Preparing Vegetable Dishes
Preparing Vegetable Dishes
Preparing Vegetable Dishes
MARKET FORMS OF VEGETABLES a wide range of flavoured liquids that are Enhances flavours.
served as part of the meal, or dish. The Some sauces helps indigestion. Ex: Mint Sauce , Apple
addition of a sauce to a dish can be used to Sauce with roast pork.
FRESH VEGETABLES Enhances nutritional value of food.
transform the overall presentation of a dish by
are vegetables that have Provides moisture , colour & shine to the food.
adding flavour, moisture, richness and visual
undergone little or no processing Chef De Saucier Responsible for most of the sauces
appeal. Sauces come in a variety of different made in the kitchen of the Hotels. He holds the one of
from the time they were harvested
styles and consistencies. They can be thick or the most demanding jobs of the kitchen in Hotels
to the time they were marketed or
thin, rich and creamy, or light and delicate.
sold. Accompaniments - are complementary additions to the
Depending on the purpose, sauces can be main ingredient of a meal. Accompaniments are typically
strongly flavoured, hot and spicy, or even things like vegetables and side salads but they also
include sauces and relishes. Sometimes the
FROZEN VEGETABLES sweet to be served with a dessert. The way in
accompaniment also comes with a garnish of its own.
are commercially packaged in plastic which the sauce is presented will depend very
bags or cardboard boxes. Typically, much on the dish being served. The sauce may
vegetables are frozen within hours of be served partially masked over the food,
harvest, but they undergo several served under the food, or served in a separate
steps that ensure their quality before dish or saucier.
the actual freezing process. Reducing cooking liquor or stock. Cornflour ,
Arrowroot or Starch , Roux , Egg yolks . Sauces
DRIED VEGETABLES are liquid that has been thickened by either:
Drying or dehydrating preserves Sauces are liquid or semi-liquid mixtures.
vegetables and prolongs their shelf life.
Points to be considered before buying
Removing water from vegetables
inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts
and molds that can otherwise promote The price of the vegetables.
spoilage and rot in vegetables. Price is an important factor to
be considered before buying
Geographical location. The
Canning is a method of food preservation. It
vegetable stall should be
helps make vegetables last longer. Also, like
nearer to your home.
the other two methods, canning makes
The vegetable you need.
cooking with vegetables easier and more
Quantity of buying.
convenient, as using canned vegetables
Freshness of the vegetables.
instead of fresh ones eliminates several
Good quality.
steps in food preparation.