MCQ Bcom Finance Taxation Optional Financial Management
MCQ Bcom Finance Taxation Optional Financial Management
MCQ Bcom Finance Taxation Optional Financial Management
(a) Same (b) Unequal (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of (a) and (b)
67. Risk of a Capital budgeting can be incorporated
(a) Adjusting the Cash flows (b) Adjusting the Discount Rate
(c) Adjusting the life (d) All of the above
68. Which element of the basic NPV equation is adjusted by the RADR?
(a) Denominator (b) Numerator (c) Both (d) None
69. Cost of Capital refers to:
(a) Flotation Cost (b) Dividend
(c) Required Rate of Return (d) None of the above.
70. Which of the following sources of funds has an Implicit Cost of Capital?
(a) Equity Share Capital (b) Preference Share Capital
(c) Debentures (d) Retained earnings
71. Which of the following has the highest cost of capital?
(a) Equity shares (b) Loans (c) Bonds (d) Preference shares
72. Cost of Capital for Government securities is also known as:
(a) Risk-free Rate of Interest (b) Maximum Rate of Return
(c) Rate of Interest on Fixed Deposits (d) None of the above
73. Cost of Capital for Bonds and Debentures is calculated on:
(a) Before Tax basis (b) After Tax basis
(c) Risk-free Rate of Interest basis (d) None of the above.
74. Weighted Average Cost of Capital is generally denoted by:
(a) kA (b) kw (c) k0 (d) kc
75. Which of the following cost of capital require tax adjustment?
(a) Cost of Equity Shares (b) Cost of Preference Shares
(c) Cost of Debentures (d) Cost of Retained Earnings.
76. Which is the most expensive source of funds?
(a) New Equity Shares (b) New Preference Shares
(c) New Debts (d) Retained Earnings
77. Marginal cost of capital is the cost of:
(a) Additional Sales (b) Additional Funds
(c) Additional Interests (d) None of the above.
78. In case the firm is all-equity financed, WACC would be equal to
(a) Cost of Debt (b) Cost of Equity
(c) Neither (a) nor (b) (d) Both (a) and (b)
79. In case of partially debt-financed firm, k0 is less
(a) Kd (b) Ke
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
80. In order to calculate Weighted Average Cost of weights may be based on:
(a) Market Values (b) Target Values
(c) Book Values (d) All of the above
81. Firm's Cost of Capital is the average cost of:
(a) All sources (b) All borrowings
(c) Share capital (d) Share Bonds & Debentures
82. An implicit cost of increasing proportion of debt is:
(a) Tax should would not be available on new debt
(b) P.E. Ratio would increase
152. Which of the following appearing in the balance! generates tax advantage and hence
affects the c, structure decision ?
(a) Reserves and Surplus (b) Long-term debt
(c) Preference Share Capital (d) Equity Share Capital
153. In MM Model with taxes, where 'r' is the interest rate, ‘D’ is the total debt and 't' is tax
rate, then present valued shields would be:
(a) r×D×t (b) r×D (c) D×t (d) (D× r)/(l-t).
(154) Walter’s Model suggests for 100% DP Ratio when
(a) ke = r (b) ke < r (c) ke > r (d) ke = 0
(155) If a firm has ke > r the Walter's Model suggests for
(a) 0% payout (b) 100% Payout (c) 50% Payout (d)25% Payout
(156) Walter’s Model suggests that a firm can always increase i.e. of the share by
(a) Increasing Dividend (b) Decreasing Dividend,
(c) Constant Dividend (d) None of the above
157. ‘Bird in hand' argument is given by
(a) Walker's Model (b) Gordon's Model
(c)MM Mode (d) Residuals Theory
158. Residuals Theory argues that dividend is a
(a) Relevant Decision (b) Active Decision
(c) Passive Decision (d) Irrelevant Decision
159. Dividend irrelevance argument of MM Model is based on:
(a) Issue of Debentures (b) Issue of Bonus Share,
(c) Arbitrage (d) Hedging
160. Which of the following is not true for MM Model?
(a) Share price goes up if dividend is paid
(b) Share price goes down if dividend is not paid,
(c) Market value is unaffected by Dividend policy,
(d) All of the above
161. Which of the following stresses on investor's preference reorient dividend than higher
future capital gains ?
(a)Walter's Model (b) Residuals Theory
(c) Gordon's Model (d) MM Model
162. MM Model of Dividend irrelevance uses arbitrage between
(a)Dividend and Bonus (b)Dividend and Capital Issue
(c)Profit and Investment (d)None of the above
163.If ke = r, then under Walter's Model, which of the following is irrelevant?
(a)Earnings per share (b)Dividend per share
(c)DP Ratio (d)None of the above
164. MM Model argues that dividend is irrelevant as
(a)the value of the firm depends upon earning power
(b)the investors buy shares for capital gain,
(c)dividend is payable after deciding the retained earnings,
(d)dividend is a small amount
165. Which of the following represents passive dividend policy ?
(a)that dividend is paid as a % of EPS,
207. If the closing balance of receivables is less than the opening balance for a month then
which one is true out of
(a)Collections>Current Purchases, (b)Collections>Current Sales,
(c)Collections<Current Purchases, (d) Collections < Current Sales.
208. If the average balance of debtors has increased, which of the following might not
show a change in general?
(a)Total Sales, (b)Average Payables
(c)Current Ratio (d)Bad Debt loss
209. Securitization is related to conversion of
(a)Receivables, (b)Stock, (c)Investments, (d)Creditors.
210. 80% of sales of 10,00,000 of a firm are on credit. It has a Receivable Turnover of 8.
What is the Average collection period (360 days a year) and Average Debtors of the
(a)45 days and 1,00,000 (b)360 days and 1,00,000,
(c)45 days and 8,00,000 (d)360 days and 1,25,000
211. In response to market expectations, the credit pence r j been increased from 45 days to
60 days. This would result in
(a)Decrease in Sales,
(b)Decrease in Debtors,
(c)Increase in Bad Debts,
(d)Increase in Average Collection Period.
212. If a company sells its receivable to another party to raise funds, it is known as
(a)Securitization (b)Factoring,
(c)Pledging (d)None of the above.
213. Cash Discount term 3/15, net 40 means
(a) 3% Discount if payment in 15 days, otherwise full payment in 40 days,
(b) 15% Discount if payment in 3 days, otherwise full payment 40 days,
(c) 3% Interest if payment made in 40 days and 15%,interest thereafter,
(d)None of the above.
214. If the sales of the firm are . 60,00,000 and the average debtors are . 15,00,000 then
the receivables turnover is
(a) 4 times (b) 25% (c)400% (d)0.25 times
215. If cash discount is offered to customers, then which of the following would increase?
(a)Sales (b)Debtors
(c)Debt collection period (d)All of the above
216. Receivables Management deals with
(a)Receipts of raw materials (b)Debtors collection,
(c)Creditors Management (d)Inventory Management
217. Which of the following is related to Receivables Management?
(a) Cash Budget (b)Economic Order Quantity,
(c)Ageing schedule (d)All of the above.
218. EOQ is the quantity that minimizes
(a)Total Ordering Cost (b)Total Inventory Cost,
(c)Total Interest Cost (d)Safety Stock Level
219. ABC Analysis is used in
(a)Inventory Management (b)Receivables Management
234. A firm has inventory turnover of 6 and cost of goods sold is 7,50,000. With better
inventory management, the inventory turnover is increased to 10. This would result in:
(a)Increase in inventory by 50,000,
(b)Decrease in inventory by . 50,000,
(c)Decrease in cost of goods sold,
(d)Increase in cost of goods sold.
235. What is Economic Order Quantity?
(a)Cost of an Order (b)Cost of Stock
(c)Reorder level (d)Optimum order size.
236. The type of collateral (security) used for short-term loan is
(a) Real estate, (b)Plant & Machinery,
(c)Stock of good (d)Equity share capital
237. Which of the following is a liability of a bank?
(a)Treasury Bills, (b)Commercial papers,
(c)Certificate of Deposits, (d)Junk Bonds.
238. Commercial paper is a type of
(a)Fixed coupon Bond (b)Unsecured short-term debt
(c)Equity share capital, (d) Government Bond
239.Which of the following is not a spontaneous source of short-term funds ?
(a)Trade credit, (b)Accrued expenses,
(c)Provision for dividend, (d)All of the above.
240. Concept of Maximum Permissible Bank finance was introduced by
(a)Kannan Committee (b)Chore Committee,
(c)Nayak Committee, (d)Tandon Committee.
241. In India, Commercial Papers are issued as per the guidelines issued by
(a) Securities and Exchange Board of India,
(b)Reserve Bank of India,
(c)Forward Market Commission,
(d)None of the above.
242. Commercial paper are generally issued at a pries
(a)Equal to face value, (b)More than face value,
(c)Less than face value, (d)Equal to redemption value
243. Which of the following is not applicable to commercial paper
(a)Face Value (b)Issue Price
(c)Coupon Rate (d)None of the above.
244. The basic objective of Tandon Committee recommendations is that the dependence of
industry on bank should gradually
(a)Increase, (b)Remain Stable
(c)Decrease (d)None of the above
245. Cash discount terms offered by trade creditors never be accepted because
(a)Benefit in very small (b)Cost is very high
(c)No sense to pay earlier (d)None of the above.
246. In lease system, interest is calculated on
(a)Cash down payment (b)Cash price outstanding
(c)Hire purchase price (d)None of the above
247. A short-term lease which is often cancellable is known as