Final Placement Brochure 2011
Final Placement Brochure 2011
Final Placement Brochure 2011
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Raisan, Gandhinagar - 382 007. Gujarat, India. Phones: +91 79 23275109/5119 | Fax: +91 79 23276364
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School of Petroleum Management
(Formerly known as IPMG)
Director’s Message
First three batches of students that we graduated from SPM got excellent placement, which is evidence that the industry
To prepare management graduates for continuous needs trained managers. Since last year, the curriculum is completely revised to bring infrastructure also in focus in
addition to energy, and introduced tracks and free electives in the curriculum. The free electives allows students to opt for
learning and inspiring them to contribute to the functional area concentration with or without focus on energy and infrastructure sector.
growth of an increasingly knowledge and technology
We at SPM, recognize that a professional programme in management at postgraduate level must equip students with
driven global businesses in general and energy & clear concepts in every functional area of management. Understanding of business and associated eco-political issues,
infrastructure sector in specific. and exposure to real life industry practices are equally important for a successful managerial career. Along with
knowledge and understanding of business, one would also need to hone several soft skills. The curriculum at SPM is
carefully designed and delivered to impart conceptual knowledge, provide in-depth understanding of industry, and
enhance soft skills capabilities. Full-time residential requirement and two years’ of engaging co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities also add value to the personality development of our students.
Our dedicated team of full-time faculty members, who are actively engaged in case writing, research and publication,
takes deep interest in shaping young minds. We are fortunate to receive great support from the industry. Experienced
industry managers volunteer in large number to help us in admission of students, designing curriculum, course
development, teaching and case writing.
Fast growing library with large number of books, journals and other resources, physical and online, satisfy our students’
thrust for knowledge. Computer lab and other physical facilities on our campus provide a backbone for creating a healthy
and convenient learning environment for teachers and students. Modern hostel, sports and other facilities make campus
life quite liveable, enjoyable and interactive, all conducive to learning and enriching campus experience.
If you want to pursue a lucrative management career in the fast growing energy and infrastructure sectors or other
aspects of business, the School of Petroleum Management of PDPU is one option that, I am sure, you would consider
very seriously. You are welcome to visit our website and also our campus.
Pandit Deendayal School of Petroleum
Petroleum University Management
andit Deendayal Petroleum University, PM was established in 2006 by GERMI (Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute), as an initiative of GSPC
Gandhinagar, promoted by Gujarat State (Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation), to address the issue of aging managerial manpower, in the energy sector in
Petroleum Corporation Limited (GSPC) is a general and oil and natural gas sector in particular. However, the programme was then opened up for Energy and
university primarily engaged in the field of energy Infrastructure sector and has now broadened its scope for those who wish to pursue an MBA degree without sectoral focus, but
education and research. The University is recognised by with concentration in any of the functional areas of management. SPM on its part, has formed a strong faculty team with sectoral
UGC. The University addresses the need for trained and expertise and a global perspective. It has developed a rigorous curriculum for the following programmes currently offered:
specialized human resource for energy sector worldwide,
PDPU offers other programmes as well. The six Schools (a) Masters of Business Administration (MBA); a two-year full-time residential programme
of PDPU are listed below: (b) Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.) in Management; a four-year full-time residential programme
(c) Postgraduate Diploma in Petroleum Management for Executives (PGDPM-X); a two-year part-time modular
1. School of Petroleum Management (SPM) programme with one-week campus requirement every trimester for eight trimesters
2. School of Petroleum Technology (SPT) (d) Executive Masters of Business Administration (Executive MBA); a 15-month full-time residential programme
3. School of Solar Engineering (SSE) The MBA programme focused on oil and natural gas and elective courses and also study advance courses
4. School of Nuclear Engineering (SNE) industry in the initial three years, and recently the offered in the form of free electives from various functional
5. School of Liberal Studies (SLS) curriculum has been thoroughly revised to make it all areas of management. A student has an option of ignoring
inclusive. The new MBA programme curriculum allows a sector specific track, but choose one or more
6. School of Technology (SOT)
students to opt for a concentrated study in either energy concentration areas from finance, marketing, operations,
sector or infrastructure sector, while laying focus on human resource management etc. and earn the MBA
It helps to expand the opportunities for students and
functional areas of management, like finance, marketing, degree without focus on any specific sector.
professionals to develop intellectual knowledge base with
operations, human resource management and general
leadership skills to compete in the global arena. All these SPM, within a short span, aims to become a premier
management. It also allows students to acquire MBA
are accomplished through a number of specialized and institution with state-of-the-art facilities, providing world
degree with concentration in any of the functional areas
well planned undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral class education, training, research, consultancy and
of management.
education programmes in the field of energy and also outreach services in the sectors of oil and gas, energy and
through intensive research initiatives. This two year programme is delivered on trimester infrastructure. Apart from the academic programmes,
(quarter) basis, with three quarters every year and eight SPM offers short-term executive programmes and
weeks of summer training. The first year lays the certificate programmes for working executives and
foundation with courses like communication skills, professionals to keep them abreast of the latest
organisational behaviour, economics and mathematics, managerial issues and topics in the energy and
and also equips students with conceptual knowledge of infrastructure sectors.
various functional areas of management like accounting,
finance, marketing, operations, human resource GSPC, being a promoter organization of SPM, has
management etc. committed the requisite infrastructure, proactive practical
learning environment and intellectual capital to the
In the second year, a student can opt for energy track budding energy and infrastructure sector management
and/or infrastructure track and study track specific core professionals at SPM.
An Ideal Setting for Learning & Knowledge
andhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat is
established along the river Sabarmati, and
embellishes a lush green garden-city atmosphere,
with a generous provision of extensive plantations, a well
developed infrastructure and large recreation
opportunities. Located in Gandhinagar, PDPU is spread
over an impressive campus of about 100 acres and offers
the necessary infrastructure for a world class institute.
Objectives SPM Advantages
• To operate as an educational and research hub that • To offer customized training programmes with relevant At SPM the students, faculty and learning resources endeavour to produce some of the best minds in the country that are
networks with national and international practitioners conceptual inputs and skills to address the demand of focused on the management of energy and infrastructure sector.
from energy sector. the increasingly competitive and complex domain of
the energy sector. Students Faculty
• To offer business education programmes leading to
Master’s and Doctoral Degrees with a strong • To create knowledge through research in the areas of Students of SPM come from diverse backgrounds, which The essential catalyst in the process of transformation is
recognition in energy and infrastructure management. techno-managerial challenges, and also disseminate it help them to examine managerial issues of the energy our accomplished and erudite faculty. Our faculty
for the benefit of students, practising managers and and infrastructure sector from multiple perspectives. In members are involved in teaching and consultancy, as well
• To manage the content, design, delivery, learning
policy makers in the energy and infrastructure sectors. addition, an environment conducive to new ideas and as leading-edge research in key managerial areas. Many of
outcomes and continuous innovation of the academic
sharing of knowledge, helps in the development of a spirit them have taken up teaching assignments at SPM after
programmes in a manner that earns accreditation of • To promote a strong, effective and mutually beneficial
of cooperation and teamwork among students. Some of years of corporate experience. They have reputed
international stature. Industry-Institute interaction.
the unique characteristics of our students include publications to their credit. As a consequence, they bring a
academic excellence, leadership potential, willingness to rich combination of academic rigour as well as practical
change and also make change, and a deep rooted respect and industrial experience to the class room. For these
for all cultures and values. reasons, SPM students are known to have significantly
higher domain exposure.
Every year a good number of students come with prior
work-experience. These students bring tremendous value Support Facilities
to the school, in the form of a rich mix of learning of the
Faculty and students of SPM derive the best campus
applicability of their knowledge in a functional domain
experience due to the effective support of physical and
and its relevance in the larger business context. As a
non-physical facilities that SPM has been able to build
result, all students develop better appreciation of theory
from the beginning. State of the art academic & hostel
and grow as more mature and complete managers at the
facilities, IT infrastructure with Wi-Fi connectivity, well
end of the academic process.
stocked library, along with dedicated well-trained staff
collectively enrich the learning experience of students on
andit Deendayal Petroleum University is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). The MBA
programme offered by SPM is duly approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry
of Human Resources and Development, Government of India, New Delhi. SPM sincerely believes in the
recognition of its programmes by the corporate world, by virtue of its content, quality, uniqueness and the superior
genre of graduating students. We are proud to have earned that recognition in such a short period of existence.
The Courses
• Financial Accounting for Managers* • Econometrics++
• Cost & Management Accounting* • Regulatory Economics**
he flagship two-year full time residential
• Oil & Gas Accounting & Taxation+
programme leading to Master in Business OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT
• Financial Management I*
Administration (MBA) is delivered in quarter • Operations Management I*
• Financial Management II*
(trimester) system over the two years, with three quarters • Operations Management II*
• Business Ethics and Corporate Governance*
of study in each of the two years and a summer internship • Operations Research*
• Management Control Systems++
with industry at the end of the first year of study.
• Management of Financial Services++ • Project Management**
• Energy Trade & Risk Management** • Operations management in Oil & Gas Sector+
he curriculum is designed such that those who • Marketing I* • Operations Strategy++
want to focus their study on energy sector or • Marketing II* • Materials and Spares Management++
infrastructure sector can do so, and others can • Business to Business Marketing** • Quantitative Methods I*
simply acquire competencies in the chosen functional • Marketing of Petroleum Oil Lubricants+ • Quantitative Methods II*
area of management, like finance, marketing, operations, • Business of LNG+
human resource management etc. Those who pick a • CGD Business+ GENERAL MANAGEMENT
specific sector can also take concentration in functional • Business Communication I*
areas of management. ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR • Business Communication II*
• Organizational Behaviour* • Business Research Methods*
To complete the credit requirements of the entire • Organizational Dynamics & Change Management* • Legal Aspects of Business*
programme, students take 120 credit hours (an
• Negotiation and Conflict Management++ • Corporate Strategy*
equivalent of 40 full-credit courses) during the
• Stress Management++ • Energy Laws**
programme. 75 credit hours of core courses are generic
• Managing Cross-Cultural Issues++ • Business Consulting++
in nature in the first and second year. The remaining 45
• Creativity and Innovation Management++ • Entrepreneurship++
credit hours of courses in the second year would depend
• International Business Management*
on the choice made by the students. A student can opt for HUMAN RESOURCE MANEGEMENT • Indian Ethos and Management++
any combination listed below: • Human Resource Management*
(a) Focus on energy track • Industrial Relations & Labour Law* INFORMATION SYSTEM
(b) Focus on infrastructure track • HR Tools & Techniques++ • Managerial Computing*
• Talent Management++ • Management Information Systems*
(c) While focussing on energy and/or infrastructure
track opt for a concentration in any of the • Training & Development++ • IS in Energy Value Chain+
functional areas of management like finance, • Compensation & Benefits Management++ • Business Intelligence & Data Mining++
marketing, operation, human resource • Health, Safety & Environment Management**
ECONOMICS • An Introduction to E&I Sector – a Business
(d) Opt for concentration (specialization) in
functional areas of management, like finance, • Managerial Economics* Perspective*
o p e r a t i o n s , m a r ke t i n g , h u m a n re s o u rc e • Macroeconomics* • Energy and Infrastructure Sector –
management, economics etc. without opting for • Pricing of Energy Products** a Management Perspective*
any of the sector specific track. • Carbon Finance: New Business Opportunities+ • Enterprise Asset Management++
• Energy Economics** • International Maritime Affairs in E&I Sector**
To facilitate more choices the courses are divided into
• Market Structure & Game Theory++ • Course on Independent Study+
four categories, namely (a) Programme Core, (b) Track
• Public Sector Economics++
Core, (c) Track Electives and (d) Free Electives.
* Programme core courses
+ Track elective courses
** Track core courses
++ Free elective courses
SPM is in the process of adding more free electives from various functional areas of management.
Pedagogy Infrastructure
eaching methods at the SPM include lectures, case studies, seminars, group discussions, business games, role PM believes that creating a serene environment blended with modern technology enhances the spirit and energy
plays, simulation exercises, structured and unstructured group work as may be needed by a specific topic. The level of all learners and inspires them to optimize their learning efforts. In this direction SPM provides an
emphasis is on involving the students in learning and helping them to relate concepts and theories to business intellectual ambience in a stimulating campus. Towards this end SPM provides:
requirements of the energy and infrastructure sector. As an added advantage, the learning provided at SPM is not only
restricted to the classroom but also through field visits, summer internship, independent study courses and constant
Campus Facilities Hostel Facility
interaction with industry personnel.
• Impressive and aesthetically built academic areas The on-campus, fully-furnished residential facility
Case Studies Group Projects extends the flexibility of conducting all types of academic
• Wellness Centre
The teaching and learning process at SPM mainly focuses Working with talented and accomplished peers provides a and extracurricular activities. There is a separate hostel
on case study method which includes a dynamic process unique opportunity for accelerated professional and • Automated Library and latest communication facility for girls.
of exchanging perspectives, countering and defending facilities
personal growth. Group projects, a major component of
points and building ideas that improve students’ most courses, help students to not only to learn the • Cafeteria and Food Court
understanding and exposure to decision-making process intended concepts and skills,
i n a c o m p l ex bu s i n e s s • Sports and Recreational facilities
but also to develop and refine
environment. Case studies are skills to work in diverse • Good living condition in hostels
chosen from different groups. The groups are
industries to start with and formed from pools of varied
then gradually focused on disciplines, backgrounds,
business aspects of energy corporate experience and
and infrastructure sector, as career orientations to leverage
the programme progresses. the enormous diversity in
perspectives. The projects are
Summer Internship
designed in such a manner
Summer Internship is a major that the entire class benefits
component of the learning with coverage of multifarious
process at SPM. At the end of aspects of energ y and
third trimester, all students infrastructure sector with
are required to undergo minimum overlapping and
summer internship of eight duplication.
weeks with energy sector
companies, financial institutions, IT and infrastructure Course of Independent Study
majors, management consultancies. On successful
A self motivated student can also take up a course of
completion of the training, a student is required to make a
independent study under the guidance of a faculty and
presentation and submit a written report for valuation.
learn a specific topic of interest in the field of energy and
The formal assessment and feedback of the industry
guides are also taken into consideration for overall
evaluation of summer projects. Library and Information Centre (LIC)
PM announces admissions to the 2011 Batch. chool of Petroleum Management uses CAT score
The admission process consists of the following as an input for the admission process. The
components: minimum eligibility criterion for admission to the
• Admission Test conducted through CAT (Common programme is a Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50%
Admission Test, conducted by IIMs) marks (45% marks for SC-ST candidates) or
equivalent CGPA of any of recognised university in
• Group Discussion
India or abroad.
• Personal Interview
The Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification
Eligible candidates can apply through a prescribed
Admission Form along with the payment of application obtained by the candidate must entail a minimum of
fee. In due course, candidates who will be short-listed three years of education after completing higher
on the basis of CAT score will be invited for GD and PI. secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent. The basis of
computing the percentage obtained by the candidate in
bachelor’s degree would be as per the practice
followed by the university / institution from where the
• Intake : 120 candidate has obtained the degree. In case of the
candidate being awarded grades / CGPA instead of
• Electives marks, the equivalence of percentage will be
A - Energy & Infrastructure Track considered. For details you are advised to visit our
B - General Management Track website and read the MBA
Admission Policy.
23rd to 27th March, 2011
• Session Begins chool of Petroleum Management, has
27th June, 2011 announced various scholarship schemes for the
MBA (focused on Oil and Gas) for meritorious
students seeking admissions each year. Various
scholarships given to students are:
Merit Scholarships
Special Scholarships for Girls
Merit-Cum- Means Scholarships
Visiting Faculty
Faculty And
A. H. Kalro, Ph.D. Chinmoy Sarkar, Ph.D. Indra Nath Chatterjee, R. B. Shinde
Human Resources AES Post Graduate
Institute of Business
IIT-Kharaghpur Ph.D.
Jindal Drilling &
he School is in the continuous process of A. Khandual L. Sridhar, Ph.D.
building a world-class intellectual community Debasis Sarkar, Ph.D. Shailesh Gandhi, Ph.D.
IDBI IIM-Bangalore
of distinguished and dedicated faculty to CEPT University
Amit Biswas, Ph.D. Malathesh Swaminath
promote learning and knowledge creation of a high Shantanu Mehta, Ph.D.
Indian Statistical Institute D. G. Shukla IIM-Bangalore
order. The School endeavours to create an environment NIRMA University
Legal Expert
Aneesh Chinubhai Mayank Joshipura, Ph.D.
of academic freedom overlaid by meticulous standards Shubhra Gaur, Ph.D.
GIPL D. K. Banik S. P. Jain Institute of
of excellence and socially responsive practices. The MICA
Independent consultant Management Studies
Ashish Verma
fundamental strength of the faculty is in the rich S. Krishnamurthy
Infosys Mayuri Pandya, Ph.D.
experience they bring to SPM, enhanced by Dipen Chauhan IIM-Bangalore
L. A. Shah College
enthusiasm at participating in the early days of a Ashwini Kumar Gupta, GSPC Gas
Vikas Mehrotra
Ph.D. Nirja Sharma
budding domain specific institution. F. S. Sekkar Nekkar Infosys
CEPT University Independent Consultant
Gujarat National Law
SPM encourages and cultivates an environment of Capt. Sarabjit Butalia Pankaj Jain
collaborative learning amongst the faculty team. The Independent Consultant Cairn India
School also recognizes that research provides a major Gautam Patel
C.P. Dayanand Murthy, Rajendra Hittanagi,
Independent Consultant
interface with wider academia and industry. Pioneering Ph.D. Ph.D.
interdisciplinary research by the faculty contributes Gujarat National Law G. S. Gupta, Ph.D. Gujarat National Law
directly to a better learning environment at the School University IIM-Ahmedabad University
and indirectly to a wider audience of practicing
managers and teachers of management.
Guest Faculty
The model for the Faculty has a portfolio mix of
competent permanent and visiting faculty from Arbind Sinha, Ph.D. Basheer Khumawala, Gautam Appa R. R. K. Sharma, Ph.D.
Academia and professionals from industry. This model MICA Ph.D. London School of IIT-Kanpur
ensures that students are exposed to the latest insights Huston University Economics
Aravind Sahay, Ph.D.
and perspectives in diverse businesses, especially IIM-Ahmedabad C. Gopalkrishnan, Ph.D. Jagdeep Chhokar, Ph.D.
those related to the energy and infrastructure sector. NIRMA University IIM-Ahmedabad
Ashok Som
The faculty endeavour is efficiently supported by a ESSEC Business School, Dwijendra Tripathi, Ph.D. Preeta Vyas, Ph.D.
France Former Professor, IIM-A IIM-Ahmedabad
competent and dedicated team of research associates
and administrative staff members.
Guest Speakers
A. K. Bansal, Ph.D. Ghajanan Bakade L. Mansingh PPG Sharma
Independent consultant Xtra Power Fleet & Field Petroleum & Natural Gas GSPC Gas Ltd.
Regulatory Board
Akhil Mehrotra Janaki Anant B R. N. Das
Gujarat Gas Company Ltd. i-Flex Communications Manjit Singh Government of Gujarat
Total Fina-Elf India Ltd.
Anjali Hazarika, Ph.D. Jeremy B. Bentham, Rajiv Khanna
Core Faculty Oil India Ltd. Ph.D. Manoj Nair BG India
SPM organised a Management Conclave with a SPM has been conducting an international conference on
participation of more than fifteen industry leaders in petroleum management every two years. The second
energy sector sharing their views and experiences such conference drew good amount of interest among
on prospects and challenges that industry is researchers, students and policy makers. Foreign
facing together with their suggestions regarding researchers also participated and presented their
management education requirement at MBA level research findings.
from the perspective of energy sector. This event was
planned as a part of the comprehensive review of the Energy Consulting Conclave
MBA curriculum. Valuable insights were received by Financial advisory, business strategy, technology
students and faculty and that helped a lot in curriculum management and risk management has become more
design. important for the energy sector in general and oil and gas
sector in particular. The energy sector companies in their
CGD Roundtable quest for excellence have started looking for the services
of consulting firms in these domains of services.
City Gas Distribution (CGD) is an evolving phenomenon in
Realising this, SPM has taken the initiative to provide a
India. Industry, regulators and policy makers are still at
platform for the executives of the consulting industry to
the early phase of learning curve in localising the world
share their views with the students’ community.
experience of this environment friendly source of energy.
SPM organised a CGD Roundtable, in which senior
executives from a large number of CGD firms were invited PIZZAZZ
and three members of a regulatory agency as well as This is an annual event hosted by the students of the
state policy makers were invited on a common platform. School as a two day fun filled jamboree comprising of a
They all discussed their perspectives and issues with theme based poster competition, one act plays, a
several suggestions on removing hurdles. painting competition and a musical show. It is a sign off
event for the passing batch and is celebrated with great
enthusiasm by the students every year.
Community Development
PDPU envisions developing better humans and citizens beyond professionals with qualities and right attitude. To achieve
this vision, the university has undertaken Community Development Initiative to prepare students to see life in a larger
perspective, to have cross cultural learning, to cultivate multiple perspective of the situation and to explore ways to use
their education and skills for adding value to the self and the society. PDPU has undertaken community development
initiative with an objective to be part of the growth of the surrounded villages and to sensitize and motivate university
students to be a part of societal progress along with their own development. PDPU has been organizing summer
workshops and other periodical activities involving children between age group of 6 years to 15 years from nearby villages.
Profile of
2010 Batch
4 2
Experience Freshers
Male Female
SPM has a strong and well-networked Alumni Association that aims to establish a rapport with former students and
have common programmes which will be mutually beneficial. The Alumni Association works to unite its students
working across the energy sector, relive the passion they share, build connections that help each other and give back
to SPM a better network in a niche sector. As of date, more than 120 of our former students are life members of the Assam Haryana MP Uttarakhand
association. Bihar Jharkhand Orissa West Bengal
Chattisgarh Karnataka Tamilnadu
Gujarat Maharastra UP
The following companies have participated in
Final Placements Final Placements:
he placement initiatives of SPM for its previous batches attracted a good number of companies from oil & gas STATE
(upstream, midstream and downstream) sector including service providers and also the firms with energy CHEMICALS LTD.
An ISO Certified Company
verticals in IT, consulting, banking and financial services sectors. Students were placed with job profiles varying
from business development, petro retailing, lubricant marketing, risk management, NELP bidding, city gas distribution,
materials and spare management, project management to talent management and corporate communication,
consulting, financial analysis, banking etc.