be used with
diligence and hard work. This, I believe, is the only thing that can help
me achieve success.
 To treasure, above all else, the opportunities that come my way and to
make the best use of them; to focus on academics, without really
making compromises on extra-curricular activities. I’m also looking
forward to being the kind of student who contributes not only to the
growth of the institution, but also to the growth of the less privileged
sections of society.
 As a student, I’ve always been known to give every task I take up, my
best shot. This, I believe, is where my greatest strength lies. I’m
yearning to belong to an institution that recognizes this quality in me
and helps me make the best use of it. For in the end, it doesn’t really
matter if you are smart or not, what matters is that you give
everything and take up all you can, and success comes by default.
 A hardworking, dedicated, disciplined, creative and focused student,
looking to be a part of a respectable institution, where the mind
knows no boundaries and the heart knows no fear. An institution
such as this, I believe, can bring out the best in me while also helping
me grow from strength to strength.
 To be absorbed by an educational institution in which my knowledge,
skills and passions will be put to good use; to be the kind of student
who bridges the gap between the process of learning and the idea of
having fun while going about it.
 I believe that success comes your way if you know where to look for it.
For me, the sky has always been the limit. I am an ambitious student,
not willing to be held back by mediocre challenges. An institution
which is willing to fuel my ambitions and desire for success is the
kind of institution I want to belong to.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3: What is your Personal Mission Statement?

There is no right or wrong way to approach your personal mission

statement, or what it should include. Everyone’s is going to be different.
What is important is to write it down. Topics of your personal mission
statement may include:

 Education
 Career
 Personal attributes, such as honesty, loyalty and dedication.
 Family and personal relationships
 How you have to leave your life
 Sports
 Faith and Spirituality
 Community Service

Sample Personal Mission Statements:

 Benjamin Franklin opted for a list of concepts and then wrote his
thoughts about each to form his mission statement. ―Temperance: Eat
not to dullness; drink not to elevation. Silence: Speak not but what
may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. Order: Let
all your things have their places; let each part of your business have
its time. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform
without fail what you resolve...‖

 Gandhi wrote his mission statement using active phrases such as ―I

will‖ or ―I shall. ―...I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. I shall not
submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth...‖

What I Can Do

Activity 4:

Finalize your Personal Mission Statement. It may include the following


 Your name
 Your overall statement
 Who inspires you and why?
 What qualities you want to obtain
 What roles you play and how you want to be known in those roles
 Specific goals you have Beliefs that you hold
 Anything else you want to focus on.

Hindsight and Foresight

What Is It

Factors affecting Personality Development.

We us individuals display characters that enable us to describe our

behavior; this behavior denotes our personality. According to Farrant (1964)
personality is defined as the projections of us to the others, while Maynard
(1976) defined personality as the sum total of individual traits in which a
person expresses him or herself differently.

As you have finished writing down your personal statement, it is also

important to learn more about how an individual develops his/her own
personality. Personality is simply the relative stable or organization of a
person’s motivational disposition. There are different factors that affects our
personality development. The first factor is heredity. According to Roberts
(2010), heredity provides the child with certain endowments; heredity
factors may be summed up as constitutional, biological and psychological
factors. ` consist of the nervous system, glands and blood chemistry, which
determines our characteristics and habitual modes of behavior. These
factors form the biological bases of our personality.

Environmental factors play a vital role in the development of

personality. According to Louw (1997) it is emphasized that the personality
of the individual develops in a social environment. Physical environment
includes the influence of climatic condition of a particular area or country
where a person lives. In the Philippines we only have two seasons, namely
the rainy season and the dry season. This includes the typhoons that
regularly visits our country and devastates our way of living, but somehow,
we manage overcome those challenges especially in this time of pandemic.
We learn to live there. Hence, the social environment has an important say
of our personality.

Family environment also plays a vital role in our personality

development. Family is the cradle of all social virtues, thus what you
become as a person depends on how your parent raised you as a child. The
type of training and early childhood experiences received from the family
plays an important role in the development of personality. Cultural
environment is another factor, cultural traditions, ideals and family values
which are accepted in a particular society. All these factors leave’s a
character trait on your personality as a person.
Another factor is the school environment since it plays an important
part in molding the personality of a student like you. The school poses new
problem to be solved, new taboos to be accepted into the superego, and new
models or behaviors to observed or imitated (positive or negative values).
This are challenges that a student must face while in school and somehow
affects his/her personality as a person.
Some good personality development tips at a glance:
 Keep a smart head and keep cool.
 Don’t Copy anyone.
 Create your own personal style
 Don’t doubt yourself
 Be an active Listener
 Learn to have patience and focus on your communication skills. Be
polite and gentle with your words.
 You should look smart when you dress up or be executive when you
 Don’t shout or be aggressive.
 Be more passionate about your work and be optimistic.
 Accept and Recognize Your Weak Points
 Learn to appreciate others. It helps the same qualities to be grown in
us too.

What’s More

Activity 5: My Personal Profile


Place your Photo Name:

Sex: Age:

One way of knowing yourself is through understanding our inherent

strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are the positive qualities and
capabilities. Weaknesses are the negative qualities that hinder us.

My Strengths:

My Weaknesses:
What I Have Learned

Activity 6: Reflection Notes

1. What were your goals for yourself a year ago? How realistic were they?
2. Which of these have you accomplished so far? How did you achieve them?
3. What held you back from accomplishing your other goals?
4. Who are the people in your life that helped you get to where you are now?
5. What where the worst things that can happen to you right now? What about
the best thing?
6. What’s your biggest accomplishment to date?
7. What is your biggest letdown? How did you cope with it?
8. What are your priorities in life right now?
9. What do you enjoy doing? How often do you get to these things?
10. What are you good at?
11. How much time do spend on social media?
12. Lastly, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think
of yourself?

What I Can Do

Activity 7: My Life Story

Construct a creative visualization of your personal development

through the various stages you went through, stressors, influences,
and decision-making points, and a personal profile analysis.

My Life Story (So Far)

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Direction: Choose form the given choices on each item number.

1. It can be summed up as a constitutional, biological and physiological

A. Environmental B. Heredity
C. Biological D. All of the Above

2 It consists of the nervous system, glands and blood chemistry, which

determine our characteristics and habitual modes of behavior
2. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Biological Factor D. Cultural Factor

3. Plays an important role in molding the personality of children because a

significant part of child’s life is spent there between the ages 6 and 20
2. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. School Environment D. Cultural Environment

4. It is your chance to articulate your values, who you are, and how you
define your success.
2. A. Personal Values B. Personal Mission Statement
C. Personal Account Statement D. Personal Statement

5. To transcend means,
A. To rise above or beyond limits
2. B. The triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of life.
C. Outclass
D. All the above

6. Refers to certain cultural traditions, ideas, values which are accepted in a

particular society.
2. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Cultural Environment D. School Environment

7. According to Louw (1997), it is emphasized that the personality of an

individual develops in a social environment. It is the social environment,
that he/she comes to have moral ideas, social attitudes and interest.
2. A. Environmental Factors B. Hereditary factors
C. Cultural Factors D. School factors

8. Includes the influence of climatic conditions of a particular area or

country on man and his living.
2. A. Physical Environment B. Biological Environment
C. Cultural Environment D. School Environment

9. Personality development has three factors, namely;

A. Physical, Heredity and Personal
B. Heredity, Environment and Psychology
C. Cultural, Physical and Hereditary
D. School, Heredity, Physical

10. Reflection pertains to?

A. A thought, idea, or opinion formed, or remark made as a result of
B. Consideration of some subject matter, idea or purpose.
C. An effect produced by an influence
D. All of the above

11. Brazilian author of the book ―The Alchemist‖ who introduced the idea of
one’s Personal Legend as ―what you have wanted to accomplish‖.
2. A. Pablo Coelho B. Paolo Coelho
C. Paolo Cervantez D. Pablo Cervantez

12. Insights means

A. The power or act into seeing a situation
B. The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing
C. Discernment
D. All of the above

13. Which of the following qualities you need as a student to improve your
A. Know yourself
B. Bring positivity to your outlook
C. Read more often and develop new interests.
D. Be a good listener
E. All of the above

14. The chance to articulate your values, who you are and how you define
A. Personal Values Statement B. Personal Control Statement
C. Personal Mission Statement D. Personal Management

15. It another factor which influences personality development. Human beings

have a distinctive characteristic of communication through language.
1. A. Environmental Factor B. Heredity
C. Language Factor D. Cultural Environment
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. E
14. C
15. C
Key to Answers

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City

Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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